Macas World

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Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Summary

Bichela while exploring Maca, a planet in the Klingon solar system, whos people are long believed to be dead, find that many of the planets remaining inhabitants were in fact in stasis. Bichela now is in the midst of a social and Christian revival that shows her what it means to be truely an example of Christianity. Forward Its funny to be writing this book again on a Commodore 64 computer with the Easy Script 64 word processor program instead of Nroff and VI on my Linux based 486. There is a story behind this and I will give it here. I was living in Willimantic Connecticut for about 10 years. I had placed my Commodore 64 in storage at my parents house. Being the pack-rat that I am. Due to a busted water line in the apartment and the fact that the building was condemmed and in forclosure, I had to move out of my apartment. Sadly my big 486 monster was too bulky to move, I had to leave it behind along with all of my books, tapes and software for the machine. I knew my Commodore 64 was still at my parents home, Along with my Okimate-20 thermal transfer printer, disk drive and some software. Sadly I did not have a word processor program as I had stupidly given away all of my c64 stuff except for a few things. I did not have the money to buy a new machine and since I had a computer that still worked (Commodores dont die easily). I purchased a new copy of a Easy Script 64 to allow me to do my prose. Getting reaquainted with the 64s keyboard is taking me some time as the machines keyboard does not even have the characters in the same places as my 486 had. -1-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene One thing about using a 8 bit computer with 64k of ram in writing a book requires one to save parts of the book at pieces and using the programs linking option to print the parts all out in order. Easy Script 64 only can hold about 30k at one time. This means lots of disk/tape files.

This book is the first use of Easy Script 64 to write books since I was in high school. Introduction Before anyone throws this book down in disgust I ask you to think of what the story is about, Remember, The Lord created this universe and our own world Terra. Would it seem impossible that he created another world at a later or earlier time that follows the same teachings? How would you deal with this world that had been decimated in a intergalactic war? How do you deal with outsiders that share the same faith? I am not a theologian, I am only a devote Roman Catholic who also loves Science Fiction. Trying to carefully marry the two, Science Fiction and Roman Catholism together is a delicate matter as I dont want to step on the Magisterium or worse have it step on me! I have spent months researching this material based on my own expirences along the poor and needy, in fact, I was one of the homeless myself. Every chapter involves prayer with Jesus and Mary the night before to provide answers and avoid errors that violate Cannon Law or the Magisterium. I ask for this reason that you read this with an understanding that this is a difficult book to write. -2-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene This book is also difficult as my writing talents have gotten very rusty, Sentences are not perfect, there are spelling errors. Some issues with Grammer. I have not written anything like this as I said since High School. that was almost 15 years ago!

God Bless Michele Marie Dalene


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 1

I woke up this morning to the constant yowls and screams of my parents in the midst of another of their arguments. While that is not uncommon for two Klingons to get into a strong verbal and sometimes physical altercations, I always felt bad for my father. Anthony Dangelo. Why would a Terran Italian want to marry a combative female such as my mother Kmalath I never could understand. Todays argument like many involved their domestic matters such as finances. While I did not hear my mother slapping my father around as she is wont to do, I knew that by the nature of the arguments that it was a distinct possibility. "Listen Anthony, I got a house to run. It is a Klingon home with all of the traditional Klingon ideals.", my mother snarled at my father, "I dont appreciate you throwing in your Italian concepts of love and honesty!" "Yet you want to run this households finacial gain to nought!", my dad snarled, "Even Bichela does not honor her Klingon heritage of duplicity and screwy handling of our friends, for what? A few thousand credits more for your wallet? Mallie I will not tolerate this. Its wrong to take from your so-called friends so you can boost your ego. Its against God to do this" "Anthony, I will not hear anything more of your God or his Son or his Sons mother. Klingons dont believe in any god, especially a weakling like yours!", my mother shouted as she threw the financial padd down on the table with such force that the padd shorted out. "Thats the fourth padd that I broke in these arguments in the last week. Now I need to get the money for another one." "You dont need a padd to do our books with the way you think. -5-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Just use a pen and write them on paper. its cheaper that way, especially when you throw a temper tantrum."

Kmalath slowly took a breath and tried to relax as she pondered what her husband was trying to tell her. His god gave her the creeps. She began to wonder why she married a Terran in the first place. When she looks into his face, a face that was a beautiful elderly Tuscan Italian Terran face with greying brown hair, brown eyes and a nice smile, she remembered why she stuck with him. His honesty and her sometimes irrational klingon ideals of honor clashed, yet despite the clashes they also made the most dynamic team on Qnos. "Look Tony, I am sorry that we had to have another blow up, its just... Its just that I am not ready to believe that there is someone out there watching over us. Klingons dont believe in such a thing. Yet, I personally hope that if there is... That the God or gods would help us to keep from killing each other. Klingons are not very easy to live with, as you know." "Mallie, if all I wanted was a soul mate that would kneel before me and futfill my dreams of passion only, I would have married another Italian Terran. I love you because you are the opposite. Aggressive almost to the point of nastiness at times.", my dad held my mothers hand as he said that with a gentle soothing voice that usually calmed even my cantankerous mother. I watched the both of them as they sat down on the couch in the living room. A room that was a compromise in both Klingon and Terran styles. The couch was made of light tan leather, with hard foam (I swear it was really concrete!) cushions. The room itself was dark brown with some potted plants facing the only window in the room. The entertainment console was a ugly mess of wires and open circuits stuck together with tape mounted to a piece of heavy plastic. My mom built it from a kit and did not bother put a -6-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene nice case on the thing, Klingons dont consider asthetics. Like her it was risky to use as one could get electrocuted if one does not watch where their hands and fingers are! I never liked to use it for that reason. My entertainment system was a Terran made unit, modified for Qnos 480vac 360hz power. Klingons I swear are masocists when it comes to handling such high and dangerous voltages, their favorite Terran phrase "No pain, No gain." is also the motto of the Klingon electrical engineering school! Both my mother, now more at ease, and my fathr sat down with a cup of araqicino. a klingon coffee that makes Terran Expresso look like dish water. Klingons dont drink it in little cups either. They drink it in huge mugs that usually hold a liter each! "Bichela.", my dad said, "You are one of the most lucky Klingons around, you know why? Because like your papa you have my affinity to be gentle and kind. Plus of course you are one of the few Klingon-Terran offsprings on Qnos that is also Roman Catholic."

My mother snorted, "A faith of weaklings." "Hardly Mallie", my dad smiled at my mother, "some of the best teachers of the Roman church make your Kathless look like a wimp!" Kmalath snarled, "A wimp huh? Now if Kathless was a Catholic he would have bested even the worst of your opposition to death in battle before they even had a chance to regroup." "Too bad he wasnt, the church could have used his help in the early days during the persecution of Christians. Of course he would have had a hard time trying to grasp the ideas of Jesuss messages." I smiled at the thought of a great Klingon warrior trying to face -7-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene down the Roman Centurions who would try to shackle and drag him to a dark clammy prison cell to face trial and execution. The poor guards would be lucky if they did not at least face a broken arm or leg.

Its funny though. My dad was one of the most gentle of humans, yet he married one of the meanest of Klingons. My mother could easily snap his arm without even trying to be rough. Terrans talk about battered wives, on Qnos if a human male marries a Klingon female he is the battered, our draconian laws dont really protect either the male or female in domestic abuse. Yet for 35 years the two of them faced each other down and survived to raise two children. Me and my brother Frances. The naming was a compromise, the males would have Terran names, the females Klingon. Frances was the oldest, he was about 33 and I was the youngest at 30. Frances and I did not really look much like our mother at all. Both of us had really little amounts of forehead ridges. While his were more noticiable than mine, his hair was light brown whereas mine was copper-red. My mothers hair was hot iron-red, kind of matches her temper at times. Yet unlike my mother and father both my brother and I get along very well. I think it had something to do with his taking vows to be one of the few Roman Catholic priests on Qnos. I had dreams and aspirations elsewhere. Mainly exploration of the Klingon solar system as a exo-archeologist, and computer programming. All three of us, My father, brother and myself were devote Catholics. My mother still did not want to really consider what it meant to be Christian, partly because Klingons did not want to believe in something stronger than themselves, partly because it scares the shit out of them. Both my brother and I constantly pray that my mother and her -8-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene fellow Klingons would one day take the teachings of Jesus to their hearts. My brother has told me that while a few have, most dont understand why it is best to be humble and gentle and loving. He tells me that is is "not the Klingon way of thinking". Klingon Catholics face a persecution that often results in their death. As a famous Klingon proverb goes "Today is a good day to die". These people including my brother and myself face hardships in areas such as: education, employment, relationships with lovers and friends. Yet their love of Jesus and his mother Mary are so strong that they are willing to die for their faith. Klingons lust for a fight certainly becomes a zealous quest when trying to preach the gospel of Jesus. On Qnos its a given that a evanglist not only has to know how to fight but also know when to protect themselves. Most wear a weapon or two, it is dangerous to talk of Jesus here. The gains are slight. Reguardless, when a Klingon wants to do somthing he feels is worthwhile they will do it despite the risks. While Qnos has three Roman Catholic parishes. Two of them are administered by Terrans. Only one near the High Council is run by Frances, located in an old hardware store. His congregation while mainly still Terran, is slowly seeing an increase in the number of Klingons going through RCIA or Klingon-Terran children being baptised into the faith.

"Bitchela", my mother said greatly relaxed, "When is the archeology team going to Maca? Are you excited at being part of this historic trip to our former rivals home planet?" "Well... I have always had a curiosity of the Macawn style of life. We know that there is some remaining Macawn settments that show much promise of new research into our former rivals. For example, we know from our history that Macawns have a matriarchial, matrilineal system with female millitary conscription. This is quite the contrast from Klingon Patriarchial, Patrilineal and -9-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene male millitary conscription. Macawns were also known at being very skilled at something Klingons dont do well, artistic creativity. As for being excited to finally be leading a team of exo-archeologists to Maca? One word, YES! I can hardly wait to see what we might find that will help the empire to expand its knowledge. I also would like to meet some of the Macawns themselves.", Bichela said excitedly, "This is the first time in 459 years that the Klingon government under Emperor Kathless II that Maca has been open for archelogical study. No one asked the Macawns themselves. The few remaining Macawns did not seem to have a active government. Their government is believed to have collapsed about 459 years ago. Maca had been under Klingon protection for 459 years. The exploritory ban was to protect the few remaining Macawns from exploitation by outside forces. While the few remaining Macawns were left to their own devices, the empire felt it was best to leave them alone. As Terrans like to say "let sleeping dogs lie.", Only now under Emperor Kathless II and the new Macawn government, was this ban lifted as it appears that the Macawn people are ready to begin negotiations with their Klingon neighbors."

"It also appeared that the Macawn people had finally reestablished a constitutional monarchy of their own. a type of parlimentry governing body with a female monarch named Christiana. Their planet has several land masses named: Calla, Tostia, Lesbos, Ricia and Moron with many small islands which the names are not known to the Klingon survey teams. "I read that their names almost sound Terran my father remarked. Is there any reason for the softer pronounciation? When do you leave for the journey?", My dad asked as his mind wandered on just what these people were like. -10-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "The Macawns language structure is similar to a softer dialect of Klingon. It appears they like to have their language to be more gentle. As for when do I leave? I catch the transport from Tarath tomorrow at 0935. The journey will take 4 days at a leisurly half sublight. My team will be doing continous mapping and surveying enroute to Maca."

"What type of technoligy do they have? Weapons, space travel?", my mother asked, as a daughter of a Klingon commander the question of weapontry fasinated her. "As far as is known about their technoligical development, they have computers, yet no weapons of either defensive or offensive capability. Nor do they appear to have any space capability remaining.", Bichela said as if she were giving a archelogical lecture, "We have picked up some terrestial radio signals from the planet itself. Apparently they are still using electro-magnetic broadcasting using the Amplitude Modulated or AM band at 550 to 29,999 kilo-cycle frequency range. "AM radio? My dad had one of those things in Italy, We used to use it for listening to Shortwave broadcasts!", my dad exclaimed as he got up from the rock hard leather couch. "I still have it somewhere. Could I pick up any of their signals from here?" My dad was always a curious man, being he was also as they used to call on Terra a licensed amature radio operator, he was well aquainted to picking up signals from far away. His main line of work was in the field of carpentry and general maintainence. "Being Qnos does not use those frequencies, you might be able to recieve them with a large directional antenna. However the signals would be extremely weak at this range. I too would have loved to -11-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene hear them. Maybe you can get something built while I am on the trip.", The thought of his needed antenna design would keep him occupied for perhaps a month or two, the thought of a monster antenna excited him.

My dad beamed with excitement, "I can build it Bichela! Of course your mother, Mallie would have to approve it" My mother snarled, "Do it, If you can. I am not going to like a monster antenna on our limited yard but then again, if I dont say yes, you will build it anyway." "Great! Now I need to work on the neeed parts and materials and construction techniques. Oh joy! am I going to have fun building, adjusting and listening to what the Macawns have been saying.", My dad went into his workshop, as its called on Terra a "shack" where he pulled out a few catalogs to order equipment. "Do you know Bichela if they use sideband? or how about data transmissions." I growled, "As I said, little is really known about their broadcasting technoligy, all the survey team have picked up were voice and musical programs. Even if you did pick up a data transmission, there is no garantee you can decode it, or translate the speech. It took the linguists a year to begin to understand the quirks of the language." My dad was one not to be discouraged, yes it a trait that both Klingons and Terrans shared, "When I am done", he said, "There will be Macawn broadcasts playing in my shack for you to hear when you come home." I knew he could do it, I just did not know what he will do with the -12-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene signals themselves. I shrugged as I thought of the work he is going to invest in such a project. Tt took the Klingon government over a year at about 1 billion credits to do what he is proposing to do on a hobbyist basis.

I went upstairs to pack for the trip, the trip was scheduled for one month, that meant packing for almost any type of contingency. When I was done, I had four large suitcases full of my clothing and personal grooming and hygene products. I packed Cecilia my large computer, often called a luggable as it had the most extensive line of interfaces, Plus it had a operating system developed from Terran Linux that could be programmed to deal with any type of data that I wanted to process. I did not know what the voltage on Maca was, if they even had electrical power planet wide. For that reason, I packed a large array of adaptors that allows my computer to run on anything from solar, batteries, 120,240 and 480 volts AC or DC, a large case of both Terran and Klingon outlet adaptors as well as a portable solar power-battery charger unit. The computer and its parts took two more cases. as an exoarcheologist/programmer, I wanted to be able to use my computer in my data anaylisis and yes, for some fun when things get dull. with my 6 bags ready to go, I went to bed to be ready for the start of my journey. Klingons traveling off planet had to be at the space port 4 hours ahead of time. Thats for the long medical and psycological tests that were a prerequisite. Never mind having your bags examined for illegal items that could not be exported off planet. If I knew the system. Cecila would pose one of the greatest hurdles of getting on my transport.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 2

The next day, I woke up at 0300. I had to take a sonic shower and eat before I left for the transport station. My father helped me lug my 6 bags to the car. "What did you pack for? To move there? You got more stuff here than I would have packed for a month!", he grunted as he carried the two bags containing Cecilia and the parts and supplies I packed. "Careful! those bags contain my computer, several power packs and cables as well as extra storage modules. I am going to be using Cecila for onsite data anaylisis of any of the technoligical artifacts we find.", I grumbled. as I wolfed down a bowl of cold Gaugh. the Serphant worms had died in the refrigerator, yet, the food was as good as any I would get onboard the ship or even the transport station. "Cant you do with just the computer itself? I remember you built it to have a large variety of interfacing capabilities.", my father grunted as he slipped it into the back of the car. along with my 5 other bags. "Possibly, problem is, computers need power. The team has not ascertained what type of electrical power is available on Maca. One of the items is a solar power-battery charger that can run Cecila if there is no electrical power. the other items include power converters that will adapt Cecila to almost any type of power source that may be available. Once I know what type of adaptors are needed, I just will bring the needed items next time, if the team is allowed on a return trip.", I said as I downed my Araqicino with cows milk and sugar. -14-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene

"Do you think there will be a next time?" "I dont know, thats why I am treating this trip as the ONLY time." "Bah! you are just as bad as a Terran woman. You overpack! If I was on the gourney I would have packed maybe two bags and left the rest home!" "Maybe, but then again you would have packed your portable reciver to hear whats out there right?", I said knowing full well that my own dad would have packed almost 4 bags. two of which contain electronics for his portable reciever that he built from amature radio magizines." My dad sighed, "You know me too well. Yes my lovely Bichela, I would have been caught dead without my electronic ears.", he chuckled softly. "Oh yeah, I did begin the design of the antenna and amplification circuits last night. I should be able to begin listening to Macawn radio by the end of next week. Speaking of recievers, does Cecilia have the capability to anaylyse their radio spectrum?" "Not right now, I dont have a reciver for it to connect to. I am hoping that either I wont need it or someone else would have thought of it.", I was angry at myself for that one, If I only had thought of it before. "Here, I have two of these units, They are capable of recieving from 150-29,999 Kilo-cycles, Either in AM or FM. plus AM sideband. Be careful with it, its an Terran antique. I would like to have it back again when you are done." -15-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene My dad pulled out a large black box with grey buttons. "Here is the power pack for it. its wired for 120 volts AC at 60 cycles. Do you plugs fit this? if not, it can run on 9 volts DC with positive center pin and negitive barrle coaxial plug, I doubt you can find the terran batteries it can use, it uses 6 D type batteries and two AA" cells for the clock."

I groaned, Bad enough dealing with my computer at the transport center, Now I got a radio and its plugs to deal with, I knew that if I refused my over helpful dad that I would hurt his feelings if I refused the reciver, "I dont know, dad, Customs is going to be a hassle with Cecilia. Yet whats another electronic gadget to explain? Ok, I will take it, I will do my best to return it in one piece." Qnos space transport was one of those large buildings that one finds in traveling and who find them to be a dread, Klingon customs was definatly not a picnic as they first poke and prod you with medical equipment that steps over the bounds of decency. I wont go into the details here but I will say this, they had samples of all of my fluids and solids, and I mean ALL! Plus the uncomfortable examination of all of my orfices. Males had one less "orfice" to scrape samples ou of but for the females it was a painful examination of ones body. The psychological exams were a bit easier, they put you through a series of tests. Unlike the Terran forms, the standard is to shoot you up with mind altering drugs, the idea is to see how one reacts to the bending of reality. I passed that test, barely. While I was enduring both tests, surly customs officers tore into my bags! Here they dont play games. My compuer was fully disassembled, right down to the bolts. fully examined by a technician who looked for anything that was not legally exportable. The same was done on my dads reciever also. -16-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene

Its amazing that the technicians knew how to reassemble such an old piece of equipment, from what I understand, they had to call in a specialist in Terran electronics to explain the use of the older components in the unit. The lord knows if it works or not! The technicians said it was fully reassembled and tested with a labratory to assure its operations. The next and thanfully second to last test was the endurance test, for this you are tested on your ability to face zero-g and heavy acceleration. I was just entering the chamber when I saw the workers cleaning up the last victim of the test, a human male who was to be a partner on our trip. Notice I said WAS! he is no longer amoung the living, the heavy G test that most full klingons could pass, twenty five Terran Gs for a period of 10 minutes was too much for him, his heart exploded trying to pump the super heavy blood through his body. the surface of his skin had several deep pools of blood from the crushed blood vessles. He was to have been one of our 3 linquists, while he passed all of the other tests however, no one mentioned this last and potentially deadly test to most humans to him. If he had known, and was wise, he would have asked for a waiver on the grounds that humans could not handle such G forces. Reguardless, it was my turn in the chair. I prayed quickly to Jesus and Mary that if it was their will that I would pass this test. I was strapped in, there was 4 parts of this test, sitting forward, laying down forward, sit in the chair facing the other way so your body went backwards and last was to lay with your head going forwards. This machine would whip me around very fast while simulating a heavy G lift off, ironically most Klingon transports now beam you aboard. This test was a left over from the early Klingon space missions, where chemical rockets were used. I kept wondering to myself, would I end up like my belated liquist partner? -17-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene

At first it was easy, the machine starts out at about 1G and then slowly builds to 25G, Yes, I am wired in and hosed also to various instruments. If I fail this test, I would be grounded, permanently! Now the test goes for ultimate! straight up at 25G! Thats the Klingon norm. then the seat unlocks and you are physically thrown down at that rate. Need I say it felt like I was being hit by a Terran bus? Now you are flat on your back. in this position if you were to vomit you would suffocate in your own vomit, word of advice, dont! While it is easier layin down, the pressure on your lower body and limbs was extreme, The force was like you trying to push a mountain back with your legs. One false move with a alimb outside of a simulator like this would have possibly ripped it out. thats why your arms are strapped down to your sides. Your legs are slightly spread so you can be connected to medical equipment if needed, I declined to have my bowels and bladder drained during this test, a move I regretted. Having waste pooling up in your belly was not at all pleasent, Nor is having your Gaugh you had for breakfast slowly creeping up your throat Anothr piece of advice, Dont eat before you get on, and for gosh sakes! use the bathroom before too. I was so full I had to be helped off after I had to use a waste collection container, Terrans called them urinals. I had another name for them, I call them "body aids". for my comfort and by my reqest I had a body aid for the second part, the reverse thrust it was called. Reason was simple, with 25Gs pushing your waste down, your body could lose control. Better to have your body aid catch it and not some unsupecticng technician! From talking to them, that was a very common problem. Especially for males going through the test, they usually refuse the body aids. Thats also why it took them so long to clean up the chamber for my test. Did I pass? Yes, I passed but I hoped that I would not face a real situation with that much accelleration. Yes by the way, I was given -18-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene my body aid. Why? Because Since Qnos and Terra had made peace it was now the norm for each tested prson to have their own new body aid, this was to avoid contagion. Many threw them away. I kept mine. I also found out that most female klingons did, especially on trips where sanitary conditions could be questionable.

The last test was one of patience. as Terrans used to call it "Twenty Questions", only it seemed like 20 million questions. Some of them were easy enought "What do you plan to use the computer you packed for?" to the obsene difficult, "what is a 6551 UART chip and what is its role in your computer? or "Do you plan to make love off-planet?" Like Geez! how am I to know if I am going to make love off-planet! I am on a exo-archelogical team with about 10 (now 9) crew memmbers, 5 are males and 3 are females and two hermaphroditic members that I could not even guess if they were male or female! "As for the chip? A 6551 UART is a type of Universal Asyncronous Reciever Transmitter that converts parelle data to a asyncronous serial data stream.", I told them. Keeping your cool after all of this tom foolery was extremely hard. I was tired, agitated and I just wanted to board the ship to unpack and get cleaned up for dinner. If I failed these questions I could be grounded again permanently. If I passed, then next time I went out in space I only would have to deal with the aggrevation of bag searches and questions, No medical tests would be done for 5 years where I then would be subjected to the humiliation that I just expirenced. I finally was given a green pass to board with all 6 of my bags and my dads reciever (surprising it was all in working order, the equipment was thoroughly cleaned when disassembled, Cecilia certainly needed a cleaning anyway. -19-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene

I walked into the decontamination room where I was electronically sanitized. then the transporter beam disassembled me and put me back together on my ship. One thing about that, it made my body smell extra clean. I am not sure how it does it but it kills germs and virii that Klingon and Terran bodies are wont to have. Even my clothing smelled clean and new. "Greetings Bichela, Daughter of Kmalath, Daughter of Anthony DAngelo. I am your commander on this journey, you may call me tartor, friends call me tart", the man who spoke was a huge Klingon male, about 2.10 meters in height, all mucsle with a broad set of shoulders, Like all commanders he wore the traditional battle armor of the Klingon millitary, although on this trip his role mainly was to pilot the ship to Maca. His disruptor sidearm was always at the ready if it was needed for combat. His hands were the size of Terran baseball mitts. His face was as we would say in the girls school "Extra Bumpy". He was one of those men that just had too many ridges. I certainly was not attracted to "Extra Bumpy" type men. I personally enjoyed the man with less bumps and more brains, any man that can intelectulize me into his bed was the kind I liked, I would find just the man later. for now it was not Tart, or his second in command, a lady Terran of all things, Sheila Reily. Good thing too as Sheila and Tart were betrothed to each other, apparently she liked them extra bumpy. Sheila and I did not really get along from the start, she was one of those women who was so afraid of losing Tart to someone better, her whole life and career was focused on Tart. She was also going to a problem for me on this trip for another reason, she was my supervisor! It was my job to report my findings to Sheila who reported them to Qnos, She could get me thrown off just by saying untruth about my work, I dont trust Terrans like this or Klingons for that matter, these are the Kind of people that smart -20-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Klingons watch their back with, I am a smart Klingon Right? Nope! In the end not only did I get thrown off the ship, I got stranded on Maca because she did not want me to return to Qnos!

The rest of my team was easier to get along with, Only Sheila was the hard case, Tart was only on this team for Sheila as lover and commander. There was a human named Michele who was one of the two hermaphrodites on the team. I did not know Terrans had hermaphrodites. Michele was one of them. What is known as a psudeo hermaphrodite, I consider her a female as she acts female, yet she had a few male traits too. she was about fairly tall by Terran standards with brown hair and gray eyes, she wore a dress most of the time. Sometimes she wore breeches but that was not often unless the work involved crawling around. Her voice was a loud female that could cut through the heaviest noise with. Sadly she was partially deaf and had to use a inplant to improve her ability to hear. Her eyes were bad too. She and the other 2 human counterparts were picked up on Terran space docks, thus she did not face our Klingon tests, I doubt she would have passed them. Reguardless, I liked her. her role would be to study the Macawn communications systems, The other human was a man named Ed, Now heres a guy you dont want to get mad. About my height, Ed was all muscle. Quick with his hands and even quicker with his temper. Blonde haired with blue eyes this monster was more of a "jack of all trades", his role was to do whatever needed to be done. Ed did not have any special training that would directly be of use, unless you call cooking special training. You got to eat, and Ed was the cook. The rest of us were Klingon, Yes, we had a hermaphrodite also. named Tmarth, He was clearly a male at least in part with a booming male voice, male attitude reguarding clothing and sexual attitudes clearly of a male, however, his body was mainly female. -21-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene On Qnos such people such as Tmarth or Marth as he is often called have their female parts surgically removed. Whereas, Michele still had her male parts. Michele explained that the difference between Marth and herself was that in her world he was considered a post operative Transsexual as he clearly wanted to be male. whereas Michele was almost all female but because of a genetic "expirement by god" she ended up with male and female. She was not surgically altered and had no intents to do so. "My covenant with The Lord prohibits it. I have no desire to go to hell because of my disobedience", she said with a shrug. "I love Jesus too much to lose him for a few years of sinful pleasures."

Michele and I got along grandly. She too was Roman Catholic. Of all of the crew i mentioned so far: Tart, Sheila, Michele, Tarth and myself. only Michele, Ed and I were active Catholics, yet I did not get along Ed as he seemed to be one of those guys that had to have it all done his way, I found out that Michele and Ed had been mates, His temper and her mainly gentle approach reminded me that her and Ed was as my father and mother. Only she was the human "punching bag". It was this constant abuse that caused their relationship to breakup. Michele and I would be part of the communications and technoligy team, Marth and Ed would be mainly the food preparation crew. with Sheila in charge of the 4 of us. I could see that Ed and Marth would be more than just co-workers in the next few days. even Michele was worried, "With Eds and Tmarths tempers combined it is going to be a noisy survey, Of course unlike me, Marth can deal with Eds physical abuse." "If it gets bad enough, it will keep Sheila off my back", I grunted, "She seems to have a grudge against me in reguards to her lover Tart.", I said, that as with Ed and Tmarth on the rampage, she would not have time to look over my shoulder. -22-

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"Hmm. well if I know Ed, he will try to make Marth act female, and take him to bed. From what you told me...", she sniggered, "he aint gonna get any!" I howled out in laughter, "I cant wait until that day!", I can tell that Marth cannot only put Ed to shame, he can put him in traction, Never anger a Klingon! No matter if they are male or female." I have to admit that this Terran was quite a fun person to be with. Not only did she act professional when the job calls for it, she is not afraid to let down her hair and have fun when the time was right. The other 5 members of our team were not quite as interesting, One o these members was a Terran-Klingon child named Janet, another was named Sherry, then there was Keran, Tavad, Dwart. Janet was a Klingon by birth but her parents were full Terran, she was part of the theological committee to study Macawn religious belifs, I knew her from Mass at Saint Thomas, the parish that my brother was a Dominican friar of. She wanted to start a convent on Qnos for Discalaced Carmelites. Trying to get the Cardinal of Qnos to allow such a project was taking time as communiques from Qnos to Rome on Terra tended to take a long time. Janet was smaller than me about 1.75 meters in height. Dark brown hair and nice open smile, Sherry was the opposite, a stormy overwound redish blond with a tendency to love to clean things. You can only guess her job. Dishwashing! Neither Marth or Ed wanted to do dishes, they wanted a dishwasher. Sherry was one of the better qualified dishwashers on Qnos. When she was not scrubbing pots and pans and cleaning the kitchen. and mess hall, her job was to help clean the commodes and the bathroom of the camp. She wanted to do -23-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene more than that, I think she felt cheated by being stuck with housework yet she was not trained at the intellectual discipline needed for research, I knew better than some of my partners that she would be of use in another way, I told her "Just keep your mind and ears and eyes open. Talk with the Macawn people when you see them. While they would probally clam up if one of the regulars try to get down and basic with them, I have a hunch they will be very open to you. Dont show a pad and paper, Dont use a recorder. When you get back to camp or when no one is around write what you expirenced down and pass it to me or Michele."

"What good is that? I did not come on this trip to clean out your latrine, showers and sinks. I was hoping that I could do more useful work!", Sherry screamed at me. "I want to do more than just take notes!" I was lost for words there, Wasnt be a researcher just taking notes? It seemed thats all I did when I was on a expidition. I was saved by Micheles soothing voice. "Research Sherry, is doing what Bichela asked, it is mainly taking notes. Not all research is just digging holes in dirt or browsing a dusty catacomb. While Bichela and I may be in those places. You can bet, we are taking notes too. All we want is you to be yourself and make friends with the Macawns. Think of it this way. When they see me or Bichela they know its intellectual time, time to talk shop. with you its howdy! want some coffee? how are you today? you get what I mean? To them you are not a scientist you are just a fun scullery worker. By the way, I too like washing dishes and I will take turns with you. Perhaps Bichela can have you help with the data processing.", Michele smiled, I was saying to myself, oh joy! a hot tempered untrained person trying to decode possibly delicate communques! what a concept! The last three of -24-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene my team Keran, Tavad and Dwart were some of the most quiet bunch of klingons I ever encountered. Keran was a Botanist, her job was to catalog the plants that grow on Maca, Tavad was a animal biologist, his role was to study native and domesticated animals and Dwart was our medical doctor, his role also included research into any new medical procedures or medicines that could be used to treat people on Qnos. It was Dwart that wanted to talk to me first as he also had the resposibility of a Ships physician.

Dwart was really a nice but over concerned, especially when we talked about these body aids that many females were using. His concern was that if they were not properly cleaned; problems with the urinary tract could occur, how could I argue with his logic, especially since my bladder control was compromised during the reverse thrust test. I always had a problem with urinary incontience caused by weak bladder control in the past, thats why I was using Kagel pelvic weights to strenghen my muscles. Perhaps too thats why females almost always kept the body aids, after that test. "I see that many females have the external versions also, Is this mainly because of the weakend bladder control due to the reverse thrust test?" Dwart looked at me with a sympathetic smile, "Not only females, some males too. Yes, that test can and often does weaken and sometimes distroys the ability to control ones bladder. Most of the males just go into the commode more often. For a male, having a body aid is an insult to his pride. Yet females seem to like them as they provide the ability to urinate into a clean container that no one else has been using. Some of our female crew use the internally connected ones, some like you use the external cup thats held to the body with light strapping. Both can be connected -25-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene to a urine collection bag.

Doctors often acted this way, he was correct about the germs though, I had not thought about it. "Well, I do have my Kagel weights with me. I think it best that I rebuild my bladder control muscles. "All I ask, is that you carefully clean your female genitiles when you bathe to avoid infections. As well as the body aid.", he smiled as he examined my privates, "Many have gotten Urinary tract and yeast infections from poor hygene habits." I did not know what to say! Klingons never got into such a personal matter with a ships doctor before. It turns out that Dwart was also a Urinary specialist on Qnos. as well as a very reknowned researcher on female health issues. He had training in Gynecology as well, as being a general practicioner. "I do have a general question, how about the other crew members, say the fully Terran members that went through the same test, how do they fare?" "Well, I am not suppossed to gave out specific names but the two other Klingo residents who are full Terran managed to pass with no problems. Despite hitting the full 25G reverse thrust. That proves one thing, Not all Terrans were wimps! I personally could not imagine that little firebrand Sherry surviving such a test without problems. Yet perhaps she had a stronger constitution than I. I went back to my room thinking of what Dwart had said. He was one of those gentle men who rarely survived outside of a protective home. He was no more than 10 years older than I, about my height, with brown hair and guess what? a rarity on -26-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Qnos, GLASSES! Most Klingons now usually had bad eyes surgically corrected to fix any vision problems. He told me he had refused to do that claiming that glasses helped him relate with patients. Especially patients who were just recovering from traumatic episodes where bones can be broken, debilitating illness or like me having to deal with something that has bothered me in private. To see him wear his specs just reminds one that he too has a crutch of his own. As Catholics we would say he "bears his cross, with humility".

Now my quarters were far from pleasent. Like all Klingon lodging it had a metal plate that hang on the wall, a metal floor that was stone cold to the feet. a commode in the corner and a sink with a mirror. There was some shelves for books and artifacts but that was it! No sheets, no pillows and no nice soft carpet to stand on. There was a sonic shower for all of us to use down the hall. Unlike Terrans, our showers were not segregated by male or female. Either could use it! That means simply, if you are ashamed to be seen naked, stay home! I wondered how Michele who was used to being on Terran transport was faring with this, I pushed the communications button, "What do you want?", snarled the communications officer, "Im busy". "Find Michele and have her come to my room!" "Yes", then the loud click of the connection being broken. a few minutes later Michele pounded on the door, Cursing in very flustered Terran, "Bichela are you there? the button does not work?" -27-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "I punched the door open control and admitted a frustrated Michele into my quarters, she blinked when she saw that my room was no better than hers, "How am I going to sleep on that? I have no blankets. My floor is cold and I feel humiliated using the commode when someone could be watching me."

"Thats Klingons for ya! wait to you see the shower, its not segregated as your Terran ones are. its a big room type of shower." "Oh man, thats all I need, some monsterous male to walk in when I am nude. Thanks for the warning! You dont think I am going to have a problem with that do you? Being a mixed biology and all?", Michele said sadly. "I also hate my room too. Not only because its barren but because its lonely. I would like a roomate. Perhaps a roomate that can stand to have a strange Terran on their floor. I also would like to do some decorating at least try to make the setting more pleasant." I was thinking the same thing myself, Michele and I did get along at the orientation. she seemed to like computers as well as shared in my faith. "Well, if Commander Tart allows it, I was thinking of asking either you or Janet to share the room with me. Only you would have to be accepting that we will have no privacy or even a private moment on the commode. While Klingons are used to such quarters, it would be a real trial for a Terran. Especially one that feels embarrassed about her body or condition. I will start by showing you what I am like undressed, I am not afraid of being naked in front of a friend. Not to make you feel awkward but to show you what you will be sharing a room with". I took off my breeches, took off my body aid, Micheles eyes lit up when she saw it, "I always wanted one of those! Can I get one through the doctor? I still have not seen him yet, Dwart is his name right? how -28-

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is he?" "Dwart is a very nice medical professional, you know you must report for a physical. You can ask him for one.", I handed my body aid to her to examine. She asked if she could try it out. I said, "gee, dont you have to lift your dress to put it on." she slipped off her dress and underwear, her body was quite fascinating. While she had a little fat on the belly. with moderate size Terran breasts. her small male part swayed limply between her legs. with my help she slid the body aid on. "I think I could use this. Now I only dont want a male one either! they are not as comfortable to use." I knew at that point that Michele and I would not only be partners on a team of research but the best of friends. she went to Dwarts office for her physical. When she came back she showed me her body aid. it was the same as mine with the same size urine collection bag. One thing that most people did not understand in our line of work, Sometimes you will spend hours in a room where there is no sanitary facilities. These aids helped keep one comfortable while you could do the work that was required, without the embarrasing feeling one is going to mess themselves. As for Commander Tart? he approved the transfer of Michele to share my room. Michele had a computer of her own. a Terran machine that had Linux also. Like me she did not like the graphical systems that most Terrans favored. Her computer unfortunatly did not have a power connector for Klingon electrical equipment. Thus it could only be used on battery power. "If the battery goes down, I am offline. I cannot even charge a battery here!", she moaned sadly. "True, but you can send me your files and I can run them on mine. -29-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene At least, if the source code can be recompiled.", I sighed.

"What processor do you use? I never worked on Klingon data processing equipment before? my prosessor is a Intel PentiumXXX" (thats a Pentinum-30 to those who do not know Roman numerals). "Well, mine is the same, your work should transfer without too much of a problem. I also can build a power adaptor for our electrical voltage so you can run yours and charge the battery packs. Michele told me that Ed and Marth were also seeking to share quarters, she was not at all surprised to hear that Eds complaints about the lodging reached Commandar Tarts ears. "He wants sheets, Pillows, a carpet and a curtain around the Commode!" "What did Commander Tart have to say to those demands?", I said with amusement, "I can only guess it was not pretty." "You got that right, he told him to act like a male and take his lumps, or get off the ship before we leave dock!", what a soft bellied idiot! I thought to myself. "Now Marth is quite comfortable with the room as it is. I know Ed, he is not going to get what he wants, he will hem and haw until either 1. Marth throws him out the nearest airlock. 2. Marth teaches him some Klingon manners or 3. Ed finds another roomate." "Being Ed and Marth both work the galley, how is Eds ability to work as part of a crew?" "Not good, expect some burnt meals and very burnt tempers to warm them on.", Michele Shrugged, "I can tell Marth is also a -30-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene domineering slug! Something tells me that most of the cooking we will be facing is two hot tempered males beating each other verbally if not physically."

"Dear Jesus! we need to eat! Cant they work as a team?", I exclaimed. "Not if Ed and Marth cannot learn to co-operate. It may end up that one of the 8 others do the cooking."


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 3

It was scheduled that our survey team was to leave spacedock in 2 hours. Before we left, we were to begin our research with a meeting. Sheila was to head this official meeting of the staff. "Lets begin with what each of you will be doing on Maca, Michele -Communication systems, Bichela -- Technoligy and computer analysis, Janet -- Religious and theology, Dwart -- study of medicines as well as physician, Keran -- botany, Tavad -- animal biology, Ed and Tmarth -- Galley, Sherry (she looked at Sherry with sympathy) -- general cleaning as well as Kitchen detail. Myself will be supervising your work. Commander Tart is not part of the team, his main task is to get us to Maca and home after the one month of research. There is two people here with training in linquistic work, Janet and myself. If you cannot understand what is being said, use your translators, Last thing we need is a galactic incident caused by the mistunderstandings of language. Does anyone have any questions?", she asked as she looked around the room at the 9 of us sitting at the long conference table. Tmarths hand went up, "Yes Tmarth?" "What is the cuisine to be prepared? I ask as being our crew was mainly Klingon, I dont think Terrans appreciate our food that much.". "Thats a good question, Qnos stocked our stores for mainly Klingon dishes with some ingredients for Terran meals. Sadly for the Terrans the meals would be Klingon with some Terran side dishes." -32-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Ed raised his hand, "Does that mean I will be eating Heart of Targ, Rokeag blood pie, Gaugh and Pipius claws? and is it true that they are usually served raw? If so, why then did we bring a gas cookstove?", he looked queasy, I could tell that he was used to eating burnt animals

"Ed, Traditionally Klingon food is rarely cooked, The Rokeag blood pie has to be baked. The Pipius is boiled to kill it like your Terran Lobsters, the Claw is removed, it is served with the entrails of the Pipius as a garnish. Gaugh is served live. and the Heart of Targ can be served baked or live. Some like it fried with a Blood wine as a marinade. Besides these dishes you will see that the Qnos committee has stocked us with several Terran fruits and vegtables and condiments that can be used to dress up the meals to make them more pleasant to Terran pallets. The comittee has also stocked us with ingedients for more than those meals, some which will be new to you that have been a staple of a Klingons diet for centuries. In addition, they provided us with Macawn recipies that will require us to procure the ingredients locally. In contrast, Macawn meals are cooked for the most part. Tabikite for example is both a Klingon and Macawn dish. The Klingon variety uses Arsenic for flavoring whereas the Macawn version uses White or red vinegar, both use a type of mushroom as the base. Because Arsenic can be deadly to Terrans, I have ordered injections to protect you from a fatal reaction. Terrans who were raised on Qnos have developed a immunity to Arsenic or already have had the injections before boarding. Macawn cusine is safe for Terrans, as they also have a fatal reaction to similar products." Ed looked like he was going to vomit at the table! Tmarth grinned evily. I never did understand what that guy was thinking, was he really a sadist? Michele looked at me with dismay, she spoke next, "With all due respect maam, I have never had Klingon food before, -33-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene what if I dont enjoy it?"

"Michele, you would lose weight!", sheilla laughed, "You are too flabby! Your only choice is to eat or go on a month long fast." Everyone laughed at Michele and Eds discomfort, I sighed, there would be no replicators on Maca to whip out an instant meal, meaning you eat what the cooks gave you, once we were on the planet. That was Klingon humor at its best, to ridicule a crew member was mainly in jest, hoever, I felt Sheila was serious this time. The rest of the meeting had to deal with the type of camp we were to set up, it was to be a semi-permanent camp on the landmass of Tostia, This landmass was where many Klingons had lived on Maca long before the conflicts that severed diplomatic ties with Qnos. Tostia was a very fertile continent with vegitation that was originally brought from Qnos that was still growing there, as wild plants. Long ago the settlers of Maca from Qnos landed there and set up camp on the location we are using. Some of their barracks are still being used by us. "Dont expect sonic showers, Indoor Commodes that flush or running water, The buildings have not been renovated. Think of it a roughing it for a month. The newer buildings were designed to complement the original stone structures. Almost all of the equipment and the camp itself would be Natural gas run, this included the absorbion refrigeration systems, cooking, lighting and heating." "Macawns generally like to use locally produced energy resources. The gas is produced from bio-matter digestion such as excrement from us and our livestock. the remains of the methane digesters are used as fertilizer." -34-

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"What about our computer equipment?", I asked with dismay, "I dont have an adaptor to run it off of non-electric sources other than solar." "Sorry, No electrical service is supplied. At least, your computer will work.", Sheila said, "The only electrical generators are to be used for the laboratory equipment only. These are the laws of Maca, I did not write them." Michele was stunned, she rose her hand, "How different is our living accomidations than that of the Macawns? I am aware that the too have electronic hardware? Does their laws allow them to use electricty for them?" "All Macawns have limited access to electrical service, This service is freely provided, Each family gets a quota of the number of kilowatt hours per month of usage. This is based on their contribution to the methane generation that powers the generators. Unlike Qnos or Terra, after they use their montly quota, they sit in the dark electrically. for that reason most do use solar power when they can. They mainly use their electrical power to charge their equipments batteries. Natural gas is their main source of energy.",said Sheila "It is our jobs to take our commodes and food remains and dump their contents into the digesters. No one gets away from that. I point this out as its a smelly job! Yet, we are to be part of the culture, not living in isolation from it. This activity has been part of the Macawn life for thousands of years. Electrical service had only been recently re-established by the government in the last 10 years. Electricty is not mandatory, nor is gas, Some homes still use wood heat and wood cooking with vegtable oil fired lamps for -35-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene light, these are mainly in the colder climes were methane digestion does not work well. Tostias climate is similar to the Mediterranian of Terra. Calla about 350 Kilometers to the west of us is where the capital of Maca is located.

