Managerial Effectiveness I 0107

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Question Paper

Managerial Effectiveness – I (MB121): January 2007


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Jagadish prepares a long memo to explain a complicated new procedure to employees in his unit A supervisor sends an e-mail message to all employees announcing a company picnic A manager sends an e-mail message to an employee telling the employee he or she is being fired The lead operator on the assembly line orally lets his boss know about an equipment problem Mona invites one of her subordinates to congratulate him regarding his promotion. < Answer >

Selective perception Prejudice Preoccupation Stereotyping Egocentrism. < Answer >

The sender has an idea The sender has a headache The idea becomes a message The message is transmitted The receiver gets the message.

While scanning the resumes or interviewing the candidates, which of the following is/are considered by the employer? I. II. III.

< Answer >

Attention, Interest, Deceive, Action Attraction, Interrogation, Decipher, Action Attention, Interest, Desire, Action Attraction, Intuition, Demand, Allocation Allow, Interact, Defect, Arrange.

Whether you are speaking, writing, or listening, communication is more than a single act. It is a chain of events that can be broken into five phases. Which of the following is not a phase in the communication process? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Each question carries one mark.

When we hear, we only perceive sounds, but when we listen, this hearing is accompanied by a deliberate and purposeful act of the mind. While listening, if we think, we must defend our position; we already know what others have to say and how we are coming through? Which of the following barriers are we encountering? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


The channel is the means to convey the message. To physically transmit your message you select a communication channel and medium. Which of the following demonstrates use of an inappropriate communication channel? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Answer all questions.

All business messages are essentially persuasive messages. After all, writers convey messages with the aim of persuading readers to their point of view. In this light, AIDA stands for (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


How a candidate will fit in with the organization. How well the candidate's skills match the job requirements. Pre-employment testing to determine whether a candidate has the necessary psychological characteristics. Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (III) above Both (I) and (II) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

< Answer >

(e) 6.

Research has shown that groups generally arrive at decisions in a predictable pattern. Aubrey Fisher identified four stages in group problem solving. Decision-making follows some steps. The first step is to decide on a situation which requires a decision to be taken, subsequent step is to (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


All (I), (II) and (III) above. < Answer >

Develop a list of options Analyze options Select the best option Implement the decision Assign options to an individual, group, or department.

Which of the following statements are true regarding visual aids?

< Answer >

I. Visual aids clarify and simplify data. II. Visual aids clarify and magnify data. III. Visual aids can be used to persuade the reader to the writer’s point of view. IV. Visual aids should be colorful to attract the attention. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 8.

The unspoken part (nonverbal) of communication always accompanies the verbal part. The unspoken part of the communication conveys myriad meanings. For a speech to be effective, the verbal and nonverbal elements of the presentation have to be (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


(c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

When you want to present the effects resulting from various causes When you want to explain the processes, in presentation of historic events, and in relating personal experiences When you want to present speeches describing a scene, a location, or a geographical distribution When you want to present several facts of a topic that are obviously related and consistent with the subject of the speech When you want to present bad news.

Which of the following should be implemented when analyzing a problem? I. Determining who are the audience. II. Determining what is the purpose of writing. III. Finding out what information must be included in the message. IV. Determining what kind of stationary be used for writing the message. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Aligned Non-Aligned Realigned Inclined Alienated.

To promote the listener’s comprehension of your ideas, and to maintain attention at a high level, you should organize the body of your speech into meaningful patterns. It is advisable to use spatial pattern (a) (b)


Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (I) and (IV) above (I), (III) and (IV) above (II), (III) and (IV) above.

Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (III) and (IV) above (I),(II) and (III) above (I), (II) and (IV) above.

< Answer >

(e) 11.

The seating arrangement in a meeting can have a bearing on the outcome of the meeting. Studies have shown that people react in certain predictable ways to certain physical surroundings. Which of the following types is suitable for large groups that are meeting to obtain information? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)





< Answer >

Decreased clarity Increased ambiguity Social indifferences Mind limitations Psychological bias.

A lose-lose situation is hardly a desirable outcome. To avoid this, sometimes people compromise. In a compromising approach to conflict resolution, cooperation between the two parties is dictated by (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Formation Formalization Coordination Interrogation Dissolution.

We all know that a sentence can be broadly divided into two parts: the subject and the predicate. Each word in sentences has its own function in contributing to the overall meaning of the sentence. Depending on these functions, a sentence has different parts of speech or word classes. Short sentences communicate better than long sentences due to (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Knowing that she was right; Cathy argued vigorously Knowing that she was right—Cathy argued vigorously Knowing that she was right. Cathy argued vigorously Knowing that she was right, Cathy argued vigorously Knowing that she was right Cathy argued vigorously.

During which of the following stages conflicts almost always arise when the group chooses a leader and defines the problem? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Use teams and collaborative work groups to arrive at quick decisions Limit decisions to a few managers at the top of a formal hierarchy Realize that the traditional management structure still works best Make all important decisions by going through a painstaking, careful, time-consuming process Avoid tough decisions or simply procrastinate.

Writers use punctuation marks to help readers extract meaning from a sentence, in much the same way that readers use pauses and voice inflection. Clarity is a primary consideration. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

The banquet style T formation style Participative style Equalizing style Theatre style.

