Meeting Notes Executive 17-sept-2008 Web

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Stonegate HOA Board Executive Meeting September 17th, 2008 7:00 PM Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening a. 7:00pm – Roll Call i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Jennifer Scott, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker ii. Apologies: Alicia Brown

2. Business a. Communications i. Ms. Baker noted that the email communication was very large and asked people to email on a specific thread, so a log of email communication would be easier to follow. ii. Discussion of communication with MGM 1. Motion/Action Item: Ms. Scott asked that we use the Stonegate email address ([email protected]) instead of Ms. Brown for all correspondence in care of Mr. Porter. Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved. b. Financial Matters i. Banking 1. There is $3,057.73 that is not reflected on the balance sheet. In discussing where to keep this money, several questions arose a. Who is getting the bank statements? b. Who is on the bank accounts? c. How is MGM getting paid (Direct withdrawal?)? 2. It was discussed that we may need to change the names on the accounts. 3. Action Item: Ms. Gigray said she would look into different banks and their fees for our savings account. ii. Past due collection strategy / Payment plan options 1. Several ideas were discussed of the structure of the payment plan and the advice from MGM Management: a. Send postdated checks? Auto-debit? b. Minimum amount past due? $240, $120? c. Board can wave interest if payment schedule is made d. Payments: Minimum of $20/month or (X[amount due]/12 months)/month (whichever is greater) e. Should rental properties not be offered the payment plan? 2. Action Item: Mr. Porter asked that Ms. Scott write up a payment plan for Board approval at next meeting. 3. It was suggested that the newsletter include reminder of the interest rate on past due accounts. 4. It was expressed that we need to get these past due accounts settled so that we don’t have to levy new assessments.

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iii. Signing corporate tax form 1. Action Item: Mr. Porter will go to MGM and sign taxes. iv. Refunds 1. Mr. Porter reported that of the letters he sent, 2 homes asked to leave the overpaid money, 1 home was very happy to get the refund, and the last two had not been heard from yet. v. Review of MGM contact 1. This discussion will continue over the next weeks. 2. If the subdivision chooses to discontinue with MGM, we are required to give 90 days written notice. 3. It was suggested that we use the next HOA meeting to express the Board’s views and desire to include all homeowners in any major decisions. 4. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to establish the position of the Board that the Board will ask for input of homeowners on major decisions. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved. 5. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned that the Board present the Boards decision to not hire a property management company without homeowner input in the next meeting. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved. vi. General statements 1. Mr. Porter recommended the agenda for the next meeting focus on the heated topics. c. Landscaping i. Front entrance – There was general agreement that we use the existing bark and redistribute it until spring when it can be replaced/added to. ii. Entrance lighting – Ms. Gigray has a new lead for the next meeting iii. Sprinklers – JayDub is working on this. He will let us know the cost before purchasing new parts. d. Neighborhood Matters i. Cats 1. Three of the homeowners that contacted Ms. Scott think the cats they are having problems with are wild cats living in the field (thin, mangy). One homeowner believes the problem cat is their neighbor and Ms. Scott told homeowner of the products to deter cats and to contact the Human Society. 2. It was suggested that these tips be included in the newsletter. 3. Ms. Gigray asked that complaints from homeowners be written, emailed, or expressed in HOA meetings so that we can log these complaints. ii. Mr. Hensley’s concerns 1. XXXX received notice of his snowmobiles and asked for an extension to get them moved. 2. Ms. Scott has tried to get a hold of Mr. Mike Madsen (MGM) and has not been successful.

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3. Mr. Orton expressed his belief that the Homeowner’s Association are created to help create a beautiful neighborhood, but it’s number one purpose is to maintain common areas (from a municipal government point of view). He asked that we be flexible with homeowners unless there is gross abuse of the rules. 4. Ms. Scott asked if we should look at violations individually or set a fixed time frame for compliance. 5. It was said that there was no purpose for the Board if there was no flexibility case by case, but that we need to set precedence. 6. Motion / Action Item: Mr. Orton moved to contact xxxx by letter and give him until October 31st to have the equipment moved, and if the equipment is already moved by the time of this meeting, he will modify the letter to show appreciation. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved. 7. Motion: Ms. Scott motioned the time extension of all courtesy notices be a maximum of 45 days, with discretions of the Board for hardship cases. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved. iii. XXXX payment request 1. Ms. Baker suggested we contact her to let her know we are working on creating a payment plan. 2. It was also suggested that we pass on tips to her for finding a copy of the lost check. iv. Retention pond update 1. Mr. Orton will be taking elevations of the pond to calculate the volume that needs to be removed. 2. Mr. Porter sent a letter to XXXX and has not received a response. 3. It was asked if JayDub mows down the cattails at the end of the season. v. Rental/Foreclosure identification 1. Ms. Baker brought a list of homes where the mailing address did not match the physical address. 2. Action Item: Ms. Baker will email this list to Board members.

3. Open Floor a.

Mr. Orton informed the Board that Van Buren School will be closing and we may have the opportunity to purchase play equipment. b. Mr. Porter suggested that we begin thinking of the annual meeting and to create a list of items including the enforcement of violations to the CCNRs. c. Motion / Action Item: Mr. Porter asked that the Meeting Notes presently posted on the MGM and Stonegate websites are noted as unofficial meeting notes. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved.

4. Close a. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 6:30 P.M. on October the 9th, 2008 at the Caldwell Free Methodist Church. b. 8:36 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved.

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