Sherry could not control her fury, she jumped up and started screaming, "I am NOT taking my shit to no digester! Its bad enough that I am being designated as kitchen help to two loud hotheaded pigs who cannot decide if they want to eat Klingon or Terran food! With no electricity, you can bet that I will be washing bloody dirty dishes by hand!" I felt bad for Sherry, but I understood what Sheila was telling us, "Sherry, everyone is going to be taking their shit to the digesters, not just you. I feel bad that you are going to be washing dishes by hand. Michele told you that she would pitch in, I am sorry, Sheila, but Sherry does not understand why we will be living, as she sees it, as a bunch of hicks in the boonies." Sheila sighed, "All right, How many others feel like Sherry?" Only two hands went up, Ed and Keran. Sheila shrugged, "Sorry, one word, tough!" The rest of us busted out laughing! Its a Klingon thing, although the Terrans were also having fun with it, Sherry, Ed and Keran looked unhappy. The meeting concluded with too much information to process. I went to my room and sat down at Cecilia and typed a letter to my fatther, it would go out shortly before we left spacedock. To: Anthony Dangelo from: Bichela daughter of Anthony Dangelo subject: just a summary of todays events Dad: -36-

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I am writing this leter to go out before we leave spacedock for Maca, The team Supervisor Sheila Reilly, a Terran, has just concluded a summary of what the accomidations would be like, all I can say is that the Macawn people have an unusual idea of ideal lifestyles. Their main source of energy is generated from their excrement that is fed into a community Methane digester. Some electricity is generated by this gas with the remaining gas used for heat, lighting and refrigeration for the communities homes. I am to be working with a Terran named Michele. Our main task will be to examine the Macawn communications and technoligy. Another Klingon born and raised Terran named Janet will be working with us to learn of the Macawn religous belief systems. From what little is known, we should not have any difficulties with our research. It is hoped that we will find out more when we arrive at Maca and start the active research. Our leader Sheila has asked me and Michele to begin to monitor their broadcasts, in hope that we can learn more of their language and customs, Janet also has found several religous programs that indicate that Maca also has a paralle development with Terra in the reguards to Christianity. She is hoping to find out more about this. Sadly we will not have a priest at camp. Because of this, Michele and Janet will be serving as Celibrants in the mass. While Cardinal Tariva will not be pleased to have to non-ordained females celebrating mass, it will have to do. They will also be serving as our chaplains in other areas including confessionals. Because of limited access to communications I will not be able to communicate often. I will try to send a message when posible. Hope that big Antenna you are proposing will be worthwhile, Perhaps I can find out if one can legally communicate from Maca to -37-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Qnos via this medium.

Sheila has hinted that several researchers will remain on Maca, she has not told us who or for how long. Being there is only ten of us. that means that odds are that I may be one of the selected full time researchers. That decision will be made before the end of the month of research. I will let you know then. Take care, I will keep in touch. Love Bichela After I saved the message I then logged into the communications array and prepared to send it directly to my dad. Sending email on Qnos was a messy system of gateways that very few knew that well. I learned how to do this about 3 years ago when working with the Qnos communications department. After I put the right addressing on the letter, it was up to The Lord to make sure that it was recieved by the right person. Because of the systems complexity, one is advised to put the recievers full name at the top of the letter so the misdirected letter can be hand delivered to the true reciptient. I had just finished getting the mail out when the communications officer called me, "What do you want?" "Michele wants you to meet her in the galley, says its important", the female on duty snarled. "I am on my way now", I sighed. The ships galley and food stores were located 2 decks below mine. I had no idea what Michele wanted. When I arrived, I was in shock as the kitchen was in great disarray, -38-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Ed and Tmarth were screaming at each other, aparently Marth was trying to show Ed how to prepare some of the meals. Michele stayed in the scullery helplessly as Ed and Marth started throwing cookware at each other.

"I am a Terran, I like my food as you call it, BURNT!. On Terra eating raw meat is dangerous as you can get sick from it! Now lets cook that Gaugh at 200 degrees celsius with a vinergrette sauce!", Ed shouted as he brandished a heavy skillet. "Klingons dont want their traditional meals tampered with! They always ate Gaugh live! Thats how I serve it!", Marth shouted holding a huge meat cleaver as if he wanted to slice Ed down the center from head to toe. "Both of you, shut the frell UP!", I shouted, "There is no reason you cannot prepare the meal both as cooked for Terrans and Klingon style for us." The two men looked at me murderously. I could deal with one of them at a time in a fight. I wanted to avoid a confontation here expecially with Marth and his huge meat cleaver, or the many knives that were on the rack next to Ed. Two enraged men with weapons against one female who was weaponless was not a good idea. "No!", both men snarled, "Too many pots to wash." "What does that matter?", Michele said from the scullery. "Neither of you will be washing them. Sherry and sometimes I will be doing them. Sheila did indicated that there is Klingon vegtables and animals on Maca, our food resources will be maintained even if we have two entrees for crew! Besides, baking Gaugh still uses the -39-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene same ingredients as the raw version. Only difference is some of the ingredients get baked."

"I agree, remember males, many Terrans will find raw food unappealing as Ed has pointed out, by having both a Terran cooked entree and a traditional Klingon entree you meet the needs of both worlds. Perhaps Klingons would enjoy a variation of the traditional meal.", I said frustrated at the sheer barbaric attitudes both were displaying to us and each other. "I dont want to ruin a good dish by burning it! Klingons do not enjoy burnt animals!", Marth snapped back. "Neither do Terrans, in fact they like their food browned not charcoal black either.", I myself would like to try Gaugh prepared as Ed has suggested, the meal may be more interesting." Ed and Marth looked at each other with frustration, "All right Bichela, I will prepare the meal both Klingon and Terran style. If it turns out that the meal is more delicious Terran style then we will do it that way more often." Ed grinned as he knew that he won this fight, "With lots of spices and herbs with a pasta side dish and a salad!", he started rummaging through the refrigerators. "No Tomatoes, Hey! Marth, what can we use as a substitute for Tomatoes and carrots? I see lots of Klingon vegtables here but no Terran vegtables." "Check the third refrigerator, That is the one that has your Terran vegtables, dairy products and meats.", Marth sighed as he pointed to the third walk in refrigerator. (There are three huge walk in refrigerators and three even bigger freezers that contrained our entire food supply". -40-

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"Found them!", Ed pulled out a large case of Tomatoes and another of Carrots. Now how many should we use? there is 10 cases of Tomatoes and 5 of Carrots. Do we have seedlings we can plant for Terran vegtables?" Michele groaned, knowing full well that Ed would usually use one case of carrots for two meals. Marth, was trained as a professional chef, he worked in several Klingon resturants where Terran tourists would come in for a meal. Ed, on the other hand, was not. His idea of a meal was to cook 4 meals at one time, mix them together and call it dinner. "For 11 crew figure one tomatoe per person with 2 carrots. so 11 Tomatoes and 22 carrots.", Marth said with a satisfied grin. "Wash the vegtables and peel the carrots if desired." Ed and Marth worked on chopping and washing the carrots, Marth stopped and turned to me, "I really dont know how long we can survive on 10 cases of tomatoes or 5 cases of carrots." "I did not have anything to do with food ordering. Sheila should be notified of your observations on the food supply." Marth sighed, "Ed is right on one thing, we should have seeds for growing our own food.", he walked over to the communicatitons panel and called Sheila to the galley. Sheila came about 10 minutes later, looking as she had just gotten out of the shower. "What is it Marth?" Marth explained about the limited Terran food stores, "We need -41-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene seeds, The organizers of this trip underestimated our needs!"

"Well, I can tell Commander Tart to ask for seeds, we are leaving dock in 20 minutes though.", she shrugged as she called Tart on the comminications panel. A very angry male voice came out of the panel, "We are leaving in 20 minutes! I dont have time to recieve a last minute shopping order!", he screamed at Sheila. "You better, or we will end up going hungry!, There is only enough for 2 weeks at most with both Terran and Klingon foods being prepared daily. There is room for another duplicate of the original Terran food order, with room in dry good for another 60 Kilograms of pasta, 4 cases of Marinara sauce. I recommend you double the Klingon ingedients also." Tart screamed, like he was getting stabbed with a red hot knife. "All right! Be ready to unload the stock in the cargo bay, I will delay undocking until the order is unloaded." 30 minutes later the huge supply transpot landed in the cargo bay. All of us would be working on unloading and getting the goods off the dock before the ship left. Ed growled, Marth snarled, Michele was having a hard time moving all of those heavy boxes and bags, Sherry was whining "Why me? as she had to help carry the items to the stock room, Janet just kept her composure as she carried bag after bag of foodstuff, she was one of those religious minded people who took their work with stride. Sheila was checking off things on the manifest as we unloaded. My back was killing me! My arms were sore with all of that lifting. You see, even I had gotten a little soft over the years, this was long overdue workout for me. -42-

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We sucessfully unloaded and the supply ship left about 20 minutes later. We had so much foodstuff now that we had to pack the refrigerators and freezers carefully to make room for all of the refrigerated and frozen foods. The dry goods room looked like a organized overstuffed disaster with litterly tons of extra food that did not need refrigeration. We finally undocked about an hour after our original departure time. Like Michele suggested, we now carried seeds for all of our fruits and vegtables both Terran and Klingon. Ed and Marth now continued preparing for our 1800 dinner. They had only 2 hours to prepare the meal. At 1800 promptly we all walked into the mess hall to find that the cooks did finally cook something we could all enjoy. The terran Gaugh was lightly sauted in white wine with a touch of onion. Side dish was cooked carrots with mashed potatoes. with a Terran tossed salad. The Klingon fair was traditional gaugh. The Terran side dishes were optional with it as was the salad. To drink with both were wines. Terran California white, Klingon black ale were available. I Wanted to see what the Terran dish was like, so I had the Terran meal. Michele sat down accross from me, She was eating the Klingon meal, and aparently enjoying it. Traditionally Gaugh is eaten with your hands, Michele was doing just that. To eat the Terran meal, I had to use a fork, Being raised both in Klingon and Terran eating habits, I was familiar with the utensils. The Terran version was very spicy! Egads! did my throat burn! Yet I enjoyed every succulent bite. -43-

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Michele, covered with Gaugh entrails dripping from her hands and mouth. said with loud crunching noises, "This stuff aint half bad! A little messy though." I looked at her with surprise, "Same here with the Terran version. Does all Terran food use so much spices? My throat is burning!" "Drink your wine, it will extingquish your burning throat. To answer your question, Some Terrans enjoy their food spicy. Ed, is one of those people who loves it extra spicy." Janet came over to our table, she had a tray with both the Klingon and Terran versions, she had asked to mix them together!, "Hello girlfriends; I started listening to the Macawn radio programs, Qnos is relaying them from EM to subspace for us. Apparently they are also doing edits to the tape delayed programs." I was suprised to hear of the edits, why would our government be censoring our reception of the broadcasts? I was starting to wonder if what we were hearing was the real message. I would do some listening with my dads reciever and see how much was changed. Michele frowned, "That does not fare well for us, If we dont get the raw audio we cannot be sure that messages are not being altered." "I have a receiver that can pick up the real broadcasts, If I can use the ships reciving array, I can use it to boost the reception. We need that genuine signal as I dont trust Klingon desk jocks to tell us what we should hear! Plus my dad wants me to scan the bands for anything else that may be broadcasted. How does Sheila feel about this retransmission of the signals?" -44-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Janet sighed, "She does not see a problem with what we are getting. I doubt she will argue against a private reciever picking up the real signals, yet, I dont think she will encourage it either."

After dinner, Janet, Michele and I were in my quarters as I fussed over the reciever. I finally did find a power supply that worked on the ships power source that plugged into the reciever itself. Sheila agreed to give me access to the recieving array, it was aimed at Maca as we were approaching the planet. Listening to the squeals and howls and static was frustrating. Finally I picked up at 175kc a voice. From the type of dialogue I was hearing it was a private communications channel. I boosted the gain as best as I could. "... yeah, Qnos is sending a research team to Tostia! This is gonna be the first time in 459 years that Klingons have been on Macawn soil!", then a burst of static followed by another male voice. "I sometimes think that the Quara is foolish to allow them here. I hear they are on enroute now, possibly with an invasion force." (the Quara was the parimentry body of Maca), "No, not an invasion force Maran, a team of researchers. Seems they are setting up camp on Tostia again." Again static, "Look Zarl, I have read of Klingons and their propensity to take over a planet. You never been in the archives, the histories of the dead and mutilated Macawn soilders, Even Jazas would not want us to forget that. He may have taught peace. But he still was impaled to a tree by his own on Lesbos, while his mother Mariak watched." Janet listened to the message, she started jotting down notes. "Jazas and Mariak are counterparts of our Jesus and Mary. Jazas -45-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene died at the hands of his own people, Lesbos was his home province. What we would call as lesboian. or sometimes a lesbian. No, he was not homosexual."

I stared at Janet with surprise, "That does make some sense, we have observed some traits of Christianity on Maca, does this add support to the paralle development idea?" "Too soon to tell, I would need to see their religious writings or talk to a few religious leaders before can make a conclusive decision. Bad enough that we will have to explain to those like Maran that Zarl was correct of our intentions." "Too bad we could not jump into the conversation with them. I really would like to have a say.", I sighed, "Only I cannot send a message, nor is it ethical or possibly legal to do so." We listened to the end of the conversation. It was concluded when Maran said to Zarl, "We will have to wait and see, if you are correct, we benifit. If you are wrong... our people would die." After that we continued to scan the frequencies. It was apparent that anything below 550kc was two way communiations. at 550kc we picked up a musical program. a female singer was singing a song the words were as follows: My love, to you I give myself My love, I await your return The nights are cold and lonely come back to me, my dear love You bring me strengh, my heart burns My arms yearn to hold you again. Touch me with your carresses touch me with your kisses My love, I want to be yours again. The sing ended with applause. the lady and a host sat to talk about what the song meant, her happy clear voice and the lyrics were making me feel lonely for my own family, the host started to -46-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene ask questions to her.

"Galiva, who was that song written for? its on the top of the most requested songs on our station.", the host asked. Galivia replied, "My late husband, ever since he died I have felt so alone. He had been seriously wounded in combat with the Klingons 460 years ago. I was hoping that when I came out of hibernation to have him by my side. Sadly he did not survive." "You yourself were placed in hibernation along with your husband about 460 years ago. What was it like to wake up last year and find your husband had not?" She started to weep, "I felt empty and cold. I was hoping he would have made it", her voice broke, as did my heart, "God! its not fair! I wrote that song because I missed him so much, I still hurt inside." I could not take anaymore, I switched the radio off, and cried myself. "God! What a tragady!", Perhaps thats why Qnos was editing a taped delayed broadcast. Not to hide military secrets, rather to hide the truth of the pain thse people had faced. Michele and Janet were in tears. Michele looked at me and Janet, "I think we should pray for her and her reposed husbands soul", Michele whispered, Janet nodded in agreement. We lit two volive candles one for Galivia and one for her husband. I wrote the words to the song on a piece of paper placed in front of the candles. We sang our littanys, I sang first: Oh Merciful loving god You give us your love and strengh hear our prayers for Galivia and her lost love, that they may be together in heaven. -47-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Janet was next: Dear lord. Forgive my people for their tresspasses as we forgive theirs. Lead us away from temptation. Deliver us from the evils of the soul. Micheles was a standard Ave Maria. Hail Mary, Full of grace, the lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amoung woman and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

We concluded with two musical heartfelt Amens. Janet blessed the candles with holy water as well as the copies of the lyrics. "If I ever meet Galivia, I want to give her a hug", I said, "she really sounds like she needs one". I turned the radio back on to find that she was still being interviewed. "Its funny, Just now, I felt not so alone anymore. I almost felt as people were praying for me.", she sounded happy. Could our prayers have reached Maca? If God wanted her to feel our prayers, they would. This also indicated that this program was not taped in advance. The next guest was a construction worker who had found happiness in finding work, "Finally! I can pay my bills! My children can finish school, my husband can spend time working on his pottery.", hher low bassy voice was like the sound of a large earth mover plowing dirt out a hole. I had a hard time understanding most of her words. Micheles implants did not help her grasp the speech at all, she looked at me totally confused. "How do you feel about the re-establishing communications with Qnos? being your job is to help repair the Tostian barracks that are to be used by the Klingons." -48-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "Personally? I dont know if its going to be a good or bad thing. For over 459 years we have been on our own. Now people such as myself are finally doing something useful. I cannot live in a hibernation chamber until I rot. At least I am part of a rebuilding effort."

"What type of work has your crew been doing at the site?" "Mainly repairing deteriorating structures, Some work has been done to upgrade the buildings to have more efficent gas lighting and a renovated heating system in the dormatories, Maca is doing this as a favor to Qnos in return for appoligies for the years of carnage prior to the break in talks over 459 years ago." "Do you think the research team will be surprised to see a crew rebuilding their barracks?" Rebuilding the barracks? Sheila was obviously was misinformed, she did not mention a renovation project. Unless she did not know about the work either. I found out later that the retransmitted broadcast from Qnos had this whole section of the program edited out! I was glad to hear what the official version was deleting. I listened to the end of the show when the announcer said. "If you have comments or questions about this program, you can write to: Maca Today, C/o Callonian one radio. 32 peace Boulivard, Calixta, 96234+532.", the newscasts followed next. Here we heard of many people being brought out of stasis or as they call it hibernation. One interviewed woman said, "It is a glory to Jazas, that we will now have normal lives again." I only hope that was so. Michele and Janet nodded in agreement with the interviewed woman. I showed them that I wrote the address for Maca Today, "I am going to visit them, not only to see -49-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene their studio, I also want to find Galivia, Michele and Janet, I want you to come too."

"You can bet we will be coming", said Michele. "Why not! I may be able to find out more about Jazas and Mariak with the religous there.", Janet said. It turns out that Maca has a large reportiore of music types. We listened to what I would call, Folk, soft Rock, Classical and some religous programming. I did not hear any Hard rock or punk bands. I could only guess that the people of Maca would either not tolerate that music or for moral reasons left it out of the radio programming. We sat in front of that box for 10 hours, our ears glued to the box. We watched a drama, a comedy and a dance band. I say watched as like the old radio days of Terra, our imaginations went wild! Their mystery theater was driving all of us nuts, did Taral steal Savias brooch? We would not know until next week! We all danced to the dance music programs. Imagine! 3 adult females, whirling and twirling in their spartan quarters to a dance band! And two of the females were Klingon! The nightly litturgy on the radio was priceless to Janets research. We broke bread and wine with the priestess doing communion, their Litturgy is similar to the Trindentine mass. Only its in Macawnian, not Latin. Everything else was almost indentical to the Terran mass. We watched a serial, what Terrans called a soap opera, from Moron. (they were a few hours behind Calla.) I mean dis Zalitha love Moria? will Tarve find out about the illicit love affair? Would he distroy Morias future plans, just to get even for having a relationship with his wife? We did not know until tommorrow at 0100 hours, our time when the show continued! -50-

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All three of us drank like 3 Araqicinos EACH! we were wired! we wanted MORE and we got it! To us it was like giving us a trillion cable channels! Only better! You had to visualize the scenes. You had to guess what the characters looked like. All of us grew up with Visual programming. Now we were facing a new and exciting medium to us. We found a broadcast from Ricia. it was another serial. God! we were getting in DEEP! then a few more hours of music. We decided to leave the radio on and just all sleep together. The only radio that was not censored was mine, and no one wanted to miss the shows. About 10 hours after we turned it on, at 0430, we all dozed off listening to another singer, she was singing a childs lullabye. all of us started snoring contently. About 0800 we woke to a wonderous radio morning show! Imagine, waking to the most upbeat wake up music that any of us ever heard in our lives? Then at the same time the Klingon shipwide alarm clock summoned us to get ready for breakfast. Dazed and happy we all jumped up for breakfast. Singing Galivias song, although this time we were singing about the radio not a long lost husband. Breakfast was a Terran style meal, with Fried strips of Targ hide, Michele called them bacon. Cold cereal with nuts and raisins and corn flakes in Cows milk. Fried Eggs with fried hashbrowned potatoes, it turned out that Marth found that the staff liked the cooked food better than the traditional Klingon style, he had decided to let Ed serve a cooked breakfast. Even Marth was eating Terran style with a content grin on his face! "I believe, Bichela that you were correct, I already appoligized to Ed for yesturday, the Terran modified Klingon cuisine did very well last night." -51-

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I yawned, "Appoligy accepted, sorry about the yawn, we were listening to the radio broadcasts last night, the real ones straight from Maca. Have you ever heard them?" "No, all we can get is the Klingon sent ones. How do you get the originals?", he was becoming curious, "The Klingon ones were boring, not much is being said." "Actually, the Klingon government feed is highly edited, the real stuff is quite fun. Bichela has a small radio reciever in her quarters, We listened to a few musical programs, a religous program. a few serials, a mystery. We were having so much fun dancing and singing along that we forgot what time it was! With their story telling skills, it was like you ware there Live watching a play or musical.", Michele said with a grin. "Why dont you come over tonight and listen with us, the serial from Moron called, Twisted hearts is a real good one. We are waiting to see what happens to Moria." "I cant, I have to get up to start breakfast at 0500. Could you record it for me?" "Of course! There is programming on now too. When done with your chores we can go check them out.", I said. At about 1400 hours we went back to my room and listened to more musical programs as well as newscasts. Marth became so entrenched with the cooking shows that we had to pull him from the radio at 1600 to get him to start dinner, he was writing furiously recipie cards! "You are right, this is good! I dont have these ingredients here but the thought of a Melat pie gets me all excited. The descriptions of a succulent pie filling with a very -52-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene tender flaking crust with a touch of mikswine heavy cream is making me hungry!"

Michele grinned, "Dont forget, oozing with sweetness that makes you miss mom", perhaps to Marth that meant nothing, but to Michele it spoke volumes." "Anytime you want to come and hear the radio, if we are here, you are welcome to. We plan to start listening to the programming starting at 2000 hours to 0300 hours. Not only for research, we also just enjoy it.", Bichela smiled. After Marth left, we had to start writing a report on our findings. What we clearly pointed out to Sheila is that many Macawns had mixed feelings of the return of Klingons to Maca. Some did want us there and a few wish we would stay out of their lives. Unlike the Klingon edited rebroadcasts, we had learned much about Macawn life from our own reciever. For one thing, they love to tell stories. They employ imagination and imagery in their radio stories and even the newscasts that Qnos reporters never imagined to bring a story to your face. For example, a major fire has been described by a reporter as " if the gates of hell were opened, with smoke, fire and ash falling on your face, arms and legs, burning into your soul, unquenchable.", a Klingon version of the same report would have said "A major blaze that is not yet under control has workers caughing with the smoke and ash". It was also clearly obvious that the Klingon edited version was doing more harm that good for the researchers who did not have direct access to the original signals. Listening to the edited versions was like eating tastless paper! The versions make the Macawns seem cold or lacking in emotions. Nor would Qnos play that Maca Today show unedited. From our own reciver we heard -53-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene the sad tales of those who lost love ones in hibernation, the tears and anguish of heartfelt loneliness. While it may be true that Klingons at home would not appreciate the raw emotional nature of these tales. For researchers that was a vital part of the culture.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 4

After Sheila had read Micheles and my report, she asked what would be the best thing to do about the Klingon version of the signals. "Respectfully maam. Bichela and I would strongly ask that you stop listening to that tripe. Its diluted, its bland and due to the major editing of the broadcasts, it does not portray the Macawns in a good light", Micheles voice was very carefully controlled, "Its plain excrement!" Sheila looked at Michele and I, "Bichela? Do you concur with Michele on that observation?" I stared at Sheila, I grimaced, "Absolutly!" Sheila sighed, "We dont have equipment other than your private reciever that can pick up those broadcasts. Qnos was retransmitting them to allow us to hear them." "Thats fine.", I said with a shrug, "Give us the signals unedited, broadcasted in real time. Otherwise, its a waste of time to rebroadcast them to us on subspace." Sheila looked frustrated, her hands were folded on the desk. I saw flickers of anger and sadness in her eyes. "They will not do it, they just want to be typical stubborn Klingons." Michele smiled, "What we can do maam is attempt to modify your equipment to pick up the originals. Perhaps using Bichelas reciver as a model, replicate one. Barring that, possibly set Bichelas reciver up in the recreation lounge for all to use." -55-

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I looked at Michele with frustration, "My dad wants his reciver back in one piece! You cannot duplicate that reciever without first disassembling it to see how to make a duplicate! I wanted to keep the reciver in our room so we can work while listening to the musical programs." "Actually we dont have to tear it apart Bichela. Electro-Magnetic radio recievers have pretty much been the same since the the Terran 1930s. With a schematic of a reciever, I can build a simple unit that can cover the known Macawn radio spectrum. Lets look at the range, 550kc to 1600kc. that on Terra was the range that a consumer grade AM radio reciever covered. The range from 1600kc to 12,000kc or 12 mega-cycles was the limit of their international broadcasts." "Just where are you going to get the parts? Even my dad has to order parts for his radio work.", Bichela said hotly, "You cant build something from nothing!" Michele shrugged, "We got the parts. All we need is some time to connect them in the configuration needed, say the stupid Klingon reciever that carries the subspace signal, change the wiring to carry EM signals instead of subspace, rewire the frequency selector. That would allow it to scan the Macawn radio spectrum with moderate quality. Remember, I specialized in communications equipment, You specialize in computer technoligy. Together we can have a working unit by the end of the day tomorrow." Sheila looked at Michele like she had just grown 4 heads. She was surprised at the knowledge that Michele had on equipment, "Go for it. Make sure that that unit will be open to anyone to use. If it works, put that in the recreation area, like you suggested. Make -56-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene sure that our regular communications system will not be damaged."

"It would not be affected, the reciever that the broadcasts came in on was an extra reciever installed just to recieve that feed." That night Michele and I looked at the subspace unit, Michele showed me the detector that would have to be rebuilt, "Subspace detectors use many of the same parts as a EM detector. However they also use tunneling through the warping of space to recive faster than light signals", unplugging the module she started to remove parts from the circuit board. "We wont need these transtators, those are for subspace. We need to bring the oscilator down to a more reasonable level, I would say lock it at about 14mc for a I.F stage.... ", her quick and carefully done reworking of the board was ready to try in about 3 hours, she then began to reprogram the varible frequency oscilators for the similar frequencies as my dads radio. 150-29,999kc, she thought better of it and reprogrammed it for 1kc-10 Giga-cycles. she also added a BFO for sideband. reprogrammed the unit for AM and FM modes on all frequencies. a hystesies squalch control. I added to her design a analog to digital decoder in addition a recording circuit that would record the program, date, time and frequency for later data analysis. Unlike my mothers ugly entertainment console. our homemade unit was made to look functional and attractive. It had a nice cabinet that had well marked controls for operation, plus connectors for a headset if one wanted private listening. "Lets start by tuning to 550kc and see how Callonian one radio comes in. With the keypad on the unit Michele punched in 550kc. The reciever howled in protest with a hetrodyne beat, "Opps! I -57-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene forgot to turn the BFO off, just a second.", a quick flip of the BFO switch revealed the same signal we got in the room. Unlike my reciever, this one was much more sensitive at picking out the broadcasts. Of course we were closer to Maca every minute. Michele switched the reciever to scan mode for the range from 30,000kc to 10gc. After it scanned the range it beeped and reported no signals. Michele reset the scan from 1600kc to 30,000kc. The reciver found, and had the ability to count, 14,420 radio signals! Many were private conversations that traveled from continent to continent. That was 10,000 of them. The 4,420 signals remaining consisted of news and musical programming. Rescanning from 1kc to 549kc resulted in 56 ongoing conversations with no continous broadcasts. Michele noted that these signals started apearing at 100kc. "It appears that the 100kc to 550kc band is very exclusive. It may be specifically government communications. Those frequencies also are what is known as groundwave, meaning they flow around the surface of the planets terrain. We recieve them because our array is aimed straight at Maca. Normally they are not recieved by space vessles. The range from 550kc to 1600kc on Terra is considered medium wave. Its still mainly groundwave but starts to develop some skywave characteristics on the higher end. These normally would be limited to local communcations. The ranges above from 1600kc to 12mc are considered shortwaves. These signals on Terra bounce off the ionsphere thus resulting in long signal travel. It appears Maca does no have much of a ionsphere. or one that is semi-permeable for the signals to escape to our array.

The next day Sheila looked at our finished project with amazement, "how well does it work?" "Extremely well, has excellent sensitivity, and selectability. with built in data analysing capabilities that can be connected to a -58-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene computer. Reciever also has the ability to record broadcasts and play them at a later time. In plain Klingon, better than ours.", I said with a sheepish grin. "We want to put it in the recreation lounge as we promised."

Sheila put her hands on the nice looking control panel, "You did a nice job on the case too. Terran wood Veneer?" "No, Real replicated Terran wood, We used the replicator to make a few pieces of the wood for the panels. The controls were extras that were in ships stores." "Reguardless, its beautiful in a Terran sense, possibly Macawn too from what we know of their artistry, I give you permission to place this in the lounge. I do ask that you write a users guide to allow people to learn how it works." We wrote the manual, wired the lounge with the connections for the reciever. Sheila even suggested we take a picture of it. Need I say that it was a major hit with the team? Every night at 1am many of the crew listened to "twisted hearts". at 8am every morning the "Happy Morning Maca" show would start playing. The radio would be with us when we made camp two days later.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 5

Two days later we were preparing to leave for camp. We packed our equipment and radio recivers, food, kitchen cookware, laboratory, surveying and camping equipment. Beacause of Macawn law, Beaming anything was illegal. We had to transport the items via a shuttle. After we placed our bags in a storage room for the subsequent shuttles, Michele, Janet and myself would be the first down with as many bags as possible. Sheila would then autopilot the shuttle back to our transport for more of the supplies. It would take 10 trips to get all the goods from storage to Tostia. The camp itself was located in a town called Toriest. We made a safe trip to Toriest on Tostia. What we saw was beyound beauty. The Macawns had spent a tremendous amount of time to rebuild and furnishing the barracks. We also were greeted by a small group of Macawns who were waiting for our arrival. One of the females was dressed with such finery that there was no doubt that she was the Queen of Maca. Along with a man that we knew from listening to his radio conversation was Zarl, his role apparently was a secretary and bodyguard to Christiana, well built with a rifle at his side. He was fairly tall. about Micheles height, broad shoulders with light skin, and very fine forehead ridges. his brown eyes were twinkling with smile as was his face. The other female was considered a prime minister. her name was mariava or mari for short. "Welcome! This is the first time that in 459 years that Qnos has sent a team to our world officially. My liege and I ask you to feel at home amoung us.", Christiana said with a smile. There were newspaper and radio reporters present who were -60-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene recording this event. I stared at Michele. "What should we do? Sheila should be speaking on our behalf.", Michele nodded, got up and did something quite surprising to me.

"Your majesty, Prime minister. I regret that our superior was not present for this moment. As a communications specialist on this journey of historic nature, I thank you on the behalf of the team for your courtesy to visiting us on the day that we set up camp." Everyone of the Macawns applauded Micheles response. The queen came over to Michele and gave her a hug. "You are very welcome to our hospitality. I see you are not of Klingon heiritage. what planet are you from?" "Your Majesty, I am from Terra, a 3rd planet of a solar system called Sol. There are several of us working with the Klingons on this mission. Some Terrans have been born and raised on Qnos. Thus they are Klingon by birth. Allow me to intruduce the few of my team that are here. Bichela is involved with data techoligy, Janet is here both as interpeter as well as religious studies, I am involved in Communications and the study of communications technoligies. There is 5 more of us who will arrive a little later in the day." Christiana smiled, "Very well, being you have been speaking on behalf of your supervisior, allow me to invite the whole team to the palace at Calixtia for a welcoming feast, that is in your honor." "My honor? You mean the honor of the men and woman that would serve as part of the team." "We mean that too, but I mean YOUR honor. You have spoken for your team, that means that the dinner is in your honor. Thats the -61-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene way Macawns do things, as you stay amoung us it will become clear."

The queen and her reporters left in several coaches pulled by creatures called Laprats. These appeared to be giant work-cats that have provided animal power for thousands of years. Janet shrugged, "Why, girlfriend, you have made a historic speech on the behalf of the Klingon expidition, how do you feel!" Michele sighed, "Someone had to! It would have been rude to just stand there! I felt that it would be best to say something that would be an acceptiable greeting." Michele walked over to the shuttle and picked up some of her bags, "Lets unload, and reset the shuttle for the automatic return trip to the ship for the next group." The dormitories were gorgeous! While they were originally Klingon in design, they were remodeled with Macawn artistry. Original artwork including original paintings, hand made rugs, pottery, statuettes on tables and beautiful tapastries were hanging in repainted corridors. The replacement gas lights used mantles instead of depending on the incandesant nature of the older units. Some of the older lamps still were being used, now adapted to mantels also. A sigh of relief from Michele as she saw that the four beds had soft mattresses, sheets and pillows with blankets. The three new gas fired wall heaters in the large dormitory clearly were designed to throw the heat needed to remove any chill one could feel in this stone barracks. next to each bed was a chest of drawers, along the far wall was shelves, and a huge common table for study. "Ed is going to be happy here! Now he has sheets, a matress and -62-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene pillows. Plus the floors were white tiled with beautiful original rugs placed next to the beds.", Michele said excitedly, "These people went out of their way to give us excellent quarters."

Janet and I went to see the sanitary accomidations, Macawns did not have flush commodes, the reason was that too much extra water could impede the anerobic breakdown of waste to Methane. Their commodes were actually a light aluminum container with a wooden seat. In tradional Macawn homes, the commode bucket would be placed in a hole in the floor. a wooden or ceramic cover would be used to control the smell. For our barracks the four commodes were placed in holders that allowed one to sit comfortably. When we are done, the cover, which was hinged to the seat. would be closed to seal the container. Dumping the container would involve lifting the decorative seat off and then putting a tight lid on the actual containers, they are dumped every morning into a hopper that is dumped when full into a digester. Four hand washing basins were present with pitchers of water and bars of soap. Unlike the excrement, the water is dumped onto the ground outside of the barracks. There was a large bathing room near the commodes where one can take a hot bath. Water was heated by a gas extra large water heater that was supplied via a spring. Our basin pitchers were filled from this same spring via the only indoor plumbing spigot that connected to the spring. The baths were drained via a drain line again outside to the ground. Macawns did not take showers, they were bathers. There was 4 baths in this room. with benches by each one for one to sit to undress. These four baths again were not segregated. Towels would be supplied to each member for their use. It was the members responsibility to clean their own bedding and towels. -63-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "Four beds, four commodes, four sinks and four baths. sounds like each person has their own bed, commode, basin and bath..", I said relieved, "There is two more rooms like this that we will be using. The building has 10 such rooms.", I started to unpack and place my clothing and hygene products in the first dresser, "I will hazard a guess that this will be where some of females will be sleeping."

My assumptions were correct, Michele, Janet, Sherry and I had this room. Sheila and Keral had the next one, with the last being shared by Tmarth, Ed, Dwart and Tavad. That room was also next to the galley building entrance. Sherry, who arrived with the last of the kitchen utensls and cookware, looked at the room critically. "No privacy, No curtains around the commodes or the tubs or even the bunks?" "Ah come on!", Michele sighed exasparated, "Its a far cry from the spartan quarters on the ship!", Michele grabbed a igniter and lit her gas lamp next to her bunk. Macawn gas lamps came in 3 styles, Permanent wall and celing and portable such as table and floor lamps. Each chest of drawers had a table lamp connected to the gas pipe that ended in an outlet next to the chests with a thin rubberlike hose. The table lamps in the barracks were polished brass colored with milk white glass ribbed shades. Other styles were available including: ornimental glass lamps with glass shades of many types including stained glass, metal shades or no shades at all. Lamps also came in gold and silver toned metal. The hanging versions were equally varied in styling as was the wall versions. The lamps over by the shelves and above the common study table were of the ceiling and wall variety. Again, designed to complement the table lamps, had the same type of shades and polished brass look. Unlike the older lamps that used the yellow -64-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene fire of the gas to give light, a mantel lamp uses a bag that contains a substance that when heated by a bunsen flame gets pure white brightness, this gave out a tremendous amount of light and sadly enough, heat. In the daytime we did not light many lamps. or we would keep the windows (four large windows behind each bed) open. The sanitary room had two windows as did the bathing room. At night, we would close the windows and use the light and heat on a cold night to warm us while we did our research. when we slept, the 3 gas wall furnaces would turn on in tandem, they were controled by one wall mounted thermostatic gas valve, when heat was needed, and shut down when it was warm enough.

After all of us had unpacked and setup our recievers, mine in the dorm and the new one in the recreation room/mess hall, I told Sheila of our invitation to a feast in Calixtia at the royal palace. "Problem is, Sheila, I dont have anything to wear! None of the six females thought of going to a imperial banquet!" Sheila smiled, "Thats probally why a royal courier broght this especially for you.", she handed me a package. "I dont know what they look like, I have not opened mine yet either. I also have as the courier said, "A special gift for the beutiful Terran." What exactly did Michele do?", she handed me Micheles package. I smiled, "Michele spoke as a representive of the Klingons, she explained that she was not the supervisor but would speak on our behalf, The queen gave her a hug and said the feast was in her honor." "Well, I am sorry that I was not present, it was never anticipated that we would have a state visit so soon after arriving." -65-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Macawnian clothing makes a woman feel special. My gown was a very fancy floral print with lots of pattern. My top and my dress were designed to match. my dress used pantiers to make it look filled out. Michele almost cried when she saw hers. All white with a lace trim and white bodice. a light blue sash was worn around the waist. her dress did not use a pantier, as the cut of the dress and her flabby belly filled it out nicely. Janets dress was a dark brown dress with a crucifix with a golden sash cord, as Michele said ,"Janet, you look absolutily Fransiscan! I love it!"

Janet quipped, "You look absolutly maiden! Are you getting married? Do I do the ceremony?" We laughed at what was said. Truth was, until Janets retort none of us thought Micheles dress looked like a wedding gown, without that dreaded train. or Janets a modified Fransiscan friars habit. Sherrys, a dress like mine with lots of flowers in the lighter red shades, Mine were darker. Only Micheles dress looked like a maiden in waiting because, she was! Only no one including Michele realized that until later that night. What did Keran or Sheila have? well when we all boarded the 3 coaches I had a chance to see the others in their outfits, Keran wore a dress with little flowers of all colors on a field of green grasses. Sheilas dress almost like Micheles except hers was cobalt blue. a color that meant, "Sorry, you are not as impotant to us, Michele is". The four men were equally dashing. Ed, wore a black suit with a tie and trowsers and matching shoes. Dwarth wore a pair of black dress breeches and a standard Klingon dress tunic, Dwart wore similar clothing as Ed, as did Tavad. -66-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene The first coachman was given orders to pick up Michele by herself, thats because Michele was the guest of honor. the rest of us would pack in on the 2 other coaches, that were to follow behind Michele.

We traveled to the port on the Dasbain sea where a ferry would carry the 3 coaches to the port at Calixtia, where we would then travel to the palace. Sitting in 3 coaches aboard a ferry that was powered by a huge electric motor, with no stabilizers was a bit uncomfortable, Klingons dont like oceans that much. Thanks to good piloting and good weather, none of the travelers had any problems with the trip across. Calixtia was the Capital of Calla and where the Queen and her parimentry body the Quara met every week. The city was just still being restored to the original glory it had prior to the bloody Klingon/Macawn war that would tear it to ruins like a child smashing his mothers beatiful priceless china with rage. The Palace called The Palace of eternal love was a Massive pure white stone and wooden structure made of Malaskian wood. A very durable hard wood that was also very pretty when stained. This new palace was made in the style of the original which the Klingons distroyed. Heavy ceiling beams, cut crystal gas fired chandeliers, matching wall sconces with cut crystal bases and cut crystal shades. Table gas lamps with gold bases and cut crystal again in the body of the lamps with crystal shades, hand painted murals and frescoes adorned the walls. a banquet table made of light finished malaskia wood with the finest white linen table cloth with gold plated utensils and chalices with semi precious gems. The finest golden rimmed china I ever saw with a gorgious floral -67-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene pattern around the plates and bowls. Platers of mikswine bull meat, Gallons of Callonian and Rician wines, Loads of breads, bowls with the sweetest tasting vegtables. To a true Klingon, this was excessive to the point of vulgarity. to my eyes, being raised with both Terran and Italian love of fine things this was just overwelming! Michele was seated at the head of the table next to Christiana. I was on the other side next to Zarl. and a local priestess, who wore a similar outfit to Janets although hers was grey. Janet was on Micheles left.

The queen stood up and with a dignified bow, "Lady Janet, would you as a visitiing religous, open our meal with a prayer?" The others stood at that, Janet smiled as she stood, walked to the head of the table, and after she gave a bow and the sign of the cross, prayed with all of her heart and soul: Oh Holy Lord, you made all things, to you we give thanks for thy mercy! Thank you for the safe trip, and the hospitality of your people, who like us celebrate your loving nature. Thank you for the fine food we are about to recieve. Thanks to your holy mother for saying yes to your father in heaven in giving birth to you so that our sins may be forgiven. In the name of Jazas, son of Mariak. Son of the most holy lord Jewah we praise you forever, amen! Everyone raised their chalices to the air and replied "Amen!". We sat down again. The priestess looked at Janet with a smile, I -68-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene heard her complimenting Janet on her knowledge of the local faith, Janet blushed as she took a sip of the Rician red wine that started being poured into our chalices.

"It seems that we both love and honor the same blessed trinity, our names are almost the same Jewah is pronouced similar, Jazas is our Jesus, Mariak is Mary. My family was from Terra long ago. Our faith is Roman Catholism. Listening to your masses, on the radio, it seems that your order of the mass similar to our own. Like Jazas on Lesbos, our Jesus was executed by his own people in the same way. he also had 12 followers as Jazas had. one of which would betray him, again the same. our betrayer was Judas Iscariot. yours was Jadaz of Lesbia." "Your knowledge of our faith is extrordinary! Did you know you had a vocation to the priesthood as a child or later?" Janet smiled sadly, "I always wanted to be a Discalaced Carmelite nun, yet it appears that I dressed as a Fransiscan. You apear to be dressed as a Capauchin. Thse two are related in both following the teachings of Saint Frances of Assisi. Sadly, for the first few years of my life I wandered and wallowed in sinful things, I would like to recieve reconciliation soon if I can." The priestess smiled, stood and said, "Come, I will hear your confession in my office.", I am honored to serve another of the faith." Janet and the female priestess who was called Mother Arianna left the hall. Zarl looked at me with a smile, he gently patted my hand. He was a younger man who believed in peaceful relations with the Klingons -69-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene who shared the solar system with him. Zarl was not an extra bumpy in fact, his forehead had very small fine ridges. His eyes were deep blue. Something in me told me that I had to get to know him better, "That Janet is quite special, isnt she?"

