Main Aug09

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  • Words: 30,205
  • Pages: 56
Vol. 2 No. 8

The magazine that’s different in a good way

NEWS & VIEWS A U G U S T 2 0 0 9 | W W W. V I L L A R I C A N E W S . N E T

Contents Ev e n t s 4 - 1 1

Events throughout the month listed chronologically plus a list of events that take place every week

Tr a v e l 1 2 Cl a s s i f i e d s 1 3

Local for sale and help wanted classifieds.

Re s t a u r a n t Gu i d e 1 4 - 1 5

A complete restaurant directory sorted alphabetically and restaurant happenings

Bu s i n e s s Br i e f s 1 6 News from local businesses

Pe t s 1 7

Adorable pet pictures and pet related news.

Se n i o r Li v i n g 1 8

Melissa Murphy explores “Prevention is the Best Medicine”

FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Tim Collins EDITOR/DESIGN Lindsey Robbins DESIGN Cynthia Keith ADVERTISING SALES Joe Keith Jason Robbins

Ar t s & En t e r t a i n m e n t 1 9 - 2 4

Movie releases, concerts, plus find out how you can take our next cover photo!

Ma r r i a g e & Fa m i l y 2 5 - 2 7

Welcome new residents, wedding and engagement announcements and Keri Patuka delves into the ‘Family Connection’

P.O. Box 7162 Douglasville, GA 30154

Mo n e y & Fi n a n c e 2 8

Fax: (678) 805-4956 [email protected]

Amy Brown shares money and finance advice

Co m m u n i t y Ne w s 2 9 Sp o r t s & Fi t n e s s 3 1

Sports schedules and local sports news

Ho m e & Ga r d e n 3 2 - 3 3 Decorating and remodeling tips.

Ed u c a t i o n 3 4 - 3 5

School System news plus the official 2009 - 2010 Calendar for Carroll County, Douglas County and Paulding County Schools

Ch u r c h 3 6 - 3 7

A complete church directory and local church news

Re a l Es t a t e 3 8 - 4 0

A real estate directory, real estate report and other happenings in the real estate world plus real estate classifieds

Me d i c a l Gu i d e & Di r e c t o r y 4 2 - 4 7 A complete Medical Guide & Directory including every physician and practice in and near Villa Rica.

Ye l l o w Pa g e s 4 8 - 5 6

Find local businesses easily and quickly using this local directory.

(678) 840-8604

Villa Rica News & Views

August 2009

This magazine is dedicated to the Glory of God. May everything we do as a company and individually bring honor to His name. The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily that of the editor, the publisher or of Villa Rica News & Views. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising or free submissions at his discretion. The publisher also reserves the right to edit submissions for space, grammar or to conform with the content of the magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher.

The cover photograph was taken by Villa Rica News & Views reader, Beth Robinson. Find out how your photograph can be featured on the cover of a future issue on page 22.

MEDICAL PROBLEMS Childhood Diseases Headaches Back Pain Chronic Pain Asthma Bronchitis Pneumonia Rashes Abdominal Pain Sore Throats / Fever Ear & Sinus Infections Allergy / Poison Ivy Reactions Insect / Animal Bites Eye Infections Cholesterol Testing & Treatment High Blood Pressure Diabetes Screening & Treatment Urinary Tract Infections Sexually Transmitted Diseases Wart Removal TRAUMA Sports Injuries Fractures Lacerations Eye Injuries Sprains Abrasions Back Injuries Burns WE ALSO PROVIDE Physical Examinations (School, Sports, Insurance) Workman’s Compensation Drug Screening Immunizations Pap Smears Premarital Blood Testing Pregnancy Testing Full Laboratory and X-Ray 

August 2008

Villa Rica News & Views

E-mail yours to [email protected]


08/01: The Free “Back By PoPular DemanD” Summer concert will take place from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at Prospector’s Park (rain location - Powell Park). Forty Years Later will perform. For more information call 678-785-1014.

08/01: The DouglaS county rePuBlican Party will meet at the American Legion Post 145 on Bankhead Highway (just west of Highway 5) in Douglasville. Breakfast will be served at 8:00am and the meeting starts at 8:30am. The meeting is free and you do not have to be a member to attend. The guest speaker will be Gerry Purcell, candidate for Insurance Commissioner. Please call 770-942-3871 or visit if you have any questions. 08/01: Villa rica Soccer ParentS/coacheS meeting to be held. For additional information, contact Mike O’Shea at [email protected] or 404-617-9164. 08/03: WeSt georgia tranSPlant SuPPort grouP meets at 7:00pm in the Wellstar Douglas Medical Center Community Building. The meeting is open to transplant recipients, candidates and their families. The group fills a tremendous need for those who are waiting for a transplant, and have no one to talk to. For information call Donna at 770-485-9028 or 770-505-3503.

Villa Rica News & Views


08/04: Fruit oF my WomB, a support group for individuals, or families who have experienced pregnancy loss due to miscarriage, premature births, still birth, and infant death, or for those who have experienced infertility after their pregnancy loss meets at 7:00pm at 1836 Carrollton Villa Rica Highway in the Conference room. For more information please call 770-783-9552. 08/04: Red Haute Mamas’ (Villa Rica’s local chapter of the Red Hat Society) the lunch Bunch meets at different restaurants in the area at 11:30am. Call Mickey Bryan at 770-459-4511 for more information. 08/04: Red Haute Mamas’ (Villa Rica’s local chapter of the Red Hat Society) Blt Book cluB meets at 10:00am at the Villa Rica Library. Call Barbara Smith at 770-459-6711 for more information. 08/04: The kiWaniS cluB oF FairFielD Plantation meets at Plantation Country Club. For information, call Ralph Johnson at 770-830-9926. 08/04: The PaulDing county 45 anD oVer SingleS cluB invites you to attend its social and trivia night at Jalapeno Joe’s Mexican Restaurant (4484 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway, Hiram) at 6:30pm. For additional information please call Andree at 770-505-3237. 08/04: The ruritan cluB meets from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Jones Barbecue. 08/05: The PaulDing PhotograPhy cluB meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:00pm, 122 Main Street in Dallas. For more information please visit www.pauldingphotographyclub. org or contact Mike Nalley at [email protected] or Kim Mitas at [email protected].

08/05: The Villa Rica Optimists club meets at noon at Dinner’s Ready. Visit for more information. 08/06: The cOuntRy pRide line dance and sOcial club meets at Logan’s Roadhouse on Chapel Hill Road in Douglasville. They are always looking for new members. Contact Diane Quinn (President) at 770-317-8021 or Debbie Rider (Vice President) at 770274-9839 for more information. 08/06-08: As part of the city’s Family Fun Initiative, The Villa Rica Parks & Recreation Department invites you to come be a part of the laRgest ballOOn festiVal in the West geORgia aRea. The stars of the show will be fifteen hot air balloons on and above the V-Plex grounds as this colorful festival gets underway. See page 30 for more information. 08/07: la leche league Of dOuglasVille, which serves Carroll and Douglas Counties, meets at 10:30am. La Leche League offers breastfeeding support, a group library, and parenting information. Infants and toddlers are welcome at meetings. Please contact Nancy at 770-920-5628 for directions or more information. 08/07: The Villa Rica Parks & Recreation Department will hold a dance fOR seniORs at 7:30pm at the Villa Rica Civic Center and Sports Complex. Call Hazel Roberts at 770-459-3670 for additional information. 08/08: VictORiOus ladies Of ViRtue, a Women’s Ministry whose vision is to encourage, enlighten and empower, meets 10:00am at Storage Xxtra & Office Suites in Villa Rica. For more information, call 770-597-8258. 08/10: West geORgia shutteRbugs meets at 7:00pm at Bethany Baptist Church on Highway 61 in Carrollton. Visit www.wgshut-

Villa Rica News & Views

Events for more information. 08/11: Red Haute Mamas’ (Villa Rica’s local chapter of the Red Hat Society) dinneR gROup meets at 7:00pm at different restaurants in the area. Call Mickey Bryan at 770-459-4511 for more information. 08/11: The paulding cOunty 45 and OVeR singles club will be holding its monthly social and meeting in a reserved room at O’Charley’s Restaurant in Hiram 6:30pm. They invite anyone interested in their club and its activities to attend. O’Charley’s is located at 4790 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway in Hiram. For additional information please call Andree at 770-505-3237. 08/11: The paulding cOunty WRiteRs’ gROup meets at 6:00pm at the Starbucks inside of Target in Hiram. They welcome anyone interested in writing. For more information, you may contact [email protected]. It is best to contact them before attending to ensure that no meeting changes have taken place. 08/12: The dOuglas cOunty demOcRatic paRty meets at 10:00am at St. Julian’s Episcopal Church located at 5400 Stewart Mill Road in Douglasville. For more information, please call 404-2762121. 08/13: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Image Makers are encouraged to attend! The sWeetWateR cameRa club hosts a wide variety of fun, interesting and informative lectures, monthly field trips, exhibits and photo contests. Doors open at 6:30pm, and the meeting begins at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall of St. Julian’s Episcopal Church at 5400 Stewart Mill Road in Douglasville. Visit the club’s website at or call SCC President Richard Nichols at 404-210-5985.

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08/13: The Villa Rica lions club meets at Iron Horse BBQ at 7:00pm. For more information contact Kinney Taylor at 770-3094534, or visit the website at 08/14: Red Haute Mamas’ (Villa Rica’s local chapter of the Red Hat Society) Red Hat MoVie nigHt is held from 2:00pm to 6:00pm at Powell Park and Recreation Center. Call Tona Rogers at 770-4562061 for more information. 08/15: golden city cRuiseRs caR club will hold a car cruisein starting at 5:00pm at the Villa Rica Sports Complex on Highway 61. They have classic cars, cake walk, food and fun for all. Please note this is a cruise-in not a car show. The car show will occur in the month of October. For more information please call 770-328-9663. 08/15: litHia spRings HigH scHool class of 99 will hold their 10 year reunion. The event will be at the Engine 11 Firehouse Tavern in Atlanta from 7:00pm to 11:00pm. Dinner is $25 per guest if ticket is purchased before August 7th. They will also be having a reunion kick-off at the LSHS home football game on Friday August 14th at 6:30pm. For more information or to purchase tickets please call 770-605-5592 or e-mail [email protected]. 08/15: The Villa Rica optiMists club meets at noon at Dinner’s Ready. Visit for more information. 08/15-16: fReedoM King Mission MinistRies, located at 25 McCurdy Road, celebrates “Pastors After God’s Own Heart” August 15 at 3:00pm and August 16 at 11:15am. The guest speaker on Saturday will be Pastor Derek Mayweather of College Park Pastor Steven Phillips of Temple will speak on Sunday. It is a celebration of the Overseers, Bishop R.C. and Pastor Linda Merritt. Call 770-456-2023 for more information or directions. 08/16: tHe discoVeRy cHuRcH will be hosting a three week teaching series by daVe RaMsey called “Life. Money. Hope.” beginning August 16th at 10:00am. This is a special teaching series that Dave Ramsey recorded via video to address the current financial concerns of our time. The topics that Dave will address include: God’s way to handle money; The five things that the Bible says you must do in order to win; The five steps to get out of debt, and more. For additional details including directions, visit their website at www. or call Alan directly at 404-583-6337. 08/19: The paulding pHotogRapHy club meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:00pm, 122 Main Street in Dallas. For more information please visit www.pauldingphotographyclub. org or contact Mike Nalley at [email protected] or Kim Mitas at [email protected]. 08/20: Meet and learn from photographers, videographers and digital artists at the digital iMage gRoup monthly meeting. You will watch presentations and participate in discussions. DIG is an informal Show-and-Tell visual arts education and presentation group comprised of people interested in image-making using digital still photography, multimedia, videography and computer graphics. The meeting takes place at 6:30pm at St. Julians Episcopal Church, 5400 Stewarts Mill Road, Douglasville. For more information, visit or call Richard Nichols at 404-210-5985. 08/20: The MoMs club® of Villa Rica meets at Fullerville Baptist Church (423 Old Town Road, Villa Rica). Serving the Bremen, Carrollton, Temple and Villa Rica areas of West Georgia, the MOMS Club® plans a monthly calendar for moms and their children, including park play days, field trips, tours, crafts, book club and a monthly MOMS night out. Please call 678-780-2959 for time.

Villa Rica News & Views


08/20: VILLA RICA SOCCER ASSOCIATION mEETS at 7:30pm in the cafeteria at Gold Dust Park. All members are invited. Policies may be made for the upcoming soccer season. Contact Mike O’Shea, President, at 404-617-9164 for more information. Contact Mike O’Shea a week before the meeting if you have a special item you would like added to the Agenda for discussion or vote. 08/21: GhOST TOwN, a seven member band that plays a variety of music genres including classic and current rock, country, pop, and originals will be playing at Sports Cafe (200 W. Montgomery Street).

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08/21-22: Clint Chance and Don-Rich Ford are teaming up for DON-RICh FORD’S VILLA RICA FRONTIERS’ RODEO. At 6:00pm each night the activities start with mechanical bull riding, pony rides, bungee jumping, dunking booths, and souvenir shops. Buy your advanced tickets for $12 for adults and $6 for children ages six to 12. For children five and under admission is free. Advance tickets are on sale at Don-Rich-Ford, ET Doyal and Sons, and Wallace Farm Supply starting August 10th. Tickets at the gate are $2 more a piece. The Rodeo is held at the V-Plex located on Highway 61 across from Bay Springs Middle School. See page 24 for more information. 08/22: GhOST TOwN, a seven member band that plays a variety of music genres including classic and current rock, country, pop, and originals will be playing at Sports Cafe (200 W. Montgomery Street). 08/24: Red Haute Mamas’ (Villa Rica’s local chapter of the Red Hat Society) BIzzE BEEz is held from 11:00am to 1:00pm at Powell Park and Recreation Center from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. Call Tona Rogers at 770-456-2061 for more information. 08/25: The PAuLDING COuNTy wRITERS’ GROuP meets at 6:00pm at the Starbucks inside of Target in Hiram. They welcome anyone interested in writing. For more information, you may contact [email protected]. It is best to contact them before attending to ensure that no meeting changes have taken place.

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08/27: Kent and Carolyn McTyre host a BALLROOm DANCE at Powell Park from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The dance is open to the public and dancers of all ages are welcome. The DJ plays a variety of music for dancing - waltz, Swing, Two Step, Fox Trot, Rumba, Cha Cha, etc. Soft drinks are provided and participants may bring their own snacks. The cost is $4 per person. For more information call 770-834-3496 or e-mail [email protected]. 08/27: The VILLA RICA LIONS CLuB meets at Iron Horse BBQ at 7:00pm. For more information contact Kinney Taylor at 770-3094534, or visit the website at 08/29: A COOKOuT AND CONCERT by the Flat Rock Band will be held at Flat Rock Baptist Church at 5:00pm. This is a Fundraiser for a Missions Trip. Flat Rock Baptist Church is located at 961 Flat Rock Road. For more information call 770-459-6128.

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Villa Rica News & Views


08/30: RON AND TRISh BREwER wILL BE IN CONCERT during the 11:00am worship service at Flat Rock Baptist Church (located at 961 Flat Rock Road). For more information call 770-459-6128. 08/27: Creation Ministries International will be showing the documentary ThE VOyAGE ThAT ShOOK ThE wORLD at the Dallas Theater. A Creation Scientist will be at the event to answer questions. Tickets are $7.50 per person and can be purchased by going to www. It weighs Darwin’s claims with what modern science tells us today and asks the question, “If Darwin knew what we know today, would he have developed his evolutionary theory?” Call 770-445-5180 for more information.

Complex. Call Debra Cleckler at 770-456-6244 for more information. • villa rica b2b - Olive Tree on Tuesdays at 8:00am.

w e e k lyEVENTS


• aerobics classes are held at Gold Dust Park from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. For more information call 770-459-7011. • beginner tennis classes are held at Gold Dust Park Tennis Courts for ages 5 to 12 from 5:30pm to 6:15pm and for ages 13 and up from 6:15pm to 7:00pm. For more info call 770-459-7011. • gUitar lessons are held at Powell Park Recreation Center & Park from 5:00pm to 5:45pm for ages 10 and up. For more information call Richard Gage at 770-562-2803. • line dance lessons are held from 7:00pm to 9:00pm for ages 18 and over at the Villa Rica Center and Sports Complex. Call Debra Cleckler at 770-456-6244 for more information. • rotary clUb Meetings at 11:45am each Monday (except holidays) at the Douglasville Downtown Conference Center. • teaM trivia is held at Johnny’s Pizza. • texas Hold’eM toUrnaMent is held at Sports Cafe at 7:30pm.


• aerobics classes are held at Gold Dust Park from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Call 770-459-7011 for more information. • dog training classes are held at the Villa Rica Civic Center & Sports Complex at various times. Call 770-562-2741 for more info. • karaoke & steak nigHt at Sports Cafe from 8:30 to 11:30pm. • karate classes are held at Gold Dust Park from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and 8:15pm to 9:15pm. For more info call 770-459-7011. • Pack 2345 cUb scoUt Pack meets at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church in Villa Rica from 7:00pm to 8:00pm for all boys in grades first through fifth grade. 770-459-2301. • red HaUte dancers meet in Temple. For more information, call Barbara Long at 770-456-2825. • U-can dance clUb meets at 7:00pm (beginner program) and 8:00pm (intermediate program) at the Villa Rica Center and Sports

Wednesdays • bike nigHt at Penny’s Place. • bingo and oMaHa toUrnaMent at Sports Cafe. • Red Haute Mamas’ card cliqUe meets at 1:00pm at Powell Recreation Center and Park. Call 770-459-4511 for more information. • story and activity tiMe (Little Listener) is held for preschoolers at the Villa Rica Public Library at 10:00am and 11:00am.


• aerobics classes are held at Gold Dust Park from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. For more information call 770-459-7011. • beginner karate classes are held at Gold Dust Park from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and 8:15pm to 9:15pm. For more information call 770-459-7011. • dog training classes are held at the Villa Rica Civic Center & Sports Complex at various times. Call Kristie Wilder at 770-562-2741 for more information. • karate classes are held at Gold Dust Park from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and 8:15pm to 9:15pm. For more info call 770-459-7011. • story and activity tiMe (After School Adventure) is held for children of all ages at the Villa Rica Public Library at 4:00pm. • teaM trivia is held at Sports Cafe.

Fridays • live entertainMent at Sports Cafe. • story and activity tiMe (B.I.B. Time) is held for infants through three year olds at the Villa Rica Public Library at 10:00am and 11:00am.


• dance for Temple seniors is held at the Temple Senior Center (280 Rome Street, Temple) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The cost is $4.00. • live entertainMent at Sports Cafe.

Hold a weekly event? send it to [email protected]


Villa Rica News & Views



Home to one of the world’s most active volcanoes and the world’s tallest sea mountain. Birthplace of surfing and the hula. Former seat of a royal kingdom. Hawaii is one of the youngest geological formations in the world and the youngest state of the union. But perhaps Hawaii’s most unique feature is its Aloha Spirit: the warmth of the people of Hawaii that wonderfully complements the Islands’ perfect temperatures.

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Villa Rica News & Views



Hawaii - Like No Other Place on Earth Submitted by Tracey Snipes - Owner – Travel Escapes, a full service travel agency located at 4090 Bankhead Hwy. in Lithia Springs. 770-732-9434 - - Hours: Mon. - Fri., 8:30am to 5:30pm and Sat. 10:00am to 2:00pm Hawaii is home to one of the world’s most active volcanoes and the world’s tallest sea mountain. It is birthplace of surfing and the hula and the former seat of a royal kingdom. Hawaii is one of the youngest geological formations in the world and the youngest state of the union. But perhaps Hawaii’s most unique feature is its Aloha Spirit: the warmth of the people of Hawaii that wonderfully complements the Islands’ perfect temperatures. There are primarily six major islands to visit in Hawaii: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and Hawaii’s Big island. You’ll find each island has its own distinct personality and offers its own adventures, activities, and sightseeing opportunities. KAUAI -- The Garden Isle The oldest and northernmost island in the Island chain is graced with dramatic, natural beauty. Outdoor adventures and romantic escapades flourish on Kauai. You can explore the golden sandbeaches of the Coconut Coast as well as see the massive Waimea Canyon, “The Grand Canyon of the Pacific.” You can also take a boat ride to marvel at the towering cliffs of the Napali Coast. OAHU - The Gathering Place Home to the state capitol and the majority of Hawaii’s population, Oahu is a vibrant mix of natural and cultural wonders with the modern arts, entertainment, and amenities of the 21st century.In Oahu you can see pro surfers charge the big winter waves of the famous North Shore. Learn about American history at the memorials and museums in Pearl Harbor. You can also soak up the sun and learn to surf yourself on legendary Waikiki Beach. MOLOKAI - The Friendly Island With almost half of its population being of native Hawaiian ancestry, Molokai is an island that has preserved its connection to the past and its love for the outdoors. Step back to a simpler time in the sleepy town of Kaunakakaki or view the verdant flora in Halawa Valley. You can also learn about the works of Father Damien at Kalaupapa Settlement. LANAI - The Secluded Island Without a single traffic light, Lanai is a true island getaway for luxury, romance, and privacy away from crowds. Play golf at Lanai’s two prestigious courses or see the rock formations at Keahiakawelo, “The Garden of the Gods.” MAUI - the Valley Isle The second largest island is home to what some believe are the best beaches in the world, as well as Humpback whales who migrate off Maui’s shores every winter. In Maui you can wake up early to catch the sunrise atop Haleakala Crater and stroll through historic Lahaina, and learn about Maui’s whaling past. Or you can drive the long and winding road to Hana for spectacular scenery. HAWAII - The Big Island Bigger than all of the other islands combined, the island of Hawaii, or Hawaii’s Big Island, is vast enough to hold 11 of the world’s 13 climactic zones—from sandy beaches to snowcapped mountains. You can also see waterfalls, rainforests, and botanical gardens in Hilo or snorkel, scuba, or fish off the Kona Coast.


FREE CLASSIFIEDS POLICY: Villa Rica News & Views offers free classifieds of up to 30 words to individuals wishing to sell, find, or give away an item. We also offer free help wanted ads for businesses, except multi-level marketing businesses. Commercial classifieds are available at a cost of $0.50 per word. To send your classified, e-mail it to submissions@villaricanews. net. We reserve the right to edit all submissions and limit this offer at any time. FOR SALE: Boutique style clothing, gifts, and bows at affordable prices. Check out www.littlebugsandbows. FOR SALE: Blue velvet dual reclining love seat and matching cocktail table in new condition, $300.00. White side by side refrigerator in great working condition and clean, $250.00. Contact 678-897-3178 or 770-459-8969 for cash sale. FOR SALE: Musical instruments for band and orchestra for sale by music teacher. All good condition and ready to play. Most at beginning student prices. Please call Jan at 770-942-3381. FOR SALE: Computer desk - black in color. Center drawer/keyboard tray. Three drawers on right side. Excellent condition. Approx. 6 mos. old. $75 (OBO). For more information call 770-944-6240. FOR SALE: Girls twin bedroom suit. Great condition. Headboard and mattress and box springs. 2 dressers with matching mirror. White pine stain. $350. Call 770-947-4709. FOR SALE: Rolltop desk. Excellent Condition. Solid wood. Walnut stain. $175. Call 770-947-4709. FOR SALE: 1999 Plymouth Voyager, 142k a/c, cd, pw $3099.00 or best offer. Call 404-368-5203 for appt. FOR SALE: Girls clothing - sizes start at 6Mo until 3Tshoes and toys - everything great condition - cash only

- for pics and info contact [email protected] - serious inquiries only.

agency. Paying 125.00 per day. Contact Jodi Bellam at 770-949-6139.

FOR SALE: Baby gifts - handmade crocheted baby sweater, cap & booties - $25, baby blanket - $25. Douglasville area. Call 770-944-7571

HELP WANTED: Helping people create income from home. We work for ourselves, not by ourselves! No Selling, No parties, No MLM. Risk Free Home Business.