Changing environments change the ingredients for success. What was once accepted as recipe for success is no more accepted today. Hence, today’s successful companies (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


(I), (II) and (IV) above.

Jealousy Altruism Self-interest Good-manners Willingness to lose.

< Answer >

(e) 17.

Communication among the members of a group leads to group decisions. If these decisions are to be effective, a group’s members must be able to communicate freely and openly with all the other members of the group. If communication fails that may lead to conflict. When dealing with dysfunctional group members, the team leader should (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)




(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 22.

< Answer >

Lack of familiarity with the situation or the receiver Gestures, postures, and tone of voice Indecision about content Difficulty expressing ideas Lack of knowledge about the background of the receiver.

The introduction to an essay should not I. II. III.

< Answer >

Refer the customer to a third party for satisfaction Adopt a stern tone Adopt an uncompromising tone Assume that the customer’s account of the transaction is an honest statement of what happened Refer to the benefits of your product or service.

Many things have to be kept in mind while formulating a message. You may be able to anticipate some problems and not be able to anticipate others. Which of the following cannot go wrong when you are formulating a message? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

The job search The cover letter Your past work history Your self-analysis Your list of references.

One of your friends started a small-scale industry, which manufactures toothpastes. Recently, he has received many complaints from customers regarding the quality of toothpaste supplied. As an inexperienced businessperson, he does not know how to respond to the complaints. He requires your help. Which of the following generally pays in such a situation? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Lay down rules in an opening statement Stare at them until they are quiet Eject them from the meeting Place the unruly members at the end of the table or across from the leader Not invite them to the next meeting.

To make yourself heard above the din of the marketplace you must not only have a clear idea of exactly what kind of employment would suit you best, but also the ability to sell yourself effectively to would be employer. The first step in building your resume is (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Willingness to lose.

< Answer >

Capture the reader’s attention. Present the concluding statement. Give the reader an idea of what will follow. Only (II) above Only (III) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Nonverbal vocal communication refers to I. Gestures. II. Tone of voice. III. Eye Contact. IV. Pronunciation and enunciation.

< Answer >

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 23.

Depending on the requirement, various ways are used to convey the message. Some consider formal some consider informal. Which of the following types of brief business message is deemed most formal? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)





< Answer >

State that it is illegal and you will not answer it Try to focus on the actual issue that may underlie the question State that it is illegal but you will gladly answer it Ignore the question and ask the interviewer one instead Fight with the interviewer for asking an illegal question.

A composition is a collection of various paragraphs. A paragraph is collection of various sentences. Which of the following elements of a paragraph shows the relationship between paragraphs and among sentences? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Direct with reasons for the decision Direct Indirect with reasons for the decision Indirect Graphical.

When you are asked a question which is not legal, what should you do? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Application bank Opening Salutation Notation Postscript.

Which of the following communication strategies would be best for a message to your employees announcing an extra paid holiday? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Message Receiver Source Channel Medium.

There are many parts in a standard letter like, heading and date, inside address salutation, body etc. “Dear sir” in a letter is an example for (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Letter Memo E-mail Informative flyer Circular.

The process of communication passes through many phases - there will be a person who wants to communicate and there will be a person who is willing to receive the message. The communication process is initiated by the (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (II) and (IV) above Both (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

Topic sentences Developing sentences Introductions Transitional words and phrases Middle section.

< Answer >

(e) 29.

Communication is essential for the functioning of an organization. Everyday a vast amount of information flows from managers to employees, employees to managers and from employees to employees. If a company’s formal communication network limits the flow of information (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)




(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

The writer’s needs and interests Audience’s desires, interests, and needs The interests of the society The strategies of marketing specialists The organization’s policies.

The elements of a report refer to those components that are usually included in a formal business report. In a report, the executive summary is also sometimes called the I. II. III.

< Answer >

Could you give me one reason for not hiring me? Why is this job vacant now? What additional training does your organization provide? What are your organization's major strengths and weaknesses? What growth opportunities do I have in your organization?

Although persuasion is generally associated with sales letters, it is also a strategy that business people must master to gain the support of others for import decisions. With which of the following are the best persuasive messages closely connected? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Time Hypotheses Quantity Place Factors.

Whatever the type of interview, a good deal of planning is necessary to make the interview a successful one. There are six strategies for planning an interview - state the purpose, get information about the other party, decide the structure, consider possible questions, plan the physical setting and anticipate problems. Which of the following questions is not among the list of possible questions to ask the interviewer? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Superiors do not have to be burdened with flow of communication from subordinates Only the people at the top of the chain of command see “the big picture” Lower-level employees will feel relieved because of less communication load Effectiveness of organizational communication improves Communication channels in the organization work efficiently since, less communication passes through.

When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. A report investigating differences in patterns of swimsuit sales in different climatic regions would be subdivided on the basis of (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Middle section.

Epitome. Executive overview. Management overview. Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

< Answer >

(e) 34.

When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. Which of the following is not true of business reports? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)



(c) (d) (e) 38.

< Answer >

Responding to the immediate request Conveying a good impression of yourself Conveying a good impression of the firm Encouraging the sale Composing a “personal” reply.

