Industrial Project Reports

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 41
INDUSTRY-WISE-LIST OF SAMPLE PROJECT AGRO-BASED  Neem Oil  Brake Linings & INDUSTRIES Clutch Facings  Papain  Activated carbon  Pectin from Papaya  Battery Plates from rice husk.  Body side Window  Pesticides  AMLA Plantation & (for Rly coaches) Formulation Products.  Butyl Tubes  Piggery Farm  Angoora (Rabbit)  CNC Machine Job Plant Growth Wool Work Promoters  Bee-keeping &  Carburetors  Poultry Farming Honey processing  Castings  Prawn/Shrimp  Bio-gas Plant Farming  Cast Iron  Caffenie from teaComponents  Rabbit Farming waste  Clutch Facings &  Rice Bran Oil  Calamus Oil Brake Linings  Rose Farming  Carcass Recovery  Rubber Plantations  Clutch Plates Project  Control Cables  Sesame Seeds  Cardonal from  Coolants, Car Dehulling CNSL  Coupling  Sesame Seed Oil  Cashew-nut Shell  Crankshaft re Tamarind Seed Liquid (CNSL) grinding (Kernel) Powder  Cattle Feed  Cylinder Blocks  Teak Plantation  Citronella Oil  Cylinder  Tissue Culture  Coconut/Cashew Liners/Piston Rings  Vermicompost Feni AUTO ANCILLARIES  Dash Board  Coconut Fibre Instruments INDUSTRIES Products  Diesel Fuel Pump  2-wheeler  Coconut Shell Test Bench accessories Power  Drive Shaft  Automobile Body  Cold Storage Building.  Earth-moving  Corriander Oil Equipments  Automobile  Cottonseed Oil Overhauling Unit  Engine Mounting Cut-flowers Rubber Bonded  Automobile Seats  Dairy Farming  Engine Valves  Automobile Wires  Deep Sea Fishing  Exhaust  Automobile  Essential Oils & Mufflers/Silencers Workshop Oleoresins  Filters, Oil/Air/Fuel  Auto Lamps  Edible & Non-edible  Auto Locks  Forgings Oils  Fuel Injection  Auto Service  Eucalyptus Equipment. Station Plantation  Fuel Additives  Auto Turned  Fish Farming components  Garage  Floriculture (Automobile  Agricultural

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Fuel-briquettes. Goat Farming Green House Guar Gum Hemp Products Hom (Ivory) Industry Hybrid Seeds Medicinal Plantation Micro-nutrients Mushroom Cultivation & Processing

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Implements. Alloy Steel Castings Aluminium Extrusions Axle Shafts Black Mirrors (Rearview mirrors) Ball & Roller Bearing Bease Plates, Scooter Bimetallic (thinwalled) Bearings Brake Drums

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Workshop) Gas Conversion Kit Gaskets Gears and Gear Boxes Generators Graded Cast Iron Auto Components Grease Guns & Nipples

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Gun-metal Bushes  Springs  Acid Slurry Halogen Lamps  Steel Forgings  Acrylic Acid & Acrylates Head Lights  Steel Shots & Grits  Acrylic Fibre High Security  Steering Gear Number Plates Assembly  Acrylonitrile High Tensile  Storage Batteries  Activated Carbon Fasteners  Tie-rod Ends  Activated Earth Hoses  Timing Belts  Alcohol-based Hydraulic Brake Chemicals  Transmission Fluids Gears  Alkyd Resins Hydraulic  Tread  Alums Equipments Rubber/Camel  Aluminium Ignition Coils Back Sulphate Ignition System  Toughened Glass  Ammonium Laminated Safety  Tumed Bicarbonate Glass Components, Auto  Ammonium Nitrate Leaf Springs  Tyre Retreading  Aniline Lubricating Oils  Tyre retreading  Animal Tallow (OTR Vehicles) MARUTI Service  Anorine Station  Tyres and Tubes,  Anthroquinone Auto Miniature Lamps  Anti-corrosive  Tyres and Tubes, Mirrors, Rear-view CNSL, Resin Paints. Cycle/Rickshaw Motorcycle Chains  Antimony trioxide  Tyre and Tubes, Nuts & Bolts  Ayurvedic Medicine Scooter Oil Seals Formulation.  Two-wheeler Pistons  Ball Pen Ink Accessories Piston  Black Sulfur  V-Belts Rings/Cylinder  Barium Carbonate  Valve Guides Liners  Barium Plastic Components  Water Pumps Carbonate/Sodium  Wheel Rims Precured (Cold) Sulphide  Wipers Type Retreading  Barium Sulphate  Wiring Hamess Pressure Die  Basic-chromium Cycle Industry Casting Sulfate/Chromic  Baby Tricycles Radiators Acid/Sod/Potassium Dichromate Re-refining of Used  Bicycle Assembly Plant Lubricating Oils  Basic Drugs  Bicycle Chains Rear Axles  Bitumen  Bicycle Frame Rear-View Mirrors  Benzene  Bicycle Rims Hexachloride Rubber Battery

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Containers Rubber Hose Pipes Rubber Mats Rubber Mouldings Rubber Parts Rubber Tubes and Flaps Scooter Base Plate Sheet-metal Components Shock Absorbers Silencers/Mufflers Sintered Bushes Spark Plugs

 Bicycle Spokes, Nipples & Washers  Bicycle Tyres & Tubes  Steel Balls. Chemical, Drugs/ Pharma, Petroleum / Petro-Chemicals Etc.  Absolute Alcohol  Acetic Acid  Acetic Anhyride  Acetone

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(B.H.C.) Benzoic Acid Beta-naphthol Bisphenol A Black Sulphur Bleaching Powder Bulk/Basic Drugs Butyl Acetate Butyl-titanate Calcium Carbonate Calcium carbide

