Managerial Effectiveness Ii 1006

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Question Paper Managerial Effectiveness – II (MB122): October 2006 • Answer all questions. • Marks are indicated against each question.


The manager must take note of the qualitative and quantitative standards that are to be maintained in < Answer > case of the 4Ms. Which of the following is not an ‘M’ with reference to 4Ms? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


A lack of cultural understanding frequently results in many unintended mistakes, such as being < Answer > culturally offensive, making cultural blunders, ruining personal relationships, and failing in negotiations and consequently losing profits. Which of the following is not a cultural dimension? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


< Answer >

Continual sense of urgency. Has an excessive competitive drive. They work at their own pace. Less likely to be under stress. Only (I) above Only (II) above Only (III) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (III) and (IV) above.

Any organization requires contribution by manager in three basic areas. Which of the following are the < Answer > basic areas in which the manager has to contribute? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Dictatorial style Consultative style Collaborative style Assigning style Instinctive style.

Which of the following is/are not the characteristic of ‘Type A’ personality? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Power distance Masculinity Vs Femininity Demographic barriers Uncertainty avoidance Individualism Vs collectivism.

In which of the following styles of taking decisions does a manager discuss the situation with the group < Answer > and stimulate it to generate alternative ideas and solutions? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Man Money Market Machine Materials.

Direct results, improve productivity, developing team work Direct results, establishing values, developing tomorrow’s managers Recruiting, planning, organizing Planning, organizing, communication Selecting, recruiting, and training.

Effective managers identify the important activities and perform one activity at a time. This is called < Answer > prioritizing. Which of the following is incorrect, while prioritizing? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

The managers weigh the future against past events Managers look for opportunities even in problem situations Managers discuss with everybody Managers have a sense of self direction Managers set high aims. 1


Which of the following occurs when the body performs activities outside its capabilities or when a < Answer > person faces extraordinary demands? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Raja works as a customer care executive in xyz company. Every day he faces many customers both < Answer > satisfied and dissatisfied. Due to wrong bills sent to customers billing department, Raja bore the brunt of the customers. Raja was under severe stress. This kind of stress refers to as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Creativity Stress Commitment Emotion Sprain.

Society related stress Health related stress Organizational stress Job stress Techno-stress.

Ram is a software engineer in XYZ Ltd. One day before the submission of a big project he lost all the < Answer > data due to a virus. Ram was under severe stress. This kind of stress is known as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Personal stress Work related stress Techno-stress Job related stress Organizational stress.

10. Gani is working as a marketing executive for a MNC since three years. He has not got any promotions < Answer > for the last three years though he has been performing well. These factors have led to a lack of concentration on his job. He shows the symptoms of burnout. Gani is now in which of the following stages of the burnout life cycle? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

First stage Second stage Third stage Fourth stage Fifth stage.

11. Holistic therapies allow the body to heal naturally. These therapies have no side effects and are reliable. < Answer > In which of the following holistic therapies, essential oils are used in the treatment process? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Massage therapy Aromatherapy Reflexology Nutrition therapy Hollow therapy.

12. Work life means a harmonious balance of work and domestic life. It allows an employee to fulfill all the < Answer > roles effectively and efficiently. Which of the following is not a reason to maintain work-life balance? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Increase in cost of living Changing social scene Increased work time Changing work culture Dual income families.

< Answer > 13. Employees should identify the symptoms of unmanaged stress that may result in burnout. This can help them to reduce the effects of burnout. Which of the following is incorrect regarding managing burnouts?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Identifying the sources of burnout Ensuring physical well-being Examine mental well-being Organize Set huge goals.

< Answer > 14. Which of the following is defined as allowing every member of an organization the time and resources to explore his/her inner self, desires, passions, ideas, and purposes?


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Yoga at work place Meditation at work place Spirituality at work place Work-life balance Holistic therapies at work place.

15. If a manager develops the habit of attending meetings without preparation, it results in a waste of time < Answer > for both the manager and those attending the meeting. Which type of internal time wasters does it refer to? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Personal disorientation Procrastination Excessive socialization Poor communication Inefficiency.

16. In which of the following techniques a big task or decision is broken into several smaller decisions, < Answer > which can be tackled one by one? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Salami technique Balancing aspects technique Incentive technique Group technique Prioritizing technique.

17. Managers spend most of their time dealing with interruption from internal and external visitors. They < Answer > spend a significant amount of time talking to someone, answering calls, or attending meetings. Which of the following is not true in accordance with handling interruptions? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

The office environment should be austere and should convey a message of a serious work place A manager should retain a sense of time when talking to unexpected visitors The desk of the manager should face the door A manager should have a half–closed door rather than an open door A manager should set aside specific time for meetings and visitors.

18. A goal is a powerful tool to focus energy and resources. Goals play a vital role in the time management < Answer > process. Managers should set goals that are in harmony with the long-term plans and objective. Which of the following is not true for setting goals? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

The goals must be specific The goals must be measurable The goals should ideally be huge The goals should be realistic The goals should have a time target or deadline.

19. Raglan was a manager of an advertising company. He was very good at time management. In order to < Answer > control time-wasters he made everyone know their work hours and schedules. Which strategy does it refer to? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Biological clock Spiritual planning Accessibility Prioritize Divide time.

20. The human body’s reaction to stress is natural. It results from the need to resist a stressful situation. < Answer > Which of the following is not a physical effect of stress? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Increased heart rate and blood pressure Increased usage of food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs Sudden increase or decrease in weight Insomnia Nervous weakness.

< Answer > 21. Achieving a work-life balance benefits both employers and employees. While the employers get the benefit of productivity and active employees, the employees feel secure and loyal. Which of the following is not a measure to be taken by the employers to maintain work-life balance of employees?

(a) (b)

Discourage employees from working late Take a regular employee satisfaction survey that can identify the pitfalls in the work pattern 3

(b) (c) (d) (e)

Take a regular employee satisfaction survey that can identify the pitfalls in the work pattern Allow employees to bring their families to the work place Provide vacations and encourage employees to take breaks Provide opportunities like work from home, flexi times.

< Answer > 22. The ability to produce unusual, novel answers to questions and interpretations of situations is known as…

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fluency component Flexibility component Originality Orientation component Proficiency component.

23. Creativity in managers is the capability to discover new ways of handling problem situations. Which of < Answer > the following is not a component of creativity? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fluency component Flexibility component Orientation component Proficiency component Originality.

