Strategic Human Resource Management Presentation-1.ppt

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  • Words: 866
  • Pages: 14
Strategic Human Resource Management Workforce reduction strategies during economic troubles Dao Duc Trung -st20030918 Vinayraj Bachu -st20030120 Badar Azzan Ahmed -st09005766

Background 

The report is prepared by director of corporate services and head of human

resources department. 

This report purpose is to oversee and deal with the manage human resources

over the next 5 years, how to minimize the conflict of the organization culture whereas maximize the work efficiency from the staff. 

There are a number of measures and actions included in the report. They are

listed under 5 headings: Vacancy Management, Workforce Planning , Reducing Pay Bill Costs, Changes to working practices and arrangements and Avoiding Compulsory Redundancies.

Structure and aim of the presentation 

The presentation will critically examine the solutions proposed in vacancy

management and workforce planning 

Consequence of those solutions are also provide, with relevant examples and

reference theories. 

The measures that presenter recommend will be shown at the last part of the

presentation, together with relevant supports.

Vacancy Management 

There are 4 main measures in this sections:

Internal adverts Employment May Will

is done mostly via internal adverts.

be missing out on better qualified individuals.

have to find a replacement for the internally recruited employee.

Resulting in the training of two positions. In a small business this may not be feasible.

(Rice, C., 1993. Consumer behaviour: behavioural aspects of marketing. s.l.:Butterworth Heinemann.)

Vacancy Management 


Actively seek redeployment for any staff whose posts are identified and efficiency savings. Here is the possible outcome of this measurement 

Better team work

Better cost saving

Diminishing talent pool

Traditional family changing

Costs escalating

Business need drives assignment pattern

(Mack, T., 1993. Redeployment. Forbes, 152(6), p. 19.)

Vacancy Management 


Is the possibly to explore different career possibilities by temporarily changing roles within the same company. 

Secondments benefit all parties involved; the employee, the employer and the host organisation.

Employees benefit from taking secondments as they are an excellent way to explore different career possibilities without them leaving their current job.

Professional placements give employees the opportunity of acquiring new skills whilst continuing their employment with the same organisation.

Secondments also give the organisation the opportunity to build a wider network if the secondment is taken in an external company.

(Richard, D. R., 1961 . Secondment Abroad. British Medical Journal, 2(5243), pp. 46 - 47.)

Vacancy Management 

Opportunistic Savings

Saving vacancies open or delaying recruitment for cutting cost. 

Cutting cost for the organization

Giving manager opportunities to review company structures when any one decided to leave

Retain opportunity for talents and potential people for the company

Workforce planning 

Planned retirements – staff assessment exercise 

Planned retirements will enable the employees to have a plan of when they are to retire from their position in the organization and thus prepare themselves for the same.

Avoiding any dramatic change in your lifestyle post retirement from job.

Providing financial protection to the people dependent on you for any kind of financial support.

Availing significant tax benefits on your retirement pension plan account.

Workforce Planning 

Employment post-65

This strategies help the organization retain young talent. General presumption staff should not be retained beyond the age of 65, although again there would

need to be exemptions. 

Maintaining youth energy of the organization

Reduce incentive of long term contribution of staffs to the organization

Workforce Planning 

Career Succession Planning

Talk in deep with staff about the future planning for their careers. There are many advantages as well as disadvantage: 

Provide a sense of direction, stability and expectations for all key stakeholders: employees, customers, shareholders and vendors

Retain a critically important employee who might otherwise leave if not formally recognized as the successor

Appointing the wrong person can lead to a variety of problems that result in poorer company performance and turnover.

Recognition of employees hard work through the efforts of career succession planning that are directed towards them which would mean that the employer's think that the employee has the potential to take over a higher role.

Workforce planning 


Creation of sense of security in employees through the possibilities of redeployment opportunities. 

Offer possibilities to the employees that they will not be made redundant in the organization as they will be offered your substitute positions that will continue of their employment with the organization.

Enable the organisation to undertake effective workforce planning as well as succession planning.

What measures should be rejected 

Internal adverts

This can leads to missing out on better qualified individuals. Also this isn’t appropriate for small business. 

Employment post 65

This can reduce long term contribution incentive of employee as well as losing talent.

What measures should be chosen  Internal

vacancies- opportunities for employees as well as cost savings for the organisation.  Redeployment- retention of employment with key skill and experience in the organisation.  Workforce planning- measures such as retirement planning  Succession planning-measures to groom employees to take up new roles in the organisation.  Retirement on attaining the age of 65

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