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Section / Bahagian A (20 Marks / Markah)

1. Which of the following organelles is found only in plant cells? Manakah antara organel berikut hanya didapati dalam sel tumbuhan? A. Cytoplasm / Sitoplasma

C. Nucleus / Nukleus

B. Cell membrane / Membran sel

D. Cell wall / Dinding sel

2. P, Q and R represent different levels in the cell organisation of an animal. P, Q dan R diwakili oleh tahap berbeza dalam organisasi sel dalam haiwan. P

- A group of tissues performing a particular function./ Sekumpulan tisu yang menjalankan fungsi tertentu.


- A group of cells performing the same function. / Sekumpulan sel yang menjalankan fungsi yang sama.

R - Basic unit of living things./ Unit asas benda hidup. Which of the following is an example of P, Q and R? Manakah berikut merupakan contoh P, Q dan R? P




Sperm/ Sperma

Muscle/ Otot

Heart/ Jantung


Muscle/ Otot

Sperm/ Sperma

Heart/ Jantung


Heart/ Jantung

Sperm/ Sperma

Muscle/ Otot


Heart/ Jantung

Muscle/ Otot

Sperm/ Sperma

3. Statements below show the relationship between organisms A and B. Penyataan di bawah menunjukkan hubungan antara organisma A dan B. 

Organism A receives benefits from organism B. Organisma A menerima faedah daripada organisma B.

Organism B receives benefits from organism A. Organisma B menerima faedah daripada organisma A.

What kind of relationship exists between organisms A and B? Apakah jenis hubungan yang wujud antara organisma A dan B? A. Prey-predator / Mangsa-Pemangsa

C. Mutualism / Mutualisme

B. Competition / Persaingan

D. Parasitism / Parasitisme 1

4. Diagram 1 below shows a leaf./ Rajah 1 di bawah menunjukkan sehelai daun.

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1 Which of the following measuring tools can be used to measure the area of the leaf? Manakah berikut merupakan alat pengukur yang boleh mengukur luas daun tersebut? A. An opisometer / Opisometer

C. A length of thread/ Seutas benang

B. An external calipers/ Kaliper luaran

D. A piece of graph paper/ Sehelai kertas graf

5. Which of the following groups of animals are cold-blooded? Manakah berikut merupakan kumpulan haiwan berdarah sejuk? A. Pigeon, elephant, frog/ Burung kakak tua, gajah. katak B. Gold fish, snake, frog/ Ikan emas, ular, katak C. Elephant, gold fish, frog/ Gajah, ikan emas, katak D. Pigeon, gold fish, snake/ Burung kakak tua, ikan emas, ular

6. Diagram 2 shows a female reproductive system. Rajah 2 menunjukkan sistem pembiakan wanita.

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2

What process occurs at P? / Apakah proses yang berlaku di P? A. Ovulation/ Ovulasi

C. Fertilisation/ Persenyawaan

B. Implantation / Implantasi

D. Ligation / Ligasi


7. A student wish to visit her grandfather in the area that experiencing a cholera epidemic. Which action should be taken to prevent the infection of the disease? Seorang pelajar berhasrat untuk melawat datuknya di kawasan yang mengalami epidemic kolera. Apakah tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk mengelakkan jangkitan penyakit tersebut? A. Maintain personal hygiene. / Mengekalkan kebersihan diri B. Drink boiled water. / Minum air dimasak. C. Consume a balanced diet. / Mengambil diet seimbang. D. Get antibiotic injection. / Mengambil suntikan antibiotik

8. A boy is able to climb up a tree because there is presence of Seorang budak boleh memanjat pokok kerana kehadiran A. gravitational force pulling him down. Daya tarikan graviti yang menariknya ke bawah B. electrostatic force between the boy and the tree trunk. Daya elektrostatik antara budak tersebut dan batang pokok C. magnetic force between the boy and the tree trunk. Daya magnetik antara budak tersebut dan batang pokok D. frictional force to hold him up Daya geseran yang menyokongnya ke atas

9. The mixture of river water and mud can be separated by the following method. Campuran air sungai dan lumpur boleh dipisahkan melalui kaedah berikut. A. Distillation / Penyulingan

C. Sedimentation / Sedimentasi

B. Flotation / Pengapungan

D. Chromatography / Kromatografi

10. Which of the following electric components is matched correctly with its symbol? Manakah antara komponen elektrik berikut dipadankan betul dengan simbolnya? Component/ Komponen A.