24. Creative managers who view things from a new angle are very keen observers and make unusual < Answer > observations. They anticipate opportunities, challenge assumptions, and take adventurous decisions. Which stage of creative idea development involves searching for a variety of tools, techniques, and methods that might help in out-of –box thinking? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Exploring Inventing Selecting Implementing Feed back.

25. Robert is a manager who prefers things to be clear and organized. When things become disorganized or < Answer > uncertain they become insecure and avoid these situations. These makes to stick to the conventional approach and avoid creativity. Which of the following is a hurdle which is stopping Robert from being creative? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fear Anxiety Pessimism Stress Environment.

< Answer > 26. Reshab was appointed as a new manager for a publishing company. He was a person who strongly believed in creativity and innovations. So he wanted to develop a creative work environment where everybody will be encouraged to think creatively and express their ideas freely. Which of the following does not help in developing a creative work environment?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Diverse Rewarding Experimenting Risk free Challenging.

< Answer > 27. A creative team should have a common purpose and values. Which of the following is not a core value of creativity that should be common to all members of the team?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Curiosity Sensitivity Adventure Persistent effort Dependence.

< Answer > 28. Which of the following techniques involves encouraging employees to suggest creative solutions that are different from the conventional ones for certain unforeseen problems?

(a) (b) (c)

Mutual stimulation technique Fusion technique Ideating technique


(c) (d) (e)

Ideating technique Extremization technique Demolition technique.

< Answer > 29. Ramesh manager of a FMCG company was under severe stress as the sales of their soaps and detergents were decreasing gradually. So he decided to sort the problem out by discussing the problem with his employees. Ramesh thus decided to conduct a brainstorming session. Which of the following is incorrect while conducting brainstorming sessions?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Initially when the participants generate a number of ideas, a manager must ensure that there is no criticism against the ideas or participants The problem or situation given in the session should be vague The participants must be encouraged to produce ideas in their original form as they occur to them without modifying them in any way The emphasis must be on unusual ideas The participants must be encouraged to build on each other’s ideas.

< Answer > 30. There are six different hats a thinker can put on or take off to indicate the type of thinking being used. Each hat has a different color and each color means a different mode. Which of the following hats involves analyzing the benefits of a proposal?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

White hat Green hat Yellow hat Black hat Blue hat.

< Answer > 31. Emotional intelligence is defined as “a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action. Which of the following is not a branch of emotional intelligence?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

The ability to recognize emotions The ability to use emotions to assist the thought process The ability to be aware of emotions The ability to show emotions The ability to manage emotions.

< Answer > 32. The human body’s reaction to stress is natural. It results from the need to resist a stressful situation. Which of the following is not a psychological affect of stress?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Difficulty in concentrating Bad decision making Insomnia Increased usage of food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs Developing fears and phobias.

33. Negative emotions are those which are destructive to the goals of the organization. It is therefore < Answer > important that the managers understand the factors that lead to such emotions and also their likely after effects. Which of the following is not a negative emotion? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Intention Incompetence Infidelity Inconvenience Institutional.

34. Many organizational problems such as absenteeism, high employee turnover, decreased productivity, < Answer > etc., can have their roots in the negative emotions in the organization to which the authorities have not paid attention. Which of the following is not an indicator for the existence of negative emotions at the work place? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Poor working conditions Employees who are not suited for the job Constant fear of change in the organization Very high or low levels of stress Secured jobs.

< Answer > 35. Negative emotions that are not recognized can become toxic in an organization. If unchecked, these emotions can lead the organization into serious trouble, affecting the normal work-flow of the 5

emotions can lead the organization into serious trouble, affecting the normal work-flow of the organization. Which of the following is not the consequence of the existence of negative emotions at the work place? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Low productivity Absenteeism Low employee turnover Loss of team spirit and creativity Loss of faith in the organization.

< Answer > 36. Modern organizations depend a lot on team work for accomplishing objectives. The combined strength of a team is in most cases, better than the sum total of individual performances. Which of the following is not a guideline that is useful in building emotionally intelligent teams?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Before the team gets down to work, the members of the team should get to know each other Each one has to find out how the other team members are doing When a decision is to be taken, the opinion of each and every member has to be known Feedback from members outside the team should be neglected Attention should be on problem solving not on blaming.

< Answer > 37. Which of the following is the mental process of learning, which includes aspects like awareness, perception, interpretation, and judgment?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Emotion Cognition Intelligence Creativity Innovation.

38. There are many hindrances to effective interpersonal interactions. An understanding of these will go a < Answer > long way in developing interpersonal skills. Which of the following is not the cause that hampers interpersonal interactions? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Poor listening Emotional arousal Competition Lack of time Differences in objectives.

39. Aspiring leaders are rated on the basis of the ‘Nine Faces of Leadership’. Which of the following is not < Answer > a face of leadership? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Charisma Courage Dependability Awareness Integrity.

40. Rajesh is a manager in an advertising company. He was considered to be a successful leader also. He < Answer > used to make others in the organization use logic and facts in order to evolve new ways to solve problems. Which face of the leadership does it represent? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Charisma Individual consideration Intellectual stimulation Respect for others Courage.

41. Stress reduces the absorption of nutrients, increases secretion of harmful hormones and alters < Answer > metabolism. Psychological stress along with a poor diet reduces the resistance of people to disease. Hence, a stressed person requires more energy than a normal person does. Which of the following is not a way to reduce stress through diet? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

It is essential to eat on time It is very important for a person to take food in a leisurely manner and in a calm atmosphere Consumption of sweets must be increased as sweets help in concentration Smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use should be avoided Drinking lots of water and fresh fruit juices is also essential. 6

42. Developing leadership skills is a continuous process which needs to be sharpened throughout a person’s < Answer > career. Every person has the ability to improve his/her leadership qualities. Which of the following is not a part of the leadership development plan? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Leadership audit Leadership plan Leadership management Dedication Evaluation.

43. Which of the following is a form of communication which is aimed at making a person or a group < Answer > accept as their own product, person, idea, thing, or opinion that they would otherwise not support? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Motivation Convincing Persuasion Explanation Presentation.

44. Which of the following are talkative, dominant, captivating, enthusiastic, persistent, and have the ability < Answer > to absorb large amounts of information? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Skeptics Charismatics Followers Controllers Thinkers.

