Madea Dar Es Salaam Newsletter 2008 - Kim Kitchen

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OCTOBER 21, 2008

Dear Friends of MAdeA Mass Development Association, Dar es salaam Tanzania A year has passed since my Gift of Time In Tanzania. The valuable work of MAdeA contines, our collaboration & partnership strong. They have achieved a great deal this past year, following through on strategies with action. It is my intention to share with you some of the events that have taken place with the hopes that you feel connected to the work you are supporting. My colleagues of MAdeA hold you in high regard and are grateful for your generous actions. I am honoured that you trust me to manage and deliver the funds you so kindly give. Photo’s enlarged continue to be for sale and can be viewed on the web-site address provided. When you make a purchase you will receive the photo plaqued and a thank you card. If you would like to make only a donation perhaps as a gift on behalf of an individual, you will receive a thank you card that can be made out in that person’s name. Please note, if purchasing a photo for Christmas, it is important to contact me ASAP, the process of the photo being plaqued takes longer during the Christmas buying season. If you have received this newsletter and are contributing to other causes, I commend you for taking action and being ignited. If this is your initial experience learning of MAdeA and our partnership, I welcome you to join us in making a difference. Please view photo’s for purchase at:

WOMEN’S SAFETY • A Community Response Usala ma Wa Mwa na mke Ni Wajibu Wa J a mii

Contributions Received% & Delivered 2007$08 MAdeA = $2,000.00 Support for Sa% = $500.00 Water Hook"up " $1,000.00 Bank Account Balance as of Nov. 1st 2008 = $200.00 The bank charges $40 to wire the money to MAdeA&s account. My practice is to send no less than $1,000.00 at a time. I am working to ensure all contributions make it to the front line without padding the pockets in between. Keeping this process as simple as possible, receiving from you cash or cheque. It is my hope that together we can raise an additional $2,500.00 before December 1st. Making our contributions for one year $6,000.00 Key!s to Life Purpose: " Knowing All Actions Are Signi#cant " YES I CAN

In September designed/produced poster (18 in x 24 in) laminated. Delivered to MAdeA via Natalie who arrives in Dar to begin her 10 months of volunteer work with MAdeA. The poster included a great deal of info not shown here.

! E"mail Kim at o#[email protected]

" Ignition



! Dear Moma Kim, on behalf of MAdeA I would like to express our appreciation to you personally and to the people and your friends who contributed more than 2 million Tshs, to our ongoing work for a program developed in 2007 of women safety a community response by Kim Kitchen. ! Your contribution has introduced this program to different levels of the government and community. To day our organization is among the women service providers recognized by the government of Tanzania through the Ministry of community development, gender and children, and our organization is member of National secretariat of NO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN. A very big achievement through your contributions we were able to contribute to the campaign of say no to violence against women initiated by UN Secretary. The women who appeared before the president speech at the campaign for testimony was under the care of our organization.! !! We are helping women facing violence from their husband or partners or sex harassment by counseling and entrepreneurship skills.! Apart from that we have trained more than 100 children in life skill development through our program of Saturday classes for children. ! Dear friends your gift contributed to our growth and development in serving those in need, we still need your contributions for the on going activities and serving women who are suffering a lot in our country. Special thanks to our beloved Kim Kitchen of Northern Ontario, Canada she is doing a wonderful job of raising funds for our activities. Yours truly, C.R Baltazar, Executive Secretary.

Voucher for campaign Say NO to Violence Against Women, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. O%cially launched by President of the United Republic of Tanzania 2008. This women who lost her eye after being bitten by her husband is under care of MAdeA. During the campaign initiated by the Secretary General Mr. Ban Kin Moon, she appeared before the President and gave testimony of the violence she has experienced. Also pictured: UNIFEM Goodwill Embassador Nicole Kidman


News of Collaboration & GOALS Achieved December 2007 Dear Mama Asimwe. I am very happy to inform you that MAdeA has been called upon by the Ministry of community development, gender and children as one of NGO fighting all forms of violence’s in Tanzania and we have been invited to the National meeting for preparing a national report on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and children to the United Nations (CEDAW) [This is the fruits from your efforts after meeting with ministry twice] Also we have developed a Girls Speak Out program in Tanzania called BREAK ROTTEN EGGS to help abolish all cultural myths which are oppressive to Girls. Yours Truly, C.R. Baltazar

Moma Asimwe Kim with the Women of Saffina. After a morning of being shown the process of Batik (traditional dying of fabric) the Women served me lunch. In this photo I am gifting funds for their centre in which they provide a home and training for young girls who are homeless & without family.