How can you best prepare for the question-and-answer session that follows the presentation? (a) (b)

< Answer >

Definite Malicious Dogmatic Indefinite Indelible.

Which of the following is not the main goal while responding to a request that involves a potential sale? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Reports are usually prepared for managers Select the format, style, and organization of the report according to your needs A report is any factual, objective document that serves a business purpose Reports can be printed on paper Reports can be distributed electronically.

While writing an order letter, use terms that assure the seller of your desire to buy; avoid statements like “I’m interested” or “I’d like to.” These statements are termed as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

< Answer >

You can give your audience a list of questions they may ask You can think about potential questions and answers as part of the preparation for the presentation There is no practical way of preparing for the question-and-answer session You can memorize answers to some potential questions You can discourage your audience from asking questions.

In most of the occasions, success of the business communication depends on the benefit the message offers to the reader. If the reader thinks that the message is useful to him in any way, he responds to it positively. However, there is an exception. In which of the following situations you do not need to include reader benefits in your message?

< Answer >

I. When you are presenting factual information only. II. When the reader’s attitude toward the information doesn’t matter. III. When the reader needs to be convinced. IV. When you are writing an application letter. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 39.

Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (I) and (IV) above Both (II) and (IV) above Both (III) and (IV) above.

When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. Which of the following is a logical interpretation of what the facts in your report mean? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Title fly Conclusion Abstract Executive summary Body of the report.

< Answer >

(e) 40.

Assume, you are the HR manager of a firm. Recently a new procedure has been adopted for applying for leave. Hence, you have to notify the same to all the employees. The most appropriate medium would be (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)



(b) (c) (d) (e) 44.



< Answer >

How the request benefits them How many others have replied favorably How easy it will be to say yes Why they have been selected How important the request is for the organization.

The channels is the means used to convey the message. To physically transmit your message you select a communication channel and a medium. The medium could be telephone, computer, fax, letter, memo, face-to-face, etc. Companies that use intranets (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Use the format for a claim letter Begin with a direct, unfriendly comment Explain the refusal in negative words Use an indirect approach with positive words Write in a straightforward manner.

Readers find ideas more interesting and appealing if they are expressed from the reader’s point of view. Individuals outside an organization might respond more readily to a request if they are told (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

First sentence sounds descriptive and evokes defensive reaction, second sentence sounds judgmental First sentence sounds judgmental and evokes defensive reaction and second sentence is descriptive Both the sentences are judgmental and evoke defensive reaction Both the sentences are descriptive and do not evoke defensive reaction Both the sentences are descriptive and evoke defensive reaction.

When developing a message to refuse a job, one should (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Proposing Solicited Unsolicited Directed Recommended.

Look at these sentences: “You never come to office on time.” And “Since you have been coming in late, I have had to make a lot of excuses whenever the Director asks for you. I am uncomfortable with that.” Which of the following is true? (a)

< Answer >

Persuasive messages Bad-news messages Routine, good news, and goodwill messages Angry messages Proposals.

Different hiring situations call for different kinds of application letters. Which of the following application letters is suitable when you know that the company is hiring? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

A phone call A formal letter An e-mail A detailed face-to-face presentation Videoconferencing.

How one organizes, his message depends on the type of message and objective of the message. Some messages you have to keep direct and others you have to keep indirect. Which business messages are the most straightforward? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Body of the report.

Are engaging in e-commerce with their customers Facilitate communication among employees within a company Are behind the times technologically Facilitate communication between employees and the society Are engaging in communication with the government.

< Answer >

(e) 47.

Which of the following statements is not true? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)




(c) (d) (e) 51.


< Answer >

Simulate the conditions of the meeting room as closely as possible Always stand while practicing Use videotape or a large mirror and tape recorder for feedback Plan a minimum of two run-throughs Position your anchor on the left from the audience's perspective.

In an organization there will be many functions performed by different people at different levels. There needs to be a structure which links various people and different tasks in the organization together. That structure is referred to as organization structure. A visual display of an organization's structure is called an/a (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

In business messages, it is generally okay to use words with negative connotations, as required Common background, credentials, important contacts, and evidence can be used to establish credibility with an audience that does not know you Words such as amazing, incredible, and extraordinary are quite convincing, with or without specific proof Written communication requires less tact than oral communication Good communication does not need to be free of biases.

Which of the following guidelines is not part of practicing your presentation? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

To gain acceptance for the bad news To maintain as much goodwill as possible with your audience To increase sales To reduce or eliminate the need for future correspondence on the matter To gain cooperation.

Which of the following statements is true? (a) (b)

< Answer >

"Please buy a subscription; our group really needs the money" "If you buy a subscription from me I'll make my quota" "This magazine will keep you informed on issues that affect your daily life" "Our group doesn't get any assistance from government agencies, so these magazine sales are our main source of funding" “This magazine will go out of print soon”.

The importance of effective bad-news communication is illustrated by the story of a man who carried in his coat pocket a job-refusal letter he had received from a company some years ago. He would frequently show the superbly written letter to others and comment, “I would accept a job from this company any day because this letter made me feel good about myself even though the company could not hire me.” Which of the following is not the goal of a bad-news message ? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Teams can help organizations succeed by increasing information and knowledge, diversity of views, acceptance of solutions, and performance levels Groupthink contributes to good decision making by members of teams The key to conducting productive meetings is carefully planning the purpose, participants, location, and agenda of the meeting A good meeting is not a series of dialogues between individual members and the meeting leader People's minds tend to wander because they can think faster than they can speak.