"huh? Oh, yes Janet is the only one on this team who has a religious calling. She was hoping to start a religous community of Discalaced Carmelites on Qnos, problem is, Carnial Tarvia does not know if Rome on Terra would allow it, as there is few catholics on Qnos." "Our religous orders right now are having a hard time getting enough religous men and women to take vows. We lost many in that bloody war. There is only 200 priests serving 200,000 Macawns. Only 20 parishes remain standing. Most of which are on Moron, There is one on Calla, 2 on Lesbos, 3 on Ricia. Thanks to the use of radio, we can serve many with the message but most dont get the body and blood as they cant get to the parishes except on Moron where they are more easily traveled to by the Moronite people." I thought to myself, he is intelligent! He is the one! I can tell that he is the one that I will be betrothed to some day. "Janet would be most happy to serve your people, I am sure of that. She would help with the rebuilding of your parishes and your people would have the ability to recieve. Although its really up to her. Having known her for a few days, she will do what I believe. It may not be right now but she loves Jazas so much with all of her heart." Janet came back to the table with Mother Arianna who made my statment a fact, "Behold! A new priestess is been recieved! Janet -70-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene has asked to help rebuild the church of Maca, as her Saint Frances had done with Santo Damanio on Terra! Praise be for the future of Maca!", she exclaimed with happy tears.

Janet wore a little pin on her left brest that declared her a priestess to the church of Maca. She smiled as all of us stood at her ordination. I walked up to her and gave her a hug. "You got your wish to serve. Dont let Jazas or Mariak and their faithful down." She smiled, "When I was done with my confession, and did my 10 Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers Mother Arianna explained to me the dire crisis of the church here. She asked me if I would help with the rebuilding of the church. She is not only a priestess. She is also the equivilent of their Archbishop. Her archdioses covers all of Calla and Tostia. I am now the bishop of Tostia in addition to a Fransiscan Frioress. Something that Rome would not allow under the Terran Magisterium. I have full priestly authority, however, I will need to continue my religious training at the Callionian seminary before I can serve a full Macawn parish. Good news for us is, I can now serve Mass to the Catholics in our group officially. and hear confessions." We had a glorious time, Several singers performed for us, a band played music that made us feel great. Yet it was not over yet. Christiana near the end of the dinner stood. "Due to the special nature of this occasion, I propose a betrothal of Michele to my son, Talad." Michele jumped up with shock. "WHAT!?" A very striking young man with medium brown hair came over to Michele and took her hand in his. "I know, you had not known me, -71-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene my mother feels that a Klingon-Macawn marriage would help further ties between our people. If I married say Bichela, whom seems to like Zarl, it would create strife. I saw you when I was working with the the Royal press corps. I was smitten by your beauty and fluent speech. Please, say yes."

Michele thought about what Talad was saying, "Talad, I am not even a Klingon, you heard me explain that to your mother." Talad smiled, "I know, I dont care. I love you.", he looked at me, his brown eyes were full of happiness, "I told my mom that I still wanted to share my life with someone as beautiful as you. I have not had a wife, I am lonely. Please. I can see you are in the same way." Michele pondered on what Talad had said, with a slowly spreading grin, "Yes! I accept!" The shouts of joy from the room were deafening, Michele whispered to Talad, "Only one thing Talad, I cannot bear children, I am sterile." Talad smiled, "I dont care! We will take a orphan child as our own! There is thousands of boys and girls that lost their parents, who who want a home." Mother Arianna and Mother Janet who would be celebrating the wedding the next day, which was Maudlam, their Sunday, Janet would do the ceremony with Mother Arianna assisting. Michele and Janet were to remain at the Palace for the wedding preperations, I asked if I could also stay, "I want to help Michele get ready for the mass. I also want to spend some time with Zarl. -72-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene

Sheila was having a screaming fit! "Whats going on! We are here to observe these people! Now, I got one getting married, and one looking like a love sick puppy at another. One that is now a bishop of Tostia and two men who are trying to out cook the other in the kitchen. Doesnt anything go according to plans? I ask you Jazas or whoever you call yourself these days! Why?" Janet told me what happened as I was a bit busy with Zarl in his private apartment suite, talking about Macawn technoligy and government. She told me that this was not to be told until Sheila left for Qnos or Terra or died. Sheila returned to Qnos at the end of our scheduld survey. She later was killed in a pub fight. Thus both conditions are met. Mother Arianna took Sheila and Janet into her office, and said, "Sometimes thats how things are worked by his divine providence." "Mother, I have not been in any church for like 10 years! I am not even sure he loves me!", she sobbed. "I voluntarily killed my unborn. We call it an abortion. I always was told that was a mortal sin that will never allow me to be in the Kingdom of heaven, I was so shamed that I stayed away from the church, fell in love with many bad men, did bad things with them sexually." Mother Arianna sighed, "We have similar things, The guilt you feel is that you thought at the time it was right, to kill a baby that was not anticipated. Yes its wrong, we are not to kill, Jesus and Jazas are the same, different peoples, same person. He talked about the love of the father as a parable called by your scriptures The Prodigal son?", Janet Nodded. "Like the son who thought he would do well on his own, he finds out that he is not only failing to find good work, he was hungry, cold and willing to eat slops! He says -73-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene to himself my father has many servants who are eating well, I will ash him if I can come home and serve as a farmhand, When his father sees him he welcomes his wayward son home. Kills the finest calf and throws a party. Jesus wants you to have a party too. All you need to do is pray for his loving forgiveness."

"Even I can be forgiven?", Sheila asked "Even the worst murderers! If they are willing to ask. Jazas on his tree was impaled with two other men, at first, both of them ridiculed him, The one on the right then thought about the tragedy of the painful death of Jazas, he said, wait a minute! this man is innocent! he does not deserve to die like this! Jazas, Lord, I want to be with you in your heavenly kingdom., Jazas with his life draining away says you will be with me this day in paradise, this man was a serious killer, Jazas forgave him. Let him forgive you, and wash you sins away." Sheila thought about what the Mother was saying, "Jazas, forgive me! I want to come home! I am so sorry that I killed my unborn baby. Please in your love and compassion, make her a happy child on your lap.", she said this faltering, the tears streaming down her face. "By the power of the holy spirit, who gives us the keys to heaven and hell, to loose what is to be loosen, bind what is to bound, I absolve you of your sins, in the name of The father, The son and The holy spirit, Sin no more, come home to his holy family. For your pennence, 10 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Marys. When Mother Janet told me of this confessional I was jubilant! Sheila the next day at the wedding looked like she finally was happy. Before she was always trying to avoid failures, her outlook -74-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene had changed for the better.

Michele and Talad did not make love that night, they spent the night talking of what kind of life was ahead, she showed Talad her body. He had no problems with her body at all. There was something special about them that I never did quite understand. I did know that due to the Macawn laws, Michele could end up the successor to Maca. I say could because she can turn down the throne and hand it to another trusted female if she felt she was unfit. I could tell that would not be a problem for several years to worry about as Christiana was still fairly young and healthy. While the rest returned to Toriest, Mother Janet, Michele and her husband Talad and myself would remain in Callixtia. We wanted to keep our promise in finding out how to contact Galivia. Finding the radio station Callonian one was easy. The station was a moderate sized 4 floor building, the tall transmitting antenna behind it. We walked into the stations reception area where we were met by a nice little receptionist named Marizia, her eyes popped open when she saw Princess Michele with us. "Can I help you?" she asked pausing from typing on a unique computer keyboard that only had 10 keys. "Yes", Princess Michele smiled, "A few days ago on your Maca Today show you had a singer named Galivia. Do you know how we can get in contact with her?" "I cannot.", she said firmly, "Confidential information." "In that case, I will give our location where we are staying so you can contact her for us, is that permitted?" -75-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene She sighed as we gave her the address to the palace. she grabbed ,hurriedly, that 10 key half round keyboard that also had a built in roller, it was rolled on the table like a Terran mouse. Marizia did not have a screen, rather the keys jumped up and down when she moved the keyboard/pointer/display. "I can contact her now. She is a studio musician here. One moment." She flicked the keyboard/pointer/display to the left and using the 10 buttons in combinations opened a link. she talked through a headset she wore. "Galivia, you have some very long distance visitors in the reception area from Qnos, one is the Princess Michele.", she listened for a second and turned to us, "She will be down shortly."

Bichela was messmerized with the operation of that interface, "I never seen anything like it, Can I buy one in Callixtia? I would like to expirement with one. How fast can one type characters on it?" "Oh this? Its fairly common on Maca, now. Here at Callonian One we just got some of them, they replace the older 200 key minikeyboards we used to use. I have one of those in my desk.", she pulled out a cordless keyboard and handed it to Bichela. "Good keyers can punch up text at 120 characters a second. I am not that good yet, I only can do 30. With the older one you needed a seperate output display, a pointer and the keyboard. These are called the easy finger, you can get them at Techi down the street. They come in both corded and cordless versions." "I am going to buy one. They are neat!", Bichela exclaimed as she looked at the Easy finger. Do they come with instructions? to install and use?" "I wouldnt know, I just key it. Techi would be the best bet for that information." -76-

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Galivia walked into the room at that moment, a older greying black hair female, dressed smartly with a nice sky blue dress with white trim and white sash. Her shoes were black and nicely polished. She had very small forehead ridges and well done makeup. "Galivia, nice to meet you. A few days ago on Maca Today you sang a sweet melody to your late husband, we felt bad, we had to stop listening to the show and pray for your loss. I am sorry for the tragedy you had to face.", Bichela said softly. (Klingons hardly talk that way, and certainly NOT softly). Galivia looked at Bichela with shock. "I remember, it was terrible, I started crying about that. Then near the end of the interview, I felt something special was happening, I felt that someone was really praying for my hurt. I... I never thought my song would be heard on Qnos, they have been butchering our broadcasts for a few days, how did you hear it?", she said as tears began running her finely crafted makeup. "We have a private reciever that picked up the raw signal from Callixtia. All of this time I wanted to give you a hug, We finally told our supervisior Sheila to take that Qnos trash and dump it.", Princess Michele said with a smile as she held Galivias hand, Talad was smiling at his new wife. "I welcome your hugs.", she weeped. All 3 of us gave her a hug, one at of time as not overwealm this older Macawn, who was crying softly. A few minutes later we got the communications and technoligy tour we wanted. Galivia was a excellent tour guide, "Callonian one -77-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene is a live music broadcasting station. We dont usually use musical recordings here. There is 10 singers, and 30 studio musicians who work 20 hours a day from 0600 to 0200, We broadcast two major daily programs Maca Today and Happy Morning Maca, There is a newsteam that covers events such as your landing and Princess Micheles wedding. These newscasts do use recordings for statements and interviews. We also broadcast the Litturgy from Sainte Mariak for people to hear the gospel. Like the musical programs it is broadcast live at the 5 Litturgys. Once on Sabitia, 4 times on Maudlam. We are considering carrying the daily Litturgies as well.

"How far away can one pick up your signals on Maca?", Princess Michele asked, "We were able to get them from Space." "Callonian One has 3 assigned frequencies, 550kc, 5,500kc and 10,000kc. These are tranmitted via several repater sites. one is located on the northern most tip of Calla, one in the southernmost and one right here. The 550kc signal is transmitted from this location. The 5,500kc signal goes worldwide. the 10,000 signal can also be picked up during clear weather world wide. I know you would like to see the transmitters, unfortunatly, I am not permitted in the transmitting equipment room. I can get you passes to sit in the studio and listen to the music however, If you want to see the equipment, you will need to talk to the stations general manager, her name is Mariak Driam. She is one of the few Macawns with a last name. I also asked her if we could get passes to be in the Maca Today audiance. She smiled, "I think Tarvalt the host would love to have you as guests on the show! I will ask him and let him decide." All four of us went to Techis where I picked up two of the Easy -78-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Fingers, one was a corded version, one cordless, the tech looked at me, "One thing, if your computer does not have a two-way infrared port, the cordless would be useless, we sell the adaptor for 25 Collonia. the Easy fingers were both 303 Collonia and 439 Collonia. the 439 unit was the cordless version. Talad said to the saleswoman, "Fine, put it on my account, also she needs manuals on hooking it up and using it."

One note, 1 Collonia was about 1.23 credits! these were Not cheap! "How about the tradional keyboards, do you sell those also?", Princess Michele asked. "No one wants those anymore! Here, heres a brand new one. I will sell it to you for 20 Callonia. People have had too many repitive stress injuries with these. Its flat, its big and needs a display for the output.", she gave me a large box that had one of the biggest baddest mosterous keyboards I ever saw, "Why is there so many keys? Your langauge only uses 39 chracters, yet this thing has over 400 keys!" "Dont forget the keyboard also has support for the word processing commands, the diffent ditiatical marks, currency, syntax symbols such as the uva, the erd, and sa, along with the other more common ones. (these symbols were the upside down ! ~ ?. These are used in some Terran languages also). We left, I carried the manuals for the two Easy Fingers, the (as Princess Michele called it, the Head smashing nightmare). the two Easy finger boxes, the Infrared interface box,and the Head smashing nightmare box. -79-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene We arrived at the palace where a messenger left a message that the 3 of us were to be on Maca Today later that night at 2200 hours. It was 1432 now, thus we had time to look at the manuals a bit before we left again for the studio.

"These people are smart! With the easy fingers you used a binary type code to do the equivelent to that Head Smashing nightmare commands. Notice the shape of the Easy Fingers? its designed to place your hands in a comfortable working position. The buttons reain under your splayed hands. The left thumb is used to take the keystrokes that are held down and send it to the computer, During which the the roller can be set to be disabled to avoid pointer movement. The right thumb can be used in several modes. One is the same as the left thumb, or it can switch the keyboard in 256 character banks. The manual indicates that there is over 65536 character sequences available! When the keys are not being pressed, its a pointer and display. The keys which remain under your fingers pop up and down to indicate binary positions. The mode button on the right thumb mode when down indicates that the 8 combinations of the characters on the top indicate the mode if you flick the pointer a little to the left or right, you display the characters that would normally be on a screen.", I said with awe. At that point a servant knocked on the door, "Lady Michele, Galivia is here to see you." Michele sighed, "I am not used to such formality. Send her in." Galivia walked in with a huge smile on her happy face, "I got a request for all of you, I would like to know if you would like to sing with me on Maca Today." -80-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Michele, Janet, Talad, looked like they just stepped in something ugly. "We dont know how to sing well. We never sang in public either.", It was true, Klingons rarely sing.

"I really want you to sing tonight, I will train you." I looked at the group with anxiety, a rarely felt Klingon feeling. "Now? we only have 6 and a half hours before we have to leave for the studio again." "Why not?", she said, we spent the next four hours working on our voices and selecting the type of music to sing. Michele felt some Terran music would be best, "How about some Barry Manilowe, or Linda Ronstat, their music would fit the feelings we feel." Galivia looked at Michele with a blank look, "Never heard of them, What I am proposing is you sing about your own feelings of being here on Maca." We huddled together and thought about what we felt upon arrival. We practiced several musical accompients. Finally we wrapped up our session with a wide reaching musical number that made Galivia cry with joy, "Perfect!". She wrote down the melody in musical notation, I will give this to the Musical director to arrange. We arrived at Callonian One radio at 2145. We were rushed into the huge Maca One auditorium. Talvalt was getting ready to announce the show. Galivia gave us our lyrics on printed sheets backstage, "Good luck! I will be singing with you also." I felt like I was going to die right there and then when we were -81-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene called on stage, hundreds of people were sitting in the studio, Millions more were listening, including my father and mother on Qnos. The band began to play our melody. Trying to keep our composure and timing we sang carefully:

Oh the sheer beauty of Maca, her green fields, blue seas and sweet people! Their faithful hearts show their true loving spirit. Their Artistry makes us yearn for their companionship Oh mgod did we do bad, we distroyed the best friends a Klingon could have. Their food is divine as is their wine. Their meat and vegtables make us feel complete. The hissing of their lamps, light our way. Down golden stoned streets in Callixtia, where we share our love with Galivia! The house went Wild! We recieved a standing ovation. Talvalt asked us to sit down with him for the interview he wanted to get with the Qnos Klingon researchers. Galivia was with us. "Tell me, did you people ever consider a singing career?", The audiance laughed. "No, This was very sudden, Galivia asked us if we would perform tonight. This was my only public performance of my singing" -82-

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"You should be proud of yourselves, How did it feel to sing in front of a full autitorium?" I blushed, "A bit anxious, I was afraid we would falter.", Galivia smiled at my honesty. "Yet, I also felt that we could do the task." "Galivia tells me that Princess Michele, Mother Janet and yourself had a prayer session after you heard of her tragedy." Michele picked up the conversation, seeing how I was not able to quite explain what I was feeling, "Yes, yes we had. All three of us felt bad for Galivia and her loss. We we inconsolable with sadness at what had transpired. We wanted to do something, prayer was the only option we had." Galivia smiled as she held Micheles hand in a friendly clasp, she was barely able to keep her composure during this interview. Mother Janet in her Fransiscan habit was at that time praying for others like Galivia. She was seated on the left side of Princess Michele who was facing Talvalt. Talvalt switched to the questions of the expidition, "Now to the expidition, now that two of you are now living on Maca. One as the future possible queen, and one as a Bishop of Tostia, how is this going to affect your work?" I sat there like a dumb brick! I was totally unable to think of what to say, Mother Janet came to the rescue, "We will continue to do our research. Only now it is clear to us that at the end of the trip, only 8 of us will return to Qnos. I always wanted to serve my faith with full devotion, Qnos does not have many options for catholics in the religous life." -83-

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"Wont being a Religious in our faith color your observations?" "Honestly, it can and may, we are trained to try to keep our research on a objective level. Before now, Qnos has never had a desire to study the faith of Macawns. With the slowly increasing numbers of Klingon Catholics, the High Council felt it was prudent that we find out more about our neighbors. It was Emperor Kathless II that asked for my appointment to the team as a theological researcher. This was wise as it was originally religous intolerance that caused the bloody battles. This intolerance almost totally distroyed a very loving and compassionate and honorable people. Sadly now your religous face a shortage of priests, priestesses, religious brothers and sisters. Distroyed parishes and a non-exsistant religous education system. I want to help revitalize your faith and religious institutions." Talvalt and his audience applauded, loud heart felt Amens could be heard from the audience. A smiling Talvalt said to Michele, "How does it feel to be married into the royal family?" Michele sighed, "I dont understand all of the implications, my husband, Prince Talad, is a very good man. He is teaching me how I am to respond and act at state occasions. Being of the royal household has just about resulted in my resignation to the expedition. He and I are considering moving our home into Toriest, Tostia so that I can continue to work with the team. Being there is no royal household at Toriest, it is planned that we would live at the barracks, while I continue to serve with the expedition. He is also commissioning a team of archetects to design and build a palace there." -84-

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The interviews concluded with Galivia, Princess Michele, Janet and I singing her love song as a quartet. We left the studio at 2329, we had so many people asking for our autographs and pictures that we just could not seem to get out the doors. Galivia shrugged, "You will get used to it, thats the life of a celebrety." Even when we were outside of Callonian one radio. Reporters from the local newspapers were hounding us with even more questions. We had to rush to the royal coach that was waiting for us with microphones and reporters in our face. When we finally were in the coach, I turned to Michele with a snarl, "Next time you put us into that press trap, I will personally rip out your gullet and use it to hang you from the palace roof!" Michele frowned, "It was not my idea! You were the one that asked to be on Maca Today." I growled deeply, "You are insufferable! And correct, stupid me!" The coach pulled up into the palace plaza and let us out. Even here we were facing reporters. I was tired and wanted to just tear them to shreads. Their microphones and cameras were again in our face, "No more questions! The 4 of us want to retire for the night!", I snarled. It was Prince Talad who finally successfully sent them home, "We will release a statment by tomorrow evening. Prepare us a written list of your questions and we will attempt to answer them in our statement. Please let us go and retire for the evening." Weary and exhausted I fell on top of the soft matress dressed, -85-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene snoring instantly. Michele and Talad went to their apartment, Janet went to her room which she shared with Mother Arianna. Tomorrow would be the day we returned to Toriest to resume our research.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 6

The next day all of us left in 2 royal coaches and a wagon carrying my equipment I purchased at Techi, Princess Micheles and Prince Talads clothing and personal effects. Princess Michele, Prince Talad and Mother Arianna in the first coach. Mother Janet, Zarl and I in the second coach. Zarl smiled at me, with a happy voice, "Back to work eh? How is it to be returning to the work, after your exposure to fame?" I sighed, "It will be nice to not have reporters sticking recording devices in my face or asking stupid questions. At least at Toriest the town itself is small, a quiet agricultural community." Zarl smiled, "It wasnt always that way, Toriest used to be the rowdiest town on Tostia. After the Klingons left the planet, the few Macawns that lived in Toriest returned to subsistance farming. There is no longer a pub on every corner or constant Klingon fighting in the streets after they have too much Zama-Sa, a form of spirits that are brewed there. Tostia, like Calla is primarly a agricultural continent. Klingons had lived mainly on Tostia up until the war for over 300 years. Until two nights ago, there has not been a bishop of Tostia for over 600 years. The last Bishop declared the Diosese of Tostia defunct as there was not enough Christians to maintain it. Mother Janet looked at Zarl, "Is there a bishop or archbishop on the other continents? how about the smaller islands?" Zarl smiled, his eyes seemed far away, "There used to be a bishop or archbishop on all of the lands. There are two Archbishops remaining. Arianna on Calla who also serves Tostia. and Borath who -87-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene serves Moron, Lesbos and Ricia. We used to have what you would call a spirital leader. he lived in a palace in Ricia. The palace was sacked and distroyed by the Klingons, he was killed. This holy leader spoke for the church of Maca in reguards to the policies that were to be enforced. It was he, Leader Tavios who instituted the litturgy that you now participate in."

I had to know something, "Who on Maca produces your many fine products such as you lamps, computers or radios? how about the artisans?" "Our technoligy comes from several continents, Electronics such as the radios are made mainly on Lesbos. Pottery and glassware and crystal are made locally by each communities glass artisians, Same is true with the tack equipment that is used with the Laprats. Gas designs and some equipment come from Moron. with a small import from Alsay, a small island southwest of Calla on the Furat sea. In the case of lamps, local artisans buy the parts and install them in their lighting products." "How long have you had a Quara? who founded the parlimentry body?", Mother Janet asked, "Was Maca always under one leader?" "The Quara was Queen Christianas idea, she designed it. She did this as she felt that there was too much for one to manage properly. You see, her mothr Galavia was one of the smartest monarchs we had, yet the most foolish, she refused to grant the people of Tostia their own soverignity. The Klingons had revolted causing the beginnings of a long blody war that lasted 10 years. Christiana did not want to see those days again. On her own she created a representative government. Each major continent has 5 representitives, thus the Quara has 25 seats. She mainly acts as a representive of Calla and as a reminder of the unity of Maca, -88-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Originally each continent had their own government. After the Klingon-Macawn war and several smaller civil wars, only the queen of Callixtia remained. Rumor is that Ricia is looking to return to a strict Monarchy. The Quara has agreed to honor the Rician requests for soverignity as they did not want to force their hand at another war."

I had so many questions that I needed answers to, "What is hibernation and why was it used? I also have heard of people saying they rot in hibernation, why is this?" Zarl frowned, "Hibernation was used to allow us to go to a long sleep for a later time. After the war, Maca was devestated, her crops were burned, her buildings torn down and many were dying from poisons dumped into our air and water by bad Klingon weapons. We did not want to die out. The chambers originally built for medical use were enlarged to hold many more of us, for a later revival. Bodys sometimes rot as the equipment can momentarly fail. a quick failure results in some dead tissues that turn gangrious. Its risky too as some of the equipment had failed outright. This was the case with Galivias late husband. Today all but one hibernation chamber have been dismantled, their pieces are in historical collections. That one chamber, located under Callixtia still holds about 400 people. They are to be revived this week. Unlike the automated chambers, this one is being fully monitored by a Macawn medical team to insure its operation." I was stunned, "Why are 400 people still in the hibernation chambers now?" "These people are the remaining well to do artisians and shop owners of Callixtia. These men and woman we felt would not fare well with facing the distruction of their homelands. Some were -89-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene considered not strong enough to face the severity of the hardships that we all had to face. They are going to be revived slowly one at a time and reintergrated into our current world culture."

"How was the chambers provided power? Certainly they did not run on natural gas." "No, they used geothermal energy to power their power generators. The chambers are the only areas of Maca that were fully electrified. The generating equipment will now be used to power things such as Callonian one Radio, World Radio Maca and the hospitals laboratory and medical equipment. Natural gas will remain the main power source as it takes advantage of a natural by products of digestion, with the end product of the gas conversion. a rich dung product used for fertilizer." I began to see what I felt odd about Maca, these people had the power to create great technoligical things, yet they did not want to exploit their planet or its ecosystem. "In Callixtia, I see some indoor sanitary plumbing, whereas in our barracks we only have the bathing rooms piped for water and grey water drainage. Why is this?" "Originally your barracks had a well that was hand pumped to the water warmer system. Our plumbers found a spring that could provide the water pressure for baths, and the kitchen, without pumping. Being they wanted to keep the building as original as possible, only the bathing areas were updated. Now instead of going out to the well, to fill the water pitchers, one only has to fill them from the tap in the bathing room. The drain line still goes to a drainage field outside of your barracks. Those tubs are original and have not be modified, just cleaned and polished. That original -90-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene well still is usable, its located in the plaza that is in front of your building. The hand pump is no longer there, the Klingons took it with them."

"What about the sanitary sytems as used on Callixtia? Do all of your commodes involve taking buckets of excrement to a digester by hand? In the palace I saw we did our business, pushed a floor pedel and that was all." "Even the palace has the drain their hoppers. Your waste goes down a straight pipe to a big box. When the box is full, a laprat is used to pull it on a wheeled carriage to the community digester or as we call them locally, Gasification plants. There the gas is made and stored in huge tanks, pressurized and descented to remove most of the smell. a tiny bit remains that is to allow the location of gas leaks. Callixtia when it was very prosperous could produce more gas in a day than it could use. The excess was given to neighboring towns that did not produce enough, such as Cara and Tal. Toriest used to import their gas from Valat. a major meat packing city in Tostia. Valat is now much smaller and it needs what it makes. Toriest now has to live off its own meager gas resources. Christiana wants to invest in pipelines to connect all of the continents gasification plants and consumers together. Natural gas has also been found naturally underground. The pipeline idea is being considered, the idea of drilling into Macas soil to tap this natural well has been strongly opposed. One such well is in Toriest, close to your barracks. This small well would have provided all of Tostia with energy for 50 years." I sat closer to Zarl, I really wanted to spend more time with him, both as a resource research. and a resource of bodily pleasures. We were just pulling into the barracks. -91-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Sheila was one of the few present at our arriving. She had the look of someone who clearly was flustered, "Welcome back, we have many things we need to start with...", she started ticking things off on her fingers, Janet stared at her with frustration.

"Sheila, I too have many things to do also. Princess Michele still needs to prepare her lodging, Bichela is doing a technoligical interview with Zarl. May I ask that you give us a quick summary of what needs to be done." Sheila shrugged, "Ok. One Sherry is on the rampage. Ed and Tmarth are fighting again and we are out of gas as we dont have enough biomatter for the digesters. The little gas we had Ed and Marth burned up with bad cooking." Like I didnt need to hear that, I turned to Zarl, "We need that pipeline! and possibly tapping into that gas well that is located near our grounds. Not enough excrement from this team is being thrown in the hoppers, instead we verbally fling it at each other!" Zarl Sighed, "Talad, contact Christiana and explain the crisis, Only the Quara can give us the permission to drill into the well." "What Gas well?", Sheila frowned. "As Zarl told me there is a small gas well that has been found near our barracks. If we can tap it, there is enough gas for the entire Tostian continent for 50 years with the current population.", I said, "Only the idea of using the fossil fuels that are abundant are discouraged as it could cause harm to the eccological balance on Maca. The Barracks has its own digester, the town of Toriest has a larger one which also is dangerously low on gas reserves." -92-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Sheila exclaimed, "Thats NOT a small gas well!"

Zarl jumped in, "Actually, it is, its the smallest one on the continents. the next largest is on Ricia, the largest is on Lesbos. Callas own well would feed Tostia with gas for 223 years. Lesboss well would provide this continent with gas for 2329 years at the Tostian continents current gas usage." Sheila mused, "Let me see if I got this clear, we shovel our excrement into a digester which makes gas, which is already under us? Why dont we tap the current well and forget the digesters?" I understood the arguments on both sides, "We do this as that eliminates the risks that our raw sewage will contaminate our ground water system, promotes the well balanced eccological system of circular usage. Tapping into this well would knock the system out of kilter, Why make gas when we get it from the ground? Why run digesters? Take our waste and dump it into the rivers and streams and it will kill animals and slowly kill us. These digesters allow our toxic untreated wastes to be stabilized and used to help raise crops for our food for us and our livestock. Terrans and Klingons learned that lesson the hard way. Macawns knew this lesson before they could even repeat our blunders." "We have no lights or cooking fuel! We need that gas!", Sheila cried. I thought for a second, and I had an idea, "Are you throwing in animal wastes from our livestock into the digesters too?" "No, we dont why?" "If we did, we could easily get our gas production up. How about the food scraps?" -93-

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"Neither, we just throw it on the ground. Notice that heap over there?" Princess Michele looked at horror at the beginnings of a landfill that was being created on the edge of the property, "That is our fuel! Either we dump it into the digesters or we go hungry! You people... are a bunch of FRELLING idiots!", she screamed at the top of her lungs, "Pure... Stupid... misinformed IDIOTS!" I stared at Sheila with uncontrolled fury, "Sheila... You dont understand what you have done do you?", Sheila stammered, "I-I-..." "Sheila, Get out of my face! Princess Michele is right. You will SHOVEL all of that biomatter into our digester! You dont realize that unlike Terra, We have to reclaim our waste as it is our energy source! We cannot go dig a hole and dump it somewhere!" When Christiana found out about Sheilas little landfill she too was outraged. Sheila ,Bichela, Talad, Ed, Marth and myself shoveled all of the waste into the digesters which we had just claimed the fertilizer out of. Within a few hours we began to see some gas production. Fortunatly for us our gas supply still was enough to run the refrigeration systems. None of our food went bad. The town of Toriest was nice enough to donate to us 25,000 Cubic meters of gas, They delivered it in 2 Huge High pressure tanks which were connected to our supply lines with regulators. As a return favor, we would return those tanks filled when they came to pick them up at the end of the month. Queen Christiana did finally agree to talk to the Quara about the gas well, The Tostian representitives told her that would be a unwise solution to a short term problem. The answer was simply, no drilling. -94-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Until our gas system was fully recharged there would be no long baths or hot meals, Traditional Klingon cuisine would be the norm. Only two lamps per room would be permitted.

Princess Michele and Talad moved into the second floor of the barracks. They would go even farther to save on gas by not using the lamps at all, They instead ordered some vegtable oil lamps from Alsay that would be their main source of light and heat for that cooler fall season. They also took cold baths with their water heater turned off. Princess Michele and Prince Talad installed the first pipeline, in 600 years, on Tostia to connect our gas plant with the Toriest plant, opened the valves to Valat and Vapert to combine the gas supply of 3 towns. Eventually even the small towns of Ud, Vart and Scran would be connected to our gas pipeline. With all of that gas going through the pipeline, we needed to find ways to measure the flow to determine how much was being used or generated. Princess Michele and Prince Talad installed gas metering equipment at both the digesters and eventually the homes and businesses that would use it. They were billed for their use or refunded for their gas generation. This revenue from the gas would go to the towns or individuals who generated it based on their amount of generation. This project was done in record time of about 3 months. Sheila was so cowed after our arguments that she left about three weeks later with Tart, humiliated, the rest of us still remain on Maca. The landfill became known by the people of Toriest in Macawnian Eeewagh! pronounced Eeee ew Augh!. Litterly translated Yuck! it stinks!.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 7

After our incident with Sheila and her attitudes towards our gas production, we began our work. We had 3 weeks left to do our work before we were scheduled to leave for Qnos. I began my research by continuing on with theEasy Finger keyboards. With some modifications to my computers keyboards interfacing circuitry I was able to use the Easy Fingers to do my daily data entry. With their built in display capability, I did not require my monitor for daily use, which resulted in significant savings on battery drain. By their nature they were adaptable to any binary character set one could imagine. I used mine in Klingon Operators Standard Character Set. or KOSCS for short. Princess Michele used the corded version with her native ASCII, an older Terran computer character set. Learning to see dots meaning letters, symbols and numbers took me a while. Princess Michele, who was trained in Braille and tactile touch reading, quickly adapted her easy fingers to respond to ASCII, KOSCS and a variation of Braille called Computer Braille. This mainly involved the software in the computer itself to decode the keypresses and translatting the output into the same chracters so that the buttons could display the results in meaningful format. I also did some research on the huge keyboard also. Without too many changes to my operating system, I was able to use both. Once I began to use the Easy Fingers, I found that like Mariza at Callonian one radio, I could enter text even faster than I thought possible. Unlike my original keyboard, my hands did not get sore after 5 hours of constant keying. The easy fingers system also provided one with a sense of privacy. Only you knew what the display showed to your fingers. I also decided later to add to my input/output routines support for Macawnian text which would later become my second language. With the mode select button -96-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene on my right thumb, I could switch between the text modes without a problem. Later Princess Michele and I would combine our research into one keyboard routine that could do many chracter sets. These included: KOSCS, ASCII, Braille, Computer Braille, Modern Macawnian, Ancient Macawnian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Old Klingon. We would later supply this driver to the manufacturer of Easy Fingers as a source code file for compiling in any computer using Linux. The Easy Fingers company agreed that exporting the unit to other planets would be good investment.

Princess Michele smiled at me, as she keyed in the latest reports on the Macawnian Radio spectrum and transmission policies, "This company is sitting on a gold mine here. With this unit, the problems of Repetive Stress Injury would be drastically reduced." I shrugged as I continued to work on the many texts of the principles of Macawnian gas distribution systems, the new global data communications networks and the translations of the texts on ecology, economy and principles of Macawnian finance. "If it was not for this thing", I tapped my cordless Easy fingers affectionatly, "I would have been way behind with the keying of all of this text, never mind a visit to the infirmary to have my wrists examined." "I know! I had to input a 59 page list of frequency allocations. If I had to key that all in with my standard keyboard, I would have to first translate the symbols from Macawnian to Klingon for Qnos. Now I just punch it in with Modern Macawnian, I then let a computer program I wrote translate it into KOSCS for me. That saves me time there. Like you, this thing allows me to type all of this without a set of sore wrists." I had just remembered a thought I promised my dad, "Does -97-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Macawn laws allow me to contact my father from Maca? if so, what frequencies and do I need any special permits?"

Princess Michele smiled, "Let me check that.", she rolled her Easy Fingers to the left, punched some keys that translated to grep "Klingon"
Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene out only confirmed my suspicions, "If that is true, and I do believe it is, then I dont have to worry about repacking. It also means I can spend more time with Zarl. Why is Sherry possibly leaving?"

"From what I have heard, she is not getting along with Ed or Tmarth. The lady has been put through hell with their argumentive nature of the type and quality of the meals that are to be served." I frowned, "I noticed that the quality of the meals has been inconsistant. Some overcooked, some undercooked, on dirty plates! Why? did Sherry give up washing the dishes?" "Yes, she felt that it was better staying out of that kitchen. Lately pots and pans have been thrown by the two males at each other, sometimes even her. The kitchen is a disgrace to even the worst Klingon housekeepers! My husband is arranging to have a Macawn chef replace the two current culinary disasters. I am working wih Sherry to find a chef that would respect her talents. A female chef, with a good sense of compassion is being sought for. There are 3 applicants that are being reviewed." "If that application is filled, would Sherry likely remain?", I could barely imagine just how frustrating it is to listen to two headstrong males shouting insults and cookware at each other. "Thats her terms. Sherry is a good worker, ignored by most of us, isolated by being on Qnos while most of her family is on Terra. She does not want to return to Qnos, unfortunatly she feels that it may be the only choice she has.", Michele frowned. Keran at that moment had walked into our dorm with some research notes she needed to get typed up. Unlike us, none of the other researchers had access to working computer -99-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene equipment. "I want to use a computer to type my notes.", she said tiredly as she plopped the thick pile of papers on the table. "Hand writing all of this into my reports is taking too much time.", she stared as she saw our Easy Fingers keyboards. "Going native?"

We grinned at her, "Best way to enter a pile of notes.", I smiled. She studied the keyboards, "How do you type on those? I need to pound out these reports before the end of the week." I quickly browsed the thick pile, "Once you learn how to think in binary things go quickly. Being you have illistrations here... Michele, how do we do graphics?" Princess Michele picked up some of the pages, leafed through them. "Easy, we use the old displays and fire up X. then use Xfig or Xpaint. The Easy Fingers are still usable for the drawings, as a pointer device, and keyboard unit." Kerans eyes glazed over, "X? Xfig? Xpaint? What on Qnos are those? I am used to Micro Illusions, a program that is on my computer on Qnos." I sighed, teaching Keran Xfig, Xpaint and Easy Fingers at the same time would take up the rest of the day. "Might as well learn, Sit down. Lets first start with what you know, I pulled my old standard Klingon keyboard out of my computer case, along with my old pointer. Placing them next to my Easy Fingers only reminded me just how barbaric things really were in the old ways. " Keran was still dazed and confused after I showed her how the 3 pointer buttons operated the 3 modes of the pointer, After I had her practice drawing some freehand work, we began to tackle the -100-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene simpler drawings of the exterior of the grasses. 3 hours later, she was using Xfig to draw her work. "Now Xfig is mainly used for drawings that are linear. You have some things hre that would get difficult with Xfig, for those, we switch to Xpaint. Go back to the far right with your pointer at the desktop and push the first button. go to applications and click on Xpaint. You dont need to exit Xfig as you can have both running at the same time."

Keran began to grasp the drawing work with Xpaint. Whatever Micro Illusions was, she had a lot to unlearn. She also found that the ability to have both programs active at the same time allowed her to quickly switch to one from the other. Unlike Michele and I, she was a graphical person. a Gui user. I felt it was time to show her how the Easy Fingers keyboard was used for this same work. My system was set up to handle both the old keyboard and the Easy fingers at the same time. I also found a few bugs in the routines when using X, apparently, we failed to fully implement the emulations of the pointer, therefore we still had to use the old pointer. I would later fix that bug and send The Easy Fingers company a updated source driver. an hour later my low battery alarm sounded. I growled, I was so used to the long battery life that I was jolted by the warning beeps. "Keran! Save your work! we are riding on empty!". Keran quickly saved her work. I shut down Cecilia and slipped the battery pack into the solar charger, while taking a fresh pack out of the charger and placed it in Cecilia and repowered up. "Thats why I dont use a Grapical User Interface. My monitor is a power sucker." Keran never did quite get the hang of how to use Easy Fingers. She used my old keyboard. Some people just dont have the ability to grasp the nature of Easy Fingers. She did finish the work before the week was over. She was telling us about the Macawn -101-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene plants. "One word that I use", she groaned as she massged her tired wrists, "Fascinating! Most of their plants are edible. They provide a rich source of vitamins and minerals that our bodies require. In fact, they provide more nutrients than our Klingon foods. Most of them also do have medicinal value, as Dwart has observed. If the rumors of us staying here are true; We will not die of malnutrition unless Ed and Tmarth starve us!"

We all busted out laughing at the sad truth of our mismatched cooking team, a match made in Grethor if you ask me. Keran became curious. "If we do end up remaining on Maca; how is our work going to be delivered to Qnos?" Princess Michele sighed, with a large stretch of her tired limbs, a matching yawn to go with the stretch. "I dont know. I only can guess that Commander Tartor would take the data with him." "If Sheila decides to defame us, our data is as good as ass wipes!", I snarled with disgust. "Likely, Thats why we have to keep copies of our files here. Keep researching even after they leave orbit.", Princess Michele shrugged, Keran was also tired, we had lit one lamp on the wall above the computers as sunset had occured and it was getting dark, The dorm was now full of dark places where the demons of anxiety lurked to give us bad vibes of the sinister events that we all knew were likely. Like three Girls at a camp fire, we told ghost stories, so frightening and real that we scared ourselves to death. Only they were not tales, they were the real fears that haunted us all. Keran shivered, "I have a family on Qnos, I have 2 girls and my -102-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene husband. If Commander Tart takes Sheilas word as an order... I will never see them again... They are only ten and eight years old!", she broke down crying.

"I have a father and mother who love me, If their only daughter did not even contact them... I-I would feel like you, guilty. My parents would feel like your daughters Keran! only being a child makes it harder for you to face the fact that your mom is not coming home... Princess Michele, We HAVE to do something! Our families would be like Kerans, waiting for us to return home!", I sadly shook my head at the implications of being marooned on paradise would mean. "We need to contact Qnos, at least to send a message that we miss them and hope to be home someday." Princess Michele groaned, "In some ways I am lucky, I dont have family that has anything to do with me. Yet, I also do agree we need to do something for Keral, Tmarth, Ed, Dwart, Sherry and Tavad and yourself. We dont have a 69 Kilowatt transmitter to send a signal to Qnos, Nor do we have any way to tell our people to tune to a particular frequency to hear a message if we did." I had a crazy idea, my face brightened, "Yes we do! My father is listening to Macawn radio! So is the government of Qnos! Arrange to get air time on Radio Maca! or Callonian one radio." "That would work! Unfortunatly, Unlike many stations on Qnos, Macawn radio stations are private enterprises. We will need to show up with fistfulls of Callonia, Lots of Callonia if we are going to use their airwaves to send a press conference to Qnos. Plus there is no guarantee that they would be listening to that frequency at that time. That would mean doing something Callonian one radio hates to use, Recordings. Radio Maca is more liberal with recordings yet... they dont seem to have the coverage that -103-

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Callonia one has." I scratched my chin as I thought of what Princess Michele was driving at, "In short... We need multiple airplay on several stations. What about getting Toriest its own little radio station?" "Why?" "Two reasons 1. Klingon citizens have no active radio voice in this arena. 2. A local station is likely to take a gamble at a unique oppitunity." "There is no guarantee that anyone from Qnos would listen to it. They seem to like Callonian One for their news coverage. I heard very little Radio Maca when I was listening to the Klingon signals on the ship. Never mind the thought of a tiny station on the former Klingon settelement on Maca. The idea has validity for the first point. Tostia has not had a broadcast presence until we showed up." "Therefore, we need to talk to the station manager Mariak Driam and purchase some airtime. How should we format our broadcasts? we are not talking about encrypted signal here." Princess Michele toyed with her keyboard as she thought about several concerns that were on her mind. "First thing we have to watch out for, is keeping our message friendly. We cant go out and baste Sheila in her juices, thats morally distastful and especially at this time bad judgement. Second, We still need more people to research things that we are not trained for. Keran is not a Agriculture specialist, yet she is filling the shoes of one. Nor do we have anyone with financial training in areas such as assets, bonds, currency rates. loans and savings... you and I have been -104-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene doing the best we could in this area but neither of us are certain our work is adaquate. We also need to consider that while Tavad is a Animal biologist, he is not a veternarian! he does not have the ability to do surgical procedures on live animals in medical emergencies say a breech birth of a Balas beast or Mikswine. Nor does he fully know the affects of medications on these animals. That position would be best fulfilled by a Macawn vet. With Mother Janet at the seminary, we are sorely in need of a another religous researcher, Mother Janet is right, she cant provide impartial observations if she is working in a field that she has grown attached to without bias. We also need more Klingon Catholics who want to help revitalize the local faith here, Mother Janet was right, they are in a bad crisis in this area. On Qnos, the catholics have been being persecuted for years. If some came here, they could rebuild Maca and at the same time escape the persecution. If done right, the results would also revitalize the Macawn population."

Keran thought about what Princess Michele was driving at, as she layed on Micheles former bed, "The needs for more specialists are valid, The need for more Catholics to become an active part of the local and global church is especially valid, I am not a Catholic myself, yet you people need your Euchristic Sacraments. Maca has the carrying capacity to support up to 5 billion people with their current agricultural and horticultural practices. Most of the capacity is at this time being wasted, How do you propose we encourage immigration?" Princess Michele sighed, "Give me a few days to work out the details. Being its just about time to see what horrors are for dinner, we should get going to the mess hall."