FOR SALE: Birthday gifts, wedding gifts, special occasions - handmade crocheted afghans starting at $25. Douglasville area. Call 770-944-7571. FOR SALE: 400W Metal Halide Light fixtures with plug, lamp and hanging hook. Multi-tap, great condition. $25 each, call 770-836-8070. FOR SALE: Salon for sale. Call 770-459-2588 for more information. FOR SALE: 1978 International Scout Traveler 4x4, $7500, white with blue interior, everything runs/works except fuel gauge. Call 22-426-3223 for more info. HELP WANTED: Hiring part-time office assistant. Fax resume to 770-577-6573. HELP WANTED: Avon products for sale/Business opportunity: Only $10 Investment to get started. Residual income. Call: Sebrena@678-571-2621 or [email protected]. HELP WANTED: Nail tech and hair stylists for spa/salon on Hey. 5. Call Nana at 770-942-0885 or visit www. HELP WANTED: Business opportunity/ Buy or sell. Body Magic weight loss garment for women. Abdomen shirt weight loss garment for men. Only $300 investment. Earn 6 figures in 6 months. We will show you how. Drop 2-3 sizes instantly. Products sell themselves. Residual income. Call: Sebrena Kelly@678-571-2621 or [email protected]. HELP WANTED: Nail Spa needs nail technicians. Professional Atmosphere. Call 678-838-9000 for more information. HELP WANTED: Live in caregivers needed by local care

HELP WANTED: Rental Express is seeking ambitious, professional, hard working employees. Must be at lease 24 with a good driving record. Please send resume to private email address, [email protected] HELP WANTED: Nail Tech Needed. Full or Part-Time and be a part of an AVEDA Salon. Family Fun, Friendly, and Safe atmosphere to grow clientele. Competitive commission plan. Call 770-880-8588 ask for Sandy. HELP WANTED: Cosmetologist and Nail Technicians wanted. Reasonable Booth Rent and Commission available. Please Call Sheron at Creative Miracles Hair Salon 404-447-7215. HELP WANTED: Hiring Certified Nurse Aide to work in the following cities - Acworth, Marietta and Dallas. Fax Resume to 770-577-6573. HELP WANTED: Team Moore Realty Group is hiring agents. They offer 100% Commission Plans, Mentor Program and full-time Broker Accessibility. 3417 Hwy 5, Suite C-5 Douglasville, GA 678-324-6990. HELP WANTED: Local Broker seeks Experienced Real Estate Licensed Buyer Agents to work “qualified” leads - - Now HIRING for more info. ONLINE CLASS: Microsoft Excel 2007 Basic - Work at your own pace, in the comfort of your home!!! Increase your computer skills for employment! This course is designed for people who wish to gain the skills necessary to create, edit, and print basic Microsoft Office Excel 2007. It’s Easy and You Can Start Today!!! To register, contact Jennifer at 404-543-3796. WANT CASH FOR YOuR juNk vEHICLES? We pay $$ and haul same day! Rick’s Recovery & Towing 678910-8150.


Villa Rica News & Views



Formerly Ruby’s Diner

Friends at


Traditional Southern Cooking & Healthy Alternatives

Open 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Saturday

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday

Breakfast & Home Style Lunch Teachers Receive 10% Off

(Mention this ad. Offer available to public & private school, home schooling and Sunday School teachers)

Anchovi’s Pizza - 68 Fairfield Rd................770-830-1103 Arby’s - 122 Hwy 61 Conn........................770-459-2440 Blazers Big Wings-650 W Bankhead Hwy.770-459-1311 Blue Brick Restaurant - 215 S Carroll Rd...678-941-3443 Burger King-584 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...770-456-7469 Captain D’s - 203 Cooley Drive..................678-840-8000 Casa Hacienda Mexican Restaurant 955 W Bankhead Hwy.........................770-456-0040 Chick-Fil-A - 85 Commerce Dr...................770-459-5792 China Wok - 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd...........770-459-9585

814 W. Bankhead Hwy. | Villa Rica | 770-459-5501

(Located directly across from the Sunoco Day-Night Convenience Store)

200 West Montgomery Street Villa Rica, GA 30180 770.459.4771 770.459.2729

Ask about daily lunch & nightly specials!

Monday Night Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament Tuesday Night Karaoke/Ribeye Steak Special Wednesday Night Omaha Tournament/Bingo Thursday Night Team Trivia/Wing Night Friday Night Live Entertainment Saturday Night

Check out

Locally our website to see what band is playing owned & operated

each weekend and for

special events!

Live Entertainment

your neighborhood pizzeria

9 9 Draft Beers

Pitchers start at $6.99

Large Pizza & Pitcher of Beer Only $17.99

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Villa Rica Location Only. With this coupon. Not valid with any other offers or prior purchases. Exp. 08/31/09. vrnv

Villa Rica Location Only. With this coupon. Not valid with any other offers or prior purchases. Dine in only. Exp. 08/31/09. vrnv

2000 Mirror Lake Boulevard  Villa Rica

Located in the Publix Shopping Center at Mirror Lake

(678) 840-5111

Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 11am-10pm, Fri. 11am-11pm, Sat. 12pm-11pm, Sun. 12pm-10pm


Villa Rica News & Views


Southern Home Style Cooking

Dine-In /Take Out 678-840-4262 Dinner’s Ready ONLY 1605 Hwy 61 South...............678-840-4262 EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT

3 Veggies, Roll or Cornbread, and Dessert. Tues – Fri

Wednesday – Free Drink w/ purchase or a Meal. Dine in Only Catering for Any Size Event Private Party Room In the Villa Rica Sports Complex on Hwy. 61 Across from Bay Springs Middle School Open Tues. 11am to 8pm, Wed. 11am to 2pm, Thurs. & Fri. 11am to 8pm, Sat. 5pm to 8pm & Sun. 11am to 2pm

Domino’s Pizza-594 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-456-8750 Dre’s Place - 208 Tolbert Dr.......................770-456-0544 El Ranchito Mexican Restaurant 634 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-459-2170 El Tacomiendo - 451 W Bankhead Hwy....678-840-5886 El Tio Mexican Restaurant 110 Hwy 61 Conn................................770-459-8921 Fairfield Plantation Golf & Country Club 7500 Monticello Dr...............................770-836-1112 Friends at ruby’s 814 W. Bankhead Hwy.........................770-459-5501 (Please See Our Ad on This Page) Gabe’s Downtown-104 W Montgomery St.770-456-6026 Gilley’s BarBQ - 342 W Bankhead Hwy.....770-459-5543 Godfather’s Pizza - 95 Liberty Rd..............770-459-1518 H & W Food Mart & Deli 725 Sandhill Hulett Rd.........................770-834-2050 Hardee’s - 161 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...770-459-0969 Iron Horse BBQ - 9366 E Bankhead Hwy...770-456-9037 Johnny’s new york style Pizza 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd........................678-840-5111 (Please See Our Ad on This Page) Jones Barbecue - 78 Wythe Way.............770-562-4387 Keelah’s Southern Foods & Bakery 883 W Bankhead Hwy.........................678-840-6036 Kentucky Fried Chicken-126 Hwy 61 Conn.770-459-2611 Kickers - 820 Dallas Hwy..........................770-456-9417 Krystal Company The-130 Hwy 61 Conn.770-459-3511 Kong Long - 82 Hwy 61 Conn...................770-456-9661 La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd..........................770-456-6161 Lin’s Garden Chinese & Japanese Cuisine 737 W Bankhead Hwy.........................770-456-4646

los Cowboy’s MexiCan restaurant 113 Main St........................................770-456-2291 Martin’s Restaurant 1100 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-0065 McDonalds - 2480 Mirror Lake Blvd..........770-456-2653 116 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-459-2128 Mr PJ’s buFFalo wings 153 Tri County Plaza...........................770-459-2828 (Please See Our Ad on Page 15) Mustang Sally’s - 118 Hwy 61 Conn........678-840-8225 O’Charley’s - 921 S Carroll Rd...................770-456-4245 olive tree the - 150 Stone St..........770-456-6456 (Please See Our Ad on Page 15) Papa John’s Pizza 596 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-456-8886 Papa’s Pizza to Go 1004 Bankhead Hwy Crltn…...............770-836-0410 Penny’s Place 4921 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy…........770-836-8855 Philly Connection 594 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-456-7825 Pizza Hut - 180 Hwy 61.............................770-459-1041 Romero’s Italian Restaurant & Pizza 664 W Bankhead Hwy.........................770-459-8400 Ruby’s Diner - 810 W Bankhead Hwy.......770-459-5501 Sam & Rosco’s - 7450 Douglas Blvd Dgl...770-949-1195 shake this! sMoothie & CoFFee shoP 125 Commons Way............................678-840-4979 Sonic Drive In - 100 Parkridge Dr...............770-456-9040 sPorts CaFé 200 W Montgomery St........................770-459-4771 (Please See Our Ad on This Page) Station 1 Hot Wing Cafe 118 Hwy 61 Connector........................770-456-6343 Stix Bar & Grill - 660 W Bankhead Hwy.....770-456-1616 Subway - 95 Liberty Rd.............................770-459-6919 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd..........................770-459-0036 114 Hwy 61 Conn................................770-459-8059 600 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-456-4639 3960 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.............770-830-7823 Sumo Steak & Sushi 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd..........................678-840-8581 sweet teresa dessert shoP & CaFe 7475 Douglas Blvd - Dgl.....................678-838-3415 (Please See Our Ad on Page 15) Taco Bell - 126 Hwy 61 Conn....................770-459-2611 Taste Of China - 214 W Montgomery St...770-459-9858 Tin Roof Cafe - 110 Main St......................770-456-2474 trading Post CaFé 749-A W Bankhead Hwy....................770-456-4221

TROPICAL PARADISE JAMAICAn RESTAuRAnT 1611 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-9162

Waffle House -138 Connors Rd..................770-459-9974 197 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy................770-459-1332 592 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy................770-459-9392 Watering Hole The - 123 Tri-County Plaza.770-456-2672 Wendy’s -186 Hwy 61 Conn......................770-459-8133 Wings Citi Café 2502 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy............678-796-9464 Zaxby’s - 200 Cooley Dr..............................770-456-8568

the olive tree now features a fully covered patio

The Olive Tree located in historic downtown Villa Rica has recently added a cover to their patio dining area. Mike and Teresa Atsalis started the Lithia Springs Olive Tree location 14 years ago. The Villa Rica location opened in June 2008. Tash Tasova is the managing partner who oversees the everyday operation. CONTINUED ABOVE RIGHT

The Olive Tree serves Greek and Italian cuisine in a family setting. “If you have never dined with us, you will find we offer an extensive menu of Italian and Greek entrees with homemade flavors and cooking,” Tash explains. They also have a private Banquet Room that seats up to 60. “Mike, Teresa and I share the same philosophy and commitment: our entrees must be of the same high consistent quality, the service must be consistently superior, and the restaurant must be consistently and uncompromising clean,” Tash states. The Olive Tree is open seven days a week, providing the newly covered patio, a full service bar and they are open for lunch on Saturdays. They are open Monday through Thursday 11:00am to 9:00pm, Friday until 10:00pm, Saturday 11:30am to 10:00pm and Sunday 11:30 to 8:00pm. They are located at 150 Stone Street. For more information call 770-456-6456.

Mild Dr y or Wet, Light Mediu Med XHot Dr y or m Dr y or Wet, Hot Dr ium, y or Wet, Wet, 911 H ot, Teriyak Jerk, Garlic i, Honey BB Pepper, Pa Honey Mus rm as an Cheese Q, , Honey Lem tard, Lemon Pepp er Dr y or W on Pepper et, , Le Garlic Pepp mon Pepper Parmas er Parmasan an, Teriyaki M , ild or Med Honey BBQ ium or Hot , M Lemon Pepp ild or Medium or Hot er Mild or Medium or , Hot

Friends at Ruby’s opens on W. Bankhead Highway

Friends at Ruby’s (formerly Ruby’s Diner) opened recently. Offering a combination of traditional southern cooking and healthy alternatives, Friends at Ruby’s provides a wide variety of entrees. For breakfast the loaded omelet and loaded hash browns featuring fresh, chopped vegetables partnered with fluffy eggs and quality cheeses have quickly become favorites. Traditional breakfast platters with eggs served to order, home made biscuits with gravy, and a selection of quality breakfast meats from strick-o-lean to turkey sausage are available. Lunch specials vary daily with meat, vegetable dishes, bread, dessert, with coffee or tea for a fixed price. If the dinner hour works better for your schedule, they offer the best grades of meat for their hamburger steaks with grilled onions, rib eyes, chicken tenders, dinner sized salads, and seafood platters featuring shrimp and flounder. Dinner is available until 9:00pm Monday through Saturday. They also offer fresh made cobbler as well as specialty cakes, Cheese Cake Factory Cheese Cake, and old fashioned ice cream sundaes and shakes. Should you need provisions for a family or business function, a reunion or pot luck dinner, ask about the ‘by the pan’ or ‘by the pound’ menu. With a 24-hour notice, you can order whole Friends at Ruby’s cobblers, chicken and dressing, macaroni and cheese, or chicken salad and more. They also offer tea by the gallon, ice, and utensils to make your selections complete. Friends at Ruby’s is located on West Bankhead Highway directly across from the Sunoco Day-Nite Convenience Store. Call ahead at 770-4595501 for a quick pick up or come in. They are open seven days a week with operating hours from 5:00am to 9:00pm, Monday through Saturday and serving 7:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday.



We’ve moved!

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Villa Rica News & Views


Business BRIEFS

Treasure Chest Bargain Village opens on Highway 61

Villa Rica welcomes Treasure Chest Bargain Village to 4855 Highway 61. Treasure Chest is a family run store owned and operated by Rick and Amy Myers. Treasure Chest offers a variety of new and gently used items including brand name kid’s clothes under $3, adult clothes, electronics, appliances, decorations, furniture, men’s section, and housewares. Inventory changes bi-weekly. Have items that you want to sell? Starting August 1st you can take advantage of their Craig’s Listing Services. 10% of all the store’s profit go to the charity “Free the Slaves”, which works to set free the 27 million slaves across the world. This is a cause that is close to the hearts of the owners and their church ministry, Chosen Life Worship Center in Douglasville. For more information, visit Donations are accepted. Please call 770-830-5498 or e-mail [email protected] for more information. They are open Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 5:30pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 3:00pm.

Langford Photography Portrait Studio now open

Mention this coupon. Offer expires 08/31/09.


Villa Rica News & Views


The walls have been painted, the furniture is in its place, and portraits are hung on the walls. Langford Photography opened its doors on July 11, 2009. Langford Photography’s journey towards a studio space began in late November 2008 when owners, Joe and Kim Langford, began looking around at available spaces throughout West Atlanta. What an amazing experience it has been, complete with its heartaches, lessons in patience, and finally…the right space. Nestled in historic downtown Villa Rica, Joe and Kim can now sit down with clients in a private, relaxing environment. They enjoy getting to know their clients and coming up with ways to capture who they are. Their clients will end up with portraits that are great for sharing with family and friends, but that also have a fine art quality, something your family will want to frame and cherish as heirlooms. Langford Photography photographs children, families, maternity and weddings. Stop by and see Joe and Kim daily from 10:00am to 7:00pm. The studio is located at 224 West Montgomery Street in Villa Rica. You may visit their website at Appointments are never necessary but feel free to call them at 678840-4504.

Pet Page

Paws-an-Effect Dog Show Benefits Local Domestic Violence Victims

S.H.A.R.E. House is fetching a big audience for its 1st Annual Paws-an-Effect Dog Show fundraiser. On Saturday, September 12, 2009 from 10:00am to 2:00pm the public is invited to enjoy a spectacular event for dogs and their owners at the Deer Lick Dog Park in Douglasville. “We wanted to do something new to help raise funds for S.H.A.R.E. House, and a dog show seemed both entertaining and beneficial,” says Michael Hubbard, event co-chair and S.H.A.R.E. House board member. “Instead of taking your dog out for a Saturday walk, why not bring your pet out for a fun day at the show?” General admission tickets are on sale and can be purchased in advance for $5 by calling 770-370-2272 or for $7 at the door the day of the event. Children five and under enter for free. To register your dog in the 2009 Paws-an-Effect Dog Show, visit to download a registration form online or call 770-370-2272 to request one to be mailed to you. A non-refundable $25 registration fee is due upon registration. Fee covers dog entry and one general admission ticket. Entries must be registered by September 1, 2009. In addition to the family-friendly canine competition, festivities include vendor booths, animal adoptions hosted by the Douglas

County Humane Society and Animal Control, a micro-chipping clinic, obedience training, demonstrations, and a dog grooming salon, as well as children’s activities, a dog playing field, delicious goodies, door prizes and more! Awards for the dog show will be given for “Best Pet Trick,” “Best Pet and People Look Alike,” “Most Athletic,” “Best Purebred,” “Most Obedient,” “Most Mysterious Heritage,” “Best Tail Wagging” and “Most Adorable.” Want to become a Paws-an-Effect Dog Show sponsor and/or volunteer? Call 770-370-2272 to learn how you can contribute to this worthy cause. Vendor booths are also available! To take advantage of the opportunity to market and sell items from a 10’ x 10’ booth at the dog show call 770-370-2272. For more information about the Paws-an-Effect Dog Show, call 770-370-2272, 770-949-0626 or email [email protected].

Pet Pictures


Submitted by Julie Jackson

Fenway, Elvis, Snoopy Submitted by Vickie Frith

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Submitted by Sam Eskew

Jimmy & Cheri

Submitted by Scott & Judi Edens


Submitted by Janna Columbus


Submitted by Lily Santana

Send your pet pictures to [email protected]! We’ll place them in for free!






Villa Rica News & Views


   Pine Knoll Nursing and Rehab is located just minutes from downtown Carrollton and less than two miles from Tanner Medical 

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At Pine Knoll Nursing and Rehab Center, our mission is to manage illness with skill and                compassion and provide peace of mind to residents and families through knowledge and respect of individual choices, while promoting optimum recovery for our residents.           

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Villa Rica News & Views

Senior Living



Prevention is the Best Medicine

By Melissa Murphy. Administrator at Pine Knoll Nursing & Rehab Center, 770-834-8243, [email protected] Lately there has been much discussion as to the best route for the US Government to take regarding health insurance. In my business, I have noted that many of the conditions we treat residents for are preventable. Politics aside, this knowledge leads me to agree with the President that there must be some vehicle in place to educate the public as to the prevention component of health care. The following excerpt is taken from an article online found at we_fail_platform_wellness_and_prevention.html Lack of exercise and overeating, smoking and drinking too much, pose a growing threat to our nation’s health. Americans of every age do not get enough exercise, and unhealthy eating habits increase the risks. • More than half of all people 50 plus have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or some other chronic condition. • 66 percent of Americans were overweight or obese in 2004. Obesity is associated with significantly increased risk of adult-onset diabetes, hypertension, certain forms of cancer and osteoarthritis. • Diabetes is on the rise, with an estimated 14.6 million Americans already diagnosed and another 6.2 million unaware they have the disease. • The American Diabetes Association puts the financial toll of diabetes at $132 billion annually, a cost that is sure to soar if the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are correct: The CDC expects one in three five year olds in this country to become diabetic because they are overweight or obese. • In New York City, the disease has already reached epidemic proportions and affects more than one in eight adults. Too often people with persistent diseases get little or no care until a crisis lands them in costly emergency-room settings, hospitals, or nursing homes. In fact, these chronic patients, sometimes known in hospitals as “frequent flyers” - soak up a huge share of the nation’s medical spending. Chronic patients make up only 5 percent of Medicare’s beneficiaries, but they account for 43 percent of the program’s cost. Staying healthy and independent is a lifelong job. With more of us living longer, life itself has definitely become a marathon. If we want our lives to be not only longer but better, we have to keep to a steady, endurance-building jog for most of the race, with the ability to sprint when circumstances demand. The reason is simple: what we do in the short term can have a tremendous effect on the quality of our lives in the long run. Despite new medical discoveries and technological breakthroughs, health problems cloud the future for many Americans. Our health and independence are precious commodities. Let’s ensure they’re protected through an emphasis on prevention and wellness. In closing, it is never too late to start. Exercise your brain, avoid sugar and eat your fruits and vegetables. I love my residents but would much rather everyone remain healthy and independent at home for as long as possible.



Writers Group meets twice monthly

The Paulding County Writers’ Group meets twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday at 6:00pm at the Starbucks inside of Target in Hiram. They welcome anyone interested in writing. This meeting is almost pure discussion: great things members have read or written, how a particular idea evolves, editing for the faint of heart, etc. Dana Freeman orchestrates. The group also produces a quarterly publication called The North Georgia Writer. For more information, you may contact [email protected]. It is best to contact them before attending to ensure that no meeting changes have taken place.

U-Can Dance! Club meets Tuesdays U-CAN Dance! Club meets at 7:00pm (beginner program) and 8:00pm (intermediate program) at the Villa Rica Civic Center and Sports Complex every Tuesday. All styles of dance are taught including West Coast Swing, Tango, Merengue and more. Call 770-456-6244 for more information.

Creation Ministries International to show ‘The Voyage that Shook the World’ Creation Ministries International will be showing a documentary called The Voyage that Shook the World at the Dallas Theater August 27. A Creation Scientist will be at the event to answer questions. Tickets are $7.50 per person and can be purchased early by going to Group tickets are also available at a discount when purchased early. Call 770-445-5180 for more information. This high-budget ($1 million to produce), high-definition film revisits some of the incredible locations Darwin visited during his historic 1830s voyage on HMS Beagle and examines the ideas he formulated over the following years. It includes stunning wildlife footage and period drama reenactments, as well as interviews with leading authorities from around the world. It weighs Darwin’s claims with what modern science tells us today and asks the question, “If Darwin knew what we know today, would he have developed his evolutionary theory?” Watch the trailer at

We’re the Community Bank for You. Pictured left to right: Christie Watson, Teller; Stesha Robinson, Customer Service/Loan Assistant; Tiffany Robinson, Head Teller; Karen Camp, Bank Manager; and Richard Littleton, Vice President, Business Banker. Not shown: Nicki Swanson, Teller

At United Community Bank we are proud to be the safe and sound community banking choice for thousands of customers in West Georgia. Even as the third largest bank headquartered in Georgia, we’re small enough to know you by name. And like good friends, we look out for each other and make sure that everything we do has your best interest at heart. That is why we want you to know that your money is safe with us. VILLA RICA 485 W. Bankhead Hwy. 770-459-3100

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Proudly serving our customers for 59 years, with 27 locally managed banks in over 100 locations in Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee. Copyright © 2009 United Community Bank

Arts & Entertainment

Villa Rica News & Views


CA R R O L LTO N C U LT U R A L A R T S C E NTER 251 AlAbAmA Street • CArrollton 770-838-1083 • 08/01: teen theAtre preSentS the WizArd of oz, Saturday, August 1 at 2:00pm and 7:30pm in the Carrollton Cultural Arts Center Theatre. Kathy Waldrop and Jenny Lyle, Directors. Support for this program is provided by Target. Register on line at www. or call 770-838-1083. Enchantment abounds as Dorothy begins her wondrous journey to the Land of Oz! Good Witch Glinda and the Munchkins point Dorothy toward the Yellow Brick Road, a magical path to the Emerald City -- and we’re off! Off to see the Wonderful Wizard of Oz! All your favorite characters are here: Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion.True to L. Frank Baum’s heartwarming tale, this version is as familiar as childhood memories.

DOU G L A S V I L L E C U LT U R A L A R T S C ENTER 8652 CAmpbellton Street • douglASville 770-949-2787 • 08/01-30: WorKS from the permAnent ColleCtion, on view through August 30th, free and open to the public.

Country Pride Line Dance clubs meets

The Country Pride Line Dance and Social Club meets once a month. They are always looking for new members. Please contact Dianne Quinn at 770-317-8021 or Debbie Rider at 770-274-9839 for more information.

Cool Beads August classes Saturday, August 1, 9:00am - Gold Party Saturday, August 1, 2:00pm - Beading 201 Saturday, August 8, 9:00am - Beading 101 Saturday, August 8, 2:00pm - Wig Jig Necklace Class Saturday, August 15, 9:00am - Chainmaille Flower Bracelet Saturday, August 15, 2:00pm - Chainmaille Half Persian Bracelet Saturday, August 22, 9:00am - Chainmaille Anklet Saturday, August 22, 2:00pm - Chainmaille Byzantine Bracelet Saturday, August 29, 9:00am - Full Fringe Beaded Necklace Saturday, August 29, 2:00pm - Beading 201 Cool Beads is located at 2911 Chapel Hill Road and can be reached at 678-391-8722 for more information or to register.

Douglas County Chamber Singers now holding auditions

The Douglas County Chamber Singers will be holding auditions throughout the summer for their upcoming 7th annual concert season. The Chamber Singers are a 40 voice auditioned choral group. Membership into the Douglas County Chamber Singers is by audition. During auditions, the conductor will assess the quality and range of the voice and how well the singer can read music and sing a part. The singer should be prepared to sing a prepared solo, which can be a classical, religious, or popular musical piece of the singer’s choice. Auditions also consist of singing a scale and sight reading an alto, soprano, tenor or bass part of a hymn. Please contact conductor Vickie Orme at 770-489-0503 to schedule an audition.

