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Question 3.1 A)

Blackberry has a messenger feature of its own and can receive emails. It was

introduced during the year 1999 not as a phone but a two pager. It was a popular smart phone released during the year 2002 and was very popular among the businessmen due to its heavy concentration in email services. Blackberry has email capabilities, sending and receiving emails as if they were only text messages. System messages in the Blackberry is a combination of Nokia and its properties MMS is available. The camera megapixels are between 2-3.2 according to type of device plus flash and zoom. When it comes to email, Blackberry supports compression of more than an email with the capability to push the update every minute. When it comes to browser, browsing in blackberry is difficult. The reason is the limited screen size and the need for unnecessary unzoom through ball circular. In Blackberry, there is Bluetooth and can be transmitter and receiver. As to programs, blackberry comes mainly in doc, ppt, xls reader and voice recorder and kept secret for the lyrics in addition to the maps. You can store google maps in it, and you can also download many programs. In other words, the blackberry is like a small computer fit for executives and business people. It is also fit for entertainment, games for long, facebook, and even live messengers. Games however are simple being based on Java.

B) the first step that is to be taken is that of the creation and the generation of the idea, this process will usually be carried out using different tools and techniques such as brainstorming, the focus here should be in innovation in order to ensure that the end result comes out as something innovative and new. The process of business analysis is then undertaken to ensure that the ideas are feasible and that it will actually take off or not, after this par the prototype can be created to test it and finally that of the testing of the market needs to be carried out to ensure that the market will accept the product as per the initial plan and the various responses have to be tested for this. And in the end when all of the above procedures are successful then the process of the final production should be undertaken and mass production will occur.

C) new product development is a process that begins right at the time the entrepreneur begins brainstorming about new products and service in his mind for the search of a new product. After this phase the market will then be tested and then the process of product development will be started up so as to realign these different needs of the users to the requirements in the market. The consumers will be made aware of the existence of this product through the use of advertising. This process can enable the organization to be gaining a competitive advantage through the use of this procedures as this process helps in the conducting of research will enable the organization to know what are the requirements of the customers and thus be able to create the products that are wanted and required by them and not what the company thinks that is required from them and in this manner the chances of the success of the products will increase. .

Question # 2 3.2 A) The term distribution can be said to refer to the activities that are undertaken in order to get the goods and services to reach the customers. This process is usually undertaken in conjunction to parties that function as intermediaries such as retailers and wholesalers. This is an important strategic decision that companies need to focus on as in the case that consumers cannot get the products there will be a failure of the product. Two classification of distributors that are available to companies are those of internal or those of external distributors. From the above it can be said that the process of distribution is concerned with the market penetration of the products and services, this can be measured as the total number of outlets that sell the goods and services divided by the total sum of outlets. Thus in order for the organizations to effectively penetrate through the markets it is necessary that optimal methods of distribution are undertaken.

B) Points in the chain of distribution

What are distribution channels?

Selection of distribution channel

1. Transports 2. Stockholding & storage 3. Local knowledge 4. Promotion 5. display

The most common schemes of distribution that are available to a company are those of transportation of the goods, the storing and the hold of goods in the stock, the generation of local knowledge, the promotion of the goods and finally that of displaying of products and services. The selection of thee different channels need careful consideration as to the type of the products or services, the desire of the customers are also an important factor as they are ultimately the main determinants of the success or the failure of the goods and services. Each of this activity is important in its own ways as , the transportation is important to create time and place utility for the products and services while storage and stockholding is also important as the goods and services are held in this till the customer requires it. The activities of promotion are important as they help in creating awareness in the target

people. The display are effective mechanisms that can be used in order to meet the needs of consumers who are searching for products to fulfill their needs.

