Mayan Prophecy 2012 Astrology And Fire In California

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FIRE IN CALIFORNIA why the fires in 2009 may be worse than in previous years and what they have to do with the Mayan Prophecy and 2012 Susan Seymour Hedke

30 August 2009

************************************************************************ California has suffered in recent years from wildfires. The astrological founding chart for the state, combined with progressionsi, explain why this is so and can also show why further fires and other disasters may be expected as we approach the Mayan End Date in 2012. The founding chart for September 9 1850ii shows three celestial bodies, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in the „wildfire“iii sign of Aries: These slow-moving bodies are also in this sign in the progressed chart for California shown below. In 2009 they are involved in a grand cross.

The lethal grand cross is marked in red and warning of further fires this year is given by three „bows“ marked in blue that emphasise the areas of the chart to which they point. All the bows are pointing at either fire signs, or at fire planets. A grand cross traditionally signifies severe difficulties in a chart: a grand cross was present when the Indian Ocean Tsunami occurred on December 26 2004. This cross for California strongly involves the fire planet Mars, just as the the Indian Ocean Earthquake grand cross (chart p.4) emphasized Saturn-Capricorn and the earth and water elements. Mars is traditionally known as the Lesser Malefic, and in California's chart for 2009 Mars is, moreover, conjunct the disastrous South Node Ketu!1 This is a clear indication that the worst damages are likely through fire. Additionally, the Greater Malefic Saturn is in the fire sign Aries, ruled also by Mars. Saturn is loosely involved in this grand cross by his proximity to Uranus and Pluto and opposition to Jupiter which could suggest also an earthquake involvement. Where Jupiter and Saturn aspect each other there is the suggestion of greatness. California is a „great“ state, a famous state, yet under bad aspects, such as those of this year, its disasters may also be great. Until the Tsunami 2004, I thought the worst thing that could happen to a chart was to have a grand cross in it. Then I found what I termed a bow and arrow shooting at the Galactic Centre, Sun and Pluto from the full Moon in Gemini, (chart p. 4), and after discovering such bows, and bows and arrows in many disaster charts, I knew that these could be just as lethal as a grand cross, and that both together were practically a sure bet of a catastrophe. However, to put this in perspective, there are many lands, economies, and individuals bearing heavy burdens at this time. I hope that understanding and being able to predict the kind of difficulties and „bad weather“ coming to different areas, and the connection to the Great Year cycle and its meaning, may be in some way useful. The three bows2 in the progressed chart reinforce my diagnosis of a larger than usual fire disaster in 2009 that must still be on the way. One bow points at Jupiter, a fire planet, another points at the Sun, the strongest fire power of all, and the third bow points at the Galactic Centre in a fire sign: Sagittarius, which can mean fire or water, Yin or Yang. iv Mars and the South Node are conjunct Mercury. Mercury is an air planet ruling birds, planes and all things of the air, as even the human lungs, it can cause aviation disasters but most often it is the air or ill wind that is the problem. The Santa Ana wind is of course often involved in inflaming the bushfires. Mars and Ketu are also opposite the Moon at this time, which is a very inflammatory situation. Such a Moon Mars aspect has caused many of the worst fiery disasters in Californian history as well as the worst in history generally: the Moon conjunct Mars in Scorpio inflamed the Great Fire in London back in 1666 and added to the powerful eruption of Krakatau on August 27 1883.

1You may want to read: The Galactic Centre and the Nodes of the Moon, cause of disaster or path to enlightenment? 2 Bows are a name invented by me after my discovery of the Galactic centre's influence in the Tsunami 2004. Bows focus and shoot energy in the chart, and the most disastrous ones tend to shoot at the Galactic Centre. Bows are usually made of two sextiles ( c.60°) and one trine (c. 120°).

Left: the Great Fire began with a bow and arrow pointing at the Galactic Centre. Moon and Mars were quite far apart in the first hours and the fire seemed nearly to have given up when the Moon reached Mars in Scorpio and gained the strength it needed to destroy 80 per cent of London. Below: The December 2005 explosion The Hemel Mempstead fuel explosion, just outside London on 11th December 2005 also occurred as the Moon was conjunct Mars. Krakatau erupted on 26th to 27th August, here shown on the 26th. but the explosion that destroyed the island and set off the tsunami came on the 27th, as the Moon had moved close to Mars in the water sign Cancer, still opposite the Galactic Centre. Moon and Mars aspecting each other is a fieryexplosive-violent aspect, suggesting that the present progression in California's chart of the Moon to oppose Mars and the South Node and square the bodies in Aries is likely to still cause some fireworks in 2009. The Moon is also squaring Jupiter which opposes Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. The involvement of Jupiter suggests possible storms and lightning and the opposition to Saturn means earthquakes too are not out of the question.

