Feb 2007 Blessed Virgin Mary Messages Through Little Mary

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  • Pages: 6
MESSAGE #2963 from the Blessed Mother February 5, 2007 My daughter, Pray for all your brothers and sisters. Pray for those who have so much darkness in their hearts. Pray, pray each new day so more see light instead of darkness. Love and truth must dwell in your hearts if you truly want to imitate My Son. So many hearts are filled with hatred and pride. Please, dear children, let go of your desires and turn to God. Prepare your hearts and be loving, humble and obedient to God. Please begin today. Open your hearts and believe in God’s love and mercy. Believe and pray more, so that I can lead you closer to My Son, Jesus. Please understand there is much darkness in the world. Evil has become widespread. Without your ‘yes’ to God, many will fall deeper, deeper into the pit. Without more prayer, many will suffer in days to come. Now, please pray for those who are living in darkness. Pray, for I say to you, time is short. Amen.

MESSAGE #2964 from the Blessed Mother February 7, 2007 My daughter, Lack of prayer displeases God, so please tell my children to take quiet time and pray. Tell my children to make more time to be with God. Busyness is what will pull you away from God, so please make better use of your time. Begin today to truly live what I am teaching you. Pray the Rosary and reform your lives. Use your time wisely so you grow in holiness. My time to be with you is short, so please respond now. Respond with love in your hearts and make time to serve Our Lord. Your hands are truly needed in order to make a difference in the world. Live each day for Jesus and allow Him to use you in a special way. Be thankful and loving children. Be thankful for this time of God’s great mercy. Be thankful so you never lose hope or confidence in My Son. My Son blesses you with many graces each time you turn to Him. Now, please allow My Son to guide you so you stay strong, strong for Jesus. Be loving, loving children and be open to God’s Will in your life. Amen.

MESSAGE #2965 from the Blessed Mother February 12, 2007 My daughter, I am with you. Continue to pray and do your part for the salvation of souls. Prayer and obedience to God is how conversion will happen. All my children must pray and live, live the Gospel. They must be an example to all their brothers and sisters. Without love in your hearts, you will only turn others away. Please be prayerful, loving children so more turn to God before it’s too late. Satan loves war, so please do the opposite of what he is telling you. Be loving and forgiving and rescue those who have allowed hate to rule their life. It is time now to move forward with love and joy in your hearts. It is time to speak the truth in a gentle loving way. All must wake up from their slumber, so please respond and share all that I am teaching you. Now, please be obedient servants so more can be accomplished in this time of renewal, mercy and grace. Amen.

MESSAGE #2966 from the Blessed Mother February 14, 2007 My daughter, Pray and fast in reparation for those souls who are disobeying God’s laws. Pray and fast, for sin has become widespread. In order for my children to obey God’s Commandments, my children must turn away from sin. They must strive to live a pure and holy life. All must pray and turn to God and ask, ask for His assistance. Please, dear children, stop relying on yourselves and turn to God for all your needs. Trust in God’s merciful forgiveness and believe in God’s mercy and grace. My Son, Jesus, is truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, so come, come to Jesus and spend time with Him. Come to Jesus and examine your soul. Be truly sorry for your sins and cleanse your soul regularly. Live each Commandment. Live your Catholic Faith. The hour is growing shorter, so please respond to my motherly call. Respond and trust in My Son. Amen.

MESSAGE #2967 from the Blessed Mother February 26, 2007 My daughter, Please continue to write, for I am truly with you. Please persevere and accept my motherly assistance. Persevere and believe that My Son, Jesus, will embrace you in a special way. Please tell my children to live my messages so more come to know Jesus in a deeper way. Prayer and sacrifice is truly needed so more repent and amend their lives. I need each of you to go forth and share all that I am teaching you. You have each been chosen to relay my messages around the world. In time, more hearts will open if you do your part for the salvation of souls. Many more storms will arise and my children need to be prepared. Each child must come to know God’s love and mercy. Please examine your conscience and then ask God, am I truly prepared. I say to my children, make more time to be with God. Come to Mass as often as you can and cleanse your soul regularly. Be truly sorry for your sins and be more loving to those around you. Take a stand for life and truly live your Catholic Faith. Join hands with your family and pray, pray together. Do not abuse this time, be true disciples for Our Lord. Be loving, prayerful children and prepare, prepare your soul. Amen.

MESSAGE #2968 from the Blessed Mother February 28, 2007 My daughter, Penance and prayer are truly needed in this time of God’s mercy and grace. Please, dear children, pray and do penance for those who are furthest away from God. Pray each new day so more turn to God before it’s too late. Through prayer and penance, hearts will be converted. Please understand I need your assistance, for so many are choosing to live in darkness. A great chastisement will come if man continues to live in sin. Repentance is truly needed, for evil has become widespread. Prayer and penance truly console My Son’s wounded Heart. Now, please let go of the noise of the world and pray quietly with Our Lord. Pray and trust in God as you kneel before Our Lord. My daughter, pray with me, for many souls are in need of conversion. Many souls will suffer if they continue to live in mortal sin. Time is moving quickly, so please tell the world to join hands and pray, pray as a family. Pray, pray your Rosary every day. Amen.

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