This voucher is for new patients only and is good toward any procedure our office provides. Offer valid one time per family. Offer expires 08/31/09. VRNV


Villa Rica News & Views

Arts & Entertainment

Bead Happy! August classes Thursday, August 6, 6:00pm - Wire Wrap Pendant Saturday, August 8, 11:00am - Swarovski Fish-tail Weave Bracelet Monday, August 10, 6:00pm - Intro to Beading Tuesday, August 11, 6:00pm - Lanyard/Eye Glass Holder Thursday, August 13th, 6:00pm - Tiara Class Friday, August 14, 6:00pm - Earrings Class Saturday, August 15, 11:00am - Pearl Knotting Monday, August 17, 6:00pm - Wire Wrap Ring Tuesday, August 18, 4:00pm - Crochet Beaded Necklace Thursday, August 20, 6:00pm - Seed Bead Peyote Sculpture Bracelet Friday, August 21, 6:00pm - Beaded Watch Saturday, August 22, 11:00am - Viking Knit Necklace Monday, August 24, 6:00pm - Seed Bead Purse Tuesday, August 25, 6:00pm - Interchangeable Watch Thursday, August 27, 11:00am - Wire Wrap Bracelet Friday, August 28, 6:00pm - Mother – Daughter Class Saturday, August 29, 11:00am - Seed Bead Flower Bracelet Monday, August 31, 6:00pm - Herringbone Seed Bead Bracelet Bead Happy! is located at 207C Adamson Square in Carrollton and can be reached at 770-832-6655 for more information or to register.

Flat Rock Baptist Church to host cookout and concert A cookout and concert by the Flat Rock Band will be held at Flat Rock Baptist Church at 5:00pm. This is a Fundraiser for a Missions Trip. Flat Rock Baptist Church is located at 961 Flat Rock Road. For more information call 770-459-6128.



Wolfenstein (PC) (X360) (PS3)

Brave: A Warrior’s Tale (X360) (PSP) (WII) C.O.R.E. (DS) Daisy Fuentes Pilates (WII) Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta (X360) (PC) G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (DS) (PS3) (X360) (PSP) (PS2) (WII) Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show (PSP) Hearts of Iron III (PC) Phantom Brave: We Meet Again (WII) Real Heroes: Firefighter (WII) Splosion Man (X360) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled (X360) War Leaders: Clash of Nations (PC) World Championship Athletics (WII)



CrimeCraft (PC) Cursed Mountain (WII) Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP) Emergency Room: Real Life Rescues (DS) Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft (WII) Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy (PS2) Metroid Prime Trilogy (WII) Monster Racers (DS) Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (DS) The Clique: Diss and Make Up (DS) Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Part 2 (X360) Wizards of Waverly Place (DS)


Cabela’s Outdoor Adventure (PS3) (X360) (WII) (PS2) Diner Dash (PS3) (WII) (X360) Duke Nukem Trilogy: Critical Mass (PSP) (DS) Guitar Hero 5 (X360) (WII) (PS3) (PS2) Hardy Boys: Treasure on the Track (DS) Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands (DS) Heroes Over Europe (X360) (PC) (PS3) League of Legen(DS): Clash of Fates (PC) WEEK OF AUGUST 16 Monster Mayhem: Build and Battle (WII) All Star 5-A-Side Football (DS) Fallout 3 Game Add-On Pack: Broken Muramasa: The Demon Blade (WII) NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits (WII) Steel and Point Lookout (X360) (PC) PAIN: Museum (PS3) Paws & Claws Pet Vet (WII) Paws & Claws Pet Vet: Australian Adven- Pinball Hall of Fame - The Williams Collection (PS3) (X360) tures (DS) SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny (PSP) Shadow Complex (X360) Sudoku Ball Detective (WII) (DS) Time of Shadows (PC) Fossil Fighters (DS) Imagine: Soccer Captain (DS) Madden NFL 10 (X360) (PS3) (WII) (PS2) (PSP) Marvel vs. Ca(PC)om 2 (PS3) Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger (X360) (PC) Still Life 2 (PC) Trials HD (X360)

Gold Rush Festival

September 12, 2009

5K road race, 8am Parade, 10am

Arts & Crafts, 9am-4pm Free concert, 6pm Located in Historic Downtown Villa Rica along Main Street This year a special children’s area! [email protected] Arts & Entertainment

Villa Rica News & Views



PLEASE VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE PHOTO BY EMAILING US WITH THE PHOTO NUMBER AT [email protected] BY August 15. The photo which receives the most votes will be on the October cover of the magazine. Only one vote per e-mail address will be counted.


2 By Robert Wells

3 By Judi Edens

4 By Stephanie May

By Mary Gordon

COVER PHOTO CONTEST! Have your photo featured as the cover photo for the November issue of Villa Rica News & Views! All photos must be high resolution, and in a shape that will lend itself to the cover. Please note - if photos do not fit requirements, they will not be placed in the contest. Readers will e-mail in their votes for their choice for the cover photo. Send entries to [email protected].


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Villa Rica News & Views

Arts & Entertainment

And the Winner Is...

This photo will appear on the September cover! Make sure to vote for the October cover as well as submit your own photo! It could appear on a future cover of Villa Rica News & Views.


By Missi Gray

6 By Becky Sutton

By Kara Christopher

Paulding Photography Club meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:00pm at 122 Main Street in Dallas. The

club is open to all with an interest in the art of photography and growing their photography skills. Meetings and club activities include guest speakers, hands-on learning opportunities, workshops, field trips, and club competitions. For more information please visit www. or contact Mike Nalley at [email protected] or Kim Mitas at [email protected].


Upcoming Concerts - Atlanta Area 08/01 08/08 08/08 08/08 08/08 08/12 08/12 08/14 08/14 08/14 08/15 08/15 08/21 08/22: 08/22 08/25 08/28 08/29: 08/29: 08/29: 09/02: 09/03: 09/04: 09/11 09/11 09/17

Green Day Hinder Sara Evans Elbow Colt Ford Counting Crows Sugar Ray Temptations The B-52s Our Lady Peace Paul McCartney Steely Dan O.A.R. The Jonas Brothers Sister Hazel Earth, Wind, and Fire Edwin McCain Men of Praise En Vogue Shedaisy B.B. King Taylor Swift Britney Spears Amy Grant Creed Toby Keith

The Arena At Gwinnett Center Wetherby Field Fort Benning Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre Center Stage Theatre Wild Bills Chastain Park Amphitheatre Variety Playhouse Chastain Park Amphitheatre Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre Center Stage Theatre Piedmont Park Chastain Park Amphitheatre Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre Philips Arena Center Stage Theatre Chastain Park Amphitheatre Chastain Park Amphitheatre Center Stage Theatre Chastain Park Amphitheatre The Villages Amphitheater Mable House Barnes Amphitheatre The Arena At Gwinnett Center Philips Arena Frederick Brown, Jr. Amphitheater Aaron’s Amphitheatre at Lakewood Aaron’s Amphitheatre at Lakewood

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Christmas in Lithia Lithia Springs High School

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November 14 - 15

Saturday 10am - 5pm  Sunday 12pm - 5pm

Indoors Free Admission & Parking Quality Artists & Craftsman 770.651.6817 |

Attention Artists & Craftsman

If you would like to be an exhibitor, please e-mail [email protected] or visit for an application

Arts & Entertainment

Villa Rica News & Views


West Georgia Shutterbugs Monthly Photo Contest Subject - “Lines” 1st Place

Color Print

“Covered Bridge” by Lee Zoellick

1st Place

Black & White Print

“Little Boy” by Michele Cammon

The WGS welcomes newcomers. They meet at 7:00pm the second Monday of each month at Bethany Christian Church, Highway 61 in Carrollton.


Villa Rica News & Views

Arts & Entertainment

Don-Rich Ford’s Professional Rodeo Is Back Clint Chance and Don-Rich Ford are teaming up again for the much anticipated event of the year. August the 21st and 22nd be ready to have a good time with your family, friends and neighbors at Don-Rich Ford’s Villa Rica Frontiers’ Rodeo. This will be the fourth year Villa Rica has had the pleasure of hosting the pro-rodeo and every year thousands of fans have lined up at the gates. At 6:00pm each night the activities start with mechanical bull riding, pony rides, bungee jumping, dunking booths, and souvenir shops. Also an array of food can be feasted on from barbecue to cotton candy. Once you and your family are fed and ready for some good ole’ country fun you can sit back and watch one of the best shows in the south! Some of the rodeo events include bareback and saddle-bronc riding, calf roping, team roping, steer wrestling, barrel racing, ladies break-away roping and of course everyone’s favorite...bull riding. Fans will a have chance to get involved and win some money this year with the $10,000 Football Kick. A selected finalist will attempt to kick a football into the back of a brand new Ford F-250. If they succeed the lucky kicker will walk away with $10k. Also for the adventure lovers they will have an ATV Four-Wheeler Race where two local dealerships will battle out their latest models in the arena. You might be wondering how such action-packed nights have found their way to Villa Rica. Clint Chance, the heart and soul of this rodeo, has always been inspired by his father Donald Chance. Donald was a professional bull-rider for 15 years until his retirement in the late eighties. “My father’s love of the sport and his commitment to his family has pushed me to continue promoting quality rodeo entertainment.” Bart Smith, general manager of Don-Rich-Ford, plays a key role in the Frontiers’ Rodeo. This is the fourth year Don-Rich has been the main sponsor and fans always have a good time checking out the latest car and truck models that are available at their lot located in downtown Villa Rica. Mr. Smith encourages everyone to participate. “I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming turn out the past three years and invite you to the fourth annual DonRich Ford Frontiers Rodeo and see the 2010 Ford Vehicle Line-Up while having a great family night of fun!” Many aspects of revenue generated from this event will benefit local school clubs and the city’s park and recreation. Buy your advanced tickets for $12 for adults and $6 for children (ages six to 12). For children five and under admission is free. Advance tickets are on sale at Don-Rich-Ford, ET Doyal & Sons, and Wallace Farm Supply starting August 10th. Tickets at the gate are $2 more a piece. The Rodeo is held at the V-Plex located on Highway 61 across from Bay Springs Middle School. Photo: Maggie Sue enjoying the Pony Rides



The Good and Bad of Facebook for Adults

By Kerry Patuka. A Villa Rica resident who is a degreed and certified educator, licensed minister and founder of Drive 5 Ministries, a consulting, speaking and training ministry for churches and children’s ministry. Contact her at [email protected] Now that the kids will be heading back to school, some parents will find a few more free minutes for themselves and maybe that time will be spent on Facebook. If you didn’t read my column last month, let me tell you how much I love Facebook. I can reconnect with friends from high school, catch up with friends from former jobs, churches or activities that I don’t see much anymore and I can keep current with friends here, as well as those in other states and countries. There are a lot of fun games and quizzes on Facebook. There are surveys to take, flair to send, private messaging, chatting and more. The truth is it’s a lot of fun and can be pretty meaningful, but we have to be careful not to waste too much time. Even though we’re adults, we too have to be careful of the choices we make on Facebook. Just because all things are accessible to us, does not mean that they are wise choices. We need to apply the same common sense we want our youth to use to our own Facebook profiles. We must watch where we go, who we friend and what we do on Facebook. Remember if it’s posted on your wall, it’s out there for everyone to see. I once was shocked to see on my home page that a male relative took a test – “which sex position are you?” - and the answer with an inappropriate picture (not of him) demonstrating the results of the quiz. A few hours later, he removed it, but I wondered how many of his friends, co-workers or relatives saw it before he did. I read somewhere that “Facebook is all about connecting and re-connecting”. This can be great! Recently, I posted on my status that I was looking for a pediatric occupational therapist for my son. Not only did I get a great recommendation, I had 2 friends from a church we were at over 7 years ago send me private messages. They shared their personal experiences with a son and a grandson with similar special needs. We made a connection – a connection we did not know existed, since these kids were not even born back when we went to church together. Facebook is a great tool for reconnecting with old friends, but that also presents another danger. It’s up to us to make sure that all of this connecting is good and healthy. I have talked to several people about their frustrations with their spouses and Facebook. First of all, just because we friend someone doesn’t mean that the content that they post will be appropriate. Curse words, bikini pictures and alcohol related applications may be offensive to or unappreciated by you, your spouse or others viewing your profile. Facebook gives you the option to block certain applications or comments by certain people. One of my friends said she blocks posts from a particular friend from high school because he often posts inappropriate words or thoughts. We have to remember that everything on our wall is visible to others, so we too have to choose to post God-honoring information, pictures and attitudes. Reconnecting with old friends can cause a problem if we’re not careful. If we have chosen to change our lives since our high school, college or our young adult days and others have not, this can be a problem. It can be easy to be sucked back into old ways of thinking, former practices or past ways of relating.

Those of us who are married need to be mindful of the choices we make. When we’re frustrated with our mate, we can’t take that stress out on our Facebook page. When we share online, we shouldn’t reveal private info or info that would embarrass our mate. We all also need to guard our hearts as we reconnect online. Don’t open up and talk to an old friend more than you would your spouse. Remember that reminiscing is done with rose-colored glasses. That other person may seem understanding, but they have not journeyed with you through the difficulties of life. It’s also easy to make comments to an old friend, such as “I always loved your laugh” or “you look great” or “I’ve missed talking with you”, but your mate might not like it. Plus, a comment innocently made, may be perceived as more by the receiver, especially if he or she is having a difficult time in his or her marriage or are divorced. Couples need to be respectful of each other’s sensitivities. So sit down with your mate and discuss some Facebook boundaries or guidelines. I have heard of couples who will only friend members of the opposite sex if their mate is also a friend with them. Another woman whose husband does not have Facebook profile has chosen to only friend females. Share your password with your mate. It’s not about checking up on your spouse, it’s about building fences to protect your marriage.

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Never a Sitting Fee! Marriage & Family

Villa Rica News & Views


The Role of Spouses in Making Decisions

By Os Hillman, TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2. Printed with permission. “The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice” (Proverbs 12:15). “It’s amazing how similar at times the voice of my wife is to the voice of the Holy Spirit,” I said to the Christian audience. When John Benson decided to make some financial investments in a new business venture, he was very excited about the possibilities for a handsome financial return. His business and financial background had served him well. John felt strongly that his wife Jenny would not understand the complexity of his investment, so he casually mentioned it to her. When she asked a few simple questions, John became defensive and justified his

plans for investing in the venture. A year later, after investing a large sum of money, John received a phone call from the investment company. All the investors who had put money in the company were going to lose their investment with no ability to recoup it. This story could be retold repeatedly across the world. God’s principles for making decisions require input from both spouses, regardless of their level of expertise. I learned this lesson the hard way after making many independent decisions outside the counsel of my wife. Today, whenever I am faced with a major decision, I first consult the Lord, and then I consult my wife. She may disagree totally with something that seems very straightforward to me, but I have learned not to move forward if we are not in agreement. She does not need to know all the details, nor does she have to have expertise. God has placed in her a “chip” called “intuition.” That intuition cannot explain why she feels the way she does, she just knows when something is not right. Conversely, husbands bring a totally different perspective that may give an alternative side to a situation that the wife has never considered. God has called married couples to be one. If we seek to make decisions independently, then we benefit from only 50% of the intended resource God has placed within our grasp. In marriage, this stewardship of decisions requires two people. God blesses this union by honoring the decisions made with the motive of glorifying God and relying on His Spirit to lead in our decision-making process. Before you make a major decision, get confirmation for your decision from your spouse.

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Villa Rica News & Views

Marriage & Family

Wedding & Engagement ANNOUNCEMENTS Samantha Eskew

Jeff Roland Lori Terrell and Jeff Roland are happy to announce their marriage on May 16, 2009. Lori is the daughter of Lyndon and Sharon Terrell of Villa Rica. Jeff is the son of Rickey and Donna Roland of Douglasville.

Johnny Camp

Samantha Kay Eskew and Johnny Thomas Camp are happy to announce their engagement. They will be married on December 12, 2009 in Carrollton and will spend their honeymoon in Los Vegas. Samantha is the daughter of Tommy and Regina Eskew of Douglasville and Johnny is the son of Vicky and Richard Head and Thomas and Kathy Camp.

Sarah Fulks

Lori Terrell


Just e-mail us a photo and wording for the announcement to [email protected] or drop off the information at Brides Atlanta located at 6842 Douglas Boulevard in Douglasville.



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Eric Elsberry Eric Brian Elsberry and Sarah Nicole Fulks were married on June 12, 2009 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Both are graduates of Villa Rica high school.

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DOUGLASVILLE CONFERENCE CENTER Book your Summer Event Now Weddings Meetings Reunions Baby & Bridal Showers Contact the Conference Center Manager (678) 715-6094 to set up an appointment The Downtown Conference Center is locationed at 6701 Church St. Douglasville, Georgia 30134

Marriage & Family

Villa Rica News & Views


Embrace Life, No Matter What

Submitted by Amy L. Brown, 228 S. Carroll Rd, Villa Rica, 678-840-5000, Have you ever heard, “If I had only had more time.” As people grow older, some may have regrets about all the things they did not do. Not taking an exotic trip or missing visits to family members might top the list. Your list might even include “not running a marathon.” One of the biggest regrets may be not telling a loved one how much you care. One thing is for sure: The more you enjoy life and prepare for the unexpected, the fewer regrets you may have. While no one can possibly do everything on a lifetime to-do list, there are plenty of ways to show people you care. One way is to make sure your family has the financial means to continue living their current lifestyle if you are no longer around. Life insurance is one way to do just that. A strong economic foundation includes adequate life insurance coverage; enough to cover a mortgage, college tuition or outstanding debts. There are many online sites that provide calculators to determine your life insurance needs. A qualified insurance professional can help you choose a policy to meet your needs and fit in your budget. Once a policy is in place, you can revisit it, especially during different life events, to make certain the coverage is still appropriate. Knowing you have provided for your loved ones will give you peace of mind so you can enjoy doing the things you’ve always wanted to do.

Dave Ramsey Teaching Series At Discovery Church The Discovery Church will be hosting a three week teaching series by Dave Ramsey called “Life. Money. Hope.” beginning August 16th at 10:00am. This is a special teaching series that Dave Ramsey recorded via video to address the current financial concerns of our time. The topics that Dave will address include: God’s way to handle money; The five things that the Bible says you must do in order to win; The five steps to get out of debt, and more. Alan Trippe, the Lead Pastor of Discovery discusses the need for this three week series, “It’s good to see that some things are beginning to turn around in our economy, but we still have a long way to go, and the need for sound financial advice is critical. There are still many families facing difficult times financially, and uncertainty regarding their jobs, debt, homes and more. I believe this three week series could change the lives of many individuals and families in our community.” For additional details including directions, visit their website at or call Alan directly at 404583-6337.


Villa Rica News & Views

Money & Finance

Golden City Lions Club meets Girl Scout Volunteers needed

Do you want to make a difference in a girl’s life? You have that opportunity as a Girl Scout volunteer. The Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta have many opportunities to serve and you don’t to make a full time commitment. You can manage your own schedule. Whether you have a couple of hours or can meet with a troop each week, your time and talents shared with the Girl Scouts will help to build their courage, confidence and character as they make the world a better place. Visit, or call Jymme Reed 770-947-1265.

AARP welcomes new members

New members Mirian Cannon and Sue Putman are greeted by AARP Chapter President Chalmus Kaiser at the regular meeting in Carrollton on June 25. The AARP Carrollton chapter meets monthly. Contact Phyllis Moore at 404-2741034 for more information.

At the June 24 Golden City Lions Club Drs. Sheri D. Campbell and Jessica R. Hutchins were guest speakers focusing on the health of women. Both are on the staff of the Tanner Health System. Founded in 1917, the association’s motto is “We Serve.” Worldwide, Lions clubs are recognized for their service to people who are blind and visually impaired. Today, Lions extend their commitment to sight conservation through countless local efforts, as well as through their international Sight First Program, which works to eradicate blindness. Lions also collect and recycle eyeglasses for distribution in developing countries year-round and especially during May, which is Lions Recycle for Sight Month, and October, as a way to mark Lions WorldSight Day, which is held the second Thursday of each October. In addition, Lions make a strong commitment to young people through many youth programs. Lions also work to improve the environment, build homes for the disabled, support diabetes education, conduct hearing programs and, through their foundation, provide disaster relief around the world. If you are interested in being a part of this organization which helps people locally and around the world feel free to join us at one of our regular meetings. Meetings are the second and fourth Wednesday each month at Olive Tree Restaurant located in downtown Villa Rica.

Villa Rica Beautification Committee presents awards The Villa Rica Beautification Committee presented their first Beautification Awards for the month of July. Pictured are Wally and Lou Hibbard, 9816 Spyglass Drive along with Committee Chair Polly Oliver and Mayor J Collins; Q Trip manager John Walls along with Committee Chair Polly Oliver and Mayor J Collins. Congratulations to these individuals for helping to make Villa Rica Beautiful!


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Community News

Villa Rica News & Views


Villa Rica Parks & Recreation Department to host Hot Air Balloon Festival

As part of the city’s Family Fun Initiative, The Villa Rica Parks & Recreation Department invites you to come be a part of the largest balloon festival in the West Georgia area. The stars of the show (weather conditions permitting) will be fifteen hot air balloons on and above the V-Plex grounds as this colorful festival gets underway at the Villa Rica Civic Center & Sports Complex (V-Plex). Pilots and crew from across the eastern U.S. will compete for prizes and bragging rights during the competitions flights known as Hare & Hound and CNT Target & Pole. Spectators/ photographers are welcome to join in this three-day celebration beginning Friday, August 7. Lineup includes: Thursday, August 6 • 6:30am & 7:00pm - Media Flights (weather conditions permitting balloons will fly over Villa Rica to stir community interest.) Friday, August 7 (FESTIVAL 5:00pm – 10:00pm) • 7:00pm - 10:00pm - Eight (8) balloons sponsor flight (weather conditions permitting balloons will fly over the festival and land in neighboring fields) • Seven (7) balloons tether & glow (weather conditions permitting on V-Plex fields) • 8:00pm - 10:00pm - Entertainment - Tropical Steel Vibes Saturday, August 8 (FESTIVAL 10:00am – 10:00pm) • 7:00am - Competition flight (Hare & Hound) hot air balloon race (weather conditions permitting a mass ascension flight out from V-Plex) • 7:00pm – 10:00pm - Seven (7) balloon sponsor flight (weather conditions permitting balloons will fly over the festival and land in neighboring fields) • Eight (8) balloons tether & glow (weather conditions permitting on V-Plex fields) • 8:00pm - 10:00pm - Entertainment - Java Monkey Sunday, August 9 (flight in) • 7:00am - Competition flight (weather conditions permitting balloonist participate in a Convergent Navigational Task) Target & Pole Highlights of the festival will occur Friday and Saturday evening when half of the balloons will fly over or out of the festival grounds and the other half will give free tether rides. This festival offers great activities and experiences for the whole family including dance team performances, face painting, inflatable slides, the full Atlanta Braves Mobile Experience which includes the Braves Speed Pitch & Batting Cage, local talent, and so much more. Come be a part of the largest balloon festival in the West Georgia area. The crowd is expected to reach several thousand for the weekend. Come experience the Villa Rica Parks & Recreation Department’s (VRPRD)


Villa Rica News & Views


SPORTS SCHEDULES BRAVES 08/01 - VS LAD 4:00pm 08/02 - VS LAD 1:30pm 08/02 - @ SD 10:05pm 08/04 - @ SD 10:05pm 08/05 - @ SD 3:35pm 08/06 - @ LAD 10:10pm 08/07 - @ LAD 10:10pm 08/08 - @ LAD 10:10pm 08/09 - @ LAD 4:10pm 08/11 - VS WSH 7:00pm 08/12 - VS WSH 7:00pm 08/14 - VS PHI 7:30pm 08/15 - VS PHI 4:00pm 08/16 - VS PHI 1:30pm 08/17 - VS ARI 4:05pm 08/18 - @ NYM 7:10pm 08/19 - @ NYM 7:10pm 08/20 - @ NYM 7:10pm 08/21 - VS FLA 7:30pm 08/22 - VS FLA 7:00pm 08/23 - VS FLA 1:30pm 08/25 - VS SD 7:00pm 08/26 - VS SD 7:00pm 08/27 - VS SD 7:00pm

08/28 - @ PHI 7:05pm 08/29 - @ PHI 7:05pm 08/30 - @ PHI 1:35pm 08/31 - @ FLA 7:10pm 09/01 - @ FLA 7:10PM 09/02 - @ FLA 7:10PM 09/03 - @ FLA 7:10PM 09/04 - VS CIN 7:30PM 09/05 - VS CIN 7:00PM 09/06 - VS CIN 1:30PM 09/08 - @ HOU 8:05PM 09/09 - @ HOU 8:05PM 09/10 - @ HOU 8:05PM 09/11 - @ STL 8:15PM 09/12 - @ STL 4:10PM 09/13 - @ STL 2:15PM 09/15 - VS NYM 7:00PM 09/16 - VS NYM 7:00PM 09/17 - VS NYM 7:00PM 09/18 - VS PHI 7:30PM 09/19 - VS PHI 7:00PM 09/20 - VS PHI 1:30PM 09/21 - @ NYM 7:10PM 09/22 - @ NYM 7:10PM

FALCONS 08/15 - @ Detroit 4:00pm (Pre-Season) 08/21 - @ St. Louis 8:00pm (Pre-Season) 08/29 - VS San Diego 8:00pm (Pre-Season) 09/03 - VS Baltimore 7:30pm (Pre-Season) 09/13 - VS Miami 1:00pm 09/20 - VS Carolina 1:00pm

09/27 - @ New England 1:00pm 10/11 - @ San Francisco 4:05pm 10/18 - VS Chicago 8:20pm 10/25 - @ Dallas 4:15pm 11/02 - @ New Orleans 8:30pm 11/08 - VS Washington 1:00pm

college football GEORGIA BULLDOGS 09/05 - @ Oklahoma State Cowboys 09/12 - VS South Carolina Gamecocks 09/19 - @ Arkansas Razorbacks 09/26 - VS Arizona State Sun Devils 10/03 - VS LSU Tigers 10/10 - @ Tennessee Volunteers 10/17 - @ Vanderbilt Commodores

10/31 - VS Florida Gators 11/07- VS Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles 11/14 - VS Auburn Tigers 11/21 - VS Kentucky Wildcats 11/28 - @ Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets 12/05 - SEC Championship

GEORGIA TECH YELLOW JACKETS 09/05 - VS Jacksonville State 09/10 - VS Clemson (ESPN) 09/17 - @ Miami (ESPN) 09/26 - VS North Carolina 10/03 - @ Mississippi State 10/10 - @ Florida State

10/17 - VS Virginia Tech 10/24 - @ Virginia 10/31 - @ Vanderbilt 11/07 - VS Wake Forest 11/14 - @ Duke 11/28 - VS Georgia

Villa Rica Soccer Association meets Villa Rica Soccer Association meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in the cafeteria at Gold Dust Park. All members are invited. Policies may be made for the upcoming soccer season. Contact Mike O’Shea, President, at 404-617-9164 for more information. Contact Mike O’Shea a week before the meeting if you have a special item you would like added to the Agenda for discussion or vote.