45. Different people have different motivational levels. Motivation also varies with respect to the situation. < Answer > Which of the following is not a way by which leaders motivate people? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Truth as the highest virtue Desire to be great Motivating by caring Sharing the burden of risks Motivating by setting easy goals.

46. An effective leader identifies the source of all lateral relationships, identifies people who may resist < Answer > cooperation, develops relationships to overcome resistance and, if the resistance still continues, implements more forceful methods. In which step are good relationships and good communication often enough to minimize the resistance leaders face in their lateral relationships? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Step one Step two Step three Step four Step five.

47. Manoj was the manager of a software company. The company had a severe threat from his competitors. < Answer > Manoj identified that in order to sustain in this competitive atmosphere, some changes are necessary to be made in the company. So he started working on various aspects where changes are to be made. Which of the following is not a basic assumption that Manoj has to keep in mind while effecting a change? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Organizations are unique, and so are the working system in them Leading change is a process, not a change Consultants know the direction of change better than the managers of the organization Change has to be driven, both bottom-up, and top-down Organizations are systems.

48. An important function of leaders is to bring in change in the organization. In this attempt, they have to < Answer > set the direction for change, which is one of their fundamental roles as leaders. Which of the following is not a guideline that a leader should do for setting up the direction for an organization? (a) (b) (c)

Identify the goals and objectives for the organization by considering what it wants to achieve, how to achieve them, and when to achieve them Identify the goals for each department Set goals as the first step toward meeting them 7

(d) (e)

Organize procedures for each and every task Make every little decision themselves.

49. Which of the following is an acute unplanned event that constitutes a real or perceived threat to the < Answer > public, consumers, employers, or employees that could have adverse effects on the health and safety of those involved, the reputation of the affected organization, and its ability to operate? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Change Crisis Conflict Counter stroke Connor.

50. Mr. Sam, a manager of a private bank, joined a laughing club as he was suffering from severe stress. < Answer > With in few days he could see a drastic change in his health. Which of the following is not an advantage of laughter? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

It reduces tension and relaxes facial muscles It improves blood circulation It increases blood pressure It strengthens the body’s immunity by raising levels of disease-fighting cells It helps develop an optimistic attitude.

51. In managing a crisis, prevention is usually overlooked, even if it is the cheapest and most undemanding < Answer > way of controlling a possible crisis. Which of the following is not a step to prevent crisis? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Plan for a crisis Formulate strategies for dealing with a crisis Having written plans Establishing clear chains of command Implementing strategies regularly.

52. Cultural fluency helps bring together people from diverse backgrounds so that they can share technical < Answer > knowledge. Which of the following is not a level in Beamer’s model of learning cultural fluency? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Acknowledging cultural diversity Selecting a topic of conversation Asking questions to challenge stereotypes Analyzing communication episodes Generating fluent messages from other cultures.

53. Which of the following is a decision making method which involves choosing an important criterion < Answer > and selecting the solution with the highest score in the chosen criterion? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Dawe’s rule Franklin’s rule Lexographic method Morphological analysis Fusion techniques.

54. Which of the following is a certain basic characteristic that distinguishes one culture from another? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Hetrotype Stereotype Ferrotype Cerotype Synectics.

55. Managers need to organize the activities of the organization i.e. putting things in order. Which of the < Answer > following is the proper sequence of steps involved in organizing? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Dividing into units. Delegating work. Coordinating. Identifying the objectives. I, II, III, IV I, IV, II, III IV, I, III, II IV, I, II, III II, I, IV, III.




56. According to Stephen Covey, there are four phases of time planning, which can be described as I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

The first phase involves identifying the various demands placed on a manager. Taking wide-angle view of future events and scheduling them is another phase. Controlling the activities is included in the third phase of planning. The fourth phase of planning stresses on managing time. Both (I) and (III) above Both (I) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (III) above (I), (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

57. The process / technique of joining different and irrelevant elements to solve a situation or problem, in < Answer > which highly trained people from diverse fields collectively work is called as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Synectics Morphological analysis Listing technique Delphi technique Six-sigma.

58. Executives can be classified into different groups based on their decision making type. Which of the < Answer > following are incorrect regarding the followers? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Followers rely on the past decisions made under similar conditions. Followers are difficult to persuade. Followers do not like proven and reliable ideas. Followers are responsible decision makers. Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (II) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

59. Which of the following is true regarding time management? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

It means spending time based on priorities and goals. It means completing the works as fast as possible. It helps to find ways to work more effectively and efficiently. It focuses on spending time on activities. Only (I) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above (I), (II) and (III) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above..

60. Goleman and Cary Chernis have developed guidelines for conducting training program or developing < Answer > emotional intelligence in organizations, which have been grouped into distinct stages. Which of the following is not one of the stages? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Preparation Training Application Participation Evaluation.

61. There are various techniques adopted for increasing the creativity. The technique, which involves < Answer > breaking the regular or conventional thinking pattern and also involves questioning one’s own assumption is called as (a) (b) (c) (d)

Problem decomposition technique Breaking stereotype responses technique Fusion technique Ideating technique 9

(d) (e)

Ideating technique Dialectical technique.

62. Any serious business problem, which is not generally known within or without the company, which < Answer > may generate negative news coverage is known as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Industrial problems Natural disasters Management failures Smoldering crisis Sudden crisis.

63. Aspiring leaders are rated on the basis of different faces of leadership. The ability to honor position or < Answer > authority and to act as a role model, doing what is morally correct comes under the quality of (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Courage Flexibility Integrity Judgement Charisma.

64. Organizations can stimulate the creative thinking process in employees using the reverse brainstorming < Answer > process also. Which of the following is/are true for this process? I. The accepted solution is explained in the group. II. The participants start by constructing the ideas. III. The participants try to defend the solutions. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

65. When a message from a specific ego state of a person receives an expected response from the specific < Answer > ego state of the other person, it is called as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Complementary transaction Supplementary transaction Crossed transaction Ulterior transaction Superior transaction.

