Mbomipa Project Reports

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MBOMIPA Project Guidelines (MPG) and Workshop Reports (MWR) MPG1

September 1998

Wajibu wa Kamati ya Maliasili ya Kijiji (The Roles of a Village Natural Resources Committee)

Dorothy Bikurakule, Delvin A. Maleko, J. M. Mutabiilwa & Venance Mwaikambo (eds.)


September 1998

Taarifa ya Warsha ya Kamati za Maliasili za Vijiji, Msembe, 4-9 Mei 1998 (Report on a Workshop for Village Natural Resources Committees, Msembe, 4-9 May 1998)

Dorothy Bikurakule & J.M. Mutabiilwa (eds.)


November 1998

Semina ya Wajibu na Mahusiano kati ya Serikali ya Kijiji, Kamati za Maliasili, na Idara za Serikali, Iringa, 2-4 Novemba 1998 (Seminar on the Roles and Relationship between Village Government, Natural Resources Committees, and Government Departments, Iringa, 2-4 November 1998)

R. S. Ngowi & C. S. Ugulumu


November 1998

Semina ya Misingi ya Utunzaji wa Kumbukumbu na Mahesabu katika Serikali ya Kijiji, Iringa, 9-13 Novemba 1998 (Seminar on the Principles of Keeping Financial Records and Accounts in Village Government, Iringa, 9-13 November 1998)

C. S. Ugulumu & R. S. Ngowi


February 1999

Taarifa ya Semina za Viongozi na Wahasibu wa Vijiji, Iringa, 2-4 na 9-13 Novemba 1998 (Report on Seminars for Village Leaders and Treasurers, Iringa, 2-4 and 9-13 November 1998)

Dorothy Bikurakule (ed.), R. S. Ngowi & C. S. Ugulumu


April 1999

Taarifa ya Warsha ya Kutayarisha Mpango wa Utekelezaji wa Elimu ya Uhifadhi kwa Shule za Msingi, Msembe, 19-21 Aprili 1999 (Report on a Workshop to Prepare an Action Plan for Conservation Education Activities for Primary Schools, Msembe, 19-21 April 1999)

J. M. Mutabiilwa (ed.)


September 1999

Taarifa ya Warsha ya Ubunifu wa Miradi kwa Vijiji vya Tarafa za Idodi na Pawaga, Iringa, 23-27 Agosti 1999 (Report on Workshop for Initiating Income Generating Projects for Villages in Idodi and Pawaga Divisions, Iringa, 23-27 August 1999)

Dorothy Bikurakule (ed.), D. A. Maleko, R. S. Ngowi & C. S. Ugulumu



September 1999

Taarifa ya Mafunzo ya Awali ya Skauti wa Maliasili wa Vijiji vya Tarafa za Idodi na Pawaga, Msembe, 5 Agosti – 6 Septemba 1999 (Report on Village Game Scout Training for Idodi and Pawaga Divisions, Msembe, 5 August – 6 September 1999)

K. A. S. Ngomello & J. M. Mutabiilwa


November 1999

Mafunzo ya Skauti na Kamati za Maliasili za Vijiji juu ya Utekelezaji wa Dhana ya Ushirikishwaji Jamii, Iringa, 5-10 Novemba 1999 (Report on Training for Village Game Scouts and Village Natural Resources Committees on the Implementation of Participatory Community-based Activities, Iringa, 5-10 November 1999)

K. A. S. Ngomello & J. M. Mutabiilwa


June 2000

Report on Follow-up of Training Given to Village Government and Village Natural Resource Committees (Taarifa ya Ufuatiliaji wa Mafunzo Yaliyotolewa kwa Serikali za Vijiji na Kamati za Maliasili)

Dorothy Bikurakule (ed.), Elias Mapunda & Patrick Golwike


July 2000

Taarifa ya Warsha ya Kujadili Masuala Yanayohusu Matumizi ya Maliasili na Ushirikishwaji Jamii katika Eneo la Mradi wa MBOMIPA, 5-8 Mei 2000 (Report of Workshop to Examine the Issues of Natural Resource Use and Community Participation in the MBOMIPA Project Area, 14-18 May 2000)