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However, fires are particurly encouraged at present (August 2009) by Mars' transit over the hot, dry summer solstice area of the chart; from Gemini to Cancer. Though usually as Mars moves

over into this water sign, ruled by the Moon, clouds build and there are often storms or even floods3. However, fires could be awoken to more furious life maybe in October when transiting Mars moves over the transiting and then the progressed Node of the Moon. At that time Mars also opposes his own progressed position in early Aquarius. Most obviously dangerous is the T square transiting Mars and the Sun form in October involving the Nodes (page 6). Progressed Mars and the Moon are square not only the bodies in Aries but also square Jupiter ruling the fire sign Sagittarius who I recently discovered he shares with his wife Hera, the Galactic Centre is placed. In recent years the transit of Pluto over the Galactic Centre, has made those fires more destructive than ever and the general nearing of the Galactic centre to the sign Capricorn (27° Sagittarius in 2010) means the Great Year is nearing its likely catastrophic end and increasing involvement of cardinal Capricorn suggest increasing earthquakes and earth changes to create a new Earth. Another indication of fire in the chart, is the presence of the North Node of the Moon - Rahu in Leo. Leo is a fire sign and the Node in Leo is also rising over a Leo ascendant, with the progressed Moon moving ever closer to this sign as well. So all these things together create an extremely strong indication of fire disasters this year, with a subliminal worry about an earthquake. The Sun is afflicted by Lilith, the dark moon symbol, and they are close to the detrimental Descendant position that I associate with the Sun going down over the horizon, a kind of Sun setting on the Sunshine State? Together the two bows, one to Jupiter and one to the Sun, form together the third bow pointing at the Galactic Centre, which has the greatest disaster potential in the chart and is comparable to the South Node. The South Node in Vedic astrology is traditionally exalted in the same degree usually given to the Galactic centre; 3° of the constellation Sagittarius. The Galactic Centre is becoming ever-more ill tempered right now. One might compare her to the black goddess Kali who sprang from Durga's forehead4 in the middle of a battlefield and fought the fiery demons, but didnt know where to stop. In fact this goddess that has made people and animals quake in fear is rather like another fiery goddess in Egypt called Sekhmet who might also have gone on to destroy the world unless a way had been found to stop her. In the case of Kali we are told in one version of the story that Shiva threw himself before her as a little baby and she stopped fighting and killing in order to nurse the newborn. In Sekhmet's case they got her drunk so she fell asleep. Such myths tell of natural disasters in our past and I believe they are associated both to the Galactic Centre as also to the Galactic Centre's earthly representative, the volcano, whose activities punctuate to the Great Year cycle. The volcano is perhaps the worst source of fire that we must fear, the way of destroying past ages and even past Great Years and beginning new ones: fire renews; INRI. As California was quaking away last December 2008 on 26th December Yellowstone began to shake too, yet I think this is not the volcano that will erupt... 5. The Galactic Centre, with the help of those bodies on the other end of the galactic axis is bringing the Great Year to an end, so that a new one can begin. Some cultures like the Hopi, Aztec 3 This was also the pattern in the Great Year cycle, as the Summer Solstice position 12,500 years ago moved over the Galactic Centre a great Conflagration came to the Earth, burning up everything. This is told of in the Chronicles of Akakor and the myth of Phaethon. However it ended when Jupiter-Zeus struck Phaethon out of the heavens with a lightning bolt setting off the Great Flood (or at least the First Great Flood) as the Galactic Centre „moved“ into the tropical sign of Cancer. 4 This myth tells of the last great disaster which was the volcanic eruption and loss of the world mountain. 5 The volcano told of in Revelation 17 is a volcano in Indonesia and when the ancient prophets new their Great Year cycle etc., correctly then it is an eruption out of the sea near where the Tsunami occurred that is the greatest apocalyptic event.

or Vedic Indian might prefer to call this phase a great purification period through fire. Recently the transit of Mars over the hottest place in the astrological chart, the summer solstice, has been causing draught in many other places too: purifying fires have broken out also in Greece, Spain, Portugal etc and the child of Krakatau became loud on August 11th. Mars transited the same area of the zodiac that it is now on, also around August 2007 and caused similar wildfires. The 2007 transit brought particularly nasty fires for Greece v as Saturn moved at the same time over its founding Mars in Leo (fire). In the last five years or so, when Mars moved over the summer solstice, it opposed not just the Galactic Centre nearing the end of its Great Year cycle, but also Pluto that has been close to the Galactic Centre since about the time of the World Trade Centre disaster in 2001.

The 9/11 disaster was also a fiery disaster and showed a bow and arrow and T square involving the Galactic Centre conjunct Pluto, Chiron, Mars and the South Node. The conjunction of the Galactic Centre to Pluto close to the winter solstice, continues to 2013, and is what is causing the generally destructive period. The fires tend to worsen when fiery bodies, Mars or Sun, aspect this winter solstice area. As a general background to this the Sun spot activity, it is thought, will also be increasing in the coming years as we approach 2012. 2012 itself is expected to bring the highest ever sunspot peak since records began.Sunspot activity affects not only wild fires but also earthquake and volcanic activity. The whole year this beautiful state has also been on the verge of experiencing a most terrible earthquake, which I have suggested in other articlesvi. I think that those people who have followed the seismic activity must have had quite a tense year so far. I hope the danger is lessening now as the Moon is no longer so strongly squaring Saturn in the progressed chart of California and transiting Saturn has moved over direct conjunction with founding L.As Sun in Virgo which is there also square Saturn, yet the Big One might still occur, and most likely close to, or affecting Los Angeles. Such indications have also been apparently found in the Bible Codevii that a large earthquake may come near L.A. between this September and the next in 2010. An earthquake might occur when the transiting Sun catches up with transiting Saturn in Virgo in September, 12th, and 18th to 20th would be possible dates. Both California6 and Los Angeles have Virgo Suns. Nevertheless the progressed chart increasingly suggests to me that disaster is more likely in October. This might be more in line with the Bible Code prediction telling of one coming in the Hebrew year 5770viii. 6 Founding date 9th September 1850.

