Do Not Judge A Book By It S Cover.docx

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 400
  • Pages: 1
Dupa parerea mea, fie ca vrem sau nu, de cele mai multe ori, ne lasam impresionati de aparente. Primul contact pe care il avem cu o persoana ne face sa ne cream o impresie, nu inseamna ca aceea este si cea mai corecta. Noi putem sa avem dreptate sau sa ne inselam. Putem sa vrem sa cunoastem mai mult sau ne putem limita la prima analiza. In primul rand, ceea ce este frumos la exterior nu inseamna ca este la fel si in interior, stim prea bine marul superb care, dupa ce a fost taiat, s-a dovedit ca avea viermi. Mai mult decat atat, in spatele unui exterior nu tocmai atragator se poate ascunde o minunatie. In al doilea rand, oamenii, in esenta lor, ascund multe. Lacrimi, zambete, iubiri, dezamagiri, momente fericite, momente dezastruoase, toate acestea pot fi descoperite doar daca o sa deschizi cartea, in niciun caz nu o sa iti fie dezvaluite de coperta. Interesul este cel care are un rol important atunci cand judecam, cu siguranta, e mai usor sa critici pe cineva de care nu iti pasa decat pe o persoana draga. Concluzionand, lasa-te cuprins de vraja. Tu trebuie sa iti doresti sa descoperi, sa descoperi tot: de la natura la oameni, de la fericire la dezamagire. Tot!

In my opinion, whether we like it or not, most often, we let impressed by appearances. The first contact that we have with a person makes us create an impression that does not mean it is the most correct. We can have right or get it wrong. We may want to know more or we can limit the first analysis. First, what is beautiful on the outside does not mean it is the same in the interior, superb apple knows too well that, after being cut, turned out to be worms. Moreover, behind an attractive exterior can not just hide a marvel. Secondly, the people, in their essence, hide many. Tears, smiles, love, disappointment, happy moments, moments disastrous, however, can only be discovered if I open the book, in any case, you will not be disclosed by the cover. Interest is one that has an important role when judging certainly is easier to criticize someone that you care not only for a loved one. In conclusion, let you filled spell. You should you want to explore, to discover everything: from nature to people, from happiness to disappointment. All!

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