June 2001

Taarifa kuhusu Uundaji wa Asasi ya MBOMIPA, 4-11 Juni 2001 (Report on the Formation of the MBOMIPA Association, 4-11 June 2001)



January 2002

MBOMIPA Extension Planning Workshop, 15-16 January 2002 (Introduction and Document Package for Workshop Participants)


MBOMIPA Study Tour Reports (MST) MST1

March 1998

Training for Village Natural Resources Committees and Scouts: Report on a Study Tour to Likuyu CBC Training Institute, Songea District, 2-5 March 1998

J. M. Mutabiilwa & Dorothy Bikurakule


June 1998

Fish-farming Projects in Central and Eastern Tanzania: Report on a Study Tour to Dodoma and Morogoro Districts, 26-30 April 1998

E. M. Kalolo & M. H. Madehele



June 1998

Community-based Bee-keeping in Northern Tanzania: Report on a Study Tour to Arusha and Kilimanjaro Regions, 20-28 May 1998

J. M. Mutabiilwa (ed.), Percival Lwoga & Elizabeth Sarakikya


May 1999

Elimu ya Uhifadhi: Taarifa ya Ziara ya Kujifunza katika Maeneo Yanayopakana na Hifadhi ya Udzungwa, Wilaya ya Kilombero, 9-11 Mei 1999 (Conservation Education: Report on a Study Tour to Areas Bordering Udzungwa National Park, Kilombero District, 9-11 May 1999)

H. S. Rupia


June 1999

Summary of Workshop on Procedures and Implementation of Community Based Wildlife Monitoring Programmes, Botswana Wildlife Training Institute, Maun, 14-16 June 1999

J. M. Mutabiilwa


September 2000

Taarifa ya Ziara ya Mafunzo Kitowo kwa Ajili ya Watunza Hazina wa Kamati za Maliasili wa Tarafa za Idodi na Pawaga, Wilaya ya Iringa, Tarehe 5-9 Septemba 2000 (Report on Study Tour to Kitowo for the Treasurers of Village Natural Resources Committees in Idodi and Pawaga Divisions, Iringa District, 5-9 September 2000)

Dorothy Bikurakule (ed.) & Patrick Golwike


October 2000

Taarifa ya Ziara ya Mafunzo Njombe kwa Ajili ya Baadhi ya Wajumbe wa Serikali za Vijiji na Kamati za Maliasili wa Tarafa za Idodi na Pawaga, Wilaya wa Iringa, Tarehe 29 Agosti - 1 Septemba 2000 (Report on Study Tour to Njombe for Selected Village Government Leaders and Members of Village Natural Resources Committees in Idodi and Pawaga Divisions, Iringa District, 29 August - 1 September 2000)

Dorothy Bikurakule (ed.) & Patrick Golwike


August 2001

Brief Report on a Trip to the CAMPFIRE Project and Annual Quota Setting Process in North Gokwe District, Zimbabwe, 4-14 July 2001

I. J. Kimaro & K. A. S. Ngomello

MBOMIPA Village Reports (MVR) MVR1

May 1999

Mafuluto Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Mafuluto Village, Idodi Division, 19-22 May 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


June 1999

Mboliboli Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Mboliboli Village, Pawaga Division, 25-28 May and 4-5 June 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)



September 1999

Isele Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Isele Village, Pawaga Division, 24-27 August 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


September 1999

Kisanga Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Kisanga Village, Pawaga Division, 28-31 August 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


October 1999

Mahuninga Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Mahuninga Village, Idodi Division, 7-10 September 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


October 1999

Makifu Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Makifu Village, Idodi Division, 27-30 September 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


November 1999

Itunundu Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Itunundu Village, Pawaga Division, 5-8 October 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


November 1999

Kimande Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Kimande Village, Pawaga Division, 13-16 October 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


December 1999

Ilolo Mpya Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Ilolo Mpya Village, Pawaga Division, 4-7 November 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


December 1999

Mkombilenga Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Mkombilenga Village, Pawaga Division, 4-7 November 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


December 1999

Tungamalenga Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Tungamalenga Village, Idodi Division, 8-11 November 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


