Jan 2007 Blessed Virgin Mary Messages Through Little Mary

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  • Words: 2,236
  • Pages: 11
MESSAGE #2951 from the Blessed Mother January 2, 2007 My daughter, It is time to write, for this message must be spread all around the world. I need my children to understand the importance of prayer. The world must atone for its sins. All must pray, fast and do penance in this time of God’s mercy. Change will happen and my children must amend their ways before it’s too late. Please, begin today or you will truly suffer in days to come. Please start taking these messages seriously and reform your life. Do not wait for God to shake this earth, for time moves quickly. Take heed to the Gospel and live, live your faith. Live your faith now so you are strong in days to come. Many will suffer persecution for saying ‘no’ to the ways of the world. Through prayer and obedience to God, you will be able to endure the trials yet to come. Through sacrifice and trust in God, you will learn to do without your material possessions. You will not give in to the enemy if you are strong in your faith. You will have joy, peace and strength, if you stay close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Please come to Mass as often as you can and pray your Rosary every day. Stay close as a family and make time to pray together. Special blessings will truly be given to those who take heed to my requests. Now, please do not try to walk alone, take My Son, Jesus, with you wherever you go. Amen.

MESSAGE #2952 from the Blessed Mother January 4, 2007 My daughter, My children must come to know Jesus in order to truly live these messages. Hearts must open to God’s love and mercy before my children can imitate My Son’s ways. Please, dear children, come to know My Son’s love for you. Open your hearts and turn to God and I promise you, your lives will change. You cannot love or be filled with joy until you come to know God’s love. Without love in your hearts, peace cannot exist. Without love in your hearts, this world will only become darker. Please come to Jesus so that you grow in holiness. Come to know the truth so you build your relationship with My Son. Trust in God’s mercy and reform your ways. Now, please begin today and imitate His love for you. Begin today and trust in God for all your needs. Amen.

MESSAGE #2953 from the Blessed Mother January 8, 2007 My daughter, Move forward with joy in your heart so more come to know God’s love and mercy. This is the time to move forward, so please be loving, joy-filled children. Be humble and compassionate towards all your brothers and sisters. Pray each new day and bind your Rosaries around the world. Pray for the conversion of all sinners and for peace in this darkened world. I want each of you to move forward no matter how dark this world becomes. I want each of you to stay hopeful through all trials and storms. God will not abandon you, so please stay hopeful and trust. Be prudent and rely on God for all your needs. Do not give in to the ways of the world. Imitate My Son and believe in His unending love for you. Keep your focus on My Son so your hearts remain open to the truth. Now, please keep moving forward and live in peace and harmony. Keep moving forward and be submissive to God’s Holy Will in your life. Amen.

MESSAGE #2954 from the Blessed Mother January 10, 2007 My daughter, So many today are addicted to their way of life and they are truly falling deeper into the pit. Change cannot happen if my children are choosing to live in sin. Change cannot happen if my children refuse to obey all of God’s Commandments. Pride and lack of discipline is why so many of my children are on the wrong road. I say to my children, wake up and amend your ways. Be obedient to your Pope, for he speaks the truth. This Pope truly desires peace in the world, but this will not happen if my children refuse to respond. Each of you must be merciful, loving and forgiving of one another. You must let go of pride and hatred towards your brothers and sisters. You must respond in order to be a faithful servant of God. You must deny your very self and be loving, humble children. Please offer all of your self to My Son, Jesus, so you do not become preoccupied with the ways of the world. Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus. Open your hearts daily so that My Son can dwell in you. Now, please use your time wisely and obey and trust in Almighty God. Amen.

MESSAGE #2955 from the Blessed Mother January 11, 2007 My daughter, Change must happen all around the world. My children must repent and amend their ways. All must do their part or you will see increased fighting which will lead to a greater war. I have been with you for some time now and I am pleased with the many prayer groups that have formed. I say to my children, do not give up on prayer. Pray, pray more. Pray throughout the day and take Jesus with you wherever you go. The world will only become darker if my children become lax in their prayers. I am truly here to light the way, but you must keep this light burning in your heart and soul. You must be light to all your brothers and sisters. You must live a holy life and be an example to others. You must encourage others to pray and assist those who are still sleeping. There is still much work that needs to be done, so please assist me in this time that I can be with you. Pray and fast and use your hands and voice for Christ. Be loving, humble children so that peace may reign in the world. Now, please do not lose hope, for I am here, The Mother of God. I am here to prepare the way for My Son, Jesus. Amen.