The best approach to getting someone to buy a magazine subscription from your charity group would be to say (a) (b) (c) (d)


Are engaging in communication with the government.

Organizational chart Organizational graph Organizational matrix Specialization Organizational division of labor.

< Answer >

(e) 53.

Euphemism is a word or phrase that is (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)





< Answer >

Constructive criticism Planning effective meetings Creating collaborative writings Creating groupthink Performance appraisal.

Public speaking is simply a specialized form of communication. However, there is one major characteristic of public speaking that often sets it apart from some other types of interactions. That is; I.

In public speaking, the speaker has a preconceived purpose; a purpose that has been decided upon before the talk begins. II. In public speaking the speaker has no preconceived purpose; the purpose is developed based on the response of the audience. III. In public speaking, the audience have a preconceived purpose; a purpose that has been decided upon before the talk begins. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Discuss how to avoid conflict Decide to be ruled by the majority Set deadlines Assign one person to boost morale by being the joker Let the leader dictate everything.

Groups form to accomplish some objectives. The objective may be to complete some kind of task or it may be to strengthen interpersonal relationships between the group members. Sharing information, brainstorming ideas, evaluating ideas and motivating members are all considered part of (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Précis Platitude Paragraph Preface Preamble.

Groups/teams form to accomplish some objectives. The objective may be to complete some kind of task or it may be to strengthen interpersonal relationships between the group members. The successful working of any team depends on the abilities of the leader in giving a proper direction to the teamwork. In planning a team-written document, members should develop a work plan, assign jobs, and (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Informal One way Vertical Two ways Formal.

A sentence, which is the basic unit of writing, is primarily a group of words that are so arranged, as to convey a complete meaning or make a complete statement. Which of the following is a direct statement of an idea that almost anyone would know already. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Possibly offensive General or abstract in meaning Highly technical A milder term for one with negative connotations Of Latin origin.

The style and purpose of an interview depend on its purpose and on the relationship between the two parties involved. In a problem solving interview the flow of communication is always (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Organizational division of labor.

Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (III) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and (III) above.

< Answer >

(e) 59.

Both (II) and (III) above.

What can we generally assume when writing a claim letter to a company about a genuine complaint that does not involve a large sum of money?

< Answer >


We can assume that the company will adjust the claim, so we can make a direct claim request in the message. II. We can assume that the company will not want to adjust the claim and we face an uphill battle as we begin writing the claim letter. III. We can assume that the company will try to get us in trouble for making the claim. IV. We can assume that we will have to write repeated claim letters because the company will keep the first claim letter buried in a pile of paper for months. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (IV) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (III) and (IV) above.

Which of the following points should be kept in mind when choosing a level of formality for a specific document?

< Answer >

I. II.

Use a friendly, informal style to someone you have talked with. Avoid contractions, slang, and even minor grammatical lapse in paper documents to people you do not know. III. Pay particular attention to your style when you write to people you fear or when must give bad news. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 61.

A memorandum sent by a worker in the sales department of Company X to workers in the production department of Company X, listing specifications of a product to be built for a customer would be classified as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


(d) (e)

< Answer >

Printing on white paper and writing short messages Using longer paragraphs and sentences of similar length in each paragraph Using bullets and lists, headings and subheadings, shorter paragraphs, and sentences of various lengths in each paragraph Avoiding lists and headings Avoiding all explanations and illustrations.

Regardless of your background, knowledge, or skill, each time you speak it is a different and unique experience. Which of the following deliveries is often referred as the “middle course”. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

External-operational communication Personal communication Internal-operational communication Grapevine communication Expository communication.

Making the message easier for the reader to understand, the writer has to use many techniques. What techniques can make a message easier to skim? (a) (b) (c)


Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Impromptu Extemporaneous Manuscript Memorized Pedagogy.

< Answer >

(e) 64.

Some times two identical verbal messages may communicate entirely different meanings when the tone of voice is different. Rhythm and pronunciation and enunciation are all considered parts of (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 67.



Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Maps Flow charts Line charts Surface charts Pie charts.

Choice of a particular visual aid depends on many factors like, suitability, knowledge of the audience etc. A visual aid in a report should I. II. III.

< Answer >

Pie diagram Gantt chart Bar chart Line graph Table.

Visual aids help communicate the subject matter more vividly; these tools can attract and hold the attention of the audience. Which of the following help readers to visualize geographic relationships and are especially useful when the reader may not be familiar with the geography discussed? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Reinforce the material. Conceal the material. Clarify the material.

Visual aids help communicate the subject matter more vividly; these tools can attract and hold the attention of the audience. Which type of visual aid is suggestible to present the data about the percentage of people who possess Mercedes Benz cars out of the potential car customers in Hyderabad? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Emblems Illustrators Regulators Adaptors Proximics.

Visual aids should be used in reports to I. II. III.

< Answer >

Voice quantifiers Voice qualifiers Vocal characteristics Vocal segregates Postures.

