March Grotto Times Vol 4

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,251
  • Pages: 4

M ARCH 15, 2009

Sacrifice: This months theme is Sacrifice, we must understand that accepting Christ is not just a decision but choosing a lifestyle.

We must follow in His foot steps if we want to change this world. Come join us on our journey in finding out just what


it means to live for Christ and Sacrifice for the sake of others.

Team one


Team two


Team three



Voice of the Martyrs: Li and Xia Pastor Li and is wife Xia are pastors in China. A country where Christianity is illegal. Pastor Li has reported being arrested over 15 times in one year. Each time Pastor Li is arrested he is tortured and beaten. And yet he still

preaches the Gospel and does it without fear. He has been arrested so many times that now he smuggles a bible in with him and shares the Gospel with his fellow inmates, reaching others for Christ where most dare not go. Li sacrifices his freedom in order to do

God’s will. Xia his wife says don't feel sorry for us, at least we are constantly reminded we are in a spiritual war. We know whom we are fighting for.



Movie of the Month




Song of the Month


Voice of the Martyrs






April 4th— PUSH small group: Guys only 6:00pm April 5th—Movie night “The Passion” 6:00pm April 10th—Tenebra service 7:00pm

V O LU M E 1 , I SS U E 4


Sacrifice: Remember It is all to easy to we forget what a life of take for granite what we sacrifice looks like. Sure have here in the United we know what it is, But States. Some Then he said to them, “if anyof you are asking your- one would come after me he selves what must deny himself and take up could that be? his cross daily and follow me”. Freedom of religion! We Luke 9:23 have it so good here in the states. We go to do we know how to live a church with no worries or sacrificial life. Would you fears, while there are be willing to sacrifice those in China who wonyour freedom for the der if they go to church Kingdom of God. The today, “will I be arChristians in China sacrirested?” As Americans, fice so much just to fol-

low Jesus. Here in the states it seems that our faith has been clouded and hindered by a lack of devotion. We have it so easy that we don’t really try to hard. We just coast through life. Well, Christ expects us to pick up our cross and follow in His footsteps. It is time to turn off the cruise control and time to pick up our crosses, come let us follow Him.

Movie of the Month: Race to Witch Mountain This sci-fi action and save their planet. This movie is a remake of Es- is the movie in a nutshell cape to Witch Mountain. without giving to much One of the main characters of the Matthew 28:19-20 movie is a taxi There go and make disciples of all nations cab driver named baptizing them in the name of Father and of Bruno (played by the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching the Rock) who them to obey everything I have commanded ends up helping you. And surely I am with you always, to out two young the very end of the age. aliens from outer space. Bruno, despite what away. Sounds a little fathe authorities tell him, miliar doesn’t it. We too chooses to help the kids are running a race. We also make it back to their ship, have a choice. We can ei-

ther chose to help save the world or listen to what the worldly authorities tell us and do nothing, to stand down. Remember we are Christians and we have made our decision, it’s time to stand and change the



Song of the Month : “No Matter What” “No matter what it takes I will offer, everything I am I give to you, even unto death I will follow, no matter what the price I will give to you now”, these words are speaking about living a life of sacrifice and servant hood. Jeremy is talking about giving his/our all for the glory of the Lord and His kingdom. God sent His son to sacrifice Himself unselfishly for our sins and in return the most we can give God is our life and everything we have to offer, whether it’s serving others around us or just showing the love of Jesus to a hurting world by being a friend to someone who is

looked down upon at school or the work place, we were created to worship God. In 1 John 2:2, it says “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world,” Jesus sacrificed Himself so that we may have true life and through Him we do, and the most we can do is lay our life down for God as a sacrifice for what He does for us. Focus your prayer this month on living a life of sacrifice for the Holy Creator and His Son, Jesus.

Written By Joseph Gore

Missions Missions and sacrifice go is what Lent is all about. To hand in hand. To do missions follow Christ is to do what you have to Christ sacrifice did. Mathew 10:38-39 something. And anyone who does not take up When we You could be his cross and follow me is not wor- ask Jesus sacrificing thy of me. Whoever finds his life to save us time, you will lose it, and whoever loses his our old could be sac- life for my sake will find it. self dies rificing and we money, and are made you could be sacrificing yournew. We have a new mission. self. This reminds me of We are the hands and feet of Mathew 10:38-39. Jesus says Christ so he can do his work anyone who does not take up through us. You and I have to his cross and follow me is not be willing vessels to continue his mission. He sacrificed all worthy of me. He was so we can have eternal life with God. Jesus sacrificed his life for you and me, for others. This

Our mission is to life a sacrificial life of humility, love, peace, joy, and generosity. Written by Patrick Ballard

HENDERSONVILLE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 159 Luna Lane Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075 Phone: 615-824-4411 Fax: 615-824-6227 Email [email protected]

Get them while their hot. We still have shirts for sale. Get yours today for only 10 bucks. See Pastor Adam or Patrick for

Be the Change more details.

Visit our blog;

Be sure to join us on Sunday nights as we start a new series “Faith”. If you’ve always wonder what we as a church believe come and join us on our journey as we explore what it means to be a Nazarene.

Service times Sunday School : 9:30am Sunday AM Service : 10:45am Sunday Game Nights : 6:30pm Wednesday Service : 6:30pm Mondays - Volleyball 6:00pm Tuesdays - Basketball 6:00pm Chief Editor: Adam Cabana Chief Illustrator: Patrick Ballard Guest Editor: Joseph Gore

Misti Ballard—March 21st

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