. C)

Rolls Royce : As this is a premium luxury band of cars with a high price tag, the

ideal choice would be the use of promotions and displays as this will attract the attention of those who could prefer to buy this car and promotions can be used to entice such buyers to buy the product for example the provision of free service for five years or cash discounts. Personal Computer : this is a product which has detailed product specifications that differ minutely from computer to computer and hence here the appropriate method that could be used is that of local knowledge. Milk : an important feature of milk products are that they are perishable in nature and in the case that these are not consumed in a quick manner they will get spoilt and hence in this case the best method to be used would be that of transportation. Imported Designer Suits: these products are those that are of aesthetic value for different buyers and in the eyes of each of the buyer and hence the most appropriate method is that of displaying these for the consumers to have a look at them, displaying can have a beneficial effect of inducing the buyer to buy the products and services. Photographic film for professional photographers : since photography is an acitivity that requires skill and knowledge the best and apt method would be that of the local knowledge as this requires the specialized knowledge of the different types of films and the impacts that these can have.

Question # 3 3.3 A) The term marketing mix can be understood as the unique set up of four main elements that make up the marketing mix, these four elements are the four pillars upon which effective marketing is carried out. These four factors are known as the product, the price, the promotion and the place. These are usually uniquely adjusted to the different products and services in the market and each product will have its own make up of these factors that can enable the company to sell as much as is possible in the market. One of the important and determinative factor out of all of these four factors is that of the price that the goods or service commands, this is due to the reason that the consumers often equate the aspect of price with the decision to purchase, all the other factors may be beneficial to the customers but in the case that the price does not fit him then the purchase won't be made. This can be seen from the principles that are applied in the field of economics as well as there is an inverse relation that is said to take place in between the prices and that of the demand that the customers make for the products.

B) The term price can be said to be the amount of the money that is being charged for the product or services by the company, it can also be understood as the revenue that a good or service will generate for itself per unit. As noted above this is an important decision to be taken by an organization and it is not a mere figure on the price tag. The revenue per unit into the number of units sold will represent the revenue for the product. A wide range of different method for pricing of products can be used by the companies for example if the company is seeking to gain customers in the market in a rapid way and thus be able to penetrate the market in a quick manner it can easily go in for the form of penetration pricing, or in the case that the company wants to

quickly recover the high amounts of the money resources that it has spent then it can go for the skimming method of pricing of the products and services. The cost plus method of pricing in which the amount of the resources that have been incurred by the company are added and then a return figure is added so as to make a good profit.

Question # 4 3.4 Promotion is an element of marketing mix which includes all communications with the customer, thus including advertising, publicity, PR ,sales promotion etc. Promotion is very important in order to keep the demand for the product on going in the market. It is needed also to boost profits and sales specially during special seasons. Advertising is an important tool in promoting the product. Sometimes business use well known people to promote or advertise their product. The perfume Dior for example, advertised as j’adore perfume was promoted and advertised by actress Charlize Theron. Sales promotion in Oman is very well known specially during Ramadan season. Toyota wants to attract their clients with its Ramadan Offer, a sales promotion and discounted price strategy. Business use the different forms of media and public relations in order to attract the customers. The forms of media are press, television, magazines, posters, cinema, and specially nowadays internet.

They want to reach

the target market in this different forms of promotional mix elements.

Question # 5 3.5 The bank as a financial service provider must perform marketing functions that is not just limited with the marketing mix so called as product, pricing, place, and promotion.

All of the banks are offering the same type of products like savings

deposits and other loan accounts for car loan or housing loan. Oftentimes, business calls this as marketing beyond the 4 Ps.

In marketing there should be the

additional elements of people, processes, and physical evidences to supplement the marketing mix. In people, the employees should serve the customers with a smile and always giving a personal touch in their transactions. If the staff are not respectful and cordial, customers will go to other bank since the services and products are the same. In processes, the transactions should always be on line and not off line. Otherwise the customers will transactions.

be angry

because they are expecting for fast and efficient

As for physical evidences, they must be provided with deposit slips,

withdrawal slips and products like the ATM cards or credit cards the moment they want it for their transactions. The name of the game now is customer satisfaction. Banks are offering the same products, they just differ in brand names but they are the same deposits and loan products. What makes the difference from one bank to another could be the employees who can make the customers feel at home the moment they serve them inside the branch.

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