Meeting Notes Final Web 26 Feb 2009 Annual

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Stonegate HOA Annual Meeting February 26th, 2009 6:30 PM Caldwell Public Library 1. 2.

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Opening – Welcome and Call to Order a. 7:00pm – Roll Call i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Alicia Brown, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker ii. Apologies: Jennifer Scott Introductions a. Mr. Porter welcomed Homeowners present Review of Agenda Financial Report a. Balance Sheet – Ms. Gigray i. Stonegate balance sheet from MGM 1. Hard to understand their wording 2. $4255 in uncollected dues 3. $120 in un-deposited funds 4. If collected - $10461 5. MGM is still currently paying regular monthly bills th 6. Contract ends March 18 , 2009 and that month pro-rated will be $261 ii. Stonegate HOA balance sheet 1. ICB checking account - $13999.42 iii. Audience question: Do we know where we sit? 1. Ms. Gigray stated that we know the ICB balance, but the MGM statements are less clear 2. Mr. Porter stated that the Board has worked to collect all financial data, and the data is confusing. The Board is working to put the data in order. iv. Audience question: Does this include money in savings? 1. The savings account that was under MGM went into the ICB account 2. The Wells Fargo account was closed Budget for 2009 a. Budget handout – Mr. Orton i. The Board reviewed MGM’s last year budget to figure out Stonegate HOA’s budget for next years ii. If everyone in the subdivision pays their dues, we have an income of $9000 iii. Insurance was reviewed and found to be reasonable iv. The HOA will incur bank fees for the automatic withdrawal v. The HOA has a Post Office Box for uniform mailing vi. The Board renewed the landscaping contract and had some extra items included vii. Will not have the MGM contract fee if the HOA chooses viii. The Board would like to get self-regulation in the CCNR enforcement, but realizes that they will still have to pursue enforcement ix. Bottom line – budget leaves HOA with $53.18 b. Audience question: What will the bank fees be i. $300 for the auto withdrawal and checks ii. The Board looked at other options such as per transaction charges, but this has a flat fee and allows flexible payments iii. If the HOA does not get enough interest in this options, the Board will not go this route c. Management company involvement – Mr. Orton i. Mr. Orton read a formal statement ii. The Board notified MGM of the termination of the contract iii. The Board considered trying to notify the HOA, but did not have the time before the annual meeting iv. The Board based this decision on many factors including the HOA could not afford this service and the renewed participation of homeowners v. If the HOA decides that they want to return to MGM, the Board can enter into a new contract vi. The Board did research on other companies, but the Board believes that the HOA can function without an outside company vii. The Board asked for feedback on what the HOA wants viii. Enforcement – no one wants to be seen as the “bad guy’ 1. If the HOA does not retain MGM, then the Board has to enforce the CCNRs without the company’s resources 2. Mr. Orton explained that the Board is looking for self regulation with the self checklist, but will still pursue the same course of action as MGM with enforcement letters 3. Audience comment: Have enforcement letters had any results? a. The Board has responded to emails about specific circumstances and have tried to be reasonable b. Most violations have been taken care of c. The MGM contract doesn’t conduct walk-throughs during the winter 4. Audience comment: Expressed desire that all home owners would have pride in the neighborhood and take care of their property

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Audience comment: One participant was in favor of the management company, but sees that it would force the HOA to increase its annual dues for several years in a row, and is not in favor of raising dues a. Ms. Gigray noted that the monthly MGM fee does not include mailing, copies, postage; and nearly everything is an extra charge; we are too small an HOA to afford the fee b. Mr. Porter commented that he went to a Manchester HOA meeting, and they did rough calculations that MGM provided 5 hours of work for 375 homes (MGM told Manchester that they had 50 subdivisions that they take care of) 6. Audience question: Are bills still going to MGM or the Board? a. Ms. Gigray stated that MGM will pay the regular monthly bills until the contract ends b. January bills were sent out by MGM 7. Audience question: What is the Board doing about people who are delinquent a. Ms. Gigray stated that the Board sent out letters for homeowners that are overdue more than $60, and this letter stated the interest that has accrued (as per HOA CCNRs). The bills explained that the interest may be forgiven if the bill was paid. The Board realizes that some of these bills are quite large, and offered payment plans. If a homeowner fails to make a payment, the interest will be charged. The letters requested a respond by March th 15 . b. 22% of the January bills are delinquent; 2 or 3 homeowners have asked for payment plans, some paid in full c. MGM did not take anyone to small claims court, the cost of this is considerable d. Ms. Brown commented that MGM and their letters got many people to pay 8. Audience comment a. Commended Board for the work they have done b. Mr. Orton commented that Ms. Nightingale and Ms. Brown worked very hard In the past and were alone; the management company resulted in re-igniting people to volunteer; in defense of Ms. Brown, items that appeared to be included with MGM were not, to the point were legal action could be taken d. Direct withdrawal option for assessments i. MGM did send out the direct withdrawal worksheet. Mr. Orton wanted to make sure that people know that they have to be paid up before they start using the direct withdrawal e. Collection of past due assessments Delinquency policy i. CCNRs state that delinquent dues will accrue interest ii. Audience comment: Bills need to be send out in a timely manor so people can budget 7. Annual Meeting date change – explanation of what the Board had wanted to be sent out with the January billings; there was miscommunication with MGM and this resulted in a second mailing; there was not enough time for proper notice for the meeting to be held in January a. Update for the Northeast retention pond: Mr. Orton explained that the problem has been identified; we need to clean the existing pipes, excavate the pond and replace with free draining material with 3-4 inches of soil for grass to grow. The engineer that designed the pond should re-design for no cost. The HOA will have to pay for the excavation; this may cost around $6000; the fund balance can be used to pay for this or a one time assessment b. Irrigation manhole was fixed by the City; the gasket was not installed originally 8. Neighborhood concerns a. Audience question: Are the dead trees going to be replaced? i. Ms. Gigray – The Board plans to replace the dead trees, and are considering doing the work ourselves; Had a bid on new trees and were told the trees are dying from too much water (need to adjust timer); getting bids for fertilization of trees b. Spring clean up can take care of the flower beds and roses; may take out the roses (bugs) c. Audience question: The City left items unfinished on Ustick i. The contractor made a feeble effort to clean this area; to push the issue homeowners need to call; the contractor’s contract if complete; the Board is talking about adding bark in the spring d. When homeowners see something wrong, they can call the city, such as code enforcement e. No one was clear on the rule of vehicles parked in the street f. Landscaping – Ask JayDub if he can fertilize trees; JayDub hitting fence with weed-eater g. 12% meeting participation (9 households represented in this meeting) h. Self Check List – each homeowner to look at this list monthly and make sure their home is following the rules; if people abide by this, it will alleviate the need for letters i. Community yard sale j. Discussion of changing the date of the annual meeting k. If quorum isn’t reached at annual meeting, will have to try ballet option l. Non-formal HOA gathering 9. Upcoming Events Upcoming Events and Community Participation a. Monthly meetings are open to all homeowners; the first half and hour is dedicated to homeowner concerns b. May 16, 2009 Spring Cleaning c. National Night Out d. Neighborhood Watch Committee e. Park Committee 10. Close – Motion to Adjourn th a. The next scheduled meeting will be at 6:30 P.M. on March 19 , 2009 at the Caldwell Free Methodist Church. b. 8:46 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved.

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