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 8

We walked into a mess hall that was greatly improved in cleanliness. Tmarth was smiling as he explained why things were so immaculate. "The Toriest Sanitation department threatened to close my kitchen if Ed and I didnt start cleaning our dishes and prep areas. Sheila did me the greatest favor, she took Ed off of Kitchen duty as he was making a mess of my kitchen, did not want to clean dishes properly, or properly store cooked and uncooked foods. When he was ousted, my favorite dishwasher Sherry willingly came back. We spent the whole day undoing Eds messes, I plan to get a favorable inspection tomorrow.", he handed us our meals on plates that were really clean again. Due to the gas shortage the meals were mainly Klingon with some cooked Terran side dishes. "Sorry that I could not give you all a cooked Terran meal, we still are low on gas. I must save our gas for heating the water for Dishwashing and refrigeration." I smiled, "Better to pass the sanitation board and have a good rating than worry about having all meals cooked." "True, I was genuinly terrified when they gave me the ultimatum to clean the kitchen or close down! With Sherry back on the job, and Ed out of the kitchen, I can keep things up to the requirements set down by the Toriest Sanitation commission." Tmarth and Sherry were good as a team, Ed was the main reason for the kitchens poor health standards. "May I look at the kitchen? I want to see how it appears now?" "Sure, go right in! Sherry is busy helping me prep the desert." Tmarth was correct, Sherry was peeling apples for apple -106-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene turnovers. "Glad to see you back on the job.", I smiled.

"To be honest, I am glad to be back too, especially with Ed out of here.", she said peeling an apple. "As you may have guessed, our desert will be a bit late today. We had spent the whole day scouring and scrubbing and throwing out foods that had gone bad. We had a problem with one of the refrigerators. the gas ran out and the pilot was out. We did not know about the pilot until the refrigerated produce started turning bad. All refrigerators and freezers are online now, tempratues are back in tolerance. I also appreciate Tmarth asking me to do more than just wash dishes. I am an assistant and prep cook." The kitchen itself was very organized and clean. To my Terran skewed thinking, Tmarth and Sherry will pass with a good report she was wearing a hair net in accordance to the health departments requirements. Hair nets have been a requirement in Terran food establishments for centuries, and on Maca for over 2 thousand years. "Keep up the good work both of you." "Tmarth and I will do the best we can." The Klingon meal was surprisingly good again. Princess Michele had decided to sit down at my table. "Looks like I dont need to worry about Tmarth or Sherry. They seem to have things back in control." "Agreed! Rumor has it that Tmarth and Sherry are really getting involved with each other." Michele smiled as she bit into her Rokeag blood pie, "I have heard that too. Apparently the squabble with Tmart and Ed was partially due to that matter." -107-

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We had the radio on, Archbishop Arianna was making a speech. I frowned when I heard what was being said: As a child of god, I ask that all of the people of my archdioceses forgive me. The error involves the ordaining of female priests in addition to my Self-appointment as your archbishop. Mother Janet has pointed out that women were not selected as appostles by Jazas. Nor were they to go and serve as priests. Archbishop Borath has also reminded me that our last Spritual leader Tavios did not write any encylical changing the Macawn Magisterium to allow female bishops or priests. I am looking for a male who is qualified to replace me. Mother Janet has also resigned on her own, claiming that it is against Macan and Terran cannon law for her to have this title. She has instead vowed, on her own. To continue to serve as a Prioress of the new local order of Poor Clares contemplative on Tostia, which she is founding. We need good men and women to take up the calling, yet we should never have taken the steps we had to save the faith. Mother Janet also recommends that I send a communique to Cardinal Tarvia of Qnos and ask Terra to take us under the church of Rome, Archbishop Borath agrees full heartedly as does his ofice of the Archdioceses of Ricia, Moron and Lesbos. Until my male counterpart has been located, There will be a freeze on all female ordinations, and a suspension of females serving at the Litturgies. I am doing this as this has apparently started a Schism with our southern archbishop. We dont have a desire to split the faith of Maca in half. I thank Mother Janet of the Poor Claires of Tostia to bring this up before it became a calamity. I too have decided to enter the religious life as well. I am starting a local order in Callixtia for Capauchin poor Claires. we too will work with Mother Janets order to rebuild the religious education -108-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene system. Archbishop Borath will be acting as your temporary archbishop.

On the issues of those sacraments that were performed under my direction. Archbishop Borath has agreed that they will remain valid as he considers them performed under a state of emergency type situation. What this means is anyone for example who recieved the Sacrament of Holy Matrimoney can be rest assured that their marriage remains valid in the eyes of the church. If you are a female priestess, you still are a priestess only at this time of reorganization you cannot serve your duties. I sat there stunned, "I dont believe what I just heard! Mother Arianna has just admitted that in her haste to rebuild Macas faithful she almost split Maca into two!" Princess Michele weeped softly, "I would hate to have to have done that. To admit your own mistakes on worldwide radio must be humiliating. I am glad that they corrected this before it did become a Schism." "How does this help us with our own plight? Could this type of reporting help our case? Could we get on the Callonian one radio news? We would get the airplay and for basically nothing!" Princess Michele jumped up, with excitement, "Good Jazas! she gave us the way! Yes a news story! I can write the press release and pass it to my husband.", she left her tray behind half eaten as she dashed to her second floor apartment to find her husband. Three days later we all sat down in the mess hall when the reporters and equipment from Callonian one radio was being setup. Finally we were ready to make Macawn history. "This is Mar, -109-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene live from the Klingon research base in Toriest, Tostia, Princess Michele, what is the story with the Klingon team?"

Princess Michele sighed, "It is the intentions of our superiors to have us stay on Maca. This includes all of us but Sheila who is returning to Qnos." "Why is this?" "To be honest, we have much work to do. We also are a bit short of time to fulfill our requirements. We sorely need specialists in the fields of Finances, animal care and a new priest to continue with our religious needs as well as a religous researcher to continue the work that Mother Janet was unable to finish. Maca also needs more Roman Catholic men and women to help rebuild the Macawn church, as their late Archbishop Arianna of Maca has said 3 days ago, she is stepping down as she made the grevious error of appointing herself archbishop, a female cannot serve in that role. There is a strong need for Catholics to help rebuild their religious education system, as well as men to and women to take the vows of religious life. They are especially short of priests and workers to help rebuild their parishes. Arianna has written to Cardinal Tarvia of Qnos to ask that we join the Roman Catholic church. This is vital in rebuilding their church as the Macawn faith is the same as mine. I am Roman Catholic, All of their teachings come from Jesus who lived here as Jazas. This is the request of the whole world acting Archbishop Borath who has neither the priests or the parishes. I talked to Archbishop Borath myself. He feels that we need to join with our Terran and Klingon brothers and sisters to fully remain united in Christ. He also is releasing a press release which confirms what I have told you." "Are there many Catholics on Qnos?" -110-

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"The faith on Qnos is quickly making inroads. Bichelas brother, Frances is a Dominican Friar. He serves Saint Thomas in Tarath, the capital of Qnos. He has seen a increase in the number of Klingons who through RCIA and baptism have taken to the faith of Christ. Bichela has told me that there is much persecution of Catholics still on Qnos. As Princess of Maca I suggested to the Quara that they should allow, for the first time in 459 years, Klingons to immigrate to Maca. The vote was 20 to 5 for Klingon immigration. the five against were 2 for Tostia, one for Lesbos and 2 for Calla. What has been agreed on is that we need men and woman who want to flee from the persecution of their faith to come and establish families here. This is also open to non catholics also." "I thank you Princess Michele for this observation of our situation, this is Mar, Callonian one News, Toriest, Tostia" A week later a special report had just been issued. The reporter excited, "We just got a report from Callixtia that Queen Christiana has just recieved a very happy communique from Qnos, We switch to Marizia who is in Calixtia." Marizia, the Callonian one receptionist, took to news like fish takes to water, she was apparently hoping to one day serve as a reporter. On her first assignment she was very professional. "Thank you Livia, I am standing outside of the palace, Queen Christiana just about 5 minutes ago recieved from Qnos on a very rarely used frequency a message that confirms that Klingons are providing free of charge, transportation of people who want to return to Maca. Its too soon to tell how accurately many immigrants we can expect on this trip as the lists were just opened. Early speculatons are that there will 2,000 Catholics on -111-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene this first wave of immigrants, many are priests, brothers and sisters, with more expected in the following months. In addition, Cardinal Tarvia will also be enroute to Maca, to announce that the requests of the Macawn Archbishop Borath and Arianna have been accepted to join the Catholic Church in Rome. This will not only rejoin us with our Klingon neighbors but join us as one body of Christ with Terra. Queen Christiana and Emperor Kathless II will be having a press conference tonight at 2100 hours Callixtia time. Marizia of Callonian one news, Callixtia."

That night a very excited Queen Christiana carried a live conference with Emperor Kathless II via interplanetary radio. The conference would be broadcasted live to all of Maca. Emperor Kathless II was speaking: "Many years ago, my people had no respect for your world or our honor. Decisions were made that would later cause great distress to your people. With our High Council in agreement, I have been authorized to provide full resources for the rebuilding of your planet. Qnos will be working with Queen Christiana and her Quara to provide the people and resources from Qnos to revitalize your world.", Everyone in the mess hall cheered at what was said, as were people around the world. "... There are 20 ships enroute with 2219 immigrants. in addition, Terra has also agreed to send people and resources in the form of religous educators, priests and religous brothers and sisters and immigrants to provide for religous growth as well as new immigrants to your world. Terra is doing this on their own volition." Funny how things can move so quickly! I had thought it was going to take weeks before we got the results of our news conference. Not only did we tell our families that we would remain on Maca, We got Klingon and Terran catholics coming to help rebuild the church. -112-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Maca is now joined to the church on Terra. Mother Janet now has become a prioress of Poor Claires contemplatives, while it is not Discalaced Carmelites, she now is doing what she always wanted, to pray ceasingly for her faith.

Sheila was not too happy with our news conference as she was hoping that no one on Qnos knew about our abandonment. She however, appreciated that Princess Michele did not address the Eeewagh! disaster or her poor management of the issues of Princess Micheles marrige, Janets ordination or my relationship with Zarl. "You did well, I beilive that I do owe all of you an appoligy. I was going to distroy your reputations so that I would feel good about abandoning you. You were honest about your falling behind in your work, and the needs of more researchers. For this, I thank you. I felt bad about what I was going to say, I am also sorry that the committee also underestimated our needs. I ask you and our loving saviour to forgive me." All of us smiled, even Tmarth and Sherry. "We accept your appoligy, we just ask that you will carry what we have written to Qnos and that you and Commander Tartor will be happy together." Sheila left with Commander Tartor at the end of our scheduled research period, she agreed to present our findings in their true form to the Klingon Macawn Research group. The rest of us remained to help the new immigrants to adjust to their new world.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 9

The next day, all of us at the barracks were in a flurry of activity, with an extimated 2,200 Klingons enroute to Maca on 20 ships we had to make quick preparations for their needs. Macawn workers began construction on more buildings like ours to provide lodging. the third and fourth floors of our barracks were renovated in the same manner was our floor to house these immigrants. I had a chance to see these floors before they were renovated. Like our shipboard quarters they were very barren. The bathing rooms tubs were stained, some were cracked. Their spigots corroded from lack of usage, Water heaters were rusted relics of a time long past. Commodes were placed in floor recepticals. The gas lights themselves were not the mantle style that we had, they were the older ones that depended on the light of the burning gas itself. There was no dressers, no table lamps, beds were just wooden planks. The heating systems consisted of old rusty wall furnaces that did not work or leaked gas. With 20 workers, each floor was renovated in about 2 days. The additional barracks would not be ready until 1 month from now, These would be in the same design as ours. The first 30 immigrants to Toriest had to pack into our one building, along with us, and the Princess Michele and Prince Talad giving lodging to 4 women on their royal floor. Our room was packed with a fifth bed, as was the two other rooms. All of these people were catholic. A Jesuit priest named Father Joseph from Terra would be celebrating mass with us 7 days a week. He slept with Ed, Tavad, Dwart and Tmarth. a A Benedictine named Sister Agatha from Qnos, A klingon, slept with Sherry and I, along with a Discalaced Carmelite, Sister Rosemary from Terra. Every morning at 0500 these two sisters got up, went to our -114-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene mess hall which was to become their makeshift chapel until the church of Saint Michael was completed, to do their morning office. At 0800 all of us went to the mess hall where we had our Masses, its hard to remain focused on the mass as you smell food cooking or dishes clatering in the kitchen.

This was our sacrifice, to go to mass hungry for both the body and blood of our saviour and a delicious breakfast after the 2 hour mass, Macawns quickly adopted the standard Tridentine mass with the language in Macawnian. at 1000 hours we ate a hearty breakfast. This was the norm everyday except Maudlam. On Maudlam we woke up at 0900 and had mass that ended at 1100 hours. The Holy Father Pope Joseph the 3rd had reinstituted that the Tridentine mass was to be used on Sundays and Holy days. On Terra and Qnos it was in Latin and Klingon. On Maca it was in Macawnian since that was the language of the these people. The old Nova Ordo (New Order of the mass, instituted in 1965), would be used for daily masses if desired. The Litturgical calandar followed the Macawn Litturgical calandar since it follows the Roman calendar very closely. Only the feast days of the saints were different, as were the saints themselves. According to the calendar the first Roman Catholic mass on Maca, was on Maudlam, landed on Pentacost! a very fitting holy event. Having so many people in one place, who were Terran, Macawnian and Klingon did give one the feeling that we all were one body. The first thing I noticed was, that the Terrans sang their prayers in Latin, The Klingons in Klingon and the Macawns in Macawnian. This mixing of languages was very magical, and added to the spirit of the high mass. -115-

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After lunch, Princess Michele, Prince Talad and I decided to visit Mother Janet at her convent outside of Ud. We took a carriage to the convent which was a very basic building, Like all cloistered convents it had a wall surrounding the outside. we walked up the the reception area where we had to pull a bell cord. A tall cheeful Klingon, Sister Maria answered, "Yes, can I help you?", Sister Maria was from a Poor Claires convent on Qnos, she was directly sent from her convent in the Klingon Arathat mountains to Mother Janets convent at the requst of Mother Janet for sisters to join her in Maca. "Is Mother Janet available? We came from Toriest to give her a visit", I said "Yes, I will go get her.", she closed the door and had us wait in the visitors courtyard. Sister Janet had changed quite a bit since I had seen her in Callixtia at the seminary. In a period of a few months she had matured into a wiser and dignified Poor Claire nun. "Bichela!!", she cried with joy when she saw who was waitint for her,"Prince Talad and Princess Michele! to what do I owe this great visit?" Princess Michele smiled as she hugged Mother Janet, "Not much", Michele smiled, "We wanted to see how things are going for you here in Ud. and a tour of the convent if I may ask." Mother Janet smiled as she gestured for us to follow, "Come! I would be honored to show you." The convent was basic to both Klingon and Terran sense of the -116-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene word, "We live simple lives here, our days are spent in prayer. The sisters and I also provide for our own needs such as clothing and food. We gather for the divine office and the mass, as well as meals and recreation. Not all of us here are totally contemplatives, two extern sisters are also involved in education of the local children of Ud in both religious and secular schooling. There is right now 5 professed sisters with our first postulate in training who is Macawnian. The faith of these people is unbelievable! They just cant get enough of Jesus!"

I was not totally surprised, "Did you expect that Ariannas and Archbishop Boraths statements would cause such a revival?" "It really wasnt eithers statements that got thing really jumping. it was Princess Michele.", Michele blushed with embarassment, "Her news story highlighted to all of Qnos and Terra that there was a strong need for religious. Young women and men came to me looking to join up." "Men? Do you have men too?" "No, sadly there is no monstary for men on Tostia yet. These men instead have chosen to live as religious hermits. There is 5 of them around Toriest and 3 around Valad and 1 at Valat. All of them are praying for a continued revival of the faith here. One is actually baptising people as John the Baptist did in the Valad river. Princess Michele was stunned, "Hermitages? I thought those were pretty much dead? Why isnt there a monastary for Men?" "Hermitages are far from dead here, As for a Monastary for men? I suppose no one has had the desire to start one. There is even one Mendicant beggar who comes to my door looking for a meal. -117-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene These people follow Jesus with everything they have. It makes the Klingon faithful on Qnos seem weaker in comparison when it comes to religous conviction."

"Is there any Monastaries on the othr continents?" "Yes, on Lesbos there is three for men, six for Woman and one for hermaphrodites.", Micheles mouth was open with shock at that. "Calla has one Monastary for men and three for women, Ricia has only two monastaries for men. little Alsay has five for women and ten for men. Moron has three for each. here, there is One, mine." "All of that in a month? why does lsbos have a monastary for hermaphrodites?", Michele asked surprised just how fast the faith was growing. "Some of these monastaries existed before the revival, they were just abandoned. With the Klingons and even Terrans coming to help rebuild the church, these empty monastaries have new life. The Monastary of Hermaphrodites is original, apparently some of these hermaphrodites long ago wanted to protect themselves from exploitation. They pray ceasingly for Pepetural adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, they live like Carmelites, totally alone and strictly cloistered. They take male and female acting hermaphrodites. the male acting ones in one building, the female acting ones in another. The males dress like monks, females as nuns. Their times of congregation are at divine office, Mass and meals and labor. They take new members who like us, have to go through a series of evaluations to see if they have a true vocation. It is also during their evaluation that their gender is ascertained, this is important to place them in the right building." "How many of them are there?", Prince Talad asked as he looked -118-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene at his herpahroditic wife, smiling "When I was acting as a bishop I had a chance to visit the place, at that time, there was 4 females and 6 males."

"Do you think there will be more monastaries like theirs?", Princess Michele asked. "It is hard to say, There is very few hermaphrodites. Many of these people tend to stay out of religious orders as they are humiliated at their condition. I know that even you were humiliated to be seen in the shower on the ship or even the bathing room at the barracks. Many of them feel that they are a insult to God, This is far from the truth! He asks them to remain faithful and live a chaste life and avoid cardinal sins, such as homosexuality. Being they are basically both male and female in part, thats a hard thing to deal with as one cannot decide if their lusts are acceptable or not." Princess Michele sighed sadly, "I know, I faced that question all of my life too. The only thing I knew I could do is pray ceasingly for The Lord Jesus and Mary, the angels and saints to help me deal with my passions." Mother Janet smiled, "If you want my honest opinion, It may take many years before we see a second Hermaphroditic community. Here at my convent we never had one knock on my door looking to join. If she ever had, we would have carefully reviewed her background to determine if she was sincere in her feelings of her sexuality and her vocation. Even that community on Lesbos turns away many fakes." We thanked Mother Janet for the tour of her Convent. We left with lots of interesting news of just how fast the faith of Maca is -119-

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growing. As we walked down the steps, the mendicant beggar was coming up. "Excuse me, your highness, Do you have any bread or food? I am a follower of Jesus, who lives as Jesus perscribes in the Book of Mathew (Mathew 6:19-34), when he says that The Lord will provide our needs.", he was as expected a filthy looking Macawn with poor dental care,wearing rags. I could not turn him away. Princess Michele looked at him with surprise, and a huge smile. "My good man", she smiled, "How would you like to come with us to Toriest and do some work at our home. For your labors I will give you the finest meals you have ever had." The Begger prostrated himself, "I accept! I thank you for your generosity.".ce 1 I snorted in disgust, the man reeked of sweat from not having a bath in weeks. His hair was matted down, his beard was snarly and unkept. I took Princess Michele aside, "Are you out of your Terra head? He is a religous bum!" Princess Michele smiled, "The Lord said to help those who need help, to feed and clothe the poor and naked, he needs a bath, a grooming, new clothing and work. A true religious bum is one of the best kind! They love their Lord so much that they dont want to displease him." "Fine, you sit next to him then!", I snarled as I stared at the begger with distaste. Princess Michele smiled, "Gladly! I was like him at one time. I Know what it is like to live from hand to mouth, with the faith of The Lord." -120-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene We rode the hour trip back the the barracks. The Mendicant and Michele sat next to each other, telling stories of their lives. I sat next to Prince Talad shocked at what we were hearing from Princess Michele about her life on Terra.

Michele turned out to have been raised in a fairly well to do home, when it was determined that she was not a full female, she was forced to leave home and live with the beggars and homeless in a town far away from her family, "It was a time of great joy to me, it was also a time of great trials. I had a chance to learn just how important the Lord is to these people who often had tremendous faith, and myself. It was true that some did not have much faith. I remember those who had so much faith that even when everything was going bad, they kept to their faith with the convictions that the Lord would give them those things he deemed necesary. These people despite the worst living accomidations did not curse Jesus or his Father or Mary, They loved Jesus so much that they lived their lives as Jesus had. Of course, there were the substance and Alchol abusers who had no faith in The Lord or themselves, these men and women I would show the love of Jesus as he showed his peoples equivilents of Alcholics and substance abusers, a few even became convinced that The Lord truely has a plan for them. Many came back to the Catholic church. I later returned to my family tired and needing to reconcile with them. Going from abject poverty to what was considered moderately well to do was hard, I never did forget those people I met and loved. The beggar smiled, "I too have that feeling of the true love of Jesus, I took his gospel of Mathew with all of my heart to live as Jesus had. My name is Brother Dominic, thats my real name. I have been doing this for 3 months. Depending on The Holy Spirit to provide me with my needs has been a strengh to my faith." -121-

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Like Saint Frances, Michele kissed the beggar, "Anyone who loves Jesus as you have shown deserves a hug now and then.", she gave the beggar the biggest hug that he ever had, I was disgusted as was Talad at how unrefined Princess Michele could be with the poor. Yet, it would later turn out, she was one of their best friends, giving them a meal and a bath for a few hours of their time working at the royal household.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 10

After we returned from Mother Janets convent, Princess Michele led Brother Dominic into her royal apartments, There she arranged for him to be groomed, bathed and fed. The task she asked him to do was help with the construction of the new housing. Unlike Qnos or Terra, construction was still mainly manual labor. Here several Laprats are used to move blocks of stone from a local quarry, or beams of Malaska wood from the forests. Men cut these beams with two men saws. Brother Dominic was to serve refreshment to these workers, Princess Michele said to him with a smile, "These men and women labor so that many will have a home. They need refreshment. Refresh them with your drinks and food, and by your humility and admiration of their efforts. Of course, you may eat too.", Brother Dominic gladly took this task to heart, "Your Highness, I am glad to serve sustinance to these workers." I found it hard to believe to watch these men and women dig the foundations with hand shovels, moving these heavy granite blocks that have been carefully cut to fit into place with pulleys and laprat power. "This is the way it is done. we dont use mechanical power here. We use the power of the body and animals. This is the way we have done things for thousands of years.", said a construction forewoman. "Because of the speed that is needed to get these buildings up, we have on our construction teams 200 people. A normal construction project of this size has 20 workers who do the work in about 6 months. It is our objective to finish this barracks complex in 1 month! On first look, it looks like the task is impossible, the sheer weight of some of the blocks is staggering. It takes careful placement of these blocks to avoid injury as they are heavy enough to even crush a Klingon! Stone masons carefully place each block so that it -123-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene fits properly. By the end of of the first week, the first floor is fully walled in. The walls go up daily, except for Maudlam when all construction stops. By the end of two weeks the building exterior is finished, the forewoman was explaining the next phase of the work ahead, "Now the interior is dealt with. Here gas pipe fitters or sometimes called gasticians in the trade install the lines, valves and outlets for the gas lamps. Water pipe fitters install the plumbing for the tubs and drains. These men and women would connect into the spring." Sadly the springs pressure was not strong enough to feed all of these buildings. The old well in the courtyard was cleaned out, a new solar/hand pump is installed to provide the water supply. This line would also be used in tandom with the spring that can feed some water in the event that the well ran dry.

Lastly the finish carpentry work is begun. Here workers plaster the walls, install cabinets and flooring and tiles, window an doors are trimmed with mouldings and hardware. Gasticians now install the actual gas lamps and the gas outlets for the table lamps. Heating equipment is also installed by the Gasticians and heating contractors who check for the proper instalation and operation. Unlike our building. Here in this new complex a central gas steam boiler with cast iron radiators has been selected for instalation. The heating pipes were installed before the plaster work was done. The thermostatic controls are using a new technoligy to Maca, Electrical thermostats! These controls are powered by a two large solar panels on the roof that charged a large battery in the basement, this battery on its own could provide power for this system for a month if not charged by the sun. This one gigantic boiler would feed three more barracks buildings, this was the only building with a full basement. Watching these workers install the granite blocks that were to become the basements walls was a fascinating piece of work. Macawns rarely use concrete, Thanks to -124-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene the additional help provided by Klingon, Macawn and the Terran workers, this only basement had a poured concrete floor. Like all other Macawn work human or animal power was used for the mixing of the concrete. a Macawn or Klingon was used to walk a treadmill that turned the mixers. a Laprat was used to carry the finished concrete to the construction site were it was poured. a team below smoothed out the pourings.

I was curious about why electrical controls and not gas or pnumatics, "Electrical controls are simple to implement in work of this type, Each room will have one control for that area. a Electrical valve will be used to control the heat to the bank of radiators in the room. While pnumatic controls could do this equally well, they are more expensive and require a air compressor. Gas based control does not make sense in this case as the fire is in the basement boiler, that will feed all four of the new buildings. This would mean running a gas pipe to the control from the basement and this only gives one thermostatic control for four buildings. The way our project is planned that would limit the efficiency of the work as the way it is now, each room can be set for proper comfort.", said the foreman of the heating company as he wired a electrical therostat on the second floor dorm. "Why steam? and why cast iron radiators", I asked as I saw four of the new units in front of the 4 windows in the dorm and one in the bathingroom and one in the commode room. "Steam provides the most efficient hat transfer from the fire in the boiler. It does not require circulators, which saves on the need for a bigger solar panel or battery. Cast iron because it provides an excellent heat conductor. Think of a Cast iron Skillet in contrast with say copper. Cast iron stays hotter longer and this retensive heat effect allows for a slow warming effect. Coper cools too fast -125-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene and it needs to kept fired up to stay warm. Not only that but the system we are using uses one steam line that provides for heat instead of two."

Being this was pretty much the finishing work for the carpenters and gasticians and heating contracters now the barracks are furnished with draperies, rugs, tables, chairs, dressers, wardrobes, paintings and commodes. That building was ready for people in 5 weeks from ground breaking. During this time the 3 others were being worked on. Within the total of 2 months there was now total lodging for 160 people. Those four buildings would be full before the end of the second and half month of their starting of construction. With all of these people, the gasification plant had to be expanded. This meant the construction of two larger digesters and a larger pressurization system. These would work in tandem with the one digester that was providing gas for our original barracks. The Kitchen was also enlarged with many nice amenities. One of which was a large room where four people would wash dishes at the same time. By using solar power a large automatic commercial dishwasher was installed. This would save Sherry and her coworkers from having to do as many dishes by hand. Yet, it always was breaking down. This cantankerous machine would be replaced with two more three sinks for dishwashing, to the dismay of Sherry and the dishwashers. The kitchen had six dish washing stations after that dishwasher was replaced. The refrigeration units were upgraded with more efficient absorsion gas refrigeration sections, and four more walk in refrigerators, four more walk in freezers would be installed. The commisary or stock room would be -126-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene expanded four times its original 10meter by 10 meter size for a wopping 10 meter by 40 meter size. two new steamers that used the power of a gas mini boiler were added as were two gas/electric convection ovens that used the solar power plant that was to run the dish washer. Two additional commercial gas ranges were added, two commercial broilers and two microwave ovens that also used that solar power plant. These electrical appliances were installed as a compromise to the staff for the poor quality dishwasher that was removed.

Today this monsterous kitchen has the following equipment, eight Walk in freezers, eight walk in Refrigerators, three Commercial gas ranges, two Steamers, two Convection ovens, two broilers two commercial microwave ovens, six Dish washing stations, three hand washing sinks, two prep sinks and three gas fired steam tables for keepin food warm and a gas fired indoor grill and three gas fired coffee urns and three gas fired woks! With this came the increase in the amount of kitchen staff. Tmarth and Sherry would now be supervising 20 people that would serve meals from 0600 to 2000 Munda (thats Monday in Terran) to Sabitia (Saturday). Kitchen staff started work at 0900 on Maudlam until 2100. This gas hungry kitchen would be taxing our reserves if it was not for the increase in biomatter that was feeding the gasification plants. You must remember that like the rest of the barracks, its lighting was primarly gas, as well as its monsterous water heater for all of those sinks. Thus until the gasification plant was on full reserves the kitchen continued to save every cubic meter by not having a full staff cooking lots of food. The kitchen would be fully used after the gas pipeline was connected about 2 weeks later. -127-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene This kitchen and the eatery itself would also switch to cash sales to the residents to help pay for the food, supplies and the gas. The prices that were established were very fair. a Full Klingon meal with black ale would sell for 7.50 Callonia, A Terran Roast beef dinner, with gravy, mashed potatoes, steamed brocolli and carrots with a glass of Mikswine milk or araquicino sold for 12 Callonia. Those who did not have any money could ask for waivers if they are willing to help in the kitchen for the price of their meals.

This cash operation would also allow the kitchen to refurnish the dining hall with very fine nice tables and tiled floors. The outside of our complex was not to be ignored either. Landscapers carefully planted plants along the walkways as well as grass to give the courtyard a plesant appearence. a small fountain was placed in the center of the courtyard to add elegance. the water was circulated with a small pump that recieved the power from the heating plant panels, when there was no sun. the pump would not operate. I always thought that made sense as no one wants to look at a fountain in the rain or when it is dark. Later a few Macawns got carried away and put a huge inground swimming pool the back of the original barracks building. Terrans gave the Macawns the idea since they felt that a pool would be a nice addition! A huge Olympic 200meter pool with 3 diving platforms and a huge high diving board, two pool slides with a full pool sun patio area with lounges and a lifeguard station Waitstaff would serve you drinks and meals at poolside. This pool had its own filtration and circulation system that was powered by a huge 2x8 meter panel that was placed on our new barracks. a huge bank of batteries (the same type as in the heating system) would provide power for this equipment, when there was no sun. This pool also had gas outdoor lamps around the patio. A small outdoor inground Jaccuzzi that was heated by the boiler in the -128-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene new Barracks steam system. This same system also could heat the main pool as well. This pool was open 9 months out of the year, later an indoor pool would be setup that allows all year swiming.

Macawns love to talk and talk we could do. with the new barracks local telephone system. Calls outside of the barracks went over radio links. a radio technician manned this communications center to handle outgoing and incoming radio calls. Interior communications was via standard wired telephone sets. There were two public telephones at poolside, two in the mess hall,the hallways and 4 in each dorm room,one on each persons dresser. These phones were connected to a switchboard that used plugs and jacks to make connections instead of automatic dialing, its a Macawn thing to use human resources. Inhoue calls were free, calls over the radio links were pricy! at 12 Callonia per half hour! each call was billed to that persons bed fee. Another drastic change that would turn this place into a resort type atmosphere was the full service laundry. Here maids cleaned the dorms, took your dirty bedding and towels to a central laundry where workers such as Edna, a Terran, fed them into huge solar powered electric washers and gas fired dryers and ironed. Maids would then bring cleaned sheets, pillows, towels and for an extra fee, your cleaned clothes back to your room. This service was part of your bed fee also. Princess Michele would on her own, help this housekeeping service, She liked making beds, cleaning rooms and being a menial worker in both the kitchen and the laundry. Prince Talad was getting frustrated with his wife as he was used to having his servants doing all of this. To have a member of the royal family doing menial work was frustrating and embarassing to him and his dignity. "Why cant she just leave the housekeepers to do this -129-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene work? I dont like seeing the princess of Maca, my wife, scouring sinks, dumping and cleaning commodes and changing sheets and mopping floors! She should not need to do this!", he snarled at me one day after Princess Michele was found helping in the laundry. When I asked Michele why she did this work, "If all I had to do was sit around, get fat and lazy, I would feel like an extra left foot! With over 200 people to serve daily, I am not so bored. I earn a small amount of tips for my efforts. Besides, I like to hear whats going on in the lower trenches of the social stratum."

When I told Prince Talad what his wife told me, "I never did understand her! First she helps beggars and people who have no homes, find work, clothing and warm beds. Now she helps clean this place! Egads! what next the Kitchen?" To Prince Talads horror, I had to stand up for Princess Michele, "She does dishes too! In fact, why dont you try helping out when you are not working on state matters?" I thought he was going to scream to Holy Mary like I just threw a hot poker at his genitals, he just winced, "How? I dont know anything about running this place!" "How about helping with the paperwork and billing? Clearly the reservations desk and accounting departments could use your help.", I suggested to him. With a sigh, he applied for both. Like Princess Michele he was now working with the resort management team. Resort? Yes resort, The barracks became Toriests first full service resort hotel. A larger hotel run by several Klingon businessmen would be established in Valad. Their hotel went bust as like all Klingon lodging, it was not comfortable for Terrans or the Macawns. We -130-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene would later purchase it for six hundred-thousand Callonia. That resort when fully remodeled, two years later, would house 400 guests, with the same accomidation style as ours. Prince Talad would be doing the accounting for that branch as well when it was purchased by us.

We never did give the resort a name, it remained simply "The Barracks", this resort employed over 60 employees. The surplus money we had went voluntarily to building Saint Michaels (personally it should have been Santa Michelas as this was her idea, it was later renamed in her honor), new roads in Toriest, Saint Michaels Parochial school and modern housing for the additional people of Toriest. The Huge Roman Catholic gothic style church that could seat over 1000 people was built across the street from The Barracks. The Parochial school would be behind the church with the rectory betwen the two. We never got a order to remain in the church more than 5 years, until the Fransiscan friars arrived. we had Dominicans, Jesuites, Paulists, dioceseian priests and finally Fransiscans who still serve. This church was modeled after the 14th century cathederals in Europe on Terra. Macawns went "gaga!" they poured all of their artistry into the interiors and exteriors. Hand carved marble alter and tabernacle, hand made painted statues, stained glass made by local glasssmiths. pews made with the finiest grade of wood. hand painted murals. full relief frescos. Gaslights custom made by the finest craftsman and to top it off, a huge pipe organ custom made on Terra and shipped in pieces and installed. The finished church took 3 years of constant work to build and bless before it was ready for its first mass. While this church was being built, the school itself, which only took -131-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene two months to build with 200 workers, would be our religious center. its 300 seat auditorium would serve mass 7 days a week, confessions were heard in the rectory which was a simple two floor wooden building. this was the first new church on Maca in over 530 years! Every mass was packed! with the 6 Fransiscan friars working 3 masses during the weekdays and Sabitia, and 6 masses at Maudlam it was busy, Masses on Maudlam were at 0800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 and 2000. The friars had a break from 1800 to 2000 to eat and refresh themselves. Confessions on Sabitia were heard from 1400 to 1730. Three priests served in the confessional on Sabitia.

The Macawns renamed Sainte Mariak in Callixtia to Santa Maria, to keep naming of their churches consistant with Terran parishes. The seminary in Callixtia was renamed to Santo Thomaso Aquino seminary. (blame me for the name choice, it was to honor my Italian heiritege.) Macawns also tended to have fun with some of the names of parishes, where else can you find a church called "Saint Judas Iscariot" in Alma, Alsay! This was a small parish. My favorite name of a church is "Santa Katarina alla penna". Santa Katarina of Siena had to dictate her letters as she was illiterate! Other names, "The blessed Trinity", "The Immaculte heart of Mary", "Santo Kathless". This one was in honor of Kathless I of Qnos. One of the most proposterous church names was one I did not like "Santa Bichela" in Ud, Tostia! Does anyone know that I am not dead yet? Nor am I cannoized? Even poor Princess Michele would not be spared. "Saint Michael"s was later renamed "Santa Michela"! Macawns did not do this to mock the Christian faith. Some of these names were for people that they felt should be saints, me and Princess Michele, who had a hard time dealing with her fame, "I -132-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene have to live up to being a saint now? Its hard enough to get up in the morning and go about my daily tasks! Now I go to mass at a church that has my name!", she giggled at the implications.

Why would they have a Saint Judas Iscariot? Well, they feel that when he cried in misery, repented and threw the silver coins he got from the priests on the floor of the temple, after his dirty deed of giving Jesus to be crucified. That he should be forgiven. Need I say that The Holy father Pope Joseph III was not comfortable with the name, for a short time the church had two names. One was simply "Immaculate heart of Jesus", Yet the original name is the one that is used locally. Finally the new name was recinded and given to a new church in the next town of Alia of Alsay. Alsay now would have four parishes, one in Alta was "The Immaculate heart of Mary and in Ava, Santo Giuseppe. Lesbos had some new churches as well, one was called "Ave Maria" and one Pater Noster. which in latin mean Hail Mary and Our Father. Moron named one parish "Santa Clarissa", like ours, was a huge Gothic cathederal named after Saint Claire of Assisi. Next to this cathederal was, why not, they had a huge population, a much smaller Santo Fransisco, named after Saint Francis. Both were operated by Capauchian Fransiscan Friars from one friary!


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 11

When I woke up this morning the sky was dark grey with thick thunderstorm weather. I never thought when I saw weather like this that it would be ominous foreboding. One learns quickly! As I was reading a local computer article on the use of broad spectrum AM radio broadcasts to carry TCP/IP over the airwaves. The report was as interesting as a bowl of dry corn flakes. My telephone by my bed rang, I curse the day they plugged me in. Macawn telephones are a comedy. they are a Terran styled 1928 Candlestick telephone. In white or black colors, mine was black, to match my mood that day. The phone had the microphone at the top of a stick and a wide flattened base, the seperate earpiece was connected with a cloth covered cord. The phones matched our lamps perfectly. Some mornings I try to light the phone instead of the lamp! One day I even tried to answer the lamp. Todays call was not very humorous. "What do you want? Bichela speaking." "Bichela, its Zarl." "Whats up? why not drop by my room?", not that he could, I could hear the static of a intercontinental call. "I am calling from Callixtia. I need to see Princess Michele, Prince Talad and you in Callixtia by Tommorow afternoon. State matters, I also would like to see you too for a date, but this matter is more vital. I have not been able to get through to Princess Michele or Prince Talad, their maid said that they were not in their royal apartments." "Zarl, there is a major thunderstorm baring its teeth here in Toriest! I dont want to ride no boat to Callixtia! Have you tried -134-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene paging for both Princess Michele and Prince Talad?"

"Too bad for you! This matter is extremly urgent and cannot be discussed over the phone. No, I have not tried paging them. How do I do it?" "You hold on right there! I will ask the operator to page them and conference call us all together.", I walked to Sherrys phone and picked up the earpiece. "Operator, what do you want?", said a very tired male voice. "Page Princess Michele and Prince Talad, When they answer, conference call them with my caller on my line, number 34-231 Tostia. Very vital state matters. "Affirmative!", the operator rang off. I heard his paging voice through the barracks, "Attention! Attention! Princess Michele and Prince Talad. Please call the operator, high priority call!" When I got back to my phone, all 4 of us were now on the line. Zarl recapped what he had told me and added some code words that I never heard before. "Zarl here! The buns are done! now 4 buns left! Very good buns. I ate one. now there is three. Need you in Callixtia to make more, Tommorrow. go to the port of Toriest tonight where you will meat a Swede named Eric Gustofson. Eric will take you to Callixtia, fine sailor. I must go, Talad, your mom misses you. Bichy, I will see you in Callixtia." Zarl rang off after that statement. "What does he mean by buns?", I asked. "Continents under Christianas Quara, he means that there is 3 remaining continents. Things have gone bad it seems. Ricia has -135-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene seceeded, Tostia is also planning to leave the union and establish its own monarchy. We have to leave because Princess Michele is the heir of Calla, as am I. Zarl loves you and wants you to join us.

I snarled a low growl, "Its started again hasnt it? if Christiana does not allow Tostia to have its independence, there will be more blood!" "No, Christiana is smarter than Galavia her mother, she will let Tostia seceed from the union as that is what is wanted. She will not spill more blood for this. Now unfortunatly, Princess Michele will have to say goodbye to her home and friends. At least Zarl wants you to come to Callixtia to remain with him." After that a brilliant flash of lightning and booming thunder, timed with Princess Micheles defiance, "No! I will not leave my friends behind." Prince Talad snarled, "If you stay, you could get killed! You are the future queen of Calla. If you die and heaven forbid! Christiana dies then there will be anarchy! Stop trying to be a hero or saint aiming for martyrdom! Rumors of a civil war on Tostia are going around the diplomatic circles!" "I hear them also in the workers gossip circles too! Why would Tostia want to have a civil war? If they get their independence there would be no need.", Princess Michele said hotly. "Look, you are my wife! We must report to Callixtia at the request of my mothers man of arms. You, are coming with me!", Talad snapped back. Princess Michele could be stubborn, but this time a level head -136-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene prevailed, she sighed, wrung her hands, "You are right about the heir. We will leave at once."

Traveling to the seaport in Torist in a drenching downpour was far from entertaining. We went to the port and looked for Eric Gustofson as Zarl had suggested. We found the blonde swede in his pilot house of his small ship. "Are you Eric Gustofson? Prince Talad asked." "Ya, and you are Prince Talad, correct? and you vant to go vit your vife and friend Bichela to Callixtia on my boat?", his nordic accent was maddening to understand." "Can you sail in this storm?" "Ya, but da sea vill be tough vit high vaves and bad currents. Not to vorry, my Nort sea gets vorst." I never been on a boat during a storm before, when I saw the size of those waves that Eric said high, High my foot! Gigantic! was closer to right. Our little boat pitched and rolled. Huge waves came over the gunwales unto the deck. "Da storm is very bad, vorst than faught, Ve will not make it to Callixtia by tonight!", Eric shouted as he fought the waves with his pilots wheel. "Ve cannot turn around and go back to Toriest eider." I screamed when I saw a super huge 30 meter tsaumi barreling down upon us. "SHIT! I screamed, Lord Jesus save us!" Princess Michele who was of nordic ansestory looked at Eric, "What should we do? that wave will swamp us?". Eric was not a fool, "Get Below! Cloe all da hatches!", he shutdown -137-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene the motor and went with us down below, "Vy vould your people vant you tonight? Dey must be nuts or very inexpeirenced sailors!"

We sat in the holds as the ship was pommeled by monsterous waves. Princess Michele was turning green. I already was green and cleaned out my belly. Eric got on his shipboard radio. "I vill call Callixtia and say ve vill be delayed." The sounds of the crackleing of the static of severe lightning split the silence of the momement. Eric sent several hails. a faint response from Ricia was picked up. he explained the concerns that he was facing with the Princess and Prince of Callixtia in the storm. "I need to tell da palace vat we vill be arriving at port late!" The Rician radio man was honest, "In this weather, you are lucky you are not swimming with the fishes! I will relay this to Callixtia." A few hours later the storm had abated somewhat, Eric went to his pilot house, "Very goot! da vether is goot enough to resume course! Only vhere are ve? He looked at his compass, frowned and then looked at his charts, "Cant use my sextant, no clear sky? Macawns dont have GPS." "No", I said as I climbed up the ladder, "But they do have a radio station named Callixtia One." "Vat good is dat? I dont need da weader! I need a beacon.... Och! you mean aim for Callixtia by va signal, ya?" "Ya", I grinned, his accent was contagious if you ask me. "We tuned into the 5500kc Callixtia one Radio frequency that broadcasts from the southern tip. Signal was very faint. With a -138-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene slight turn of our directional antenna we had pinpointed the direction it came from. We piloted towards the signal. With several hours of piloting we wre now facing the southern coast of Calla. We turned the reciever to 550kc where we could hear the faint local Callixtia signal, again we piloted torwards the transmitters location. 7 hours after we left Toriest we were now at Callixtia. Hungry, tired and sore from being tossed around the ship.