Battery / Bateri


Voltmeter/ Voltmeter


Resistor/ Resistor


Switch / Suis

Symbol / Simbol


11. Diagram 3 shows a pair of scissors./ Rajah 3 menunjukkan sebilah gunting.

Diagram 3/ Rajah 3

The tool used can be classified as a first class lever because Alatan tersebut boleh dikelaskan sebagai tuas kelas pertama kerana A. The load is between the fulcrum and the force. Beban terletak antara fulkrum dan daya. B. The fulcrum is between the load and the force. Fulkrum terletak antara beban dan daya. C. The force is between the load and the fulcrum. Daya terletak antara beban dan fulkrum. D. The load is the same position as the fulcrum. Beban terletak sama kedudukan dengan fulkrum.

12. Which of the following statements best explains why logging by humans should be stopped? Manakah antara penyataan berikut menerangkan kenapa pembalakan oleh manusia harus diberhentikan? A. Decreases the oxygen content in air./ Mengurangkan kandungan oksigen dalam udara. B. Causes pollution at the coastal areas./ Menyebabkan pencemaran di kawasan pedalaman. C. Causes the occurrence of acid rain./ Menyebabkan kejadian hujan asid. D. Increases the haze content in air./ Meningkatkan kandungan jerebu dalam udara

13. When all the hydrogen gas in the core of star X is completely burnt, star X will undergo the following changes: Apabila kesemua gas hidrogen di dalam teras bintang X terbakar sepenuhnya, bintang X akan mengalami perubahan berikut: Star X Bintang X

Explodes Meletup

Expands Mengembang 4

Neutron star Bintang neutron

Star X is/ Bintang X ialah A. Sun / Matahari

C. Red giant / Raksasa merah

B. White dwarf / Kerdil putih

D. Supergiant star/ Bintang super raksasa

14. The diagram shows the path of an impulse after a stimulus is received by the skin. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan laluan impuls selepas rangsangan diterima oleh kulit. Nerve Saraf


Nerve Saraf



Which of the following represents X, Y and Z? Manakah antara berikut mewakilit X, Y dan Z? X




Brain/ Otak

Effector/ Efektor

Receptor/ Reseptor


Receptor/ Reseptor

Effector/ Efektor

Brain/ Otak


Brain/ Otak

Receptor/ Reseptor

Effector/ Efektor


Receptor/ Reseptor

Brain/ Otak

Effector/ Efektor

15. K, L, M and N are four processes involved in the purification of water in a water treatment plant. K, L, M dan N merupakan empat proses yang terlibat dalam penulenan air di loji rawatana air. K


Sedimentation / Sedimentasi



Coagulation / Koagulasi

M :

Filtration / Penurasan


Chlorination / Pengklorinan


Which of the following shows the correct sequence in the treatment of water? Manakah antara berikut menunjukkan urutan yang betul dalam rawatan air? A. K, L, N, M

C. M, L, N, K

B. L, K, M, N

D. N, M, L, K


16. Diagram 4 shows a student drinking water using a straw. Rajah 4 menunjukkan seorang pelajar minum air menggunakan penyedut minuman.

Diagram 4/ Rajah 4 Which point A, B, C and D, has the lowest air pressure? Manakah titik A, B, C dan D, yang mempunyai tekanan udara paling rendah?

17. Which part of the alimentary canal digests carbohydrates? Manakah bahagian dalam salur pencernaan yang mencerna karbohidrat? I.

