Mar 2007 Blessed Virgin Mary Messages Through Little Mary

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MESSAGE #2970 from the Blessed Mother March 7, 2007 My daughter, Pray that my children will repent, for many are living in mortal sin. Many are choosing darkness because they do not want to obey God. I say to my children, do not give in to the ways of the world. Do not listen to those who are making up their own rules. Satan is sly, so be on guard and do what is morally right. Live the Gospel each new day and live, live your Catholic Faith. Live simply so you have more time to pray. Through prayer, you will be led in the right direction and your love for Jesus will grow. Prayer is truly needed in order to stay strong in your faith. Listen, listen to what I am telling you and pray throughout the day. Unite your prayers with mine so more turn to God before it’s too late. Now, please understand that when you pray, you are drawn closer to God. Each time you pray and receive the Sacraments, you are given the grace needed to live a pure and holy life. Please, dear children, pray with me and take refuge in My Immaculate Heart. Pray and fast and receive the Sacraments with a pure and humble heart. Amen.

MESSAGE #2971 from the Blessed Mother March 12, 2007 My daughter, Believe in God’s love and mercy. Believe that God hears your prayers each time you pray from your heart. My children must continue to pray no matter what comes their way. Prayer is what will give them peace. Prayer will truly help them when trials arise. Please, dear children, never give up on prayer. Pray, pray each new day. Pray in those groups that I have formed. Pray throughout the day. Pray and be grateful for each new day. So many are in need of prayer, so please, please listen to what I am teaching you. Listen and respond and pray, pray more. Pray and take shelter in My Son’s Sacred Heart. Pray and love Jesus and adore Him with your whole heart. Now, please join hands and pray and give thanks to Almighty God. Amen.

MESSAGE #2972 from the Blessed Mother March 14, 2007 My daughter, Be at peace, for I am truly with you. Peace comes from knowing Jesus, so continue to take quiet time to be with Our Lord. Spend time with Jesus so you are not tempted to take the easier road. I say to all my children, take quiet time to be with Our Lord. Take time and kneel before Our Lord. Come to Jesus so you are led in the right direction. Do not turn your heart away from God. Stay close, close to My Son so you are fed the truth. The world will confuse you if you do not trust and hope in God. Many today are being misled because they are living a lukewarm faith. Please take heed to the Gospel and obey Almighty God. Let go of your desires and be true to Our Lord. It is the way to peace and the road that you must take. The world is no longer safe, so please, please dear children, respond to my heavenly requests. Respond now or you will suffer in days to come. Join hands and pray so you truly come to know Our Lord. Desire to change your ways so that I can lead you closer to My Son, Jesus. The time will arrive quickly and you will each need to be strong in your faith. Please listen to My Son and live each day for Christ. Be little children and surrender to God’s Holy Will. Amen.

MESSAGE #2973 from the Blessed Mother March 16, 2007 My daughter, Allow Jesus to inflame your heart. Trust in His Divine Mercy so you persevere with joy in your heart. So many today do not trust in Our Lord and they are choosing the road to eternal death. They are attached to the world and are giving in to Satan’s empty promises. Oh, how I weep for those who are choosing darkness. Please, dear children, take up your cross and follow Jesus. There is no middle way, you must turn to Jesus and devote your life to Him. You must obey each Commandment and meditate on Our Lord’s Passion. You must pray with humility and kneel before Our Lord. You must love God and unite yourself to Him. You will not find true happiness in anything or anyone except God, who will be your strength. Please, dear children, turn to God so that He can press you close to His heart. Make amends for your past mistakes and do penance for your sins. Serve My Son with all your heart and keep your focus on Him. Do not be foolish children, believe that someday you will have to die. Your soul will need to be in a state of grace. Each of you will have to answer to God. Your conscience must be at peace and that will not happen if you have not made time to be with God. Please use your time wisely, for you do not know the hour. God could call you at any time and you must ask yourself, am I prepared? Do good now while you still have time, for I say to you, the day will come. The day will come and you must think seriously of the day of your judgment. Now, please be willing to suffer now in the time you have left and keep your eyes on Heaven. Be truly sorry for your sins and pick up your cross and walk, walk with Jesus. Amen.

MESSAGE #2974 from the Blessed Mother March 19, 2007 My daughter, Each time you call upon the Holy Angels and Saints, they are with you. Each time you pray, ask for their prayers and they will truly intercede for you. Today, I ask that you call upon Saint Joseph, for he was truly obedient in fulfilling God’s Will. He truly sheltered My Divine Son and myself from the world. Families today need to ask for Saint Joseph’s assistance because there is so much evil that is taking place in the world. Please continue to pray as a family and pray, pray the Rosary. Pray the Rosary from your heart and bind your prayers around the world. Now, please be thankful for God’s goodness and love. Be thankful and imitate Christ and strive to do good, just as the Saints who walked the earth. Amen.

MESSAGE #2975 from the Blessed Mother March 22, 2007 My daughter, I am with you. Remain steadfast in your Faith and be submissive to the Will of God in all things. I am your heavenly mother and I shall truly protect you from all evil. All who are close to Jesus will suffer in order to be made more like My Son, Jesus. Please be brave and do what God and I are asking of you. Pick up your cross each new day and follow Jesus. Persecution is part of the spiritual path that will lead you closer to Jesus. Through suffering and trials you will be strengthened for the road ahead. There is so much sin that is offending God, so please continue to write and make these messages known. All my children must obey God and live, live the Gospel. All must repent and turn to God before it’s too late. My children are being warned, yet so many deny that God exists. This must change and all must wake up from their slumber. I am asking that all my children pray for those who are furthest away from God. Pray, pray throughout the day so their hearts will soften. Conversion will happen in this time of mercy if my children join hands and pray. Now, please move forward and do not fight the cross. Take heed to what I am telling you in this time of God’s mercy and grace. Pick up your cross and follow Jesus each new day. Amen.

MESSAGE #2976 from the Blessed Mother March 26, 2007 My daughter, I am your mother and I will protect you. I will intercede for those children who take refuge in My Immaculate Heart. Continue to do what God and I are asking of you and be submissive to God’s Holy Will. I truly want to help all my children, but they must listen and respond to my heavenly pleas. Please, dear children, adore Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Spend time with My Son so you truly come to know His love for you. Please be open to His love and be true disciples for Our Lord. Trust, trust in His divine mercy and love. Trust and believe that God has a plan for each of you. Through prayer and commitment on your part, God will fulfill His divine plan in your heart and soul. Now, please say ‘yes’ to God and go forth with love in your hearts. Amen.

MESSAGE #2977 from the Blessed Mother March 28, 2007 My daughter, Families must join hands and pray together. They must strive to live together in peace. Peace cannot exist if my children neglect prayer. Time is moving quickly, so please have hope and pray. Pray that more families will join hands and pray. Dear children, it is time now to invite other families to those groups that you have formed. Through prayer and love towards one another, you will be strengthened for times to come. Through prayer and true devotion to Our Lord, you will have peace through all trials and storms. Please reach out now so more come to know Jesus’ love for them. Many families are truly struggling because they have allowed themselves to become too busy for God. Many will suffer if they continue to ignore God. Each of you must be an example to each other. You must love, love one another and help those who are on the wrong path. Please share your gifts with others so more take part in saving souls. Please remain committed to those prayer groups that you have formed. Now, please join hands and pray, for your prayers can help change this darkened world. Amen

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