Eric sent to the Callixtian port a request for them to notify Queen Christiana that we were docking. He also asked for two tugs to help him pull in as his batteries were almost exhausted from running the motor for 4 hours in a vicious storm. The two tugs pulled the tired little ship into port. where shipwrights began a full service on the craft. Prince Talad agreed to pay for this work and repairs and repay Eric for risking his life to get us to Callixtia by midnight. A royal coach was waiting for us at dock to take us to the palace. Zarl was waiting for me inside, "Welcome back Bichy! he smiled. Sorry about the tough trip, Christiana sees a state of emergency on the horizon." Princess Michele and Prince Talad packed in, each had two medium size bags that would hold their clothing and hygene products. "About Tostia! We agreed that anyone who wants to leave the union can leave." "Tostia was also the firebrand that caused our last bloody war with Qnos! Tostia also has at this time, the largest population of people of all of the continents other than Lesbos. Ricia has seceeded and that leaves with 4 continents on our Quara. If Tostia leaves, that leaves us with 3. Ricia is loyal to the Tostian patriots request to seceede. Its likely Ricia would chose sides with Tostia. -139-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Unlike the war with Qnos that involved a united Maca against a united Qnos, this would be one of the few civil wars in the last 2000 years between the continents. Emperor Kathless II has agreed to remain neutral in this matter as it does not directly involve Qnos. However, on Tostia there is a tremendous Klingon and a Terran population, meaning if we dont watch our step, we could have both Terra and Qnos breathing down our necks!"

I thought of the complexities of the situation, we pulled into the palace plazza where two Tired people met our carriage, Prime Minister Mariava and the queen herself. "Sorry that I will not be able to let you sleep tonight, we must go right into a emergency session of the Quara, both of them boarded our coach. Quickly the coach left the plaza and went to the Quara, a underground cavern where the 20 remaining members were waiting, The Tostian representives were frowning when they saw Prince Talad and Princess Michele entering, "Princess Michele is a citizen of Tostia." One of the representives said with outrage, "She is also the heir of the throne of Calla. Bichela is also a Tostian citizen. If we seceed they both will end up having to choose where their loyalities lie." Prince Talad frowned, Princess Michele got angry, confused and wanted to flee from that horrible fact, "My wife by marriage is the future heir of the throne of Calla! She now has to accept Callian citizenship, or forefit her heiratage! This would mean I would have to divorce her and marry another who would carry the family lineage. A choice that I would not want to be making." "Talad! I have no desire to divorce you over this matter! Divorce is not an acceptable choice in this matter!", Michele Screamed in rage. -140-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "How can you be the heir of the throne in a country that is not under the crown? You would always remain loyal to Tostia if you remained there. I am to continue the family line of Calla! If I stayed in Tostia, you would be at the mercy of a foreign governing body! If you took the throne, you loyality would unsurp the power of Calla, You like Christianas mother, my grandmother, Galavia who was also Tostian would try to maintain unity. A unity that almost destroyed Maca!"

"Touche! So, I have to choose where my loyalities lie, This is just Frelling GREAT! my friends are there! Hell! even a parish that we both funded is located in Toriest!", Michele snapped, "Talad, I love you, I am glad we are united in holy Matrimony. I will NOT give you up for all of the Tostian Melat pies I will miss." "Which means you have to give it all up if you want to remain in the royal line. Galavia had the same stubborn attitude you have. She died in hibernation. Our current Queen, her daughter, was taught by her mothers errors. Dont repeat those errors!" I stood there watching this episode with anger, Zarl said to me, "Unlike Princess Michele, you are not betrothed, you could return to Toriest without any problems." "No, Zarl, I cannot. My feelings torwards you are strong and deep. I would regret not having shared my love with you. Like Princess Michele, I have many friends on both continents. Having to choose sides in this matter is tearing me up inside too.", I said sadly, "I only wish I could find a way that I did not have to give up all of those friends.", tears ran down my face. Zarl patted my shoulders as he gave me a huge hug, "Sometimes we have to know when to say goodbye to our old lives. I too want -141-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene you as my wife.".ce 1 I was hurting so deeply that I did not hear his proposal. Imagine my feelings of loss, The Barracks, the church of Santa Michela, Brother Dominic, Mother Janet. I just sobbed at what I would have to choose.

"Bichela? Didnt you hear me? I asked you for your hand in marriage." "I need time to think about it Zarl, a few days perhaps. Is this civil war over this matter with Prince Talad and Princess Michele or Galavia and the whole line?" Zarl sighed sadly, "I will let you have your time to decide. This matter involves both Galavias line and Princess Michele. both were Tostians. Tostia feels that Princess Michele should take their throne. Callians want her on their throne. By both of their laws and our laws. Princess Michele should be on their throne not ours." "You told some time ago that Princes Michele could give her right of sucession to another female who was qualified? This you explained does not mean divorce just that when Queen Christiana dies, Michele would not have the throne. Men cannot take the throne of Calla thus you would be unable to rule yourself. What if Princess Michele gave her right say to me, wouldnt this solve part of this mess? Then she could take the throne of Tostia." Zarl smiled, "You, are right! This would avoid the possible war! Princess Michele! You dont have to divorce Prince Talad! If you are willing to give your right of succession to another female, you and Prince Talad would remain married, you would be able to return to Toriest! Where you could continue the Galavia line! A line that should have been preserved. Galavias mate made the same mistake Prince Talad had done. Lets use that law to save our -142-

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skins!" Prince Talad sighed, "If we do this, I would be of the royal family of Tostia, My mother would have to officiate this proclamation. You and Bichela would have to work quickly to bear a child in the unfortunate event that a bullet has her name on it. Heaven forbid! if that poor young queen was too young, a group of regents would have control of Calla!" "Or, a slight change of the laws of the royal famility of Calla would allow me to take the honor of Kingship. Tostias laws allowed for both. Callas laws used to also." Queen Christiana walked over to Zarl, "What is this nonsense! We have not had a king in Calla for over 800 years! Princesss Michele is my daughter in law, I rather lose that part of the line than have another king who fouls up the Callian system. Zarl, you are a wise man but your genitils are doing some loud boasting right now!" "Respectfully Your Majesty, times are not good, you have no one else to take the line. If Michele takes that oath and gives power to Bichela, you have lost a son and a daughter but preserved peace. With the precieved continuance of the royal family. What would we do if Bichela and I had a son? and Bichela is killed or dies in childbirth? The risk of anarchy is great! With the laws allowing male heirs to take the throne reenacted, the brother you have could even take the throne if I am incapable of the task." Queen Christiana frowned, "Charlos would be a poor ruler. He has never been trained as he was never to have the throne, your logic is valid however. Once Michele makes her proclaimation to give the power to Bichela or possibly you, she and my son Talad would then be free to return to Tostia to lead the royal Tostian family, if -143-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene the Tostians go that route. From what I know of the original matter, They wanted Galavia, my mother, to take their throne, she was to be their next queen. My Quara has always had been a thorn in their sides as they believe in having a king or queen with absolute power, reports show that Tostians want Michele to be their monarch."

The 5 Tostian representives, smiled at the change of events. If Michele takes the throne of Tostia, and Bichela on the throne of Calla, they felt that the long and bitter infighting over the royal household would be resolved. "Your Majesty, that is indeedly true, This would also resolve once and for all that dispute that was caused by your mother Galavia marrying Amato of Calla. We, the representives of Tostia, would like to return to our lordships of the regions of Tostia and serve Queen Michele and king Talad. I mused over what I was thinking, "Let me see if I got this right, If Princess Michele gives up her right to the throne of Calla, gives it to me and Zarl, she returns to Tostia to take the Tostian throne that was to have been Galavias. Thus your quarrel with Christiana is resolved? Meaning no wars? Why didnt Galavia think about that before she married Amato?" Queen Christiana sighed, "She was too blinded by her love of Amato to think of the consequences of her actions. Something that Prince Talad had also done." "So, the nut does not fall far from the family tree.", Michele snickered..ce 1 Even Queen Christiana saw the humor in that, she laughed a loud gaffaw at what Princess Michele was saying. "Yes, but the difference here is, she did not want to give up the throne of Tostia and Amato did not want to give up the family throne of Calla. Thus she ended up ruling both Queendoms. Now, if you are -144-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene serious in your proclaimation to surrender the throne to Bichela and Zarl, I will hear it. You will remain my daughter in marriage. You would also be the new queen of Tostia if that is to be done.", Christiana smiled weakly.

"Yes, as long as Talad remains my lawfully wedded husband.", Michele said firmly "Talad? You heard Michele, Would you remain her husband and possible King of Tostia, as requested by my Late mother, your grandmother, to remain united with Tostia." Prince Talad flinched, "Yes, Mother. I do." "Bichela, would you honor the laws governing Calla, to serve with all of your Heart, strenth and soul to maintain the ruling authority of the Queenship of Calla?" "May I keep the Quara? or am I forced to? Either way, Yes I so swear. I also swear to Zarl that I will take him as my husband.", I said solemly. "The Quara is up to you to decide to keep or disband." I was happy to hear that. "I will keep the Quara, That I also so swear!" There was a huge applause from the representives of Lesbos, Moron and Calla, even the former Tostian representives wwere happy. Queen Christiana smiled at me, "Welcome to the line of Calla Bichela! Michele, you will remain a princess through marriage, I -145-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene welcome you as a queen of Tostia!"

Zarl and I happily sat down at the head of the Quaras table, next to Queen Christiana. Queen Michele and her Tostian lords sat at their end of the table. The mood of that room went from dread to joy as now the two queens would begin to unravel the mess that was made when Galavia married Amato. "As I have said, I will continue the Quara as I feel that this parlimentry body does one good. I have never ruled anything. Nor do I want to frell up the great lands of Calla, Lesbos or Moron with stupid laws that do not have input from these people. I also will state again as I said in my oath, Zarl, I accept your marriage proposal! Queen Michele, I recommend you take care with your position as absolute monarch. The thought of total control can go to your smooth head! Remember your commands will effect thousands. Think Thrice before you pass laws to consier their implications." Everyone applauded Bichelas statement of intention to both maintain the Quara and her marriage to Zarl. Queen Michele stood up to speak, "While this event is certainly historical, there are matters that must be addressed to both my lords that are present and to you, the Quara. I rather not be an absolute monarch, no disrespect. On Terra we had many bad absolute rulers who did trememdous amounts of damage by drafting laws that were oppressive. Yet, my lords decree that is how things are to be done. I will honor their requests. I also will allow either a King or Queen to rule Tostia so that the line will be preserved. I recommend that you do the same. I will rule Jointly with King Talad as I dont want to be the only one of our marriage to deal with the matters of state. A micro Quara of husband and wife. -146-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene There was tremendous applause from the entire room after Queen Micheles statement.

Queen Christiana of Calla spoke with a smile, "As Queen of Calla, law 32-23b subsections 2-8 in reguards to the male heir of taking the throne of Calla will be re-enacted with 2/3s of the Quaras remaining delegates. This will commence now with a sealed vote. If this 2/3 vote is maintained, we will allow the males of the line to rule Calla." 15 slips of paper, envelopes and pens were handed to the representives. The members only had to write on the slips yes or no. Each vote was placed in an envelope, and handed to the Prime Minister Mariava, who would count them. Prime Minister Mariava reported the tallies, "12 for Male heirs, 3 against! Males will again be allowed ruling power, the first time in 800 years!" After that emergency session of the Quara, a press report was to go out to all media outlets to state what was decided. Zarl and I were to be married in 3 weeks, we would remain in Callixtia, Queen Michele and King Talad would return to Toriest to begin building their regime. Their first task was to rebuild the palace that originally was in Valat. Queen Michele and King Talad also would build a palace in Toriest, which would remain their primary residence. We went to the seaport to see Queen Michele and King Talad off, I wanted to tell Michele something in private we went into a secluded area of the seaport, "I will not be rulling Calla for some time. I hope Shelly, that you and Talad will keep in mind what I said a few nights ago in the Quara, Think thrice before you pass laws." Queen Michele hugged me, "Oh Bichy! you know that I am going to -147-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene miss you deeply. Please come visit us in Valat when possible, the door is always open for you. and Zarl.", she cried knowing it would be a long time before she would see me or Zarl again.

I cried softly too, As a Klingon-Terran child, tears were a part of my life. "I will always remember you. Rule wisely and with love." Both King Talad and Zarl were looking for us, "Ready Queen Michele to start on our journey home?" Michele looked at her husband, "Yes, I have to start sometime." Talad smiled, "I gave Eric Gustofson the job of sea captain of our private boat. We will sail with him, the weather is good this time...", he said holding Micheles hand. Michele equally was happy to return to Tostia. they walked to Erics boat. Zarl looked at me, "Well, we have alot of work to do. First thing is getting married, have a child, start a family...", I had to smile at his levelheaded nature, "Lets not forget to eat first!", I laughed, he blushed, "Oh course! thats first thing." Zarl and I went to a local Callixtian resturant that served some of the best Macawnian food I have had. While The Barracks food was excellent. Macawn cusine prepared by the native chefs leaves The Barracks food lots to be desired. Their Balas beast roast for example is roasted so it is well done but still tender. Macawnians have embraced the use of Terran vegtables in their meals. the roast with fresh steamed carrots, Brocolli and snap peas with mounds of fresh mashed potatoes. fills the need for food with overindulgence. Macawnians have also embraced several Terran drinks. One is a light beer, Russian Vodka, many types of wine and whisky. Terran soft drinks were also popular. While there would no -148-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene be Coke or Pepsi on Maca for many years. a several small soft drinks companies were doing quite well. One was Moxie. A fierce root drink made of something called Genitian Root extract. The local manufacturer found that Maca has the root as a native part of a plant. The Macawn version could put bumps on your head if you did not have them already! I enjoy Moxie although its hard to find and right now is only available in the Callixtia area.

Zarl and I walked downtown past an appliance store. In the window was the first telvision I ever saw on Maca. "It is still new in Maca, There is only one television station and that is here in Callixtia. Callonian one telvision is an ofshoot of Callonian one radio." The 33 centerimeter diagonal telvision sold for a whopping 12,500 Callonia! It was only black and white! The tuning knobs only had settings for 13 channels from 1 to 13. The pictures were sharp as razor blades! "Why now? You never had telvision before? how do you power it?" Zarl smiled. "There is a solar panel on the roof of the store. The panel charges a battery that runs the television. Typical Macawn ecology minded design. Fully made in Callixtia. As for why now Well, we like to expirement with new things now and then. The screens came out of our old computer data displays. With a little circuitry television reception was possible. We had all of these monitors collecting dust. Thanks to the Easy Fingers keyboards, we had so many parts tht it did not take long before someone would find a way to display a picture that was not computer generated." "Fascinating! Do you think it will be long before Color televisions become practical?" "Color? I dont know about that. There never were color computer displays. Macawns tend to see their computer work in shades of -149-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene grey.", Sadly, Zarl did not realize that the screen on the TV was GREEN! another television in the shop had a screen that was Yellow.

"Do you realize that the screen on display is Green? or do you lack the ability to see colors?" "I see colors fine. I know the screen tint is green. when a Macawn watches it, he gets used to the green and treats it as black and white. Same with the yellow screen television inside the shop." "What frequencies do the telvision signals transmit on? Would the signal be recievable from Tostia?" Zarl sighed, I dont know. Lets ask the technician who works here that.", we walked up to the technical help counter, "Excuse me sir. My wife has a question reguarding television?" The technician smiled when he saw it was Zarl and Bichela. "I may be able to answer some of those questions." Bichela asked him what she asked Zarl, the technician blinked. " Actually its very simple. Television transmits on 7,500kc with a form of modulation called Pulse carrier modulation. This allows for maximum quality picture. a matching carrier at 7,505kc carries the audio carrier, again PCM. You may be familiar with this from your computer work. As for can it be recieved on Tostia? I dont see why it would not. Although you would need a very good recieving antenna to avoid losing data bits. Digital signals are very touchy. Our television band is only 500kc in widhth." "Do you think Television will ever replace radio here? how about color television?" -150-

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"I dont see radio being replaced in the near future. Color television is a long way off. Our televisions are made with surplus computer monitors. They add additional parts that decodes the digital data that displays the picture, a small amplifier and speaker in the decoder makes sounds. Macawns dont have color computer displays readily available. The few color displays I have ever seen were on dedicated graphical workstations used for designing buildings and landscaping work. These dedicated displays sell for 50,000 Callonia alone! None the less, the spectrum calls for a color picture signal to be at 7,510kc, for channel one." "Based on what you have told me. yo could have 33 television channels. Why are you limited to 13 on the dial?" "Right now, no one has found a use for the other 12! the additional bandwith would be used if later needed." I was thinking madly, "Do you sell many of these televisions?" "Not really. I sell about 5 a month. I am one of the 4 dealers carrying them. They told me that their sales are about the same." We thanked the tech for the answers, before we left he showed us the video cameras one could buy to transmit their own pictures over a cable to the television. Transmits on any channel from 1 to 13. At 18,000 Callonia, not likely to be a popular accessory, Unless of course yo are a computer hacker with tons of ideas and Callonia. I wanted two and two televisions. A transmitter.... I would later explain my idea to Zarl when we left the shop. Outside of the shop I explained to Zarl my idea. "Give one to Queen Michele, set our camera to channel 2, our TV on channel 3, -151-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene her camera on channel 3, her tv on channel 2. Results? true two way television! Add two Monster transmitters..."

Zarl just shrugged, "You know that these frequency allocations are for commercial broadcasts only. We would need to use a different range." "True, but then Tostia does not have a radio station either! Queen Michele and I talked about a radio station project that would allow Tostia to broadcast its own programming. On Terra, Televison for many years was a strange beast. some countries used one standard, others used another standard and some still used a third standard. all Analog. Here Maca has went straight digital! thus there is only ONE standard! This standard allows a signal to travel world-wide!", I was getting excited about what this could mean for me and Queen Michele to remain in contact with each other. Zarl stared at me as if I had grown a TV antenna out of my head, "World Wide? How so?" I shrugged, "Queen Michele explained to me that those frequencies are in what are known as the shortwave spectrum. These signals bounce off your sky and are reflected all around your world, as on Terra. If you have a powerful enough transmitter you could provide full global coverage day or night!" "I get why you asked the tech! We both know that Callonian one Radios 5500kc signal can be heard on Tostia, if the TV transmitter is at least as strong or stronger... Queen Michele would be capable of watching our transmissions! If her transmitters are equally potent... you would be able to watch hers!" I beamed with excitement, "Exactly! the worlds first live video -152-

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conference!" Zarl sighed, "I dont have that much Callonia to throw on a project of this type. I doubt that the Quara or even Queen Christiana would be willing to foot the bill either!" "Oh, well, it was a good idea.", I said glumly. "I do have another question that I have wanted to ask since you called me in Toriest, how did you come up with that buns code?" Zarl snickered, "I am a baker by hobby, That day I was upset and baked 6 piot buns. As I was baking I remembered Queen Christianas request to contact Michele and Prince Talad, as you know, our intercontinental radio contacts are not encrypted. Therefore I made the continents into buns and said I ate one, In realality I ate 3! I was very hungry as I had to skip breakfast for the earier meeting. Piot buns are very good nutriciously and psycologically as I was stressed out. I did want you to come too so we could also spend some time together." "And make more buns?", I asked amused at his ingenuity. "Why not? I also want to make a different type of bun, a baby. I also want to explore some of the Terran buns such as Cinnamon, Hot-crossed, Crossants...", he said with a excited florish of hand guestures and happy overtones. "We can do that, lead me to your home!", I growled with pleasure. Zarl did not live in the palace or near the palace, like all the males I have known he had a small apartment which he rented, Zarl was not the cheapest male around but he still lived at the near the bottom of the economic ladder. -153-

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Zarls apartment was very tidy for a male. He liked to keep things organized so that he could grab what he needed quickly. His apartment was a testament to his housekeeping. Like most Macawn apartments and homes, he had lots of windows! White painted walls, ceilings and wooden floors that showed years of light wear. Clean and polished gas lighting, older worn but functional furnature. dozens of potted plants gave the small apartment a fresh airy feeling. Clearly this was a strong contrast to my parents home where all you saw was dark, dingy living quarters with furnature that may have been made as torture devices! I always felt that a test of a males cleanliness was his commode and bathing room. On Terra and Qnos these are one room usually called a Bathroom. Macawns have the same idea. His bathroom was very clean, not immaculate but for male standards it was! Unlike most Callian homes, his commode pot was not in the floor. He put his in a wooden chair, similar to how it is done in the barracks. "Its easier that way.", he remarked as I scounted around his apartment. "I dont quite like them in the floor as its harder to get down to the floor when you get older. and for males, easier to aim at.", he snickered. Zarl loved dressing up his apartment, he had pictures, draperies, little keep sakes that we call Knick Knacks. His kitchen was a pride of a baking, cooking male. He had all of his pots neatly stacked in cupboards. His cooking utensiles were organized, ultra clean and placed in drawers. Zarl had a large gas range that had 6 burners and a huge oven. His refrigerator was very organized as well, packages were rotated and dated to determine when to use them or throw them out. "Good god Zarl! You would make my mother scream! she would have to undo all of your cleanliness! Klingons -154-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene are notorious slobs! My father would however love to see this! Italians are naturally neat people. Like my father, I admire a clean home."

"I am glad to hear that you take after your father, I dont like to make a boraswine pit out of my home!", he laughed merrily. as we walked into the immaculate bedroom. I wont spend my time going into the details of our lovemaking. I will tell you that it was beyound joyful for both of us. Unlike Klingons, Macawns dont get nasty or brutal in foreplay. Neither partner wants to hurt the other. After the hours pleasure we both layed on his bed catching our breaths, "You know, we will have to move to the palace when our term as King and Queen come up. How are you going to adapt to having servants doing all of your housekeeping?", I asked lazily, the excitement of the lovemaking tired me out physically and mentally. He stretched, yawned, "Im not lettinging myself go to shame, I will clean my own lodging, at last my royal suite." As we drifted off to sleep at 1800 hours I realized that this was the truely nicest lover I ever wanted to marry. Organized, gentle in love and with others, quite a contrast to the males I layed down with on Qnos where I would end up with bruises or cuts from teeth and finger and toenails. who lived in garbage pits.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 12

Tostia Before King Talad and I had returned to Toriest to begin our reign, we had promised Bichelas husband Zarl that we would arrange to have her possessions shipped back to Callixtia. I looked at the many things Bichela had collected over the years: The computer hardware, local crafts, pictures and books. Bichela was very into computer technoligy and what we would call science fiction. Carefully King Talad and I packed the books into boxes, there was 30 books. Using rags we packed the momentos into another box. Macawns dont have styrofoam packing materials. They used old rags from clothing or wadded up paper for packing. Bichela had collected several fine pieces of art that were made of glass and porcilin, these we had to pack carefully for the sea voyage back to Callixtia to avoid breakage. After all of Bichelas things were neatly packed away, we asked Eric Gustofson to transport them to Callixtia. There was 10 boxes to transport taking over 2 cubic meters of space. This included all of her clothing and hygene products. Sherry came in just as I was finishing with the last box, "I heard, that you are my queen. Congratulations!", she smiled. "Thanks, although I am not sure how good I am going to be at it. I never ran a continent before.", I said with a shrug, "I am not sure that I am ready for this." "You knew you would be a queen sooner or later. Now you are the queen of Tostia instead of Calla. How is Bichela doing?" "Last time I saw her was yesturday morning, she wont be ruling -156-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Calla for awhile. She will be living at the palace with Queen Christiana to learn the practices of ruling. Unfortunatly, I dont have a teacher.", I sighed as I wrapped the box in a cloth ribbon to seal it.

"Thats ok, you are amoung friends, friends who will help you avoid the mistakes of bad rulings.", Sherry said as she gave me a quick hug. I was still not sure if I could do it, I did not know how to even begin to set up and operate a royal household. Even when I was a princess of Calla I did not really live much differently than my former researchers. I never thought that I would have to learn the ropes so quickly. "All I can ask is that the people of Tostia give me some time to figure out what I am to do. Bichela was a natural at giving commands." "True, but you are a natural at communicating those commands. Its your elloquence of communications that gives you the edge. Now you will have to learn to make those commands and communicate them to your people.", Sherry sighed, "Lets do something, lets go eat lunch and go for a swim." We went to the mess for lunch. I had the Macawn Tabikite with baked Terran Potatoes and a diet soda. Sherry had the Balas beast roast with Asparagas, yellow corn and the baked potatoe with a diet soda, both of us had melat pies for desert. The meal was very good but very expensive. Tmarth wanted to waive the fee since he was now my royal subject, "No, I will pay just like anyone else! I pulled out the 30 Callonia for the meals." Tmarth took the money grudgingly, "You know you will get it back in your levying of taxes anyway." -157-

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Taxes was not an area that I was fully familiar with. First of all how does one determine how to tax? Second since we are now no longer part of Callas Quara should we continue to use their money? Callonia has no precious metals to back the value of the notes. From what I have read in finance this is a good way to start an inflationary trend. "Right now Marth, I just realized we might have a problem. We still are using Callonia, it is not backed by precious metals." "Whats the problem with that?", he looked at me confused, "We have been using Callonia for years." "The problem is twofold, First, we are not part of the Quara anymore. and second, with no precious metals to set the value of the notes, their values are just arbitrarly agreed on values. What if the Quara decides instead of 10 Callonia buying a meal, that it would be 30 Callonia? You would have to raise your prices just to break even. This could hurt The Barracks and other businesses as their customers would be unable to continue to eat there." Tmarth thought about what I was saying as he wiped down the table. "In short, an inflationary trend begins. The Barracks close from the lack of income. I end up out of a job along with my 20 kitchen staff. What is the solution to this?" "The solution is simple. Establish our own currency with precious metals backing the values. say one Tostian note being the value of 1 gram of Silver. The silver would be located at a central treasury. A five hundred tostian note would be the value of 10 grams of gold, a 50 Tostian note would be the value of 1 gram of gold. a million Tostian would be eual to 1 gram of platnum. These notes -158-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene can be exchanged for their actual metal counterparts. Personally I dont like paper notes as their lifetimes are limited. Perhaps instead we should mint the silver, gold and platnum into coins."

Tmarth sighed, "What about the Callonia that is being used now. You will need an exchange rate." "How much Callonia does it take to purchase a gram of gold? we use that as a conversion factor." Tmarth scratched his head, "I dont know! I never bought gold!" "Leave that to me, if I am going to be a ruler, I will have to deal with this.", I sighed, "Thanks for the meal, it was delicious." Sherry and I sat on the sun deck of the outdoor pool sunning ourselves after our swims. I nursed my diet soda as I watched several boys of Klingon birth teasing a few boys of Terran birth. They were playing a good game of water tag. Several Macawn boys joined the Terran boys in the games, a few others joined the Klingon team. Their ages were from 8 to 14 years. The girls were not quite into this type of game. many were just diving off the diving boards into the pool, careful not to hit the boys or each other. The female lifeguard constantly watched the boys to prevent injuries from the rough play. She was constantly blowing her whistle and shouting orders to the boys to stay out of the diving area. The girls, mainly Macawnian were being very careful to time their dives so that no one would get hit. For the lifeguard, these girls were not a major concern. Every since we had this pool installed, it has been a major attraction to Toriest. Today was not a very hot day yet it was quite crowded. The parents of the children watched their kids while they sat on the deck reading books or listening to Callonian one radio. I still felt we needed our -159-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene own station. Yet, the issue of the monetary system was more important. I saw my husband King Talad walk up to our chairs with a smile, "I wondered where my liege was, Enjoying the sun? How are you Sherry?"

Sherry who was reading a local newspaper called "The Toriest News", smiled at King Talad, "I am fine your highness. Marth let me have a few hours off to relax before the next meal." King Talad was one of those guys who just made one feel good. From working with the staff at The Barracks he learned how to make people feel welcome. For running a resort making the clientele feel welcome was paramount to a customer spending their hard earned Callonia on our services. "Glad to hear that. I need to speak to Queen Michele for a few minutes." Sherry got off her lounge and said, "Of course! have a seat! I want to talk to Edna at the laundry for a few minutes." King Talad sat down, "We have to begin setting up our household. Very soon, we will need to hear court." I sighed, "Well, we also need to do something about our monetary system. We cannot depend on Callonia, it is Quara issued money. It is not backed by any precious metals. I also want to encourage the creation of a Tostian radio station to carry Tostian news and sports." "Money is a problem. Have you any idea of how to establish values yet? "Yes, one Tostian coin being the value of 1 gram of Silver. A five hundred tostian coin would be the value of 10 grams of gold, a 50 -160-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Tostian coin would be the value of 1 gram of gold. a million Tostian would be eual to 1 gram of platnum. Only how much Callonia does it cost to buy one gram of gold?".ce 1 King Talad smiled, "it takes 25 Callonia to buy one gram of extra fine gold. From pricing silver, it takes 1 Callonia to purchase one gram of Silver on the open markets. Platnum? never priced it. I would hazard a guess 500,000 Callonia to purchase a gram of platnum."

"How is this going to effect our local economy with these exchanges. Being that the 1 Callonian to one 1gm silver is equal to the 1gm silver to a Tostian. it would make sense to do the silver conversions first." Prince Talad sighed, "True, you want to mint coinage. If we exchange the Callonia notes with Calla for silver we would have the metals. Now you need to get the mint equipment. Maca has not had coins for years." "Certainly the technoligy to mint coins still is available." "I am sure we can get a mint going within a few years, right now we dont have any capital to invest. We have a legacy that has no money, no assets and no nice way to get the money." "When you mean nice, you mean without taxes? How about the 5 lords that operate the 5 regions of Tostia? Cant they contribute to the royal treasury?" King Talad frowned, "I dont know if they can. Most of them make their income from the exportation of Klingon and Terran foodstuffs as well as the exportation of farm equipment. Until now they have been paying taxes to the Quara. Now that we are not part of the Quara, they will have the ability to pay taxes to us, yet, they -161-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene already paid their taxes for the calendar year."

I thought about what my husband was driving at, "when are taxes due?" "Using your Terran Calandar they pay their taxes in July, thats in 3 months from now. they pay twenty percent of their gross in taxes" "Then our first royal decree is that in July they will pay their twenty percent to the royal crown of Tostia, do you agree?" Talad looked worried, "Michele, thats a good idea but twenty percent is steep! How about fifteen percent? Even when they paid taxes to the Quara that percerntage really hit them hard." "On average how much did these exporters make a year gross?" Talad sighed, "It varies. Some could make up to two million Callonia, the average was about one hundred seventy five thousand Callonia. Based on the average the businesses would pay twentry six thousand, two hundred fifty Callonia per year in taxes. Our royal treasury at the end of one tax year would have twelve million Callonia. Even The Barracks pays taxes to the Quara. Our yearly gross income is around four million Callonia." I nodded, "Agreed at fifteen percent anually. Payable in July, First thing to do with the capital is buy minting equipment. Does Tostia have any locally operated Silver mines?" "There are two mines. one is in Ud, it mines mainly silver with some gold. the other is in Taratia. its a gold mine. Both mines are right now not in use. The mine in Ud is a underground mine, the one at Taratia is a strip mine. The mine at Ud still has about eighty five -162-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene percent of the silver left, the one at Taratia has thirty percent of its remaining gold. There is one Platnum mine in Toriest itself that has never been mined. This mine has about one hundred thousand metric tons of Platnum. The mine in Ud has two million metric tons of slilver and 40 metric tons of gold. Taratia has a remaining capacity of four hundred metric tuns of gold."

"Why no mining?", I asked shocked at the sheer amount of precious metals that were present on Tostia. "The mine at Taratia was closed as people did not like seeing the ground torn up as was done to get the gold. The mine in Ud closed as the desire for silver was very low." "Lets table this for now.", I said as Sherry was walking back to us, "We will deal with this in 3 months. How about a radio station?" "I am working with several business leaders to establish one. Right now the Board of directors of The Barracks has the plans to open one in Toriest, given our approval." "let me review their business plans first, then I will give them my response.", I smiled, finally someone has got plans to put Bichelas dream into action. Sherry sat down next to me, "What Radio station? Are we finally getting one?", she asked excitedly. "Subject to our approval, if we like what they plan on doing we would have one." Sherry excitedly said, "I would like to see our station carry some Klingon, Terran and Macawn musical programming in addition to -163-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene coverage of local Toriest news."

"Terran music? What type of music? Terra has lots of musical styles. Klingon music would certainly be popular with the Klingon immigrants. Live or recorded?" "Something similar to what Callonia one radio does, live, I have always liked the earlier 20th century musical styles such as the poplular songs of the 1940s through the 1960s. Couldnt we train some musicians the style and mood of these songs?", she asked with a sigh. "I dont know Sherry", Talad smiled, "Terran music has copyrights that we would have to respect. If the copyright holders would sell us the rights to the lyrics for public performances... we could train a few musicians to sing them." "Thats true Sherry, we cannot just go out and start singing the songs without the proper Terran legal procedures. If we did, we could end up in Terran civil court for copyright infringment. Being those songs copyrights are more than likely expired, we could perform them. We must check before we even play one note of a song on the radio, or a live performance." Talad nodded, "I will check into it, we have several Terran lawyers on our staff." I looked at my husband with surprise, "Staff? What staff? Talad, what are you up to?" "I am beginning to build our advisory staff. We need people who have the detailed know how in areas such as laws, finance, economics and socioligists in order for us to rule wisely. Out of my -164-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene mothers financial gift to us. about 3 million Callonia, I have hired 6 staff members. I also had begun to design the palace, I want your input on the location and the plans."

I sat there dumbfounded, seems Talad was not sitting on the poolside sunning himself! "I will look at those plans tonight after dinner, I also want to meet our new staff." "Not a problem, they are staying here at The Barracks, this has become our little palace until our new home is built." "If this radio station is built, will it remain a commercial organization or would it operate as a government operated station?", asked Sherry. "Privatly owned and funded.", Talad said, "Why?" "I ask as if it was a government run station, you would have had full control of the media coverage. Government stations programming tends to be boring." I busted out laughing! "I know what you mean Sherry. Government stations tend to carry boring music and very one sided news coverage. Yet, commercial stations sometimes tend to do the same. Only they depend on andvertising to determine what is carried." Talad sighed, "We also have a proposal for a Roman Catholic radio service, These stations tend to get their funding from donations. Government stations get theirs from taxes. Seems that the two have much in common." "Not quite King Talad", Sherry pointed out, "If their contributors -165-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene dont like the stations programming, they dont donate. A government station can always guarantee their operations budget as they get it from taxes. I ask that you allow the Roman Catholic radio service."

I nodded in agreement, Talad shrugged, "I agree, I will give my approval for the Catholic Radio Service and their frequency allocations. Sounds like they have already established their studio and are awaiting our approval for the frequencies and power ratings for their transmitters. The station is located in Ud. Seems Mother Janet and her nuns want to do a radio ministry." "Mother Janet! I dont believe this! Is she trying to do a Tostian version o EWTN of Terra? That station has had a mjor impact on the spreading of the gospel on Terra.", I said with shock, "I definatly give my approval! if she can reach the masses, more power to Jesus! Give her the maximum power allowed! Frequencies for both local and global coverage! Being it is for The Lord, like our churches, no taxes are to be levied against them." After we had finished this matter of business we all went for a swim to cool off. Talad joined the boys in their games. I did some diving. We later teamed up in the water and played with the children. "We still need to find a child to adopt Michele. When do you want to go look at the orphanages." he said as a boy flashed him with water, "Hey! Tony stop that!", he giggled. A little Terran girl named Katherina, who I was playing with gave me a smile, as she pulled my long hair, "Ow! Katerina!", I splashed her back. Katerina giggled, "You are a funny queen! I like you!" "Tommorrow! We will go to the local Tostian orphanage first.", I smiled -166-

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"Good idea? any type of child that you feel would be best? Baby. Toddler or teen? Boy or Girl?" I never really thought about that. "Not sure, lets keep all avenues open. That night Talad and I had a meeting with the six advisors he had selected in our living room. "Let me introduce them for you, David Thomas, is a specialist in Terran law and politics, Susanna Benelli is a specialist in sociology and domestic affairs, Talava is a financial specialist in Macawn financial concerns, Tomito is a specilist in Macawn law. Karathia, specialist in Klingon law, Bovia is a specialist on Macawn technoligy. There was two Terrans, two Macawnians and two Klingons. David Thomas was like most Terran lawyers was prepared to do battle in a civil courtroom. A powerful man, Black hair, with gold rimmed glasses, dressed smartly with a nice pressed suit with a white shirt and black tie. Susanna Benelli likewise was dressed as if she was getting ready to lecture at a class at a university, Clean light blue brouse with slacks, her blonde hair was nicely styled. Talava likewise was dressed as if she was going to do a class lecture, Unlike the others, Talava was a black Macawn with brown hair. Tomito like David Thomas was a hard line attorney, like David Thomas he wore the traditional suit and tie expected in court. Both men wielded their brief cases as if they were to suppenna you at a drop of a docket. Karathia as an attorney was even more intimidating! Standing at 2.05 meters tall, she towered over all of us. Klingon lawyers were notorius at ripping a defendent to pieces to get what their clients wanted. I did not like the this lawyer at all! Big and surly, over confident with herself. -167-

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The last Bovia was one of those nerdy little technicians who could out think anyone around. This Klingon, yes she was full blooded Klingon, was quite the contrast to her Lawyer counterpart. Very small. only about 1.9 meters in height, nervous as a rat in a house with 5 hungry cats. She was terrified to be in a social environment, her light blonde hair, medium brow ridges and thick glasses made her look even more like a mole than a Klingon. I gestured to Talad to join me in the bathing room where we had a quick conferenece amongst ourselves. "Get Rid of that Klingon Lawyer! I dont like her!", I hissed back in disguest. "Michele, she is the smartest of her class! We need Klingon legal aides!" I snarled, "She is scaring me to death, Talad, Klingon lawyers dont only know the law but being they are loyal to Qnos, she might come back and bite us in the ass! I am also worried about Bovia, she is more comfortable in the librairy doing research than being here for meetings. she is partially deaf too! I know, I am also. I want her on the staff but I want to talk with her in private. intellectuals like her dont like big gatherings! I will talk with her first." Talad groaned as he had to tell Karathia that she was out of a job. he also was to tell Bovia that I wanted to talk with her in private. Karathia snarled at King Talad with defiance, "I am here to serve you! and I WILL serve you! even if its a summons!" King Talad began to realize that I was right, "Look! My wife does -168-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene not want you on the team! I will give you a good severance if you will just kindly resign!"

Karathia would not hear of this, she picked up Talad by the chin, "I dont want to leave! You want me out, I will sue you! for breach of contractual obligations.", she purred dangerously." Talad panicked and ran back to me, "What am I going to do! She is threatening to sue me!" I snarled, walked to to Karathia, "Your employment was "AS will", there is no contracts. You can be terminated either by us or by yourself. My husband and I Demand your termination!", I snarled back with a loud klingon like growl. Bichela taught me how to face down other Klingons, it worked! Karathia snarled dismally, "Out of work again!", she hung her head in shame, tears began to run down her face, I hate seeing other women cry, A klingon woman crying just wrenched my heart. "Look Karathia...", I said sadly, as I picked up her tear stained face. "The few Klingon lawyers I knew wanted to tear me to shreads to keep me off of the Macawn research team. I dont want to go through those days again. What can I do?" Karathia growled sadly, "I am not the commitee. I am one of 200 Klingon attornys who actually practiced on Qnos. I came to Maca because being I was a Catholic I faced persecution. All I wanted was a job doing what I knew, honorable law!", she broke down in tears. I could not stand it anymore, "Ok, I recind my requst for your termination... Only I want to you to prove your honor! Please dont appear so surly in front to me ok? I am not your opponent!", I -169-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene snarled in defeat. "I also want you to appoligize to Talad about that civil suit remark!"

"Fine, I appoligize Talad for picking you up and threatening you, I am just not used to dealing with people who are not Klingon." Talad shrugged, "Appoligy accepted, you are going to have to learn quickly as there are 3 Macawns, 3 Terrans and one other Klingon on this team." "Queen Michele is Terran? she acts like a full blooded Klingon! How did she learn to negotiate with our people? I admit, she is good!" "Michele is Bichela of Callixtias friend. Bichela taught her the techniques.", Talad smiled as he reshook Karathias hand. Karathia walked over to me, "Anyone who can best me at verbal combat is a valued opponent, I am glad you are on my side!" I thanked Karathia as I guestured for Bovia to come with me to the hall, "I want to talk with you in private", I said as we walked down the stairs, "I understand you are not used to big gatherings." Bovia stared at me as she turned her good ear to me. "I dont do well in big crowds I have a hard time hearing people, I get confused and want to flee, I am a disgrace to my family because of my hearing loss. I only wish I could hear well", she groaned as we sat on the bottom of the stairs, "Its frustrating not hearing all of the sounds around you." I sighed and hugged her, "I know, I am partially deaf too. I have a hearing implant. Do you have the option of one?" -170-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "No, I dont have the money for one. Does it help any?", she asked as she wiped her face with her sleeve.

"Sometimes, often it makes it worse. You get too many sounds. I would assume that like me you like to do your work in a quiet setting. Sometimes with one or two people. I see too that you have bad eyes like I do.", I took my glasses off to show Bovia, "Let me see yours for a second." She handed me her glasses, like my glasses her eyes were nearsighted with bad astignatism. she also had a slight case of wandering eye, a condition that I also had, when I tried her glasses my vision was sharp and clear. I guestured for her to try mine. She was surprised, "Our vision is the same! Actually, I can see clearer." "Same here, I think we both need eye exams! I will schedule them for both of us! I will get you a hearing aid so you can deal with the group better or get the meetings to be in a room with low echo.", I gave her back her glasses as she gave me mine. "Thank you Your Highness! I will always be thankful for your support.", she hugged me with a firm hug, "My family came from Qnos, we are Catholic immigrants who dont have much." "Just call me Michele in private ok? I dont like the formality, what areas of Macawn technoligy do you really like?" She smiled, "Radio equipment and broadcasting technoligy, Sewage treatment, Garbage management, Computer designs! I love those things most. The Macawns circular management of their sewage is fascinating!" -171-

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I giggled, "Youre are the one that watches the shit hit the fan eh? Not bad! perhaps you can help us find a way to design an effective sewage treatment system for the new palace that allows for efficient waste management without us having to haul it to the digesters by hand." Bovia like most scientific types beamed at the thought of the thinking and designs needed to make my dream a reality, "You bet I will! Michele, Perhaps we could improve on their system to allow flush toilets like on Qnos while still providing natural gas generation!" "Or, a more efficient continous feed gasification plant that provides a higher yield than the current designs provide. I may have something that might help you hear better, its a little external hearing amplifier." "I would love to see it!", she beamed, as we walked upstairs to my quarters. When we got back upstairs I went to my dresser and rummaged around in the drawers where I found the hearing amplifier and earsets, "You place these ear buds in your ears. the loops go over the ears to hold in place. You can wear your glasses with them, the little box goes around your neck.", I put them on and tested the box. Batteries were dead, I rumaged in my drawer for a new set. Slapped them in the unit and tested it again, this time it worked. I showed Bovia how to adjust the volume. I gave it to her to try." Bovia squealed with delight as finally she could hear more. "Can I keep this? Please?" -172-

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"You can use it for now, Eventually I will get your your own. this is my spare hearing set.", like me her voice got quieter as this amplifier teaches one to talk softer otherwise you blast yourself out." Bovia weeped with happiness, "Finally! I can hear!" ,she wispered with awe, "Thank you!", she gave me a long hug. "We have to go back to the others, relax and if they are too loud, turn the volume down, if too soft turn it up. You can adjust the tone too with the 3 sliders." Bovia nodded as she fiddled with the controls, "Neat box this!", she whispered. "What if I need to talk loud though?" "Turn power off and blast em!", I laughed. We returned to our living room where Talad and the 5 aides were in discussion. They turned towards us and smiled when they saw Bovia had a hearing set. "Good Bovia, glad you can finally hear us." Talad smiled. Bovia smiled, "Gla....ow!", Clicked off the power, "Glad to be able to hear, not used to this box yet, have to turn it down to speak loudly" Talad grinned, "Michele has the same problem, she always turns it up and down during a talk. We are discussing the topic Sherry addressed in reguards to Terran and Klingon music programming, Our terran lawyer David Thomas says that the copyrights on those songs have expired thus they are easily used with no royalities." -173-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "Great!", I smiled, "Sherry would be glad to hear that. What about the Klingon copyrights?"