December 1999

Malinzanga Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Malinzanga Village, Idodi Division, 12-15 November 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


December 1999

Luganga Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Luganga Village, Pawaga Division, 17-20 November 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)



June 2001

Mapogoro Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Mapogoro Village, Idodi Division, 15-18 May 2001

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


August 2001

Idodi Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Idodi Village, Idodi Division, 3-6 July 2001

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


August 2001

Magozi Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Magozi Village, Pawaga Division, 10-13 July 2001

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


October 2001

Kinyika Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Kinyika Village, Pawaga Division, 4-7 September 2001

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


October 2001

Mbuyuni Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Mbuyuni Village, Pawaga Division, 25-28 September 2001

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)


November 2001

Nyamahana Village: Report of Participatory Land Use Planning Activities Carried Out in Nyamahana Village, Idodi Division, 16-19 October 2001

Kate Forrester Kibuga (ed.)

MBOMIPA Consultancy Reports (MCR) MCR1

September 1998

Survey of the Vegetation Communities and Utilisation of Woody Plant Species in the MBOMIPA Project Area (Main Report, Annex, and Maps)

C. L. Nahonyo, L. Mwasumbi & D. G. Bayona


February 1999

Game Surveys and Participatory Monitoring Programme: A Proposal for Technical Assistance to the MBOMIPA Project

Ecosystems Consultants


March 1999

Revision of the MBOMIPA Logical Framework and Project Memorandum: Report on a Logframe Training and Revision Workshop, Iringa, 8-10 March 1999

Freddy Manongi


May 1999

Feasibility Study of Beekeeping and Honey Hunting in the MBOMIPA Project Area, Iringa District

Dominic V. N. Kihwele, Percival D. Lwoga & Elizabeth Sarakikya


May 1999

Game Surveys of Lunda-Mkwambi Game Controlled Area and Adjacent Areas of Ruaha National Park: First Aerial Survey, 21-27 April 1999

Ecosystems Consultants



May 1999

Training and Planning for Village PRAs: Report of a Workshop in Participatory Techniques and Planning for Village Land Use Planning (Natural Resource Management) Exercises, Iringa, 12-14 May 1999

Kate Forrester Kibuga


November 1999

Game Surveys of Lunda-Mkwambi Game Controlled Area and Adjacent Areas of Ruaha National Park: Second Aerial Survey, 17-29 October 1999

Ecosystems Consultants


June 2000

Game Surveys of Lunda-Mkwambi Game Controlled Area and Adjacent Areas of Ruaha National Park: Third Aerial Survey, 29 April - 9 May 2000

Ecosystems Consultants


August 2000

Participatory Monitoring of Wildlife Resources for MBOMIPA Project Villages

Ecosystems Consultants


December 2000

Game Surveys of Lunda-Mkwambi Game Controlled Area and Adjacent Areas of Ruaha National Park: Fourth Aerial Survey, 13-23 November 2000

Ecosystems Consultants


March 2001

Participatory Monitoring of Wildlife Resources for MBOMIPA Project Villages: Data Analysis and Performance Review

Ecosystems Consultants


May 2001

Game Surveys of Lunda-Mkwambi Game Controlled Area and Adjacent Areas of Ruaha National Park: Fifth Aerial Survey, 919 April 2001

Ecosystems Consultants


October 2001

The Legal Establishment of the MBOMIPA Villages’ Community-based Organisation: Report of a Consultancy and Workshop (3-6 September 2001) to Draft the MBOMIPA Association’s Constitution and Trust Deed

Hamudi I. Majamba


November 2002

Game Surveys of Lunda-Mkwambi Game Controlled Area and Adjacent Areas of Ruaha National Park: Sixth Aerial Survey, 14-25 October 2002 and Final Report

Ecosystems Consultants


January 2003

Participatory Monitoring of Wildlife Resources for MBOMIPA Project Villages: Final Data Analysis and Performance Review

Ecosystems Consultants

Other Project Reports (MQR etc.) and Miscellaneous Notes (MMN) MQR1

April 1998

Project Inception & 1st Quarterly Report, October 1997 - March 1998




July 1998 July 1999

Quarterly Reports [quarterly reporting in this form continued until mid-1999 when it was replaced by submissions to the project’s District Steering Committee plus regular reporting to Wildlife Division headquarters by the Project Manager]