The gestures that go with what we are saying verbally and tend to depict what is being said. A good example is when you tell some one, “Come, sit in this chair” is accompanied by a nod of the head or a wave of the hand, signifies? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)



Assist the reader. Subsist the reader. Alert the reader. Only (I) above Only (III) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

< Answer >

(e) 70.

Arguments cannot be negotiated, only proposals can. This demands that emotions be kept under control. Negotiating is a delicate process and a lot of thinking must go into it, both before it actually gets underway, and while it is going on. Which of the following does not help the negotiating parties to reach an acceptable agreement? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)






< Answer >

Glossary appendix Executive summary Title fly Letter of transmittal.

Your friend has been investigating an issue for the last three weeks. He has collected bundles of data. He has prepared a rough sketch of report to be prepared. But he is not able to decide on the place for numerical facts. You suggest him to present the numerical facts (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Not having a specific goal Not inviting enough participants Circulating the agenda too far in advance Sticking too closely to the agenda Not ensuring the right ambience for the meeting.

The elements of a report refer to those components that are usually included in a formal business report. Many different types of reports are written in business and they may or may not contain all the elements uniformly. In a report, a list of definitions is called a/an (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Date, salutation, subject line, recommendation Introduction, facts, summary Conclusion, introduction, analysis Date, to, from, subject, contents Title page, table of contents, report text.

The success of a meeting depends on the ability of each individual member of a group to communicate with the rest of the group as a whole. The biggest mistake in holding meetings is (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Initiating Information giving or seeking Encouraging Coordinating Procedure setting.

When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. Which of the following is apt for the memorandum report? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Using a carefully crafted computerized form letter Answering each one personally Not responding if there are no job openings Making most responses by phone Using an answering machine.

Which of the following is not a task-facilitating role? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Identifying one’s priorities and needs beforehand Keeping one’s emotions in check Responding to personal attacks Listening actively and keeping an open mind Developing a list of possible solutions.

A human resources department that receives a lot of inquiries about job openings would best deal with this repetitive task by (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Through lists Through short paragraphs Through symbols Through tables and charts Through long paragraphs.

< Answer >

(e) 77.

Disagreements and subsequent conflicts arise because individuals see, hear, and interpret things differently. Success of the organization depends on how these conflicts can be used for the benefit of the organization. In this process sometimes to resolve the conflict you need to satisfy both the parties to the greatest degree. Then your approach must be (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


< Answer >

Avoiding Competing Accommodating Collaborating Compromising.

In which of the following types of resumes are the skills, accomplishments, employment given in the first section and academic experience in subordinate sections? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Through long paragraphs.

< Answer >

Chronological resume Technical resume Functional resume Combination of chronological & functional resume Divisional resume.

Reports are business tools that convey information objectively from one organizational area to another or from one institution to another. Which of the following aspects is not a part of the planning stage for conducting a survey?

< Answer >

I. Feedback mechanisms. II. Publication of results. III. Analyzing data. IV. Appointing people. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 80.

Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (IV) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (III) and (IV) above.

Visual aids will definitely help to present the information more attractively. Choosing the proper visual aids is very important. Which of the following questions is appropriate when checking visuals aids?

< Answer >

I. Is it convenient? II. Is it accurate? III. Is it necessary? IV. Is it colorful?


(a) Both (I) and (II) above (b) Both (II) and (III) above (c) Both (III) and (IV) above (d) (I), (II) and (III) above (e) (II), (III) and (IV) above. As a business practice, letters denying credit, refusing to honor a request, are written using indirect approach. Indirect approach means (a) Being vague (b) Writing a lengthy letter (c) Addressing a letter to the top boss of the organisation (d) Opening with a buffer (e) Explaining your decision is based on company policy.

< Answer >

(e) 82.

Explaining your decision is based on company policy.

Listening is the most frequent, perhaps the most important type of on-the-job communication. Listening on the job is not only frequent it is very important as well. In fact, most managers agree that “active listening” is the most crucial skill for becoming a successful manager. Which of the following include “Listening”?

< Answer >

I. Analyzing. II. Evaluating. III. Responding. IV. Echoing. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 83

When you are answering a claim from a customer who reported receiving damaged merchandise, a good first sentence might be (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (III) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (III) above All (I), (II),(III) and (IV) above. < Answer >

You have the right to be upset about the broken items We will replace the damaged cases at once Three new cases of a replacement shipment are being rushed to you by express mail Calm down! Everyone makes mistakes! We regret to hear that the merchandise you received was broken.

The unspoken part (nonverbal) of communication always accompanies the verbal part. The unspoken part of the communication conveys myriad meanings, but fails to communicate

< Answer >

I. Anger. II. Ideas. III. Concepts. IV. Skepticism. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 85.

A salesperson's presentation to a customer would be classified as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (III) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (I) and (IV) above.

External communication Expository communication Personal communication Internal communication Grapevine communication.

Groups form to accomplish some objective. The objective may be to complete some kind of task or may be to strengthen interpersonal relationships between the group members. Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective teams? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

A clear sense of purpose Open and honest communication Decision making done primarily by the team leaders Encouragement of original thinking Collective responsibility.

< Answer >

(e) 87.