Sports & Fitness

Villa Rica News & Views




Turn Your Passion Into a Beautiful Room Design Makeover

By Karen Hartley, DDCD,, 770-459-9096 Got a favorite hobby? Crazy in love with your pets? Passionate about seashells – golf – cigars – music or even shoes? Well, with today’s virtually limitless home furnishings product assortments, you can turn any room in your home into a wonderful thematic design! Begin with your favorite passions, collections, hobbies -even

sporting events! Once you’ve made the decision on the “theme” of your new room, the next step is to consider the color scheme that best suits your home’s décor. Then, take stock of the pieces in your room you wish to keep, and make a list of the items that you will need to purchase. And, of course, you won’t want to forget to you need to consult your favorite professional interior decorator so that the ultimate choices you make will work well inside your home, and most importantly with your redecorating budget.. Since there are so many themes available for you to incorporate into your new project, let’s take a look at a few of today’s hot design themes! Seaside/Beach/Shells. If the sound of crashing waves, walking on sandy beaches, collecting precious mementos that remind you of happy peaceful times is your passion – then you’re in luck! From wall covering patterns, to area rugs, to wicker and rattan furniture – your product selection is unparalleled. Why not consider redecorating your sunroom with a lively multicolored beach inspired print that could be used on your upholstered pieces. Adding roman shades on your windows in a terrific texture or a beach print would definitely complete the look. Accessory pieces might include baskets of shells; lamps with rope entwined bases, candles complete with sea shells embedded; books on shelling; even artwork featuring the surf and sand. Nautical – but Nice! Along with our passion for shells and seaside’s, comes our passion with light houses, and anything nautical. Today’s furniture manufacturers have designed many beautiful


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Villa Rica News & Views

Entertaining with Style

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Home & Garden

hand painted nautical designs on a variety of case good pieces. From small chests, to trunks to dressers, you could consider adding one special furniture piece to convey your love of the sea! How much is that “doggie” or “kitty” in the window? Our love affair with our pets has never been at such a high! Luxury pet hotels have waiting lists – Doggie Day Cares are springing up everywhere! Why not take one room in your home, and devote its design to your favorite pet! From Poodles, to Westies, to Labs, accessories are everywhere. And let’s not forget our feline friends – you’ll find lamps, rugs, artwork and an abundance of accessories that regale your favorite feline. Perhaps a guest bathroom would be the perfect setting for this fun thematic room. Just think of the possibilities - Soap dishes; tissue holders; switch plates; towels; soaps; even area rugs would create just the look you’ve been dreaming of!

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A Great Time for a New Kitchen

By Joyce McArthur, West Georgia Kitchen & Bath, Inc., 490-B Bankhead Hwy., Carrollton, 770-830-0511, You see a fashionable, clean and organized kitchen in your mind, with fabulous countertops and beautiful cabinet doors that look like furniture. That old 1970’s kitchen just isn’t doing it for you. Or perhaps you’ve purchased a foreclosure that needs some serious TLC. A kitchen looks good for ten to 15 years, and yours has probably outlived its attractiveness and function. Why is this a great time to dig into that kitchen remodel, when money’s tight for everyone? Here are a few good reasons: 1) Discounts – Cabinet manufacturers all over the country are running free cabinet promotions or percent off sales to keep their factories open. Look for brand name cabinets at your local kitchen and bath designer showroom and ask if there are any freebies with a minimum order. These promotions can save you $500 to $1000 right off the top. 2) Scheduling – Remodeling contractors and cabinet installers had been so busy that getting your project into their schedule was difficult and frustrating. Local builders and renovators are happy to have work these days, and are glad to return your calls, and to move your kitchen remodel right along. 3) Craftsmanship – You’ve got the pick of the litter now. Historically the best contractors are the guys who are the busiest, thus the most difficult to hire. Cabinet installers who are experts at fitting beautiful crown molding and decorative trim on the cabinets will make you proud to show off your beautiful new kitchen. 4) American made products – Most kitchen cabinets available in the USA are actually American made. Here in the Southeast, we have cabinets made in Texas, Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina, among others. That’s important to many of us these days, who don’t want to see any more jobs go overseas. Just as important, the quality is far superior and the finishes more beautiful and durable than the cheap boxes from overseas. It’s time to take the ‘before’ pictures and invest in creating the ‘after’ views.

FREE SINK & SINK BASE Now - August 31, 2009

Free Sink* Gourmet Double Bowl Undermount Sink or a Gourmet Single Bowl Undermount Sink. Both in 18 Gauge Stainless Steel. * No cash credit on orders that opt-out of the Free Sink Offer.

Free Sink Base

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For a limited time, you can receive a free sink base and sink with your new Medallion Cabinetry. See your Medallion Cabinetry Design Consultant for details on this special offer. Minimum order required. See your Authorized Medallion showroom designer for details, dates and requirements.

West Georgia Kitchen & Bath 409-B Bankhead Highway | Carrollton, GA 30117 770.830.0511 | [email protected]

Home & Garden

Villa Rica News & Views



Are You looking for a Christian learning environment for your child and NOT just a daycare? At Winston Academy, we teach our children learning skills from infancy to help build strong foundations in school and later on in life. Studies show children learn better in smaller class sizes with small teacher/child ratios. Here at Winston Academy, we have built our foundation on these principles. Our teachers are teachers-not babysitters. We interact constantly with our kids. Never will you see our teachers sitting around watching - they are always interacting with your child! TV’s are not in the classrooms. We only allow TV on special occasions.

770-949-7462 7425 Bankhead Hwy.

(next to Winston Elementary)


Villa Rica News & Views



Alexander High School to hold ‘87, ‘88, ‘89 and ‘90 reunion

The Alexander High School classes of ’87, ’88, ’89 and ’90 will host a 20 year reunion on Saturday, September 19th at 8:00pm at the Centre at Arbor Connection on Douglas Blvd. Other events for the weekend include a Homecoming Football Game with a social afterward on Friday and a Family Picnic at Clinton Reserve on Sunday. Tickets to the main event are $50 and must be purchased by September 1st. For more information, go to

Oak Mountain Academy Class Of 2009 SAT Scores Announced

Oak Mountain Academy is proud to announce that the OMA Class of 2009 had an average SAT score of 1643. The graduates have a combined average score of 1,159 on the math and verbal sections of the SAT, which colleges and universities use for admissions purposes. This talented and hardworking group of students is attending the following colleges this fall: CGA Scholars Program – US Coast Guard Academy, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Georgia College and State University, Georgia State University, Southern Union Community College, University of Georgia, University of the South, University of West Georgia, and Vanderbilt University. The years that these young men and women spent at Oak Mountain Academy were highlighted by numerous academic awards, athletic championships and a dedication to both their school and community. Oak Mountain Academy salutes the Class of 2009 and looks forward to seeing them accomplish great things.

2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0 C A L E N D AR Carroll C o u n t y S c h o o l S y s t e m

August 6: First Day of School for PK and Kindergarten August 7: First Day of School for Grades 1-12 September 7: Labor Day Holiday September 8: Mid-Term Reports Go Home (#1) October 8: End Grading Period #1 (44 Days) October 8: *Early Afternoon Release Day: Parent Conferences October 9: **Teacher Work Day

Oak Mountain Academy Senior Moms Luncheon

The mothers of the graduates of the Oak Mountain Academy Class of 2009 were recently treated to a luncheon hosted by Mrs. Lynn Tinsley and Mrs. Nancy Dangle. Each year the mothers of members of the senior class are honored with the luncheon hosted by mothers of members of the junior class. One of the highlights of the event is the presentation of scrapbooks that have been created by the seniors for the mothers.

Douglas C o u n t y S c h o o l S y s t e m

August 6: First student day September 4: Progress reports issued September 7: Holiday for students and all employees September 16: High school ½ day early release September 17: Middle school ½ day early release September 18: Elementary school ½ day early release October 8: Assessment period ends October 12: Holiday (except 240 employees)

Paulding C o u n t y S c h o o l S y s t e m

August 17: First Day of School September 7: Holiday – School Closed October 7: Early Release Day October 16: Student Holiday/Teacher Workday October 19-22: Elementary & Middle School Conferences November 23-27: Holiday – School Closed December 9: Early Release Days December 21: Student Holiday/Teacher Workday



What's New!

Mommie & Me Class Ages 18 Mos To Age 3 Floor Gymnastics Classes Ages 5 & Up

New After School Program Transportation provided with late pick-up hours available Homework Assistance & tutoring available

Jazz, Hip-hop, Tumbling, Competition Teams Cheerdance & More Tuition Scholarships Available Low reasonable prices Adults Jazz & Hip-Hop (Space is limited. Call to reserve [email protected] space TODAY) 921 S. Carroll Rd./Hwy. 61  Villa Rica (next to O’Charley’s) | 770.459.2124 Education

Villa Rica News & Views



Christian Church

Ablaze Christian Fellowship 1836 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy.770-214-9836 Assembly of the Saints Deliverance 147 Cleghorn St….............…..770-459-8720 Bethsadia Baptist Church 299 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-4913 Bethany Christian Church 2868 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-834-1927 Callie Harbin Baptist Church 885 Mann Rd...........................770-459-6316 Catholic Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help 210 Old Center Point Rd Crrltn.770-832-8977 ChurCh at Mirror Lake the 501 Permian Way.................…770-459-8653 (Please See Our Ad on Page 37)

CoMforter’s Christian Ministries 305 Carrollton Hwy..................770-562-0777

Cornerstone Baptist Church 1100 S Van Wert Rd…….........770-459-9082 CoVenant WorD MinistrY 773 Industrial Blvd..................770-456-9084 (Please See Our Ad on Page 37)


DisCoVerY ChurCh the........404-583-6337 (Please See Our Ad on Page 37) Ephesus Baptist Church 8445 Ephesus Church Rd….....770-942-4327 faMiLY Worship Center of West Ga 105 Liberty Rd….................….678-840-8043 (Please See Our Ad on This Page) First Baptist Church of Villa Rica 1483 W. Hwy. 78……..............770-459-5138 First Pentecostal Church 367 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-6077 First Presbyterian Church of Villa Rica PCA 519 Main St…..................……770-459-5276 First United Methodist Church of Villa Rica 206 North Ave…......................770-459-3067 Flat Rock Baptist Church 961 Flat Rock Rd…..............…770-459-6128 Flat Rock Missionary Baptist Church 40 Flat Rock Dr…….................770-459-4242 Freedom King Mission Church 25 McCurdy Rd..…..................770-456-2023 Fullerville Baptist Church 423 Old Town Rd….................770-459-3977 Fullerville Mission 531 Rockmart Rd….................770-456-9619 Gateway Baptist Church 9710 High Point Rd……..........770-459-1609 Grace Baptist Church 1323 Harlan Lane Rd…….......770-459-0863

Villa Rica News & Views


Happy Valley Baptist Church 605 Main St….....................….770-459-1611 Joshua House Ministries 309 Willis Dr….........................770-456-1777 kinGDoM DoMinion ChurCh 92 W Church St……................678-941-3600 (Please See Our Ad on This Page) Macedonia Baptist Church 2000 Dallas Hwy…..................770-459-1027 Midway Macedonia Baptist Church 3915 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...770-832-9605 Mt. Prospect Baptist Church 133 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-5918 New Georgia Baptist Church 6092 Mulberry Rock Rd….......770-459-3219 New Mountain Top Baptist Church 7822 Conners Rd….................770-942-6855 New Step of Faith Church of God 908 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...770-459-3881 Overcomer’s Christian Fellowship at Villa Rica 101 Three West Pkwy...............800-637-8119 Peachtree Community Church 87 Blackstock Rd.....................770-459-1717 penteCostaL Worship Center of the upC 418 Dallas Highway.................678-941-3332 Philadelphia Missionary Church 318 Elm Dr…….......................770-366-7463 Plantation Baptist Church 189 Sandhill Hulett Rd….........770-832-3130

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1003 Pleasant Grove Church Rd Please Call...............................770-459-5502 Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church 119 Thomas Dorsey Dr…........770-459-9568 Powell Chapel United Methodist Church 1296 Flat Rock Rd…........……770-456-1680 Shiloh Baptist Church 9060 Ephesus Church Rd....….770-459-1963 Utopia Baptist Church 2922 Tyson Rd……..................770-459-5870 Temple Church of Christ - James St..........Temple Victory Tabernacle 415 Rockmart Rd…….............770-459-2007 Villa Rica Christian Church 497 Villa Trace….................….770-459-5820 Villa Rica Church of Christ 515 Dallas Hwy…...............….770-459-3478 Villa Rica Church of God 93 Harlan Lane Rd…...............770-459-1610 Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church 2345 Hwy 101 South…...........770-459-4459 West Russell Street Church of Christ 105 W Russell St……...............770-459-0507 Westhills Church 159 Liberty Rd….................….770-456-9379 Westside Apostolic Church 418 Dallas Hwy...................….404-444-9704 Word of Life Baptist Church 77 Harlan Lane Rd…...............770-459-0880

Finding Where I Belong

On our recent vacation to the Abacos Islands, Sheryll woke me one night at about 2:00AM to come outside and look at the sky. Because of the remote location and lack of artificial lighting we were under a canopy of stars that seemed to never end. You could see the milky grouping of stars that make up the Milky Way and remember, “That’s our galaxy.” It was almost as if you had forgotten it and seeing it so clearly reminded you of something you knew but had allowed to be pushed to the back of your mind. Sometimes our lives become like the Milky Way that cannot be seen because of the over wash of other lights. We forget where we belong and just accept what surrounds us as the norm. Sheryll and I have learned since coming to Villa Rica what Jesus taught his disciples—find a place where you are celebrated not tolerated. That’s where you belong. Jesus told them if they were not being received, wipe the dust of that place from their feet and find a place that will. (Mark 6:11) Remember the old show Cheers? The theme song had these lines in it: “Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came.” All of us need a place where

The Harvest

My wife is gifted in more ways than I can express in such a short article. She is an incredible mother and wife. She is an amazing cook. She does all kinds of crafts with her hands, and the list goes on. The one area that she would admit that she struggles with involves the area of gardening. She doesn’t think she has a “green thumb”, so the few gardens we have attempted through the years have usually been quite small. In fact, we’ve been talking recently about the possibility of really stretching ourselves in the near future. We are actually considering planting a garden with rows, and not just using pots! It’s true! Our bountiful harvest this year has consisted primarily of cherry tomatoes planted in a pot! And I must admit, she’s done a great job with them. As we ponder the possibility of branching out into a “real” garden, I am well aware of the fact that it will require greater effort. We will need to fertilize, weed, water, etc. But we also expect that the greater the investment, then the greater the harvest will be. Greater investment equals greater harvest. Have you ever spent time thinking about what you are investing your life in? The Bible tells us that Jesus spoke often about harvesting, but it was of a different kind. Jesus spoke about the harvest of people, not plants. In Matthew 9:37 it tells us that one day when Jesus was talking with his friends he told them “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”. God is seeking individuals that will be workers for his kingdom. People need God, and God uses people like you and me to reach other people. I encourage you to seek new and creative ways to be a worker for God’s kingdom, investing your life into the lives of others, and you will experience a harvest like you could never imagine. - Alan

we are celebrated. Too often we go through life being tolerated, maybe even accepted, but not celebrated. I believe the rich and satisfying life Jesus promised us in John 10:10 requires us to find that place where we are celebrated. Sheryll calls it her happy place and we set boundaries around it to protect it and keep it a happy place. We don’t let negative attitudes or destructive criticism enter that place. We protect it by celebrating others. It’s amazing what will happen when you start looking for things to celebrate in other people. All of a sudden, the differences become part of what makes each person so unique and amazing. Jesus celebrates people. He celebrates me and on my worst day he still loves me with that amazing love. He knows me better than anyone else and still celebrates me. I am his favorite! And the good news is—so are you! Finding where we belong, that place where they’re always glad you came, starts with finding our place in him. Make it a priority to develop that relationship. Learn to revel in his love. Then find that place where you are celebrated by creating an environment where you celebrate others. I don’t know where your Milky Way is, and I don’t necessarily think you must leave where you are to find it. But I know it starts with remembering it exists and then deciding to make it a standard in your life to celebrate others and to be celebrated. Make a decision today to find your Milky Way instead of letting all the competing lights keep it hidden. You’ll be glad you did. Paid Article by The Church at Mirror Lake, 7501 Permian Way, Villa Rica, GA 30180. Pastors Tony & Sheryll Ashmore. Visit www. or call 770-459-8653.

Paid article by by The Discovery Church, a new church in the South Villa Rica community. To find out more visit www. or call 404-583-6337.


Villa Rica News & Views


Real Estate

DIRECTORY Apartments

Arbor Bend at Villa Rica 200 Industrial Blvd...................770-459-1740 Hickory Falls Apartments 801 Hickory Level Rd...............770-459-2302 Preserve At Mirror Lake The 9400 Conners Rd.....................770-459-6400 Wildwood At Villa Rica Apartments 540 S Carroll Rd......................770-459-5511 Willow Creek Apartments 420 Villa Trace.........................770-459-0747

Home Builders

Abel Custom Homes.....................770-313-5780 Agan Steve Construction..............770-328-1165 Camdur Building Group 628 Old Town Rd....................678-840-4449 Couey Builders 104 Three West Pkwy...............678-840-5800 Herrell Sammy Builders 809 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-8889 Imagination Homes 88 Hwy 61 Conn......................770-456-2007 preMier residential..............770-577-6210 (Please See Our Ad on Page 39) Trinity Custom Homes 660 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-3680

Home Stagers

Welcome Home Stagers...............678-232-8294


Movers - Continued

Real Estate Firms & Agents - Continued

Appraisal 1 Services-505 Berry Dr.770- 456-4350 Innovative Appraisal Solutions 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd..............678-416-9024

Real Estate Firms & Agents

Martin, linda...................404-218-9090 (Please See My Ad on Page 40) Coldwell Banker First realty 187 Fairfield Rd.......................770-830-0950 Dean Realty & Construction 430 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-4311 everette realty.....................770-456-0071 Fairfield Plantation Realty 1602 Lakeview Pkwy................770-834-7781

Multi MortGaGe Corporation Robin Smedley.........................404-512-1525 (Please See Our Ad on Page 39) Myles Watkins Mortgage Services 48 Fairfield Rd.........................770-214-2324

West GA Properties Inc 750 W Bankhead Hwy...........770-459-6884

Real Estate Appraisers

Truck on the Move 1357 Harlan Lane Rd..............770-456-9400 Century 21/ express realty 171 N Bay View Dr...................770-459-1979 Century 21 Farish Realty 329 S Carroll Rd......................770-459-4663 Century 21 Farish Realty 42 Fairfield Rd.........................770-832-9800 Coldwell Banker First realty 246 Carroll Rd.........................770-459-0009

Real Estate Firms & Agents - Continued

Real Estate Developers

Villa Rica Medical Condominium 124 Parkwood Cir.....................770-834-4881

Real Estate Property Management & Rentals

kinetiC properties................678-840-4412 lauGhridGe realty CoMpany Shelia Adams ! Sandra Hutchinson Jennifer Henson 4990 Austell Rd.....................770-941-7745 McCarson Realty..........................770-459-3366 Morgan Scott Realty 210 W Montgomery St.............770-456-0305

Kathy Kirk Sr. Real Estate Specialist Don’t fly the coop without MY help.

DIRECT: 678.410.5298

[email protected] Residential  Land Commercial Foreclosures  Lease Purchases

prudential GeorGia realty kathy kirk.........................678-410-5298 (Please See My Ad on Page 39)

Crs properties.......................404-428-8304 Lake Tara Townhouse Association III Inc 62 Fairfield Rd.........................770-834-5585 Offices on Main The.....................770-459-6262 property ManaGeMent unliMited, inC Shelia Adams ! Sandra Hutchinson Jennifer Henson 4990 Austell Rd.....................770-941-7745


doGwood traCe....................770-456-0071 Somersport Subdivision 9100 Somersport Dr.................770-456-0008 Trails at Charleston Place..............770-459-9299 waterMist................................770-577-6210

Real Estate Professionals You can send in ONE FREE 30 WORD CLASSIFIED per month! Send them to realestate@ We also have a great ad program for realtors!

Principal Mortgage Group 402 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-9977 Synovus Mortgage 588 Hwy 61...........................770-459-5717

re/Max westside John ‘JC’ Carollo...........678-564-2666 (Please See My Ad on Page 40) Roy Dean Realty 912 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-456-4721 Smart Move Real Estate 105 North Ave.........................678-840-4200 Southern Homes & Land 228 W Montgomery St...........770-459-8841 Strickland Realty 923 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-5771 Sunwest Properties Inc 215 W Bankhead Hwy..............770-459-2222


All Out Moving............................ 678-988-7686 all star Movers.....................770-577-2142 Barnes Van Lines..........................770-832-3521

New Generation Movers…...........770-838-5910


Villa Rica News & Views

Real Estate

Purchase a 1/8 page or larger and get a free 1 inch ad! Call 678-840-8604 or e-mail sales@

Real Estate



The following list of houses SOLD in June of 2009 in the 30180 zip code provided to the readers of Villa Rica News & Views by Kathy Kirk, Prudential Georgia Realty, 678-410-5298. subdivision

address bed/bath

price days on market

Ashley Place Berkley Park Charleston Place Chipley Creek Fairfield Plantation Fairfield Plantation Georgian Georgian Georgian Indian Lake Little Vine Lost Lake McLendon Meadows Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Mirror Lake None None None Reid Plantation River Chase River Trace Round Rock Estates Summergate Weatherstone

1036 Summer Cypress Dr. 4/2.5 167 Berkley Dr. 4/2.5 306 Jamestown Run 3/2 146 Hepsie Willis Blvd. 3/2 5002 Monticello Dr. 4/3.5 5190 Woodmont Dr. 2/2 185 Yorkshire Ln. 5/3 455 Wentworth Cir. 4/3 93 Richmond Way 4/2.5 263 Indian Lake Trl. 3/2.5 132 Slippery Rock Ct. 3/3 298 Lost Lake Trl. 4/3 29 Marie Pl. 3/2 2628 Three Wood Dr. 4/2.5 2021 Dartmoth Way 4/2.5 2024 Sweet Bay Dr. 4/2 2053 Dartmoth Way 5/3 2176 Raccoon Ct. 3/2.5 2574 Grayton Loop 4/3 3015 New Haven Ln. 3/2.5 3417 Does Ct. 4/2.5 4005 Miners Ln. 4/2 9108 Somersport Dr. 4/3 9114 Somersport Dr. 4/3 9125 Waterbury Crossing 5/3.5 167 Flat Rock Rd. 3/2.5 5923 N Helton Rd. 4/4.5 9250 High Point Rd. 3/2 615 Hemlock Ct. 3/2 39 Chelsea Way 3/2 471 Remington Ct. 3/2 316 Night Falls Terrace 3/2.5 226 Summergate Ln. 5/4 212 Millstream Rdg. 5/3

$110,000 $124,900 $125,000 $123,000 $225,000 $173,500 $215,000 $230,000 $219,900 $130,500 $144,140 $133,000 $92,900 $157,000 $106,500 $119,900 $143,500 $163,550 $165,845 $104,900 $171,450 $167,000 $156,500 $161,955 $179,900 $119,900 $112,500 $92,900 $122,000 $85,000 $67,000 $154,000 $170,000 $108,000

43 58 102 28 103 63 97 19 699 76 31 66 32 86 21 251 7 95 85 4 133 8 304 161 87 32 28 21 73 33 3 23 266 122

residential/commercial PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT $89,900 WOW! All Brick and updated ranch. 3 bedrooms in Alexander School district off Yeager Rd. Cute and convenient. Call Laura Seagraves CRS Properties 404-428-8304. 2bed/1.5 bath townhome in Temple. Clean, new paint. Hardwood floors. Full kit with eat in area. Great location, 1 mi from I20. Avail Now! $550 per month & $500 security dep. Can be partial furnished. More info call 678-838-4334. Beautiful 2.13 acre building acre lot for sale in Stonegate Farms, Carrollton. $99,900. Mirror Lake - 4 BR/3.5 BA home with full basement, master on main, on golf course - $219,900. Lost Lake: 4BR/2.5 BA on .5 acre $129,900. Linda Martin, Coldwell Banker, First Realty Assoc. 770-4590009, 404-218-9090

Bank owned properties available from the low $100’s to $400’s. Douglas, Paulding, Carroll, Cobb, and S. Fulton Counties. Visit my website at www.SoldByTerri. com and view my listings for photo’s, prices, addresses and information. Terri Schrews, Keller Williams Realty. $128,900 on 1 acre. 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, freestanding shop building. All Brick updated ranch, sunroom, dining, eat in kitchen, new carpet, freshly painted. Midway Rd. Call Laura Seagraves CRS Properties 404-428-8304. Mirror Lake: On golf course, 4BR/2.5 BA - $249,900; 6BR/4.5 BA with full basement - $349,900; 3 BR/2BA Ranch with 2 fireplaces - $159,900. Temple: 4 BR/3BA 3 car garage - $119,900 . Arline Griffith, Coldwell Banker, First Realty Assoc. 770-459-0009, 678-419-5304

RENT AN OFFICE CONDO! $1200 per mo for appx. 1200 sq ft. Fairburn Rd location, newer complex. Reception, private office, restrooms, large bay area. Call Laura Seagraves CRS Properties 404-428-8304 today.

