Prana Aug09

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  • Words: 1,436
  • Pages: 11
PRANA Issue: 7

August 2009 Monthly Magazine of

West African Pranic Healing Foundation Pipeline Avenue, The Gambia Mobile: (220) 7564196, 9338790 Website: Email: [email protected] PRANA- August 2009

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The Existence of God is Self- Evident Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

To produce chemicals you need chemicals factories, chemists and chemical engineers. Many of the biochemical’s in the flowers, in the fruits, in the plants, in the trees cannot be reproduced by the biochemists and the chemical engineers, Yet a plant or a tree, which is not managed and controlled by biochemists and chemical engineers and which his smaller than a chemical factory, procures them. Truly God is Omni-intelligent. Nature is Gods factory. To see nature is to see the creation of God. The existence of God is self-Evident.

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Founders Day Celebration On August 15, Pranic Healers around the world celebrate Grand Master Choa Kok Sui Day also known as Founder's Day. Pranic Healers gather in groups to honour the Life and Work of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. In Gambia we are celebrating it on 15 August at 6:00 pm at Foundation premises. Join us for this celebration. As WAPHF-G service activity we would be donating rice to needy in rural areas on August 15, you can generously contribute towards this noble cause.

Pray for Blessings of Divine Healing We are happy to present this special recording of 'Blessings for Divine Healing' given by Master Choa Kok Sui. We recommend the following guidelines to allow your body to more effectively receive and assimilate the Divine Blessings and healing energies: 1. To clean and prepare your energy body it is advisable to take a bath with water and salt (2-3 kilograms of salt in a tub of water, soak for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse your body thoroughly. Or, after washing your body with soap and water, you may rub your body PRANA- August 2009

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gently with fine salt while still wet, wait for a few minutes and then completely rinse off all the salt). 2. Invoke for Divine Blessings, with specific requests for healing the areas of your life that need help and healing. To achieve a more powerful healing effect, you may do the Planetary Meditation for Peace to further prepare yourself to absorb larger quantities of the Divine Healing Energy. 3. Sit in a receptive posture, with your arms uncrossed, with your hands resting comfortably in your lap, and your palms facing up. Silently affirm, "I am super receptive, super conductive to all the Divine Blessings, Divine Mercy and Divine Healing Energy. With thanks and in full faith." 4. Listen to the 'Blessings for Divine Healing'. 5. Say a Thanksgiving prayer and silently affirm, "Thank You for the Blessings and Thank You for the Divine Healing. I completely, deeply and permanently accept all the Blessings and the Divine Healing Energy. Thank you." 6. Be still, be aware and continue to be receptive for a few minutes in order to allow the Blessings to be fully absorbed and assimilated into your system. 7. If possible, avoid showering for approximately 12 hours after receiving the Divine Blessings. 'Blessings for Divine Healing' given by Master Choa Kok Sui, is http://www.iisaccessible from the following link m PRANA- August 2009

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SUPER BRAIN YOGA Srikanth Jois Super Brain Yoga was introduced in SBEC international school, and St. Peters schools in Gambia. At the end of three months of practice, teachers in both schools have noticed considerable improvement in their students. According to Madam Ayesha Njie Nyang, the Director of SBEC International, during the past three months student’s course material and teachers were not changed, the only addition in their curriculum was Super brain Yoga. Super brain yoga has indeed helped SBEC students. Teachers have noticed that the weakest class by prior ratings, which happened to be the class that most strictly adhered to the healing guidelines, has registered the highest rate to improvements in their final examination Teachers from St. Peters school noticed more concentration and alertness in students. In this school teachers were also practicing Super Brain Yoga with school children. One of the teachers reported that her memory recalling capacity is much improved; she does not get mental exhaustion during evenings as earlier. In both schools teachers and students are comfortable with super brain yoga and would like to continue with practice.

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What is new in our Pranic World? Charlotte Anderson

To get Information regarding the Global Work of our Beloved Master Choa Kok Sui, please visit the PPM Audio Stream website at . For no charge you may go to the PPM Audio Stream website in order to join global meditations and listen to interesting talks by Pranic Healers and Arhatic Yogis from around the World. Every Sunday at 2 AM & 2 PM GMT, you can listen to different Pranic Healers discuss the many creative and interesting applications of Pranic Energy. These talks are archived on the PPM Audio Stream website. Please avail yourself of the 24 hour a day, 7 day a week online Meditation on Twin Hearts (also known as The Planetary Meditation for Peace). Also available are MCKS "Last Three Messages" and various Healing Meditations guided by our Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. You may also do weekly Service by using the link that provides MCKS Guided Blessings for the Spreading of His Work. Through the PPM Audio Stream website you may contribute your support - by Blessing the Global Work of our Beloved Grand Master Choa Kok Sui through your "Diligent Practice".

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IT WORK’S !!! Srikanth Jois

There are certain wishes that every person carries; we would like to see our dreams coming into reality, being prosperous, having good health, we are looking into varies opportunities by which we can manifest our goals. One of the traditional approaches that have been used until today is ‘circling around a tree’. Circling around the tree for three to nine times is practiced in many parts of Africa and Asia. In modern world there are more people who see this as an old unproductive practice. For a person with open mind it is topic that can be explored. Every Physical object is surrounded by an invisible energy; this energy is called as Bio-Plasmic energy. The word ‘Bioplasmic’ comes from bio which means life and plasma which is the fourth stare of matter, the first three being solid, liquid and gas. Plasma is ionized gas or gas with positive and negative charged particles. This is not the same as blood plasma. Bioplasmic body means a living energy

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Figure 1






Figure 2

Fig 1 shows the normal energy field around the substance, as recorded by kirlian cameras. Fig 2 shows the energy field of substance after transfer of BioPlasmic energy. Certain trees, such as pine trees or old and gigantic healthy trees exude a lot of excess prana. Tired or sick people benefit much by lying down or resting underneath these trees. Better results can be obtained by verbally requesting the being of the tree to help the sick person get well. Any one can learn to consciously absorb prana from these trees through the palms. When circling around a tree, there is a transfer of Pranic energy from tree to the practitioner, making his energy body brighter and stronger, helping the individual to realize his wishes.

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August 2009 WAPHF-G Calendar





Open for

1st & 2nd

Saturday and Sunday

Basic Course

9:00 am to 5:30 pm




Full moon

6:00 pm


8th & 9th

Saturday and Sunday

Advanced Pranic Healing Course

9:30 am to 5:30 pm

Basic Pranic Healers



Founders Day

6:00 pm




New Moon Meditation

6: 00 Pm


22nd &23rd

Saturday and Sunday

Psychotherapy 9:30 am to 5:30 pm

Advanced Pranic Healers

Advanced Pranic Healing and Psychotherapy course is being organised in Dakar on 29th and 30th of August 2009. For more information please contact Belen mobile: 221- 776707696, 338606906. Email: [email protected]

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Sages say that senses are great Greater than senses is mind; Greater than mind is reason; But what is greater than reason, is he (The Supreme)

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There must be conviction in your words. A person who stands by his word must first see clearly, think clearly and formulate the plan properly before making a commitment. GMCKS

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