66. Executives are classified based on their decision-making types. Also, the approach to persuade them < Answer > varies as per their types. Which of the following are incorrect in the case of persuading the controllers? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

A persuader should try to overcome the internal fear of the controllers. A persuader should challenge the controller directly. A persuader should put forward an argument, which is structured and linear. The persuader should ask the controller to take a quick decision. Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (II) and (IV) above (II), (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

67. Learning a foreign language may be much more difficult and a longer process than attaining a level of < Answer > cultural fluency. Which of the following is true regarding the cultural fluency? I. It is based on the ability to identify, understand and apply cultural variables. II. It helps a person to communicate just like a member of foreign culture. III. Cultural fluency cannot be culture-specific. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above. 10

68. An effective manager makes the harmonious coexistence of ethics and business possible and always < Answer > stresses upon the ethical behavior. What are the factors that influence ethical behavior? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Ego strength and Locus of control possessed by an individual. Well-structured organizational policies and clear guidelines. The nature of work and job requirements. Organizational culture. Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (IV) above Both (II) and (III) above (I), (II) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

69. The sales manager of MetLife Insurance wants to avoid performing those types of activities that have < Answer > been unproductive in the past i.e., he wants to prioritize as well as posterioritize his activities. Which of the following is not true regarding this activity? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

The principle here is that there is always a tomorrow to perform less important activities Effective managers do not allow time pressures to decide the priority of an activity Posterioritizing a particular activity may be risky sometime One person’s posteriority can be another person’s priority For this, effective managers need not weigh the future against the past events.

70. Innovation is the process of developing a creative idea that can be put into the practical use. Which of < Answer > the following are not the features of innovations? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

A revolutionary innovation is the discovery of a new idea. A cordless phone was a revolutionary evolution. Scientific innovations are innovations in processes. Innovations never deal with uncertainty. Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and (IV) above Both (III) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (IV) above (I), (III) and (IV) above.

71. A goal is powerful tool to focus energy and resources. It always plays a vital role in the time < Answer > management. The managers must set a goal which should have all of the following features except (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

It should answer the questions of what, why, when, who etc. The time to achieve the goal set should be measurable It should be achievable It should be realistic It should be based on employees’ wishes and comfort.

72. The time management matrix designed by Stephen Covey determines the style of planning of managers. < Answer > The matrix has four quadrants out of which the quadrant II possesses the following characteristics. I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

It is immediate but not vital. It is also called as the quadrant of value. Here, managers learn new skills and develop interpersonal relations. Here, managers are obsessed with meeting deadlines. Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and (III) above (I), (II) and (III) above (I), (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

73. With globalization, fierce competition etc. there is an immense pressure on companies to work < Answer > creatively. Which of the following situations are essential in developing the creativity at workplace? I. Supportive organizational culture. II. Providing recognitions and rewards. III. Knowledge sharing among the employees. 11

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Only (I) above Only (III) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and (III) above All (I), (II), (III) above.

74. There are various techniques adopted for increasing the creativity. The technique, which involves < Answer > information sharing about unusual ideas among individuals and in which, individuals question each other’s assumptions and share information and ideas is called as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Problem decomposition technique Unblocking technique Imaging technique Instigation technique Demolition technique.

75. Mind mapping is a popular technique used to stimulate creativity and generate new ideas in an < Answer > individual. It should use all of the following except (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Images Headings Associations Hierarchy Map.

76. Which of the following are some of the suggestions for improving emotional intelligence at a personal < Answer > level? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Identify the emotion that you have in various situations. Take responsibility for your feelings. Give importance to people, who invalidate you. Always try to judge others’ actions. Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (II) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

77. According to Pradip Khandawalla, there are various techniques adopted for increasing the creativity. < Answer > The technique, which involves working back on a solution that has been selected for implementation and helps to identify various pitfalls in the solution is called as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Extremization technique Unblocking technique Mutual stimulation technique Imaging technique Demolition technique.

78. Dr. Berne has described various types of psychological games, which has also got few peculiar names < Answer > as ‘kick me’ etc. Which of the following are incorrect regarding these games? I. It is an ongoing series of complementary transactions. II. The outcomes for these games are highly unpredictable. III. The payoff is the hidden advantage, which motivates the players to participate in games. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

79. Executives can be classified into different groups based on their decision making type. The executives, < Answer > with very strong personalities and who are suspicious of data which is against their general belief are classified as (a) (b) (c)

Skeptics Charismatic Followers


(c) (d) (e)

Followers Controllers Thinkers.

80. According to Transactional Analysis (TA), the human beings have different ego states with different < Answer > features. The ego state, which consists of all the recordings of behavior, thoughts or feelings of a person from childhood is called as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Adult ego state Child ego state Teenage ego state Parent ego state Mature age ego state.

81. The ability to do what is good for the organization and workforce even in the face of difficulties is < Answer > known as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Flexibility Integrity Dependability Judgement Courage.

82. Dr. Linda Beamer has developed a model for developing intercultural communication competence, < Answer > which has all of the following principles except (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 83

Culture can be learned Cultures are non-rational All cultures are equally suitable Cultures are complete A person, who is culturally fluent, can accept that cultural prejudice always exists.

Executives can be classified into different groups based on their decision making type. Which of the < Answer > following are incorrect regarding the thinkers? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

They are the most difficult to understand. They do not like arguments, which are quantitative and backed by data. They possess good social skills. Thinkers never take contradictory views in meetings. Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above Both (II) and (IV) above (II), (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

84. The vision of a leader should encompass the following

< Answer >

I. It should align with the direction and purpose of the organization. II. It should be communicated and shared frequently. III. It should motivate the employees to reach their full potential. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Only (I) above Only (II) above Both (I) and (II) above Both (II) and (III) above All (I), (II) and (III) above.

85. All of the following are the most common causes hampering the interpersonal interactions except (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

< Answer >

Poor listening Emotional arousal Lack of time Timely feedback mechanism Difference in objectives.

86. For external communication after a crisis has occurred, all of the following guidelines would be helpful < Answer > except 13

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

A ‘no comments’ response should not be given Key points to be said at a news conference should be prepared thoroughly Newspapers should be given a deadline to include the news Legal issue should be discussed through the media The media should be kept updated about the happenings.

87. In an organization, managers can play a very significant role in building the emotional intelligence. In < Answer > this respect, a manager should not (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Accept the emotions of team members Take responsibility for team members’ feelings Show empathy toward people who are in difficult situations Predict the emotional outcome in various organizational situations Avoid giving advice for being critical.

88. Six thinking hat is a technique, becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Which of the following types < Answer > of hat involves collection of the necessary information, which is neutral without any interpretations and analysis? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

White hat Green hat Yellow hat Black hat Red hat.

