The Year 2012 In End Time Prophecy

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  • May 2020
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The Year 2012 ? Is it the End of the World? The year 2012 is quickly approaching mankind on earth and the buzz is on. Everyone is talking about that year and wondering if the Mayans are right as well as some other prophetic writings may suggest. But who is right? Is there a book that you can depend on for the Truth concerning 2012?

The answer is Yes!!

It is the Bible and for your sake I hope you take the time to find out if the world is coming to an end and if it is going to happen in 2012!

You must get the answers to these questions

RIGHT!!!!! Else you are in grave DANGER!! Will There Be Anyone Left After

2012? I know that many of you will probably not believe what you are about to read on this page and elsewhere on this site, but I implore you to read all of it first with an open mind before casting judgment on its truthfulness and accuracy.

The world is not coming to an end by 2012, even though many things are already happening according to the timeline given forth in Biblical prophecy as laid out in the Bible, but many events still remain to be fulfilled before the start of the End. The geo political realm is set and the pieces in place for it to begin at any time however. The 7 year tribulation has not begun yet, so the end which is after the 7 year Tribulation cannot be 2012. This is now the year 2009, and if you added 7 years to this date it would carry us over into 2016, if the Tribulation started today, which it hasn't. This you can count on!!! However, we are getting close as the signs in the heavens will reveal soon. However, it is my belief that we are not far from the beginning of the 7 Year Tribulation, thus meaning that the year 2012 might have some real significance, just not the End of the World, yet! But fasten your seatbelts as things start to heat up that were started in Sept 2008 in the economic collapse that began and will continue unhindered. I warned many about the year 2009 and that they would need to fasten their seatbelt, for things would happen in the US that have not happened before. If you have been watching the news any at all (beginning in Sept. 2008 thru now) you would know what I mean. America has changed indeed. But is it in your best interests, or are you being lied to by the government and those in power over the government? Oh I know, it is silly of me to think our politicians have our best interests in mind!! Don't leave me now. Keep reading unless you want to kept in the dark (where you cannot see)! The Prince of Darkness wants to keep you there. Read on and let the light of the truth dispel the darkness whereby we are kept in bondage to the things we cannot see! Many of the things that the Mayans wrote about, as well as Nostradamus, Planet X writings, etc. line up partially with the Book of Revelation, especially with the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials which will befall the planet Earth as written and foretold by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation in around 96 A.D. Fire is coming to the earth and the United States by many means. Yah/God is going to cleanse the earth, (just as New Age philosophy teaches in the works of Barbara Marx Hubbard, George Trevelyan, John Randolph Price and many others: Yes I have read all these works and many others) but not by water as in the Days of Noah with the first destruction (not a full destruction) of the earth, but by FIRE the second time!! One must not forget that according to the Bible He will destroy it for the same reason as in the Days of Noah in the Book of Genesis. The biggest delusion to ever hit the planet is coming and most all will be deceived. Let not you and your household be deceived. You can be an overcomer and overcome Satan and the New World Order (without guns) and escape the things coming upon the Earth if you listen and believe what the Creator of all things says in His Word to Mankind, that is written down in the Bible. I'm not talking about joining some counterfeit church of today or adhering to their false teachings about the end times, but a one on one communication between you and your Creator! Fireballs from the heavens (comets, asteroids) are going to hit the earth twice. The Book of Revelation likens them to a burning mountain. And there will be a nuclear

world war (World War III). Even Satan knows the Bible and knows it better than we do. He has had millions of years to hear Yah/God speak of it and two thousand years since John the Revelator wrote the Book of Revelation to see where his end begins. He can move on "his seed" to write of things of a prophetic nature as he has done since time immemorial, but they are designed to lead you away from the TRUTH of Yah/God and have you as company in his final resting place. I know of how he works in this area, (False Religions) for I adhered to Zen Buddhism, Wicca, the New Age Teachings and Scientology for many, many years which began as I studied to be a psychologist and sociologist in college and beyond, before I was led to the Truth by Yah concerning my error and deceptions and was shown how the master deceiver, Satan does it all. You can understand it as well. There is no such thing as the "end of the world" where the earth is completely destroyed! Most people get their false notion of the complete end of the world from misinterpreting the scriptures in the Bible concerning the end of the world. The word "world" in that context means "age", "cosmos". The age that will end is the age of man's evil governments and the beginning of God's/Yah's government on the earth as Yahshua/Jesus rules as the King of kings. Christ is coming to set up His Kingdom of which there will be no end whether you believe it or not. Gravity is still true whether you know about it or not!!! Basically this means that when He returns after the Great Tribulation of the end days, He will remove all those who do not believe in Him (which means believing in His Coming Kingdom included: He says that the gospel of the Kingdom must be preached and published to all nations and the end will come) will be removed by Him from the earth. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, He will destroy the kingdoms of the earth and all the evil rulers including the Antichrist and his New World Order world government that is fast approaching and the False Prophet and throw them both into the Lake of Fire. All unbelievers will be removed and thrown into Hell awaiting the 2nd Resurrection and then Hell and Satan will be thrown into the Lake of Fire as well at the end of His Millennial Reign. The world in Bible language means the realm outside God's/Yah's realm (Kingdom of Yah) in which Satan is the ruler of the world according to Yah's written Word, the Bible. The world is the realm of the flesh and Yah's realm is the realm of the "spirit". Babylon is the seat of the King of Babylon (Satan) and his New World Order and it will be destroyed.

So in essence the "end of the world" is the end of Satan's and his minions rule over the hearts and minds of fallen mankind and the true church.

All humans are born into the world into the realm of the flesh, by Adam and Eve's fall in the Garden of Eden (they chose to enter into his kingdom of the flesh), which will come again at the end of the Millennial Reign. That is where the term "born again" comes from. According to the Bible you must be "born again" to enter into the "Kingdom of Heaven". You must be born again of the Spirit of Yah/God. Your dead spirit (when you are born into the world, your spirit is dead to the things of God) must be born again to ever lasting life by accepting Yah's sacrifice for your sins by His being born into the realm of the flesh without sin and paying the price of death. It is a Free gift from Yah, to those that believe. It is that simple. I know most people have a problem with that term, even many so called Christians, but it is the Word of the Living God/Yah, and it is truth!!!

Now here's the Good News. "Tim LaHaye's famous "Left Behind" series really is a novel and doesn't have much truth about the end times nor the rapture. Those books have done more to confuse Christians about the rapture than any others and will do great damage to their faith during the worst time in human history. Learn who is really left behind and begin to prepare you and your family for what is really happening and how to "escape these things coming upon the earth". I am not here to get you to join some counterfeit Christian church or any church for that matter. If you are a believer, then you are the CHURCH, His body in the earth who will stand against the evil and the darkness of the hour coming to all mankind.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article and I pray you would continue to read and study the things written on this website and others that are linked to it. May you come out of darkness and have your eyes opened to the TRUTH of what has happened, what is happening and what is going to happen to the planet Earth and all those who reside on it. Don't wait for the year 2012 to arrive, for it might be too late for you to WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH!!!

J. Amory Forrester (On a lighter side you can read the New thriller novel from J. Amory Forrester)

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