Grotto Times January

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Grotto Times Integrity : Every month this year will have a theme, and every lesson we have will be based around this theme. This month’s theme is integrity. May you take in

fully what it means to live with integrity this month as we journey through the meaning of living with integrity. May you stand firm in your faith and BE THE


J ANUARY 15, 2009




Team two


Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

Team three




Movie of the Month




Song of the Month


Voice of the Martyrs






January 31 - Last day for T-shirts December was a great month. We had our first air-soft day at the church and our first annual Christmas party. 2008 was a great Year, but 2009 is going to be awesome. God has some great things in store for this church and this Youth Group. Some changes that will be taking place this year are: there will no longer be

two separate Sunday school classes. We are going to recombine the junior and senior classes; Sunday nights are changing it will be 30 minutes of worship and 30 minutes of games. Also this year we have a summer trip planned for you guys, a trip to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. The final date has yet to be determined, but it will be in June or July. We are split-

ting you guys into teams and devising a point system for the first half of the year. The team that wins goes to six flags for free. We will even cover the cost of your food. I hope and pray you are having a good month, and may God bless you in all that you do.

February 14 - Spaghetti Dinner February 28 - Final Quiz Off

V O LU M E 1 , I SS U E 2


Integrity Nine years ago I joined the Air Force for six years. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My grandpa and my dad were in the Air Force, so I knew a little about it. The first thing they teach you in the Air Force is something about core values. These core values are what every airman is supposed to live by. They’re something like the 10 commandments for the Christian. These three core values were integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all things we do. This month we are starting the year off with integrity. The Air Force’s definition of integrity is being honest with others as well as with your-

self, and doing what's right at all times, even when nobody is looking. I took this to heart and have always tried to do the right thing. The thing we must remember, there is someone ALWAYS watching. God sees all things we do. We must remember this when going through our day to day lives. If we do, we will

ultimately do the right things. We have the Holy Spirit for these moments. The Holy Spirit is our counselor and guide. He watches while on the computer, he watches us while hanging out with friends, he watches us while we are at school. His voice let’s us know if we are doing right or wrong. This year let’s try to do the right things at all times and remember who is watching. Take a moment and lookup Proverbs 10:9 in the NIV. - Written by Patrick Ballard

Movie of the Month Paul Blart is a mildmannered, dutiful family father who works as a security guard in a New Jersey mall. For years, he has applied and dreamed of being a cop, but he always fails the physical fitness exam due to his overweight. One day, a gang of organized criminals place the mall under siege and take hostages. Blart becomes trapped inside, and because of his sense of duty, refuses to leave. He thus becomes

the police's eyes on the inside and has to stop the criminals on his own. Too often the world deems people unfit or unworthy of certain positions. However God sees these individuals in a different light. Here we see Paul a man the Police force says they can not use. Yet in the end they come to rely on him. Time after time we see God use people in the Bible that the world calls unfit. Know that

God can use any one, even you. - Written by Adam Cabana



Song of the Month In this month’s song “Unbreakable” by Fireflight, the band sings about “Sometimes it's hard to just keep going, but faith is moving without knowing.” In this line we can see how having integrity in our life is not an easy accomplishment and they are times were we are tested. We have to trust in God that through Him we can keep going through the trials and challenges we face daily at school, at home, and other places you come in contact with these tests of integrity. To be unbreakable you have to have integrity to stand up for what you believe is

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. Titus 2: 7-8

true and knowing that you alone cannot handle it is the first step, we must rely on God for help during these times. It says in Titus 2: 7-8, “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show

integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.” To sum up what the passage is saying, do what is good in everything you do, for in doing so you will be an example to others. Do not worry about others that want to bring you down for they will only look foolish in doing so for they will have nothing bad to say about you. - Written by Joseph Gore

Voice of the Martyrs: Hezekiah Hezekiah's Life had been so lievers in a safe haven he had transformed that he had to tell left to bring them the good someone. when he returned to news. The villagers grew anthe village he grew up in, he gry with him and tempers betold the thirty-five relatives gan to fly. suddenly someone and villagers who met him reached out and grabbed and deHezekiah. Others manded to “I would gladly be placed under soon followed. know why he God's curse and be separated they dragged him had converted from Christ for the good of my to he ground and to Christianbeat him until he own people” Paul. ity, “Jesus is passed out. then Romans 9:3 the only way they just left him i can be saved from my sins. in the street bruised and Jesus is the only way i can bleeding. when the crowd left , a friend came and took him have eternal life”. to his home. Where he nurThey did not like this. tured him back to health. it as Hezekiah reasoned with took four days for Hezekiah them about the truths he had to gather enough strength to learned from God's word and stand on his own. being discipled by other be-

Hezekiah eventually left his village, however still to this day he not welcome in his hometown or in his own family's house. Since He has traveled to many surrounding villages spreading the good news. Because of this he has been beaten and thrown out of ten other villages. Hezekiah has suffered beatings that almost ended his life. He said that he would never deny his country men the good news. I think it is time we look at our at our own country.

HENDERSONVILLE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 159 Luna Lane Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075 Phone: 615-824-4411 Fax: 615-824-6227 Email [email protected]

Service times Sunday School : 9:30am Sunday Am Service : 10:45am Sunday Game Nights : 6:30pm Wednesday Service : 6:30pm

Last chance to order a teen shirt get your order in by January 31st.

Be the Change February 6-7 If you are interested please see me or Patrick before January 25th .

Chief Editor: Adam Cabana Chief Illustrator: Patrick Ballard Guest Editor: Joseph Gore

Angie Welch - For leading our quizzers through the quiz year. Mrs. Angie is a leader of integrity.

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