Man-woman Change The Places.docx

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 362
  • Pages: 1
Ce eseu interesant... Noi fara ei si ei fara noi ar insemna nimic. Dupa parerea mea, schimbul de roluri dintre femei si barbati ar fi.. interesant, amuzant, dar nu ar putea sa fie ceva care sa dureze. Treburile pe care le facem noi, femeile, par simple, dar incercand ei sa le faca.. ei se pierd. Muncile pe care le fac barbatii sunt dificile, dar femeile vor sa incerce din dorinta de independenta. In primul rand, vechiile idei conforma carora femeile stau acasa cu copii si gatesc, iar barbatii merg la munca au disparut. O femeie poate sa munceasca, dar sa se si ocupe de gospodarie. In acelasi timp, un barbat poate sa gateasca si sa schimbe scutece, dar sa si mearga la munca. In al doilea rand, un astfel de schimb, intre femei si barbati, ar aduce un plus de intelegere a celui langa care traiesti. Ai putea empatiza mai bine si ti-ai arata mai mult recunostiinta fata de eforturile depuse. Concluzionand, tati nu i-ar putea lua locul tatalui meu, dar nici invers. Sa ramana totul asa, dar sa incepem sa vedem mai mult, sa apreciem mai mult, sa iubim mai mult.

What interesting essay ... Us without them and they would mean nothing without us. In my opinion, the exchange of roles between women and men should be .. interesting, funny, but it could not be something that will last. Things we do we women seem simple, but they trying to make them .. they are lost. Men do the work they are difficult, but women want to try the desire for independence. First, the old ideas that the women stay home with children and cooking, while men go to work disappeared. A woman may work, but to take their household. Meanwhile, a man can cook and change diapers, but also go to work. Secondly, such an exchange between men and women would increase our understanding of who live near. You could empathize better and you have more show gratitude towards efforts. In conclusion, Daddy would not be able to take my father's place, but vice versa. All remain so, but we begin to see more, appreciate more, to love more.

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