Stomach/ Perut


Small intestines / Usus kecil

II. Mouth / Mulut A. I only/ I sahaja

C. I and III / I dan III

B. II only / II sahaja

D. II and III / II dan III

18. Diagram 5 shows a cross-section of an eye with a defective vision. Rajah 5 menunjukkan keratan rentas mata dengan kecacatan penglihatan.

Diagram 5/ Rajah 5 Which of the following causes the defective vision? Manakah berikut merupakan penyebab kecacatan penglihatan tersebut? A. The eye lens is too thin. / Kanta mata terlalu nipis. B. The eye ball is too long. / Bebola mata terlalu panjang. C. The eye ball is too big. / Bebola mata terlalu besar. D. The cornea is too thick. / Kornea terlalu tebal.


19. Diagram 6 shows the structure of the human ear. Rajah 6 menunjukkan struktur telinga manusia.

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6 Which of the following shows the path of sound in the mechanism of hearing? Manakah berikut menunjukkan laluan bunyi dalam mekanisma pendengaran? A. P, Q, R, V

C. P, Q, R, T, U

B. P, Q, R, S, U

D. P, Q, R, V, T, U

20. Diagram 7 shows a model of the human breathing mechanism. Rajah 7 menunjukkan model mekanisme pernafasan manusia.

Diagram 7 / Rajah 7 What causes the change in the balloons as shown in Diagram 7? Apakah penyebab perubahan kepada belon dalam Rajah 7? A. Volume of the air in the bell jar increases. / Isipadu udara dalam serkup kaca meningkat. B. Bell jar contracts and curves upwards./ Serkup kaca mengecut dan melekuk ke atas. C. Air pressure in the bell jar increases./ Tekanan udara dalam serkup kaca meningkat. D. Air from the atmosphere is drawn into the bell jar. / Udara di atmosfera tersedut ke dalam serkup kaca. 7

Answers/ Jawapan: 1




































































































Section B / Bahagian B (20 Marks / Markah)

1. Match each of the Earth’s layer below with the correct characteristics. Padankan setiap lapisan Bumi di bawah dengan ciri-ciri yang betul.


The centre and is the hottest part of the Earth.


Merupakan pusat dan bahagian Bumi yang paling panas.


It is a liquid layer with extremely hot temperatures.


Lapisan cecair dengan suhu yang sangat panas.

Inner core

The outermost layer of the Earth, the place where all animals and plants can survived.

Teras dalam

Lapisan paling luar Bumi, tempat di mana semua haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan boleh hidup.


Outer core

The widest section of the Earth which is made up of semi-molten rock called magma.

Teras luar

Bahagian Bumi paling luas yang terdiri daripada batuan separa lebur yang dipanggil magma. [4 marks/ markah] 2. Determine which part of the tongue that can taste the following food. Write K, L, M, N or X. Tentukan bahagian lidah yang boleh mengesan rasa makanan yang berikut. Tuliskan K, L, M, N atau X.

[4 marks/ markah]

3. a)

Diagram 1 shows a unicellular organism. Complete the boxes below. Rajah 1 menunjukkan organisma unisel. Lengkapkan kotak di bawah.


Diagram 1/ Rajah 1 [2 marks/ markah] b)

Fill in the blanks to complete the statements below: (i) Chloroplast is needed by the plants to carry out the process of ___________________. Kloroplas diperlukan oleh tumbuhan untuk menjalankan proses _________________. (ii) Mitochondrion produces ___________________ for reactions. Mitokondrion menghasilkan ________________________ untuk tindak balas. [2 marks/ markah]

4. a)

When Mary was walking in a garden, she accidentally touched the leaves of Mimosa pudica. Apabila Mary sedang berjalan di taman, dia tidak sengaja menyentuh daun Mimosa pudica.