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Calcium Chloride  Dimethyl Phthalate  Hydrated Lime Calcium Gluconate  Dioctyl phthalate  Hydrazine Hydrate Calcium Nitrate  Dipherrylamine  Hydrochloric Acid Camphor  Dissolved  Hydrogen Peroxide Acetylene Carbon Black  Hydroquinone  Distilled Water Carbondioxide  Hydrosodium  Dry Distemper Sulphate Cassein  Dry Sulphur  Industrial Gases Castor Oil grinding  I.V. Solutions 5% Cationic Softeners  Dyes & Dye (Dextrose Saline) Caustic Potash Intermediates  Isopropyl Alcohol Caustic Soda  2-ethyl Hexanol  Isupuroturon & (Sodium Hydroxide)  EDTA and salts Endosulfan Cement Paint  Edible & Non Laboratory Chelated Zinc edible Oils Chemicals Chloramphenicol Effuent Treatment  Lactic Acid Palmitate Plant  Lead Oxide Chioral Hydrate  Electroplating Unit  Lemon-grass Oil (Trichloro Electrolytic ethylidene Glycol)  Liquid Detergents Maganese Dioxide  Liquid NEEL Chlorinated Heavy  Electrolytic Zinc Normal Paraffin  Lubricating Oils &  Emulsifiers Chlorine Greases etc.  Endosulfan & Chloro-Benzene  Magnesite Isupuroturon Ramming Mass Choloro-sulphonic  Epoxy Adhesives Acid  Magnesium  Epoxy Resins Corbonate Choline Chloride & Trimethylamine  Epoxidiesed Soya  Magnesium Oil Compounds Chromate, Sodium / Potassium  Ether  Magnesium Sulphate Chromic Acid  Ethyl Acetate  Magnesium Citric Acid  Ethyl Alcohol Stearate Cobalt Chloride  Ethyl Ether  Magnesium Compound Wax  Eucalyptus Oil Sulphate Construction  Fatty Acids  Maleic Anhydride Chemicals  Ferrous Sulphate  Medicated Oxygen Coolants, Car  Ferric Alum  Menthol Crystals, Copper Sulphate  Ferric Chloride Flakes & Powder Cough Syrups  Foam Boosters  Mercury Cutting &  Formaldehyde Compounds Lubricating Oils,  Fruit Salts (ENO)

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Greases Dextrose Saline (I.V. Solutions 5%). Di-octyl-=phthalate (d.o.p.) Die-foamers Dehydrated Castor Oil Dental Preparations Detergent Powder & Cake Deictyl Phthalate

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Fuel Additives Fuel Alcohol Furfural Gasket Shellac Compound Gelatine Glycerine Greases, Cutting & Lubricating Oils Green Sheet Powder Hydrated Calcium Silicate

 Metal Paste  Metallic Stearates  Methanol (Methyl Acohol)  Methyl-Acetate  Methyl-ethylketone (MEK)  Mixed Fertilizers  Molydbenum Trioxide  Monocholora Acetic Acid  Mosquito Repellent Mats  Naphtha Distillates  Naphthalene Balls  Niacimide

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Nicotine Sulphate  Polyurethane  Sodium Products Hydrosulphite Nitric Acid  Potassium  Sodium Nitrogen Carbonate Hydrosulphite P-nitrophenol  Potassium Chlorate  Sodium Hydroxide Octyl Alcohol (Z(Caustic Soda)  Potassium ethyl hexanol) Hydroxide  Sodium Nitrate Optical Whitening  Potassium Nitrate  Sodium Nitrate Agents  Potassium  Sodium Ortho & Ossein Permanganate Meta Silicate Oxalic Acid  Potassium/Sodium  Sodium Saccharine Xygen, Liquid Chromate (Saccharine) Oxygen Plant  Potassium/Sodium  Sodium Silicate PVA Emulsions Cilicate  Sodium Sulphate Paints, Varnish,  Pour-point (Anhydrous) Dyes & Pigments Depresent  Sodium Sulphite & Paints Driers  Precipitated Bisulphite Papain Calcium Carbonate  Sodium Para-aminophenol  Precipitated Silica Thiosulphate Paracetamol  Printing Inks  Soft Gelatine Para-nitro ChloroCapsules  Pure Terethalic Acid benzene (PNCB) (PTA)  Spray Instant Para-xylene Cleaners  Resorcinol Paraffin Wax,  Re-refinin gof Used  Stable Bleaching Chlorinated Powder Lubricating Oil Pectin from Papaya  Stearic Acid  Rice Bran Oil Pentaerythritol  Sulphur  Roll Sulphur Pesticides  Sulphur Black Dye  Rosin Formulations Petroleum products  Saccharine (Sodium  Sulphuric Acid Saccharine)  Sulphur Hexa Pharmaceutical Fluoride  Salicylic Acid Preparations  Synthetic  Shoe Poliesh Phenacetin Adhesives  Silica Gel Phenol Sulphonic  Synthetic  Silicate, Acid Detergent Powders Sodium/Potassium Phenyl  Synthetic Enamels  Silicon Emulsions Disinfectants  Tanning Extracts  Silver Nitrate Phosphoric Acid  Tartaric Acid Phthalic Anhydride  Single Super  Terpenes Phosphate (PAN)  Textile Auxiliaries  Soda Ash (Sodium Petroleum Jelly

 Plant Growth Promoters  Polyhydroxy Botyrate from ethanol  Polyols  Polyster Filament Yam (PFY)  Polyurethane (PU) Adhesives  Polyurethane Foams

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Carbonate) Sodium Acetate Sodium Bichromate Sodium Bichromate Sodium Chlorite Sod. Sulphide & Barium Carbonate Sodium/Potassium Chromate Sodium / Potassium Silicate Sodium Hexameta Phosphate

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Thinner Thymol Tinctures Titanium Doxide Tooth Paste Transformer Oil Trichloroethylidene Glycol Tricresyl Phosphate Turpentne Oil UF Moulding Powder Ultramarine Blue Umbrellas Transformer Oils UF Resin Varnishes

Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra)  Viscose Staple  Detergent Power &  D. G. Sets Fibre Cake  Diodes  Water Proofing  DHOOP &  Distribution chemicals AGGARATTIs Transformers  Wax candles  DHOOP &  Dish Antenna AGGARATTIs-raw  Wire Enamels  Domestic materials for  Wetting Oil, 100% Refrigerators  Hair Oils  Zeolite  Dry Cell Battery  Hair Removers  Zinc Chloride  Electric Bells and  Herbal Cosmetics Buzzers  Zinc Oxide  Incense Sticks  Electrical irons,  Zinc Stearate (AGGARBATTI) Toasters & Heat  Zinc Sulphate  Lipsticks Convectors Computer Related  Liquid Detergents  Electrical Projects Appliances o Add on cards for  Menthol Crystals, Flakes & Powder  Electric Fans computers o CRT Data Display  Mosquito  Electric Fan Liquidators Regulators Monitors o Cable TV Network  Nail Polish  Electric Motors o Call Centre  Naphthalene Balls  Electric Irons, o Compact Discs Automatic  Perfumes o Computers  Electric  Phenyl o Computer Transmission Line Disinfectants Hardware Maintenance  Shampoos o Computer  Electric Toasters  Shaving Cream Peripherals  Electrical  Shoe Polish o Computer Laminations &  Soaps & Oils Softwared Stampings  Spray Instant o Computer  Electrical Main Cleaners Stationery Switches  Talcum Powder o Computer Training  Electrical Protective  Thymol Centre Devices (MCB,  Tiolet Soap o Dot Matrix Printers ELCB etc.)  Tooth Paste o Floppy Diskettes  Enamelled Copper  Tooth Picks o Key Boards Wire  Tooth Powder o Micro Computers  F. H. P. Motors Electrical Projects o Modems  Exhaust Fans  AAC/ACSR o Personal  Fancy Lamps Conductors Computers  Fluorescent Tubes o SMPS (Switch mode  AAAC Conductors  Gas Lighters  Air-conditioners Power Supply

o Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS). Cosmetics, Perfumes, Soaps & Detergents And Toiletries  Aerosols  Antiseptic Lotion  Ayurvedic Cosmetics  Baby Powder, Oils Shampoos  Camphor  Coconut Hair Oil

 Air-conditio9ners, split type  Altermators  CFL Lamps  Carbon Brush  Ceiling Fan Covers  Chokes for Sodium/Mercury Vapor  Control Panels  Coolers, Room/Desert  Copper Wire

 Geysers/Storage Water Heaters  GLS Lamps  Halogen Lamps  High-rise Electric Lighting Poles  High Tension (HT) Insulators  Hydel Power Project  Immersion Heaters  Industrial Heaters  Instrument Transformers

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Inverters  Vending Machines,  Compact Discs Automatic Jelly-filled Telecom  Connectors & Cables  Voltage Stabilisers Toggle Switches LT Power capacitors  Water Coolers  Copper Clad Laminates LT Switchgears  Water Pumps  Cordless Lamp Shades  Wind Turbines Telephones & Push Lead-acid Storage  Wire Enamels Button Batteries  XLPE Cables Luminaries Electronic Projects  Telephone Diallers Mica-embedded  A. C. & D. C. Drives  Data Communication Heating Elements  AM/FM Transistor Equipments Micro Motors Radio  Deflection Miniature Circuit  Aluminium Components Breakers (MCBs) Electrolytic  Delay Lines For Capacitors Miniature Lamps, Color TV Auto  Audio Cassette  Digital Clocks & Players Molybdenum Time Pieces Trioxide  Audio Cassettes,  Digital Temperature Pre-recorded Molybdenum Wire Controllers  Audio Cassettes, Motor Control  Direct Satellite TV Blank Centre Reception System Optical Fibre Cables  Audio Magnetic (Indoor) Heads Ovens  Discrete Semi Audio/Video PTFE Insulated conductor Devices Magnetic Tapes Cables  Dry Cells (Ni-Cd  Auto lgnition Power Cables Cells) Systems Power Transformers  EPABX  Automobile Pumps & Fans (for  Electro-magnetic Beeper-cumcoolers) Relays flashers Pumps, Industrial  Electro-Mechanical  B & W Televisions PVC Adhesive Components  B & W TV Picture Insulation Tape  ElectroTube PVC Battery medical/Clincial  Battery Eliminators Separators Instruments  Button Cells PVC Wires and  Electronic Alarms  CRT Data Display Cables (Fire & Burglar) Monitors Railway Carriage  Electronic Ballasts  Cable Television Fans (Chokes)  Calculators Refrigeration and  Electrolytic (Pocket/Desktop) Air-conditioning Capacitors

 Room/Desert Coolers  Servo Transformers  Silver Electrical Contacts  Solar Cells  Solder Wire  Storage Batteries  Table Fans  Transformer Sets  Transformer Oil  Tubelight Fittings  Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

 Cameras  Capacitors  Carbon-track Potentiometer  Carbon Film Resistors  Cathode Ray Tubes  Chiming Devices  Co-axial Connectors  Control Unit for Color TV Receivers  Color Photo Lab  Color TV  Color TV Receiver

 Electronic Cable Fault Locators  Electronic Chromographs (Gas)  Electronic Digital Watches  Electronic Flash Guns  Electronic Flow Metering Instrument  Electronic Industrial Timers  Electronic Milk Analyzers

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Electronic Mosquito  Jelly Filled Telecom  Regulated D.C. Repellents Cables Power Supplies Electronic Office  Light Omitting  Quartz Analog Call Bell Diodes Clocks Electronic Printers  Liquid Crystal  Rf heater Displays Electronic Pump  Silicon Transistor Controller  Liquid Level Diodes Controllers/Indicato  Silvered Mica Electronic Registers rs Capacitors Electronic Roulette  Loudspeakers  Single Phasing Electronic Taxi  Machine Tool Preventor Fare-meters Monitor X-Y-Z  Soft Ferrites Electronic  Magnetos Thickness Gauges  Solder Wire  Metal Film Resistors  Solar Cells Electronic Toys & Games  Metalised Plastic  Solid State Light Film Capacitors Electronic Dimmers & Twilight Typewriters  Micro Motors Switches Emergency Lights  Micrphones & Its  Solid State Voltage cartridges Stablisers & Entertainment Inverters Electronic Complex  Microwave Ovens  Speakers Assembly FHP Motors  Miniature Circuit Breakers  Speakers, Car Fan Regulators, Electronic  Mining Electronic  Speakers, TIKKIs Equipment Fascimile (Fax)  Stepper Motrs Machine  Mobiles  Surface Mounted Ferrite Cores  Mother Boards Boards Fuseable Resistors  Multilayer Ceramic  Switches & Relays Capacitors Gamma Ferric  TV Antennas Oxide  Ni-Cd  TV Assembly (B & (Nickel_Cadmium) Gas-Analysers & W) Cells Controllers  TV Assembly (B&W  Optical / Fibre Gas-Lighter and Colour) HF Communication  P.A. Amplifiers  TV Boosters Receivers  PVC  TV Deflection GangsPacemakers HT Circuit Breakers Components  Picture Tubes Hard Ferrites  TV Picture Tubes  Plain Paper Copier Hearing Aids  TV Receivers  Plastic Film Heat & Smoke  TV Tuners (Turret Capacitors Detector Type)  Power Capacitors Hybrid Integrated  Tantalum

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Circuits IC Amplifiers IF Transformers Indl. Process Control Instruments Industrial Timers Information Display (Score) Board Insulation Testers Intercom System

 Power SemiConductor Devices  Pressure Controllers/Indicato rs  Pressure Tranducers  Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)  Projection Television  Programmable Logic Controllers  Push Button Memory Telephones