August 1998

Notes for MBOMIPA Project Visitors

Martin Walsh


December 1998

MBOMIPA Project: Summary of Activities to December 1998



January 2000

Proposed Revision of the MBOMIPA Project Logical Framework

Martin Walsh (ed.), Dorothy Bikurakule, J. M. Mutabiilwa & K. A. S. Ngomello


February 2000

Key Issues for the MBOMIPA Project

Martin Walsh


September 2000

MBOMIPA Project Update, September 2000

Martin Walsh

confiden -tial

June 2001

Request for Extension to the MBOMIPA Project [draft prepared for the Wildlife Division as a basis for their submission to DfID]


confiden -tial

November 2002

MBOMIPA Project: Progress Report and Final Exit Strategy

Martin Walsh


April 2003

MBOMIPA: From Project to Association. Final Project Report.

Martin Walsh

Other Key Documents November 1995

Consultancy to Assess the Potential for Community Management of Wildlife Resources in the Lunda-Mkwambi Game Control Area Adjacent to the South Eastern Border of the Ruaha National Park, report to the Overseas Development Administration (ODA / BDDEA), Nairobi

R. D. Taylor

November 1995

The Potential for Community Management of Wildlife Resources in the Lunda-Mkwambi Game Controlled Area Bordering Ruaha National Park, Southern Tanzania: Social Anthropologist’s Report on the Village Development Component of the Ruaha Ecosystem Wildlife Management Project (REWMP), report to the Overseas Development Administration (ODA / BDDEA), Nairobi

Martin Walsh

March 1996

Mradi wa Matumizi Bora ya Malihai Idodi na Pawaga (MBOMIPA): Results of Workshop for Developing a Project Planning Matrix for Idodi and Pawaga Community Based Conservation Iringa Rural, 1-8 March 1996



June 1996

Strategy for Transition between REWMP and MBOMIPA (later translated into Swahili by M. H. Madehele as ‘Mpango wa Kipindi cha Mpito kati ya REWMP na “Matumizi Bora ya Malihai Idodi na Pawaga” (MBOMIPA)’)


September 1996

Assessment of the Strategy for Transition between REWMP (Ruaha Ecosystem Wildlife Management Project) and MBOMIPA (Matumizi Bora ya Malihai Idodi na Pawaga), report to Overseas Development Administration (ODA / BDDEA), Dar es Salaam and Nairobi

Martin Walsh

January 1997

Community Wildlife Management: A Review of the ODA’s Experience in Tanzania, report to the Overseas Development Administration (ODA), London

Dawn Hartley

March 1997

Matumizi Bora ya Malihai Idodi na Pawaga (MBOMIPA) Iringa (Project for the Sustainable Use of Wildlife Resources in Idodi and Pawaga), Project Memorandum

ODA & Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources and Environment

July 1997

Update Report on Interim Project, July 1997, report to the Overseas Development Administration (ODA / BDDEA), Nairobi

Martin Walsh

June 1998

MBOMIPA… Report on an Inception Visit, 24-28 March 1998

Project Steering Group

December 1998

MBOMIPA… Report on Activity to Output Monitoring Visit, 23-26 November 1998

Project Steering Group

September 1999

MBOMIPA… Report on Activity to Output Monitoring Visit, 13-16 September 1999

Project Steering Group

February 2000

MBOMIPA OPR: Review Team Preliminary Feedback

Project Steering Group

February 2000

Economics Report for MBOMIPA Mid-term OPR, Feb. 2000

Stevan Lee

March 2000

Review of Government of Tanzania / DFID MBOMIPA Project: 1-11 March 2000

Marshall Murphree

September 2000

[DFIDEA Project Progress Report on the MBOMIPA Output-to-Purpose Review (an aide-memoire drawing together the disparate products of the OPR was never written)]

Jon Salmon

May 2001

Taarifa ya Kitaalamu ya Tafsiri ya Mpaka Kati ya Wilaya za Mbarali na Iringa (Technical Report on the Interpretation of the Boundary between Mbarali and Iringa Districts)