89. It is always important for the managers to make the right decisions at the right time. Which of the < Answer > following is incorrect regarding methods used for effective decision making? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

In Dawe’s rule, two appropriate solutions are identified In Dawe’s rule, the solutions with the maximum number of pros is selected The Lexicographic method involves choosing an important criterion Weighing pros and cons method is also called as ‘Franklin method’ In Heuristic method, the historical data has least significance in selecting the criterion.

90. Time logs are used by employees to fill in a detailed account of the time spent at the workplace and can < Answer > be designed on daily, weekly or fortnightly basis etc. Which of the following is not true regarding time log? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

By this, managers can identify the pattern of time spending by the employees A daily time log helps to evaluate the productivity of the day It is important to update the time log on regular interval It may be time consuming initially It should be used mainly to monitor the employees and for keeping a control on them.

91. Lateral thinking is an effective technique to stimulate creativity. Which of the following is/are < Answer > incorrect regarding lateral thinking? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

It is used in situations, where the conventional solution is not enough. Vertical thinking is based on matching pattern. Vertical thinking is not ideal in time of crisis. Lateral thinking looks for non-diverse solutions. Only (III) above Only (IV) above Both (II) and (IV) above Both (III) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (IV) above.

92. The Electricity Supply Board (ESB) of the Republic of Ireland focuses on communication competency < Answer > for its managers and stresses upon an effective communication process. With respect to this, which of the following is not a component of an effective communication process? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Content Circumstances Mutual trust Complexity Feedback.

93. The time management matrix designed by Stephen Covey determines the style of planning of managers. < Answer > The matrix has four quadrants out of which the quadrant III possesses the following characteristics. 14

I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

It is immediate but not vital. It is also called as the quadrant of misconception. Here, the relations between managers and the clients may get worse. Here, managers are obsessed with meeting deadlines. Both (I) and (III) above Both (I) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (III) above (I), (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

94. Effective managers recruit people based on their strengths even if they have some weaknesses. They < Answer > should remember the following rules while recruiting staff. I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

They should ensure that the job is well structured and well defined. They should recruit people based on a rigid structure. They should divide the job into small and simple activities. They should start with what a person can do rather than what his job requires him to do. Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (IV) above Both (II) and (III) above (II), (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

95. People should be proactive rather than reactive and always try to avoid the stress first. One of the means < Answer > to avoid the stress is holistic therapy. Which of the following are not true regarding this therapy? I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

These therapies have some side effects. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils like lavender, chamomile etc. Reflexology involves applying gentle force on the pressure points on hands and feet. Nutrition therapy stresses upon taking right medicines. Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (I) and (IV) above (I), (II) and (IV) above (I), (III) and (IV) above.

96. A time abuser is a person, who has a constant fear of being evaluated or being questioned about his / her < Answer > work by a superiors and so resorts to procrastination. They are classified into different types, which show following characteristics I. II. III. IV. V. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Preemptive persons seldom take care of the quality of the work. Preemptive people are always behind schedule. The people pleasers are over-committed persons. The analyzers rarely produce quality work. Analyzers do not meet the deadline. Both (I) and (III) above Both (I) and (V) above (I), (II) and (IV) above (I), (III) and (V) above (I), (II), (III) and (V) above.

97. A creative culture at the workplace helps the managers and the employees in many ways. A creative < Answer > organization should implement following methods. I. Six-Sigma. II. Total quality control. III. Just-in-time. (a) Only (I) above (b) Only (III) above (c) Both (I) and (III) above (d) Both (II) and (III) above (e) All (I), (II), (III) above. 98. The ability to evaluate all possible courses of action and use that ability to make decisions based on < Answer > previous experiences and logic is known as 15

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Flexibility Integrity Dependability Judgement Courage.

99. Ens Selye, developed a model called the General Adaptive Syndrome model to explain the stress < Answer > phenomenon and the stress levels. It consists of the following stages. I. II. III. IV. V. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Reaction stage. Alarm reaction stage. Resistance stage. Relaxation stage. Exhaustion stage. Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (IV) above (II), (III) and (IV) above (II), (III) and (V) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

100. Planning is the first activity any manager needs to undertake. Some of the aims of planning are I. II. III. IV. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

To achieve the objectives of the organization. To motivate the employees to attain high objectives. To maintain uniformity in teamwork. To serve as a yardstick to measure the attainment of goals. Both (I) and (II) above Both (I) and (III) above Both (II) and (III) above (II), (III) and (IV) above All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.


< Answer >

Suggested Answers Managerial Effectiveness – II (MB122): October 2006 1.

Answer : (c) Reason : The managers must take note of the qualitative and quantitative standards that are to be maintained in case of the 4Ms.The four resources are mainly : •




< TOP >

• Materials. But not market. 2.

Answer : (c) Reason : The culture of any country and its work place is influenced by five dimensions namely : •

Power distance

Masculinity Vs Femininity

Uncertainty Avoidance

Individualism Vs Collectivism

< TOP >

• There is fifth dimension put forward by Hofstede. It is “ Long-term Orientation. But not demographic barriers. 3.

Answer : (c) Reason : Collaborative Style : Managers who use this style discuss the situation or the problem with the group and stimulate it to generate alternative ideas and solutions. Then depending on the consensus of the group, they take a decision

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : I. Continual sense of urgency and II. Has an excessive competitive drive are the characteristic of Type A personality.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Any organization requires contribution by manager in three basic areas. They are

< TOP >


Direct results

Establishing values

Developing tomorrow’s managers.

Answer : (c) Reason : Effective managers identify the important activities and perform one activity at a time. This is called prioritizing. Effective managers keep the following points in mind while prioritizing : •

< TOP >

The managers weigh the future against past events.

Managers look for opportunities even in problem situations.

Managers have a sense of self direction.

Managers set high aims.