The grand cross in the progressed chart of California does actually suggest there could be some earthquake involvement. Venus and Mercury are in the earth sign Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, and Mercury is part of the grand cross occurring now. Saturn and his sign Capricorn are the most important factors to consider by earthquakes. In the founding and progressed chart, Saturn was and is always close enough to Uranus and Pluto in Aries to get involved in their aspects. The founding chart also expresses exactly the danger of living so close to such massive faulting in the earth and the possibility that another kind of fire might arise if the earthquakes get fact all the disasters – storms, earthquakes, wildfires and volcanoes etc., can all be attributed to one root – the overheating, which I connect to the needed trigger to bring the big shift at the end of the Great Year. Recently I tend to think that October 2009 is the more likely date for an earthquake and possible tsunami affecting California, even though fires may be a result. The Moon progressed in Cancer (water) is one reason for this thought that an earthquake might be the cause. Back in 1906, as the San Fransisco Earthquake occurred, the April Sun was transited over the three heavenly bodies in Aries, and the earthquake set off fires that caused the most damage. In October this year a bow forms to the Galactic Centre involving transiting Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius and the transiting Sun in Libra pointing at the Galactic Centre. This bow reflects a bow that exists in California's progressed chart possibly triggering it, the transiting Sun will conjunct California's progressed Jupiter in Libra trining the progressed Sun and Lilith in Aquarius that is conjunct transiting Neptune Chiron and Jupiter. The transit of the Sun and or other bodies through Libra in October has already triggered a number of disasters in California. For instance the 1987 earthquake in San Fransisco occurred on October 17, and a number of the worst bushfires also broke out in October. Writing of this danger in October reminds me strongly of the Tsunami 2004 and the chart of Indonesia. By transit, Jupiter and Neptune were involved then in a similar way. The Tsunami 2004 has left deep furrows in my brain, for it was through it that I discovered the powerful nature of solar asects to the Galactic Centre and the connection to the Mayan Prophecy and 2012. As the Tsunami 2004 occurred, the Sun was conjunct the Galactic Centre in the earth sign Capricorn, but by March the next year I knew what was going on and expected another quake when the Sun squared the GC. It came, a bit late, on March 28th 2005 in Indonesia. It was the largest of the year and then I waited to see if another would occur in June when the Sun would oppose the Galactic Centre. A whole lot of earthquakes occurred around mid June and one earthquake caused a Tsunami scare in California... Then the Jupiter Neptune trine strengthened again in August to hit New Orleans with hurricane Katrina. This trine disappeared again in 2005 and the world quietened down, but at that time Neptune was just beginning to sextile the Galactic Centre, forming one arm of a bow. In October 2009 the Sun or other body may complete that bow, as occurred on October 8 2005 with the Kashmir earthquake in Pakistan and the most intense hurricane ever in the Atlantic basin as the Sun still Jupiter trined Neptune as the red alert sounded over Hurricane Wilma on October 19th. From 2011 to 2012 Saturn will form that other arm of the bow where Jupiter had been in 2005, as he moves through Libra to Scorpio. Most tsunamis or in fact all water disasters involve an aspect between Jupiter and Neptune and the Moon, or at least the water signs are strongly involved. Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct in 2009 so it could be another tsunami year, but a major earthquake requires also Saturn and the Nodes to be involved. This is more the case in 2010 and onward. Below, the founding chart of Indonesia with its grand cross and bow is compared to the Tsunami 2004 with its bow, because a similar bow exists in the progressed chart of California. It is quite difficult to keep all the necessary information stored in one head, but I hope to show that astrology, with its rediscovered crown jewel of the Galactic Centre could be an excellent

predictive tool, as it was in past.

Transits on the day of the Tsunami 2004 compared to Indonesia's founding chart for 1949 in which a grand cross was present and a bow to Sagittarius involving Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter transited over Neptune in Libra in the founding chart of Indonesia, and transiting Neptune was conjunct Venus close to Indonesia's founding Jupiter in Aquarius. Chiron in the founding chart of Indonesia is conjunct the transiting Venus Mercury in the Tsunami chart on December 26 2004. The grand cross for California with the Moon progressed in Cancer ( a water sign squaring the fire sign Aries) could possibly bring a tsunami. Another reason is California's progressed Sun conjunct transiting Jupiter and Neptune and approaching its founding Neptune in Pisces too. As you may see in the chart on the left the transiting bodies, aspecting progressed Jupiter in Libra, and Sun in Aquarius, form a bow (blue) to the Galactic Centre. A long term bow to the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius involving also Lilith in Aquarius has been involved in all the bad luck of this American state in recent years. OCTOBER 25 2009 October could put California in the news again most likely with fires, ( Mars T square) though an earthquake or tsunami is not impossible as you see that in October Saturn is in a T square too and Neptune in a bow all pointing at the Galactic centre and Pluto. The T square of the Sun to the Nodes and Mars in October, along with the bow to the GC at