From the writer’s point of view, details that support a refusal are very important. If the supporting details are understood and believed by the reader, the message may be readily accepted and a good business relationship preserved. Which of the following statements is false regarding the explanation portion of the bad-news message (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


(d) (e)

< Answer >

It should question the reader's actions It should tell people only what they need to know It should use passive voice to reduce the harshness of the news It should use clear language and avoid technical jargon It should cite your reasons for saying "no."

In which of the following ways can you adopt an audience-centered approach in your business communication? (a) (b) (c)


Collective responsibility.

< Answer >

By writing about the audience By developing a long-term relationship with the audience By focusing on and caring about the members of the audience and making all possible efforts to make your message meaningful to them By making sure that you agree with your audience on all issues By writing an emotional message.

Which of the following statements are true regarding deductive structure?

< Answer >


In the deductive structure the proposal is stated first and then arguments that support the proposal are presented. II. Deductive structure is advisable when we want to say good news. III. In the deductive structure the arguments are presented first in a way that leads to the proposition. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 90.

Why can a letter of appreciation become very important in the recipient's professional life? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


< Answer >

Because it becomes a personal memento of a professional life Because it may be the only letter of its kind for the recipient Because it can make a recipient very happy Because it has the potential to become an important part of the recipient's personal file Because it can help him/her find a better job quickly.

A report’s success depends not only on how well you have collected the information through research, but also on how well you have presented it using visual aids. Multi-range bar charts are useful when (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (III) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above.

< Answer >

You have to present detailed, numerical information You have to compare more than one quantity over time You are displaying time relationships You are depicting changes in quantitative data over time and illustrating trends You want to show how the parts of a whole are distributed.

Salespersons who come to your door may present an interesting talk with countless pieces of information, but their ultimate purpose is to persuade. Unless the materials contained within their speeches are aimed at securing their purpose, they will not make the sale. Based on which of the following, you can better select the ideas? I. The response you want from the audience. II. The dress you want to wear at the time of presentation. III. The dress you want your audience to wear. IV. The place in which you are planning to speak.

< Answer >

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 93.

When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. Report is a decision making tool for the managers. The three purposes of reports are to analyze and justify, persuade and propose, and provide (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)




(b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Bar chart Line chart Gantt chart Pie chart Tables.

Reports are also classified on the basis of their format. Which of the following is true regarding manuscript? (a)

< Answer >

Group interviews Stress interviews Video interviews Open-ended interviews Problem-solving interview.

It is correct that, visual aids help to communicate effectively. Selection of an appropriate visual aid requires a lot of effort. If proper visual aid is not selected, the purpose of the communication is affected. Which of the following is most suitable for presenting the project scheduling information? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Pre-employment testing Handwriting analysis A structured interview An open-ended interview A directive interview.

An interview is a goal-oriented, interpersonal communication between an interviewer and a respondent. The style and structure of an interview depends on its purpose and on the relationship between the two parties involved. Which of the following kinds of interview judges candidates' interpersonal skills? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Information Solutions Conclusions Demonstrations Support.

An interview is a goal-oriented, interpersonal communication between an interviewer and a respondent. In which of the following interviews does the interviewer control the interview by asking a series of questions in a set order? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (IV) above Both (II) and (III) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

It is common for reports that run from a few pages to several hundred pages and require formal approach It is common for reports that run from a few pages to several hundred pages and require informal approach It is common for reports of five or fewer pages that are directed to outsiders It is basically for “fill in the blank” reports It is common for short informal reports distributed within an organization.

< Answer >


There are various parts in a letter. Every part of the letter has its own purpose and objective. Which of the following is not a reason to use a subject line? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


It aids in filing and retrieving the document It tells readers why they need to read the document It provides a framework in which to set what you’re about to say It ensures a faster response It introduces the purpose of the letter.

The paragraph must be developed in a logical manner. For instance, in a paragraph describing a process, chronological or time orders would be important. To achieve a logical progression of ideas and to provide coherence, writers use (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Synthesizers Punctuations Logical connectors Parentheses Exclamations.

100. Which of the following statements is true? (a)

< Answer >

The three steps of planning, writing, and completing business messages need to be completed in 1-2-3 order A person holding a low position in an organization can never have any influence on any decisions The written channel of communication is very conducive for getting quick and rich feedback In business messages, it is generally okay to use words with negative connotations, as required Even bad news can have some redeeming feature that can be pointed out for making a message more acceptable.

Suggested Answers

Managerial Effectiveness – I (MB121): January 2007 1.

Answer : (c) Reason : AIDA is referred as Attention, Interest, Desire and Action


Answer : (c) Reason : Sending an email message to tell the person that he is fired is an example of inappropriate use of the channel


Answer : (e) Reason : We are encountering the barrier called egocentrism.


Answer : (b) Reason : headache is by no means a phase in the communication process


Answer : (e) Reason : all the options are considered by the employer at the time of interview. Hence, option (e) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : Once a decision situation has been identified next logical step is to develop a list of options. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : Visual aids clarify and simplify data and visual aids can be used to persuade the reader to the writer’s point of view, are the correct statements.


Answer : (a) Reason : For a speech to be effective, the verbal and nonverbal elements of the presentation have to be aligned so that they support each other. Hence, option (a) is correct.

