Meeting Notes 09-oct-2008 Web

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Stonegate HOA Board Executive Meeting October 9th, 2008 6:30 PM Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening a. 6:30pm – Roll Call i. Present: Jim Porter, Jennifer Scott ii. Late: Karla Baker, Brent Orton, Amanda Gigray iii. Apologies: Alicia Brown

2. Neighborhood Forum a. The following were suggestions/comments from the homeowners present: Van and Carol Lybyer of 4014 Stonegate Pl, Carol and Harry Thompson 3822 Stonehedge Way, Mary Lammon of 4007 Stonegate Pl, Joanna and Bradley Bartrop of 4002 Stonegate Pl (I did not get the names of those present until later in the meeting): b. Joanna Bartrop – 4002 Stonegate Pl – asked for a refund of the $5 fee that was charged by MGM. This fee was incurred because the HOA bill was being sent to the previous owner how had passed away. c. There was a comment by HOA member on cars parked on the street d. Trees need to be replaced – flowering plums grow well e. Rock driveways i. Ms. Scott said her driveway was approved by the Architectural Committee ii. Are others being approved? iii. Are these allowed? iv. Should we require a certain type of material for these such as gravel or asphalt f. Garbage cans should be obstructed from view g. What is the number of drive through that MGM conducts for adherence to the CCNRs to be productive h. Whether we should stay with MGM i. Mr. Porter discussed that the Board does not know if they will keep MGM at this points, but the Board will not make that decision without input from the homeowners ii. One member said they felt that raising the HOA dues 6% to pay for MGM is a good thing, to not have to do all the mailings and enforcement iii. Another member asked if these services are worth the money iv. Another member said that the services are not worth the money and that $120 is enough to pay in HOA dues v. Mr. Orton commented that we should look at our options of other services and prices vi. Ms. Baker suggested that we look into these options and present this information to the Board vii. Member commented that the taxes for the HOA are easy to fill out viii. Member commented why do we need a management company

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ix. Member commented that with collections of delinquent dues, these dues will pay for the management company x. Member asked who would the present Board take care off collection of delinquent dues, small claims court xi. Mr. Orton commented that it is hard to judge if the collection of delinquent accounts by MGM will pay for MGM services due to inconsistent billing How do we get more people involved? People who don’t want to or can’t attend meetings can go to the website or email. Is there a second set of CCNRs and if so, we need to establish which is current i. Action Item: Ms Baker - Find second set of CCNRs and establish the current set Are rentals allowed in our subdivision Member commented that they are glad to see the management company, and that the last HOA meeting was something like 2 years ago, then they didn’t hear anything Ms. Gigray commented that the annual meeting being held in summer was not a good time and suggested we have the annual meeting in January The former treasurer of the HOA asked Ms. Gigray if the $150 transfer fee was being collected when homes transferred ownership. Ms. Gigray responded that she hasn’t seen enough of the records yet. Basketball hoops can not be left on the sidewalk, this is a City Code Enforcement rule

3. Financial Matters a. Past due collection strategy i. Ms. Scott stated that she wanted to wait until the MGM attorney meeting to write up the payment plan, and asked to pass this on to someone who can attend this meeting. Mr. Orton said he could go and Ms. Gigray said she could help ii. There are two homes which have asked for a payment plan: XXXX, and XXXX. iii. Motion: Ms. Scott motioned the Board reply to XXXX to accept the offer of paying $360 by November 1st. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved. iv. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned that the Board reply to XXXX with the payment plant of $30 per month for 8 months (to cover the January assessment). Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved. v. Action item: Mr. Porter will contact MGM for the above two motions. b. Board action to change signers on Wells Fargo account(s) i. Ms. Gigray went to Wells Fargo and couldn’t get any information because she was not listed on the account. In order to place the new members on the account, the old signers need to bring the new signers to the bank, and there is no need to bring HOA minutes. ii. Motion – Mr. Porter asked that the new signers be Ms. Gigray, Mr. Orton, and Ms. Baker. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved.