What type of movement is shown by the Mimosa pudica plant? Apakah jenis pergerakan yang ditunjukkan oleh tumbuhan Mimosa pudica? _________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark/ markah]

b) How are the following tropisms beneficial to plants? Bagaimanakah yang berikut berguna kepada tumbuhan? i)

Positive phototropism of the shoot: Fototropisme positif oleh pucuk: _____________________________________________________________________

ii) Positive hydrotropism of the root: Hidrotropisme positif oleh akar: _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks/ markah]

c) Diagram 3 shows the apparatus used by a student to study the response of plants. Rajah 3 menunjukkan radas yang digunakan oleh seorang pelajar untuk mengkaji tindak balas tumbuhan.


Diagram 3/ Rajah 3 Draw arrows in the circle provided to show the direction of growth of the shoots after three days. Lukiskan anak panah dalam bulatan yang disediakan untuk menunjukkan arah pertumbuhan pucuk selepas tiga hari. [1 mark/ markah]

5. a)

Diagram 2.1 shows the parts of the human respiratory system. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan bahagian dalam sistem respiratori manusia.

Diagram 2.1/ Rajah 2.1


Label X and Y on Diagram 2.1 using the words given below. Label X dan Y dalam Rajah 2.1 menggunakan perkataan yang diberi di bawah. Alveolus

Rib cage



Sangkar rusuk

Peparu [2 marks/ markah]

b) Diagram 2.2 shows the breathing mechanism during inhalation. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan mekanisma pernafasan semasa menarik nafas.

Diagram 2.2

Mark ( √ ) for the correct statement about the mechanism. Tandakan (√) pada penyataan yang benar bagi mekanisme tersebut. i) The air enters the lungs when the diaphragm moves downwards. Udara memasuki peparu apabila diafragma bergerak ke bawah. ii) During inhalation, the rib cage moves downwards. Semasa menarik nafas, sangkar rusuk bergerak ke bawah.


iii) The air pressure in the lungs increases. Tekanan udara dalam peparu meningkat. iv) The volume of the thoracic cavity increases. Isipadu rongga toraks meningkat. [2 marks/ markah]

Section C / Bahagian C (60 Marks / Markah)

6. Table below shows the composition of human inhaled and exhaled air. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan komposisi bagi udara hembusan dan udara sedutan manusia. Component/ Komponen

Inhaled air / Udara sedutan

Exhaled air / Udara hembusan

Oxygen / Oksigen



Carbon dioxide/ Karbon



Nitrogen / Nitrogen



Water vapour / Wap air

Lesser / Kurang

More / Lebih banyak

Temperature / Suhu

May vary

At human body temperature

Boleh berubah-ubah

Pada suhu badan manusia


a) Compare the oxygen and carbon dioxide contents in inhaled air and exhaled air.


Bandingkan kandungan oksigen dan karbon dioksida dalam udara sedutan dan udara hembusan. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark / markah]

b) Describe your answer in (a)./ Huraikan jawapan anda di (a). _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah]

c) Give one similarity between the inhaled air and exhaled air. Explain. Berikan satu persamaan antara udara sedutan dan udara hembusan. Jelaskan. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah] d) Why do we feel warmer when we are in a cramped space with lots of people? Explain based on the data in the table above. Mengapakah kita merasa lebih panas apabila di ruang yang sempit dengan ramai orang? Jelaskan berdasarkan data dalam jadual di atas. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 15

[3 marks / markah]

e) Mountain climbers carry oxygen cylinders when they climb up a high mountain. Explain the situation. Pendaki gunung membawa bersama mereka silinder gas oksigen apabila mereka mendaki gunung yang tinggi. Huraikan situasi ini. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah]

7. Diagram 3 below shows the cross section of the human skin. Rajah 3 di bawah menunjukkan keratas rentas kulit manusia.

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3 a) Label the structures above./ Labelkan struktur di atas. [4 marks / markah ] b) Based on the table above, suggest the part of the body that is the most suitable to receive injections. Explain your answer.