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Capacitors Tape-deck Mechanisms Tape Recorders Telephone Instruments Telescopic Aerials Transformers & Coils Transreceivers Tungsten Filaments Twillight Switches Two-in-Ones

Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra)  Ultra Pure Silicon  Canned Fruits &  Garlic Flakes Wafers Vegetables  Garlic Oil  Uninterrupted  Cassein  Garlic Paste Power Supply (UPS)  Cashewnuts,  Garlic Powder  VCD/DVD Players roasted & sealted  Ginger Oil  VCR/VCP  Cashew Processing  Ginger Processing  Vacuum Cleaners  Cereal Foods  Glucose  Variable Gang  Chewing Tobacco  Groundnut Oil Condensers  Chicken  Guar Gum  Variable Gang Processaing  Hatchery Capacitors  Chilly Sauce  Honey processing  Variable Speed  Chocolate  Ice Cream Electric Motor Drive  Cigrattes  Ice Cream Cones  Vending Machines  Coconut Oil  Ice Plant (Ice  Vibration Meters  Coconut Water Blocks) Analyzers  Coffee Processing  Indian-made  Video Cassettes (Instant Coffee) Foreign Liquors (Blank)  Condensed Milk (IMFL)  Video Cassettes  Confectionery  Instant Coffee (Pre-recorded)  Corn Oil  Instant Noodles  Video Display  Corn Flakes  Iodized Salt Monitors  Cottonseed Oil  Jackruit Products  Weighing  DALL (Puses)  KHENI Machines/Systems Milling  KHANDSARI  Wire Connectors  Dehydrated Fruits  Lemon Grass Oil Crimped & Vegetables  Macroni  Wire Wound  Dehydrated Ginger  Mahua Extractions Resistors  Dehydrated  MAKHANA, PHULL  Wall Clocks Vegetables  MAKHANA, Salted &  Wrist Watches  Desiccated Fried Food Processing Coconut Powder  Malt and Malt Industries  Distilled Watter Extracts  Aerated Drink  Distillery Unit  Mango Kemel Oil  Alcohol Iron  Dog Biscuits  Mango Processing Potatoes  Egg Powder  Mango Pulp (AAM  Apple Juice  Ethyl Alcohol PAPAR)  Baker’s Yeast  Expanded  Meat Pickles  Bakery 9Pizza, Extruded Snack  Meat Processing Burger-base, Food  Milk Chilling Plant Pastties, Rusks  Extra Neutral  Milk Powders etc.)

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Banana Processing Banana Wafers Beer (Brewery Unit) BESAN (Coarse & Fine) Plant BIDIs Biscuits Bone Meal Bread Cake Mixture Candies

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Alcohol Fish Pickles Flavoured & Sweetened Milk Flour Mill, Mini Flour, Mill Roller Freeze-dried Fruits & Vegetables Frozen Fish Cutlets Frozen Food Fruit Juice Fruit Neclar Fruit Salts (ENO)

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Milk Products Mineral Water MISHRI Mushroom Canning Mustard/Rapeseed Oil Natural Gums Noodles, Instant Change Processing PAAN MASALA PAPAD Palm Oil

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Papain & Pectin  Spices (Ground &  Ceramic Candles from papaya Processed)  Ceramic Tiles Pasteurised Milk  Spirit  Chalk Crayons Peanut Butter  Squashes and  Chemical Porcelain Syrups Pet Foods Ware Pickles, Preserves &  Starch from Maize  Coal Briquettes Chutneys  Sugarcane Juice (in  Coated Abrasives pouches) Pineapple (Emery Paper) Processing  Sugar candies  Cores for resistors Pork Processing  Sugar Plant  Diamond Cutting & Porridge (DALIA)  Sunflower Oil Polishing Potable Alcohol  Tamarind Paste  Emery Paper from Non-mollasses  Tamarind Powder (Coated Abrasives) sources  Fire Clay Bricks and  Tamarind Seed Potato Powder Blocks (Kernel) Powder Potato Chips /  Flooring Tiles  Tea Re-packing wafers (Clay)  Tea Processing Poultry Farm  Fly-ash Bricks  Tobacco Products Prawn Farming  Fuel Briquettes  Toffees Processed Onion  Fumace Insulation  Tomato Products and Garlic Bricks  Tomato Pulses (DAAL)  Germs & Jewellery Ketchup/Puree Milling Making  Vaccum-freezeRepacking of Food  Gemstones died Fruits & Veg. Articles  Glass Beads  Vanaspati Ghee Repressed/Mustard  Glass Holloware /  Vinegar Oil Pressed Ware  Vodka Rectified Spirit  Glass Marbles  Wallnuts Refined Vegetable  Glass Mirrors Processing Unit Oil  Glass Shells for TV  Water Purifiers & Rice Bran Oil Picture Tubes Soda Makers Rice Flakes (POHA)  Glass Tiles  Whisky Rice Milling  Glass Wool  Wine making Rice Packing  Glazed Tiles  Yeast Yoghurt Rice Polisher  Granite Processing  Zarda & Kimam Rice Puffs  Granite Crucibles Glass Ceramic Rice Shelling Mineral Based  Granite Slabs, Rice Sorting Unit Polished  Asbestos, Pipes Roasted & soalted and Fittings  Grinding Media Groundnuts Balls  Activated Alumina

 Roller flour Mill  Saccharine (Sodium Saccharine)  Seasame Seed Oil  Skimmed Milk Powder  Soda Water  Soft Drinks  Solvent Extraction Unit  Soya Milk  Soya Nuggets  Soya Sauce  Soyabean Food products  Soyabean Oil

 Bricks (Red-burnt) Plant  Bone China Crockery’  Cement JALLI  Cement Mosaic Flooring Tiles  Cement Concrete Products  Cement Paints  Cement Plant

Grinding Wheels Grinding BATTIs Ground Mineral Gypsum Board Gypsum Filling Compounds  High Tension (HT) Insulators  Hydrated Lime  Industrial Thermometers     

      

