Apr 2007 Blessed Virgin Mary Messages Through Little Mary

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  • Pages: 8
MESSAGE #2979 from the Blessed Mother April 4, 2007 My daughter, Pray daily and keep your heart open to all that God is asking of you. I am asking that all my children respond to God’s call. I am asking that you pray, pray more and receive the Sacraments so you have the grace needed to make the right choices on this earth. Please examine your conscience and look to the Holy Family as your example. Pray together and love, love one another so you stay strong for Jesus. Stay close to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament so you are guided in the right direction. Jesus is your Savior, so please turn to Him each new day. Trust in My Son and allow Him to be your light. Trust and truly believe that My Son’s Heart is overflowing with love and mercy. Please be strong in your Faith, for My Son’s mercy will be followed by Justice. All will need to repent and be in a state of grace. Time is short for saving souls, so please respond now. Humble yourselves and repent and live, live the Beatitudes. This is the time for reparation, so please pray and do penance to save souls. Now, please listen to my heavenly plea; let go of fear, pick up your cross and follow Jesus. Devote yourself to prayer and listen, listen to My Son, Jesus. Amen.

MESSAGE #2980 from the Blessed Mother April 9, 2007 My daughter, I am with you. Continue to write each time I come to you. Please continue to focus on My Son’s mercy and take time to kneel before the foot of the cross. Spend time with Jesus and allow His love to penetrate your heart. This is a time of mercy and my children must not ignore God’s loving call. You are each called to imitate My Son’s ways. He is life and He will give you peace if you spend time with Him. He is your joy, so please do not reject My Son. Come to Him with an open heart and adore My Son, Jesus. Now, please turn to Jesus and ask Him to assist you each new day. Turn to Jesus and He will truly fill you with His love, mercy and joy. This, dear children, is my message, so please turn to God and embrace your cross with love and joy in your hearts. Amen.

MESSAGE #2981 from the Blessed Mother April 11, 2007 My daughter, Pray, pray for those children who are adding wounds to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Pray for the conversion of all sinners and for peace in the world. Prayer is your protection and through prayer, the evil one will flee. So many today are allowing Satan to rule their life; they are not praying as they should and they are living lukewarm lives. Without more prayer, my children will fall deeper into the pit. Without more prayer, fighting will increase. Prayer, sacrifice and penance are needed, so please respond today. Respond by truly living all that I am teaching you. Let go of your desires and follow Jesus each new day. Open your hearts and examine your conscience and then do all that you can to live God’s Word. Do not give up each time you fall. Be strong, strong for Jesus and carry your cross each new day. Persevere with love in your hearts so you do not lose hope or confidence in God. It is time now to move forward so begin today to respond to God’s love and mercy. Begin today and keep your focus on God’s love for you. Amen.

MESSAGE #2982 from the Blessed Mother April 16, 2007 My daughter, Those children who say they love Jesus, must obey all of God’s Commandments. They must love one another and imitate My Son, Jesus. They must live a holy life and be submissive to God’s Holy Will. This is a time of mercy, so please, dear children, respond to God’s loving call. Pray more and gather in those groups that I have formed. Join hands with one another and assist those who are on the wrong path. There is no time for laziness, each of you must pray, pray more. You must pray for God’s mercy and do your part for the salvation of souls. Please live the Gospel and prepare your hearts now. Greater storms will arise and without love in your hearts, you will see much violence and bloodshed. Live each day for Jesus so that My Son can dwell in you. Now, please turn to Jesus so you become strong soldiers for Our Lord. Amen.

MESSAGE #2983 from the Blessed Mother April 18, 2007 My daughter, Prayer is the answer. Satan is strong and he truly loves violence and bloodshed. He is trying to grasp as many souls as he can in this time that he has left. This is why I tell my children to pray, pray each new day. Please take this message seriously and pray throughout the day. This is a time of great mercy, so please turn to God before it’s too late. Satan wants to destroy the world and without more prayer, humanity will suffer. All must pray, fast and repent in order for change to occur around the world. Now is the time. Please join hands and pray in those groups that I have formed. Conversion cannot happen without more prayer. I weep for those children who do not know God. Great catastrophes are coming, so please do your part for the salvation of souls. Man is allowing much evil to enter the world so you must increase your prayers. You must listen to God instead of listening to the world. The United States will suffer because your wealth will be taken away. Punishment is near to wake mankind. Punishment is near because sins of impurity have become widespread. Abortion is on the rise and many parents are neglecting their children. Each child will have to answer to God. Many will suffer if they are not in a state of grace. God is merciful, but He will not allow much more. Many will be brought to their knees. Many will suffer due to disobedience to Almighty God. Change must occur. Change will happen quickly so I plead today and I ask for the assistance of my chosen sons. Amen.

MESSAGE #2984 from the Blessed Mother April 23, 2007 My daughter, Please continue to write, for these messages are for the world. All my children must come to know God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. Believe, believe in God’s unconditional love. Believe in God’s love for you so you turn to Him each new day. It is time now to respond to God’s love so you can be light to a world that is so filled with darkness. The new dawn is approaching, so please turn to My Son and place all your trust in Him. Climb God’s holy mountain and through your efforts, peace and love will dwell in your hearts. Amen.

MESSAGE #2985 from the Blessed Mother April 25, 2007 My daughter, All must do their part for the salvation of souls. If you believe, then you must be willing to change. You must go forth and live the Gospel and strive to imitate Christ. You must respond to all that I am teaching you so that change can occur in your life. A response is needed from all my children, so please pray and accept God’s Will in your life. Pray and ask God to change you so that you can grow in holiness. Ask God to help you in those areas where you are weak. Ask and you will receive the grace needed to live a holy life. I say to all my children, you must be willing to change so that God’s love can flow through you. You must let go of pride, hatred and bitterness and be humble loving children. You must change and truly live these messages in order for peace to exist. It is time now to respond. It is time to let go of your desires and be true soldiers in this time of mercy. More will come to know God if you allow Him to work through you. More will fill the church if you allow God’s love to shine through you. More will come to know My Son if you truly imitate Christ. Now, please join me in prayer and do your part so more gather in those groups that I have formed. Amen.

MESSAGE #2986 from the Blessed Mother April 30, 2007 My daughter, When my children gather and pray it is truly powerful, so please continue to remind my children of the importance of prayer. Through prayer and true devotion to Our Lord, new doors will open. Through prayer and love in your hearts, more will gather in those groups that I have formed. Please believe in the power of prayer and come to Mass and pray the Rosary. God will touch each person in a special way and you will be filled with joy. A response is needed if you truly want to grow in holiness. A response is needed so you are prepared for times to come. If you truly want my assistance, then please gather in this church that God has chosen for you. Gather and pray and I, your mother, will pray with you. It is time now to truly pray and prepare your hearts in this time of purification. Time is moving quickly, so please, please respond. Amen.

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