Berdasarkan jadual di atas, cadangkan bahagian tubuh yang paling sesuai untuk menerima suntikan. Jelaskan jawapan anda. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks/ markah]

c) People in cold countries normally wear earmuffs during cold winter days. Explain why. Penduduk di negara sejuk lazimnya memakai penutup telinga semasa musim sejuk. Jelaskan mengapa. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks/ markah]

8. a) Diagram 4 shows a phenomenon. / Rajah 4 menunjukkan suatu fenomena.


Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

i) Based on Diagram 4, describe the phenomenon that is happening. Berdasarkan kepada Rajah 4, huraikan fenomena yang berlaku. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah ]

ii) What are the causes human activities that may be associated with the phenomenon in Diagram 4? Apakah punca-punca kegiatan manusia yang boleh dikaitkan dengan fenomena dalam Rajah 4? _____________________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah ]

b) Many substances are burned and used as fuels. Some fuels are burned in power station to produce electricity. Banyak bahan dibakar dan digunakan sebagai bahan api. Beberapa bahan api dibakar di stesen kuasa untuk menghasilkan tenaga elektrik. i) Give two subtances which pollute the environment when fuels burn. Berikan dua bahan yang mencemarkan alam sekitar apabila bahan api terbakar. 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah ]

ii) Some power stations use other energy resources to generate electricity. Give two energy resources which are not fuels and used to generate electricity. Sesetengah stesen kuasa menggunakan sumber tenaga yang lain untuk menjana tenaga elektrik. Berikan dua contoh sumber tenaga ini. 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah ]

c) A lot of dry leaves are collected in a school garden and are burnt every day. Justify the action. Terdapat banyak daun kering dikumpulkan di taman sekolah dan dibakar setiap hari. Wajarkan tindakan ini.


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah ]

9. Colour lights can be divided into primary colour and secondary colour. Cahaya berwarna boleh dibahagikan kepada warna primer dan warna sekunder.

a. i) State why do primary colour lights are also known as basic colour? Nyatakan kenapa warna primer dikenali sebagai warna asas? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

ii) Name two secondary colour light? / Namakan dua warna sekunder. _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

b. Diagram 5.1 shows a stalk of red rose looks black under X colour light. Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan sekuntum ros merah yang kelihatan hitam di bawah cahaya warna X.


Diagram 5.1/ Rajah 5.1

What is the colour for light X? Explain why does the rose look black in X colour light? Apakah warna cahaya X? Terangkan mengapa rose tersebut kelihatan hitam di bawah cahaya berwarna X. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks/ markah]

c. The blue sky and the red sky during sunset is a beautiful natural phenomenon. Explain how does this phenomenon is formed. Langit kebiruan dan langit kelihatan merah di waktu senja merupakan fenomena semula jadi yang cantik. Terangkan bagaimana fenomena ini terbentuk. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks / markah]

d. Diagram 5.2 shows another natural phenomenon that can be observed after a rainy day. 21

Rajah 5.2 menunjukkan satu fenomena semula jadi yang dapat diperhatikan selepas hari hujan.

Diagram 5.2/ Rajah 5.2

Explain how does this phenomenon is formed. Terangkan bagaimana fenomena ini terbentuk. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah] 10. Diagram 6.1 shows the heating of four metal rods P, Q, R, S and T. A thumb-tack is attached to the end of each rod by layer of wax. Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan pemanasan empat batang rod logam P, Q, R, S dan T. Paku tekan dilekatkan pada setiap rod menggunakan lapisan lilin.