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Mechanical L.T. Insulators and  Boilers, Shell & Electrical Porcelain Metallurgical Tube type Items  Activated Alumina  Brass Handicrafts Laminated Safety  Agricultural  Brass Sheets Glass Implements  Brass Ingots Lead Pencils  Agricultural Tines  Brass Cashing Lime Stone Kiln  Air Compressors  Brass Rods Magnesite  Alloy Steel  Bright Bars Ramming Mass Castings  Builder’s Hardware Marble  Alumina from  C.I. Sluice Valves & Bauxite Mellamine Crockery Reflux Valves  Aluminium Aerosol  Castings Micro-cover Containers Glasses and Slides  Ceiling Fan Covers for Microscope  Aluminium  CNC Machining Anodising and Mini Cement Plant Centre Dyeing Ophthalmic Lenses  CNG Cylinders  Aluminium (from blanks)  Chrome Plating Beverage Cans PCC Electric Poles  Coil Springs  Aluminium Plaster Boards  Cocks & Valves Collapsible Tubes Plaster of Paris (Water pipe fittings) Plaster of Paris Toys  Aluminium  Cold-rolled formed Decoratives and Statues Sections  Aluminium Doors & Polished Granite  Cold-rolled steel Windows Slabs sheets/ Strips  Aluminium RCC Spun Pipes  Concertina Wire Extrusions Red-burnt Clay  Copper-coated M.S.  Aluminium Bricks Wire Fabrications Railway Concrete  Copper Iron Master  Aluminium Foils Sleepers Alloy  AL Hinges, Tower Refractory Bricks  Copper Powder Bolts & Handles Salt Glazed Sewer  Copper Smelting  Aluminium PilferPipes Unit proof (PP) Caps Sand-lime Bricks  Copper Tubes  Aluminium Powder Sanitary ware  Copper Wire  Aluminium Scientific  Couplings Pressure Die Laboratory  Cream Separators Castings Glassware  Crown Corks  Aluminium Sheets Silicon Carbide  Cutting Tools Rolling Crucibles  Aluminium Shots &  Cutlery, stainless Silica Sand steel Knotched Bars

 Sodium Silicate  Steel Shots & Grits  Stone Crushing Unit  Stoneware Crockery  Synthetic Diamond  Synthetic Marble  Tailors Chalks  Toughened Glass  Vitrite/Block Glass Metals, Light Engineering

 Aluminium Soap Dish & Ashtray for Railway Coaches  Aluminium Tubes  Aluminium Utensils  Aluminium Venetian Blinds  Anodised Lables  Baby Boilers  Ball and Roller Bearings  Barbed Wire  Bimetallic Bearing

 Deepwell Handpumps  Disposable Surgical Needles  Door Closers & Floor Springs  ERW Steel Tubes & Pipes  Elastic Rail Clib and Modified Loose Jaw  Electroplating Unit  Electroplated Water Taps

                             

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Electrolytic Zinc  Grey/Malleable Iron  Lawn MoversCastings Garden Engineering Scales Equipments.  Grinding Media Engineering Balls  Lead Oxide Workshop  Grinding Wheels  Lead-zinc Smelting Eureka Wire Unit  Grinding BATTIs False Ceiling  Lead Seals  Gun-metal and Fancy Lamps Bronze Castings  Lead/Zinc Smelting (Luminaries) & Processing  Gun-metal Bushes Fasteners  Levelers and  Hand Tools Ferro-alloys Cultivators  Hacksaw Blades Ferro-chrome  Locks  Hacksaw Machine, Ferro-nickel  Low-carbon FerroPower-operated Ferro-silicon manganese  Handicrafts, metal Ferro-vanadium  Luminaries (Fancy  Hardware items, Filters, Auto & Lamps) aluminium Industrial  M.S. Nuts & Bolts  Hardware Items, Fire Extinguishers  M.S. Wire Brass Fibre Brush  Machine Vices  Hardware items, Flanges stainless steel  Machined & Turned Flaring Tools Components  Harmoniu, Flexible Couplings  Magnetic Buttons  Heat ExchangersFloor Springs & Condensers &  Malleable Iron Door Closers Cooling Coils Castings Forging Unit  Heat Treatment  Malleable Iron Pipe Furniture, Hospital Servicing Unit Fittings Furniture, Modular  High Tensile  Mechanical Toys Furniture, Steel Fasteners (Plastic & Tin) Furniture, Wrought  High Pressure Gasd  Metal Paste Iron Cylinders  Metallic Washers Garden Equipments  Hinges, Hardware  Milk Cooling & Gas Cylinder Item Ghee Settling Gas Cylinder Valves  Hospital Furniture Equip. Gas Stoves  Hot-dip Galvanizing  Mini Steel Plant Gas Welding Rods Unit  Modular Furniture Galvanised  Hydraullic Door  Musical Corrugated Steel Closers Instruments Sheets  Hydraullic  Nickel-hard Galvanised Steel Equipments Castings Tubes & Pipes  Hydraullic Jacks  Nickel Plating Galvanising, hot

    

dip, unit Garden Equipment (Lawn movers) Gem-Stone Polishing Medicine Grease Guns & Nipples Grinding Balls Grey Iron Castings (fluidized sand process)

           

Hydraullic Pumps Ice Cans Industrial Chains Industrial Gears Industrial Valves Investment Casting Iron Powder Knives and Sheering Blades LPG Appliances LPG Bottling Plant LPG Cylinders LPG Presure Regulators/Valves

 Nitriding Plant  Non-ferrous Casting  Non-stick Cookware  Nozzle Pipes  Nuts & Bolts  Oil Expellers & parts thereof  Padlocks  Pilfer-proof (PP) Caps  Plastic Extruders  Pliers (Hand Tools)  Poultry Incubator

                       

Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Power Press &  Stainless Steel  Welded Electrodes Other machine Rolling  Welded Flluxes tools.  Stainless Steel  Wheel Barrows Powder-coating Utensils  Wire Adjusting Work  Stainless Steel Screws (Stay-Rods) Precision Measuring Wire  Wire Drawing (M.S.) Instruments  Stainless Steel  Wire Nails, Pins & Pressure Cookers Wire-mesh Screws Pressure Die  Stay Rods (Wire Wire Netting Castings Adjusting Screws)  Wire ProductsPrinted Tin  Steel Balls Handles, Hangers Containers  Steel Barrels  Wood & Machine Pumps  Steel Castings Screws Razor Blades  Steel Door &  Wrenches Rail and Plate Windows  Wrought Iron Screw  Steel Drums (200 Furniture Railway Signaling ltrs.)  Zinc Plating Accessories  Steel Fabrication  Zinc Wire Refrigerator Trucks Unit  Zinc Fasteners Road Construction  Steel Furnitures Miscellaneous Machinery  Steel Furniture Projects SAW (submerged (almirahs)  Advertising arc welded) Pipes  Steel Ingots Materials S.G. Iron Castings  Steel Measuring  Bamboo Sticks for Screw Drivers Tape Lncense Sticks (Hand Tools)  Steel Plant  Bone Meal Scientific  Steel Re-rolling Mill  Candles Wax Instruments  Steel Shutterings  Carcass Recovery Scientific Kits &  Steel Tapes Unit Teaching Aids  Steel Tubes & Pipes  Coal Washery Scissors  Steel Tubular  Coir Rope Seed Drills Swaged Poles  Construction Self-tapping Screw  Steel Wool Chemicals Sewing Machines  Stitching Machine  Cork Sheet Sheel-metal Manufacturing  Street Light Fittings components  Dish Antenna  Submersible Silver Electrical Pumps  Fire Works Contacts  Tin Printing  Flush Doors Silver Foil  Tool Bits  Fuel/Coal Silver Recovery Briquettes  Tool Room