[Kikao Maalum (Special Commission)]

July 2001

Report on Game Survey in NWMP / MEMA Project Villages, June 2000, report to Natural Woodlands Management / MEMA Project, Iringa

J. M. Mutabiilwa, K. A. S. Ngomello, M. G. G. Mtahiko & I. J. Kimaro


July 2001

MBOMIPA Community Wildlife Management Project (memo to DfID dated 6 July 2001 supporting a project extension)

Joanna Elliott

October 2001

Ugalla Community Conservation Project: Report on Village Natural Resources Scouts Training for Mpanda, Sikonge and Urambo Districts from 24th September to 9th October 2001, report to Africare Tanzania

K. A. S. Ngomello & M.G.G. Mtahiko

November 2001

Report on Second Game Survey in NWMP / MEMA Project Villages, report to Natural Woodlands Management / MEMA Project, Iringa

K. A. S. Ngomello, M. G. G. Mtahiko & I. J. Kimaro

January 2002 / revised to December 2002

Katiba: Asasi ya Matumizi Bora ya Malihai - Idodi na Pawaga (MBOMIPA) [Constitution of the MBOMIPA Association]

MBOMIPA Association

December 2002

Trust Deed: MBOMIPA Association Trust, Iringa

MBOMIPA Association

March 2003

Constitution for the Registered Trustees of Matumizi Bora ya Malihai - Idodi na Pawaga [replacing the earlier draft Trust Deed]

MBOMIPA Association

Selected project presentations June 1999

Management Through Stakeholders, presentation to a workshop on Managing Water Resources in the Usangu Catchment:, SMUWC Project (Sustainable Management of the Usangu Wetland and its Catchment), Mbeya, 2-3 June 1999 [later published in the Workshop Proceedings, SMUWC Project, Rujewa. 137-143]

Martin Walsh

March 2000

The MBOMIPA Project: Different Forms of Utilisation and Benefit – and Some Associated Problems, presentation (in Swahili) to a training workshop for District Game Officers held by the Wildlife Division in Iringa, Tanzania, 26-30 March 2000 [an English synopsis was published in the subsequent report: Wildlife Policy of Tanzania and Community Based Conservation, Training for District Game Officers, Wildlife Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania, in collaboration with GreenCom Tanzania. 40-42]

Martin Walsh

December 2000

The Development of Community Wildlife Management in Tanzania: Lessons from the Ruaha Ecosystem, paper presented to a conference on African Wildlife Management in the New Millennium, College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Tanzania, 13-15 December 2000 [also published in the Conference Proceedings, Vol.2, 2001]

Martin Walsh


February 2001

The Wildlife Conservation Act, 1974, and the Wildlife Policy of Tanzania: The Place of Local Communities, paper commissioned by EPIQ/Tanzania and presented to a Workshop to Review the Wildlife Conservation Act, 1974, Wildlife Division, Arusha, Tanzania, 21-23 February 2001

Martin Walsh

March 2001

Community Wildlife Management in the Upper Rufiji Basin: The Role and Vision of the MBOMIPA Project, presentation to The Rufiji River Basin: Upstream-downstream Workshop, IUCN East Africa Regional Office, Morogoro, Tanzania, 26-28 March 2001

Martin Walsh

December 2001

“The Not-So-Great Ruaha” and its Possible Consequences for the MBOMIPA Villages, presentation to the Stakeholders and Planning Workshop for the Great Ruaha River and Catchment Programme, WWF Tanzania Programme Office, Mbeya, Tanzania, 3-6 December 2001

Martin Walsh

December 2001

The Development of Community-owned Natural Resourcebased Enterprises: Practical Lessons from MBOMIPA and the Wildlife Sector in Tanzania, paper presented to a workshop on Common Pool Resources and Sustainable Livelihoods in Semi-arid Regions of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 14 December 2001

Martin Walsh

February 2003

Communities and Conservation along the Great Ruaha, lecture to Houghton College students and staff, Masumbo Campus, Iringa, Tanzania, 14 February 2003

Martin Walsh


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