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iii. Comment made that the Board can change to bylaws to require that two signatures be mandatory if the bank won’t enforce. iv. Ms. Gigray had 4 different banks with their options for the Board to review if the Board chose to change banks for the Wells Fargo Checking and Savings accounts 1. US Bank, Bank of the Cascade, Intermountain Community Bank (ICB) and Home Federal 2. Of the four banks, Ms. Gigray recommended ICB was the most compatible for the HOAs needs. 3. Motion/Action Item: Mr. Orton motioned: a. 1st – For Ms. Brown to take $500 from the Wells Fargo checking account and give to Ms. Gigray to deposit and open a new checking account with ICB. 2nd – For Mr. Brown to close both the Wells Fargo checking and savings accounts and write a check for the balance of these accounts payable to Stonegate HOA and give this check to Ms. Gigray for Ms. Gigray to deposit into the new ICB account. 3rd – For Ms. Gigray to look into savings account options for the next meeting and the legalities with MGM and the US Bank checking account. 4th – If Ms. Brown is not available to make the above transactions, the approach Ms. Nightingale. Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved. v. Motion/Action Item: Mr. Porter motioned that Ms. Baker open a PO Box for the Stonegate HOA and to bring the receipt to the next meeting. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved. vi. Motion: The Board directs Ms. Gigray, as the Treasurer of the HOA to ask how and/or with what authorization that MGM opened the US Bank checking account, and for MGM to provide documentation for this action. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved. vii. Action Item: Ask attorney is the above is legal. c. Income and Expense Statement i. Motion: Mr. Porter asked Ms. Gigray to summarize the MGM financial documents for future meetings. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved. d. Budget preparation for 2009 i. Need to get budget ready for 2009 ii. Need to make a decision on renewing MGM’s contract by December 18th. 4. Financial Reporting (MGM) a. Refer to motion under 3.c.i

5. MGM Board Packet for September a. Two homeowners request for payment arrangements (see 3.a.iii through v) b. Landscaping bids i. Ms. Scott requested the Board obtain a bid from Urbco. ii. Mr. Orton requested the Board go back to Jdub and ask if he can meet or beat present bids.

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iii. The Board will obtain 1 more bid and vote next month c. Fall and winter drive-thru’s i. Action Item: Mr. Porter asked that Ms. Orton make a checklist for walk thru’s. ii. Can go in teams for November, December, January, February and March (months not covered under MGM contract) iii. Motion/Action Item: Mr. Porter will tell MGM that the Board does not wish to pay for winter drive thru’s. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved. d. Time limit reached for 4 delinquent assessment certified letters i. This item was tabled for the next meeting. e. MGM signing as Architectural Review Committee i. Motion/Action Item: Mr. Porter directed Ms. Baker to send MGM a letter to request they discontinue signing letters as the Architectural Review Committee, and to ask MGM to please submit for the Board’s review any cases which require certified mailings or escalated actions before MGM proceeds. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote: Unanimously approved. ii. The Board wishes it to be clear that this is the first official board packet that the Board was able to review before further certified mailings were sent. From now on, the Board will review and approve certified mailings.

6. Current Business a. Retention pond repair, estimate and recommendation i. Mr. Orton explained the following: Water rises in the pond when the adjacent canal is running. We will need to expose the seepage bed and remove the humus, then backfill with sand to above the water level. When we know the sand is above the water, we can top off with soil and plant grass. We may have to move the slope towards the property line, but not in the easement. This is to keep the pond capacity at the same volume. Mr. Orton had placed phone calls to two excavation companies, and has not yet calculated volumes, and will get estimates to present and the next meeting. Jdub will not need to cut down cattails. b. Irrigation manhole on Stonegate i. The city may fix this manhole by replacing it with a new manhole or cleanout, or we can replace the grade rings and lid right with watertight gaskets. c. Electrical on sigh at Stonegate entrance i. Mr. Orton and Ms. Gigray’s brother will look at this. Ms. Gigray called and electrician and was told that they would charge just to come out and look, and that the problem may be the ballast. ii. Ms. Gigray stated that getting a responses was hard for the arborists, but met with one and had suggestions for replacing the dead trees with easier to maintain trees. She suggested a “spring planning day” where homeowners could help. We need to prune, remove the dead trees and replace them, and replace the bark in the front of the subdivision. d. Report on banking services – See 3.b.iv.

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e. Common area sprinklers and bark cleanup – Jdub is still looking for the replacement valve for the irrigation. The clean up of the bark is tabled until spring f. Refunds due on assessment overpayments – Mr. Porter reported these refunds should be send out the September g. Signing of taxes – Mr. Porter signed the taxes. h. Communications of the Board’s concern with XXXX – See 3.a.iv.

7. Board Discussion a. Retaining MGM’s services b. Action Item: Mr. Orton will look into management options. c. Action Item: Ms Scott will add to the newsletter to ask homeowners what they think of MGM.

8. Close a. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 6:30 P.M. on November the 13th, 2008 at the Caldwell Free Methodist Church. b. 9:52 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Ms. Scott. Vote: Unanimously approved.

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