Answer : (b) Reason : Stress occurs when the body performs activities outside its capabilities or when a person faces extraordinary demands

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : Stress that occurs due to lack of resources or scarce resources at the workplace is called job stress. Some common job stressors are :

< TOP >

Difficult clients/ Subordinates/ Superiors/ Colleagues

Personal Inadequacy

Role conflicts

Setting high goals 17

Overwork and deadlines


Answer : (c) Reason : Techno-stress can be defined as any negative impact on attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, or body psychology caused directly or indirectly by technology. There could be stress due to system crash, a virus attack, a database failure, spam mails, etc. on :

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : The third stage is the burnout stage. In this period, the employees lose their interest and energy. Stress results in exhaustion, loss of concentration, and shows symptoms of burnout.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils in the treatment process. The oils are derived from plants and flowers. They are popular for improving emotional and physical health.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : The importance of work-life balance is due to following reasons :

< TOP >

Changing social scene

Changing work culture

Increased work time

• Dual income families. But not increasing cost of living. 13.

< TOP >

Answer : (e) Reason : The steps to manage stress are : •

Identifying the sources of burnout

Ensuring physical well-being

Examine mental well-being


Set achievable goals.


Answer : (c) Reason : Spirituality at the workplace is defined as allowing every member of an organization the time and resources to explore his/her inner self, desires, passions, ideas, and purposes.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : Personal disorientation : Habits are reflected in the way managers organize their work, desks, cabins, file cabinets etc. they can result in wastage of time, especially those like lack of organization or orientation in any activity. If a manager develops the habit of attending meetings without preparation, it results in a waste of time for both the manager and those attending the meeting.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : Salami or slicing technique : In this technique , a big task or decision is broken into several smaller decisions, which can be tackled one by one. This reduces fear of major failure and enables managers to focus on one task at a time.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Tips for a manager to handle interruptions :

< TOP >

The office environment should be austere and should convey a message of a serious work place

A manager should retain a sense of time when talking to unexpected visitors

The desk of the manager should face away from the door

A manager should have a half-closed door rather than an open door

A manager should set aside specific time for meetings and visitors.


Answer : (c) Reason : The manager must set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timed goals.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : In Accessibility strategy the manager let everyone know their work hours and schedules. Visiting hours should be set in that part of the day when workflow is dull. A fixed schedule or routine

< TOP >


discourages others from interrupting them unless there is an emergency. 20.


< TOP >

Answer : (b) Reason : The physical effects of stress are : •

Increased heart rate and blood pressure

Sudden increase or decrease in weight


Nervous weakness

Reduced immunity to common colds and flu

Frequent headaches

Ulcers and weak digestive system.

Increased usage of food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs comes under psychological affects. < TOP >

Answer : (c) Reason : Measures to be taken by employers are : •

Discourage employees from working late

Take a regular employee satisfaction survey that can identify the pitfalls in the work pattern

Provide vacations and encourage employees to take breaks

Provide opportunities like work from home, flexi times.


Answer : (c) Reason : The ability to produce unusual, novel answers to questions and interpretations of situations. This is called Originality.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : Components of creativity depends on four mental components of the individual. They are:

< TOP >

Fluency component

Flexibility component


Orientation component


Answer : (b) Reason : Inventing: This stage involves searching for variety of tools, techniques, and methods that might help on out-of-box thinking. Different people use different techniques to stimulate creative ideas.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Anxiety is a barrier to creativity. Some managers prefer to be clear and organized. When things get disorganized or uncertain they become insecure and avoid these situations. Similarly, some managers are resistant to change and are more comfortable with routine. Any change in the scenario makes them anxious. It acts as a hurdle to problem solving and affects the quality of work.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : A stimulating, diverse, rewarding, and challenging work environment helps develop the creative thinking ability. An environment in which risk taking and experimentation are encouraged is highly creative.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : A creative team should have a common purpose and values. The core values of creativity are curiosity, sensitivity, adventure, judgment, independence, persistent efforts etc. and these values should be common to all the team members.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : Extremization technique involve encouraging employees to suggest creative solutions that are different from the conventional ones for certain unforeseen problems.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : The four important rules for conducting brainstorming sessions are :

< TOP >

Initially when the participants generate a number of ideas, a manager must ensure that there is no criticism against the ideas or participants 19

The participants must be encouraged to produce ideas in their original form as they occur to them without modifying them in any way

The emphasis must be on unusual ideas as they remove mental blocks and help in generating a novel idea

The participants must be encouraged to build on each other’s ideas


Answer : (c) Reason : The different types of hats and their significances : White hat : involves collection of the necessary information Green hat : involves creativity and searching for alternatives Yellow hat : involves analyzing the benefits of a proposal Black hat : involves judgment, care, and concern Red hat : involves emotions, feelings, and institution Blue hat : involves an overview of the proposal.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : The branches of emotional intelligence are :

< TOP >




The ability to recognize emotions

The ability to use emotions to assist the thought process

The ability to be aware of emotions

The ability to manage emotions. < TOP >

Answer : (c) Reason : Psychological effects of stress are : •

Difficulty in concentrating

Bad decision making

Increased usage of food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs

Developing fears and phobias

Always anxious

Feeling out of control and confused

Mood swings

Unable to spend leisure time productively.

Insomnia comes under physical effects of stress. < TOP >

Answer : (d) Reason : The negative emotions are : •








Answer : (e) Reason : Indicators for the existence of negative emotions at the work place are the following : •

poor working conditions

Employees who are not suited for the job

Constant fear of change in the organization

Frequent changes in organizational structure

Very high or low levels of stress

Lack of trust in the decisions of the top management

Lack of job security 20

< TOP >



Lack of recognition for good work

Lack of team effort

Inter departmental conflicts

Poor career prospects

Poor supervision

Answer : (c) Reason : Consequences of the existence of negative emotions at the workplace are : •

Low productivity


High employee turnover

Lack of motivation

Increase in customer complaints

Increased wastages in production process

Reduction in product quality

Increase conflicts

Loss of team spirit and creativity

Loss of faith in the organization

Answer : (d) Reason : Guidelines that can be useful in building emotionally intelligent teams are : •

Before the team gets down to work, the members of the team should get to know each other

Each one has to find out how the other team members are doing

If there is any negative behavior, the reason for that has to be probed

When a decision is to be taken, the opinion of each and every member has to be known

Feedback from members outside the team on the team’s performance can be solicited

It has to be ensured that the goals of the team are in line with the organizational goals

The efforts of each team member have to be supported and their contributions approved

The emotions of team members have to be accepted

Attention should be on problem solving and not on blaming

Problems need to be anticipated and attended to rather than waiting for them to occur

Good relationships should be built up with other teams

< TOP >

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Cognition is the mental process of learning, which includes aspects like awareness, perception, interpretation, and judgment.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Causes that hamper interpersonal interactions are :

< TOP >


Poor listening

Emotional arousal

Lack of time

Differences in objectives. < TOP >

Answer : (d) Reason : The nine faces of leadership are : •


Individual consideration

Intellectual stimulation



Flexibility 21



Respect for others.


