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  • Words: 1,366
  • Pages: 2
"City of Pelican Bay 1300Pelican Circle Pelican Bay, Tx .7 60204500 817M,-l234Fax&2527


CitySecretary NancyNold Court Clerk Kathy Water Clerk Diane Hester

MAY 1, 2044Volume #2

CITYNEWS F LE CT I O N Sw l l l b e h e l d Mo y 1 5 , 2004 ot City Holl, 1300 Pelicon Drive; lrom 7:O0 om - 7:00 Pl . Remember lo bring your Yoler regislrqlion cord ond pholo lD. i s fh e Renee' Mc Wh o rl e r pr es idlng e l e c l o rs l j u d g e I t ior ly n Ho w k l n s l s ru n n i n g ogolns f M u y o r R o n N l g h l i n g o l a lnc um benl S u s s n Sc h n e l d e r l s r unnlng f o r c o u n c l l s e o l # 2 ogoins l Col v l n H u n l e r l l l . Counc ll r eo l # 5 l s In c u mb e n l J om es B u e l o g o l n rl Doug M c E ly eo. CI T Y bus ln e g s l s c o n d u c l e d 9 o m-6 p m. M ondoy - f r ld o y , c los ed f or lu n c h l :0 0 -2 :0 0 . CI T Y CO UN C IL me e l s o n l h e E ec ond T u e rd o y of eoch monlh, slqding ol 7:00pm. All fo cilizens qre encoutoge ollend. Leorn whqf's golng on in your clly. P E RM I T S or e re q u i te d w h e n inglolling f e n c e s , p o o l r, s h e d s . Y A RD S A I E p b rm l h q re 9 5 .0 0 f or 3 doy s . On l y 2 y o td s o l e s cre permitled per yeor wilhin lhe clfy. T RA S H doy is Wednesdoy. Pleose secure oll lrosh cons qnd bogs (o to b l e rp o o n o l om m onis w i l l h e l p k e e p

Mayor Ron Nightingale, Sr. Council Members: Betry Keller Place I SusanSchneiderPlace 2 and Mayor Pro Tem Alton Davis Place 3 Jimmy Sparls Place 4 JamesBuel Place 5

critlersowoy from bogs). Treer, brugh,wood, eic musl be no longerfhon 4' ond lied fogalher or in q contoiner. lf nol, ll wlll nof be picked up. Iorge Items; stoves, refrigerofors, bedding, & lurnllure, alc) will not bs plcked up curb gide t lt ir your reoponribillly to dlrpose of lhese ilems. DO NOTlecve of the $reet.

i,IENIN BTACK C|IY COUNCI[ opproved the hiring ol George Clork for Chlef of Police.Chief Clqrk hos been qn officer for 13 yeors. He hos successlully stqrled the Zero Drugloleronce Progromwlihln our city. rcpl. RobertPayne has been promoted lo full lime. Officer Polnehor been o Policeofllcer for 4 yeors. OUR NEW tesetve oflicers ste John Parcher, Jody ilttle, Colvin Hunterlli Scotl Porker, Rondy Leavell ond Eddie Fronkum(reservelieulenonl) officer leovlle hor o porlner; K-? Brent,a 7 yeor pollce dog. OUR new olflcer in lroinlng is IARS, o Four month old cermqn Shepherd Lsrs will receive lrclnlng for norcolicg delectlon, olllcer prolecllon & sociqllzollon, WE welcome all our new olficers.

WHATFORCEMAY THEOFFICER USEIN MAKINGAN ANRE$T??? The offlcer moy employ oll reosonsble ond necessory force to overcome resisfonce in moking s lowful orresf. Ihe legolity ol the qrrest hos nolhlng lo do wlfh whelher or you not ore ullimofely convicfed. Ac long si lhe oflicerhos recronoble groundo lor moking lhc srresl ol lhe lime of the qrresf,you will nol loler be heord lo comploln thcf the orresl wor unlowlul merely becqure you ore found not gullty. q orrell Resisling ll misdemeonor under Texss low. lt you believe your rlghfr ore belng viololed, voice your objecllons in o cleor, colm mcrnnel. Alqke il o poinf to remember exqefly whol the pollce officer dld. Advise your otlorney ollhe eorlieslporsible lime.

PLAYITSAFE drug Reportall susPicious Or drug like activitYto druP The anonymous Hotline 817 444-8125,

DOG-E.DOG All colg & dogs ore reguired to be reglsfered. Ering o currenl robies cerlllicole to Clty Hcll. The lee is 95.OO & due eqch Ocfober l sf. R obi es shol s given ofter 3/O3 ore good lor THREE .yeor8.