Feb 23/08 Asimwe, We are very happy Marina & I, to have a baby boy, second born in our family, we prayed to begin with Girl the second a baby boy, God wishes so our dreams comes true. His name is Gonzaga. The name of my origination from Uganda means Love and Kemilembe (daughter) means peace. So in my family is LOVE and PEACE. Yours, Rutta

April 3/08 Mama Jackie’s doughter Safi left home since four days ago on her way to school, we don’t no where she is. We are looking for her but untill now we didnt found her. Yesterday we published in the news papers radios and Tv but still no answer. Mama Jackie she is crying too much. Yours Rutta Andrea Johnston, Founder of Girls Speak Out International lends her support and contacts numerous International organizations to support MAdeA in the search of Saffi and to bring attention to the trafficking of women & girls. April 10/08 After a week Saffi (6 yrs old) has been found. She was abducted by people who were going to sell her but because of all the attention, news, posters, radio reports, they were intimidated and let her go. We are using the funds you sent to get her medical attention. Moma Jaki is so relieved to have her Saffi home. In this case children are never found as families cannot afford to take such action. All that we were able to do together saved her life. Yours Rutta May 1/08 We are enjoying now clean water to our home, is about 400m each house which the women around us can have because I putted a tape outside our house that will enable our neighbours to access clean water from the tape. That money you sent to us supported us to clear a problem of water in the Valley. I hope you remember the situation of water in our valley Kim, I know you can't afford to solve all problem within ours but I hope you know what you have done is very big to me and my Family." Marina proposed the TANK for storing Clean water and all your sisters here want me to say ASIMWE KIM "Thanks" Tell your family and friends that the money they give to us gives great change in our family. May 31/08 Moma KIM, I am very happy today to write to you. Thank very much for coming to Tanzania supporting our vision. This vision came to be true when the President opened the campaign SAY NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN to support the UN secretary Buk Ki-moon on 26TH June 2008. I remembered your words you have said ' MAdeA will be known as a strong organization". Yours, Rutta

July to October - Kim is contacted by Natalie Dolci, MSW, GSW who lives and works in New Orleans. Along with her partner they are heading to Dar es salaam for a 10 month period. Natalie learned of MAdeA through the articles published and made contact wanting to volunteer while there. Kim and Natalie shared many phone visits preparing for her time and arrived in Dar October 31st 2008. Natalie has a great deal of experience working with survivors of violence and will be a wonderful addition to the MAdeA team. Aug 29/08 - MAdeA Applies to Harvard University Program G-Lab and is accepted. This means, a team of 4 Master Students will work with MAdeA over the coarse of 4 months, spending one month on the ground in Dar es salaam. Dear Mr. Baltazar, Thank you again for your application to G-Lab. "It sounds like MAdeA is doing great work, and we are excited to learn more about your organization. In late October, the students will be selecting projects to work on. "After our conversation with Kim Kitchen we thought that a conference call between the G-lab team, Kim and yourself might help us talk through many of the issues and make suggestions for a revised proposal." I look forward to speaking with you. Warmly, Maria A. May Global Health Delivery Program - Harvard University 651 Huntington Ave Boston, MA 02115 Sept 17/08 Dear Maria May, Project Coordinator, G-Lab - Harvard University, Ultimate goal of the students work: 1. To empower 100 people living with HIV and Orphanage caretakers in health mind setting by Socio-economic activities on designing, initiating and managing micro-projects for income generating through self-employment. 2. To research and study micro-projects (Revolving fund), training materials and modal of training (special attention for people living with HIV and orphans caretakers) before students arrive in Tanzania. NOTE: This group have little knowledge and low education and living under 1USD per day. 3. Establish revolving funds for the purpose of marginalized and disadvantaged groups, women living with HIV. Yours truly, C.R Baltazar" There is of coarse so much more to share with you. It is my hope you have an understanding of the positive results due to the collaboration of many. Upon my return from Tanzania, I had no idea that all this was possible. I thank you, Kim Kitchen, Matron of MAdeA

BUDGET FOR THE FUND DONATED BY MATRON KIM KITCHEN AMOUNT RECEIVED Tshs. 2,203,226.60/=! NO! PARTICULARS! ! ! ! UNITS! ! ! ! AMOUNT" Tshs. 1.# Office rent# # # 12 months(Jan-Dec.2008)# # 960,000/= 2.# Office stationary# # For 6month @ 30,000/ =## # 180,000/= 3.# Electricity/water## # For 6 month @ 20,000/=## # 120,000/= 4.# Communication (internet/Tel.)# For 6 month @ 20,000/=## # 120,000/= 5# Lobbying/Transport Cost.# For 6 month @ 25,000/=## # 150,000/= 6.# Secretary allowance.# # For 6 month @ 30,000/=## # 180,000/= 7. Tea/utilities# # # For 6 month @ 15,000/=## # 90,000/= " PROJECTS 1. Children groups life skills training on Saturday. Juice for children and fare for trainers. 6 months 2. Women’s safety – A Community response Meeting with govern officers and front line organizations. 6 months 3. BANK BALANCE# # # 53,226.60 " TOTAL! ! ! ! ! ! 2,203,226.60/=

200,000/=" 150,000/=

Several articles have been written & published both nationally & internationally: 2008 The Trafficking of Children, Herizons Magazine, Canada • Fall 2008 Vol.22 No.2 2008 The Trafficking of Children, Women’s E-News, International Publication • 2007 When Little Matters, • 2007 When Little Matters, Girls Speak Out Foundation, International •

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