< Answer >


Answer : (c) Reason : Spatial pattern is effective in speeches describing a scene, a location, or a geographical distribution. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : Both (I) ,(II) and (III) should be implemented when analyzing a problem.


Answer : (e) Reason : Theatre style is appropriate for large groups that are meeting to obtain information. Hence, option (e) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : Companies, to be successful, need to use teams and collaborative work groups to arrive at quick decisions.


Answer : (d) Reason : Knowing that she was right, Cathy argued vigorously is correctly punctuated. Hence, option (d) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : During formation, conflicts almost always arise when the group chooses a leader and defines the problem. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : Short sentences are likely to communicate better than long sentences because of the inherent human mind limitations. Hence, option (d) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : In compromising approach cooperation between two parties is dictated by good manners. Hence, option (d) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : When dealing with dysfunctional group members, the team leader should lay down rules in an opening statement. Hence option (a) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : The first step in building your resume is self-analysis


Answer : (d) Reason : When responding to a customer’s complaint assume that the customer’s account of the transaction is an honest statement of what happened


Answer : (b) Reason : When formulating message we do not think about the gestures, postures and tone of voice.


Answer : (a) Reason : The introduction should not become a conclusion. The reader will not appreciate such essays. The introduction should catch the reader’s attention and only give him an idea of what is to follow.


Answer : (c) Reason : Tone of voice and pronunciation and enunciation are the part of vocal nonverbal communication. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : Letters are more formal than flyers, memos, circulars, and e-mail


Answer : (c) Reason : The process of communication is initiated by the source.


Answer : (c) Reason : “Dear Sir” in a letter is an example for Salutation.


Answer : (b) Reason : Since it is a good news it is advisable to use the direct approach.


Answer : (b) Reason : You should try to focus on the actual issue that may underlie the question.


Answer : (d) Reason : Transitional words and phrases show the relationship between paragraphs and among sentences.


Answer : (b) Reason : If a company’s formal communication network limits the flow of information, only the people at the top of the chain of command see “the big picture”; and lower-level employees lack a means for sharing their ideas with managers.


Answer : (d) Reason : Sub-division based on the place will be appropriate.


Answer : (a) Reason : Could you give me one reason for not hiring me is not one of the questions. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (b) Reason : The very objective of the persuasive messages is to convince the audience to our line of thinking hence, to make the persuasive message successful it should concentrate on the desires, interests, and needs of the audience.


Answer : (e) Reason : The executive summary—sometimes called the epitome, the executive overview, the management summary, or the management overview. It is a one page condensation of the report.


Answer : (b) Reason : Selecting the format, style, and organization of the report according to your needs is not true of a business report


Answer : (d) Reason : “I’m Interested” and “I’d like to ” are Indefinite Statements, which are recommended to be avoided in a Order Letter


Answer : (e) Reason : While responding to a request that involves a potential sale, except the option (e) all other options are aimed at responding to request that involves a potential sale potential sale.


Answer : (b) Reason : You can think about potential questions and answers as part of the preparation for the presentation. Hence, option (b) is correct


Answer : (a) Reason : Reader benefits are not needed when you are presenting factual information only and when the reader’s attitude toward the information doesn’t matter.


Answer : (b) Reason : The logical interpretation of what the facts in your report mean is called the “conclusion”. Hence, option (b) is correct.


Answer : (c) Reason : If the purpose of you sending a message is to notify employees of a new procedure, the most appropriate medium would be an e-mail.


Answer : (c) Reason : There is no recognizable place, and hence no guidelines, for sending angry messages in business communication. Routine, good news, and goodwill messages are the most straightforward.


Answer : (b) Reason : A solicited letter should be used when you know the company is hiring. Hence, option (b) is correct.


Answer : (b) Reason: First sentence sounds judgmental and evokes defensive reaction and second sentence is descriptive.


Answer : (d) Reason : Since refusal is a bad news message it is suggested to use indirect approach with positive words.


Answer : (a) Reason : Individuals outside an organization might respond more readily to a request if they are told how the request benefits them.


Answer : (b) Reason : Intranet is meant to facilitate communication among employees within a company.


Answer : (b) Reason : Rather than contributing to good decision-making, groupthink (the willingness of individuals to put aside their opinions and follow others blindly) can actually lead to poor decision-making. Resorting to groupthink will reduce the analytical abilities of individual members.


Answer : (c) Reason : The best approach to getting someone to buy a magazine subscription from your charity group would be to say "This magazine will keep you informed on issues that affect your daily life". Hence, option (c) is correct


Answer : (c) Reason : The goal of the bad news message is not to increase sales.


Answer : (b) Reason : Common background, credentials, important contacts, and evidence can be used to establish credibility with an audience that does not know you. Hence, option (b) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : Planning a minimum of two run-throughs is not a part of practicing presentation. Hence, option (d) is correct


Answer : (a) Reason : It is called the organizational chart.


Answer : (d) Reason : A euphemism is a word or phrase that is a milder term for one with negative connotations. Hence, option (d) is correct


Answer : (d) Reason : Since problem solving requires talking openly about the problem by the receiver and suggestions from the counselor. Hence, two way communications is required.


Answer : (b) Reason : A direct statement of an idea that almost anyone would know already is a platitude. Hence, option (b) is correct.


