Astrology 2012

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,302
  • Pages: 5
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

22 – 12 = 16 - 12

Astrology is astronomy and vice versa to the extent of initiation one is able to absorb1.

Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Belief is the detriment of active intelligence. As soon as one believes in a doctrine, one stops analyzing data flow. In assuming certitude, matrix scanning stops. The Zen mind i laughs at experts since only an eternal beginner2 is a scientist and illuminateii. Like precession, the world is on the move. The default mind represents a fixed egoiii that projects the fixed skies. At one moment in time, this mind has fixed the skies so that they would not move. That is one of the reasons for your horoscope having two to six signs signs of error, if produced by the “experts” of our timesiv. This does not say that Brahma, Ptolemy or even Nostradamus were much better. More or less, even with Cassini, Galileo, Bruno, Kepler, Newton or Copernicus, you would get more or less the same zodiacal offset in your horoscopes. Said gentlemen namely never studied the zodiac, not to speak of the precession of the ascendants; for which astronomy has probably little taste. Now, if Enoch, Petosiris or even Hipparchus 3 were more than at least little unqualified in the matter at hand, what use is to speak of your local “astrologer”?


Depending ion one's personal power. We could generalize upon Mars Saturn aspects at this point, as we did in the I Ching Aspectarian. 2 See I Ching Aspectarian for Moon Venus aspects. 3 Hipparchus was of course informed on precession.

Astronomy is not the enemy of astrology, much as knowledge is not the enemy of the incipient student. Astrology is astronomy and vice versa to the extent of initiation one is able to absorb. For people who learned to count to 12, 12 is the limit of their perception. As every system needs revision, the revision of the zodiacs is the constant business of the avatar of the Æon. It was our business in the Age of Orion 11000 BC as it will be in the next Age of Pegasus4. The present reformation is for the Age of Cetus II, that is the present great Age we live in. Nowadays, the large masses of population and even some “astrologers” are quite unaware of the zodiac. They may tend to think in terms of 12 zodiacal stations or “signs”. Others may think in term of 13 zodiacal stations, as even astronomers are hardly aware of the zodiac. The zodiac does not have 12 or 13 stations. The zodiac has 22 stations. 22 accidentally coincides with the traditional number of the Tarot arcanum5 as well as many more or less holy sequences of letters, such as the Hebrew alphabet. In this respect the so-called “tropical astrologers” are even more sincere than their alleged counterpart, the “sidereal astrologers”6. The “tropical astrologers” sincerely state that their system is wrong. They know that they are hopelessly lagging in precession. Now they know that their so-called 12 ascendants were never there. At any rate, you won't catch a “tropical astrologer” speaking of your true natal skies or pretending to know more than a Vedic astrologer. As often stated, such “astrology” is for dubious and dangerous “entertainment” purpose only.


The astrologer will know that Orion, Cetus and Pegasus are zodiacal constellations. Only three Tarot arcana are available in initiation. These vaguely correspond to the precession in Aries and Taurus. The few adepts that are blessed with justly claiming this knowledge, never developed a system for the Age of Cetus II. Astrologically speaking, even our highest magickal systems are based on rather modest astrology; even in delineating the 360 spirits of the ascendant. 6 Both names are absurd, probably the best to avoid any association with the real sky and astronomy. 5

What is dangerous about unqualified astrology as exposed in the book stores, on web sites and in your own neighborhood? Due to many errors7, false identification issues. You are after the wrong prey. Divorce issues, bankruptcy or even worse, like cutting off the wrong organ on account of “astrological counsel”. The standard error in astrology is two to six signs. This means that you have most probably been fooled not by one but by two natal signs. This is of course but the beginning of a mountain of errors that were corrected by zodiacal reformation. The “tropical sun” always rises in the Age of Aries at east on spring solstice. This special Sun was invented by “astrologers”. Aries is a small insignificant constellation that surely does not inspire anything, except from some due religious reverence as Lamb of God. The priests of the Age of Aries had to fight for the lamb, the first Aries star that met their equinox. They apparently fought so well as to impress even the followers of the golden calf. In our case, they fought too well, since in the midst of the Age of Cetus, Pegasus, Pisces, Orion or Capricorn, we are to have Sun in Aries at spring equinox apparently forever. Luckily, this nonsensei applies to tropical astrology only. Other nonsense applies to “sidereal astrology”. Navaho, Hopi and Vedic8 astrology are fairly free from major nonsensei. The “tropical astrologers” are even more sincere than the sidereal ones since they will never claim that they work with your true natal sky at all. In fact, they have no idea of your













On the other hand, the “sidereal astrologers” will claim that they represent the stars which they do not, since they distort your natal skies more or less like tropical astrologers do. The map of the universe is not the universe, much less it maps your day. Anyone can predict marriage in seconds or all love affairs in one's life in quarter an hour, but even 7

Most notoriously, the TWO “standard” signs of error, to start with. Vedic astrology is in a state of upgrade. 9 Also, they do not want to have an idea of any sky at all, as required by their professional standards. 8

very precise prediction is rough estimation. Sure, anyone can predict your moves to the minute, but only as long as you peruse default mid on exclusive basis. No one should proclaim one's own model of the universe to be the final frontier as we will never reach the final frontier. There is no end. Default mind is trained to think in terms of end and doomsday while true mind avoids “final” issues with nonchalant grin. Ascension is guided by the eastern star and guardian angel. There are 16 main guardian angels among the 360 inorganic masters of the horoscope. This secret knowledge is finally available to the general public. The Academic Zodiac is part to planetary exorcism. Sweeping the planet from superstition requires more or less the same amount of energy that was invested into false indoctrination, apart from the immense potential difference between Divine Providence and your personal devil.

Klaudio Zic The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from

i ii iii iv

True mind. The use of the word as possible noun is intentional. Fairly unchanging program, a block of binary data. Astronomers never made this error.

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