           

from hypo-waste Smokeless CHULHA Solar Cooker Solder Wire Sponge Iron Sprinkler Irrigation Systems Springs Square Tin Containers Staples & Clips Stainless Steel Bright Bar Castings Stainless Steel Cutlery Stainless Steel Sinks

 Tool & Dies Making  Tor (SARIYA) Steel  Turned & Machined Components  Type Metal  Umbrellas, Automatic folding  Vending Machines  Venetian Blinds  Washers, Metallic  Water Meters  Water Level Indicators  Water Purifiers & Soda Makers  Welded Wire Mesh  Welded Electrodes

 Gas Mantles  Gem-Stone Polishing  Glass Etching  Gold-studded Jewellery  Grey Mill Board  Horn Industry  Hospital  Hybrid Seads  Imitation Jewelry  Incense Sticks

                             

Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Packaging Projects  Paper Envelops Industrial Decorative  Aluminium Aerosol  Pilfer-proof (PP) Laminates Containers Caps Jointing Materials  Aluminium  Plastic Colapsible Beverage Cans LPG Bottling Plant Tubes  Aluminium Low-cost Housing  Pl;astic Jars (for Collapsible Tubes vanaspati) Matador Operating  Polyethene Bags Mosquito Repellent  Aluminium Foils  Aluminium Pilfer Coils  Printed Paper Proof (PP) Caps Cartons Mosquito Repellent  Blister Packagings Mats  Printed Tin Containers Mosquito Repellent  Blow-moulded Plastic Bottles Liquidators  Rotogravure  Box-strappings printing NEEM Oils  Card Board Boxes  Silver Foil Nursing Home  Coir Rope  Square Tin Paint Brushes Containers  Corrugated Kraft Particle Board Paper Board Boxes  Steel Barrels Pencils Petroleum  Crown Corks  Steel Drums (200 Refinery ltrs.)  Disposable Cups Precipitated Silica and Plates, Paper  Stickers, Labels & RCC Pipes Tags etc. RMP Roofing Sheets  Disposable Cups and Plats, Plastic  Thermocole Rabbit Farming Packagings Re-refining of Used  Egg Trays  Flexible Packagings  Tin printing Oils  Welcro Tapes  Freight Containers Rubberised Coir  Wood Wool  Gummed paper Mattresses Paper-Based Tapes Safety Matches Industry  HDPE/Jute Bags Sawn & Seasoned  Book Binding Stitching Unit Timber Project  HDPE/PP Woven Saw-dust Tiles  Carbonless Paper Sacks Silver recovery  Card Board  Jute Bags from Hypowaste  Card Board Boxes  Leaf Cups and Straw Board Plates (Laminated)  Card Board Slates Stud (Horse) Farm  M.S. Drums  Computer Synthetic Diamond Stationery  Metalised Polyester Tissue Culture Laminates  Corrugated Kraft Tool Bits Paper Boxes  Multi-layer CoTooth Picks extruded Films  Desk-top Publishing Wood-stock Sheets

Water Park Wood Wool Wooden Doors Wooden Drums Wooden Furniture Wooden Handicrafts  Wooden Perquet Floorings      

 Multi-layer Collapsible Tubes  Multi-wall Paper Sacks  P.E.T. Containers  Paper Bags  Paper Cones & Tubes  Multi-wall Paper Sacks  P.E.T. Containers  Paper Bags  Paper Cones & Tubes

           

(DTP) Unit Disposable Cups and Plates, Paper Egg Trays Electro-cardiagram (ECG) Paper Exerciser Notebooks Facial Tissue Napkins Gummed Paper Tapes Hand-made Paper Laminated paper Leaf Cups and Plates (Laminated) MICR Cheques Metallised Papers Mill Board

Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra)  Multi-wall Paper  Cling Film  Metalised Polyester Sacks Laminates  Co-extruded Multi Paper Bags layer Films  Moulded Furniture  Paper Cones &  Conveyor Belt  Moulded Luggage Tubes  Cork Sheet  Multi-layer co Paper Envelopses extruded Films  Cotton coated  Paper from Bamboo Fabric  Multi-layer Collapsible Tubes  Paper from bagasse  Crates, injection moulded  Neon Sign Boards  Paper Recycling  Disposable Baby  Nylon Zip Fasteners  Paper Rolls Diapers (PCO/Fax etc.)  Ophthalmic Lenses  Disposable Cups  Paper Toilet Rolls  P.E.T. Containers and Plates, Plastic  Plastic Fle Covers  Photo Albums  Disposable Cups  Printed Paper  Photographic Film and Plates, Paper Cartons  Plastic Collapsible  Disposable  Publishing Unit Tubes Examination  Safety Matches  Plastic Jars (for Gloves vanaspati)  Stickers, Labels &  Disposable Plastic Tags etc. Straw  Plastic Injection Syringes Board Moulded Crates  FRP Products  Synthetic Paper  Plastic Injection  File Covers, Plstic Mouldings  Tissue paper  Fishing Nets  Plastic Scrap Re Toilet Paper Rolls  HAWAI CHAPPALS processing  Waxed Paper  Plastic Tubing  Web Offset Printing  HJDPE Pipes  HDPE/PP Woven  Plastic Extruders Unit Sacks Plastic/rubber/  Plastic File Cover  HMHDPE Bags Leather  Polyester Metallised  Helmets  Auto Plastic Parts Laminates  Bockey Balls  Air Bubble Film  Polyurethane Soles  Injection Moulded  Acryllic Sheets  Polyurethane Items Foams  Acrylic Buttons  Jerry Cans  Precured (Cold)  Air Bubble Film  Latex Disposable Tyre Retreading  Artificial Leather Condoms  Printed Poly bags  Auto Rubber Parts  Latex Examination  Pouch Packing  BOPP Adhessive Gloves  PVC Adhesive Tape Tape  Latex Foam  PVC Battery  BOPP Film  Latex Thread Separators  Bakelite Moulding  Leather Board  PVC Calendered Powder

