Makalah Bahas Inggris.docx

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  • Words: 914
  • Pages: 5
English exercise


by : Popy Siskadona Putri Anggriani Rosy Refnadewi Ruqowiyah Tanjung


1. Reading The pancreas is a small L-Shaped organ which sits against the duodenum behind the stomach. It is quite small, at around 15cm long. The pancreatic duct runs along the middle of the pancreas and empties into the duodenum . It supplies pancreatic enzymes, also called pancreatic juice, which aid in the digestion process. This is described as the exocrine funtion of the pancreas, exo meaning “out of” .pancreatic juices flow out of the pancreas through the pancreatic duct. The pancreatic duct is joined by the common bile duct before emptying into the duodenum. The pancreas also has an endocrine function, endo meaning “within” this is the release of hormone within the bloodstream. There are four main types of hormone produced in the hormone producing cell of the pancreas- the islets of langerhans (islet cells). One of the four cell types – beta cells –produce insulin. The function of insulin is to lower the blood sugar level. Beta cells make up almost eighty percent of all islet cells. Alpha cells make up almost twenty percent, and these release glucagon, which raises the level of glucosein the blood. This is the opposite funtion to insulin. The level of glucose in the blood is called either blood sugar level (BSL) or blood glucose level (BGL). Insulin stimulates cells in the body to use or store the glucose produced from the metabolism of carbohydrates in food. Glucose is used in the body as an energy source. 2. Translate Pankreas adalah sebuah organ kecil berbentuk L dimana duduk berlawanan dengan duodenum dibelakang perut. Panjang kira – kira 15 cm. Saluran pankreas membentang ditengah pankreas dan kosong ke duodenum. Pankreas memasok enzim pankreas , juga dinamakan getah pankreas yang membantu proses pencernaan. Ini digambarkan sebagai fungsi eksokrin pada pankreas, exo artinya “keluar” getah pankreas mengalir keluar pada pankreas sampai saluran pankreas. Saluran pankreas bergabung dengan saluran empedu yang umum sebelum mengosongkan duodenum. Pankreas juga memiliki fungsi endokrin, endo artinya “dalam” inilah pelepasan hormon dalam darah. Ada 4 jenis hormon utama yang diproduksi di sel penghasil hormon pada pankreas – pulau - pulau langerhans (pulau – pulau sel). Salah satu dari 4 type sel – sel beta – produksi insulin. Fungsi insulin adalah menurunkan kadar gula darah. Sel beta membentuk hampir 80% dari semua sel – sel pulau (sel langerhans).

Sel alpha membentuk hampir 20%, dan ini melepaskan glukagon yang meningkatkan kadar glukosa dalam darah. Ini adalah berlawanan dengan fungsi insulin. Tingkat glukosa dalam darah disebut tingkat gula darah (BSL) atau kadar gula darah ( BGL ) . Insulin merangsang sel – sel dalam tubuh untuk mengguankan atau menyimpan glukosa yang dihasilkan dari metabolisme karbohidrat pada makanan. Glukosa digunakan dalam tubuh sebagai sumber energi. 3. Grammer a. Simple present tense 

The pancreas is a small L- Shaped organ which sits against the duodenum behind the stomach

The pancrease quite small, at around 15cm long

Insuline stimulates cell in the body to use ore store the glucose produced from the metabolismor carbohydrates in food

b. Past tense 

Glucose is used in the body as an energy source

This is described as the exocrine funtion of the pancreas, exo meaning “out of” .pancreatic juices flow out of the pancreas through the pancreatic duct.

The pancreatic duct is joined by the common bile duct before emptying into the duodenum

c. Kalimat passive voice in simple present 

This is described as the exocrine funtion of the pancreas, exo meaning “out of” .pancreatic juices flow out of the pancreas through the pancreatic duct.

The pancreatic duct is joined by the common bile duct before emptying into the duodenum

Glucose is used in the body as an energy source

The level of glucose in the blood is called either blood sugar level (BSL) or blood glucose level (BGL)

d. Kalimat present perfect tense 

The pancreas also has an endocrine function, endo meaning “within”

There are four main types of hormone produced in the hormone producing cell of the pancreas- the islets of langerhans (islet cells)

Insuline stimulates cell in the body to use ore store the glucose produced from the metabolismor carbohydrates in food

4. conclution The pancreas is a small L-Shaped organ. It is quite small, at around 15cm long. It supplies pancreatic enzymes, also called pancreatic juice, which aid in the digestion process. This is described as the exocrine funtion of the pancreas, exo meaning “out of” .pancreatic juices flow out of the pancreas through the pancreatic duct. The pancreas also has an endocrine function, endo meaning “within” this is the release of hormone within the bloodstream. There are four main types of hormone produced in the hormone producing cell of the pancreas- the islets of langerhans (islet cells). One of the four cell types – beta cells –produce insulin. The function of insulin is to lower the blood sugar level. Alpha cells these release glucagon, which raises the level of glucosein the blood.The level of glucose in the blood is called either blood sugar level (BSL) or blood glucose level (BGL). Insulin stimulates cells in the body to use or store the glucose produced from the metabolism of carbohydrates in food. Glucose is used in the body as an energy source. 5. Adjective

6. Pronoun

7. Verb

8. Adverb

9. Noun

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