Karathia shrugged, "Klingons rarely copyright their music, should not be a problem for musical performances of Klingon songs." Bovia smiled, "What exactly are you discussing? I feel a little out of the loop here." King Talad gave her the summary, "The Barracks is funding a private radio station. One of the ideas is to carry both Klingon and Terran music genres to meet the needs of the Toristian populace, along with Toristian news and local sports. Michele and I would need to approve their business proposal in order to assign them an operating license. Their income would be derived from the sale of advertising time." Bovia nodded, "Hmm. Well, is it to be a local station or continent wide?", she whispered "Can you repeat that? I could not hear you.", Talad sighed Bovia turned the volume down a little, "Do you want this station to reach all of Tostia or mainly Toriest", she spoke louder. "Its desired to mainly remain localized. Thus a lower power transmitter would work. Bovia smiled, "That also allows for the station to focus mainly on local events. Do you have anything planned to fill the niche of the continental coverage?" I smiled at Bovia, "You are doing fine with the amplifier. Yes, -174-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Mother Janets Catholic Radio Service was to be our full powered station."

Bovia blushed, "What if people dont want to hear Roman Catholic Radio? Would it not be wise to have a secular continental radio station? The people always thought that The Barracks was the base of the Tostian social life. I would think a High powered station in Toriest would have value. I say this as there is no station at all on Tostia, Callonian one covers all of Calla, Rician one deals mainly with Rician news, similar with Lesbos one and Moroni radio. Only Tostia and Alsay dont have continential stations." "Problem is Bovia, is that Tostia is a massive area for one station on one coast to cover. There is over 6000 towns betwen the two coasts. There is over 2000 square Kilometers between Torist and Taviza. Idealy there should be a station in each of the 5 regions of Tostia. Calla has the same problem. Caftra on the east cost is over 5000 kilometers from Callixtia. Yet Callonian one has enough trouble keeping up with local Callixtian events.", I smiled at her, "Perhaps if more applications were pending for stations we could have divvyied out the licenses to allow for both local and continental news. The requst was for a local coverage station." Susanna Benelli whom was quiet the whole time, stood up, "Lets look at the socilogical implications this one station would have. If The Barracks is successful in this venture, perhaps soon business enterprises in other areas of Tostia would follow suit. Valat being close to the center of the continent may be an ideal location for a continental station as a smaller transmitter could be used to cover the entire continent. The Barracks station would be the first, others will watch its performance in both marketing revenue and numbers of listeners." -175-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "True, Callonia One has made the goof of placing its main transmitters in Callixtia, It needs two translator stations to cover all of Calla. We get their coverage because of their poor location choice.", I said as I set down next to Talad, "Any more Araqicino?"

Talad pointed to the fresh carrafe that was brought out from the kitchen. my cup was refilled. he then had all of our cups topped off including Bovias, "Agreed!", he smiled as he took a sip of his araqicino, "I really want the signals mainly to stay on Tostia. This could be valuable if we need to keep communications private from Calla." "Do you think we will need to excersize that need?", I asked as I sipped my araqcino, "We are at peace with with all of the continents." Talad sighed, "Never know! Sometimes its best to keep local news... local." We ended the station talk by authorizing The Barracks the local license to transmit at 640kc with a power of 2000 watts. We then brought up the issue of currency, I would explain my proposal of hard currency to our staff, their reactions were mixed, Talava and Tomito in particular were concerned. "Minting coinage is risky! With all of that Callonia flowing around Tostia as you pointed out, there is a need for an exchange mechanism.", Talava said with worry crossing her face. "Exchange rates must be fair and care must be done to avoid an inflationary trend. Right now, you dont even have the equipment to make coins. Best bet is to trade the paper Callonia with equal value of silver bullion. Without a mint there is no way to regulate the -176-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene number of coins in circulation."

"In addition...",Tomito said as if he was advising a client, "Callonia is the worlds standard currency. Even Ricia honors the Callonia. Minting our own coinage may create problems in trade with the other Quara run continents. Contractual agreements are written with values in Callonia." I shrugged, with a tired look, "Callonia is not backed by anything worth value! Tostia is not of the Quara! We should maintain our own currency as we are a seperate soverign government! Speaking of Ricia, how are they dealing with their issues of currency?" Tomito groaned and he stretched his tired limbs, "They are facing a similar problem. Not so much the issue of backing but the issue of not being a Quara member. They are printing notes not coins. Because they are not thinking carefully on the amount they are printing, they have created an inflationary problem. twelve Rician notes to one Callonia. Like Callonia they are not backed by anything valuable." "Thus", Talava said sharply, "they have created a mess with trade with other continents by bad financial management, I must say that in this reguard, we are ahead of the curve. All of those financial reports you did for the Klingon research team must have rubbed off on you, Your Highness." I blushed, "Michele please, yes from reading those financial papers, in addition to the econmic works I read on Terra in College, did give me some ideas of what to avoid. Talad has told me that one gram of silver is one Callonia, thus by minting one gram silver Tostians and exchanging them for Callonia, the people would not -177-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene have to readjust to the changing prices."

Talava smiled, "Good thinking girl! Yes, one gram of silver is equal to one Callonia, right now. However, Callonia values may change. You need to start the exchange quickly as the price of silver does fluctuate a bit. You best buy the silver Bullion now at the spot price of one Callonia per gram, hold on to it and when ready to mint you got the metal at the lowest price." "How many grams of silver would we need to begin a exchange in three months?" "Why three months?" "In three months we will be collecting taxes at an estimated value of twelve million Callonia. I wanted to begin the minting operation immediatly afterwards." Talava looked at me with bewilderment, "Girl, if you are going to go at this with that much tenacity then we wont get paid! You would need to mint at least twenty four billion grams of Tostians! Thats just to replace what is already out on the street in Callonia!" "That much? how about the mine in Ud, could we use our local silver mines toproduce the raw products? No wait, thats almot as bad as what Ricia is doing! right?" Talava nodded, "Flooding the market with silver would drive down the value o your coinage. What I recommend is a slow phase-in of your new coins. say issue about nine million in coins per year, for the next fifteen years, This would allow you to purchase the minting equipment, build the palace and central banking system for Tostia, this central bank would take the old Callonia, trade it with -178-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Calla for the raw silver which would be minted as new Tostians. Once things are established, increase the production rates."

Talad looked at Talava with a tired shrug, "Where do we purchase the equipment?" "Ricia has the technoligy to make the coinage machinery, Tostians and Ricians have always been allies. Our purchases would help their inflated economy and possibly be an example of how to correct their inflationary mess. Tomito would be the best of the six of us to begin negotiations for the equipment purchasing. We will need a loan to get started." "Loan! on Terra thats how many people got into financial messes!", I squawked. "No, CASH! how much do you think we need?" Tomito looked at me with dismay, "I will hazard a guess that we need about fourteen million Callonia for one coinage machine. With your financial gift from Christiana and the taxes you will be going lean for about a year." "Find out the cost!", I snapped, "Romans didnt have machines to make coins! if we have to, we will pour the silver into molds and make them one hundred at a time!" "There is a way we can cut our costs, Ricia has a strong need for our Terran beef products, Trade some beef for part of the machines cost! They have also become fond of our Terran vegtables and chicken products." "How do we pay the farmers? They are not going to just give us some of their crops! Oh, yes they do! Taxes! Ask them to pay in goods instead of Callonia! right?", I mused -179-

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"No, we give them the choice of pay in Callonia or in food.", Tomito shrugged, "Callonia does not need warehousing, that makes it easier for payment. Besides, how many bushels of corn equal say 500 Callonia? how many sides of Terran beef?" "I am getting a headache!", I groaned. "I never realized just how complicated this can be. what if we bought the farm products from the farmers and then shipped them to Ricia? would that be any better?" Talava sighed, "No, then you are still out of money. Your first idea makes more sense, have them pay their taxes in food. This would also be good as we would have food on hand for lean times, some of the producers are not big operations however, their total production could end up in the warehouse, thus they are insolvent. We need to keep that in mind. The idea of a foundry making coins in molds would be a good way to begin, Calculate the cost per coin, multiply it by the number of coins produced per year. Once the process has been running for a time then your R&D cost will be amortized by the length of the operation of the production." Susanna Benelli smiled at her Macawn Counterpart, "in the long term it may be the most costly, yet in the short term it would be the better option, I feel that it would be the most workable at this time. Talava and I will begin the cost analysis and research into Roman coining techniques with the help of Bovia, if she is interested in this type of work." Bovia jumped up excitedly, turned off her amplifier and shouted, "You bet I am! I want to be part of this!", she turned her amp back on, "It would be a fun project, I always looking for things to do." -180-

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Talad smiled, "Do it! I want a report on my desk in 10 days. I also want production to be ready to start in 30 days after my approval." "The next issue at hand is when are we going to begin the design of the palace, and until it is done, where we are going to hold court.", Talad stated. "No disrespect your majesty, why not hold it here? Everyone considered The Barracks the royal base.", Karathia stated as she had her fifth cup of Araqcino. This meeting was running extra late, usually Talad and I would get to bed at 2200 hours. Already it was 0200 hours. Talad and I had planned to go to the Toriestian orphanage to look at children for adoption. I myself was on my seventh cup of araqcino, my hands were shaking badly from all of that caffine. Bovia was so wacked out that she was almost to her Klingon limits. "I think you had enough Bovia! Here, have some strong Sama-Za, it will make you drunk but drink enough and you should sleep.", Drinking strong whisky with all of that Caffine is a fast way to get out of a caffine high, Alcahol was a depressent. Caffine is a stimulent. Give a drunk person araqicino and you sober him. give a person high on araqcino alcaholic drinks and you calm them. I poured myself a goblet of sama-za and was slowly coming down from my high, Bovia complied and had 3 goblets of sama-za. After she had her third goblet I stopped giving her the creature as I did no want to overdo it. After my second goblet I was almost out of it my high, I cannot hold my booze. Yet I had to stay alert at this meeting. I had Mariata put the bottle away. Bovia was swaying drunkly. I helped her to the commode to relive herself and let her sleep on the couch. she snored, Yes, female klingons snore and they can do it -181-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene loudly! Fortunatly for us Bovia was not Bichela, she snored very lightly. "Lucky you! I still have to remain awake until this meeting is finished.", I thought of how much I missed Bichela and her power saw snores that rattled the windows of our downstairs room. Oh how Sherry and Janet would complain bitterly of the din! Yet my saw was not quiet either, Sherry claimed that it was a tie between Bichela and me in the snoring contest!

One thing about a snore, if you hear one, that means normally that the person is alive! for me thats a relief as I didnt want to overdo the sama-za. too much could have killed Bovia. My rough guess was about right. Too much Araqcino can even give a Klingon a heart attack, of the two, I take the alcahol poisioning as the better way to die. The sama-za that we purchase has a proof value of 200. very potent stuff! If she was not drinking all of that araqcino, I would have given her a light Rician wine. or even a low proof vodka. The sama-za was slowly dulling my senses to the point of oblivian, forget talking! I sounded like a overtired drunk. "I tink I need sleep.", my speech centers were down. I layed down next to Bovia and snored. Talad sighed, "agreed! Lets wrap this up for tonight, If you want to join my wife and Bovia on the couch, you are free to do so." I woke up the next morning at 1000 hours, with a light hangover to find all 8 of us snoring on the floor and the couch, apparently everyone got drunk. David was snoring while snuggling next to Talava, Tomito was laying on top of Karathia, he was also cutting a few malaska trees. Talad was nuzzeling me, apparently living out a dream. Susanna was crashed on the floor next to my feet. While the dream must have been good. my head was not in the thinking mode right then. I fell back to sleep. it was at 1200 noon that Bovia woke me up. "Michele, I am still alive, thanks to the sama-za -182-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene last night. What did everyone else do? get blasted too?"

Slowly I moved my head, bad mistake! as my head pounded in fierce protest to being moved, "ugh! I need to get up, plase help me!" Carefully Bovia helped me get up. "Not used to getting drunk? Your fast sama-za technique saved me from a possible heart attack! I will remember that technique." "Yeah, yeah.. let me get to the pot before I mess my rug or Susanna!", Bovia helped me to the pot, same token as I had helped her. I also cleared my belly of all of the remains of the sama-za. She summoned the maid to brew up some araqcino to revive the rest of us. With Bovias help I undressed and slipped into a cool bath. Slowly my body recovered, soon afterwards I heard the snarls and groans of the other six people waking up. Bovia was sitting in the tub next to me. She was helping me to bathe and to get ready for that days events. Talad I heard, went to the pot and emptied his belly and bladder as did the other 5 of us. "Mornin! he slurred, Time to resume talks." "No, time to get breakfast! Mariata, can you go to the mess and arrange for 6 huge hearty meals?", I said as I slowly got out of the tub with Bovias help, "have them brought right to the royal suite. Biggest meals with it all. These guys want to talk some more! Terran Coffee this time." "Yes, my lady. Anything else?", Mariata curtsied. "Yes, I want the pot emptied as soon as possible. Drunks dont -183-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene keep things clean, we tend to miss. The males are worse than us females.", having to admit that I was a drunk was humiliating, yet, it was true! I would later make note of it to not drink two sama-za goblets. Mariata was originally a barmaid at a Klingon pub in Toriest back before the war, she came out of hibernation and was looking for work. Talad and I hired her as she knew what to expect with too much of the creature taken. Mariata was also good at mixing drinks and handling of hangovers. Personally I rarely drank but when I did... ouch!

Funny though how Bovia and I became so close. You dont usually take a bath with your staff members or help them to the pot and the next day have them help you. I wondered what was going on here, Tomito and Karathia apparently did not just fall on top of each other either. Nor did David Thomas and Talava. Bovia looked at me, "I think those four made love last night after we sacked out." "On my floor? Yikes! Susanna layed at my feet seperately from the others. Why didnt she pair off?" "I dont know! Maybe she was not interested in anyone. I do have one thing I wanted to say to you. I wanted to express my gratitude to you. My family does no have the resources to get me the care for my hearing and eyesight, I want to thank you.", she said carefully. "Your welcome! I am always concerned about the needs of people. I have been known to provide for their needs. Having similar handicaps only encourages me to help others who are struggling.", I gave Bovia a hug, "Remember, Jesus loves you and I because like him, we bear our crosses daily." -184-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Bovia smiled, "I was just thinking something weird, I dont think it is just the idea of helping people that makes you feel good."

"Oh... what do you mean?" "Well, I think there may be some latent sexual feelings involved. I know that I have them towards you, I have to be honest here." "Thats a delicate topic you know... You may be correct, yet I am married to Talad and I have plans to adopt a child whom we will be raising as our own. Perhaps in my case it is the feelings more akin to a mother to a child. You dont look very old, you remind me of myself, how old are you anyway?" "I am twenty three. I have 3 brothers and one sister, my father mainly is a subsistance farmer." "I thought so, Do you look at me more like a mother or a lover?" Bovia thought as she helped me dress, "More like a mother, My mother died when I was only two. I do like Susanna more along those sexual lines." "To me, you are like a daughter, why do you have feelings for Susanna?" Bovia blushed and pursed her lips, "She is smart, attractive, intelligent and treats me like a living sentinent being, gets along with everybody and she is well dressed." "How long have you known her? and what can you really tell me about her?" -185-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "Susanna and I have known each other for about 2 weeks. Susanna was an instructor of Socioligy at University of Connecticut at Storrs, Terra. She came with the first wave of Terran Immigrants. She obtained her post doctorate at Callixtian College of Maca in domestic affairs. Susanna has never married, she is considered a lesbian. She is not in any relationship at this time."

A lesbian socialologist did not bother me as much as being jolted at learning that Susanna came from the same side of Connecticut that I had, I too had gone to that same university where I was to major in psychology. My difficulties with my family caused me to fail the academic requirements. "Does she know how you feel?" "I never had the nerve! I am so scared that she will look at me weird, Klingons are supposed to be tough and strong." "Thats a stereotype and you know it! Even Bichela cries as does Karathia. If you are to tell her, tell her in a private area. While Jesus does not have much to say about this issue directly. I suggest you should hold off." Bovia nodded, "You talk about Bichela alot, were you close? Was there deep feelings as in a relationship between you two?" I frowned, darn this girl was smart! "There are some very strong feelings between us, the feelings will always be with us both. She is leading Calla and I am leading Tostia, our seperation causes me to miss her. If you mean as if there was any sexual attraction... Yes, but we both decided not explore that area further. On our ship we slept in the same bed, Snuggled up to keep warm as Klingon ships dont have blankets and the deck plate was cold. Both of us watched the other on the pot as the commode was not curtained off. Same with the gang shower. We worked as a team -186-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene to explore the Macawnian technoliy and culture. Both of us worked with Mother Janet, who at that time spent much time with us in our quarters listening to the radio and doing bible studies. I must admit that those were some fun years! Things were different then. How much Maca has changed in 7 years!"

"Is it true that Bichela and Zarl took the royal linage of Calla to spare you and Talad a Divorce?" I stared at Bovia with shock, "Where on Maca do you get your gossip, girl? Yes, its true, I loved Tostia too much to leave it, I loved Talad too much to lose him, Bichela loves Zarl and wanted to remain with him in Callixtia, at that time things would have ended up that I would have lost Tostia or Talad and Bichela could have lost Zarl. She felt that losing Tostia to her, to save her love with Zarl was a fair price than have me face a divorce. I gave her my place in the Callixtian line so that Talad and I coul resume the lineage that Galavia, his grandmother, was to have continued. At that time there was concerns of another civil war. Thanks to Bichelas quick thinking, we avoided that war." Bovia smiled, "She must have really loved you. She wanted you to be happy! Only a true friend and lover would have sacrificed so much for another.", she started to cry, "You are so fortunate to have a friend like this?" I held her hand, "Friends like Bichela are rare. If you find one, hold on to them and never let them down. They may save your hide one day." At that moment there was a knock on the door, "Michele! the food is here!", Talad called. -187-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "Be right out!", I turned to Bovia, "Dont mention this talk to anyone, please?"

Bovia nodded, "I wont. Thanks for your help to begin to become an active part of our group. Thanks for the advice reguarding Susanna.", she left the bathing room to go eat. I sighed, put on my shoes and went into the living room to see what Mariata got for us. Mariata, Sherry and a kitchen worker named Fran had set up a huge buffet line. Being it was actually lunch time they quickly cooked a very late Terran breakfast for us. Mounds of scrambled eggs, Balas beast bacon, Piles of toast, Gallons of mikswine milk, they were out of Terran cows milk. Stacks of french toast, Swedish thin pancakes, bagles, Terran ham, fruits, and donuts! Several urns of Terran Caffe Latte. They also provided us with Tostian sugar syurp for the pancakes and french toast. I was estatic with surprise and hunger, All until Mariata gave me the bill. five hundred and thirty two Callonia! "Eeeow! thats gonna hurt!", I gave the bill to Talad who went to the safe and dug out the tab and the tip for the staff who set up our buffet. We started at one end of the line and picked up what we wanted to eat, the few of us that were still out of it, namely Tomito, Karathia and Talava were served by Sherry or Fran. We ate with gusto. We asked that the line remain open for an hour so we could come back for more while we bagan our talks. I noticed that there was obviously a pairing. David Thomas and Talava sat nex to each other holding hands. Same with Tomito and Karathia. Susanna sat by herself, looked around at the pairings and felt alone as did Bovia. Talad and I sat down next to each other. -188-

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Susanna decided to fix that! she called Bovia to the commode room. When they returned they smiled and sat next to each other. Apparently Susanna decided to approach Bovia first. I guzzled down my Caffe Latte and refilled my cup, Bovia smirked at me, "Gonna do the sama-za again? You drink lots of coffee and you are going to be flippin!" I frowned, "Thats true, No, I have no desire for another morning like this one. Who has the minutes from last nights meeting? Talad cleared his throat, "Last night it was decided to begin the research on making our coinage via foundry techniques, Talava, Susanna and Bovia are to begin the research and give us their observations in 9 days, If approved production will start within thirty days. The Barracks has been assigned at 640kc with a transmitted power of 2000 watts, Their call sign will be Toriestian One. Mother Janets network was approved with a power of fifty thounsand watts at the frequency of 6,200kc. Remaining business is the issue of where to hold court and the commencement of construction of the permanent palace." Talava stood, "As was pointed out last night, people always thought that The Barracks was the royal base. Until a palace is established, hold court here. Ther Barracks has the banquet facilities and the conference area to hold court in. If we do this, we can begin holding court immediatly." Susanna frowned, "Problem Talava is that royal court often involves hearing criminal cases, where would we hold the accused? The Barracks is a resort hotel, there is no lodging for prisoners." -189-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Talad sighed, "Macawns dont usually incarcerate people. They would be treated as anyone else until proven guilty, usually for the serious crimes a hanging is done, the condemmed are usually locked up to avoid escape from their death. A simple jail and Gallows could be built to house those people. This would solve our immediate need for a lockup. For less serious crimes, it is traditional that the criminals must perform an act of penitence. such as in theft, return of the stolen goods or full prompt repayment of the value of the goods stolen. For other matters, one type of punishment is indentured servitude. This system has been used on Maca for hundreds of years. Maca has a very low crime rate planet wide. violent crime is virtually non exsistant. The last hanging occured over 469 years ago. The royal court, based on my mothers court, hears cases usually involving probate and real estate and issues reguarding tax concerns. Civil matters involving two or more parties are heard also. Usually the Monarch(s) will decide the fates of the plaintiff and defendants. Thats why I have 3 legal spcialists on my team as we need to deal with 3 racial facets here, Terran, Klingon and Macawnian. Before we had so many immigrants, the king or queen would make their decree and that was all. With Terrans demanding support of their legal system of representation, I have to deal with lawyers. Klingons usually dont use legal counsel. Reguardless I need to have the people who know what can be expected. Holding court here at The Barracks is a good short term measure. Being I am on the board of directors I am well aware of our accomidations. The new Conference hall can certainly be used as right now, it is still not being utilized as there is few people needing a room of that size for a large conference. This same room can seat three hundred people for a state banquet. Our catering facilities are capable of serving over five hundred people. In the long term I want to build a permanent palace as The Barracks will want payment or waiver of taxation being that they are serving as the -190-

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tempoary palace." Thus it was decided to hold court at the new conference center of The Barracks for some time. A small jail was built in the boonies of Toriest along with the Gallows. This stone jail did not have a single criminal for over 20 years. Our meeting was concluded. Talad and I would hear court next week in the conference center. That night of court, a state banquet was to be held with the 5 lords and their families and staff attending. I also sent Bichela and Zarl an invitation to attend. She returned my response and stated that they would be coming. Similar invitation went out to the Rician Queen Marita Gosba, Ricians returned to using last names. Tostians would later do the same as we were running out of names. For example, the Tostian phone directory has 3 Talads, Unless you knew the address of the Talad you wanted, you had to play russian roulette. There was only two Micheles, one is a little girl at 5 years old. she was named in my honor. Talad chose the last name of Galavia, in honor of his grandmother, my name is now Michele Galavia. Some of surnames like ours was based on fathers or mothers names. If I was named after my Terran mother it would be Eileen, My fathers name was Ralph. I thought Galavia was much better! Some took the names of their favorite things, there is a Tavia Commode! Julia Bath. Samito Potts, thats just a smattering o the new surnames that we approved in our courts. Queen Marita Gosba also agreed to be present, Queen Christiana was invited but was unable to attend. Toriestian One radio was ready to carry the dinner live, they arranged for twenty singers to sing 1940s to 1960s music from Terra in addition to Klingon musical favorites. They practiced daily to get the mood and tempo right. The singers listened to Terran recordings of the original singers to grasp the mood and style. From listening to their rehearsals, they would bring the house -191-

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Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 13

Tostia The day after we established where we were to hold court. Talad and I went Tostias only orphanage, here we met several boys and girls of various ages. All of them were happy to meet their King and Queen, One little girl and boy stood out of the crowd. They were the most unhappy. Talad and I wanted to meet with these two first. They were brother and sister, They were 4 and 5 years of age. Their parents were killed in a farm accident. Apparently a Terran bull had escaped and trampled their father and mother as they were trying to contain the animal. Being they were children they were helpless to stop the raging animal. Their names were Katerina and Tonito, Their family was a mix of Macawn and Terran. From looking at them closely you could see how much they looked like me and Talad, brown hair, brown eyes with light forehead ridges. Like most children of that age they had questions. "Why did Jesus take mommy and daddy?", Katerina bawled, "I want mommy and daddy!" Tonito who was a year older, was trying to be brave, "They cannot bring them back! Stop being a baby!", he snapped at his younger sister. This only made Katerina cry louder. I stared at the two. "No, we cannot bring them back, we want to give you a good home, nice food and people to play with. Its Ok to cry Tonito, your sister is just being honest with her pain. How do you feel about the loss of your parents." -193-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Tonito shuffled his feet, "Daddy always wanted me to be a big boy. Strong and brave. I was taught never to cry as its unmanly."

Their father was a Terran Mexican who wanted his son to be tough, "Well, you are not a man yet, its ok to cry if you want. I wont judge you for being less of a man if you do." Talad looked at Tonito, "I agree, we are looking to take both of you into our home. I want you to be open with your feelings, it was only 3 months ago that you lost your parents." Tonito blinked, "I -- I miss my daddy too! I know you cannot bring them back. Are you sure you want me and my sister? We are brats!" Talad picked up Tonito and sat him on his lap, "Naw, you are not a brat! You are just a child who has lost the most important thing, your mommy and daddy. I want to give you a new family.", he huggged Tonito. "I want you and Katerina to be happy." "Does that mean that I would be the next king someday?", he asked. "Sure! Dont think that I am going let you take my throne without some training first.", Talad laughed at his soon to be son. "Being a King is hard work!" Tonito hugged Talad, "I love you, you are like my daddy was!", he ran to me at gave me a hug, "You are nice too! I would be honored to call you mommy!" Katerina ran to me, "My brother is just such a show off!", she giggled. "I want you as my mommy too!" -194-

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"Where do you live? in a palace with knights and horsies?", she asked I laughed, "Not quite, we live at The Barracks, there is a huge swimming pool and lots of good food to eat and children your age to play with." "Tonito! hear that! we are gonna live at The barracks! Ohhh thats one nice place! better than a palace!" Tonito snorted, "I want a horsie! and a sword and become a knight!" "Hey! dont rush me Tonito! I just started being a king!", Talad laughed, "Give me some time ok?" "Ahhh... Ok! But you will remember right?" Talad sighed, "I will try, I cannot promise anything now." Unlike adoptions on Terra, Macawnian adoptions usualy proceed rapidly. Katarina and Tonito would be returning with us that afternoon. I helped them pack what little they had. "Mommy? Do I get to wear nice dresses and go to dances like in Cinderella?", Katerina asked as I packed her bags "Yes, you will be going to a great dance next week! I dont know if there will be many children you age though, your father and I will see if we can invite some of the local children for you to play with.", I said as I packed her doll and her clothing into the bag. -195-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "Lots of food? Any Mexican? I love Mexican! how about Purto Rican?", she asked excitedly.

I sighed, "I dont really know, I can find out for you what the cook is working on. Any type of Mexican food?" "Umm those things where you put spicy meat in a shell with cheese and vegtabls and hot sauce! I forgot the name. Daddy makes them." "Tacos? or do you meen Enciladas?", I asked a bit confused. "Tacos! Si! Si! Si!",she yelped in spanish, "Do you know much spanish?" "Ive not spoken much other than Macawnian for several years, I know Italian and some Spanish.", I remarked in broken Spanish with Italian mixed in, "Bad at both." "No, mommy! I teach you!", Katarina said in slow Spanish. "Ok, but we have to hurry back home. I want to show you and your brother your rooms." "A room for me? My own room? Wow!", she exclaimed in jubilant spanish. Turns out that at home her parents mainly talked with them in Spanish. Their Mother was fluent in many languages. She taught her children spanish, Italian and Klingon as well as Macawnian in the hopes that one day they would be capable of talking to anyone. They also knew some French. -196-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Katerina and Tonito when excited indadvertently switched to Spanish, I would have a rough learning curve ahead of me. Talad was even less prepared for any languges other than Macawnian, Klingon and some Terran Americano.

When I left Terra, Spanish had made major inroads into American speech. You learned this dialect from being on the streets. Having lived in a Latino ghetto for several years, I was often speaking this dialect. I had the ability, thanks to my Italian, to read some Spanish littiture. With my daughter teaching me proper Mexican Spanish my husband was clearly out of the communications loop. I asked her one time in Spanish, "You must teach papa, or have Tonito teach papa! he needs to know too!" Katarina nodded, "Si mama! Tonito be better, as he is a boy! Boys teach papa! Girls teach mama!", she giggled. When we finally got back to our building, both Tonito and Katerina were wide eyed at the sheer size of The Barracks. They did not know what to think with the sheer size of the complex. Watching their amazement only reminded me what I forgot as an adult, the sheer wonder that a child sees. To me, The Barracks was just a large 400 bed complex. A child sees it as a giant house with many people and rooms to hide in. Because we had planned for the day we would adopt a child, we had originally one room planned for one. I called ahead and had my computer equipment moved into my bedroom and fixed up the second room for Katerina to use. Both rooms were very basic. Katarina and Tonito were estatic to have their own rooms. Becuse our children were of Mexican origin we wanted to decorate them with a Mexican theme. Both children had ideas for their rooms. They presented us the ieas and we tried to meet their design obligations. -197-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Because I promised Katerina that we would look into Mexican and Purto Rican cuisine for the banquet, I had to query Tmarth if he had any cooks familiar with this food. Carmelita who worked in the kitchen was from Purto Rico, had expirence with both styles of food. I also found her to be a wonderful resource to practice Spanish with as well as a great person to help me learn of how Hispanic children were reared. Having 3 children my childrens ages gave me the oppitunity to ask her to bring them to the royal banquet. I was fully welcomed again into the hispanic community, I say again as I was an honorary Purto Rican from my ghetto years. Only this time I need to master Spanish and quickly! Unlike on Terra, Hispanic immigrants did not adopt Macawnian. they stayed to themselves in little ghettos. Most worked within the ghetto. Carmelita was one of the few who ventured outside of the ghetto to work, or speak Macawnian.

Because both Talad an I would be busy with court in the morning next Monday, I asked Carmelita if she could watch Katerina and Tonito. She said she could watch them for a few hours in the morning, she and the one other Hispanic cook would be busy preparing the state dinner. Tmarth agreed to give her the morning off. Carmelita brought her 3 children with her. Maria, Bianca and Juan. Maria was close to Katerinas age, she was just turning 5, Juan was a year older than Tonito. Unlike their mother, Spanish was all they knew. If it was not for Carmelita and Katerinas lessons in Spanish I would have been unable to communcate. Katerina and Maria hit it off right away, a quick flurry of Spanish ripped from their vocal cords as they spoke in rapid Spanish, they got along fine, Juan and Tonito took a little longer to adjust, its a boys thing. From what I understood from their talk they were establishing male dominance, Tonito was bragging about how great his new home was. Juan was counter arguing saying his home was -198-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene better! It was Carmelita who scolded her son. "Be nice! Juan, no fighting!"

Juan conceded with a simple remark that was fairly honest, "Well, well see, someday I am going to show you my home!" Bianca was the oldest at seven, Unlike her brother she was fairly considerate. she and Maria agreed to hang out with Katerina. The three girls went to play in Katerinas room for awhile. Later all 5 of them went to the pool for a swim with Carmelita supervising them. It was a shame that it was not so easy in court! We heard 3 cases involving theft. a Macawnian farmer was accusing a Terran worker of stealing produce. The Terran declared that he needed food! The fine was that he would have to work two more hours, with no pay to make up for the stolen food. King Talad in addition made a simple statement of fact, "Before you take anything, ask! Im sure that Tarat would have given you the food if you asked and offered to work for it!" The two other cases were similar although they did not involve food. One involved money and the other, personal possessions. In the first case, the person plead guilty as charged, his judgement was to fully pay back what he stole and a formal appoligy. In the second case there was no concrete evidence that the Macawnian had stolen the possessions. That case was in recess until the next week when a more detailed investigation proved the person guilty or not. The last of the court cases were mainly issues of last names. Several pettioners had requsted a last name to go with their current first names. All the names were approved by Talad and myself, all but one, Who wants to be known as John Radio? He was -199-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene asked to come up with a better name for the next court date. Which he did, he asked to be named John Marconi. A name which we approved.

The rest of the day was spent in preparations fo the State dinner and Coronation. Officially this declares us king and queen. The coronation was to occur at 1900 hours at Santa Michela. It was to be followed by the royal banquet. At the same time this cornonation was to be broadcasted by both Toristian Radio and Mother Janets CRS as their first opening programs. Bichela had written to me and said that Callonian one radio and television? was to carry it. Television? When on Maca did they develop TV? King Talad and I thanked Carmelita for watching Tonito and Katerina. All four of us had to go to Coronation Rehearsal. Neither child had a role in the event, we wanted them to watch as their new parents rehearsed to get the official Tostian Crown. Galavias mother Tara and her husband King Abiato were the last to wear these crowns in over 470 years! We walked to Santa Michelas at 1415 to arrive for the 1445 rehearsal. Santa Michela was right accros the street from The Barracks. I wanted ample time to get there as we had two young children in tow. "Mama? Is His Holyness Pope Joseph III going to crown you? Like he does on Terra?", Katerina asked as we blessed ouselves with holy water from the font. "No honey. Its too far from Terra, Archbishop Mathew of Tostia will be doing the crowning". During this rehearsal we will be using paper crowns. Archbishop Mathew had his Roman Miter and Crosier for the real event. During rehearsal he wore his priestly vestments. -200-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Tonito and Katerina watched messmerized as King Talad and I practiced with the paper crowns. In the real ceremoney everhing had to be perfect. As the whole planet would be listening and some watching the event.

We even let Katerina and Tonito practice with the crowns since we had an hour to get dressed, they loved it! We gave them both the paper crowns. This also gave them an edge as they would be better prepared for the day that they would be king or queen. We left Santa Michela at 1555 where we then were dressed, bathed and had our hair trimmed by a royal team. Because Macawns dont usually have hair in front of their foreheads, I had to have my forehead shaved. This was due to the practice of blessing with holy oils. I looked weird with a bald forehead. Personally I liked the effect of how it made my head look taller, I would voluntarily continue this procedure until my death. The gown I wore was a heavy white gown with lots of train! Talads tunic and breeches were freshly pressed. I had 3 women carrying my train as we walked back to the catherderal for the coronation. Tonito dressed in similar manner as Talad, Katerina was dressed wearing a light peach spring dress with white flats. If she was older, she would have worn heels. I nixed that idea immediatly as I did not want her to fall. Again we walked to Santa Michelas this time with a full royal entourage. While we could have used a coach, it was rediculous as we lived accross the street! Thousands of Tostians watched us enter the cathederal. They followed us into the church. Did I see the cameras? You couldnt miss them! two Camera Operators were placed on the left and right sides of the Sacristy. -201-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Two more were in the back of the hall. and two more were at the entrance of the church. A large carriage which held the transmitting and monitoring equipment was parked in the back of the cathederal. They were sharing the feed with CRS and Toriestian One to spare the amount of cables that would have needed be run between the uplinks and the cathederal.

Santa Michelas had 8 bells, During the normal day the ringing usually used 3 of them. For events such as this, Easter and Christmas the ringers would man all 8. The bells would be accompied by the organ and the handbell choir and the singing choir. The piece that was to be done was Amazing Grace. The sheer din was tremendous! Imagine! trying to orchestrate all of those instruments? Archbishop Mathew began with the sign of the cross. "In Nomine Patris, Et Filii, et Spriritus Sancti, Amen." Why Latin was chosen was because I was Terran. Latin was understood by Macawns also. "We are gathered here oh Lord to crown thy servants Michele Maria Galavia and her liege Talad Galavia as our KIng and Queen. May their service be acceptiable to you our Lord and God!" A loud Amen from the whole congregation. Both Talad and I were prostrated in front of the alter. The Archbishop then had us swear to an oath. Which reads as follows. "Do you Michele Maria Galavia and Talad Galavia agree to uphold the laws of Tostia and the holy teachings of the Holy Catholic and -202-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Apostilolic church, all the angels and saints and our Lord Jesus Christ?"

"We do! with all of our heart, mind, soul and lives!", both Talad and I stated as we crossed ourselves." The Archbishop who was wearing his garments of office using Chrism put a large cross on our foreheads, "Hear them Oh lord! Give them the grace to do your will!" The organ, bells and the two choirs then performed Sanctus. The words are as follows. Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. Which in Macawnian meant: Holy, holy holy Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of thy Glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He Who cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in The higest. During this singing the two heavy crowns were placed on our heads. During this we were kneeling. Wearing a crown made of solid gold and precious gemstones is heavy! I had to strain to keep my head erect. Talad who was stronger had less of a problem. Talad also was given a Royal coat. Archbishop Mathew exclaimed, "Behold! Your new King and queen! We turned and faced a huge crowd who applauded with enthusism. We sat in the first pew as we were to be the first to recieve the body and blood of Christ. The mass continued with the standard cannon and the Tridentine mass procedures. -203-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Talad, Katerina, Tonito and I would be followed back to our banquet hall.

"Shelly! Talad! How are you?", Bichela gave me a hug when we entered the hall. "Glad to see you too! I want you to meet our step children, Tonito and Katerina!", I said as I pointed to our children. "Perfect match! they look just like you! Are they brother and Sister by birth?" "Yes, we adopted them together. Bad enough they lost their parents in a farm accident, I did not want them to lose each other!". Katerina smiled, excitedly said in Spanish, "You are the future of Calla? I am glad to meet you!", she gave Bichela a hug. Bichela who was fluent in Italian responded in Italian, "Thank You! You speak highly of me! How does it feel to be the new princess of Tostia?" Katerina was a little confused with the Florentine Italian verbs. She figured it out, "You are welcome! I never been a princess before? Lots to learn.".ce 1 Zarl and Talad stood there, confused. Neither knew enough of Italian or Spanish to even begin understanding. I translated what was conveyed. They smiled at each other. "I am glad that a friend maintains the throne of Calla, If it was not for Bichelas suggestion, we would have been at war right now.", Talad smiled "Agreed! I am glad that you met your grandmothers obligation to -204-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene the Tostian throne, I wish your line a long reign!", Zarl bowed.

The dinner itself was to be served at 2100 hours. The Toristian one orchestra and singers began performing. Their first set was "Rock around the Clock", There was an area reserved for dancing. Talad and I would lead the first dance. These performers wanted to give us a top notch program. Singing songs like "Peggy Sue", "Chances Are", "Twist and Shout" and many others they kept us going for hours. At 2100 hours we sat down to one strange dinner. Strange as it was Mexican and Purto Rican cusine! I knew of this menu because I planned it. Katerina and Tonito squealed with delight! The Tostian Lords and their ladies were unprepared for this. Bichela, Zarl and Talad were a little more familiar with the food. I showed many how to eat a Taco without getting messy that night. The food was as authenic as possible with all of the spices you can get! Bichela complained that I burned her throat again, she drank 2 goblets of Tostian red wine to cool the fires. She enjoyed the burritos especially. I enjoyied the Hot Tamalies. Talad had some Nachos and hot spicy dip and two beef Quesidillas. Both of our kids ate at least one of everything on the table. Carmelitas three children were also having a fun time with the food and the music. One thing that people did not forget is that Callonian one television had its cameras present recording this event for later showings. The three camerawomen and the two commentators were explaining what was happening. Toriestian One certainly made its presence known, not only with the musical program. Its repoters and commetators were doing a play by play of the event. We did not know that The Toriest News had sent a reporter and critic to do the same. We would find this out when we read the paper the next day. -205-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 14

Tostia We were all exhausted with last nights event. With over 6 hours of music and dancing, we slept in. Sherry called me and showed me The Toriest News. We were on the front page! The story was as follows. Queen Michele and King Talad start Reign with a Highpowered spicy start. Toriest: When you think of a royal banquet you think of high brow events that are drier than 2 year old bread. King Talad Galavia and Queen Michele Maria Galavia dared to blow that image away. With the debut of Toriestian one radio, carrying the event live with over 6 hours of 1940s to 1960s Terran live musical performances, a zesty spicy Terran Mexican and Purto Rican dinner and the first coronation in Tostian history in 472 years. These two and their dynamic stepchildren blew away the traditional standards of a banquet with music that was just as spicy as the Tacos, Burritos and Enciladas that were served at the table. Queen Michele, who was originally to be the next Queen of Calla. Had handed the disputed title to Bichela Dangelo of Calla to resume to Galavia line in Tostia. Queen Michele was remembered at showing the high society how to eat a Taco without spilling its contents on ones shirt! Ended the evening with singing La Bamba. When asked why the zesty banquet? Queen Micheles answer was priceless as it shows her true colors, "My children wanted Mexican!". -207-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Toristian radio reported over 30,000 listeners clear to Ud. The response to the program was overwelmingly in favor for the Terran music. General Manager Tavot Briat was shocked at the success of the program, "We knew that Callonian one radio was always successful with live studio music. We are the first to take the studio musicians and place them at a live event outside the studio walls."