Mirror Lake Sales Center Kathy Kirk

770.459.2356 Office 678.410.5298 Cell 800 Tupelo Way Villa Rica, GA 30180

August Featured Property

2010 Hubbard Court - Chestnut Creek 4BR, 3BA Brick Ranch On Large Cul-de-sac Lot With Partial Fence. Vaulted Family Room, Office, Gourmet Kitchen With Solid Surface Countertps & Built-in Appliances, Oversized Bedrooms, & Tons Of Storage Space. Upgrades Included: Intercom, Irrigation, And Central Vac Just Listed At $249,900

1030 Overlook Drive - Overlook

New Construction 5BR, 4BA Brick Beauty. Two Story Family Room, Gourmet Kitchen With Granite, Master Suite With Fireplace, Three Car Garage, and Golf Course Location. An Incredible Steal At $390,000

3021 Catamaran Cove - Bridgewater

Lease To Purchase Option Available On This Stunning 5BA, 3BA Brick Home In Quiet Lake and Cul-de-sac Street. Oversized Granite Kitchen, Two Story Family Room, Screened Porch, & Outdoor Fireplace. $319,900

2003 Hubbard Court - Chestnut Creek

$5000 In Closing Costs To Buyer. 5BR, 4BA Master Bedroom and Guest Suite On Main Level, Full Basement, Vaulted Family Room, Formal Dining Room, Wooded Backyard, & Gourmet Kitchen. $274,900

10120 Harmon Springs Drive - Harmon Springs

On Golf Course, 3BA, 2BA One Level With Full Basement, Open Kitchen & Family Room With Hardwood Floors, Neutral Colors, and Immaculate Condition. $179,900

2020 Dartmoth Way - Carrington

Affordable & Well-maintained 3BR, 2.5BA , 2 Story Family Room, Large Kitchen With Island, Formal Living And Dining Room, Spacious Master Suite, and Large Fenced Back Yard. A Must See At Only $159,900

Under Contract

1023 Overlook Dr: 5BR, 4.5BA On Lake $519,000 ! 2008 Golfers Way: 6BR, 4BA Finished Basement $349,800 ! 1044 Southcreek Dr: 3BR, 2 BA Ranch $143,900 ! 1009 Southwood Dr: 3BR, 2BA Ranch $149,900 ! 2010 Sweet Bay Dr: 5BR, 3BA Golf Course Hud Home ! 5965 Windsorcreek Dr: 4BR, 2.5BA On Basement Hud Home

W W W. K A T H Y K I R K . C O M

Mortgage Services Robin Smedley, Senior Mortgage Consultant (C) 404.512.1525 Rates are me!

Not enough down payment money to qualify for a loan? Credit Issues. Programs or Information available to bring your score higher. Mortgage Programs with Low Down Payments Available. New Financing Programs Available with regards to lease/ purchase contracts.

Real Estate

Villa Rica News & Views



A monthly feature of Villa Rica News & Views - a complete medical directory and guide featuring every physician and practice in and around Villa Rica, including their phone number, address and website address. Attention Physicians. If you have any news about your practice, you may submit it at no cost. Our advertising rates in this section begin at $29 a month.


Villa Rica News & Views

Medical Directory & Guide


Douglas Women’s Center SENSITIVE CARE FOR WOMEN BY WOMEN Offering Excellence in Obstetrical & Gynecological Care

Lisa Ortenzi, MD, FACOG  Kimberly Kuncl, MD, FACOG Vidya Soundararajan, MD, FACOG  Sholah Pittman, MD, FACOG Sara Gorham, CNM  Lew-ann Lenfest, NP Mammographer: Carol Smith  Ultrasonographer: Jean Hildebrandt

 Obstetrical Care  “New” Pap Smear/HPV  Ultrasound  Amniocentesis  Teen Care  Birth Control Management  Health Education  Hysteroscopy

 Hormone Studies  Menopausal Management  Mammography  Peri-Menopausal Management  Infertility  Hair Removal  DEXA Bone Density Scans  Skin Rejuvenation  Bladder Incontinence  Spider Vein Removal  Minimally Invasive Surgery  Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing  In-House Laboratory

Caring For The Community for Over 25 Years Serving Douglas, Cobb, Paulding, Carroll, Fulton, SW Atlanta, Camp Creek Parkway Conveniently Located at I-20 & Thornton Road Immediate Appointments Available with Board Certified MD


880 Crestmark Drive, #200 Lithia Springs, GA

WellStar Health System, WellStar Cardiovascular Medicine and Quantum Radiology now offer Heart Screenings at our Douglas and Paulding Imaging Centers. Using a multi-slice CT Scan, a heart screening can help our cardiologists determine your level of risk for heart disease or future cardiac issues. Screenings are available for $150 (price available for a limited time), and a physician referral is not required. The screening takes less than 30 minutes and requires no special preparation. Call 770-956-STAR (7827) for more information and additional locations. Consider scheduling a heart screening, if you have: UÊ UÊ UÊ UÊ UÊ

Family history of heart disease Diabetes History of smoking or tobacco use High blood pressure High cholesterol Cardiovascular Medicine

WellStar Douglas Imaging Center at Professional Parkway 6002 Professional Parkway Douglasville, GA 30134

Quantum Radiology

WellStar Paulding Imaging Center Paulding Physicians Center 148 Bill Carruth Parkway Hiram, GA 30141

Medical Directory & Guide

Villa Rica News & Views


medical directory & guide Allergy

Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Clinic J. Michael Halwig, MD Keith Lenchner, MD 4645 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl...770-942-7696 CENTER FOR ALLERGY & ASTHMA Eugene S Hurwitz, MD John Zimmerman, MD Erinn T. Gardner, MD 705 Dallas Hwy Villa Rica......770-459-0620 828 Dixie St Carrollton...........770-836-7987 411 Alabama Ave Bremen.....770-836-7987 37 Calumet Pkwy Newnan........770-683-4050 (Please See Our Ad on Page 45 & Front Cover) Peachtree Allergy & Asthma Clinic PC Ariana D. Buchanan, MD Theodore M. Lee, MD 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn.....770-832-1984

Cardiology (Heart)

Atlanta Cardiology Group PC Rajendra Desai, MD ! Ketan Desai, DO 2145 Slater Mill Rd Dgl.......678-715-3334 Cardiovascular Medicine, P.C. Michael S. Hardee, MD Adam N. Lourie, MD Alfonso E. Rea, MD 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl….......770-771-5700 EMORY HEART CENTER Chandan Devireddy, MD Mujeeb A. Jan, MD, FACC Angel R. Leon, MD, FACC John D. Merlino, MD, FACC Martha Haack, NP-C 690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.......404-778-8440

Cardiology - Continued

TANNER HEART & VASCuLAR SpECiALiSTS William E. Rogers, MD 705 Dallas Hwy Villa Rica….770-836-9326 100 Professional Park Crltn...770-836-9326 (Please See Our Ad on Page 3) Villa Rica Ear Nose & Throat Eric Andrist MD ! John Burson MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca........770-459-0408 West Georgia Cardiology Daniel K. Ng, MD, FACC ! F. Khan Pohlel, MD Charlie C. Rouse, MD, FACC 514 W Bankhead Ave VlaRca.770-456-3750 100 Professional Place Crltn.770-838-8440

Dermatology (Skin)

AdVANCEd dERMATOLOGY Amir Agha, MD 6043 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl......770-739-7546 Carrollton Dermatology Associates 100 Professional Park Crltn..770-834-0818 Dermatology Specialist of West Georgia 157 Clinic Avenue Crltn.......770-838-9333 Family Dermatology Yvette George, MD Firas George-Hougeir, MD, FAAD Kelli B. Ingram, MD ! Paula Nelson, MD 4645 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl.....678-838-9090

Ear, Nose & Throat

Bi-County Ear, Nose & Throat, PC Vivek K. Gupta, MD ! Gregg R. Sachs, DO Terry Shapiro, MD FACS 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-949-4200

Ear, Nose & Throat - Continued

Carrollton Ear, Nose & Throat PC 150 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-832-1488 Ear, Nose & Throat Plastic Surgery Center Neil Persaud, DO, DMD 6130 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl.....678-838-3903 West Georgia Endoscopy Center 160 Clinic Avenue Crltn……770-834-2225

Family & General Practice

Arbor Place Family Medicine, PC Thomas Varughese, MD 6130 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl…770-771-5100 Carrollton Family Healthcare 624 Dixie Street Crltn…..…770.832.9593 Center for General Medicine, Inc Warlito G. Rollolazo, MD 809 W Bankhead Hwy.........770-456-9993

6084 Professional Pkwy., Ste. C (Between the Hospital and the Courthouse) Douglasville 770-942-1440

Elite Family Practice Valencia R Burruss MD 6126 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl.....678-715-2993

Call now for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Douglasville Medical Center at Villa Rica

Internal Medicine H 678-840-4034 Syed Zafar, M.D.

North Douglas OB/GYN at Villa Rica OB/GYN H 770-949-4188 Asher Galloway, M.D. Tuwanna Morris, M.D. Kenyetta Brummitt, M.D.

Villa Rica News & Views

- Continued

Life Care Family Practice Michael S. Moody, MD 8464 Adair St Dgl………..770-949-9804


Accepting New Patients


Family & General Practice

Medical Directory & Guide

MANNA MEdiCAL & COuNSELiNG Kelvin B. Burton, MD 305 Carrollton Hwy Temple...770-562-0777 (Please See Our Ad on Page 47) Md MiNOR EMERGENCY & FAMiLY MEdiCiNE Christopher Anderson, MD Larisa Bradford, MD ! Charles Cooley, MD K. Doniparthi, MD ! John Quigley, MD 209 Cooley Dr VlaRca...........770-456-0911 (Please See Our Ad on Page 42) pHYSiCiANS iMMEdiATE MEd 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 3 & 45) Primary Care Group of West Georgia, PC 100 Professional Park Crltn...770-834-3351 Temple Medical Clinic 421 Sage St Temple….........770-562-9007 TOTAL CARE FAMiLY MEdiCiNE Kelvin B. Burton, MD ! Angie M. Harris, DO 8464 Adair Street Dgl….......770-942-1044 ViLLA RiCA FAMiLY MEdiCiNE Kenneth Boss, MD Evangelio Gonzalez, MD 690 Dallas Highway VlaRca..770-456-3790

Family & General Practice

Gynecology & Obstetrics

Veranet HealtHcare, llc M. Michelle Vera MD 403 Permian Way VlaRca.....770-771-5230 (Please See Our Ad at Gynecology) WeSt GeOrGIa FaMIlY MeDIcIne Sharon Haynes, MD ! Yvonne Neau, MD Lawrence Price, MD ! Virginia Price, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-459-4411

West Georgia Obstetrics & Gynecology 109 Professional Place Crltn.770-834-0170

- Continued

- Continued

Gastroenterology (Digestive System)

Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates Jay Garten, MD ! Neal Osborn, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.......678-784-5020 8855 Hospital Dr Dgl...........678-784-5020 atlanta WeSt GaStrOenterOlOGY, Pc Navin M. Ruparelia, MD 4904 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl.....770-949-6548 GaStrOenterOlOGY aSSOcIateS Michael C. Flood, MD ! Riaz Gill, MD 690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-3786 Gastrointestinal Specialists of Georgia Anish A. Desai, MD Anuj Paul Manocha, MD ! Judy Oh, MD 6043 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl….770-739-9555 West Georgia Gastroenterology Associates 157 Clinic Avenue Crltn……..770-214-2800 Westside Gastroenterology Associates Jasmine Jeffers MD 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-947-7747

Gynecology & Obstetrics

Atlanta West Women’s Center Jaswant Chaddha, MD 8697 Hospital Dr Dgl...........770-920-9745 Carrollton Obstetrics and Gynecology 156 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-214-2229 DOUGlaS WOMen’S center Kimberly Kuncl, MD, FACOG Lisa Ortenzi, MD, FACOG Sholah Pittman MD, FACOG Vidya Soundararajan MD, FACOG 880 Crestmark Dr LthSps......770-941-8662 (Please See Our Ad on Page 43) Gynecology Issues PC Eleanor Glaspy-Benton, MD 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl……....770-732-7989 nOrtH DOUGlaS OB/GYn at VIlla rIca Kenyetta Brummit, MD ! Asher B. Galloway, MD Tuwanna Morris, MD 6095 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-949-4188 (Please See Our Ad on Page 44) South Cobb OB-GYN, PC Milele B. Francis, MD ! Saleem N. Francis, MD Mary E. Kidd, MD ! Robert C. Mulliniks, MD Scott Reynolds, MD 6095 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-489-4500 VIlla rIca OBStetrIcS & GYnecOlOGY Sheri D. Campbell, MD ! Jessica R. Hutchins, MD 690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-3850 (Please See Our Ad on Page 3) West Atlanta Womens Health Larisa Pearlman, MD ! Kalpana Raghavan, MD 6025 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-489-7011 West Georgia Healthcare for Women, PC Richard B. Colditz, MD ! Jennifer L. Elliott, MD David G. Helton, MD Shannon D. Huff, MD 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn....770-214-2121

WOMen’S care OF WeSt GeOrGIa 403 Permian Way, Ste A.......770-771-5235

Infectious Diseases

InFectIOUS DISeaSeS OF WeSt GeOrGIa Laura Larson, MD ! Christopher Watts, MD 705 Dallas Hwy Vla Rca…...770-456-3737

Internal Medicine

Classicare Internal Medicine Xiangdong You, MD 4586 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl...770-489-5000 DOUGlaSVIlle MeDIcal center at VIlla rIca Syed Zafar, MD 401 Permian Way.....………678-840-4034 (Please See Our Ad on Page 44) Douglasville Medical Center Charles A. Craton, MD Charles G. Denton, III, MD Bettye Drye-Glover, MD James E. Lantz, Jr., MD Jonathan S. Lowman, MD Satyajeet Patel, MD Cindy C. Pratt, CMP Sharon S. Tuckett, MD 8820 Hospital Dr…………770-947-3000 Georgia Internal Medicine James W. Clabby, MD, PA Brian Krachman, DO ! Michael Piansky, MD Kelly O. Weselman, MD 9280 Highway 5 Dgl.............770-949-9590 Internal MeDIcIne OF VIlla rIca Amy J. Eubanks, MD ! Alicia Jennings, MD 101 Quartz Drive Vla Rca.......770-456-3839 PHYSIcIanS IMMeDIate MeD 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 3 & This Page)

Minor Emergency/ Extended Hours

MD MInOr eMerGencY & FaMIlY MeDIcIne Christopher Anderson, MD Larisa Bradford, MD ! Charles Cooley, MD K. Doniparthi, MD ! John Quigley, MD 209 Cooley Dr VlaRca...........770-456-0911 (Please See Our Ad on Page 42) PHYSIcIanS IMMeDIate MeD 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 3 & This Page) tanner IMMeDIate care Chandrika Garg, MD ! Rhonda Walton, MD 101 Quartz St VlaRca............770-949-7500 (Please See Our Ad on Page 47)

Medical Directory & Guide

Villa Rica News & Views


medical directory & guide Nephrology (Kidneys)

Carroll County Nephrology PC Kathryn V. Bain, MD Maria J. Orig, MD 403 Permian Way VlaRca...678-941-1258 157 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-832-0429 Douglas County Dialysis Center 4645 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl...678-838-3233 Southern Nephrology Clinic LLC Rafiq M. El Hammali, MD 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl…........770-577-4825

Ophthalmology (Eyes)

Voted Best Place in Douglas County for Eye Care 2005-2007

Oncology (Cancer)

Georgia Cancer Specialists Deepti Munjal, MD 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-942-0457 Northwest Georgia Oncology Centers, PC Bradley J.G. Larson, MD Randall E. Pierce, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca....…678-331-8280 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..678-715-9690 157 Clinic Avenue Crllton......770-333-2220

NUVEA MEDSPA 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn.....678-840-6398 (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)

Board Certified Ophthalmologists (Eye MDs)

Where Outstanding Patient Care is a Priority!

8954 Hospital Drive - Suite 105-D Next to WellStar Douglas Hospital

BLATT EYE CENTER H Lee Blatt, MD 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl............770-949-3885 (Please See Our Ad on Page 47) Carrollton Eye Clinic and Surgery Center Eric Baylin, MD G. Keith Berry, MD John Godard, MDD John W. Thomas, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca…...770-459-2022 158 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-834-1008

Call 678-840-8604 or e-mail

[email protected] to advertise.









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Plastic Surgery

David S. Hemmings, M.D. Stephen D. Tedder, M.D.

Neurology (Nervous System)

Douglas Neurology Associates, PC M. A. Kukaswadia, MD Preethi Natarajan, MD William Tung, MD Daniel E. Zdonczyk, MD 4586 Timber Ridge Dr Dgl...678-838-2180 Northwest Neurology, PC Robert G. Bashuk, MD Jeffrey Charpentier, MD Gary Kaplan, MD Sandy McGaffigan, MD Marvin Rachelefsky, MD 6025 Professional Pkwy........678-838-1714

Ophthalmology - Continued

Villa Rica News & Views

DOUGLASVILLE EYE CLINIC David S Hemmings, MD Stephen D Tedder, MD 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.............678-838-9999 Villa Rica Eye Care Evan Cook, MD 104-C S Carroll Rd................678-941-3357

Orthopaedics (Bones & Joints)

CARROLLTON ORTHOPAEDIC CLINIC Jeffrey Dressander, MD 150 Clinic Avenue Crltn…...770-834-0873 Pinnacle Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Richard Maguire, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-1659 6002 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-949-8558 VILLA RICA ORTHOPAEDIC CLINIC Jeffrey Dressander, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........7.70-456-0211

Pain Management

Pain Control & Rehabilitation Institute of GA Roman Piraner MD ! Shulim Spektor, MD 611 North Ave VlaRca..........404-297-1400 PHYSICIANS IMMEDIATE MED 9390 The Landing Dr.............770-947-1112 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 3 & 45) Tanner Pain Management Center Michael Rivera, MD 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn…770-812-572

Pediatrics (Children)

Bi-County Pediatrics. PC. Raymond P. Flowers, III, DO, FACOP, FAAP Andrea C. Goings, MD, FAAP 6128 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl.…770-949-3888 CHILDREN’S HEALTHCARE Of WEST GA Steven Eubanks, MD ! Ronnika Harley MD Suzanne C. Manley, MD Amanda McGahee, MD 690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.......770-456-3265 148 Clinic Ave Crltn……....770-838-8640 Cornerstone Pediatrics Inc Cheryl Cliff, MD ! Leonard Sacks, MD 8601 Baldwin Pkwy Dgl......678-838-0552 Creekside Pediatrics & Breastfeeding Center Bridget Dauphin, MD, FAAP Suzanne Fox, MD, FAAP Ehteshamul Huque, MD, FAAP Marilyn B. Kaufman, MD, FAAP 6095 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-920-2255 Douglas Pediatrics Associates PC Richard Baldwin, MD Gene Barrett, MD ! Carolyn Broussard MD George Harkins, M.D. ! James Lamar, MD Edgar Melendez, MD ! Candan Ozbek, MD 9280 Hwy 5 Dgl..................770-949-2250 Westcare Villa Rica Pediatrics Josephine Ediale MD 626 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-459-9378

Medical Directory & Guide

WEST GEORGIA CENTER fOR PLASTIC SURGERY Stephen H. Kahler, MD, FACS 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn.....770-834-6302 (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)

Podiatry (Feet)

Ankle & Foot Specialists of Douglas County Norman I. Kornblatt, DPM 3666 Hwy. 5 Dgl......….......770-942-3668 Foot & Leg Health Care Specialists Barron D. Elleby, DPM Douglas H. Elleby, DPM Timothy P. Mason, DPM 6025 Professional Pkwy Dgl..770-942-5600 West Georgia Podiatry Associates Kenneth Danis, DPM ! Gary Fields DPM Jon Zarett, DPM 620 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-459-3223

Psychiatry (Brain & Mind)

Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Jack W. Miller, MD, FAAP, SDBP 100 Professional Park Crltn..770-830-7039 Hope Center for Behavioral Medicine 100 Professional Park Crltn...770-214-2300 Neuropsychiatric Clinic of Atlantis-Villa Rica Randy T. Warner, MD 690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca........678-840-8446 WEST GEORGIA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH George M Bailey, MD ! Michael Wilson, MD 101 Quartz Dr VlaRca............770-456-3722 (Please See Our Ad on This Page)

Pulmonary (Lung)

PULMONARY & CRITICAL CARE Of W GA Bonnie Boles, MD 690 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-3380

Rheumatology (Arthritis)

WEST GEORGIA RHEUMATOLOGY Indutriya Palasani MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-456-0211

Sleep Disorders

West Georgia Sleep Disorders Center Reginald V. Hall, MD ! Richard J. Mikilitus, MD 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca.........770-832-2775 524 Dixie St Crltn..................770-832-9529 6043 Prestley Mill Rd Dgl......770-489-3969


Carrollton Surgical Group 157 Clinic Avenue Crltn.......770-834-3336


West Georgia Urology Associates PC 705 Dallas Hwy VlaRca..........770-834-6988 150 Clinic Ave Crltn..............770-834-6988

Vascular (Circulation)

TANNER HEART & VASCULAR SPECIALISTS William E. Rogers, MD 705 Dallas Hwy Villa Rica….770-836-9326 100 Professional Park Crltn...770-836-9326

Proper Backpack Fitting

By Justin B. Rich, MPT, CSCS and Eric Morante, PT, MBA, CSCS of Accel Physical Therapy. Accel has 2 convenient locations in Villa Rica at Mirror Lake Boulevard and in Douglasville Would you ask your child to carry a load of bricks on their back? Sadly, this happens quite often when we ask our children to carry a heavy backpack filled with textbooks, binders, laptops, and gym clothes. In a study conducted by Spine Magazine, 80% of the children surveyed said that their backpacks were heavy. Furthermore, 65% felt that their backpacks caused them fatigue and 46% reported back pain due to the heavy load. Here are some tips on how to properly fit, select, and use your child’s backpack: 1) Pick a backpack that is appropriate for the child’s size and age. The pack should fit comfortably between the top of the shoulder and the bottom of the low back. 2) The shoulder pads should be well padded, wide over the shoulder and narrower as they pass under the arms. 3) Always wear both straps to distribute weight evenly and adjust the straps so that the pack fits snug to the child’s back. The back pack should not hang below the child’s waistline. 4) A pack with wide hip belt will help to distribute the weight and steady the load. 5) A rolling pack, if allowed, can help to relieve stress from the neck and back. 6) The loaded backpack should be no more than 10% (elementary school) to 15% (junior high to high school) of the child’s body weight. 7) When loading the backpack, always load the heaviest items closest to the child’s back.