the same time, as well as a T square of Uranus and Saturn to the GC, might bring a dangerous period. Earlier fires and earthquakes have already occurred in California in the month of October. This bow has been in the progressed chart of the Golden State for many years now but it is getting stronger and the Sun is more strongly involved as we approach the Mayan End Date. We will look at some past disasters and then forward at 2011 to 2012. Many volcanoes will have awoken by 2012 as this is all part of the Return told of in a great many prophecies, like the Chilam Balam of Chumayel prophecy of Kukulkan returning with „blood-vomit“! Or the Biblical God tipping out his fiery „cup of wrath“ in Revelation 17. The volcanic return is associated with mountain man Orion who is opposite the Galactic Centre.7 Orion represents the place of maximum Yang, and his raised arm is the same as the fire symbol of the more decently raised finger of fire shown in Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, and also the raised leg of Shiva Nataraja (eastern version of Orion) dancing in his volcanic ring of fire. The present fires are being awoken in many parts of the world by Mars moving over the club of Orion that is close to the summer solstice and opposite the Galactic centre close to the winter solstice. The influence of transits over the Galactic Anti-Centre and Orion's club should not be underestimated. As the Moon ruling water hit the bat of Orion the tsunami occurr8. Orion's club reaching up between Gemini Taurus, and the Galactic Centre between Scorpio and Sagittarius constellations, now aligning with our summer and winter solstices respectively, are the male fire god and female water goddess, poles of the chart. However, as the Yin Yang symbol suggests each pole contains and births the other in a never-ending cycle.

7 The Galactic Centre represents the place of maximum Yin, and the place where Yin births Yang. 8See Goro Adachi. for a picture of Orion and the position of the Moon at the tsunami time attached to an interesting article.

However, the alignment of the Galactic Centre with the winter solstice reawakens the fire of Orion, sows its first seeds lights the fire of the future, one could see Orion's club as a torch. A film called Volcano, tells of a volcanic eruption in Los Angeles. This I find really not such an improbable idea? I am not equipped to answer this question from a volcanologists perspective, but coming earthquakes and the rising Yang energy in the Earth, which occurs from the time just after the winter solstice as told in the I Ching ( Fu return – Thunder in the Earth) may awaken many fires in the Earth that have been long dormant. Let us go through a few past earthquakes and fires that affected California. LEFT: THE GREAT CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE or the FORT TEJON EARTHQUAKE ix came on JANUARY 9 1857 ( Progressed chart for this date) The first disaster was the 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake seven years after the founding date, on January 9 1857. It had a magnitude between c. 7.9 and 8.2 and has been called the largest earthquake to hit California. It ruptured the San Andreas Fault

for a length of about 225 miles. There were only two recorded fatalities. The progressed chart shows the Moon was in Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, pointed at by a bow and a T square. Saturn also aspected the Nodes of The Moon, squared his own sign and opposed Mars and Mercury, in fact shooting a bow and arrow at them. The Galactic Centre is close to the midheaven and the Moon aspected by Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury (though I have not marked all the aspects). RIGHT: FORT TEJON EARTHQUAKE Transits on 9th January 1857 The T square is an aspect that can have an affect like TNT, creating a lot of tension that seeks release. It is found in the progressed and transiting aspects. The transiting chart shows Saturn conjunct the Moon instead of square it and T square the Nodes. The Tejon earthquake involved a T square to Saturn as well as the Sun and ascendant in Capricorn.This T square of Saturn to the Nodes is repeated in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake transits (shown p. 13). It is a common sign for the worst earthquakes (some related details in the endnotesx).. The worst or greatest fires might be associated rather with a T square of Mars to the Nodes as is in fact the case with my next major disaster in California, the California Great Fire of 1889.

The California Great Fire of 1889 also called the Santiago Canyon Fire of 1889 shows a similar T square involving Saturn, that includes the fiery Sun, but this time the Mars/ Aries influence outweighed the Saturnine earthquake tendency. Here Mars not Saturn T squares the Nodes. Of course Uranus and Pluto in Aries-fire are also rising over the ascendant in the chart, a powerful position.xi ( endnotes more on 1889).xii A bow to Venus Chiron close to the Galactic Centre in the fire sign Sagittarius and a T square involving the Sun, to Saturn Uranus Pluto in Aries which could cause either fire or earthquake is decided in favour of fire by the Mars T square to the Nodes, with South Node c. Lilith.

The 1906 earthquake in San Fransisco has a progressed chart that looks more like a fire disaster, with the Sun and Mars in a T square to Nodes and Lilith, and no body in Capricorn. Left:1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire progressed chart


Centre is tougher than it may seem and with Saturn in Aries fire and earthquake may often be combined. Right: San Francisco Earthquake 1906 Transits In the chart of the transits for the most famous earthquake on 18th April 1906, progressed Saturn was conjunct the Aries ascendant at the time it occurred, and the Sun transited over the progressed and founding Pluto Uranus conjunction in Aries. The transiting Nodes were loosely conjunct the progressed Nodes in Leo and

Yet the opposition of the two great planets Jupiter and Saturn, combined with the opposition of Moon Mercury Uranus Pluto and aspecting the Galactic

Aquarius. In the transiting chart Uranus placed in early Capricorn conjunct the Galactic Centre near the Midheaven, this is really almost the same as the transiting chart on the day of the next worst San Francisco Earthquake on October 17th 1989. Here Uranus and the GC were opposite Neptune and Pluto. The next time Uranus and Neptune are conjunct. ( see p. 12 ) Pluto has a bow pointing at him as sign of a disaster and the Sun is transiting over the founding and progressed Uranus and Pluto in Aries. Aries is a sign that is also prominent when volcanoes erupt. As earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been minimal in areas of scientific progress science has not been too bothered to investigate their connection yet it was noticed that the spate of large earthquakes around 1906 as also in 1960xiii produced a number of volcanic eruptions in the following year. This was also true of the Indian Ocean Earthquake 2004. Five volcanoes erupted simultaneously in January 2005. Up to eight volcanoes erupted from 1906 to 7 including Vesuvius in 1906. The entry of Uranus into Aries in 2010 in its frst long term square to Pluto and the GC will certainly awaken the Beast. For if you think about it and read wakefully the Revelation story of the Whore of Babylon that is told directly after a great earthquake and hail, it is quite obviously about a volcano. This is the climax of the End Time story and the creating omegaalpha force of a new Earth. Seperating religion from science has endangered our intelligence.