MESSAGE #2957 from the Blessed Mother January 18, 2007 My daughter, God hears your prayers, so continue to pray and implore God’s mercy upon the world. Pray for the youth. Pray for those children who are choosing to live in mortal sin. Many children today are not being fed the truth. Parents, teach your children before it’s too late. Pray with your children and teach them right from wrong. Do not allow the world to teach your children, for many today are on the wrong path. Form your children in the proper way so they become strong in their faith. As parents, you are the greatest educators on this earth. Please, dear parents, take your vocation seriously and be an example to your children. Pray to God and ask for His assistance so you do not give in to the ways of the world. God will truly help you if you place your trust in Him. Now, please work together and make time for family prayer. Receive the Sacraments often so you do not neglect your soul. Be caring, loving children and do your part to be light to this world. Be true disciples for Jesus and make your home a Christian home. Amen.

MESSAGE #2958 from the Blessed Mother January 22, 2007 My daughter, Be thankful for all trials, persecution and suffering, for through this you will be strengthened for times ahead. God and I are with you, so please continue to do what We are asking of you. Time is moving quickly, so please tell my children to look to God for strength. God will truly assist those who turn to Him throughout the day. You will truly find peace and joy when you rely on God to help you each new day. Please continue to pray and live the many messages that have been so graciously given to you. Prayer is truly needed in order to fulfill God’s Will. Prayer is your protection, so please do not lose hope, have faith in My Son. Be confident that your prayers are being heard so you never give up. This time is so precious, so please be true disciples for Our Lord. Be thankful and loving children and listen, listen to My Son. Amen.

MESSAGE #2959 from the Blessed Mother January 24, 2007 My daughter, No plan for peace will come until my children return to God. Peace comes from knowing Jesus, so please come to know My Son now. Stop running in so many directions and make time to be with My Son. The answers will come if you turn to My Son and rely on His assistance. Surrender your hearts to Jesus and you will truly come to know His Will for you. Please understand there is but little time to repent and convert. There is but little time because sin has become widespread. These times are most serious, so please listen, listen to what I am telling you. Get down on your knees and repent. Obey each Commandment and build your relationship with Jesus. Let go of all pride, anger and rebellion and allow Jesus to heal you in those areas where you are weak. Do not wait to change, allow My Son to transform you. I say to my children, the wrath of God is coming to those who are disobeying His laws. Many will suffer for choosing to live in mortal sin. Many will suffer for not using their time wisely on this earth. Now, please pray for your country so more turn to God before it’s too late. Pray for the world so more turn to God with an open heart. Amen.

MESSAGE #2960 from the Blessed Mother January 26, 2007 My daughter, Be thankful for life. Be thankful for your parents, for they have and they are truly praying for you. In time, you will be together for all eternity. You have been chosen the day you were conceived, so be thankful for the many blessings God has given you. Stay close as a family and this will truly help you with the many trials yet to come. Stay close to me and My Son and you will truly have peace. I will watch over you with my loving care. I will help you on those days that seem difficult so you persevere with joy in your heart. Much suffering will occur because so many terrorists roam the streets. All will need to be prepared and in a state of grace. So many children are unprepared and they do not realize the great danger that lies ahead. Many are living in mortal sin. So many are ignoring my heavenly pleas. My daughter, your prayers and suffering are needed because so many souls are in danger and they are truly on the wrong path. Please continue to write and be willing to suffer for the salvation of souls. Prayer, fasting and daily sacrifices are truly needed to wake mankind, so please continue to be God’s instrument and do all that we are asking of you. Continue to pray and accept my love for you. I am Your Heavenly Mother and I am truly here to wrap my mantle around the world. My motherly blessing I now give to each of you. Go forth in love and persevere each new day. Amen.

MESSAGE #2961 from the Blessed Mother January 29, 2007 My daughter, Unite your prayers with the whole world. Unite your prayers and pray for the salvation of souls. So many today do not have peace in their hearts because they are so far away from Jesus, so please join hands and pray and unite your prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. My Son is truly listening, so please make more time and come to Him throughout the day. Come to Him with love in your hearts. Come back to My Son, Jesus, and join me, Your Mother, in prayer. Prayer is truly needed, so please return to God and live, live the beatitudes. Return to God and serve Him with your whole heart. Amen.

MESSAGE #2962 from the Blessed Mother January 31, 2007 My daughter, I am with you, so be at peace and write each time I come to you. Be at peace and accept each cross that My Son gives to you. Each new cross is truly God’s love for you. You are being strengthened for the road ahead, so please trust and turn to God each new day. I am truly here for all my children, so please tell the world to accept my love and protection. My Immaculate Heart is truly a refuge for all my children. I invite each of you to seek refuge in My Immaculate Heart. I desire you to be filled with love, joy and peace. It is my joy to bring you closer to My Son, Jesus. Please accept my love for you, for I am truly Your Heavenly Mother. Accept all that I am teaching you so that you grow in holiness. Now, please turn to Jesus and you will feel the fire of God’s love burning in you. Amen.

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