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Medical Directory & Guide

Villa Rica News & Views


Villa Rica Business Directory Acceptance Agents

RWB TAX SERVICES LLC 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-9980


Accounting Professionals of West GA 135 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-1929 Ellsworth Quinton Consulting Please Call........................................678-575-0930 Garrett, Stephens, Thomas & Fazio 216 Montgomery St...........................770-459-2211

HAWKINSON PAUL A CPA 4935 Stewart Mill Rd Ste 250.......770-942-7944

Oakes James CPA 727 Sandhill-Hulett Rd.........................770-838-1115 Ramsey’s Bookkeeping Service...............678-840-6000 Sparks Joyce Pike EA ABA 363 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-3001 WHITE TOLEDA CPA..............................440-642-9213 WRAy STAnLEy 1611 W Bankhead Hwy.....................678-361-7946


Acupuncture & Allergy Place Renee Wainwright LAC.....................678-213-4266

Advertising Specialities

Air Conditioning & Heating

AA Air Conditioning, Heating & Household Repairs Please Call........................................770-459-0099 AnCHOR HEATInG & AIR COnDITIOnInG 6556 Adair Pl Dgl..............................770-942-2873 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) Assured Comfort Heating & Air...................770-942-1938 Eckman Heating & Air Conditioning 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-7193 ELLIS HEATInG & AIR............................770-605-1615 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) KBS HEATInG & COOLInG InC 6378 East Broad St Dgl....................678-715-9299 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) Maxwell Heating & Cooling 106 Rejen Dr Crltn............................770-830-9288 MCPHERSOnS COnSTRuCTIOn.........404-702-6287 Ragsdale Heating & Air Conditioning.......770-443-1821 Rogers Mechanical Contractors 167 Liberty Rd...................................770-456-6204

ROnALD SMITH HEATInG & AIR..........770-819-9879 (Please See Our Ad on Page 16)

Air Duct Cleaning

DAnIELS CARPET CLEAnInG..............678-840-5633 (Please See Our Display Ad at Carpet Cleaning)

Air Purifying Equipment

KBS HEATInG & COOLInG InC 6378 East Broad St Dgl....................678-715-9299 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)

Aircraft Flight Schools

Plane Sense - W Ga Reg Arprt................404-992-2502

Total Home Comfort Year-Round! Residential • Commercial

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Air Conditioning Special For 30180

Single System Inspection Expires 08/31/09

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Acceptance Agents - Aircraft

Villa Rica News & Views

Airport Services

International Component Repair 40 E Industrial St...............................770-459-8862


A-One Alterations 1803 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-8878 Mairah Carob International 101 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-8303 Stitches & Seams.....................................770-947-8882


Master Cartridge - 15 E Industrial Ct........770-459-5116

Animal Control

Carroll County Animal Control..................770-834-8150 Douglas County Animal Control...............770-942-5961

Animal Hospitals

Atlanta West Animal Hospital 102 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2253 Villa Rica Animal Hospital 1700 Rockmart Rd............................770-459-1145 West GA Spay & Neuter Clinic 525 E Montgomery St.......................678-840-8072


Another’s Treasure - 141 Main St.............770-456-7668 City of Gold Antiques 205 Main St.......................................770-459-9736 Whisper The Past Antiques & Gifts 210-A W Montgomery St...................678-840-5646

Apartments - See Page 38 Appliance Repair

All County Appliance Services..................770-577-9011


Maximum Discovery - 214 Maple St........770-459-1227


Miller Architecture - 6680 Broad St Dgl....678-715-1586

Art Galleries

Village Frame and Trophy Shop 120 W Montgomery St......................770-456-4224

Art Instruction & Artists

DouGlASvIlle SCHool of ARt 6774 W Broad St Dgl........................770-577-8180

Assisted living

Guardian Angel - 75 Herrell Rd................770-459-8788 PIne Knoll nuRSInG & ReHAbIlItAtIon 156 Pine Knoll Dr Crltn......................770-832-8243 (Please See Our Ad on Page 18)


Bishop Law Group The 1 Community Square Blvd................770-456-4125 DAvIS KARMel S - AttoRneY At lAW 3550 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................678-715-0967 (Please See Our Ad Display Ad on This Page)

Attorneys - Ctd

Southern States Legal Services 111 S Candler St...............................678-941-3530 Vaughn C S LLC - Attorney at Law 418 Westview Dr...............................770-456-4800

Auto Alarms

SounD PRoof-7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.770-920-0077 (Please See Our Ad on Page 41)

Auto body & Paint Shops

bleAKleY JoHn foRD 870 Thornton Rd LthSpgs.................770-941-9000 (Please See Our Ad on Page 7) C&H Body Shop 2961 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-834-4409 Huey’s Body Shop & Wrecker Service 261 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-6938 Mayfield’s Wrecker Service Garage & Body Shop 235 Ithica Gin Rd..............................770-459-4868 New Georgia Collision - 111 Fleet Dr.......678-840-4722 Watts Collision Center 100 Hunter Industrial Dr....................770-456-0640

Auto Dealers - new & used

4n Auto Sales & Service 525 E Montgomery St.......................770-456-1944 Act 2 Motors - 749 W Bankhead Hwy........770-456-2886 Arbor Place Hyundai 7488 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................678-715-5000 Arbor Place Imports 7488 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................888-253-1548 Arbor Place Kia 7468 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................678-715-5399 bleAKleY JoHn foRD 870 Thornton Rd LthSpgs.................770-941-9000 (Please See Our Ad on Page 7) C & C Auto Sales-749 W Bankhead Hwy..678-941-3255 Cash Depot Auto Sales 395 W Bankhead Hwy........................678-840-8838 Don-Rich Ford - 221 Montgomery St........770-459-5132 Hometown Automart 738 W Bankhead Hwy........................770-459-7033 Liberty Chevrolet -105 Cooley Way...........770-456-2000 Lovvorn Motors - 7184 W Bankhead Hwy.770-942-9352 McGuire Motors - 325 W Bankhead Hwy..770-459-9033 Midway Auto Sales & Wrecker Service 10005 E Bankhead Hwy.....................770-459-0846 MIKe bell CHevRolet 1200 N Park St Crltn..........................770-832-2436 (Please See Our Ad on Page 22) Morris Auto & Trailer Sales 3970 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-830-0569 Pro-Tech Auto Sales 743 W Bankhead Hwy........................770-459-4922 Scott Evans Chrystler, Dodge, Jeep 2280 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-834-5050 Scott Evans Nissan 725 Bankhead Hwy Crltn...................770-832-8222 Walker Cadillac Pontiac Buick GMC Inc 1492 N Hwy 27 Crltn..........................770-832-9602

Auto Repair - Ctd

J & J Auto Service 400 W Montgomery St......................770-459-3362 Liberty Chevrolet - 105 Cooley Way..........770-456-2000 Long’s Service Center 420 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-6566 Mayfield’s Wrecker Service Garage & Body Shop 235 Ithica Gin Rd..............................770-459-4868 MIKe bell CHevRolet 1200 N Park St Crltn..........................770-832-2436 (Please See Our Ad on Page 22) Mt Zion Automotive - 71 Triangle Ct.........770-832-1013 Pro Tech Automotive Care 743 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4922 Quality Auto Service 759 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1909 Robbie’s Auto Service - 419 Main St........770-459-8013 Top Gear Automotive 4001 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy..........770-832-7667 Villa Rica Auto Service 116 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-6446 Villa Rica Chevron 143 E Montgomery St........................770-459-6800 West End Automotive-875 S Carroll Rd...770-456-4140

baby Accessories

RounD 2 ConSIGnMent 490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599 (Please See Our Ad on Page 24) Shop Rite Babies & More 101 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-0060


Flowers Bakery Thrift Store 369 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-459-4094 Keelah’s Southern Foods & Bakery 883 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-6036 SWeet teReSA DeSSeRt SHoP 7475 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................678-838-3415 (Please See Our Ad on Page 15)


Bank of North Georgia 588 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-459-5717 BB&T - 640 W Bankhead Hwy.................770-459-5734 Community Bank of West Georgia 662 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-9922 First GA Banking Company-908 S Carroll Rd..770-456-4215 First National Bank of GA 2500 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-8424 725 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4417 Regions Bank - 1 Community Sq.............770-456-1700 Suntrust-1849 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..770-459-2265 435 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-2265 unIteD CoMMunItY bAnK 485 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-3100 (Please See Our Ad on Page 19) Wachovia Bank - 1997 Mirror Lake Blvd..770-456-4915

banquet Halls

DouGlASvIlle DoWntoWn ConfeRenCe CenteR 670 Church St Dgl.............................678-715-6094 (Please See Our Ad on Page 27)

barber Shops

Annointed Handz Barber & Beauty 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-8005 Billie Jack’s Downtown Cuts 216 Montgomery St...........................770-459-9889 Fuller Barber Shop-451 W Bankhead Hwy....770-459-0057

JenKIn’S bARbeR SHoP 94 Hwy 61 Connector....................678-941-3490 2108 Fairburn Rd Dgl....................770-577-5583 7214 Douglas Blvd Dgl..................770-942-5099 Marchman’s Barber Shop 224 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2201 Taydyn’s Beauty Salon & Barbershop 2404 Devonian Dr.............................678-840-4358

beauty Salons

Bella Salon - 901 S Carroll Rd.................770-459-1727 Crystal & Company Salon-113 Commons Way.770-459-2588 D&R HAIR GAlleRY - Sharlet Jackson.678-558-9300 (Please See Our Ad Display Ad on This Page) beAutY SAlonS ContInueS on neXt PAGe

Auto Parts - new

Hardegree Law Firm PC 3133 Golf Ridge Blvd........................678-838-0550

Advance Auto Parts-620 W Bankhead Hwy.770-456-2777 Auto Parts Co - 117 E Montgomery St.....770-456-2223 Autozone - 658 W Bankhead Hwy............770-459-5011 G&T Auto Parts-1633 Bankhead Hwy Crltn..770-830-8463 O’Reilly Auto Parts-513 W Bankhead Hwy..678-840-8472

Auto Radio & Stereo lAW offICe of ellene WelSH 6655 Church St Dgl...........................770-949-9055 (Please See Our Ad on Page 41)

SounD PRoof-7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.770-920-0077 (Please See Our Ad on Page 41)

Auto Rental

Enterprise Rent-A-Car 664 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4711

Auto Repair

Law Office of John McKinley 251 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-6149 McCreary, Timothy A - Attorney At Law 208 W Montgomery St......................770-459-2305 McMahan David J - Attorney at Law 327 Westview Dr...............................770-456-9000 Merino & Jarvis LLC 238 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-4710 Pilgrim Law Group The-231 S Carroll Rd.770-459-9210 Price Pyles Dangle Parmer & Rooks PC 514 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-456-0842 Rice, Daniel Attorney at Law 231 South Carroll Rd.........................678-644-7160

4n Auto Sales & Service 525 E Montgomery St.......................770-456-1944 AutoSPoRtS unlIMIteD 8810 Bright Star Rd Dgl....................770-942-2727 Beavers Transmission & Auto Repair 3320 Liberty Rd.................................770-459-8007 CoMPlete AutoMotIve RePAIR 743 Pleasant Grove Church Rd........770-456-0705 (Please See Our Ad on Page 8) Fleet-Medic – 831 Moss Ferry Rd…....….678-907-4059

THE LAW OFFICE OF KARMEL S. DAVIS Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Foreclosures  Garnishments Repos  Tax Lien  Child Support Also Prepare: Wills  Trusts  Corporations

$100 Off For Bankruptcy Filing (Mention Ad) Discounts Available for Senior Citizens, Fixed Income and Unemployed Clients FREE CREDIT REPORT IS PROVIDED WITH BANKRUPTCY FILING

Evening and weekend appointments available. Free Telephone Consultation

Call 678.715.0967 for an appointment 3550 Highway 5, Douglasville

Villa Rica News & Views

Airport Services - Beauty Salons


Beauty Salons - Ctd

Entrigue Hair Salon 48 Community Square......................770-456-6223 Exquisite Styles Beauty Salon 411 Main St.......................................770-459-2345 Fairfield Hair Company 723 Sandhill Hulett Rd............................770-214-2007 Famous Hair 622 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.................770-459-8353 Free Spirit Salon & Spa 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-8949 (Please See Our Ad on Page 13) GinGer’S new BeGinninGS Salon 941 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-9555 (Please See Our Ad on Page 18) Glimmer Salon - 921 S Carroll Rd.....678-840-4414 (Please See Our Ad on Page 29) Golden Shears - 914 West Highway 78...770-459-5162 Great ClipS - 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd...770-456-9588 Hair Is Glory - 105 W Wilson St................770-459-2049 Hair Villa - 220 W Montgomery St............770-459-6420 J Shalane & Co 132 W Montgomery St......................678-840-8961

Beauty Salons - Ctd

La-T-Da’s Hair Boutique 3968 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-9595 Mirrors Of Beauty Salon-115 W Wilson St..770-459-1999 naDia’S Hair & nail Salon 885 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-4222 New Image Dominican Hair Salon 213 Main St..........................................770-456-0840 Precision Hair Cuts-119 Tri-County Plaza..770-459-1224 Salon 78 - 1613 W Bankhead Hwy..........770-459-3449 Salon oF Hope 363 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-8880 Simply Attitude Salon & Boutique 150 Stone St…............................…..770-456-7606 Smart Style-600 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-459-4597 Snip-itS - 2985 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl.........770-577-4797 (Please See Our Ad on Page 26) Studio 525 - 525 Main St..........................770-459-0925 Style Corner - 367 W Bankhead Hwy......770-459-6458 Taydyn’s Beauty Salon & Barbershop 2404 Devonian Dr.............................678-840-4358 Titus Styles - 371 Tapley Rd.....................770-912-4008

DANIELS CARPET & AIR DUCT CLEANING, INC. Continuing To Have Happy Carroll County Customers Since 1982

Beauty Supplies

Villa Home & Beauty Supplies 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-840-5904

Blinds - Dealers

Budget Blinds............................................770-456-9720

Blood & Dna testing

premier patHoloGY 6453 Spring St Dgl............................770-920-1442


ACRA now has over 10,000 Used Books in stock. 770-459-0395


Your BowlinG Center 3931 Longview Dr Dgl.......................770-947-2795

Get more for your money with Daniels! NO Unreliable Cleaning Contracts here, Just Great Service at a Great Price!

meaDowBrooK memorY GarDenS 1100 Hickory Level Rd Vr..................770-459-6494 West Georgia Memorial Park 4194 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-836-1336

Chamber of Commerce

Carroll County Chamber Of Commerce 200 Northside Dr Crltn......................770-832-2446 Douglas County Chamber Of Commerce 6658 Church St Dgl...........................770-942-5022

Charities & organizations

A Gift Of Love Services-3870 Longview Dr.770-947-8200 Fullerville Mission - 531 Rockmart Rd......770-456-9619 Fruit of My Womb Teen Pregnancy Support 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy….....770-783-9552

Burglar alarms

Child Care - See Day Care Children’s Clothing

ELM McCord Protective Group 500 Old Bremen Road......................678-890-2371

Bus Service

Buses from Douglas County Courthouse.770-949-7665

Cable tV

Charter Communications 1561 Hwy 27 S Crltn.........................888-438-2427 Comcast....................................................800-266-2278



Cheerleading instruction

BriDeS atlanta 6842 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-942-0171 (Please See Our Ad on Page 27)

BBB CaBinetS inC...............................770-832-1157 Do It Right Kitchen & Bath 104 Westview Dr................................770-459-0110 Kent Adams -1194 Dallas Hwy.................770-459-4446 Quality Cabinet Distributors 4552 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-8598 weSt GeorGia KitCHen & BatH 409-B Bankhead Hwy Crlltn..............770-830-0511 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)

Summer Specials!

W GA Wireless-596 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-456-2332

Bridal Shops


27 Years and Still Growing!

Cellular phones - Ctd


Isn’t She Lovely Bath & Body 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-840-4150

Car alarms- See auto alarms

Car washing & polishing

A & M Carwash - 420 Rockmart Rd.........770-456-0681 Hands Zone Mobile Auto Detail Services.770-572-9659 Smith Family Car Wash 900 W Bankhead Hwy.......................404-754-3276


Collins Carpentry.......................................770-480-2371

Carpet & rug Cleaners

Carpetcare Enterprises-90 W Church St....770-459-2428 DanielS Carpet CleaninG..............678-840-5633 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)

DouGlaSVille GYmnaStiCS & CHeerleaDinG CluB 8877 Bright Star Rd Dgl...................770-489-2582 (Please See Our Ad on Page 34)

rounD 2 ConSiGnment 490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599 (Please See Our Ad on Page 24)

Chimney Cleaning

SilVer lininG CHimneY SweepS.....770-942-1705


Axiom Chiropractic - 108 Hwy 61 Conn...770-459-8782 Bankhead Chiropractic-514 Bankhead Hwy.770-459-0035 Better Living Chiropractic and Wellness Center 101 Three West Pkwy.......................404-643-2717 Healing Touch Chiropractic Center 125 Commons Way...........................770-456-0160 Lifetime Chiropractic-120 Prospector Dr..770-459-5070 Neighborhood Chiropractic-46 Fairfield Rd..678-523-7561 Villa Rica Chiropractic Center 117 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-8439

Churches - See page 36 Cleaners

Fairway Cleaners-2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.770-459-0710 Family Cleaners - 118 Hwy 61 Conn........770-459-0112 Family Clothes Care Center 361 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1088 Hi Value Cleaners - 2402 Devonian Dr....770-882-9225 World Cleaners 594-B Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy........770-456-7032

Coffee Shops

SHaKe tHiS SmootHie & CoFFee SHop 125 Commons Way...........................678-840-4979


Tinker’s Alley Gifts & Collectibles 159 Tri-County Plaza.........................404-459-2349

Computer Sales & Svcs.

ACRA ACRA - 359 W Bankhead 770-459-0395 Hwy.................770-459-0395   

Reg. Price $99.95 *Up to 1500 sq. ft. Some carpets may require Dry Cleaning. Valid with coupon. Expires 08/31/09

ron’S Superior Carpet Care.......770-949-1785 Steam Jet Carpet Cleaning Please Call............404-597-7841 or 770-456-7102

Carpet & rug Dealers

DanielS Floor CoVerinG...............678-840-5633 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) Five Star Floor - 2566 E Hwy 166............770-832-7983 JBB Decor.................................................678-952-0877 Matthews Floor Décor 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-783-9146


Dinner’S reaDY -1605 Hwy 61 S........678-840-4262 (Please See Our Ad on Page 14)

Cellular phones

Metro PCS-626 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..770-459-1777 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd Ste H.............770-456-4289 Maxcom Business Solutions 86 Hwy. 61 Conn.............................. 678-941-3364 SE Wireless - 941 S Carroll Rd................770-456-7791 SI Communications - 901 S Carroll Rd....770-456-9088


Beauty Salons - Conference Centers

Villa Rica News & Views

Computer Repair New & Used Computers Networking – Onsite Service

Andy’s Computer Service.........................678-858-1823 Computer Helper 8723 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-489-1790 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) ComputerS, partS & upGraDeS llC 457 Nathan Dean Blvd Dallas...........770-505-2121 3300 Highway 5 Dgl..........................678-715-3011 2062 Fairburn Rd Dgl........................770-942-0021 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page) Rick’s Computer Solutions.......................404-227-4151 Taylor Information Systems......................770-344-8312

Concrete Contractors

B-Line Curbing..........................................404-735-7095 Beyond Concrete......................................678-791-9769 Glenn Contractors.....................................770-459-4205

Conference Centers

Centre at arBor ConneCtion 7475 Douglas Blvd............................678-213-3195 DouGlaSVille Downtown ConFerenCe Center 670 Church St Dgl.............................678-715-6094 (Please See Our Ad on Page 27) Venue At 20 West The-505 Berry Dr........678-840-8218 Villa Rica Civic Center & Sports Complex 1605 Hwy 61......................................770-459-7011

Consignment Shops

A+ Size Consignment Shop 375 Hwy 78 W Tmpl..........................770-562-0056 Downtown Exchange Consignments 307 Main St.......................................770-456-9214 Hangar, The - 106 S Carroll Rd…...........678-840-4101 Round 2 ConSignment 490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599 (Please See Our Ad on Page 24) Treasure Chest Bargain Village 4855 Hwy 61.....................................770-830-5498 Try Me Again Consignment Shop 415 Main St.......................................770-459-2812 Wear Me Again Consignment Clothing 109 W Wilson St................................770-459-3299

day Care Centers - Ctd

Funfield Daycare & Early Childhood Development 20 Fairfield Rd...................................770-834-6743 Kids University At Mirror Lake 9315 Conners Rd..............................770-456-0777 Little Wildcats Academy & Preschool 516 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1100 Mirror Lake Academy 1995 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-459-0071 Primrose School at Brookmont 4460 Brookmont Pkwy Dgl...............770-577-8181

dentists - Ctd

Ambassador Personnel Service 514 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-8877 Atco International Recruiting Dept............678-819-3469 Avail-Ability Personnel, Inc 317-C Bankhead Hwy Carrollton......770-830-1221 Body of HoPe - Body magiC...........770-456-8880 (Please See Our Ad on Page 12)

Caliber 1 Construction Inc........................770-456-4613 Couey Builders - 104 Three West Pkwy...678-840-5800 Steve Agan Construction .........................770-328-1165

See Home improvement

Convenience Stores

Carroll Road Shopette-205 S Carroll Rd..770-459-6598 City Chevron - 701 Edge Rd....................770-456-7500 Day-Nite Food Store 764 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5030 Discount Smokes & Beer 733 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4145 Easy Quick Shop-1607 W Bankhead Hwy.770-456-0110 Five Points Food Mart 4941 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-9805 H & W Food Mart & Deli 725 Sandhill Hulett Rd......................770-834-2050 Junior Food Store - 516 Dallas Hwy.........770-459-3552 Liberty Shell - 10135 E Bankhead Hwy....770-459-3700 Quik Trip - 650 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-459-0226 Racetrac - 123 Commerce Dr...................770-459-5190 Sandhill BP-3571 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..770-830-8867 Shell Food Mart 736 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy............770-456-8092 Swifty Save - 9600 Conners Rd...............678-840-5013 Villa Rica BP - 650 W Bankhead Hwy......770-459-0212 Villa Rica Pantry (Texaco)-820 Dallas Hwy.770-459-1370 Wilco/Hess Travel Plaza - 95 Liberty Rd..770-456-9941

Convention Bureaus

Carrollton Main Street - 115 Rome St......770-832-6901 Douglasville Convention & Visitors Bureau 6694 E Broad St Dgl.........................770-947-5920

Cosmetics & Perfumes

Intradermal Cosmetics..............................404-518-7104 Merle Norman Cosmetics 104 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-3060 Permanent Cosmetics..............................770-354-0954 WeSt geoRgia CenteR foR PlaStiC SuRgeRy 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............770-834-6302 (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)


Candler Street Counseling Center 224 S Candler St...............................678-840-8966 Counseling Center The 135 E Montgomery St.......................770-459-1952 Lasher Susan M-923 W Bankhead Hwy..770-434-2531 manna mediCal & CounSeling 305 Carrollton Hwy Temple..............770-562-0777 (Please See Our Ad on Page 44) West Georgia Counseling & Educational Services 912 W Bankhead Hwy…...................770-646-9686


neW again ReSuRfaCing.................770-456-2805 (Please See Our Ad on Page 32)

CPR training

aSSuRed & aSSoCiateS. 8336 Office Park Dr Dgl....................678-391-0140 (Please See Our Ad on Page 28) Faithful Guardian - 220 W Wilson St........770-214-2252

Credit Card Processing

Trust One Payment Services 1 Community Square........................770-947-6000


WinSton aCademy 7425 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-949-7462 (Please See Our Ad on Page 34)

day Spas

European Body Wrap 315 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-5114 fRee SPiRit Salon & SPa 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-8949 (Please See Our Ad on Page 13) Indulge Salon and Day Spa 1019 Rome St - Crrlton.....................770-838-9095

Woodall H. Steve DDS PC 512 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5197

dentists - orthodontics

3306 HigHway 5

(Publix Shopping Center)

770.942.4100 gRant oRtHodontiCS- damien gRant ddS 3306 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-4100 (Please See Our Ad on Page 5)

department Stores nuVea medSPa 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............678-840-6398 (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover) Panama tan & SPa 104 Hwy 61 Connector.....................770-459-9100 PRinCeSS PaRty’S 5929 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................678-838-9000 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 10 & 41)

deck Building/Renewal

a PluS ConStRuCtion Please Call........................................770-966-0023 aRBoR deCkS.......................................770-920-8777 (Please See Our Ad on Page 12) fRanklin BuildeRS............................770-459-6972 (Please See Our Ad at Home Improvements) Horizon Construction & Renovations.......404-886-5884 mCPHeRSonS ConStRuCtion.........404-702-6287


Camp, Bruce A DMD, PC 50 Community Square Blvd..............770-459-1663 douglaSVille dental aSSoCiateS 3666 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-2852 (Please See Our Ad on Page 20) gRant oRtHodontiCS - damien gRant ddS 3306 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-4100 (Please See Our Ad on Page 5) Harvey, M Dawn DMD, PC 105 Dallas Rd....................................770-459-5778 Moore Frederic A DMD PC 514 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-2550 Smile CenteR Villa RiCa 614 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy............770-456-7100 (Please See Our Ad at the Inside Back Cover) uPtoWn dental 8415 Campbellton St Dgl..................770-942-4899 (Please See Our Ad on Page 9)

HugHeS-Ray ComPany 6554 E Church St Dgl.......................770-942-0196 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)


SoutHeaSteRn SaleS & SPeCialtieS inC 2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 (Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties)


R.J. Damien grant D.D.S.