Rattlesnake Fire California In 1953, the so-called Rattlesnake Fire killed 15 firefighters, and became a well known case used to train new fire fighters. Again we see in 1953 a T square involving Saturn in Aries and the Moon in Cancer and a bundle of bodies including Sun and Mars are conjunct the Galactic Centre. In 1964 one of the largest recorded earthquakes ever, a M. 9.2, occurred in Alaska. It was known as the Good Friday Earthquake as it occurred on 27th March, a Good Friday. It created a Tsunami. California was affected too in a minor way and there were 13 deaths in California. 1964 Alaska earthquake This was one of the few cases where the Nodes of the Moon are only minimally involved. But then this was not one of the worst disasters for California. As a substitute for the Nodes, however, the Galactic

Centre is well aspected, and as the Moon is conjunct it and Cancer (ruled by the Moon) is rising, it was the tsunami that did the damage. Nevertheless the bow of Jupiter and Lilith to Chiron and the Galactic Centre should not be underestimated. In 2009, especially in October, this bow will be accentuated by the transiting Sun in Libra and Jupiter Neptune in Aquarius. The progressed Moon is in Cancer in 2009 in a grand cross, so that the Moon transiting Sagittarius would be one possibility to set off another earthquake and tsunami disaster similar to the one in Indonesia. In 1987 fires occurred. 650,000 acres were destroyed in the Siege of 1987 California-Oregon These fires were started by a large lightning storm in late August. The storm started about 1600 new fires through lightning. Firefighting efforts continued into October, before the majority of the fires were controlled. Here we see a wackly would-be Grand Cross involving the Nodes, angles of the chart, Uranus/ Pluto Saturn, Jupiter the Moon, Mars, Sun and Mercury. The most important factor as I see it is the conjunction of the Moon with Jupiter, for the Moon in that position awakens Jupiter, who in turn aspects the Nodes; Mars, Saturn, Galactic Centre, Chiron and Venus. Jupiter plays the major role in setting off the fires. Jupiter Zeus was the god in mythology who carried a thunderbolt (lightning). In all mythological versions of himself, Jupiter carries lightning as his weapon. In 1989 as Mars was still in a T square from Capricorn to Saturn and Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Libra the San Francisco Earthquake occurred. RIGHT: 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake Transits October 17 2009 compare this earthquake, with Uranus up at the midheaven in Capricorn conjunct the GC, with the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. (see p. 10)

In 1994, as the Moon joined the T-square of Mars and also Mercury in Capricorn to Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter, another major earthquake occurred, the 1994 Northridge earthquake The two charts on the right show (above) the progressed chart for 1994 and (below), the transits on the actual day. Both show an emphasis on the sign Capricorn., and both involve the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn.. In






progressions, the Moon has moved to conjunct Mars and Mercury but is still early enough to Tsquare both Jupiter and Saturn, just perfect for an earthquake. The two bows, to Lilith in Aquarius, and to Venus, Chiron and the Galactic Centre, create the perfect ambient for a disaster. The afflicted Sun conjunct the South Node can be of no help. Looking back, we may remember that the last fire disaster was set off by the Moon's transit to Jupiter on the grand cross, and that the 1953 fire disasters were set off by the Moon's transit through Cancer, also triggering the grand cross, or at least a T square, and in 2009 the Moon in Cancer also triggers the grand cross. Although I began writing this before the fires started this year, I think the evidence is now there that such a grand cross involving the fire signs and Mars aspecting the South Node is a good forewarning of what will come., though whether that is of any help is another question. Ancient societies believed in astrologers. Astrologers were the first weatherforecasters, before they lost the ancient keys of wisdom used in the Vedic and Maya cultures, which have the same root in a lost covilization I think of as Meru-Atlantis, the main key lost was the knowledge of the galactic axis. TThe whole galactic picture is essential, the galactic axis is the root of

knowlededge of the workings of the cosmos and of the I Ching Yin and Yang formula. For our whole galaxy works according to heavenly law,in which Sun and Moon subordinate their will to greater cycles. Through an understanding of the Galactic Centre in astrology and the I Ching, perfect predictions and prophecies might again be possible. Taking into account enough factors one might predict thousands of years in advance, which it seems the Maya did and perhaps the original Bible writers did too. Such scientific knowledge must immediately reconnect us with the cosmos in a way that can only be described as religious. So where would one expect the next worst