Answer : (c) Reason : Intellectual stimulation is the ability to make others in the organization use logic and facts in order to evolve new ways to solve problems. It also includes the ability to help others think differently.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Ways to reduce stress through diet :

< TOP >


It is essential to eat on time

It is very important for a person to take food in a leisurely manner and in a calm atmosphere

Drinking lots of water and fresh fruit juices is also essential.

Smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use should be avoided

Fast foods should be avoided

Consumption of healthy snacks like salads helps

The intake of coffee and tea must be reduced

To take food in a leisurely manner and in a calm atmosphere

Consumption of sweets must be limited

Five to six meals should ideally be taken and they should include all the five food groups. < TOP >

Answer : (c) Reason : The leadership plan consists of : •

Leadership audit

Leadership plan





Answer : (c) Reason : Persuasion is a form of communication which is aimed at making a person or a group accept as their own product, person, idea, thing, or opinion that they would otherwise not support

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Charismatics are talkative, dominant, captivating, enthusiastic, persistent, and have the ability to absorb large amounts of information.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : The various ways by which leaders can motivate people are :

< TOP >

Truth as the highest virtue

Desire to be great

Communication skills

Sharing the burden of risks

Motivating by caring

Motivating by setting difficult goals.


Answer : (d) Reason : In step four good relationships and good communication are often enough to minimize the resistance leaders face in their lateral relationships. However, in some jobs, the relational structure breeds and promotes stubborn resistance.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : A leader has to keep in mind the following assumptions in effecting change :

< TOP >

Organizations are unique, and so are the working system in them

Leadership is the engine that drives the vehicle called change in the organization

Leading change is a process, not a change 22


Managers in an organization know the direction of change better than outsiders such as consultants

Change has to be driven, both bottom-up, and top-down

People participation is the key that unlocks change. People support what they create

Organizations are systems

Change can involve both rational and irrational situations

A sense of timing is as important as leadership is, in ensuring change.

Answer : (e) Reason : Guidelines for leaders for setting up the direction for an organization are : •

Identify the goals and objectives for the organization by considering what it wants to achieve, how to achieve them, and when to achieve them

Identify the goals for each department

Set goals as the first step toward meeting them

Organize procedures for each and every task

Not make every little decision themselves.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Crisis is an acute unplanned event that constitutes a real or perceived threat to the public, consumers, employers, or employees that could have adverse effects on the health and safety of those involved, the reputation of the affected organization, and its ability to operate.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : advantages of laughter are :

< TOP >



It reduces tension and relaxes facial muscles

It releases the endorphins or feel-good hormones in the brain which fight against pain and stress

It improves blood circulation

It minimizes blood pressure

It reduces the respiratory problems of a person

It strengthen the body’s immunity by raising levels of disease- fighting cells

It helps develop an optimistic attitude. < TOP >

Answer : (e) Reason : Steps to prevent a crisis are : •

Plan for a crisis

Formulating strategies for dealing with a crisis

Having written plans

Establishing clear chains of command.

Implementing is incorrect as it is done at the time of crisis.

Answer : (b) Reason : There are five levels in Beamer’s model of learning cultural fluency. They are : •

Acknowledging cultural diversity

Organizing information according to stereotypes

Asking questions to challenge stereotypes

Analyzing communication episodes

Generating fluent messages from other cultures.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Lexographic method involves choosing an important criterion and selecting the solution with the highest score in the chosen criterion.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Stereotypes are certain basic characteristic that distinguish one culture from another.

< TOP >



Answer : (d) Reason : Managers need to organize the activities of the organization i.e. putting things in order. The proper sequence of steps involved in organizing are (IV) Identifying the objectives, (I) Dividing into units, (II) Delegating work and (III) Coordinating.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : According to Stephen Covey, there are four phases of time planning, which can be described as

< TOP >

The first phase involves identifying the various demands placed on a manager.

Taking wide-angle view of future events and scheduling them is another phase.

Controlling the activities is included in the third phase of planning.


Answer : (a) Reason : The process / technique of joining different and irrelevant elements to solve a situation or problem, in which highly trained people from diverse field collectively work is called as Synectics.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Executives can be classified into different groups based on their decision making type. The following are incorrect regarding the followers - Followers are difficult to persuade an Followers do not like proven and reliable ideas.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Time management is I. It means spending time based on priorities and goals and III. It helps to find ways to work more effectively and efficiently. But not II. It means completing the works as fast as possible and IV. It focuses on spending time on activities.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : Goleman and Cary Chernis have developed guidelines for conducting training program or developing emotional intelligence in organizations, which have been grouped into distinct stages. Participation is not one of the stages.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : There are various techniques adopted for increasing the creativity. The technique, which involves breaking the regular or conventional thinking pattern and also involves questioning one’s own assumption is called as Breaking stereotype responses technique.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : Any serious business problem, which is not generally known within or without the company, which may generate negative news coverage is known as smoldering crisis.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Aspiring leaders are rated on the basis of different faces of leadership. The ability to honor position or authority and to act as a role model, doing what is morally correct comes under the quality of integrity.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : Organizations can stimulate the creative thinking process in employees using the reverse brainstorming process also. Which of the following is/are true for this process - The accepted solution is explained in the group.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : When a message from a specific ego state of a person receives an expected response from the specific ego state of the other person, it is called as complementary transaction.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Executives are classified based on their decision-making types. Also, the approach to persuade them varies as per their types. Following are incorrect in the case of persuading the controllers - A persuader should challenge the controller directly and The persuader should ask the controller to take a quick decision.

< TOP >


Answer : (c) Reason : Learning a foreign language may be much more difficult and a longer process than attaining a level of cultural fluency. Following is true regarding the cultural fluency - It is based on the ability to identify, understand and apply cultural variables and It helps a person to communicate just like a member of foreign culture.

< TOP >



Answer : (d) Reason : An effective manager makes the harmonious coexistence of ethics and business possible and always stressed upon the ethical behavior. The factors that influence an ethical behavior are (I) Ego strength and Locus of control possessed by an individual, (II) Well-structured organizational policies and clear guidelines and (IV) Organizational culture.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : The sales manager of MetLife insurance wants to avoid performing those types of activities that have been unproductive in the past i.e., he wants to prioritize as well as posterioritized his activities. Option (e) is not true regarding this activity-“For this, effective manager need not to weigh the future against the past events.”