Dillard’s - Arbor Place Mall........................770-577-4271 Target - 2950 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl..............770-947-5303 Wal-Mart - 600 Hwy 61.............................770-459-6601

disc Jockeys

Greg McLeod’s Private DJ Service..........770-873-3532 Professional Entertainment Services.......770-480-2000

dog training

WateRdog kennelS..........................770-562-2741

dollar Stores

Dollar Daze - 664 W Bankhead Hwy........770-456-0090 Dollar General - 2418 Devonian Dr..........678-840-4060 Dollar General - 8266 Villa Rica Hwy.......770-456-0466 879 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-0433 3958 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-836-0447 Dollar Tree-604 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-459-6666 Family Dollar Stores 451 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5653


metRo gaRage dooR 7458 Hwy 78 Winston.......................770-489-9726 (Please See Our Ad on Page 4)

Celebration String Quartet..678-838-4655/770-942-3381 Dylan Collins Trivia...................................678-677-2707 Gary Kirk, Magicman................................678-410-9049 Kid’s Corner..............................................770-942-3663 Lulu Parties...............................................678-873-2788

equipment Rental

A2Z Outdoor Power Equipment 131 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-2020 RSC Equipment Rental 1275 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy..........770-459-1388

erosion Control

Step-Con Construction Erosion Control 105 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-0124

event Planners

An Elegant Event......................................770-815-3130 Blue Horizon Events 430 W Bankhead Hwy......................678-840-8218 Perfectly Planned Events.........................404-861-4718

exercise equipment

fitneSS dePot 9365 The Landing Dr Dgl..................770-577-5885 (Please See Our Ad on Page 31) PReCiSion fitneSS SyStemS...........678-600-2004

fabric Shops

Cornerstone Sew & Vac 2866 Chapel Hill Rd..........................770-949-5775 Jo-Ann Fabrics & Crafts - 9439 Hwy 5.....770-947-4195

farm equipment

Georgia Farm Power - 2904 Hwy 27 S Crltn.770-838-9696 Villa Rica Used Farm Tractors & Equipment 755 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-8150

draperies & Curtains

feed Stores

driving instruction

fence Contractors

finiSHing touCHeS inteRioRS Call Karen Slezak at..........................678-429-3095 tRi County dRiVing - 311 Main St.....770-459-8074

drug Screening & testing

Doyal E T & Sons Feed & Seed 113 W Wilson St...............................770-459-3822 R&d ContRaCtoRS.............................678-838-7496 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33) Stephen’s Fence - 1734 Sandhill-Hulett Rd.770-942-0417

knoW foR SuRe laB..........................770-489-3370

electric Companies

Carroll EMC - 155 N Hwy 113 Crltn..........770-832-3552 725 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-3105 Georgia Power-42 Community Square Blvd...888-660-5890 Greystone Power......................................770-942-6576

electric motors

Industrial Electric Motors 900 E Industrial Ct.............................770-459-9595

electrical Contractors

dance instruction

Advanced Electrical Services.....770-834-6905/770-780-1010 K-Mac Electric...............770-318-5364 or 404-456-6193 mCPHeRSonS ConStRuCtion.........404-702-6287 Mr. Electric................................................770-834-6678

danCe WoRkx - 921 S Carroll Rd........770-459-2124 (Please See Our Ad on Page 35) Michelle’s Academy Of Dance 122 Montgomery St...........................770-456-9292

day Care Centers

All God’s Children Daycare 201 Martin’s Court.............................678-840-5081 Bay Springs Academy 501 Bay View Dr................................770-459-3819

Back Stitch Embroidery & Apparel 9733 Spyglass Drive.........................770-456-2595 Joyful Embroidery.....................................770-459-4701 Princess Prints & Embroidery 4768 Liberty Rd.................................770-862-4946 SoutHeaSteRn SaleS & SPeCialtieS inC 2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 (Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties)


Contractors - Commercial Contractors - general


electronics Stores Villa RiCa family dental, PC Jamey CHang dmd 865 S Carroll Road, Ste C...................770-459-4131

Customer First Satellite 750 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-2025 Radio Shack 616 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-459-9058

Villa Rica News & Views

WeSt geoRgia fenCe Co.................770-832-3363 (Please See Our Ad on Page 11)

Consignment Shops - Fence Contractors


Financial Consultants

Apogee Financial Corp - 417 Main St......770-456-0658 Edward D. Jones Co - Kinney Taylor 104-A S Carroll Rd............................770-459-1785

Fire Departments

Fairfield Plantation Volunteer....................770-834-4357

Fire Protection Equipment

LEwis FirE ProtECtion inC 423 Industrial Ct West.......................770-459-3636

Fish & seafood

Gulf Seafood Market 339 W Bankhead Hwy.....................770-459-4488


Design Floors & More - 106 S Carroll Rd.678-840-4334

Funeral Directors - Ctd

Wilson Funeral Home 116 Cleghorn St................................770-459-3667

Furniture stores

Farmer’s Furniture 451 W Bankhead Hwy.........................770-459-3570 FinisHinG toUCHEs intEriors LLC Call Karen Slezak at..........................678-429-3095 Furniture House, The 1621 Bankhead Hwy Crltn...................770-832-0192 Lovins HomE PLACE 110 W Montgomery St.........................770-459-0121 (Please See Our Ad on Page 32) sit ‘n sLEEP-111 Lake Carroll Blvd Crltn.770-834-1122 Trisha’s Thrift and Used Furniture 221 W Wilson St................................404-925-4742 Try Me Again New & Used Furniture 409 Main St..........................................770-456-8901

Game rooms

yoUr BowLinG CEntEr 3931 Longview Dr Dgl.......................770-947-2795 Busbin Flooring - 200A Old Liberty Rd770-459-6007

Games - retail

Gamers Getaway 5977 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................770-577-5399 Games Workshop - Arbor Place Mall.......770-577-5599

Garage Doors HICKOX HARDWOOD FLOORS......770-577-4492

mEtro GArAGE Doors inC 7458 Hwy 78 Winston.......................770-489-9726 (Please See Our Ad on Page 4)

Government Offices - Ctd

Tax Assessor………………………...770-830-5812 DoUGLAs CoUnty...............................770-949-2000 Sheriff…………………………………770-942-2121 Fire Department…………………......770-942-8626 Chamber of Commerce…................770-942-5022 Health Department……………….....770-947-3509 Land Fill………………………………770-920-7200 Voter Registration……………….......770-920-7213 Tag Office…………………………….770-949-2309 Tax Commissioner……………..........770-920-7228 viLLA riCA City Hall……………..................…….770-459-7000 Police Department….........................770-459-5149 Public Library………......................…770-459-7012 Recreation Department….................770-459-7011


FrAnKLin BUiLDErs............................770-459-6972 (Please See Our Ad at Home Improvement)

Grocers / supermarkets

Harrison’s Corner Market 1506 W Bankhead Hwy.....................770-456-2060 Hernandez Food Store 121 Tri-County Plaza........................770-456-7827 Ingles - 98 Hwy 61 Connector..................770-459-0223 La Chiquita Tienda Y Carniceria 901 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-4401 Piggly Wiggly 664 W Bankhead Hwy......................678-840-5755 Publix Super Markets 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-840-8778

Guns & Gun ranges

Tactical Concepts Indoor Pistol Range 5840 Bankhead Hwy Dgl..................678-715-8571

Gutters & Downspouts Lyptus Floors - Plantation Mill, Inc 1626 Hwy 27 North Crltn...................770-832-1343 Timeless Wood Floors..............................678-840-4227 Turner Floor - 142 Pin Oak Trail...............770-375-8494 Vaughn Tile-4598 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.770-834-3200

Garbage Collection

A Perfect Petal - 406 W Montgomery St..770-456-1774 B & J and Alynda’s Florist 406 W Montgomery St......................770-459-4972 Flowers by Sybil 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-489-9702 Forget Me Not Florist 212 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-4601 Joyce’s Florist - 420 Rockmart Rd...........770-459-4625 Perfect Poppy The - 209 S Carroll Rd......770-459-7920

Gas South.................................................877-332-5442


Foot Accessories

Foot soLUtions- 9503 Hwy 5 Dgl.....770-577-3677

Formal wear

Mairah Carob International 101 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-8303

Franchise Consultants

CFM Franchise Consulting Inc.................770-214-5505

Funeral Directors

J CoLLins FUnErAL HomE & CrEmAtory 206 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-6090 J Hoyt Thomas Funeral Home 1011 Topaz Lane...............................770-459-3676

Harts Trash Service..................................770-235-4559 mst sErviCEs - 111 Fleet Dr................770-459-1335 (Please See Our Ad on Page 30)


Gift Baskets & Gift shops

CooL BEADs 2911 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl.......................678-391-8722 (Please See Our Ad at Jewelers) EDiBLE ArrAnGEmEnts 6880 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................678-715-0506 Inspirations By Cheryl 365 W Bankhead Hwy.......................404-316-4650 Sassy Ladies’ Boutiques & Gifts 108 Montgomery St...........................770-456-7190 Tastefully Simple Gourmet Food Products Wendye Justice.................................770-456-7805 Tinker’s Alley Gifts & Collectibles 159 Tri-County Plaza.........................404-459-2349 Jiffy Glass Inc............................................770-834-8601 Porter’s Auto Glass 3303-B Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.....770-830-7497 sPECtrUm ProFEssionAL instALLAtions Please Call........................................770-832-0380 Wholesale Windshields 100 Hunter’s Industrial......................770-459-8661 Papa John’s Golf Carts & Go Karts 3364 Hwy 5 Dgl.................................770-942-4946

Golf Courses

Fairfield Plantation Golf & Country Club 7500 Monticello Dr.............................770-836-1112 Mirror Lake Golf Club 1000 Canongate Blvd.......................770-459-5599 Oak Mountain Championship Golf Course 409 Birkdale Blvd Crltn......................770-834-7065

Government Offices

CArroLL CoUnty……………………..770-459-7000 Chamber of Commerce……………..770-832-2446 City Hall……………………………....770-459-7000 Fire Department……..........…………770-459-2040 Fire Department-Chief’s Office.........770-830-5880 Health Department…………………..770-836-6667 Land Fill………………………………770-832-1233 Sheriff……………………..................770-830-5888 Tag Office………………………….....770-830-5826


Gymnastics instruction

ALLtErnAtivE Gym 1899 Lake Rd Hiram.........................678-945-4662 (Please See Our Ad on Page 29) DoUGLAsviLLE GymnAstiCs & CHEErLEADinG CLUB 8877 Bright Star Rd Dgl...................770-489-2582 (Please See Our Ad on Page 34) West GA Gymnastic Center 941 Prospector Dr.........................…770-456-7702

Hair removal

ALLtErnAtivE Gym 1899 Lake Rd Hiram.........................678-945-4662 (Please See Our Ad on Page 29) Curves for Women 921 South Carroll Rd...........................770-459-0122 nEw LiFE FitnEss For womEn 125 Commons Way...........................678-840-4979 (Please See Our Ad on Page 6) Sta’ Fit & Tan 104 W Perennial Dr Tmpl..................770-562-5552 Toe 2 Toe Fitness 753 Industrial Blvd.............................770-456-0754 X-Press Fitness - 48 Community Sq........678-840-8566

Health Departments

Carroll County Health Department 1004 Newnan Rd. Crltn...................770-836-6667

Health Products & svcs

All About Health Herb And Wellness 664 West Bankhead Hwy..................678-840-5127 BoDy oF HoPE - BoDy mAGiC...........770-456-8880 (Please See Our Ad on Page 12) FitnEss DEPot 9365 The Landing Dr Dgl..................770-577-5885 (Please See Our Ad on Page 31) GnC - LivE wELL 622 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-459-3171 (Please See Our Ad on the Inside Front Cover) isn’t sHE LovELy BAtH & BoDy 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-840-4150 PrECision FitnEss systEms...........678-600-2004 Tri-Health Products 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-7051

Hearing Aids

Beltone - 7421 Douglas Blvd Dgl.............770-577-2360

Home Health Care

AssUrED & AssoCiAtEs. 8336 Office Park Dr Dgl....................678-391-0140 Victory Staffing & Home Care 413 Main St.......................................404-642-7422 Village Samaritan Senior Home Care 907 South St Crltn.............................770-830-5683

Home improvement stores - see Building materials

Home improvements

ArBor DECKs.......................................770-920-8777 (Please See Our Ad on Page 12) BBB CABinEts inC...............................770-832-1157 BEn HiLL rooFinG 6811 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-949-3514 Carpet Depot 9459 Hwy 5.......................................770-942-7600 Cole Brad Construction Co.......................770-834-4681 Fantasy Construction...............................404-702-1673 FLoors By Anton...............................404-838-5073 (Please See Our Ad at Flooring)

Glass replacement/repair

Go Karts & Golf Carts

JonEs-wynn FUnErAL HomE 306 Westview Dr...............................770-459-3694 (Please See Our Ad on Page 10)

HEnDErson EntErPrisEs................770-947-9085 (Please See Our Ad on Page 30) Luke’s Gutter & Sheet Metal Service.......770-634-1786 Roof Drainage Equipment Systems 444 E Edge Rd..................................770-459-0410

Health Clubs - Ctd

Financial Consultants - Home Improvements

wEst GEorGiA CEntEr For PLAstiC sUrGEry 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............770-834-6302 (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)

Handyman services

Handyman Xpress....................................678-840-8470

Sunrise Handy Services Prompt, Courteous, Professional

Repair, Replacement, New Installations Plumbing and Electrical Call Donald Keen @

770-490-9895 yEAr onE imProvEmEnts................678-758-1480


Ace Hardware - Builder’s Station Inc 615 Industrial Blvd.............................770-459-2331


Haul For Less............................................404-447-7373

Health Clubs

AmEriCAn BoDyworKs 2416 Conners Rd..............................770-456-4364 (Please See Our Ad on Page 1) Anytime Fitness 901 S Carroll Rd...............................678-840-4588

Villa Rica News & Views

GA #1 EXtEriors - 7835 Bankhead Hwy.678-941-3400 HEnDErson EntErPrisEs................770-947-9085 (Please See Our Ad on Page 30) JP Home Repairs.....................................770-595-2807 L&w insULAtion...................................770-942-0330 Master Asphalt, Inc - 403 E Wilson St......770-459-2759 mCPHErsons ConstrUCtion.........404-702-6287 mEtro GArAGE Door 7458 Hwy 78 Winston.......................770-489-9726 (Please See Our Ad on Page 4) nEw AGAin rEsUrFACinG.................770-456-2805 (Please See Our Ad on Page 32) r&D ContrACtors.............................678-838-7496 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33) sPECtrUm ProFEssionAL instALLAtions Please Call........................................770-832-0380 wEst GEorGiA FEnCE Co.................770-832-3363 (Please See Our Ad on Page 11) wEst GEorGiA KitCHEn & BAtH 409-B Bankhead Hwy Crlltn..............770-830-0511 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)

Home Inspection See Real Estate Section

Home Stagers

Stage-It & Redesign Professionals...........404-295-0440 The Splendid House Interiors...................404-545-8052 Welcome Home Stagers...........................678-232-8294

Home Theater Systems

Best Buy - 6875 Douglas Blvd Dgl...........770-577-0930 SOUND PROOF 7447 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-920-0077 (Please See Our Ad on Page 41)

Horse Riding Instruction

My Little Pony Party Farm 8743 Ephesus Church Rd.................770-883-3728 PRaNcINg PONy EqUESTRIaN cENTER Please Call........................................770-214-8607 Sandhill Trails - 276 Williams Rd.............770-830-0934 Sunset Ranch...........................................770-949-3915 Valley View Farms 129 New Brooklyn Church Rd..........770-562-0805 Willowbrook Equestrian Center 395 Powell Chapel Rd VR….............770-459-1417

Hoses & Tubes

WIZaRD aUTOMOTIVE 8841 Gurley Rd.................................770-489-5567

Hospice care & Services

Embracing Hospice Care..........................678-409-4404 Home Health Partners..............................678-478-3730

Hospital Equip. & Supplies

Apothecary Shoppe Pharmacy The 705 Dallas Hwy.................................770-459-9499 Matrix Mobility & Healthcare Products LLC 505 Berry Dr......................................770-456-8018 Plaza Discount Pharmacy & Home Care 451 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5741 UNIFORM BOUTIqUE 1825 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-459-8966


Inner Harbour Hospital 4685 Dorsett Shoals Rd Dgl.............770-942-2391 TaNNER MEDIcal cENTER - VIlla RIca 601 Dallas Rd....................................770-456-3000 TaNNER MEDIcal cENTER 705 Dixie St Crltn..............................770-836-9666 WEllSTaR DOUglaS HOSPITal 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-949-1500 (Please See Our Ad on Page 43)

Hot Tubs & Spas

FREEDOM POOlS, SPaS & SERVIcES.678-409-8984 (Please See Our Ad at Hot Tub Repair) Pool Genie - 2127 Fairburn Rd Dgl..........770-942-6080 1003 E Hwy 78 Temple.....................770-562-1558

Hot Tubs & Spas - Repair


Act Insurance - 229 W Bankhead Hwy.....770-459-0595 Alfa Insurance - 364 W Bankhead Hwy....770-459-9880 Allstate - Phil Blair Agency 216 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-1977 Associated Insurance Markets Inc 809 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4115 Coast to Coast Insurance Services 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-332-7218 Cotton States - The Saxon Agency 125 Commons Way...........................770-456-8282 Dean Insurance Agency 430 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-6778 Liberty National Insurance 809 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-456-8024 My Financial Services LLC 133 W Wilson St................................770-456-2725 Richardson Insurance Agency 111 S Candler St...............................770-459-5125 Roberts Insurance Agency 207 Main St.......................................770-459-2290 Roberts Tax & Insurance Services 923 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-2226 STaTE FaRM INSURaNcE - aMy BROWN 228 S Carroll Rd................................678-840-5000 (Please See Our Ad on Page 28) State Farm Insurance - Henry Cowart 151 N. Bayview Dr............................770-459-2010

STaTE FaRM INS.- BIlly UPTON 3417 Fairburn Rd..............................770-949-5863 (Please See Our Ad on Page 30)

Interior Decorators

Decorating Den.........................................770-459-9096 Design Concepts 1118 Lookout Ct................................770-830-8002 Design House 24 Overbrook Ct................................770-301-5755 Finishing Touches.....................................678-429-3095 Trader Jack Designs 302 Main St.......................................770-456-8226

Janitor Service

Chore-Corp Cleaning...............................770-459-0752 DUST BUNNIES clEaNINg SERVIcE.770-616-5203 (Please See Our Ad at Maid Service) Kay’s Cleaning Service.............................404-786-3057 Master Cleaning.......................................678-984-9555 Squeekie’s 24 Hour Cleaning Service......404-840-3542

Janitorial Supply

KEy MaINTENaNcE SUPPly 7485 Factory Shoals Rd Dgl.............770-739-9661 (Please See Our Ad on Page 30)

Jewelers - Retail Freedom Pools, Spas & Services.678-409-8984

aTlaNTa WEST JEWElERS 6740 Douglas Blvd............................770-489-8600 (Please See Our Ad on Page 10) BEaD HaPPy! 207C Adamson Sq Crrllton...............770-832-6655 (Please See Our Ad on Page 26)

Hotels & Motels

House Sitting

PaWSITIVEly PURRFEcT.....................404-309-6233

Hydraulic Equip. & Supplies

WIZaRD aUTOMOTIVE 8841 Gurley Rd Dgl...........................770-489-5567 (Please See Our Ad at Auto Repair)

Ink cartridges

Cartridge World-2983 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl...770-949-4465


l&W INSUlaTION...................................770-942-0330

Four Paws Resort 3525 E Montgomery St........................770-459-7700 Unit2 Fitness - 753 Industrial Blvd...........770-456-0754 Waterdog Kennels....................................770-562-2741

Knitting Supplies

lawn care - ctd

Outdoor Pro..............................................770-605-0848 Rapid Lawn Service..................................770-990-2752 Spray Green Landscape Services...........770-830-9073 Tony’s Lawn Service.................................770-836-3131 WyNN’S INTENSIVE laWN caRE.......770-949-1455

lawn Mowers- Sales/Svc.