When asked if he was planning to do this again, "You bet! this gives our musicians a face that a person will remember." Callonian one radio singer Galivia Davia was the guest of honor at the event as she and Michele performed "love me tender.". Callonian one television, the only televison broadcaster currently on Maca, was roaming the room and recording this event for showing in Callixtia during their morning program. If these events are any indication o the type of reign we can expect; Dont expect a dull reign. These two are Just as hot and spicy as their food! The picture showed me and Galivia Davia singing "Love me tender." Bichela and Zarl who had came over to see what was written were totally surprised at the review, "You two were fantastic!", Bichela said as she handed the paper to Talad. Zarl looked at his wife with a withered look, "What on Maca are we going to do? These two have not only put Tostia back on the royal circuit, They had fired it with the finest grade of hot sauce!" Bichela grinned, "Naw, we can do better! say "Chinese! we will serve Chinese, Korean and Japanese! mix in some Cooked Klingon!" -208-

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Talad and Zarl laughed at what that would read in the newspapers like. "A egg foo young dinner with wonton soup, Kimchee with Heavy Metal!" Bichela grinned, "Why not! Perhaps some of the hard rock groups of the 80s would like a shot! Kiss, Twisted Sister, Iron Maiden, Rush.... man that would blow your reviews!", she smirked. I groaned, "Dont forget ours was broadcasted live, beat that! even on your television station." "That station did not cover it live, it was videotaped! This was because of the time difference. When we do it, it WILL be live, and in color!" I stared at Bichela,"You mean we were only in black and white? Bummer!" Bichela and Zarl then picked up a package for Talad and I. "A gift from us." When we opened the box we found a brand new shiny Callixtian Television. Bichela had thrown in all of the specs on Televison broadcasting, "Figured if anyone wants to watch us, you can now.", as she handed me another box, "Its a dual standard video camera, does black and white and color. Now you can play with TV!". a huge third box was presented to us. Inside was a huge directional antenna and a transmitter." The Televison was one of the few Color sets on Maca, I did not even dare guess the price. With all of this gear, clearly we would later begin a Continetlal televison network of our own. -209-

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Like a child on Christmas we wanted to try it out. Talad and I followed the setup instructions and had fun with closed circuit color TV. The camera used standard photographic lenses that Talad had from his photographic equipment, it also fit his tripod. With a microphone plugged into the camera Talad and I took turns talking on the tv! Zarl smiled, "One more box, "Heres a video tape recorder! Now you can tape your favorite moments with Katarina and Tonito. I enclosed several reels of tape." Zarl knew we wanted an idea of the cost of all of this, "About four hundered thousand Callonia! Only brand of color equipment made. Lifetime warranty!" Electronics on Maca mainly were made in Ricia and the west coast of Lesbos. These telvisions however, were made in Callixtia in a small factory. Like most Macawn electronics they used older techniques. Our televison equipment for example contained vacumme tubes! Macawns found that tubes had better stability than solid state circuits at these frequencies. The Digital to analog conversion sections were solid state, the reminder was tubes. The video recorder contained all solid state, the camera had most of its electronics as vacumme tubes. Katerina and Tonito were flaberghasted at watching the televison. While we pointed our camera at the poolside, they stared at the tvs screen and listened to the hubbub that was the normal pool activities, "Cool!", Tonito remarked, "I can watch the girls swim!" Bichela grinned, "Not only can you watch them swim Tonito, you can tape them and play the swiming later! When your mommy and daddy get the big antenna set up, you can watch tv from Callixtia!" -210-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Talad and I groaned, "Not right now! We are just beginning to get radio going! Did you know that Mother Janets Fransiscans have just launched a station of their own?"

Bichela looked surprised, "Youre kidding me? What frequency?" "6,200hc at 50,000 watts transmitting power, Talad and I just authorized it a few days ago. They covered our Coronation yesturday along with the other broadcasters." Bichela went over to the living room radio and punched it up. Mother Janet was talking about grace, "This is totally fantastic! I never thought that she would take to the airwaves! How is she being supported, donations?" "Thats her plan, Apparently she wants to do what Mother Angelica on Terra had done with EWTN. All I can say is if the Lord is willing, she will make a major impact in the religious education and vocations.", I said as I listened to Mother Janet talking. I set the Video tape unit up, along with repositiong the camera to face the living area where Talad and I would tape our conversation with Queen Marita Gosba of Ricia, Bichela was very happy to the first to be taped for our archives. Like Bichelas computers this system was solar powered with battery power for use in the evenings. That was important as The Barracks was not fully electrified. Bichela used her short time of fame to explain how televison works. The frequencies and their allocations. One thing that I should point out, Unlike later Macawn video equipment, this was not a camcorder. If you want to do remote -211-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene shooting, you had to haul the tape unit and the camera. These things were HEAVY! Our Tape unit was mainly a stationary unit for home record/playback. It would only be 5 years before portable tape recorders would be developed. Like their full size parents, these used 1.2cm video tape on reels. Macawns shunned the use of video cartridges.

Queen Marita Gosba arrived an hour after Bichela and Zarl had returned to their room. Like the lords and ladies of the land of Tostia, these visiting dignitaries would remain at The Barracks for a week. "Glad you were able to come Queen Marita, how was your trip.", I asked as we sat in the living room, "Would you mind if I recorded our meeting? I want to try out Bichelas gift." Marita Gosba was fairly short, at 1.7 meters her head was up to my chin. With medium red hair, green eyes and pale skin, she wore very detailed heavy dress with a floral print, Ricia was in the southern hemisphere, Unlike Tostia, they had hard cold winters and cool summers. Clearly she was baking in our warm spring days. The temprature that day was 23 degrees Centigrade. at Riciova it was only 10 degrees Centegrade. "Just call me Marita, No, go right ahead! Callixtian Television equipment? How much our world has changed! My trip took 4 days of hard riding from Avillo, The trip from Riciova to Avillo by boat took one day. Thank god we had good weather! Its too bad that no one has developed a faster means of transport other than Laprat powered coaches on land." I nodded, "On Terra, we have high speed trains that cross a continent. On Tostia for example, you could benifit reducing your -212-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene trip by three days over land. Right now neither Talad or I have the resources to begin such a transporation system as we are beginning the task of coining Tostians.

"Coins? Why coins? We on Ricia have issue paper notes.", Marita looked puzzled. "Our money is backed with silver, A Tostian contains one gram of silver. Coins have a longer life than paper. This will allow us to save on the minting costs." "I.... See, Our currency is based on the same concepts as Callonia, My minister of the Tresury has established the value of one Rician is 1/10th of a Callonian. We had problems with printing too many. Now our notes are at the ratio of 1 Callonian to 25 Ricians. We have no idea of how we are going to fix this. We shut the presses down, yet our inflation rates are still soaring. Both Bichela and yourself are considered the most knowledgeable in this area. Both are you are reknown for your studies of finances and currency." I was taken aback by her compliment, "I am afraid that my reputation is in error. I am not trained in this area, my skills come from expirence and my years on Terra in College business classes." Marita bowed, "Even so, your currency system for example is silver based. Whereas ours is not backed by anything of value. Do you even know how to help correct this flaw?" I looked at the sad Queen of Ricia, with concern, "You did the right thing by shutting the presses down. Now you need to take in some of your Ricians. One way is by taxes. Now you have to stop issuing your notes. When the old worn ones come in, burn them -213-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene and dont replace them. When you reach your ideal rate of exchange then you print only the notes needed to replace those that need replacing. On Terra another way to curtail spending is to increase the prime lending rate. This mainly deals with loans and savings, If the interest is carefully raised, people will hold off getting loans to save on the interest, What they will do instead is save the Ricians in their banks to obtain the higher interest on their savings."

Queen Marita was so confused, "Interest rates? What are these? Loans? Interest on Savings? We have none of these. Ricians mainly pay cash for goods and services." "If your continent only works on a cash and carry basis then your choices are very limited, You need to get those extra notes back. The only ways then are taxes, and not replacing the Ricians until your inflation is controlled. Tostia right now still is running on Callonia, our phase in plan will take 5 years to make enough coins to replace a tenth of the Callonia that is out there. We are taking our Callonia from taxes and exchanging it for silver bullion with Calla this July." Queen Marita looked at me with admiration, "How much of a tax hike should we do? When we were with the Quara our rate was twenty percent." "Thats a hard question. Twenty percent is fine for normal times, you need to erk your rate up a little. say twenty two percent to twenty five percent. Your tax rate must be gradual to avoid a revolt. or a economic depression. When times are lean, you would lower your rates. King Talad and I have established our rate at fifteen percent per year. We lowered it as twenty percent was hurting the smaller busineses, we want our royal subjects to -214-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene pleased with us. This lower rate will still earn us approximatly twelve million Callonia, which as I said earlier, ten Million Callonia will be exchanged for silver bullion. With the remainder we will invest in foundry operations to make the Tostians."

Queen Maraita, was taken aback with our drastic measures, "Some questions, Why a foundry, and two, wont you have any money for fun things? such as clothing and parties?" "Because we dont have coin minting equipment, we are going to be making Tostians in molds. We have the silversmiths who know the process. As for luxuries, we are trying to begin with a major currency change. Our pleasures will come later if this works out. Perhaps Talad and I will invest in high speed rail within a few years when we have a budget surplus. Being a monarch is not just banquets and state occassions, there is much work involved at running a continent. Talad and I are focusing on those changes before ourselves." Marita sat there, a little chastened, "When I was appointed queen, I was tol that I would have all I ever wanted, fine food, clothing, money and jewels. Yet I mismanaged my regime by bad planning and even poorer management. You and Talad however, from the beginning had been planning carefully to bring Tostia into a new era of prosperity. What is your long term goals?" I filled her cup of Tostian wine, refilled mine and sighed, "We are planning to build a new palace, extend our telephone system continent wide. Invest in continued gas pipeline expansion and perhaps electrification of the colder areas where gasification plants have proven ineffective. High speed rail accross Tostia. All of this is planned for the next fifty years." -215-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Marita frowned, "You and King Talad are big thinkers! How are you considering powering those trains? Compared to you, Ricia is stuck in a rut as our main source of income is electronics and technoligy exports. Ricia is fully electrified in Riciova and several larger cities."

"Actually that gives you a huge edge, our trains will need electronic components. I am considering electrical distributions via overhead catenaries. These trains also have steam turbines for locomation when not under wire. When under wire they will generate power which will be fed back via the wire to other trains. These wires will also obtain the power from solar and wind turbines. all these sources will charge a large bank of batteries. To optimize fuel and water, these boilers and turbines would be computer controlled. Now as for what fuel would we use? On Terra they used Coal, wood or oil. I am thinking of Natural gas, wood pellets and anthricite coal." Marita smiled, "Good thinking! This would increase our exports dramatically! Would this technoligy work with ships?" "The boiler and turbine designs would work. The use of a power grid is unfeasable.", Why? "I ask as our exports are shipped via huge container ships with big electric motors that need constant charging at ports.", she said as she sipped her wine. "If our ships had a variation of your system, they would not have to recharge as often, this would lower our docking fees considerably. This would be reflected in lower costs to the exporters." "Well, your people have the smarts in electronics, have them modify one ship with this solar, wind turbine and battery charging -216-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene system to observe how much is saved.

A boiler takes lots of space for the boiler, turbine, dynamos and the fuel. Such an addition is best done when a new ship is built." Queen Marita was totally stunned at how Queen Michele was to take a continent that was primarly agricultural to become one of the most techoligically developed areas of Maca. "I am impressed! How can Ricia benifit in this area?" Michele grinned, "Lets be the first two continents to allow travel without a boat! The channel between Avillo and Riciova is only 100 Kilometers wide, Lets work to build the first railway to connect two continents. This channel would allow fast technoligy and agricultural shipments as well as increased tourism for both of our lands. My regime will not be ready to begin design and construction for at least ten years. Marita grinned, "Fine, we will start this construction in 10 years. Deal?" I busted out laughing as I gave her a hug, "its a deal!" After our conversation I showed Marita how the tape looked. she looked at me with a grin, "TV is something my people will have to consider someday. Show this to Talad and see how he feels about this project. I likewise will talk to my minister of the treasury about using silver to back our Ricians. As well as your suggestions to control the inflation that we are suffering." I smiled at Marita, I was glad that I got to meet our southern neighbor. Ricia and Tostia have always been allies, our talk -217-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene cemented our continued alliance. I gave Marita a hug, "Good luck with your new government, if you need a hand, Tostia will always try to be there."

When Talad watched the tape he was not totally surprised at how our meeting went, however, he was miffed at the issue of my suggestion to high speed rail linking the two continents, "Are you crazy? Do you even know how much this project is going to cost? Would it work?" I sighed, "It will work. On Terra, the United Kingdom and France built a similar project to connect the UK with France. Our Riciova channel is wider. With Ricias electronics and mechanical know how, both Ricia and Tostia would benifit from this rapid transportation system for exports/imports and passenger travel. Imagine going from Riciova to Avillo not in a day, but in half an hour! From Avillo to Toriest in 2 hours! This would greatly improve shipments of products from the farms to the cities. Talad, have you ever been to Tariza? I never saw our west coast. With this rail system, we could be there in the same amount of time! This would allow us to explore the entire continent." Talad sighed, "Sometimes, I am shocked at your tenacity, whats next? A line from Toriest to Callixtia? From Tariza to Alia Alsay? When does this expansion end? How does Tostia benifit?", Talad shrugged in disbelief. "Tostia benefits by lower transportation costs, in addition to increased trade with our neighbors. Perhaps in a century we will have lines going to Callixtia and Alsay. First I want to begin a rail network covering Tostia. Queen Marita is planning to do the same with Ricia. I have not talked to the presient of Alsay to see how she feels about such a system. This will be up to either Katerina -218-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene or Tonito to begin the Alsayian and Callixtian projects."

Talad put down his wine, "What if they dont? A hundred years in the future is a hell of a long shot! You cannot even be certain that our people will still be capable of reaching that goal! Technoligy changes quickly. For example, Radio on Maca has been around for only 20 years, now Television. What if in 100 years we use the Klingon and Terran system of tele-transporters? Space travel?" I snarled, "I dont know! You and I must think of our peoples future!", I stared at him with fury, "Tostia has more going for it than just agricultural products. We are on the equatorial belt. This means we have an oppitunity to really clean up in tourism. Ricia for example... They would desire the ability to come here to, pardon the pun, chill out! Same with Lesbos. Their southern tips have highs as high as 5 degres Centigrade! Windchills can be as low as 100 degress Centigrade! Thanks to my Klingon sponsors, The Barracks now is one of the most successful Resorts on Maca. Maca has been seeing a profound revival in these last 7 years that is largly due to help of Qnos and Terra." Talad sighed, "Sometimes Michele Maria Galavia, I think you are a masochist! You seem to enjoy doing the impossible! Thanks to Bichela and yourself, Maca has seen so much new growth in those 7 years that many wish you would just stop! You have been driving yourself hard for these last 7 years to bring Maca into a new era of prosperity. Why? I ask as I watch our planet leave its founding roots. Our founders, if they were here, would be screaming at your push for technoligical growth." I slumped in my seat, "I am sorry, I dont know anything of this planets early history. Would you please enlighten me?" -219-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Talad shrugged, "About 1600 years ago, a group of disgruntled Klingons left Qnos to find a world where they could establish their own ways. A world where we would live with nature and in peace. Their journey using chemical rockets would take them 20 years. Maca was their last stop, their ship was tired, old and out of fuel for another years travel. The settlers settled on Calla. Calla littterly means, called my home. The 50 remaining travelers began the difficult task of building a life on this lush paradise. With few tools they found ways to harness the power of the Laprats to serve as transport. Mariak of Lesbia, a virgin, about 1000 years ago gave birth to Jazas who would teach us what Jehawah, our God, wanted us to do. These teachings are the same as your Isrealites. I mention him as if it was not for his dedication to Jehawah and peace and his crucifixion, we would have made a mess with our lives. Thanks to the influence of your church, we have continued Jazass mission. However, with your push in technoligy, people are getting scared. Are we becoming Klingons? They ask. Are we going to do the same mistakes and distroy our home with pollution and unsound ecological planning? They also often ask me, What exactly is Queen Michele Maria up to? As you have called us when we made our oaths, A quara of husband and wife, As the male of this mini Quara, I am opposed to all of these changes that you have planned! You want to move too fast for our continued good. Quara litterly means peaceful quarrel, I am not saying that we should never do these plans, rather we should stop, reflect and carefully consider the ecological impacts."

I at there, mortified, "We cannot live in a cave! There is so much good that our planet can do? I still stronly believe in the railway. If anything I would continue to fight for this, I am willing to give up the pipelines and the palace to build this transportation system. How can we stop progress? Should we?" -220-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Talad shrugged, sighed and sipped his wine, "No, we cannot stop progress, once we started the immigration from Terra and Qnos we uncorked that genie. What we have to do if we are to keep our promise to Queen Marita and the founders of Maca is establish an ecologically sound rail system that does not disturb the delicate natural balance. I like your catenaries and electrical trains. If we dont use fossil fuels or wood, we could create one of the cleanest transportation networks. Queen Marita, sadly is the loopiest of the leaders, she was appointed as she was cute but vain. Ricians did not consider her intellect in their selection. A major blunder that could cost her life and the lives of her countrywomen. I dont want to see Tostia fall into this trap. An inflated egomaniac could be just as destructive."

I nodded, "She does not seem to know how to lead, she kept asking me for advice on her inflationary problems." Talad nodded, "Her selection of staff was mainly done by favoritism. Think of her regime as how to NOT run a country, When she was of the Quara, she did not understand half the bills that were to be consiered, her education was poor and yet she was chosen because of her looks. Its likely that Ricia will end up with a new leader before the end of this year. Would you want to join her in being thrown out on your petard? Watching Katerina and Tonito being killed before they could even begin to rule? Right now, we are doing fine. Yet if we dont watch our step, we will be hanging from our own gallows, after we watch Tonito and Katerina swing." I looked at Talad helpless, "I want to help her. Would it help any if we provided her with the education that she lacks?" Talad frowned, "What are you going to do? Give her a free -221-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene university education? This is an Rician issue, not Tostian. We have enough to worry about. Sometims your charismatic nature gets you into more trouble than you realize. Maritas problems stem from a similar background as yours, she was a poor hungry whore, being one of the best of the whores in Riciova. She won the hearts of her consorts, this pulled her out of the allys and the slums. At least, you got the brains to lead, use those brains!", he smacked the table to dramatically hammer that point.

I snarled, "I was never a whore!!! -- I was a poor person who was down on her luck! -- Oh, you mean --- sorry, she was similar as she was facing similar hard times. In her case, it was her lower anatomy which got her the role of queen.", I bowed my head in shame. Talad gave me a hug, "Thank God you are not a whore! And I thank God everyday that I wake up with you by my side. Its your smarts thats going to get us through these early years." Talad spent the next two hours reviewing Maritas and my conference. He carefully scruitinized every word, "From listening to the way she is talking, she will be dead in a few months unless she learns to rule properly quickly. Marita seems to almost worship Bichela and you. Its as she is hoping that you will pull her back from the disaster that she is facing. Sadly you cannot stop her downfall. If you try, your own neck would be in the noose. If push came to shove, I would be the one pushing you off the platform!" I blanched, "You wounldnt dare?" Talad looked at me dead seriously, "If I had to save my honorable grandmothers name from being marred again in another possible civil war, Yes, I would!" -222-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Imagine! My own husband would have me executed for helping Marita! I was feeling very furious at him for his attitude to let her fall into her own noose. I bailed my fists, snarled and walked down to Bichelas room with disgust. Part of me agreed with him, Part of me felt he was a fool. Part of me defiantly wanted to do just as he forbade me to do. As I told Sherry, I am not a leader, I am just the mouthpiece. Bichela was the commanding one. Yet, if I did do this Talad would be litterly dead to rights as it would be an act of treason.

I knocked on our old rooms door, Bichela was again back in her old bed. She refused to give the bed up. I guess all of those years sleeping in that room gives one happy memories. "Who is it?", she snarled, true to her Klingon heiritage. "Its Queen Michele, Can I come in? I need some advice.", I shouted through the heavy wooden door. Bichela unlatched the door and welcomed me in, she stopped when she saw my frown, "Trouble!" I callapsed on my old bunk, now vacent, "You got that right, I got a problem that could get me executed for treason." Bichela snarled, "What?! You better explain this, and dont leave anything out!", she went to the door and relatched it. I explained to her about my meeting with Queen Marita, she frowned and nooded. "You got a problem all right! Are you sure it would be wise to involve yourself in this matter anymore than you have?" "I dont know! I am so confused, Im not the person for the Tostian -223-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene throne! My problem is just as Talad had said, Its my charismatic attitude that gets in my way. When I see puppies cry I hold them, a bruised boy and girl, I hug them. A unhappy kitten I callapse in a pile of tears! I am full of emotion, having to watch a fellow Macawnian possibly die is not something I can bear.", I broke down sobbing, "Bichy! she is a person who never had the brains to lead. I got the brains to lead but my heart gets in the way."

Bichela and I hugged as the tears of grief of those few days of trying to lead a country poured out of my soul. "I cannot give the throne up as I am tied to it for life. I have two step children that I love deeply." "If your children are the most important to you, obeying Talads decree should not cause a problem. Remember, A woman is obedient to her husband, the husband is obedient to God. Talad is the physical god-head of the home. As in Isreal, a disobedient wife will be dealt with severly. Talad has warned you that you would swing if he felt you were to tarnish the family honor. People would be shamed to have had you as their ruler. Your name would go down in infamy. Queen Marita is not your daughter. Ricia is not your queendom. If you disobey Talad, you have fallen in mortal sin. As for your rule, God and his son Jesus only give us the burdens he knows we can overcome! Think of it this way, you survived the alleys, abject poverty and the slums on Terra by your faith in Jesus. Would not Jesus give you the power to survive this? Be thankful that you dont have the full crown. Talads rule is higher than yours as he is the King. Even in Calla he told Zarl and I that he wanted to protect you. Look! Shelly, Talad does not want you to be burdened with the task of ruling. In Tostia, he is the supreme ruler, you are an assistant. Even on Calla, he was ready to fight the Quara to take the throne." -224-

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I wiped my eyes, "But, I am the one who is pushing for these changes. Have I over stepped my station?" Bichela sighed, "To be honest, yes. As you told me, Talad does not want to distroy what the founders created by creating changes that disregaurd the principles that have been part of Maca for almost two millinea. Yet you have been driving yourself so hard to redo Macawn life. As you called it at your oath A Quara of Husband and wife, he has the upper hand in both Christian and Macawn laws. Talad is also trained to rule. Let him do his job, your job mainly is to assist, not replace him!" Leave it to Bichela to explain the hard truth. "I must appoligize to him, I will be back in about ten minutes.", I unlocked the door, closed it behind me and returned to our royal suite. Talad was sitting in the living room with his head in his hands, crying. I cleared my throat, Talad looked up at me with tears running down his regal face, "I have come to appoligize for my pouting. Bichela explained that I am to be obedient to you. My display is shameful as I have shown disrespect towards my husband. I was disrespctful in trying to rule by myself. You are the King and I am only the queen. Even the church teaches that I am to fully respect you in all things." Talad wiped his face with a hankercheif, "Appoligy accepted. -- I heard your tears of anquish. You are one loud sobber. I also appoligize that leading Tostia has caused you so much pain. You did no want this role did you?" I nodded sadly, "No, I was just a poor peasent who wanted to do the best work possible on the research team. When you came to -225-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene me and asked for my hand, I was unready then, I still am. Yet if Jesus and The Lord want me to serve in this role, I will serve both The Lord and you with everything I have. I still feel bad for Marita, I really would like to help her. Yet, if you forbid it, so be it."

Talad sighed, "I dont know how you can help her. I need you to help me serve our people. I also am sorry to have said your charismatic personality gets you in trouble, often it is what makes you so lovable. All of those beggars and hungry people you take in, bathe, clothe and feed. I never thought that I would have had the honor to know such a gentle person as yourself. Even so, you are trying to sheild me from my role as king, by taking it on yourself to serve. I appreciate this, yet its unnessary. As Bichela has told you, I had trained to rule. I also must appoligize for eavesdropping. I was so scared that I would lose the one person whom I truely love." I fell into his arms, again crying, "I dont want to do this. Yet, I must do this. If The Lord is willing, I WILL do this! not only because it is my responsibility, but because I am your wife, who loves you and our step children." Talad himself became teary as we hugged each other. Talad and I returned to Bichelas room, I thanked her for her insight into my dilemma, Talad also gave her a hug, "Michele Maria has always looked up to you. I now can understand why? Perhaps Zarl and yourself can help Marita with her problems." "Perhaps, I would like to watch this tape myself with Zarl present. Calla is not Tostia, thus your regime would not be involved directly with help from us." -226-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Talad sighed with relief, "Fine, how about at 2000 hours. After Dinner at the mess hall, I will treat both Zarl and you tonight.

"Sounds fine with me, Zarl will be here, meet us at our room.", Bichela curtsied. At 1800 hours all six of us had a nice Italian style meal, Tonito and Katerina, who did not like Italian, ate their meal in silence, grudgingly. After our meal we returned to the royal suite where Talad fired up the TV and the video tape unit. I put Tonito and Katerina to bed and returned with an urn of Caffe Latte and several cups. Zarl and Bichela watched the tape with disaproval. "She is really putting the Screws to Michele here! Is she really that unskilled? No wonder Michele fell for her, she has all of the traits that Michele cannot resist, a homely poor uneducated slut who does not even know how to begin her reign.", Bichela watched with raw fury. "Michele who wears her heart on her sleeve cannot stand up to such an onslaught. Talad, next time YOU deal with her.", Zarl nodded in agreement with his wife. Talad looked at Bichela helplessly, "I was unable to be present at that meeting, Thanks to the video tape, I was able to watch the events. Yes, Marita is really that stupid, yet conniving." "What exactly do you want us to do? Shelly?", Zarl said as he sipped his Caffe Latte. "I would like someone to give her the training to at least TRY to rule properly. Perhaps someone who knows the ropes could get her on the right foot." "Wont work! People like her are what are known as clingers. She will always want that person around to help her. However, Perhaps -227-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene someone on Ricia could find her a wise husband. I have friends on Ricia who can pair her up with such a man.", Zarl twisted his face in disgust. "Have penis, will travel", Zarl laughed. "I heard of her early years. Perhaps a smart wise man who actually takes over the royal role of King."

Bichela and I looked at him with disgust, "You dirty old leacher!" Talad sighed, "Ok, Zarl, How quickly can you pair her off? My estimates that she only has about 6 months left of her reign if she does not wisen up quickly? Michele Maria is demanding that I do something for her." "I will go call on some of my associates tonight, I know some who would love to have that woman for their own wife. Perhaps Valaio would be most interested, A wise man he. Rician from Ricava, cold place that, she will toast him every night. Get his rocks hot, perhaps they have a child who will finally have the training to rule. Spares his wife the noose of the hangmans rope for the better noose of a wedding ring.", Zarl gaffawed When Zarl was with men, he talked like that, Honest! Bichela and I groaned at his Male ego boasting. We both knew that he would be more proper in his requsts. Yet, he was right. Marita needed a male to be the leader. As he stated, "She will keep his rocks hot.", Bichela and I went into our galley kitchen to talk about more interesting things. "Excuse us, we want to talk girl talk, leave you boys to your oogling.", Bichela said with a light snicker. as we collected our dirty cups to bring in to wash. Bringing the two cups, coffee tray and the pastry plate back to the galley kitchen to wash was mainly an excuse to spend some time together. Both Bichela and I dont really do too well with all of -228-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene that male ego being thrown around like a American Football. While you would think that a female Klingon would have accepted it as a fact of life, Bichela was also Italian, she was more comfortable with others of her sex. We could hear the two bold males getting blitzed with Sama-za. Having lived with drunkards for many years, I could hear the sounds of a drinking orgy. Talad and Zarl will crash on the couch that night. Bichela would probally go downstairs to bed. I would sleep alone tonight.

I sat down at the prep table washing the few things to wash. "Sometimes I just wish I should have turned Talads proposal down! Having your life on everyones agenda is not easy to deal with. I am thinking that I would like to go on a spiritual retreat at Mother Janets convent. A good way to get some time with Jesus without the press or our people constantly bugging me for answers." Bichela frowned as she dried the dishes, "What about poor Talad? He would have a hard time dealing with the kids and the suite. Hes a male, and as such, he depends on us to maintain the family atmosphere. He truely does love you." "I know, its just... Its just that I have not had time to really get spiritually aquainted. This is not Terra. The people do many things differently. Take washing these dishes. On Terra, many put them into the dishwasher, when machine is full, start machine, unload. Here, we have to fetch the water, heat on the stove. mix in some soap. follow by rinsing in a cool pan of water, dry them and place them back into our cupboard. What is the same is that husbands and wives do need a break from their hard work. As King, Talad cant just ask for a two week vacation. Of the two, I am the only one who has a little more flexibility. Mother Janet is not the only one who has aspirations of living in a convent. I originally wanted to be a Poor Claire comtemplative. Because I thought my -229-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene hermaphrodiccondition was going to be a hurdle. A few convents wanted to give it a go. Only I lost the nerve to go as a postulate! Sometimes I regret not going through with my vocational plan. Often when I am in bed with Talad, I think this was the better choice, to raise a family with a good husband. I guess the closest thing is to watch the Olympics on Terra and wish you were young enough to try the figure skating. Only to remind yourself that you were out of your prime and untrained. Bichy, I had dreams of BOTH! I had no training to figure skate, and on my own, I lost the nerve to follow the life as a nun."

"When I was younger, my goal in life was to become an opera singer, Shelly! I cant even sing! Yet as a child I tried and tried to hold a tune. It was on Maca Today that I had lived a litle of my girlhood dream. It was after the show that I learned that being a performer was tiring work, dodging cameras and people wanting your autograph. Perhaps too, you should do the same, take a retreat! and while you are at it. go get skating lessons! You pointed out that you have some flexibility in what you can do. While you will never be in the Terran Olympics. The gold medals you will win will be the self accomplisment of finally trying to do what you wanted. Sucess comes in a Can, Failure comes in a Cannot. Or as the Klingon school of Electrical Engineering motto states, No pain, no gain. I thought of what Bichela was saying about at least trying to live some of my dream, "Ok, how do I get started, Where on Maca can you learn ice skating?" Good ole Bichy had the answer, "Let me check into that, I believe that in the northern areas of Calla, there is a Terran ice skating instructor. He trains people on an outdoor rink which he has built. In northern Calla tempratues can get down below 0 degrees -230-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Centigrade. Thats during the daytime, year round! In August of this year they have 6 months of sunlight, think of it as 24 hour daylight."

"Thats one hell of a long day! How many hours by coach would it take to get to his training camp??" "Eight days, hard riding by coach from Callixtia! His camp is in the interiour thus, a boat is not an option. Tempratues are similar to Siberia! Cold, with heavy winds and lots of snow. His camp also trains skiers and several other winter sporting events. Several Terran Winter Olympians who immigrated from Terra train there. Zarl is considering creating a Maca Olympics type program. The Terran Olympics is still Terran only. Several of these former olympians would like to see a Macawn olympic games. We are thinking of calling it Macas Winter Games. No one has suggested a summer version to us." I was excited, "If you do, add sports competion for older people. I may not be 22 years old, but if I can practice enough, I would enjoy the chance to the competion. How much does this trainer cost? How long is the typical training sessions?" "From what people has told me, he charges by the week two thounsand, twenty Callonia. Typical training time varies. Try the weekly program. I have heard its hell, but if I know you, you will enjoy every painful minute! I myself have foun watching bobsledding to be fun, a two woman team? Why not train for both? That way I would be willing to pay the tab as right now, you dont have the cash." "You got one hell of a deal! Just the same, find out if there is any other trainers.", I shrieked as I gave her the biggest hug. -231-

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Funny how things worked out, Bichela and I both signed up for Figure skating and the two women bobsled. Zarl and Talad both looked at us as we told the two heavily blitzed males our plan, "Yu kill yaselves! ah shit, go fer it!", Zarl slurred. Talads response was a little more coherent, "Michele Maria? Are you sure, thats one hell of a cold place! If Bichela is with you, go for it." Bichela that night went downstairs to write to the trainer. We would not get a reply for several weeks as it takes a courier 8 days from Callixtia, 1 day from Toriest. We expected our response in three weeks. Bichela had told me that despite Zarls feelings, she was not returning to Callixtia for a awhile, she wants to spend some time with me and Talad, Zarl had agreed grudgingly to stick around unless a Callixtian crisis sends them home.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 15

Tostia Talad and Zarl were passed out on the couch. These two hungover males would clearly become the greatest of friends. Friendships for males are different than they are for women. Talad tried to get up to use the pot. Fell down. Growled as he crawled to the commode to barely get on it to urinate. Mariata helped him on and off the pot to get him in a cold bath. God bless her! Zarl was in much worse shape. She had to bring a a females urine cup to him as he was not even coherent enough to aim! After he slept for another hour, he began to revive himself slowly when drinking Araqicino. That urine cup was my extra night urine collection device. Mariata washed and sanitized it when done to return it to my bedroom. Sometimes I needed it as I did not want to get up to the pot. Bichela has the same device by her bed. In her case it was more essential since her weak bladder control often resulted in her messing as she could not get to the pot in time. My bladder control was better, for me the cup was just a convience. Bichela still wore her body aid and the leg bag during the day, I did not usually wear mine except on long trips. Talad and Zarl, were in what I call Drunkie talk. If you ever listen to two hung over males or even some females, they have this strange talk were nouns get dropped. Sometimes whole sentences just sliced and dice down to a few incoherent words. The two people understand each other, most third parties dont even have a clue to what is being said. Being I had taken care of many drunkards, I did have an understanding for the dialect. I will -233-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene try to translate their statements.

"Mornin, Hey Talad! You have some bad ole booze. Thanks to your maid for draining me.", Zarl snarled as he tried to stand. "Ugh! that Sama-za is potent! How many did we do?" Talad moved his head towards Zarl, winced, "I think we drank 3 bottles. My head is being pounded on. Ah! araqicino! My lovely firejuice!", he fumbled the bone china cup. Marita exchanged it for a heavy plastic cup that would not break. she already chilled the araqicino to avoid burns if spilled." Zarl growled as he stretched and recieved his cup of as Talad called it, firejuice. "Just as nice as a nice twat in bed eh? Only you dont have to worry about the firejuice wanting you to marry it." I listened with anger. Why is it that men demand sex and yet dont seem to often think of the whole woman? This is especially true when they are under the influence of the creature. To compare me and Bichela to araqicino was plain dumb! Mariata frowned, "Its just something that drunken men do. Compared to my clients in the pub I worked at, these two are being gentlemen." "When I was drunk, I did not talk of Talad like he was just a sex toy! Come to think of it... I did not think much of him. I was trying to revive myself to deal with that days events.", I said shamefaced as I stared at my husband who was now beginning to clear his mind. His speech was returning to normal. Zarls speech too was returning to his more respectful normal. "Mariata? Are all of us just a bunch of drunks who get smashed to forget our real lives? When I had those drinks that night of our staff meeting, I felt guilty as I enjoyed it. My family had a drinking problem on Terra, am I --- likely to end up in the same battle with the bottle? All of my life I vowed -234-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene to avoid the creature. Yet I slammed down two Sama-Zas with impunity. Do you know what it is like to have your Science and technoligy women give you a bath, both of you are bare naked in the tub? My warped mind was thinking some bad things! My mind was enjoying the thought of having a lesbian afair with her! It was my love of Talad which kept me on straight and narrow."

Mariata frowned, "Yet, you and Bichela have a relationship that goes almost to the same point." "Not even the same! Bichela and I have been together for over 7 years! We slept in the same bed, Showered at the same time, used the commode with the other using theirs. Bichela and I ARE a lesbian relationship where we both have vowed to give sexual love to our husbands instead of each other. We never made love, God! How we could have! Often it was a struggle to snore together on the ship with each other in the others arms. Both uf us fought to control our passions. We did, barely! Both of us still wonder what if, what if we did not?" Mariata sighed as she looked at the two males nudging each other, "If its any consolation, you and Bichela are no the only homoseual pairings, Talad and Zsarl have done the social male coupling. Those two will not be seperable! Thats good as they will forge a continued alliance between our peoples." I sceeched, "Nooo.... Its bad! All of this is bad! No more of The creature in this home! EVER! I dont want to be know as the queen of of the immoral sexual orgies in the royal suites! If they still want to do their male thing, fine! only they do it SOBER! Same with Bichela and I, No more of the creature for me, I swear this to Jesus and Mary and all the angels and saints!", I was freaking out something bad! -235-

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Mariata grabbed my shoulers, "Listen to ME!", she shouted, "Calm down! Of the 5 years that I served you and Talad, I only seen you drink to oblivion ONCE! I have seen Talad do this five times. You certainly can give up on the creature. You cannot force Talad to do the same! What good is stopping having the creature in this home do? If he wants it, he will GET it. You forget! I worked at a pub! I know males and their drinking habits. Talad is a teetotaler, Zarl is usually also. The only time I see you drink at all a is goblet of wine during dinner or perhaps a few glasses with guests. This does NOT make a drinking problem! In fact, you did not drink at ALL last night." I stared at her helplessly, I admit she has some nerve grabbing the queen with such feriocity. "What makes a drinking problem?", I broke down crying in her arms, "I am scared of what I may be becoming!" Mariata gave me a firm hug and a comforting pat, "A drinking problem begins when the person becomes dependent on the creature. They take the creature almost as a lover. Its much like you and Bichela, only their love is distructive as they focus only on the creature. Its obsesive. You are not like this, Talad is note like this, If anyone develops a drinking problem, he is likely to. To him its the only escape he has. You got Bichela and him, he has nothing but you and his possible love with the bottle. He has to rule over two hundred thousand people. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Poor Zarl is also in a similar boat. He loves Bichela and yet his possible calling to the throne puts him on edge. I should point Zarl and Talad did not do anything indecent. Male bounding does not always involve sexual contact. The common bond of the throne is what is bringing them together. Same as with you and Bichela being on the research team 6 years -236-

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ago." I sniffed, "How come everyone seems to have more brains than me? Why could I not have rationalized this?" Mariata gave my hand a squeeze. "Problem is, you are hysterical, A woman in hysterics does not think clearly. Being I was a barmaid in a pub gives me the years of expirence when the creature is involved." After I had a cup of Araqicino, my serves settled a bit. I looked at Zarl and Talad talking about their love of both Bichela and I. The two stared and smiled at each other as they share one common thing, two loving women. Talad obviously saw me freaking out. Katerina and Tonito were awaked by my screeches and panic. Both children came running from their rooms, looked at me confused. Mariata sent both back to their rooms to dress for breakfast. I was totally embarrassed. How do you explain to a four and five year old about the topics of alcaholism, homosexuality and plain bad ole fright? At noon, we all went downstairs, Bichela and I met at her room to go to lunch with our group. When she and I were alone in the commode I asked her if she and Zarl had consumated their love. She nodded, sadly there would not be a baby, "I thought was going to carry, yet my gynological exam shows that I have not passed an ovum for several years. My doctor does not think I will carry a child. Sometimes I think that was not a freak act of god, Perhaps God does not want me to have Zarls baby. He and I have talked about this, I am pulling out of the marriage." I sat there horrified, "But why? You two are so good as a team?" -237-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Bichela sighed, "I had begun to think of this before I left for Callixtia, I like Zarl and all, when he was just a ordinary guy. Now he is always busy with state matters. Shelly, you know how I feel about us. Sometimes when I am away from you, I feel really alone. From the way you were talking yesturday, its clear that you also feel alone. Zarl and I have discussed breaking off the marriage, I even sent him looking for a new wife. Unlike you, being Zarl and I have not made our vows, there is no divorce, no breaking of sacrements. Just a heartfelt goodbye.", she fell into my arms, tears streaming down her face, "Thats why he got drunk last night! He acts strong but --- he is just a boy when dealing with the pain."

I held her as she had held me. God! do I ever want to pop you one in the snozz! Two females, both unable to cope with these roles, One free to walk away, the other tied to the throne by a sacremental marriage, and two children! I fell apart then, our tears mixing in a powerful littany of emotional anguish and pain, asking --No, BEGGING, that some cosmic event would allow us to leave this cosmic nightmare. Sometimes I just think of the sheer agony of how much I gave up, to have Talad make love to me every night, yet, my heart really belonged to Bichela as I explained to Bovia and Mariata. Yet, I really do love Talad! How does one deal with this? How does one find the solution? To anull a marriage in this matter is not an option. Our marriage is legitimate, my love is legitimate. My heart is torn between two lovers. As I explained to Mariata and Bovia, Bichela and I have a deep lesbian relationship, Talad and I have a deep hetrosexual relationship. Talad and I have consumated our marriage, Bichela and I have never done any such thing! We show our love by making love with our men. I kept hugging her and telling her that I loved her, and I do! Yet I had to keep things on a low key for the good of my people, I personally wanted to just stand up and SCREAM some nasty -238-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene retorts. I helped her dry her eyes as she dried mine, we did our best to appear composed as we walked out to the dining area, where everyone was waiting for us.

I was deeply troubled by this matter, If Bichela leaves Zarl, it would distroy him. He already was on the slippery slope of damnation, as was Talad. I asked Bichela to join me at Santa Michelas for a talk with Father Frank. We needed outsie advice! The young Fransiscan priest welcomed into his study. "Please! do sit!" Bichela and I sat next to each other, like old times, I was the mouthpiece again. "We have a problem with two men, Bichys fiancee, and my husband. A lesbian relationship that spans 7 years." The priest nodded, "Please go on. Can you explain to me where the problem lies?" I sat there, blushing with embarrassment as I explained all of the gory details. Father Frank listened with lots of nods. "You got to get Talad out of The Barracks for a few weeks! Bichela, you got to get back to Zarl and get him to take a vacation also. From what Michele Maria is saying, your love of Zarl is genuine. Do you really want to throw it away? How about you Michele Maria?" Bichela sighed, "How can I live with a man who is obsessed with the idea of getting the Callian throne? Father, before Michele Maria and Talad had given up on the Callian throne to return to Tostia, Zarl was the one I wanted to share my life with. Now its always STATE STATE STATE! We dont even make love anymore! Even poor Michele has not had a good intimate time with Talad as he also is -239-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene doing this. Now these two men sit in the royal suite and get blasted with Sama-za! Michele and I have always had a deep relationship. In order to live as Jesus had taught us, we gave our loves to our men. and not sexually to each other. While we felt this was proper, our hearts still burn for each other. We are both confused and scared as neither wants to go to hell! Michele, who I often call Shelly, also deeply loves her step children and Talad, yet she cannot bear to see their marriage callapse. My problem is the same, I love Zarl, we courted for 7 years."

Father Frank steepled his hands as he carefully thought of what should be expressed, his facial expression often switched from admiration to deep painful regret. "I admit, you both have a major problem here, two drunkard kings, both which you love deeply and each other. Michele Maria and her children. From listening to all of this, my advice stands. Bichela, you MUST return to Zarl and express your deep love and displeasure about his drinking and one tracked mindness. Same goes for you Michele Maria, As for your relationship with each other, you two have practiced more restraint than most in that area, do your best to continue to do so." Both Bichela and I had agreed to give it our best shots, "What if it does not work? What if both of us fail.", I said sadly. Father Frank frowned, "If that fails, then you will have to choose more dreastic measures, keep trying! Worse comes to worse then I can get Archbishop Mathew to anull your marriage. I dont want to do that, neither do you Michele Maria." As we walked back to The Barracks, Bichelas mind was grinding ideas. "I think tonight I should make love to Zarl. You do the same with Talad." -240-

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"Where are you going to do that? You share a room with two religious sisters?" Bichela smiled, "They have active missions. If I explain why I need the room tonight, I can be sure they will at least give me the room at their time in the chapel. Barring that... how about the Maids closet? I am always looking for new ways to express my love." "You got to be kidding? Making love with Zarl among the mops and buckets and brooms? But then, why not! Talad and I have made love in the tub, the Jacuzzi and the banquet hall!", I busted out laughing! "What? On that huge table? Shelly, you are one strange woman!", Bichela laughed. "Talk about a gormet feast!" We both were having fun talking about our lives. While we may laugh it off, both of us knew that tonight would not be all fun and games. It would be the most trying of our lives. Both of us did not want to consider the alternative. If I failed to turn Talad around, I would be a divorced mother with two children in tow, or worse a widow as Talad burns out his livers with all of that drink. Bichela was equally concerned about Zarl. We hugged, Bichela opened the door to her room, I went upstairs to our suite. I was prepared to face Talad right then. When I walked into the suite I found the staff were having a meeting. Talad welcomed me to sit down. "Its a go! We will be casting the Tostians. Minting starts next week. The sculpter will be here tomorrow to sculpt our faces for the Tostians." -241-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene I smiled weakly, "Talad, I need to talk with you, preferbly in private. If not, I will address it right here."