 Ball Point Pens and Refills  Battery Containers  Blow Moulded Bottles  Blow-moulded Jerry Cans  Blister Packing  Box Strapping  Brief Cases, moulded  Butyl Tubes  Camel Back (Tread Rubber)  Canvas Shoes

         

Leather Footwears Leather Garments Leather Gloves Leather Goods Leather Purses & Bags Leather Shoeuppers Leather Tannery Leather Wallets Master Batches Melamine Crockery

       

Film PVC Compound PVC Doors & Windows PVC Electrical Wires & Cables PVC Erasers PVC Flooring PVC Footwear PVC Leather Cloth PVC Pipes (Rigid & Conduit)

              

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Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) PVC Pipe Fittings  Auto Service  Petrol Pump Station PVC Resin  Pharmacy College  Amusement Park PVC Shoes  Photocopying &  Ayurvedic Hospital Allied Services PVC Tansparent Film  Beauty Parlour  Photocolor Lab PVC Vinyl Flooring  Boutique  Public School Reclaimed Rubber  CNG MINI Bus  Publishing Unit Operating Rexine  School, Boarding Roto-molded Water  Cable TV  School, Primary Storage Tanks  Call Centre  School, Secondary Rotogravure  Catering Services  School-cum-college Printing  Cinema Hall  Silver recovery Rubber V-belts  Color Photo Lab from Hypowaste Rubberised Cork  Computer Software  Slimming Centre Sheets  Computer Training  STD/ISD, PCO, Fax Rubber Hose Pipes Institute Centre Rubber Mouldings  Courier Service  TV Serial Making Rubberised Fabric  Commercial  Tailoring Teaching Red-mud Plastic Laundry Institute (RMP) Roofing  Cybercafe  Telefilm Making Sheets  Dental College  Television Repair Rubber Hoses Centre  Dental Hospital Skin/Shrink Packing  Doctor Clinic  Tent House Spectacle Frames  Training Centre for  Drive-in-theatre Sports Goods Girls  Electronic Media Sports Shoes  Electroplating Unit  Travel Agency Surgical Rubber  Three Star Hotel  Engineering Gloves  Tyre Retreading College SUTLI, Plastic  Water Creational  Fast Food Synthetic Park Restaurant Adhesives, rubber Textile Woollen,  Film Training based Jute, Hosiery Institute Synthetic Leather  Acrylic Bulk Hosiety  Health Resort (Rexine)  Acrylic Buttons  Heat Treatment Synthetic Paper  Acrylic/Cotton Servicing Unit TPR Soles Spinning Unit  Hospital, 100Tanning Extracts  Aritificial Leather beded Teflon Products  Baby Diapers,  Hospital, 300Disposable Teflon Sheets beded  Boutique Thermocole  Hospital super-

Packagings  Tooth Brush  Tyre Retreading  Tyres and TubesVBelts and Fan Belts  Vaccum Forming  Welcure Tapes  Wide-width Film  Zip Fasteners Service Industry  Advertisement Materials

            

speciality Hotel-cum-Resort Internet Services (Cybercafe) Lamination Services Laundry, commercial Maruti Van (Taxi) Operating Matador Operating Medical College Mobile Catering Van Motel 9Mini Hotel) Neon Signs Nursing Home Offset Printing Unit Pathological Lap

 Button-Hole Jobwork  Brassiers  Canvas Shoes  Carpets  Coir Rope  Cotton Coated Fabric  Cotton Shirts  Cotton/Acrylic Spinning Unit

                              

Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) Cotton Towels  Ready-made  Carpets Garments, Jeans Cotton Vests  Castor Oil  Ready-made Cotton Waste  Camphor Garments, Cotton/Nylon Books  Cashew Kidswear & Stockings  Cashewnut-shell –  Ready-made Demin Jeans liquid (CNSL) Garments, Dyeing Unit, Jeans  Coir Products Legswear Dyeing Unit, Yam  Computer Software  Ready-made Elastic Tape  Cotton Yam Garments, Cotton Emery Paper  Daal 9Pulsee) Shirt (Coated Abrasives) Milling  Rexine Cloth Embroidery Unit  Floriculture Fabric Printing Unit  Rubberised Coir  Fruits & Vegetables Mattresses Fashion Garments  Fruits Juices  Sanitary Napkins Filter Cloth  Gems & Jewellery  Sewing Thread Fishing Nets  Guar Gum  Silk Embroidery Fusing for  Handicrafts  Silk Garments Garments  Imitation jewellery  Socks & Stockings Handicrafts  Incense Sticks  Soft Toys Hosiery Cloth  Jute Products  Spinning Mill Hosiery Unit,  Marine Products  Sportswears Brassiers  Meat & Meat  Stitching Unit, Hosiery Unit, Products Bags/Sacks Cotton Vests  Menthol Crystals  Surgical Bandage Hosiery Unit,  Metal Handicrafts  Surgical Cotton Panties  Mica  Surgical Dressing Hosiery Unit,  Ready-made  Tailor Labels Underwears Garments  Textile Accessories  Refined Vegetables Jeans, demin (Metallic buttons, Jute Bags Oils buckles etc.) KAA/HOLE (syelets)  Rice  Textile Jobwork  Seasame Seeds Bleaching/Dyeing Knitted Garments  Silk Unit Ladies  Spices  Textile Made-ups Undergarments  Sports Goods  Terry Towels Laundry  Tobacco Products  Umbrellas Monofilament Yarn  Vodka  Undergarments Mosquito Nettings  Woolen Knitwear (Gents/Ladies) Narrow Fabric Tape  Velvet (Flocked Nettings …..ask for more

        

Fabric)  Viscose Staple Fibre  Welcro Tapes  Woolen Knitwear  Wool Washery  Woven Fabric  Zip Fasteners EXPORT ORIENTED PROJECTS  Auto Rubber Parts  Beverages Prices for each Computerized Sample Projects is Rs.1000/- (Postage Rs.50/- extra) NIWAR Non-Woven Fabric Nylon Filament Yam Nylon Stocks & Stockings PPVC Leather Cloth Pillows Powerloom Cloth Quiltz Ready-made Garments, Blouses

INDUSTRIAL PROJECT REQUIRED It is compulsory to mention below the Details of proposed project 1 .