Northridge Earthquake of 1994 the Moon was in Capricorn, as it was by the Fort Tejon earthquake. The next certain disaster date would be when the progressed Moon hits the planets in the sign Aries: Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, now part of a grand cross. They are struck in the years 2002 to 2003. What kind of disasters might one expect as the Moon transits that fire sign? The fires intensified in 2002. The McNally Fire California, was the largest Sequoia fire in history, 150,700 acres (610 km2)were burnt. In 2002

progressed Mars and

Mercury in Capricorn T square Uranus, Pluto, Saturn in Aries and Jupiter in Libra. I have placed green arrows to the centres of the two T squares in Aries and to Mars, which as I see as the major significators. The fire began July 21 2002 as transiting Jupiter, Mars and Sun were all conjunct. These are the three rulers of the three fire signs. They were at the Cancer/Leo



Uranus/Pluto in the fire sign Aries in the progressed chart. In 2003, as the Moon imoved into Taurus, still conjunct Pluto it also squared the Nodes, two fires began raging simultaneously, the Old Fire in California destroyed 993 homes destroyed, and caused 6 deaths. An even larger fire, the worst in California's recorded history began, that was called the Cedar Fire. Only the 1889 Santiago Canyon fire might have been larger. This name Cedar Fire rings very sacred significant chimes for me, for the Cedar tree was the symbol of the Sun, a holy tree, and it was also used as a symbol of the Sun's holy mountain at the centre of the Earth before it fell: the cedar was a very tall tree. It has the most heavenly smell on warm days that transports me to paradise, and indeed it represented just that: paradise; Meru, the central mountain-tree-axis of the world, the tree of paradise on earth, which as it fell, or was felled (Gilgamesh myth), caused a terrible volcanic disaster that in turn caused the Earth to fall. Yet enough of that for now, further papers have been or will be written on this theme. The Cedar Fire in California in 2003 destroyed 280,278 acres (1,134 km2) . It was the largest recorded fire in California history , which showed in the chart earlier in this article, the Sun opposite Uranus and Pluto un Aries and Mars in a T-square to the Nodes). The fire burned 2,232 homes and killed 15 in San Diego County. It occurre simultaneously not just with the Old Fire, but with 15 other fires in Southern California covering 721,791 acres (2,920 km²). It killed 24 people, displaced 120,000 people and destroyed 3,640 homes. Damage from the combined fires was estimated at 2 billion USD. This fiery period was called the "2003 Firestorm" and the "Fire Siege of 2003. Both the Old Fire and the Cedar Fire began on 25 October 2003. Another important thing that was happening in the progressed chart lay in the Leo ascendant moving close enough to aspect the bodies in the other two fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, and create a bow or kind of arrow form pointing towards the Galactic Centre. This is happening now, not just in California but in many charts all over the world, a sign of the clocks of the world, states and individuals, aligning to one heavenly heart of purpose that will be fulfilled in 2012. Fires continued in 2005, in September and a large blaze began on October 26th 2005 scorching over 60 square miles (160 km²) in four days. Another fire occurred in October 2006, a man was accused of it and of starting the other fires, he was sentenced to death in June 2009. In 2007 the fires continued as Mars was near the summer solstice as now, they began on Independence Day 4th July and again in October, aggravated by the Santa Ana winds that reached up to 85 mph (140 km/h).

Nasa picture of fires in California October 2007

In Summer 2008 California wildfires California In Northern California, the fires were mostly started by lightning. In Santa Barbara (Southern California), the Gap fire endangered many, causing also unhealthy air quality in large parts of California for several weeks. Near Yosemite the Telegraph Fire was started by target shooters. During all fires many homes were lost. The continued fires of the last years were all caused by the Mars, Mercury, South Node conjunction, which caused also the bad air. However, 2009 may be much more dangerous than these past years. This year may cause more danger through the square of the Moon, as well as the arrow created to the Galactic Centre through the ascendant being in the last degrees of Leo. Have another look at the progressed chart of 2009 which I have added again on the next page (p. 17). Looking back one can say that fire and earthquake disatsers have tended to occur particularly when the Moon or other body aspected Saturn, Uranus, Pluto in Aries, either through a conjunction or through a square from Cancer, or through an opposition from Libra/ Scorpio or a square from Capricorn/ Aquarius. Other factors significant for fire and earthquake disasters in California were associated with the Nodes of the Moon, with Mars aspects for fires and Saturn aspects tending more to cause earthquakes. However, the generally disastrous tendency is accentuated by the bow to the Galactic Centre, which has now turned into a sort of arrow involving ever more parts of the chart.

Looking to the future I have added the charts of 2011 and 2012. The year 2011 suggests probably even worse fires than 2009 as the Moon in the fire sign Leo hits the Leo ascendant opposite the Sun and Lilith on the descendant. This opposition forms a number of significant aspects in the chart to the Galactic Centre and to Jupiter, and also a T square to the midheaven. Bad winds, possibly even hurricane like, or forming tornadoes, may occur as Mercury moves into the air sign Aquarius around 2011 with Mars conjunct the South Node, the air quality will be affected by the fires. This gives perhaps one reason why in 2012 the Moon moves into Virgo, suggesting concern with health.