Quality Grinding Service 131 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-7586 EWE KNIT - 909-C S Park St Crltn.770-830-6480


West Georgia Regional Library 70 Horace Luther Dr..........................770-459-7012 West Georgia Regional Library 710 Rome St Crltn.............................770-836-6711



KNOW FOR SURE laB..........................770-489-3370


alTERNaTIVE ENVIRONMENTS..........678-840-4449 (Please See Our Ad on Page 31) aRTISTIc DESIgN gROUP....................770-693-2636 cOOl cUTS laWN caRE.....................770-833-1788

aRTISTIc DESIgN gROUP....................770-693-2636 MOOD SWINgS By JB...........................770-942-6054 (Please See Our Ad at Landscaping)

lighting Stores

3-D Lighting-865 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..770-459-2626

limousine Services

Goodness Limousine................................770-366-2346

loans-See also Mortgages

cREaTIVE OUTDOOR DESIgN aND laWN MaINTENaNcE INc....................770-920-1364

HUgHES-Ray cOMPaNy 6554 E Church St Dgl.......................770-942-0196 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33) Meadow Creek Landscape Services Inc 821 Dallas Hwy..................................770-456-8918

1st Franklin Financial 596 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-9797 Cash Credit Corp 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd. Suite O.........678-840-8441 Cash Depot Of Villa Rica 395 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-8838 caSH ExPRESS TITlE PaWN 624 Highway 61................................770-456-1954 Lendmark Financial Services 664 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1442 Security Finance - 218 Montgomery St....770-459-3624 Wilkes Finance Corp - 112 Hwy 61 Conn...770-459-1957 World Finance Corp-222 W Montgomery St.770-459-1545


Tony’s Lock & Key.....................................678-346-5484

Magazines WyNN’S INTENSIVE laWN caRE.......770-949-1455

landscaping Supplies

John Deere Landscapes 108 Three West Pkwy.......................770-456-8716 WEST gEORgIa laNDScaPE SUPPly cO INc 903 Dallas Hwy 92 Dgl......................678-715-7201


24/7 Coin Laundry 101 Three West Pkwy..........................770-456-7729 Auto-Laundry Center - 426 Rockmart Rd.770-265-7289 Family Clothes Care Center 361 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-1088

lawn care

VIlla RIca NEWS & VIEWS P.O. Box 7162, Douglasville, GA 30154

Maid Service

Best Cleaning Service..............................770-843-5408 C K & J’s Cleaning Service.......................770-480-1803 Charlott’s Cleaning Service......................770-315-3443 DaNNy’S PRESSURE WaSHINg..........770-947-3499 (Please See Our Ad at Pressure Washing)

Dust Bunnies Domestic Divas..................770-616-5203

alTERNaTIVE ENVIRONMENTS..........678-840-4449

alTERNaTIVE ENVIRONMENTS..........678-840-4449 (Please See Our Ad on Page 31) Autrey Lawn Care.....................................770-335-5050

SpaMeister................................................770-941-8211 American Inn & Suites - 615 Edge Rd.....770-459-5793 Best Western Villa Rica Inn 124 Hwy 61 Conn..............................770-459-6669 Comfort Inn & Suites 114 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy............678-941-3401 Days Inn - 195 Commerce Dr...................770-459-8888 Hometown Lodge - 120 Hwy 61 Conn.....770-459-6662 Maple Street Lodge Inc 361 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-456-1500 Super 8 Motel - 128 Hwy 61 Conn...........770-459-8001

Kennels - ctd

Get-R-Done Contractors...........................678-215-5082 Kay’s Cleaning Service.............................404-786-3057 Kingdom Come Cleaning Services 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy….....770-875-4062 Molly Maid.................................................770-942-0300 Saray House Cleaning..............................678-787-7945 Wright’s Cleaning Service.........................678-251-7760

Malls & Shopping

aRBOR PlacE Mall 24 Hour Info Line...............................770-947-4245 THE laNDINg aT aRBOR PlacE 24 Hour Info Line...............................770-947-4245 Gramma’s 24k Treasures.........................770-456-9977 KIM’S claSSy cREaTIONS..................770-527-6365 Mobley Co Jewelers Inc The 901 S Carroll Rd................................770-459-1136 SIMPly aTTITUDE SalON & BOUTIqUE 150 Stone St…............................…..770-456-7606 Stephanie’s Wholesale & Retail Boutique 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........678-365-7609

Junk Removal

all yEaR laWN caRE.........................678-838-7710 Junk Removal - John Blow.......................770-213-0173

Karate - See Martial arts Kennels

Atlanta West Animal Hospital 102 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2253

Manners Instruction

Mary Ann Franklin.....................................770-489-7338 BaREFOOT TURF MaNagEMENT.......770-920-8342 Clean Cut Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance Please Call...........770-920-6864 Or 770-480-4481 cREaTIVE OUTDOOR DESIgN aND laWN MaINTENaNcE INc............770-920-1364 Curt’s Lawn Care......................................770-459-2878 Garrett Lawn Garden Service..................678-598-3012 Grandad’s Lawn & Handyman Service…...770-456-7506 Grassmasters Lawn Care & Landscaping.770-459-5296 Jose’s Professional Lawn Care Service...770-459-8084 Lawn Care & Pressure Washing Inc........678-840-8062 Massey Outdoor Maintenance.................770-456-9254 Mean Green Turf Care..............................678-840-5693

Villa Rica News & Views

Marble & granite

Quality Cabinet Distributors 4552 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-8598

Martial arts Instruction

Defkon One Fighting & Fitness 48 Community Square Blvd..............678-840-5995 INTO aRTS - 113 Commons Way VR.....770-459-9555 Hwy 92 @ Nebo Rd..........................770-943-0005 (Please See Our Ad on Page 35) Mile High Karate 8889 Hwy 5 Dgl................................770-942-0227 Y S Rho Martial Arts 1839 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy….....770-456-6433

Home Inspection - Martial Arts



Atlanta Chimney Company.......................404-638-0850

Massage Therapy

Body Smith The - 136 Louise Lane..........678-523-7561 Entrigue Hair Salon 48 Community Sq..............................770-456-6223 Hyman Peggy CMT - 216 North Ave........770-403-5545 Massage By Stephany..............................404-449-4100 Massage Solutions - 2080 Fairburn Rd Dgl..770-605-4266

Maternity Shops

Motherhood Maternity - Arbor Place.........770-577-5676


Mattress Junction - 941 S Carroll Rd......770-459-8022 SiT ‘n Sleep-111 Lake Carroll Blvd Crltn.770-834-1122

RwB TAX SeRViCeS llC 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-9980

ASSuRed & ASSoCiATeS. 8336 Office Park Dr Dgl....................678-391-0140 pine knoll nuRSing & ReHABiliTATion 156 Pine Knoll Dr - Carrollton..........770-832-8243 (Please See Our Ad on Page 18)

nurseries - plants

Triple Creek Flower Farm 8625 Banks Mill Rd...........................770-489-8022

occupational Therapy

Southern Therapy Services 690 Dallas Hwy..................................770-459-4555 812 South Park St Crrllton................770-834-7436

Medical Supplies

Office Depot - 9559 Hwy 5 Dgl.................770-942-6969 Office Max - 2900 Chapel Hill Rd Dgl.....770-920-7900

A&S Medical Supplies 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.....….770-477-4953

Men’s Clothing

Camp Cap Company - 209 Main St.........770-459-3647 Men’s Wearhouse 9330 The Landing Dr Dgl........................678-838-2917 Round 2 ConSignMenT 490-A Bankhead Hwy Crltn..........….770-214-5599 (Please See Our Ad on Page 24) Squire Shop - 109 Newnan St Crltn.........770-832-9673

Mold Analysis

Georgia Mold Analysis, Inc. 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-9110

Mold Remediation

Lafitte Mop Co..........................................770-459-5966

Mortgages-See Real estate Section


Enck Cycles - 901 W Bankhead Hwy.......770-459-2453

Motorcycles - Service & Repair

AuToSpoRTS unliMiTed 8810 Bright Star Rd Dgl....................770-942-2727

Movers-See Real estate Section


Pine Mountain Gold Museum 1881 Stockmar Rd............................770-459-8455 Villa Rica Museum - 1881 Stockmar Rd..770-459-0591

Music instruction

Forte Voice & Piano Studio..........................678-230-7005

Music producers

CB Music Management............................770-875-3204

Music Stores- Cds

Big Bargain Music - 3141 Hwy 5..............678-838-2888 FYE - Arbor Place Mall.............................678-838-0022

Musical instruments

Big Bargain Music - 3141 Hwy 5..............678-838-2888 Music Depot Inc - 6722 E Broad St..........770-489-0631

nail Salons

Art Nails - 596 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy..770-456-8632 Entrigue Hair Salon 48 Community Sq..............................770-456-6223 Fancy Nails - 80 Hwy 61 Conn.................770-459-8644 nAdiA’S HAiR & nAil SAlon 885 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-456-4222 pRinCeSS pARTY’S 5929 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................678-838-9000 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 10 & 41) Regal Nails 600 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...............770-456-0250 Tango Nails - 664 Bankhead Hwy............770-459-1003 Villa Nails - 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd...........770-459-0222 Wendy’s Nail - 118 Hwy 61 Conn.............770-456-0960


Villa Rican The - 210 W Montgomery St..770-459-0510


ewe kniT - 909-C S Park St Crltn..........770-830-6480 (Please See Our Ad at Knitting Supplies)

R&d ConTRACToRS.............................678-838-7496 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)

plumbing Contractors

A Chapel Hill Plumbing Service................404-784-4708

ACME PLUMBING SERVICES.........770-947-8853

optometrists o.d.

BlATT eYe CenTeR - H Lee Blatt MD 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................770-949-3885 (Please See Our Ad on Page 47) douglASVille eYe CliniC opTiCAl 8954 Hospital Dr Dgl.........................678-838-8177 (Please See Our Ad on Page 46) Ford Family Eye Care - 600 Hwy 61 N....770-459-8733 Villa Rica Eye Care - 104 S Carroll Rd.....678-941-3357

paint - Retail


Ael peST SoluTionS..........................678-840-4449 (Please See Our Ad on Page 31) Arrow Exterminators 1301 Highway 78 West.....................770-456-7072

ACRA - 359 W Bankhead Hwy.................770-459-0395 Advantage Office Solutions 65 Leggett Dr.....................................770-456-7706

Yates Monuments.....................................404-290-0064 MR MoonwAlk.....................................404-844-1615

loVinS HoMe plACe 110 W Montgomery St.........................770-459-0121 (Please See Our Ad on Page 32) VILLAgE FRAME ANd TROPhY ShOP 120 W Montgomery St......................770-456-4224


Office Furniture & Equipment


Moonwalk Rental

AEL Pest Solutions - 628 Old Town Rd....678-840-4449

physicians - See page 42 Pictures/Picture Frames

Office Equip & Supplies

Southeastern Allergy Relief......................678-378-4413

Monuments & Markers

pest Control

nursing Homes & Agencies

Meat - Retail

Honey Baked Ham Co & Café 7421 Douglas Blvd Dgl.....................770-489-1500



ReJoyce N Order......................................770-941-0201 Sherwin Williams 610 W Bankhead Hwy…...................770-456-1811

painting Contractors

CR Painting - 1116 Craig Way Dgl...........770-942-2332 MCpHeRSonS ConSTRuCTion.........404-702-6287 R&d ConTRACToRS.............................678-838-7496 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)


Cleghorn Street Park 233 Cleghorn St................................770-459-7011 Fullerville Park - 121 Ball Park Rd............770-459-7011 Gold Dust Park - 646 Industrial Blvd........770-459-7011 Lamar Moody Recreation Area 2377 Lake Paradise Rd.....................770-459-7011 Powell Park Arts Center - 524 Leslie Dr...770-489-8246

party planning Service

Air Jump USA - 100 Hwy 61 Conn...........770-459-9626 BeAd HAppY! 207C Adamson Sq - Crltn....................770-832-6655 (Please See Our Ad on Page 26) Cool BeAdS - 2911 Chapel Hill Rd. Dgl.678-391-8722 (Please See Our Ad at Jewelers) Jumpin’ Joeys Inflatable Playplace 1004 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-214-8881 pRAnCing ponY equeSTRiAn CenTeR Please Call........................................770-214-8607 pRinCeSS pARTY’S 5929 Stewart Pkwy Dgl.....................678-838-9000 (Please See Our Ads on Pages 10 & 41) YouR Bowling CenTeR 3931 Longview Dr - Dgl....................770-947-2795

paternity Testing

pReMieR pATHologY 6453 Spring St Dgl............................770-920-1442

pawn Shops

CASH eXpReSS TiTle pAwn 624 Highway 61................................770-456-1954 Cash Store Title Pawn The 133 W Bankhead Hwy.......................678-840-4774 Golden City Loan & Pawn 96 Hwy 61 Conn................................770-459-2274 Sammy’s Pawn Shop 118 W Montgomery St......................770-459-5995 Villa Rica Pawn Shop Inc 750 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-4988

personal Trainers

AMeRiCAn BodYwoRkS 2416 Conners Rd..............................770-456-4364 (Please See Our Ad on Page 1) MOTIVATIONAL FITNESS......................678-318-1971 PRECISION FITNESS SYSTEMS...........678-600-2004

Masonry - Pool Tables

Villa Rica News & Views

Culver Exterminating Co...........................770-684-7686 gARlAnd SeRViCeS............................770-949-1342 (Please See Our Ad on Page 8) Mirror Lake Pest Control...........................770-459-7980

pet grooming

Atlanta West Animal Hospital 102 Thomas Dorsey Dr.....................770-459-2253 BARk AVenue peT SAlon 4855 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-214-8404 (Please See Our Ad on Page 17) CeleSTiAl CAnine CARe...................678-840-4300 Chippie On-The-Go 217 Browning Rd...............................678-758-6330 Gentle Paws-23 Sandhill Hulett Rd..........770-214-0994 gRooMeR’S plACe THe 239 Labelle Rd.................................770-459-8352 K-9 Bath Time...........................................678-372-8710

pet Shops/Svcs/Supplies

Gentle Paws - 23 Sandhill Hulett Rd........770-214-0994 PAWSITIVELY PURRFECT.....................404-309-6233

pet Sitting

duST BunnieS CleAning SeRViCe.770-616-5203 (Please See Our Ad at Maid Service) PAWSITIVELY PURRFECT.....................404-309-6233 Petsitting by Linn.......................................678-360-8394 Top Dog Pet Sitter.....................................678-665-2213 West GA In-Home Pet Care.....................770-548-8827

AquaMover Plumbing - 310 Tyson Rd…..770-456-0131 Bickers Plumbing Co................................770-832-0247 Cross & Sons - 3357 Liberty Rd..............770-942-7446 D&J Quality Plumbing Inc.........................770-214-2900

Heath Plumbing Co...................................770-949-9770

Hizway Services.......................................770-745-6322 SUNBELT SEWER & DRAIN

plumbing Supplies

Covenant Supply Inc.


Apothecary Shoppe Pharmacy The 705 Dallas Hwy.................................770-459-9499 CVS Pharmacy-736 W Bankhead Hwy...770-459-8234 Plaza Discount Pharmacy Inc 451 W Bankhead Hwy.......................770-459-5741 Publix Pharmacy-2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.678-840-8788 Rite Aid Pharmacy - 62 Industrial Blvd.....770-459-9660 Walgreens - Bankhead Hwy & Hwy 61....770-459-9344 9591 Conners Rd..............................770-456-9284

photo Restoration

Your Photo Restoration.............................404-307-3177


Dobbs Image............................................404-316-0130 lANgFORd PhOTOgRAPhY LLC 224 W. Montgomery St.....................678-840-4504 (Please See Our Ad on Page 25) noRTHSide pHoTogRApHY...............770-920-0886 Picturelily Photography.............................770-456-0646 Priceless Portraits.....................................770-489-9223 Skyview Helicam.......................................678-517-6018 Watts Photography-102 Hunter Ind..........770-456-0554

physical Therapy

ACCel pHYSiCAl THeRApY AT MiRRoR lAke 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................770-456-7877 (Please See Our Ad on Page 47) AllTeRnATiVe gYM 1899 Lake Rd Hiram.........................678-945-4662 (Please See Our Ad on Page 29) Southern Therapy Services 690 Dallas Hwy.......................................770-459-4555 812 South Park St Crrllton................770-834-7436

to SHOWROOMopen the public

2525 Bright Star Rd. | 678.715.6300 weST geoRgiA kiTCHen & BATH 409-B Bankhead Hwy Crlltn..............770-830-0511 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)

poison Control Center

Poison Control Center...............................404-616-9000

police departments

Carroll County Sheriff’s Office 1000 Newnan Rd..............................770-830-5888 Carroll County Sheriff’s Office - Sand Hill Precinct 1000 Newnan Rd..............................770-214-3596 Georgia State Patrol 746 W Bankhead Hwy............................770-459-3661 Villa Rica Police Department - Main St....770-459-5149

pool Halls

Stix Bar & GRILL - 660 W Bankhead Hwy.770-456-1616

pool Tables - Repair

Post Offices

Roof Cleaning

Pressure Washing

Roofing Contractors

Villa Rica Post Office-43 Community Sq.770-459-3725 Aqua Tech.................................................678-941-3077

American Roof Care.................................404-538-4708

Storage - Ctd

Schools - Ctd

A Price is Right Roofing Inc......................770-459-9969

ALL PRO ROOFINg SPEcIALISTS......770-942-5979 (Please See Our Display Ad on This Page)


Sweet Memories Scrapbooks 909 S Park St Crltn…........................770-832-7033

Estes Pressure Washing..........................770-330-9531 Guinns Pressure Washing........................678-592-1174 HENDERSON ENTERPRISES................770-947-9085 (Please See Our Ad on Page 30) JK Construction Co...................................770-577-8845 Lawn Care & Pressure Washing Inc........678-840-8062 R&D cONTRAcTORS.............................678-838-7496 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)

bEN HILL ROOFINg 6811 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-949-3514 FRANKLIN buILDERS............................770-459-6972 (Please See Our Ad at Home Improvement) gA #1 EXTERIORS - 7835 Bankhead Hwy.678-941-3400 Hubbards Roofing....................................404-725-8348 Mickey’s Roofing......................................770-949-8460 Top Quality Roofing..................................770-941-7904


Sand-Stone Inc 7262 W Bnkhd Hwy...........................770-920-1003

Satellite TV

Complete Dish..........................................678-840-4959


FREEDOM POOLS, SPAS & SERVIcES Please Call........................................678-409-8984 (Please See Our Ad at Hot Tub Repair) West Metro Pressure Washing.................404-889-2714

Printing ACRA - 359 W Bankhead Hwy.................770-459-0395

Private Investigators

ICU Investigations.....................................678-378-4416


ADOLEScENT cHILD SPEcIALTY SERVIcES 8333 Office Park Dr Dgl....................404-310-1161

Real Estate - See Pg 38 Recreational Vehicle Storage

A ALL AbOuT STORAgE LLc 840 S Carroll Rd................................770-456-9664

Recreational Vehicles

Bleakley John Motor Homes 6200 Fairburn Rd..............................770-949-4500


DIREcT REcYcLINg LLc 7865 Smith Rd..................................404-735-7095 MST SERVIcES - 111 Fleet Dr................770-459-1335

Remodeling - See Home Imp.

Rental Centers

Aaron’s - 903 S Park St Crltn…...............770-834-1020 RSC Equipment Rental 1275 Carrollton Villa Rica Hwy..........770-459-1388 United Rentals - 100 Saber Pkwy.............770-459-1955

Restaurants-See Page 14 Repossession Services

Direct Recovery & Investigation...............770-941-6082

Call 678-840-8604 or e-mail [email protected] to advertise


Bay Springs Middle School 122 Bay Springs Rd..........................770-459-2098 bRIgHT STAR PREScHOOL 3715 Bright Star Rd Dgl....................770-949-2555 Carroll County School System 164 Independence Dr Crltn...............770-832-3568 cENTRAL MIcHIgAN uNIVERSITY 2544 Pope Rd Dgl............................877-268-4636 DOugLASVILLE ScHOOL OF ART 6774 W Broad St Dgl........................770-577-8180 Faithful Guardian LLC 220 W Wilson St................................770-214-2252 Glanton Hindsman Elementary School 118 Glanton St...................................770-459-4491 HEIRWay CHRISTIan aCadEmy 6758 E Spring St...............................770-489-4392 Ithica Elementary School 75 Whitworth Rd...............................678-840-5101 LIbERTY TAX SERVIcE Carrollton VR Hwy & S Carroll Rd....770-456-4055

Majestic Leadership Academy A PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL  K5-5TH GRADE

Where's Today's Children Are...

Majestic Leadership Academy Tomorrow’s Leaders! 7590 Granite Dr Dgl..........................770-947-0410

Call Now - 678.838.8558 6625 Brown Street WWW.MAJESTICLEADERSHIPACADEMY.COM

MIdWay CHRISTIan aCadEmy 1930 Midway Rd...............................770-942-8423 Oak Grove Montessori School 180 Oak Grove Rd Crltn....................770-214-0112 Oak Mountain Academy 222 Cross Plains Rd - Carrollton......770-834-6651 Plantation Christian Academy 189 Sandhill-Hulett Rd......................770-832-3130 Sand Hill Elementary School 45 Sand Hill School Rd.....................770-832-8541 Temple Elementary School 95 Otis St..........................................770-562-3076 Temple High School - 589 Sage St..........770-562-3218 Temple Middle School - 275 Rainey Rd...770-562-6001 Villa Rica Elementary School 314 Peachtree St..............................770-459-5762 Villa Rica High School 600 Rocky Branch Rd.......................770-459-5185 Villa Rica Middle School 614 Tumlin Lake Rd..........................770-459-0407 WInSTOn aCadEmy 7425 Bankhead Hwy.........................770-949-7462 (Please See Our Ad on Page 34)

Screen Printing

FAST T-SHIRTS.......................................404-379-1593 SOuTHEASTERN SALES & SPEcIALTIES INc 2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 (Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties)

Scrubs - See Uniforms Scuba diving

Leisure Aqua Sports 6716 Broad St...................................770-947-9200

Security - See Burglar alarms

Septic Tank Companies

Samples Septic Service...........................770-920-5747

Sewing machines

CORnERSTOnE SEW & VaC 2866 Chapel Hill Rd..........................770-949-5775


Share House Dgl......................................770-949-0626


FOOT SOLuTIONS- 9503 Hwy 5 Dgl.....770-577-3677 Shoe Show 912 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.................770-459-9108 uNIFORM bOuTIquE 1825 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-459-8966

Siding Contractors

FRANKLIN buILDERS............................770-459-6972 (Please See Our Ad at Home Improvement) gA #1 EXTERIORS 7835 Bankhead Hwy.............................678-941-3400

Signs & Banners

ACRA 770-459-0395

Lettering, Banners, Signs

ACRA - 359 W Bankhead Hwy.................770-459-0395 SOuTHEASTERN SALES & SPEcIALTIES INc 2152 Bankhead Hwy Crltn................770-834-8588 (Please See Our Ad at Advertising Specialties)


Raggedy Skate Shack - 303 Main St.......770-459-9901

Skating Rinks

A Safe Storage, Inc. - 434 Edge Rd.........770-456-9199 Acme Self Storage 3015 Carrollton-villa Rica Hwy.........770-832-3521 Capitol Storage-520 E Montgomery St....770-459-4496 Fortress Storage West 31 Waterford Dr.................................770-456-0744 4 Seasons Self Storage 2460 Mirror Lake Blvd.........................770-456-6018 New Georgia Self Storage 9495 Villa Rica Hwy..........................770-456-2376 Security Storage-1219 Rockmart Rd.....770-459-9090 Storage Xxtra 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-7495


ARbOR DEcKS.......................................770-920-8777 (Please See Our Ad on Page 12)

Surveyors - land

HugHES-RAY cOMPANY 6554 E Church St Dgl.......................770-942-0196 (Please See Our Ad on Page 33)

Swimming Pools/Supplies

ARbOR DEcKS.......................................770-920-8777 (Please See Our Ad on Page 12) Creative Pool & Spa 64 Memory Springs Rd.....................770-834-5003 FREEDOM POOLS, SPAS & SERVIcES Please Call...........................................678-409-8984 (Please See Our Ad at Hot Tub Repair) Pool Genie - 2127 Fairburn Rd Dgl..........770-942-6080

T-Shirts - See Screen Printing

Tag Office

Douglas County - 8700 Hospital Dr..........770-949-2309 Carroll County - 423 College St................770-830-5826


gLIMMER SALON - 921 S Carroll Rd.....678-840-4414 (Please See Our Ad on Page 29) PANAMA TAN & SPA 104 Hwy 61 Connector.....................770-459-9100 Private Beach Tanning 628 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-1965 TOE 2 TOE FITNESS 753 Industrial Blvd.............................770-456-0754 Venus Tanning Salon & Boutique 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd......................770-456-7677

Tanning Beds - Retail

Pool Genie - 1003 E Hwy 78 Temple.......770-562-1558


Dare-Devil Tattoo-101 Three West Pkwy.770-880-8060 Villa Rica Ink - 254 South Carroll Rd........678-941-3445

Tax Return Preparation

Bottom Line Tax Services LLC 845 S. Carroll Rd...............................770-459-1051 CRC Tax Service - 207 Main St................770-459-2290 H & R Block - 664 W Bankhead Hwy.......770-456-9656 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd......................770-456-8204

Dazzles Roller Sports 3844 Longview Dr Dgl.......................678-873-2788

Skin Care

Isn’t She Lovely Bath & Body 2000 Mirror Lake Blvd.......................678-840-4150 NuVEA MEDSPA 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............678-840-6398 (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover) WEST GEORGIa CEnTER fOR PlaSTIC SURGERy 150 Henry Burson Dr Crltn...............770-834-6302 (Please See Our Ad on the Back Cover)


bAREFOOT TuRF MANAgEMENT.......770-920-8342 MEAN gREEN TuRF cARE...................678-840-5693

Speech Therapy

Southern Therapy Services 690 Dallas Hwy..................................770-459-4555 812 South Park St Crrllton................770-834-7436

Sporting Goods

Hibbett Sports 608 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy...........770-456-9778


SuNSET RANcH.....................................770-949-3915 Willowbrook Equestrian Center 395 Powell Chapel Rd VR….............770-459-1417


A All About Storage - 840 S Carroll Rd.....770-456-9664

Villa Rica News & Views

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service 106 Hwy 61 Conn.............................770-456-1994 LIbERTY TAX SERVIcE Carrollton VR Hwy & S Carroll Rd....770-456-4055 Reed’s Accounting Service...................... 404-936-7162 Roberts Tax & Insurance Services 923 W Bankhead Hwy......................770-459-2226 RWB TaX SERVICES llC 1836 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy.........770-456-9980 Villa Rica Tax Service 117 Tri-County Plaza.........................770-459-5010 WRay STanlEy 1611 W Bankhead Hwy.....................678-361-7946

Television Repair

Villa Rica TV Service & Furniture Co Inc 301 Main St.......................................770-459-3933

Tennis Supplies/leagues

USTA Jr Tennis League............................678-491-0537


Regal Cinemas- Arbor Place Mall............678-838-3333

Post Offices - Theatres


Stephen H. Kahler, M.D., F.A.C.S

West Georgia’s Only Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Gift Cards are Available

150 Henry Burson Drive, Suite 200 Carrollton

Too Much Fun in the Sun? Pamper Your Skin with Nuvea

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The NuVea Signature Facial is customized with aromatherapy oils to treat your specific skin type. Your skin is cleansed, exfoliated and is followed by a steam towel treatment, customized mask and hydration. A Complimentary Skin Analysis, Facial Massage, and Upper Body, Hand & Arm Massages are included ..........$65

Exclusive Monthly Specials on Dermal Filler Therapy and/or Botox® Cosmetic

Laser Hair Packages 30% Off Receive 1st Treatment FREE call for details

To promote healthy skin habits NuVea MedSpa offers a Free Skin Analysis – Call and Schedule with Candi Childers, Aesthetician


150 Henry Burson Dr., Suite 200 Carrollton

w w w. g e o r g i a c o s m e t i c . c o m Villa Rica News & Views P.O. Box 7162 Douglasville, GA 30154

PRSRT STD US Postage PAID Villa Rica GA Permit # 72

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