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Innovation is the process of developing a creative idea that can be put into the practical use. The following are not the features of innovations - A cordless phone was a revolutionary evolution and Innovations never deal with uncertainty.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : A goal is powerful tool to focus energy and resources. It always plays a vital role in the time management. The managers must set a goal which should have all of the following features except It should be based on employees’ wishes and comfort.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : The time management matrix designed by Stephen Covey determines the style of planning of managers. The matrix has four quadrants out of which the quadrant II possesses the following characteristics- It is also called as the quadrant of value and Here, managers learn new skills and develops interpersonal relations.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : With globalization, fierce competition etc. there is an immense pressure on companies to work creatively. All of the following situations are essential in developing the creativity at workplaceSupportive organizational culture, Providing recognitions and rewards and Knowledge sharing among the employees.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : There are various techniques adopted for increasing the creativity. The technique, which involves information sharing about unusual ideas among individuals and in which, individuals question each other’s assumptions and share information and ideas is called as instigation techniques.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : Mind mapping is a popular technique used to stimulate creativity and generate new ideas in an individual. It should use all of the following except map.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : The following are some of the suggestions for improving emotional intelligence at a personal level Identify the emotion that you have in various situations and Take responsibility for your feelings.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : According to Pradip Khandawalla, there are various techniques adopted for increasing the creativity. The technique, which involves working back on a solution that has been selected for implementation and helps to identify various pitfalls in the solution is called as demolition techniques.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Dr. Berne has described various types of psychological games, which has also got few peculiar names as ‘kick me’ etc. The outcomes for these games are highly unpredictable is incorrect regarding these games.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : Executives can be classified into different groups based on their decision making type. The executives, with very strong personalities and are suspicious of data which is against their general belie are classified as Skeptics.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : According to Transactional Analysis (TA), the human beings have different ego states with different features. The ego state, which consists of all the recordings of behavior, thoughts or feelings of a 25

< TOP >

features. The ego state, which consists of all the recordings of behavior, thoughts or feelings of a person from childhood is called as Child ego state. 81.

Answer : (e) Reason : The ability to do what is good for the organization and workforce even in the face of difficulties is known as courage.

< TOP >


Answer : (b) Reason : Dr. Linda Beamer has developed a model for developing intercultural communication competence, which has all of the following principles except Cultures are non-rational.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : Executives can be classified into different groups based on their decision making type. The following are incorrect regarding the thinkers - They do not like arguments, which are quantitative and backed by data, They possess good social skills and Thinkers never take contradictory views in meetings.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : The vision of a leader should encompass the following

< TOP >

It should align with the direction and purpose of the organization.

It should be communicated and shared frequently.

It should motivate the employees to reach their full potential.


Answer : (d) Reason : All of the given are the most common causes hampering the interpersonal interactions except timely feedback mechanism.

< TOP >


Answer : (d) Reason : For external communication after a crisis has occurred, all of the following guidelines would be helpful except Legal issue should be discussed through the media.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : In an organization, managers can play a very significant role in building the emotional intelligence. With this respect, a manager should not avoid giving advice for being critical.

< TOP >


Answer : (a) Reason : Six thinking hat is a technique, becoming increasingly popular nowadays. White hat involves collection of the necessary information, which is neutral without any interpretations and analysis.

< TOP >


Answer : (e) Reason : It is always important for the managers to make the right decisions at the right time. Option (e) ‘In Heuristic method, the historical data has least significance in selecting the criterion’ is incorrect regarding methods used for effective decisions making.

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Answer : (e) Reason : Time logs are used by employees to fill in a detailed account of the time spent at the workplace and can be designed for daily, weekly or fortnightly etc. “It should be used mainly to monitor the employees and for keeping a control on them” is not true regarding time log.

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Answer : (d) Reason : Lateral thinking is an effective technique to stimulate creativity. The following are incorrect regarding lateral thinking - Vertical thinking is not ideal in time of crisis and Lateral thinking looks for non-diverse solutions.

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Answer : (d) Reason : The Electricity Supply Board (ESB) of the Republic of Ireland focuses on communication competency for its managers and stressed upon an effective communication process. With respect to this, option (d), Complexity is not a component of an effective communication process. The communication process should have simple and easy to comprehend language.

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Answer : (c) Reason : The time management matrix designed by Stephen Covey determines the style of planning of managers. The matrix has four quadrants out of which the quadrant III possesses the following characteristics -It is immediate but not vital, It is also called as the quadrant of misconception and Here, the relations between managers and the clients may get worse.

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Answer : (b) Reason : Effective managers recruit people based on their strengths even if they have some weaknesses. They should remember the following rules while recruiting staff - They should ensure that the job is well structured and well defined and They should start with what a person can do rather than what his job requires him to do.

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Answer : (c) Reason : People should be proactive rather than reactive and always try to avoid the stress first. One of the means to avoid the stress is holistic therapies. The following are not true regarding this therapyThese therapies have some side effect and Nutrition therapy stresses upon taking right medicines.

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Answer : (d) Reason : A time abuser is a person, who has a constant fear of being evaluated or being questioned about his/her work by a superiors and so resorts to procrastination. They are classified into different types, which show following characteristics - Preemptive person seldom takes care of the quality of the work, The people pleasers are over-committed person and Analyzers do not meet the deadline.

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Answer : (e) Reason : A creative culture at the workplace helps the managers and the employees in many ways. A creative organization should implement following methods.

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Total quality control.



Answer : (d) Reason : The ability to evaluate all possible courses of action and use that ability to make decisions based on previous experiences and logic is known as judgement.

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Answer : (d) Reason : Ens Selye, developed a model called the General Adaptive Syndrome model to explain the stress phenomenon and the stress levels. It consists of the following stages – (II) Alarm reaction stage, (III) Resistance stage and (V) Exhaustion stage.

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Answer : (e) Reason : Planning is the first activity any manager needs to undertake. Some of the aims of planning are - To achieve the objectives of the organization, To motivate the employees to attain high objectives, To maintain uniformity in teamwork and To serve as a yardstick to measure the attainment of goals.

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