However, I would say the main danger is some disaster between the beginning of 2011 and before the end of 2012, as the Moon is close to the progressed ascenadant trining Uranus, Pluto and the Galactic Centre, and creating a bow or arrow form involving also Jupiter and the Sun and creating a huge arrow involving Sun Moon and most of the heavenly bodies of the chart. It is as if all the energy of the chart is grabbed and thrown at the gaping mouth of the Galactic Centre, a pattern I have seen by a great number of disasters and a pattern that increases in the transiting aspects between 2011 and 2013. .





accentuated in 2011 and 2012, possibly more in 2011, and that is the danger of Tsunami. For bows point at Jupiter the Sun and the Galactic Centre and the Sun is close to Neptune in the water sign Pisces and transiting Neptune is also on the progressed Sun. Major




continue to be in October, but also in December when the bow to the Galactic




floods, landslides storms, many kinds of disasters are possible. This may well be the tsunami bow of the first lunar horseman of the Apocalypse told of in Revelation. I say this not lightly but after five years research into the ancient connections to the Galactic Centre and reading many sacred texts and myths. Jesus warned that the End Time would be like Noah's Flood, that

people would be surprised while eating and drinking as they were at the time of the Flood. Of course anybody who the world might seriously listen to, when telling of coming disasters and the End Time, would be in danger of his life, as the last Pope himself was. He might try to hint, if he knew. This is in fact was what Pope John Paul II did when questioned, perhaps to relieve his conscience, when he told a small German audience why the third part of the Fatima Prohecy had not been released: „It should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to another, millions of people will perish... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message.“ Nevertheless this knowledge has certainly not left those who received it idle. Those who don't know will certainly not have a chance - fated by unconsciousness, but for those who do know, especially if one knows when and where, there might be a chance, and that goads me on, despite exhaustion. If there were any power on Earth in the last 2000 years that would have had the means to store prophecies and would know the secrets of the End Time, then it would be the Vatican in Rome. Why are the leaders in America talking of a New World Order? This idea is connected to both the Biblical idea and the Masons and the old idea of the coming of the Golden Age in many parts of the world, which is known to be fathered by Saturn. Why did both the American President and the English Prime Minister convert to Catholicism recently? What about the Pope's quietening response 500 years ago that people need not worry, as the „End of the World“ was not now (then), but 500 years hence: ie now: In the year 1514 Pope Leo IX wrote "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence." Mayan, Aztec, Biblical and other prophecies often talk of this catastrophe as if it will be the End of the World. Some of the prophets really did not know whether it would bring the real end, but usually there is the idea, in the Bible, and in the Maya and Aztec etc notions, that a good period with lands for all, a new earth, a Golden Age will come. Yet the common people are not supposed to know about the coming disaster that I fear must really be close. The book first published in German called in English The Chronicles of Akakor in which the chief of the Ugha Mongulala tribe of the Amazon area warned people that his tribe were going underground to avoid the next worst catastrophe, a catastrophe that occurred about every 6000 years, get removed form the market and why were copies hunted down, its author shot and why has it reappeared without certain maps and with changed scriptural content? For this chief told of the First Catastrophe having occurred 12,477 years ago ( as of 2009) Since this book was first published we have come a long way, yet all discoveries support what this book told.

The Great Pyramid points to a date 12,500 years ago. It is aligned to Orion which is connected to the retur of Osiris, or rather his son Horus, yet both are part of the same volcano. Orion reached one end of his direction of motion 12,500 years ago at which point he reversed and yet now, he has reached the other end of his direction of motion, some call this his „highest“ position, but from the perspective of our ancestors in the southern hemisphere, it is his lowest, but it is the point where he as the epitomy of the Yang force he in the earth, begins to rise again from the Underworld as a volcanic mountain. As the time 12,500 years ago was the First Time of Osiris, this will be the Last Time of Osiris.The massive temple estate in Cambodia, Angkor Wat, aligns also to the Draco constellation as it was approximately 12,500 years ago. A great many of our major ancient temple monuments and even mountains, point to stars and alignments associated either with a period about 12,500 years ago when the constellation Leo (or the Sphinx) was rising over the spring equinox, or they align to this period, between about 2000 and 2080 AD, or both. In ancient times it was believed there were two gates in the zodiac. These gates were connected to the Great Year cycle. The first gate was the Silver Gate in Cancer (the moon rules silver and Cancer). Cancer begins at the summer solstice, but this was the gate we went through half a great year ago as the descending half of the cycle began and the waters rose. The gate we are approaching now is the Golden Gate (reminds rather of California's bridge), associated with Capricorn (Capricorn begins the return of the Yang energy of the Sun - Sol Invictus- the Sun rules gold), which begins at the winter solstice, this is the gate that will begin the ascending period back towards heaven. It was known to the Greeks and other cultures that there were two major catastrophes in the Great Year cycle, Berossus told that they occurred when planets lined up in Cancer or Capricorn.These were called the catastrophes of the Great Summer bringing a fiery conflagration and the Great Winter bringing a deluge. Berossus did not know about the Galactic Centre, but the alignment of the Galactic Centre to the Summer solstice and moving into Cancer brought the Conflagration that ended in a deluge brought by Zeus-Jupiter, as told in the story of Phaethon. and this one may also bring some conflagration yet the worst seems to be a deluge. It seems that whatever the variation each catastrophe involves both, because they involve volcanoes and overheating leading to eruption folloed by rains and possible ice age. Scientists are increasingly discovering also that major disasters that set off the Younger Dryas really did occur about 12,500 years ago, yet this would not have been known to a German Journalist Karl Brugger who supposedly created a wonderful fantasy book going back through 15,000 years of human history „The Chronicles of Akakor“ that is quite obviously proved by recent finds as true. I do hope (in a way) that I am wrong, but only five years ago as I made the discovery that the Mayan Prophecy was based on knowledge of the Galactic Centre and if you look at the change in awareness that has occurred since 2004, the awareness of Climate Changes, and the increasing speed of certain events on Earth and