Applied Area (In Sq. Mtrs.) Plot Details a. Size of Plot b. Rate of Land c. Area/Location d. Proposed Covered Areas

2 .

Proposed Project

3 .

Total Cost of Project

4 .

Funding from own sources

5 .

Funding from other sources

6 .

Total Employment

7 .

Sanctioned load of power required

: : : :

_________________Sq. mts. @ Rs.____________/-per sq. Mtrs. _________________ _________________sq. mtrs.

DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED UNIT 1. (a) Name and style of the proposed unit________________________________ (b) Total Number of partner(s) Share holders in words & figure whose details must be submitted separately in Annexure (A)____________________________ (c) Full Name of all Promoters/Directors/Share Holders/Partners: S. N.

Full Father's Name Husban d's name

Residen tial address

Age/D ate of Birth

Qualific ation

Experie nce

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A. If the proposed unit is a Registered Partnership firm, the following documents are required:i. ii.

Certified copy of Partnership deed. Form -A or relevant form issued by concerned Registrar of

Firms iii. of Firms.

Form - B or relevant form is issued by concerned Registrar

B. If the proposed unit is a Pvt. Ltd/Ltd., Company. the following documents are required:i.

Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate for Commencement of Business.


Certified copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association iii List of Directors/Certified by C.A. iv. List of Shareholder Certified by C.A. (Not applicable if the company is listed with stock exchange)

2. Product(s) to manufactured................................................................................


3. i) Details of the Manufacturing Process with Flow Sheet indicating all major and minor operations and processes (Attach separate Sheet, if necessary) .............................................................................................. ....................... (ii)

Give details about the composition and quantum of solid, liquid and gaseous effluents that are likely to emanate during production process. (Attached separate sheet, if necessary) .............................................................................................. .......................

Brochure of above 2000 sq. mtrs. Industrial Plot


Project Implementation Schedule Time required (in months) (i)

For Lease Deed and taking over physical possession of the plot from the date of allotment..........................……………… …………………………….


Start of construction of building after taking over physical possession .... ........…..................………………………………… ……………………………


Completion of building after taking over physical possession.............…… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………


Installation of Plant & Machinery after taking over physical possession..... …………………………………………………………………………… ………..


Commencement of commercial production after taking over physical possession…………………………………………… ………………………….………………………………………………… …………………………………..

5. Marketing Strategy - In case marketing tie-up for sale of finished product (s) submit copy of MOU / Agreement, if necessary....................................................... 6.

Covered area required, (as per NOIDA Building Bye-laws) i) ii) iii)

Ground floor ____________________sq.mts. Basement _____________________ sq.mts. Other Floor(s)___________________ sq. mts.

State technical, imitations about contiguous length/breadth of the covered area and open area, if any. a)


If any Financial/Technical/Joint Venture is envisaged then enclose a certified copy of the joint Venture Agreement/FIPB Clearance/SIA approval, if applicable.

Details of Plant & Machinery:

S.No. Particulars Installed value in Rs.

Source/Make Nos.

(Attach separate sheet, if required) Total Rs. Brochure of above 2000 sq. mtrs. Industrial Plots


Requirement of Raw Material(s) and Consumable(s)

S.No. material

Item Source




Inventory Value of




inventory in weeks

(Attach separate sheet, if required)

period in Rs.

Total Rs.


Utilities: Power .......................................................KW Source Connected load ........................................KW Water Normal use.....................................Kl/month Source Process use..............................................Kl/month Source


Manpower requirement: Duties

Administration Technical Total monthly Annual Salary/ (Nos.) (Nos.) salary (Rs.) Wages (Rs.)

Total Rs. Add benefits @ 33% of total Rs. Grand total for salary & wages Rs. With benefit

Brochure of above 2000 sq. mtrs. Industrial Plots 11.

Computation of Working Capital:

a) Raw material & Consumables based on inventory period ...................Lakhs b) Monthly Salary & Wages Rs. ...................Lakhs c) Monthly Power bill Rs. ...................Lakhs d) Half yearly insurance premium Rs. ...................Lakhs e) Monthly Repairs & Maintenance ...................Lakhs f) Monthly administrative expenses including overheads ...................Lakhs g) Monthly Misc. Other Expenses Rs. ...................Lakhs Total Rs. ...................Lakhs 12.

Details of Misc. Fixed Assets:

a) Furniture and Fixtures ...................Lakhs b) Vehicles ...................Lakhs c) Equipment for testing & Quality Control ...................Lakhs d) Generator for ...................Lakhs e) Miscellaneous in lump sum ...................Lakhs

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Total


...................Lakhs 13.

Capital Cost of the Project

a) Land @ Rs........................per sq. mtr ...................Lakhs including conveyanceing charges


b) Site development including construction ...................Lakhs of boundary wall, building, OH tank etc.



Rs. Rs.

c) Installed value of Plant & Machinery ...................Lakhs d) Misc. Fixed Assets - as per 12) ...................Lakhs e) Security deposit & estimated for utilities ...................Lakhs f) Preliminary & Pre-operative Expenses ...................Lakhs g) Others ...................Lakhs

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Total


...................Lakhs 14.

Total Cost of Project :

a) Capital Cost (as per 13) ...................Lakhs b) Working Capital ...................Lakhs

Rs. Rs. Total



Brochure of above 2000 sq. mtrs. Industrial Plots 15.

Means of Financing:

a) Promoter(s) / Director (s)/ Proprietor(s) / Partner(s) ...................Lakhs b) Long term loan Rs. ...................Lakhs c) Short terms loan Rs. ...................Lakhs Total ...................Lakhs 16.



Annual Cost of Production

a) Raw material & Consumables ...................Lakhs b) Utilities ...................Lakhs c) Salary & Wages including benefits ...................Lakhs

Rs. Rs. Rs.

d) Repairs & Maintenance ...................Lakhs e) Administrative & Sales overheads ...................Lakhs f) Interest on long term loans ...................Lakhs g) Interest on short term loans ...................Lakhs h) Annual Insurance Premium ...................Lakhs Depreciation @ 10% ...................Lakhs

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Total


...................Lakhs Say Rs. ...................Lakhs


Unit cost of production = Nos./mtrs./cubic mtrs/kls/kgs. (Specify whichever is applicable)



Total of 16 above Nos. of units produced annually

a) Annual Sales Revenue ...................Lakhs b) Annual Expendutires (as per 16 above) ...................Lakhs c) Profit before Tax (a-b) ...................Lakhs d) Tax ...................Lakhs e) Profit after Tax ...................Lakhs

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

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