Your city seruicegroupsare alwaysgratefulfor your donations.To donateto your favorite,you may: Checlcthe boxon yourwater blll for AnimalShelterand,/orFtreDepartment.Dropa donatlonln the Jarson the counterat the Water Department, Or eatl817 8125 to donateto help pay for the narcoticstrainingof "Lars"our pupFyK9..

Three dogs qnd three ccts sre ollowed, but you moy register more ll you cpply for mulliple pet perrpils(no chorge) This only opplies to firsl time registrofion.

lruck. More resecrch is needed qnd will be presenled lo fhe City Councll. Plesse be owsre olfhe BURNBAN.

Att GRASS,weedr. & borders musl be mowed & edged lo lhe skeel ond less thsn 12" hlgh.


ONIY FURNITURE designed for

cATs.. inorder sTRAy roserrrd lJllSt"T;a*if:tir'r',# ilit.*i,:"':"::'i;'"1,TlJH:;

of sfroys, we need fo lrop gollons. lf we begin lo use lhem. Coll Anlmql Confrol817- more c wofer restrlclionwlll 270-2OlO lo orrongefor o frcp. ba pul inio ploce. Applicolons

possums. and sKuNKs,

Rsccoons; lhese pesls sre atlrocfed lo lood left or!

overnlghl; r€mov€ your peli dis hes of f er dnr k '

++++ PElCLlNl9+++ EvervSqlsrdqy frorn 3:00 - 5:00. Delores KnloIl, ACO, hos o med cllnic sl Cltv Hnll. $ome oood deols lor vour pefs sqfety *DlstemperCombo . doos/cols S5.oo kllten/pups 52.50 *FelineLeukemio.cqfs 55.00 *Wormlnoboslc 51.00 "YUorminsbqsic plus


*Fronlffne ffeq/llgks S3.0O-S?.OO * HW P r ev enf lv e

$10.320/yeor fleai lreqfmenl "Cqrpet ---s'-,.!!=!r! Avsilsble..

& lrsgh shouldbe removed.

POOL $EA$ON--.beforelilling

;lil: ff ['."1i.ffi:tii"*f:?,"1:" 1',1""""r0;.'i"ilf,1'":'J

wells, With the growth of our G$y, we wllt be needtng q

Mgy ls Mllitory


nppreclqfio.n Month


befier wot"r

s y rte m.

show suooorr by bv your supporl Showvour

Bttrsoremqlledby the ril;; ';;;;- Amertcsnftqsr. wArER

tecond ol ecch month & qre due by lhe 10th.Afler the l0th, ls a $25.00lolefee. ttgOD PLAN EVEN In the eorly rloger of derign & consfrucllon. fhe llood plon in lhe norlheorf end of the cify is provlng fo be succestlul in reducing or ermtnotns ftoodtns. tf you need dlrt for oreos of vour

There qre over 440.000 members servlngove*€os.

wofer, conloct CtTy HAL for into on how lo get dlrt lhrough th e c i fy .

CITY HALI 817'444'1234 EMERGENCY 9l t N ON -E I E R GE N C E Y Westworlh Pollce 817-734-4?'13 D 1.,',,2,,

properryfo reduca ,r""I;"J

,- a rr?r^r.r CAUTION

, '

FIRST ANNUAT BAy DAZE ciry wiie yord sole, Robies clliic Uy Eogte Mounfoin Vel qnd the Molorcycle Slunl Rlders. I''ORTANT CONTACT %


rnee nrurrn,setv, il,r,[i:;"*1,'lliJ"::: lylll'_?31;ii,!filt -,,_!L'

PELIGAN BAYpefc Lons Ave. concern for --a;;io.iiro for FREEsurgery at ",t_i:f,{l,l-" locol vels$lgn up ol clty Holl'

resiienls sofely ond speedlng hrough lhe slreel hqs roisei

HoTNEWs #,""1"#'H#':;"'T",,T ffi coullon.

THE V F W honor e d F e l l c o n Bo y

Fire Deporimenrwtrh o

certlflccle for o JOB WE[t DONE.' Commenls were mqde concerning the Fire depf.'s brush fruck' ll seems fo,be top

gr6tT spEED wtrhln rhectryts20

MpH. Wofch chlldrenllllt



ORDINANCE'S VEHTCG;;;f-lA cvrrent ,"girtroilon & Inspe6'^^

heovywifholt the e.suipmeni;;it;il;. Au irucks/sub,;;;;

which mskes turnlng sh-orp corners difficutt. tdeos. of .o duol feor end would n:,o ' stobilize lhe lruck. They olso

need o new pump for fhe

be runnlng & drlvecble.oR covered by o mqnuro.rrrSi vehicle cover(NoT A rorp), onl fhe ores oround the


Sjfflr:lliJi:if lli,,", AnJit Oi..n't rain again. Bringa waterbill and/or pictureID. Hours8-3:30



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DA Y ! ! !


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