Answer : (c) Reason : In planning a team-written document, members should develop a work plan, assign jobs, and set deadlines. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (b) Reason : Sharing information, brainstorming ideas, evaluating ideas and motivating members are all considered part of planning effective meetings. Hence, option (b) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : The one characteristic of public speaking is that, In public speaking, the speaker has a preconceived purpose-a purpose that has been decided upon before the talk begins. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : We can assume that the company will adjust the claim, so we can make a direct claim request in the message.


Answer : (e) Reason : All the statements are true. Hence, option (e) is correct.


Answer : (c) Reason : The situation given in the question is ideally classifed as Internal-operational communication.


Answer : (c) Reason : A message can be made easier to skim by using bullets and lists, headings and subheadings, shorter paragraphs, and sentences of various lengths in each paragraph. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (b) Reason : The extemporaneous delivery is often referred as “middle course”. Hence option (b) is correct.


Answer : (b) Reason : They signify voice qualifiers. Hence, option (b) is correct.


Answer : (b) Reason : It signifies illustrators. Hence, option (b) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : The purpose of visual aids is to support or add meaning to the presentation or report. Therefore (d) is the correct answer. Visual aids are not designed to conceal material or to distract the reader


Answer : (a) Reason : Visual aids definitely add punch to the speech and make them effective. To know the percentage of total city dwellers that possess particular brand of car, it is advisable to use pie diagram or otherwise a stacked bar chart can also be used


Answer : (a) Reason : Maps help readers to visualize geographic relationships and are especially useful when the reader may not be familiar with the geography discussed.


Answer : (a) Reason : Visual aids assist the reader. Headings alert the reader. ‘Subsist’ means ‘to exist or continue in existence’—that’s clearly not the correct answer.


Answer : (c) Reason : Responding to personal attacks won’t help the negotiating parties to reach an agreement. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : A human resources department that receives a lot of inquiries about job openings would best deal with this repetitive task by using a carefully crafted computerized form letter.


Answer : (c) Reason : Encouraging is not a task-facilitating role infact it comes under group maintenance roles. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : The memorandum report is written in the memo format hence, date, to, from, subject, contents are the structure of the report.


Answer : (a) Reason : The biggest mistake in holding meetings is ‘not having a specific goal’. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : A glossary is an alphabetical list of definitions. Such a list is particularly useful if you are addressing a multiple audience that includes readers who will not be familiar with the technical vocabulary used in your report. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : The best way to present the numerical figures is through tables and charts.


Answer : (d) Reason : Collaborating, it is focused on satisfying both parties to the greatest degree. Both parties work together to resolve conflicts in a way that meets the concerns of both. It is particularly appropriate when both parties’ concerns are too important to be co


Answer : (c) Reason : Functional resume is organized around a series and accomplishments, and employment and academic experience in Subordinate sections.


Answer : (b) Reason : Publication of the results is not a part of the planning stage for conducting a survey.


Answer : (d) Reason : When reviewing your visual aids, ask yourself whether each one is necessary, convenient and accurate.


Answer : (d) Reason : Using a indirect approach means opening with a buffer i.e., a neutral statement.


Answer : (d) Reason : Analyzing, Evaluating and Responding included in the Listening process. Hence, option (d) is correct.


Answer : (c) Reason : Since, you are responding positively to the claim it is good to place the news in the first sentence it self.


Answer : (d) Reason : Ideas and concepts are not conveyed by non-verbal messages for that you need verbal communication. Hence option (d) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : A salesperson's presentation to a customer would be classified as External-operational communication. Hence, option (a) is correct


Answer : (c) Reason : Decision-making in effective teams is done by participation of all the members and not by the team leaders alone. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason : The explanation part of the bad news message should not question the actions of the reader.


Answer : (c) Reason : You can adopt audience –centered approach by focusing on and caring about the members of the audience and making all possible efforts to make your message meaningful to them. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (d) Reason : The statements I and II are true. In the deductive structure the proposal is stated first and then arguments that support the proposal are presented hence deductive structure is advisable when we want to convey any good or happy news. Hence, option (d) is


Answer : (d) Reason A letter of appreciation is important because it has the potential to become an important part of the recipient's personal file.


Answer : (b) Reason If you have to compare more than one quantity over time multiple-range bar charts are useful.


Answer : (a) Reason Decision can be taken based on the response you want from your audience. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason The three purposes of reports are to analyze and justify, persuade and propose, and provide information


Answer : (c) Reason A structured interview the interviewer control the interview by asking a series of questions in a set order. Hence, option (c) is correct.


Answer : (a) Reason Group interview judges interpersonal skills. Hence, option (a) is correct.


Answer : (c) Reason Gantt Chart is most suitable for presenting the project scheduling information. A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that graphically displays time relationships.


Answer : (a) Reason Manuscript is common for reports that run from a few pages to several hundred pages and require formal approach.


Answer : (d) Reason A subject does not ensure a faster response


Answer : (c) Reason: To achieve a logical progression of ideas and provide coherence, writers use logical connectors, or transition words. These words not only help the flow of ideas, but also indicate the relationship between ideas words like then, next, finally, etc. serve this purpose.


Answer : (e) Reason Except the option (e) all the options are false. < TOP OF THE DOCUMENT >

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