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  • Words: 1,157
  • Pages: 2
"dlf'Fotyuu oFouIf Fno* aEouty out city. Writer/Editor:R. McWhorter RESIDENTS HA\TE VOTED were held on May 9, Elections and the city has a new mayor/ THOMAS A.REED and two new members for seate # 1 & council 2. Stasie Hubbert for seat 1 and Thornas \\Sandy/ Tolbert for seat 2. We wish those leaving office the best and hope they will remain active in the city. NEW EMERGENCY DISPATCH for POLICE and FIRE Council approved the contract with the City of Blue Mound for emergency services. Blue Mound jail provide PD will servicee, non-emergency cal1E, and for police dispatch and fire emergencies. NEW NON-EMERGENCYnumber is: 8L7-232-0661. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT Frank Valdez retired Officer May 10 from the PBPD after 25 yearE in public service. A sma1l reception waE held in his honor. Valdez Chief Frankum presented wilL his badge and retired his call number. Valdez was an asEet police department to the city's be missed. WE wish and he will his him many years enjoying retirement.

IssueNumber2 proceas was A new hiring approved by council. Resolution ensure #134 will that those applying for positions with the PBPD will be qualified, with no criminal history.

BUCKLE UP in YOURTRUCK A proclamation in supporting the \\Buckle UP IN YOUR TRUCK'/ earrpaign and saf,ety belt To enforcement. ulge all residents and visitors of the city to buckle up and to protect the quality of life in the city. The proclamation will be from May 22 through ,fune 2, 2005. Ihe police will be (State watching for violators. laws requires seat bel-ts to be worn at aLl tinee.) FIRE DEPT. PROPOSALS APPROVED BY COUNCIL Six proposals presented by Alderman Renee McWhorter were approved by council !4ay 18. The proposals will become a hiring proceas and gualifications, agility test standards, reguired response knowledge & skille, program, and the \\Be Aware, Be Prepared, Be Safett prograrn which outlineE the expected behavior from mernbers of and attitude the fi-re department.

Date May 19,2006 After changes are made within the texl of the propoeale, copies will be nade available to the Mayor, Fire Departnent, City Secretary and any council menber. I would like to thank the council menbere for their aeeistance on this project.

NEW EI'LL TIME POLICE OFFICER Officer Mike Shelby was approved by council to replace Valdez, who Officer retired this nonth. Officer Shelby has been a reeerve officer for the city eince graduating from the academy. We welcome Officer Shelby. ELECTED OFFICIAI,S SWORN IN The new mayor and council menbers wer( swor n int o of f ice M ay 18, 2006. ALJthree etated their oath of office May 19 conducted by the city eecretary. will be their first official day of duty. PleaEe be patient while ou! new official-s adjust to their elected posit ions. Alderman Ron Nightingale and Renee McWhorter, along with Nancy NoId canvaEsed the votes to ensure correct t ot aL.

CITY' S SPEED LIMTT A1I residents need to be reninded that the speed liroit within is 20 the city nph, 35 nph on Sandy Beach and Liberty School Road. School will be out soon and more children will be outside. Slow down and save a could be your own. Sumrner'E aLmost here. Renenber that peroits are required for pools. The city is still under a water ration, so check pools. with city hall before installing Don/ t forget to now your lawns & edging.



missing HOUSE NTMBERS are still houes. This haE been a from eeveral for 3 yearE to enforce battLe owners to Put residents or property nuubers on the horEes. If an eroergensy were to happen at your may not home, emerg€nsy pereonnel your home. lhis be able to locate and you iE an ordinance requirenent for nona citation can receive Nurobers are to be at compliance. 2il hLgh and be able to be Ieast seen from the Etreet. IJAGI'NA BAY ESTATES coming into The new development is one step cloeer to the city zoning and final agreements, #189 waE annexation. Ordinance approved for thE \Eetabliehing Arrnexed into the Zoning on Property City. " There has not been a set ie to begin. date when conetnrction lagrrna Bay wiJ-l be a gated coromunity 1ocated at the end of Power Squadron Rd. Houes are e E t inat ed t o b e $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d u p . DOMINIO



CITY TTAIIL May 23, Euesday, DOMINIO PLzzaE wiLl be s old a t c i ty h a l J - fro n 4 :0 0 pn until dark. Single topping p i- z z as will b e s o l d fo r 9 5 .0 0 e a c h. Other food items may be so1d. Ihis promotion may become a monthly of future event and there are talks

Fundraisers. Come and pick a DOMIMIO PTZZA for supper.


BEACH PROJTCT Alderoan Ron Nightingale started a few yeare thie project ago and the land has been approved for lease to the aity. will Volunteers be needed to succesEfully conplete the proj ect. Last i ssue, w e aE ked for residentg to volunteer on a co-rnittee which will see through in building the procese the beach aaea. fhere has been talk not coEting of this project the city any Boney, I question this cou.ment, nothing is free. Council suggested that NightingaLe oversee thie project since this was hete proposal. In projects like this one, will reguire many hands to help J-n naking the beach area a reality. Volunteer in your city.


News Correction

It was published last week that Capt Diggs was the interim Chief of the fire departoent. This statement is incorrect. Capt Diggs is only in charge to ovelaee the departoent untiL new chief can be appointed. We thank Capt Diggs on stepping into this position while the council

Continues to rebuild the departnent. Once again we ask that reEident be patient with council as they work to inprove serviceE in t he cit y. I t 's one st ep at a t im e. GO\ERNMENT WORKSHOP Thie workshop i-s for elected and appointed city officiale on1y. The workshop is on Open Meetings Act and the Pu.blic Information Act. It will be heLd on ,June 2 in Austin. Those menberE who attend willreceive certifj-cation that they have completed the open goverruoent training required by Senate BilI 286. Some menbers of the city wil-l be attending this workshop. The next city council meeting is Tueeday, , June 13, 2006 at 7: 00 pn. Attend and rneet your newly elected of f icials. EDITOR COMMENTS: The publication of issue #2 of the Bay Informer was made poseible by a donation fron a loyal reeident. Thank you so very much. I your support appreciate in the Bay Informer. Arroed Forces Day- May 20 Memorial- Day - May 30 Never forget our military, the men & women who defend our countrv.

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