Diagram 6.1 / Rajah 6.1

a) i) State one example of metal. Nyatakan satu contoh logam. _______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark / markah ]

ii) What is heat transfer process as shown above? Apakah proses pemindahan haba yang ditunjukkan di atas? _______________________________________________________________________ [1 mark / markah ]

iii) Explain how the heat energy is transferred from hotter end to the cooler end of the metal rod. Terangkan bagaimana tenaga haba dipindahkan dari hujung rod logam yang panas ke hujung rod yang sejuk. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks / markah ] b) Diagram 6.2 shows two identical houses painted with a different colour. Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan dua rumah yang sama bentuk dicatkan dengan warna yang berbeza.




i) Which house has a higher temperature? Give your reason. Rumah manakah bersuhu lebih tinggi. Berikan alasan anda. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks/ markah] ii) As a buyer, which house will you buy and why? Sebagai seorang pembeli, rumah manakah yang akan anda beli dan mengapa? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks/ markah]

iii) Suggest the renovation that can be made for the house to decrease the temperature inside the house. Cadangkan pengubahsuaian yang boleh dilakukan pada rumah tersebut untuk merendahkan sudu dalam rumah. _____________________________________________________________________ 24

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks/ markah]

11. Amy takes part in a talent show. During the competition, she produces rhythm of music by using goblets. Amy menyertai sebuah persembahan bakat. Semasa pertandingan, dia menghasilkan ritma muzik menggunakan gelas berkaki.

a) Name the sensory organ for hearing./ Namakan organ deria untuk pendengaran. _________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark/ markah]

b) The sound is produced when Amy rubs her finger on the rim of the goblets as shown in Diagram 7.1. Bunyi dihasilkan apabila Amy mengesel jarinya pada rim gelas berkaki tersebut seperti dalam Rajah 7.1.


Diagram 7.1 / Rajah 7.1

State how the sound is produced. / Nyatakan bagaimana bunyi terhasil. _________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark / markah]

c) During her practice, Amy uses the same size of goblets. She found that different volume of water in the goblets will produce different pitching of sound as shown in table below. Semasa latihan, Amy menggunakan beberapa gelas berkaki yang sama saiz. Dia mendapati perbezaan isipadu air dalam gelas berkaki akan menghasilkan kelangsingan bunyi yang berbeza seperti dalam jadual di bawah. Volume of water in goblet (ml)

Pitching of the sound

Isipadu air dalam gelas berkaki (ml)

Kelangsingan bunyi


High / Tinggi


Medium /




Low / Rendah

State the factor that influences the pitching of sound. Nyatakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kelangsingan bunyi. _____________________________________________________________________


[1 mark / markah]

ii) State and explain the relationship between manipulated variable and responding variable based on the concept of sound vibration during her practice. Nyatakan dan terangkan hubungan antara pembolehubah manipulasi dan pembolehubah bertindak balas berdasarkan kepada konsep getaran bunyi semasa latihannya. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

d) When carrying the goblets to the venue of the competition, Amy wraps the goblets with wool strings to avoid them from being cracked. Semasa membawa gelas berkaki tersebut ke tempat pertandingan, Amy membalut gelas berkaki tersebut menggunakan benang bulu untuk mengelakkanya daripada retak.

Diagram 7.2 / Rajah 7.2

Amy does not remove the wool string on goblet P but she removes a part of the wool string on goblet Q as shown in Diagram 7.2. Amy found out that goblets P and Q produce different pitching of sound. Justify the



Amy tidak menanggalkan benang bulu pada gelas berkaki P tetapi dia menanggalkan sebahagian benang bulu pada gelas berkaki Q seperti dalam Rajah 7.2. Amy mendapati gelas berkaki P dan gelas berkaki Q menghasilkan kelangsingan bunyi yang berbeza. Wajarkan situasi tersebut. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks/ markah ]

e) During her practice session, echo is produced. The echo has caused distraction to Amy. She needs to renovate the room to reduce the echo by using the following materials. Semasa sesi latihannya, gema telah terbentuk. Gema tersebut telah menyebabkan gangguan kepada Amy. Dia perlu mengubahsuai biliknya untuk mengurangkan gema menggunakan bahan berikut:

Diagram 7.3 / Rajah 7.3

Sketch the renovation that Amy should do in the diagram below. Lakarkan pengubahsuai yang Amy perlu lakukan dalam rajah di bawah.


[1 mark / markah]

Explain how it works./ Terangkan bagaimana ia berfungsi. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ [2 marks/ markah]


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