in the whole solar system it certainly seems to suggest we are nearing a plughole, or as some believe a greater Light. The Hopi Prophecies have been nearly all fulfilled, eight have been fulfilled and the last is the appearance of the Blue Star Kachina. Speaking Wind, a Pueblo Indian who comes from New Mexico says the Purification will last from June 1998 to December 22 2012. Inherited prophecies from the traditional Seneca Medicine Man Moses Shongo who died around 1925 also stated there would be a 25 year purification lasting till around 2012. Far away in Africa the same prophecy and also a similar idea to the Chronicles of Akakor have been made by a Zulu shaman called Credo Muttwa who says that a star with a long tail will return and turn the Earth upside down as it did thousands of years ago, causing a rain of fiery tar and a deluge of waters. Again he states the same year: 2012. The Maoris living even further away in New Zealand tell how the Earth and Sky were once pushed apart by war, wind and sea gods, but that they will crash back together again also in 2012 xiv I have grabbed this info. Quickly from Geoff Stray's little book on 2012 which I can thoroughly recommen as a summary of collected wisdom on this date, for weak memories like mine. On the positive side, this time has also been seen as the time of Redemption, of Ascension etc etc... it has certainly been long awaited and hoped for, it will be the fulfillment of the Covenant of God as told and dated in the scriptures of Enoch, a fulfillment for those who believe in him, and by that I do not mean particularly the Christian God, the Moslem God, Wakan Tanka or any other individual version, but the pure essence of light and good, the Creator God whose first form is the primordial mound- the volcano, and whose names have been Ptah, Brahma, first Father.. As to this Centre of Light and Good, our loss of it and return to it, I hope to be writing another paper soon called „The Lost Centre“. © Susan Seymour Hedke

August 2009

i Progressions are a strange astrological idea that however really work. They take a day for a year in their calculation. So that ten years on is ten days. Its a rather Biblical idea and makes one wonder if that was how they predicted thousands of years in advance. Whenever I am uncertain about an aspect I look at the progressions of the land and or people involved.

ii17:41 GMT, San Jose (source Jupiter 55) iii Nearly thirty years ago I went to an excellent astrological lecture that described the fire signs and Aries was described in character as a wild fire or bush fire. This idea is not new but was known in Shakespeare's time. Aries characters were always thought of as hot headed and impulsive, wild and fiery.

iv This needs explaining. Elsewhere I have shown that in mythology the Galactic Centre sits in the fire sign Sagittarius, which is the fire of the Underworld. Sagittarius and the Galactic Centre is the place where Yin and Yang come together; the Galactic Centre is both head and tail, fire and water, of the Milky Way Ouroboros.- the galactic serpent-dragon. Aleister Crowley recognizes the dual character of this sign in his tarot card Art. Sagittarius is the sign of royalty because he /she is a meeting place between two powers, like heaven and earth, Sagittarius is the only sign of the zodiac actually ruled by a married couple: Jupiter and the Galactic Centre, Hera and Zeus, here fire and water unite. v Greece became a Democracy July 24 1974. viDANGER IN PARADISE: Recent earthquakes in Los Angeles and predicting with the Galactic Centre vii Info. on the Bible Code prediction of an earthquake in the coming Hebrew year may be found through a comment to the above paper. viiiThe Bible Codes predicted a BIG ONE of magnitude 8 for LA near San Bernardino for the Hebrew Year 5770 which starts Sep 19 2009 and end Sep 8 2010 posted by my paper DANGER IN PARADISE by TheLaffingBuddha ix x There is also a T square to Venus in Scorpio made by the Nodes and Lilith. The transits on that day showed the Moon conjunct Saturn in Cancer, the sign of Saturn's detriment,where Saturn was by the tsunami 2004, likewise squaring the Nodes, and the Sun (as also by the tsunami 2004 ) was in Saturn's sign of Capricorn. In both progressed and transiting charts Saturn aspects the Nodes and by the Indian Ocean Earthquake Saturn also squared the Nodes. There are a lot of examples in history, including the supposed earthquake at the crucifixion of Christ. According to long research and the help of Bernd Metz „Folgt dem Stern“, it occurred as Saturn was also in Cancer and T square the Sun and Moon, with the Sun close to the North Node and the Moon close to the South Node – there was an eclipse. See also other articles about the worst or recent earthquakes placed on pdfcoke.

xi I would additionally add that the three bodies in Aries rising are in the First House of Mars, but any traditional astrologer would disagree. I could then only refer them to the research of Michel and Francois Gauquelin and the findings in the Truth About Astrology, until such time as I have published a lengthy paper. The idea is also represented in greater detail in my book The Galactic Centre 2012 and the Great Waves Coming in December. xii xiiihttp:// 1889 0,800,000 300,000 acres (1,200 km2) Santiago Canyon Fire of 1889 California

The Santiago Canyon Fire of 1889 (previously called the Great Fire of 1889) was a wildfire in California which burned large parts of Orange County and San Diego County during the last week of September, 1889. The Sun was in 23° Libra opposite Uranus and Pluto in Aries and

Mars was in Scorpio square the


xiv Geoff Stray 2012 In Your Pocket

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