Talad sighed, "Ok, We close this session. Talava, start the ball rolling. Susanna and Bovia, congratulations on your mating.", the 6 staff members got up and left. "What is wrong?" "I am deeply concerned about your drinking patterns. I also am very deeply concerned about how you have not been spending time with our children or even me. You need a vacation! We are not in a state of war. You just concluded the most pressing business just now.", I sighed, "You need to get out of here, Come with me and Bichela to the winter training camp for a few weeks. Bichela is asking Zarl to do the same. In this matter, I outrank you in this Quara. Talad, I cannot handle the things I am seeing. I love you too much to let you distroy your life, I know that your mother Christiana also has this problem. I am not her husband, I am your wife and I dont want you to do this!" Talad snarled, growled and just steamed. "I cannot take a vacation! I have a country to rule! Who is going to maintain things when we are out?" I slammed my foot on the floor, "Your can delegate some of this responsability to your lords and dukes! or whatever you call these regions! I Want you to get out and enjoy yourself! I have heard of your drinking problem, Talad! I want to save you before its too late! I love you too much to allow you to fall apart! If you dont deal with this. I may have to divorce you. I dont want to do that!", my eyes got wet with tears. "Please? Take some time off. In many ways, it will make you a better ruler, and father." Talad turned pale. "Divorce? is it that bad?" -242-

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I sobbed, "The man I loved had fun, he would go out with me to dinner, dancing and spend nights with me in passionate love! Now he is a zombie. a ghost of his former glories. Bichela is readly to leave Zarl for the same reason. Please, for the sake of our marriage, lets get out for a few weeks.", I turned and walked to the door. went downstairs, tearfully. Like Talad, Zarl was just as obstinate, Unlike me, Bichela became very physical. He walked out with a black eye and a bloody nose. He was on his way to see Talad. quaking with fear. Tears mixed with his bloody nose as he staggered up the stairs. I gave him lots of room as I knocked on Bichelas door. She let me in, "I am going to let him eat that. If he does not come around in a few days, hes history!", she snarled in fury. "How did things go with you?", she asked as she relatched the door. "Similar, only I did not give Talad a bloody nose! Oh how I wanted to! I used an equally effective technique. I threatened him with divorce!" You might think that we were being too tough on these men. We knew them better than most. Both of us wanted them to get out and relax. Bichela usually did not get physical. Yet she knew she had no choice. Same was true with my threat o divorce. Neither of us wanted to use either approach. The die was cast, the stakes established. Now both men would either have to turn their lives around or lose both of us. I spent the night in Bichelas room, in my old bed. Sometimes listenin to the power saw, cutting through a few malaskin logs relaxed me as I thought about what Talad would do. Bichela and I later both joined each other in the same bunk, for old times sakes. -243-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Crying on each other. Sister Rosemary and Sister Agatha when they saw us, decided to quietly go find another sleeping room for the night. They knew this was a special moment. A sad moment when two friends just had to be together, alone.

Mariata told me that neither man hit any of the liquor. Totally strung out, they did the same as Bichela and I. Slept with each other on the couch, in tears. They tried to comfort each other, yet they both knew that they had to change their lives or they would lose both of us. Neither Bichela or I would take less than that.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 16

Tostia Bichela and I woke that morning to go to breakfast. We met Talad and Zarl at the table eating a heavy Macawnian style breakfast. Both had huge black circles under their eyes, Zarls shiner was partially hidden by the circles from lack of sleep. Clearly they had slept on the couch fully dressed, Both needed a major shave. Talad looked up at both of us. "Morning!", he tried to sound cheerful. yet I could sense that it was forced. Zarl just sighed as he had another piot bun with Redberry preserves. Bichela had a bowl of boiled Barley in Mikswine cream, I had a terran bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar. Unlike the guys, we did sleep better, yet like the guys our hearts were heavy. Katarina and Tonito had fried eggs, bacon and bagles with orange juice and Terran cows milk. The two children equally were unhappy. They heard their father explain the problem to Zarl, Tonito took his fathers side claiming that I was mean. Katerina chose my side! Like Talad and I these two were also going at each other last night. Now they sat there afraid that they would be back in the orphanage again. Its just how children see the world! I had to clear this up before they developed a conplex! I got up and asked them to come with me and Bichela. I sighed, "You have heard of our argument last night.", Both children nodded, "You think in some way that it is your faults, or you want to put the blame either on mommy or daddy.", again they nodded. "What makes you think that we are going to send you back to the orphanage?" -245-

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Katerina cried, "We love both of you! Now one one you is going to go away!" I gave my daugher a hug, "No honey. Its an adult thing. I dont plan to go away, neither does daddy. We had a little fight, thats all." Tonito stared at me, with hate, "You hurt daddy! You made my daddy cry! I dont love you anymore!", he ran back to Talad. Katerina cried, "Mommy. I will always love you. Tonito and I had a bad fight last night, he thinks daddy is better because he is king, I think you are better as you showed the king that the queen is better!", she hugged me with all her strengh, "Dont go! Please!" I sighed as I watched my little girl pour out her adolesant heart. To her its clear cut. One is bad, one is good. In some ways I only wished it was so simple. "I am not leaving you! I love you! you are my baby!", I held her and cooed to calm her. Talad was not the villian at getting these children involved! he did not realize that they were in their rooms during his time with Zarl. Both came out watching the two men trying to console each other during their grief. Bichela sighed, "From bad to worse. Now you children are divided. How are we going to fix that?" I shrugged, "Children have short attention spans. If I can get their mind off of what happened, they will bounce back to their energetic selves. I think You, I and the kids should go to Mother Janets for a day trip. After the sculpter carves my bust on the coin relif. He is coming in an hour." -246-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Bichela sighed, "I hope you are right. I really would hate to see your kids remain divided between Talad and yourself."

Talad and Zarl had got up, put their plates and utensiles in the dishpan and went up to the suite. I followed them. Talad frowned when he saw me, "What do you want?" I shrugged, "You told me that the sculpter was comming today. Is he still comming?" Talad sighed, "He will be here in 20 minutes. I am not sure what I am going to do reguarding your ultimatum. I am terrified at losing you. What if we did divorce? we would always be together in silver! Yet if we did not, and I was the only one sculpted, you would feel cheated." Sometimes its the dumb things that bring a husband and wife to reconillation. "Well, put me on the back side, and you on the front! that way we always will be together when many coins are used. and stag when one coin is used.", I laughed merrily. Talad cracked a giant grin that I had not seen in months, "Crafty little wench! You got a deal!" I smiled, "You know, you have to talk to Tonito, he really thinks you are being hurt, he actually says he hates me." Talad laughed, "Dont worry! I will. I thought of your suggestion, Zarl thought about Bichelas. what if we go for a day trip. Any particular place? "How about Mother Janets convent for a few day retreat. Just the 6 of us. or even Tariza? Why not see our west coast!" -247-

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Talad grinned, "Or both! We have to go through Ud to get to Tariza. Take a few weeks away, I will make arrangements." "Fine, good husband and father, make it so.", I laughed as I sat down on the couch. Talad got on the phone and rang up the five lords and Susanna, in an expensive 6 way conference call. The Lords and ladies were still at The Barracks. "I am going on a family vacation with Bichela and Zarl. Dont disturb me unless its vital. Going to Ud and then Tariza. All of you deal with your own regions court matters, Boro? cancel all my court cases for the next month. Possibly two. Why? because I TOLD you to! My wife, children, Bichela, Zarl and I are going on a siesta! Susanna, you and Bovia and Talava continue orchestrating the foundry work. After my wife and I get our relifs done we are out of here!", he happily rang off. Zarl, who was present was in full agreement with Talad, he went down to Bichelas room to tell her about their trip. Bichela excited ran up the stairs and jumped into my arms with glee and constant hugging. We overcame this tragedy! Now we had to keep these two guys from back sliding to the bar! I can gladly tell you that we did succeed. Tonito and Katerina were overjoyed when they heard that mommy and daddy had, kissed and made up. They never again thought they would end up in the orphanage again. Like my suggestion, I was on the back of the Tostian, Talad was on the front. Katerina was on the front with Daddy, Tonito was on the back with me. The sculpter used artistic license to draw lots -248-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene of flowers and hearts on both Talads and my side of the coin. Sadly in the early castings they did not show well. Later, when our techniques were improved they woul be very clear and visible. Being Tosia had no official motto, we created one. It was "In the name of Jesus.", Tonito was mesmirized at the sculpters carefully controlled scraping. He would later explore art as a hobby.

Anyone who ever wonders how a person ends up on a coin might be interested in how our faces ended up on a coin that was only three centimeters in diameter. The original carvings were done on a plaster relif that was 30 centimeters in diameter. a special machine copied these to many little iron castings that would become coin templates. Thanks to high quality castings we could make over twenty thousand coins an hour! With the sculpter done, we began to pack. I pulled my old friendly body aid out of my drawer to use on the trip. it was still in perfect shape. I also brought my urine cup along as it was a long haul and I did not want poor Katerina to be humiliated at having to try to hold her own only to have to relieve herself in the bush as she sat in the 4 day trip to Tariza. I also packed a portable commode for their comfort and mine. This commode was more akin to a bedpan. The urine cup was a Terran styled female urinal that could be used in most positions, including laying down. I would later get Katerina her own body aid, like mine, for these trips. Tonito and Talad were humiliated at using these, they went out in the bush or used the portable commode when there was no privacy. Because we were going cross country we could not practically use our normal traveling coach. Not enough room! Instead our carriage master had outfitted a covered wagon with bedding for 6, A small galley fired by a wood stove, and a large ice chest. Imagine! we were traveling in a covered wagon that had the basics -249-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene of home. This wagon was the Macawn version of a Pop-up camper! It would be pulled by four large male Laprats. Our touring coach was coupled in between, In short, The four males pulled our touring coach, which pulled the Travel wagon. This would be our home for a month. Stocked with all the supplies we would need for a week at a time. Yet four large male Laprats were not enough torgue. We added 4 more which gave us the power to climb hills in stride.

Funny how the sleeping arrangements worked out. Katerina, Bichela and I slept on one side of the wagon, Talad, Zarl and Tonito slept on the other side. Orinally we wanted to put Bichela and Zarl on one side and the four of us on the other, The bed was too small. We did not want the kids to sleep alone. Thus this arrangement. We were two days into our journey. Katerina was entrhalled at how Bichela and I enjoyed being in each others arms. "Mommy? Do you and Bichela love each other?" Hearing this from my daughter was a shock, I learned years ago, a lie could get you into a mess. I was not going to lie to my own girl! "Honey, Bichela and I have spent over seven years together. I love your daddy more, but, she and I are still the very very very best of friends." Bichela sighed, "Somtimes Shelly, I swear you are aiming for Grethor! Give your girl the full story! it would be better for all of us.", I heard Talad and Zarl groaning, Tonito was asking his daddy the same thing. I sighed, "Bichela and I are more than just friends, we fell in love with each other when we were working with the research team. I -250-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene later met daddy, who I love too."

Katerina sighed, "Whats it like? Whats it like to love someone who is not your mommy or daddy? or Tonito?" "I dont know how to explain this, when you are older you will learn from your own expirences." The next day Talad called me and Bichela to a private conversation, at the campfire. He was very jumpy. "I want you two to consumate your love! I heard what you and Bichela were saying last night, Me and Zarl may have a male bonding but we have never had an urge to express it, in this manner. Zarl and I are taking the kids on a walk. You two have the wagon to yourselves for two hours." I stared at my husband with shock! "You really want this? How will this affect our marriage?" Talad frowned, "Michele Maria, I have seen our lovemaking die out as you repress your feelings for Bichela, If our marriage is to be salvaged, you MUST do this. As the head of the home, I make it my decree! Everytime you two are together you get all teary eyed as you dont want to disappoint The Lord or I. Yet, your libido is pushing you to your limits. I take full responsibility to God for this." Bichela looked at me stunned, "How would this affect Shelly and your marriage, what if once you open the dams you can cannot close the gates? Would that result in a divorce?" Talad frowned, "No, because I still love her, If you decide to remain Michele Marias mistress, fine. As her husband I want to share my love too with my wife. Zarl is in full agreement, he feels that you are right at breaking off your wedding. When you were away from Michele Maria, he said that you kept comparing him to Michele -251-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Maria. My wife is doing the same to me. With you two seperated, our lives die. When you two are together, our lives are vigorous both in bed and in our daily activities. I am glad you explained this to Katerina, I also took the time to explain it to Tonito. When I chose you as my wife at the reception Michele Maria, I did not know about the dynamics of you and Bichelas love. Zarl was more fortunate as he got to know Bichela much better. I began to see the dynamics as we lived at The Barracks for those 7 years. I also saw you forcing yourself to repress your desires."

What Talad was suggesting to me was as shocking as going into a store and shoplifting! I was truely appalled, "Talad. If I did this act, I would have committed adultery! I cannot do this. Even if you got a written statement from the Holy Father himself! When I took the sacrament of Holy Matrimony it was because its proper in the eyes of The Lord. I cannot rightfully divide my physical love between Bichela and You. Sorry Bichy! We cannot do this! Not now, I am lawfully married to Talad. If you were a male Bichy and I was not married, we could have considered it. I must consider my immortal soul!" Bichela frowned, "Damn Shelly! You are correct! No Talad! We will not do this! If one day it is to be, it will be when the Lord proclaims it so. Not now." After Zarl, Talad an the two children left for their walk, Bichela and I sat down to a pot of araqicino. "I know that you and I have a relationship, yet its just not acceptable for us to do this. The minute I even think of trying this I commit adultery. I also have a family to raise.", I said as I cleaned the coffee cups. Bichela sighed, "Sometimes I wondere though, Shelly, if you had not gotten married so suddenly at that royal banquet what would have -252-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene happened? Would we have done it?"

I sighed, "I really dont know. If I was not a devote Christian, maybe." That night, Bichela and Zarl stayed with our children as Talad and I made love, I gave him the best love he has had in years. He smiled as we layed in a field of grass. We were in a field with wildflowers making a sweet incense that created a magical surreal moment for the both of us. The next night, Bichela and I watched the kids as our two males had their own time together. they listened to the Toriestian Laprats play the Ud Zealots in a vicious game of soccer. The Laprats lost, five to three, boy! did our men SCREAM! they were hoping to see the laprats in the world championship. All of us now were finally back on happy terms, Bichela and I decided to continue to abstain from lovemaking with each other as I was married. Talad remains my husband, Zarl returned to Callixtia to find a new wife. He married a Caftran named Jill Daniels, a Terran. We would be in Tariza by tomorrow afternoon as we were taking a slow trip. We swapped the adult sleeping arrangements as we did not want to face temptation again. Talad and I slept with Tonito. Katerina slept with Bichela and Zarl. I personally wondered if Talads decree was acceptable to Jesus. Even so, it was not accepable to me or Bichela. I am his wife. Such an affair was adultery, If I can keep him from the creature, then I must be equal in fighting lustful feelings.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 17

Bichela Tariza, not at all like Toriest. This is a town just about twenty Kilometers from the equator. A major seaport that imports and exports products to Moron, Alsay as well as Lesbos. Unlike Toriest, Tariza is a modernized port. Here steam boilers run generators which generate the electrical power that operates the dockside cranes that load/unload cargo ships. Queen Michele was very excited to see that unlike Toriest, most of the city was electrified. Sadly unlike Toriest, this was one of of those filthy working towns that Queen Michele was familiar with from her days on Terra. Grubby dockhands hauled heavy cargo from ship to laprat powered wagons. Prostitutes advertised their merchantdise. Dealers hawked their magic potions that were supposed to make a person feel good. The local parish was like my brothers, a small store front church on the main street. It was loated in a building that had a pub, casino and brothel. The majorority of Tarizas population were Purto Rican and Mexican immigrants. The linqua franca was Spanish. I had no idea of how to talk to anyone in this dialect as it was greatly different that European Spanish, which I understood because of my Italian upbringing. It was Queen Michele who was our interpeter and eventually our guide. Tonito and Katerina also did some translations when Michele was busy with Talad or I. Tonito and Katerina were overwhelmed at hearing all of this Spanish as of late they spoke Macawnian. Prince Talad was greatly distressed at seeing how filthy this area of Tostia was. He never been on the west coast. Sadly his impressions were that it would be like Toriest, Boy! did he get a shock! -254-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene The meals were mainly Purto Rican, I cannot for the life of me remember all of the names but some of the food I did enjoy, The spanish rice for example I found excellent. I never had fried Bannanas before or Coconuts. Michele was familiar with most of the meals from living in a Purto Rican ghetto.

The traditional worker lived in rundown buildings, some which were not even gasified! Those you could not miss as the smell of burning Malaska wood during dinner was so pervasive. Unlike Toriest these people were NOT careful with their wastes. One had to be careful on the sidewalk not to have a commode dumped on their heads! Or the pots used for washing dishes or even baths. Sadly we all got a bath more than once by all three! The local stores sold openly some of the weirdest things, such as sex toys! Pornography! and drug equipment including needles, bongs and fresh Alsayian Marijuana! Other stores were more familar to us. Here in Tariza you can purchase a nice new Lesboian radio set for a quarter of the price than you could in Toriest. Alsayian vegtable oil lamps were plentiful also at low prices. Lesbos also makes some of the finer clothing available. They purchase the raw cloth from Tostia and Calla. a brand new full dress in Micheles size could be purchased for half the price than the same dress in Toriest. You might wonder what the local paper covered? Dont ask! The local paper reads like a dirty pornographic magizine! Seems that these tired men and women spent more time in love than most people do in bed! Why? Because here it was the main social activitiy! Funny thing is that the most popular radio stations here was Callonian One, at 5,500kc and Mother Janets Catholic Radio Service! Michele was so appalled at all of this, "God! This place makes Soddom and Gamorrah seem like a family amusement park!" -255-

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Dont blame the people though! This seaport always had a dicey history. Before the immigrants, the sailors came here to unload and enjoy some carnel pleasures. Only with the immigration of all of these workers, the need for more housing began. Tariza is struggling to meet the demands. Homeless families live on the streets, Children often run naked as there is not enough money for clothing for those who do rent apartments as landlords gouge their tennents for every last Callonia they can. A majority of Tariza cannot read or write. It was decided that we were going back east! Time to see Valad and Valat and The Valat inn which The Barracks operates. All of us were just glad to get out of Soddom, Talad was terrified that like Lots wife, Michele would want to stay there! Michele was equally glad to get out, "I lived in a place very much like this, I have no desire to do it again!" When we returned to our wagons, the Laprats were gone! Stolen! The traveler was stripped bare! Miffed and tired, Talad had to buy 8 Laprats for the horrible 300% inflated price that he paid in Toriest. We limped to Tovo where we had a coachmaster again refurnish the carriages. We were just about out of money! Talad wisely kept his money on him. Surprisingly the thieves did not find the small cache of money hidden in the carriage. every last Callonia went for the Laprats and some of the refurnishing. Tovo was much better than Tariza, This tiny village was a farming community. about 110 Killometers away, Talad did not spare the cats to get the hell out of Tariza, we plowed through the town in 4 hours. All of the laprats were fine, but weary. Unlike the 8 Males we started with, these were 7 females and one tired old tom. Harnessing a tom with 7 young females is risky. Fortunatly, the -256-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene females were not in season. A livery again willinly traded the 7 females for 7 older toms.

With no money to pay the coachmaster, Michele pulled through by doing dishes and cleaning the coachmasters home. Talad snarled, "ARGH! again, she cleans! Yet, we have nothing to pay otherwise!". Still short on cash, Michele again worked at the local pub washing tables, dishes and serving drinks. The pub guests were thrilled to see their Queen waiting tables. With the tips she made, they were able to pay the coachmaster in full. We left Tovo two weeks after our arrival. Our little week journey was clearly stretching to be a month and a half. Talad wisely had told his people that he was going to be out for two months. The entire return to Toriest would take 4 more weeks as Michele and sometimes I had to get down and get our nails dirty. Poor Zarl was not spared either. he had to take work shoveling excrement into gasification plants! One job, he came home stinking worse than hell. A dung cart had tipped and it all spilled on him! The little work I did was in the area of setting up computers with Easy Fingers. Michele did the most. Cleaning rooms, washing dishes and laundry. If it was not for Michele, we would have been stranded in Tovo. Our Tostian Queen saved our rears! Talad really had a hard time dealing with the fact that it was Michele who brought home the goods. When we finally got to The Valat inn, it was three weeks after leaving Tovo, Again we had no money, Talad tried to use his staff privlages to get a room. This was a failure. They wanted CASH and LOTS of IT! Talad sighed, "You know the routine Michele Maria. Go to it!" Michele again saved our butts. Working as a maid, dishwasher and -257-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene laundry woman, she traded her wages for sleeping accomadations. We all had to sleep in a smelly dingy basement room which was never updated to Macawnian standards. Every day she had to get up at 0330 to begin her days work. Not only did she have to pay for the room, her wages paid for our food and stable for the laprats. Here again we had to stay for a week, With her tips we just about had enough to return home.

Talad decided when we returned that he would again allow his wife to resume her work. "Hell! if she had not had those skills, we would have NEVER got home! Since she likes it, let her do it!" Michele was extremly happy to be back at doing the work she loved. This time with Talads approval. After we had unpacked, Mariata gave Michele and I the official letter from Camp Siberia?, If thats not a foreboding warning, we were to begin training in 12 days, Michele Groaned, "Ouch! I just got home! Now we have to go again?" As you can guess, Talad and Zarl were more than unwilling to go on another 8 day trip to Callas Siberia. Both Michele and I packed to have Eric Gustofson bring us back to Callixtia to arrange for the long COLD trip by sled.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 18

Bichela We had to prepare for going to such a cold place. Here is where our neighbors in Ricia could be a valuable asset. Why? We needed proper clothing! Lets look at the facts. If Callas Camp Siberia was anything like Ricava it would be a frozen slab of hell. Tempratures can plummet down to -120 degrees Centigrade! and thats WITHOUT the windchill! The normal highs in Ricava were only 5 degrees Centigrade during the summer to 0 degress Centigrade during the winters. Poor Michele could not just go out in her light romper dresses. She would need a heavy winter dress, which had as many as five layers of undergarments. I needed heavy breeches, tops and underwear, socks and tons of sweaters. Michele and I both needed gloves, winter jackets, parkas and mittens. and heavy hats to keep warm. Unfortunatly there was no time to order any of this, we only had about 12 days to get from Toriest to Camp Siberia. Being we had to take a connecting run at Calice. A small town located about 100 kilometers Northeast of Callixtia. We would buy our clothing there. Calice was on the transisiion point from Northern to Southern Calla, one can buy the clothing they needed, for either climate. We would later learn that here one could get good quality hand made winter sports equipment as well as custom made clothing at prices that were a little high, but for the work that is involved, reasonable. To get to Callixtia, we traveled with Eric Gustofson. Having no proper attire, we carried very few bags. I had taken over 2 million in Callonia with us. Zarl was kind enough to give me a severence -259-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene gift, with this 4 million Callonia gift we would pay for the lessions, training and clothing. for the next 2 years.

Going from Calixtia to Calice would use a mass transit coach. This was like Micheles royal coach only this could seat 23 and had a team of 10 large laprats pulling it. Michele stared at it with shock, "A Terran Buslike vehicle! With the motor removed, and a modified drivers cab with reins instead of a steering wheel! This is sooo weird!", I later found out from the driver that it WAS a old Trailways bus from Terra, modified to meet Macawnian environmental regulations. Our driver stowed our few bags in the baggage bay and took our tickets. We would be in Calice in about 4 hours. "Good powerful cats, Love em like my own Terran house cats", he said, from South Dakota on Terra he was very familiar with Americano English. Sadly Michele had forgotten much of it as she hardly ever spoke her native tounge anymore. "How long have you been driving this bus? I have never seen such a large veicle on Maca before?" "This? I was a bus driver for Trailways on Terra, my name is Carl, I wanted a change of scenery. When I got the oppitunity to come here, I jumped at it. I bought this coach from my company and spent every last American dollar to get it here, Ole Bertha and I go back a long way", he patted his dashboard affectionatly, "I hated to have to rip out her voice. I had no choice as a diesel engine on Maca is illegal. She has an electric motor that powers the brakes and air conditioner and several solar panels on the roof that power the batteries. A small wood furnace provides our heat. With the motor, transmission and steering column removed, she was much lighter. Now my team of cats pull us on the roads. A -260-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene axle mounted generator charges the batteries as we are moving. I missed the growl of the engine, I added diesel sound effects. These are dynamically altered just like my old motor. when we go fast, we growl like a powerful huge male Laprat, when we are stopped, we purr softly. This also provides me with a sense of speed. Of course, I still have a speedometer. When I arrived, this area of Calla was not yet developed. Too damn cold! A retired Russian Olympic couple decided to give Maca some winter activities. Until they arrived, this region was not even nammed. When the Russians noticed how it was like home. They named it Siberia. Now I provide transportation from Callixtia to Calice. At Calice you will be boarding a bus like this one with removable sleds. That bus is driven by my wife, her name is Linda.", crackle on the radio along with a ladys voice, "Trailways 2 to Trailways 1. I will be in Calice, eta 8 hours."

He picked up his microphone, "10-4, enroute to Calice.", he checked to be sure we all were on the bus and gave a flick of the reins, the 10 laprat team pulled out. The Diesel sound affects changed pitch as we began to make our 4 hour journey. Michele sat there awed, "I have not heard a diesel engine in over 7 years! Even if this is a simulation, it still brings back powerful memories." Carl smiled, "Glad you enjoy it!", he popped a huge cartridge into the daskboard, Micheles eyes popped wide open! "Eight Tracks!" she squealed with delight! as endless trucker music played throughout the bus. I stared at this strange mix of anachronisms of a reality, a modified Terran bus, A retired Terran bus driver and his wife, playing an ancient music format that has not been used in the last 20 years. I knew it was not a dream, I was awake and watching Michele singing to some the strangest music I ever heard in my life! -261-

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About 20 minutes later, Carl switched to another tape. "Country Western! Some of my favorite driving music." Funny how the Laprats were also affected by the music, they picked up speed. his imitation engine growled louder, "They just love Conway Twitty, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, The Judds and Loretta Lynn." We made it to Calice in three and a quarter hours. With those tapes, the Laprats just decided to give us more speed, they just seemed to enjoy the music. There was quite a few people on this run. I counted 15 of us, these people took Carls bus not only to Calice for the camp, many also took this bus for recreational activity of just being on this strange vehicle. They quietly sat there or slept as Carls music played softly throughout the bus. In Calice we pulled up to a small building where a similar bus would take us to Camp Siberia. "If I were you two, I would go to Lauras down the street and get your winter gear now. Even with my wife having her furnace going full force, you will freeze." We took his advice! In Lauras a winter Apparel store for women, we found the perfect clothing for our inland journey, Laura Owen, the owner, helped us choose carefully, "You must dress right or you could die of exposure." Being Michele still wanted to wear dresses, Laura found her some of the heaviest dresses I ever saw. Like Maritas dress on the videotape, it was very colorful. This dress unlike Maritas also had six layers of cloth and weighted over ten kilograms! Under this -262-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Michele would wear insulated leggings.

My Tunic and breeches were certainly not much lighter! The insulation on my tunic was about one centimeter thick! My leggings were equally heavy. "What if I am to skate with Michele? I need flexibility!" Laura nodded, "These are for daily wear outside. For skating, we have several outfits over here. However, being she is just learning, I reccomend a simple outfit that provides flexibility and warmth." "Yeow! look at the limited coverage some of these have! Obviously these are not the ones you suggest.", I exclaimed. "No, those are more popular with the expirenced skaters. Michele and you should wear something like this." Laura pulled a medium length dress of the rack. Laura also showed us the leotards and tights that would go with it. Michele was very excited. Can I get that with lace bodice and trim? Possibly accessorize it with burnt umber crucifixes at the hemline and sleeves and a neckchain with the Virgin Mary? In white? Laura nodded, "I can! I make the clothing here, It will take about 2 hours to modify this." I growled, "We dont even know if you will LIKE skating! We might as well buy our skates too!", I sighed, "Make it so Laura, we will pick the items up in 2 hours. We have to catch that bus the The Camp." Laura nodded and smiled as she wrote down Micheles size and design requests, "Not a problem, I will even personally deliver it to -263-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Linda. Or would you rather pick it up here. Lindas bus will be here in 4 hours. She has a two hour layover."

With all of that clothing, we spent over four thansand Callonia, Most of it went into the custom skating dress for Michele! My dress was the original unmodified design. "Our last stop before the terminal for a fast lunch was a skate shop. "Here is where even I had some fun. Getting fitted for skates is not exactly just go grab a pair and pay. You buy the boots seperate from the skates. Michele chose at the suggestion of the owner, standard figure skating blades and gorgeous white boots. He mounted and sharpened the blades to the skates as we waited, he threw in two pairs of skate guards, "You dont want to dull your blades if you have to walk off the ice in skates, you take the guards off when you are on the ice.". I wanted burnt umber boots and blades. Only I did not know anything about blades. I almost went to Camp Siberia with Speed skating blades! This would have disqualified me from even being in the free skate. The salesman wisely steered me away from that error. With both of us ready for the trip, we went to lunch. Being Calice was considered the gateway to Cold Russia as it was known locally, our meals were Russian. Neither Michele or I even remembered the names. We did not enjoy the meal as it clearly was not to our southern Macawnian tastes. Our server shrugged, "You must adapt. Camp Siberia only serves Russian. You cannot skate if you dont eat enough. the doctor or your coaches will pull you from practice and order you to eat or leave." We groaned, we ate two more heaping plates. To me, it was just a trip. Yet for Michele it was her dream. All she -264-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene really wanted to do is just do her best.

We went to Lauras shop, Michele wanted to try her dress. One word, Gorgous! Even Laura was enthralled of how well it looked on Michele. We would later come back and order several new outfits for both of us in the following months. Boarding Lindas bus with all of our bags stowed in the baggage compartment, she suggested we DO NOT store anything that could freeze down there. we had to take our hygene products with us as carry ons. For the first hour we were using our wheels. then we were facing something I never saw before, ICE! Now fortunately for us we did not have to deal with it. Linda got out, jacked up the bus and pulled four huge runners out of the bus to allow us to slide on this ice. Unlike Carls Laprats, ours were Winter Laprats, Heavy coats with huge claws to dig into ice and snow. "Standard southern Laprats would die quickly out here. These are artic Laprats, extra heavy coats gave them the ability to stay warm. Their extra long sharp claws allow them to dig into the ice and snow for traction.", Linda explained as she relowered the bus onto the installed runners. Already the temprature in the bus was slowly dropping. Linda put more wood on the fire. She did this by walking to the back of the bus, opened the former engine compartment and threw two Malaskan logs into the blazing fire in the little furnace. The Temprature outside was now 5 degress Centigrade, "Within the next hour the temprature outsie would be zero. We must keep the fire going.", I was not used to these tempratues, I shivered. Michele was of Norweigan ancestry just smiled, "Not much worse than Connecticut during winter. I am quite comfortable." She was still wearing her Tostian Romper! Egads! she must have some hot blood! I also was not ready to walk on Ice. I fell twice as I walked -265-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene back with Linda and Michele. Michele, like the Arctic Laprats was so used to ice that she walked just like she normally did! It was her Nordic ansestory that gave her that edge on ice.

Michele helped me back into the bus. We traveled for 4 days and nights. If there was not any ice, we could have used our wheels and made it in 4 days. With the sleds we had to go slower. our speed was only about half of our full possible speed on wheels. "We will be at Camp Siberia in 2 more days.", Linda said as we slid on. We ate warm sandwiches with cogniac or vodka to drink. "Vodka is a very popular drink, especially in colder Russian climates.", Linda said as she slammed down her second shot glass. Linda did not drink to get blitzed, turned out that alcohol out here really did have a possitive warming effect, "It helps keep your mind off the real coldness." By the time we pulled into Camp Siberia, the temprature outside was -12C, Now Michele shivered. Quickly she changed to her Siberian outer wear. I stood at the entrance to the bus, hard bitter winds blew against my face. My forehead was frozen instantly, as were my fingers and toes. We ran into the registration center, thankfully, it was heated. Micheles glasses had cracked from the sudden temprature change. "No big deal! I can still see! Just not as good." The registrar looked at both of us. "You pay now. your training with Marina starts tomorrow at 0800. You are on the economy tier, You bring your own coal to cabin from the coalhouse next to the Mess, showers and Gymnasium. Any questions?", she asked. -266-

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Michele looked at me, "How many hours a day do we spend in training?" The registrar looked at Michele, "You spend what Marina tells you! Some spend eight hours, some spend two hours. Because Bichela wants to do two women bobsledding with you as well, you can expect twelve hour days of practice." We groaned, twelve hours of practice a day was insane! Yet, both of us did it. Our cabin was one of the farthest from the showers, the closer ones were also much more expensive. When we saw the cabin, we groaned, it was the damn ship all over again! Only this time we had beds and HEAVY blankets. A tiny coal stove provided heat. a box of wax candles provided us with light. Our little commode was next to the stove. Every day we had to buy a bucket of coal. Every day we were given one free bath or shower. The cabin had two beds, Michele and I only used one, we kept each other warm at night, by snuggling up. Dinner was in 2 hours. The little stove was not quite providing enough heat..PP I went and looked at our little stove. The reason it was not working well was that it was so full of coal ashes that the air intakes were clogged up. I let the fire die, and fully cleaned out the stove, and rebuilt a new fire. Now our cabin was so hot that we were sweating! We went from a freezer to a Sauna! I learned quickly how to adjust the fire. With the room now over 50C, we opened the outsie door to send fridgid cold air into our room. -267-

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Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 19

Bichela We both woke up at 0600, to a loud pounding on our door, "Bichela, Michele Maria! Its your coach Marina." Michele, wearing her heavy nightgown opened the door, "Its not 0800 yet." Marina smiled, "No, but today is your first day. I want both of you to show me what you are going to wear. If you are not properly prepared, you cannot skate." Michele smiled, "Wise, we also wondered where we were to meet you. The registrar did not give us a location to meet at." Marina smiled, "Tomorrow, if you are properly attired, we meet at the rink.".PP Michele pulled her winter clothing out of her bag, smiled at Marina, "I will let you examine these, pick what you feel is appropiate." Marina smiled, "I like this. ", she pointed to Micheles winter dress, "very nineteenth century Terra! Very good for keeping girl skating beginners warm. Of course your official skating dress is absolutly stunning. Wear either. As for hou Bichela? Open your bag please!" How dare this little Russian from Moscow give me an order! I looked at Michele with outrage. She sighed, "Just comply Bichy. I want to begin skating today." Marina smiled, "Good clothing both of you! We start at 0900 at the rink today. Its located behind the gymnasium building. You must -269-

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eat first. Michele wore her new winter dress, I wore my new insulated leggings and sweaters. Both of us carried our skates. The temprature along that snowy, icey walk was only -20C! The slightest breeze felt like getting sliced with a razor blade as the cold cut into our new gloves and leggings. I was so cold that my teeth were chattering. Michele was not that cold at all. She actually seemed to enjoy these tempratures as she navigated the icey path. I was falling all over the place, Michele helped me up to get to the mess hall. The Mess hall was heated by two coal stoves. The wax candles in several chandeliers were extiguished at this time as tons of daylight streamed in through the large windows. Unlike Toriest, this mess hall did not have electricity or gas, it was wood and coal fired. The only electric items in the camp itself was the water pump, two way radio, and the small stereo used at the ice rink. Here as Michele called it "Hard Line Russia", Draconian policies still dictated how things were done in sports. When we went to get our trays, the cook was punching info into our tickets that we got at the beginning of the line. Each item we picked was punched. The cook only allowed us to pick so much food. "You now must choose a drink.", he shrugged, Michele had Coffee, orange juice and Terran cows milk. The cook sighed, "Too much hydration. You must give up two of the 3.", Michele gave up the milk and the orange juice. The cook gave us our ticket, "Give it to Marina, or you dont skate." Michele glumly sat there at the table picking at her food. "This gonna hurt! I am so used to eating anything I wanted! Now I have to watch every last bite." -270-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene I frowned as I indulged in my breakfast. "No matter, you will adapt. Just as you adapted to Klingon food."

At 0840 we left the mess to go to the rink. What I saw was my worst nightmare! Ice! and not little patches of it. This was a full sized outdoor Olympic ice rink! Michele was so awed and excited at seeing the rink, she fell flat on her butt! I could not control my laugher, she blushed as she got up. To her it was like she got the biggest birthday present. "Bichy! isnt it beautiful! I think we got it all to ourselves today!" Marina, who heard Michele smiled as she walked up to us, "Yes, its all yours today. I only have you two and another little girl to train in the afternoon. Lets begin!" We walked up to the outside of the rink, "These walls are called boards. Often beginners use these to practice along before going on open ice. We will be doing the same.", she slipped her guards off her blades, we did the same. "Bichela, you first, Michele, watch Bichela and I. Put the guards back on until your time!" I was horrified! I wanted to do a rare Klingon activity, cry! Everytime I tried to stand on the ice, my ankles gave way, when I got my legs to be stable I fell over! Marina was smart and quickly pointed out where I erred, I tried and tried to get it. I finally did get up but I did not stay up long, my ankles gave up and WHAM! down I was again! Marina looked at me, "You practice all day!" Michele was asked to come out. She was a natural! She had some problems with her ankles too, but once she was on the ice... She -271-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene was fantastic! Marina smiled, "You could practice two hours a day, But being I want you and Bichela as a figure skating team, you practice with her all day."

Michele and I looked at Marina with shock, in unison we exclaimed, "Figure Skating team?", Michele asked, "Do yo mean like pairs figure skating?" Marina smiled, "You are good on the ice, Michele. Bichela is terrible at it. Some of the best pairs have started out just as bad. Being that both of you are longterm friends, you should be paired. Maca is having their first skating competion in 3 years. You go as singles and a Pair. Bichela, being taller will be leading. Traditionally a male does this, she is the guy. For that reason, she has to go into the gymnasium and work on lifts! she does that after her eight hours on ice. Yuri, my husband, will teach her the weights. In the next two months you both will begin with ballet." I stood there in shock, "How can I do pair skating when I cannot skate!" Marina smiled, "If you dont try, I have to pair Michele with another man. She wants you to skate with her, deep down, she wants that skating trophy. You dont want to disappoint your friend do you?" I snarled, "No, I do not! Yet how can I be ready for this competion?" "You come to practice everyday, You pull 8 hours with me, and 2 hours with Yuri, my husband in the gymnasium, and then two hours on the bobsled track. When your week is over, you schedule for two weeks next month. Same routine. When in your toasty Toriest, you use inline skates! you practice on floors. I rather you do it on -272-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene ice, however, Michele never had a ice rink installed at The Barracks. Michele will be working with you in these same areas."

I never was ready for Camp Hell as I called it, it was pure torture! Every morning at 0800 we had to be at the ice, our day starts at 0430 where we wake to take a hot bath, followed by rigorous mental and physical excersizes. Breakfast at 0700. Training at 0800 to 1200 with Marina, lunch, finish practice from 1300 to 1500. Meet Alexi at the sled track at 1515, practice bobsledding to 1615, back to the ice at 1630 to 1715. At 1800 we ate a large dinner, 1900 to 2100 we worked in in the gymnasium. Michele on streching and areobics, I with weights, we went to sleep at 2100 hours, exhausted. Sometimes between 1715 to 1800, we had to see Natasha, the phyician, who checked our weight and health. Michele was put on a strict diet, our bodies were fully checked for medical problems. Natasha found out why Michele could not bear children, Michele now had a hormone shot every two weeks to induce ovulation, Michele wanted to have a baby with Talad. That technique did not work as well with me, I gave it up. Michele had to reduce her weight drastically to be eligible for pairs skating. She had to lose 40 Kilos in three months! What really miffed me, this was Micheles dream, I thought it would only be a week of training. How was anyone to know that Michele could learn so quickly! How was I to know that Marina wanted her in the ice skating competition! To me, this was becoming hard work. To Michele it was sheer Nirvana. In the bobsledding area, it was the opposite. Here Michele dreaded going on the track. Yet, she persevered, because she loved me as a friend. I sighed, if she can do that for me, I certainly could do that for her. -273-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene At the end of our first week, I was able to do simple jumps. Michele was aready doing much more complicated moves, she was doing double axels! I could not even do more than a hop before I smashed into the cold unforgiving ice.

Yet, I began to think that ice skating really was fun. My outlook began to change as Yuri and Marina showed me what pairs skating really was like. Seeing those two working as a team to do throws and death spirals just thrilled me. Michele and I did some simple pairs routines, no throws or jumps. More of copying each other on the ice. One time Marina was filming us when I did a passionate scene with Michele. Watching the film, both of us cried as the sheer beauty was overpowering. A large female Klingon holding lovingly her female Terran partner. It was just too much! That is what really got me convinced to keep at it. I gave up the bobsledding after three days. To meet the new Macawn Skating Committe rules, I had to dress as a male. That was fine with me! Micheles blades have already sliced me a few times. Heavy breeches would protect my legs. I also would stay warm. Michele alternated between her fancy skating dress and her daily winter dresses. We returned to Toriest, with two pairs of inline skates. in addition to our bags and ice skates. Here we practiced skating on these inline skates in the large banquet hall. Michele decided to take her ice routines to wood! She could do double axels and salchows! Glides and spirals. Spins would need some work. Talad stood there awed as he watched us practice, he sighed, "Michele Maria. I order you to keep practicing." Michele smiled, "If I want to do it, its not an order, now, is it?" -274-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Michele and I were 41 at that time. When we were on the ice, or wood. It was like were two little girls living a dream as dancers.

The world outside of the rink certainly did no stop. Michele and Talad also had to return to the events of life, she continued to skate, as well as work as a maid, and scullery worker. She even began to use her inline skates to do her work! She developed a routine that I would later take up. Wearing her rollerblades she would mop floors! This required her to control the mop and her legs. With this she improved her turns and braking. "I learned this really on Terra, I had bad shoes with no decent soles. My boss wanted me to mop the floors in the resturant. Slipping and sliding on the wet floor, I used my sneakers edges to stop and make turns. Thats how I learned to turn and stop. Rollerblades only enforce my training." I learned how to mop floors. Michele suggested that I learn to throw the mop. "Aim it at the bucket! Pertend its me! Practice spinning with it!", Thanks to her suggestion. I could now lovingly spiral with a mop. Michele put the mop back in the bucket. "Now, I am the mop! do the same!", Micheles weight had plummeted so much, or I got so strong that it was a snap to pick her up and do lifts and spirals with her. I even did a throw! She landed on her feet perfectly! Sadly my floors looked horrible! Like with skating I began to work at learning to do the same housekeeping work. I never thought that I, a computer programmer, and exoarcheoligist would be now sweeping and mopping floors, emptying commodes, changing sheets on beds. Yet me and Michele did just that. She added some dance moves to each days work. She had paid a private instructor to continue her Ballet lessons with her pay and tips. I wanted to keep up! I paid the same instructor to teach me in private. One day she got crafty, she started bringing -275-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene her portable stereo to work! Toriestian One was playing some dance music. I never forgot that first day! Imagine Mopping a floor to love songs!, Michele slipped in a CD and we did the same with a Strauss waltz! Now things really clicked! I began to see what it was that was driving her passions. Artistic interpetation to the music!

We would continue this practice, both on and off the skates. King Talad and Micheles silver Tostian program was really doing quite well. We exchanged fifteen Million Callonia that was collected in taxes for silver bullion from Calla. Tmarth now had to deal with both, he was to take the Callonia and pay Tostians in change. That worked great as long as he had the Tostians! When there was none, he had to use Callonia for change. The same was true with all the other businesses in Eastern Tostia. Western Tostia, did not begin this program as there was not enough Tostians yet. Yet, it was Michele and my skating that really was getting attention. Even Katerina and Tonito wanted to get into the act, They would take the Ballet, we did not have extra skates for them. The staff began to explore some of the routines for their own work. Especially the mop routine became popular with the maids and janitors. Finally Talad and Michele had saved enough in royal funding to begin a new palace. Three years after my mistress and I had begun with our skating. The palace was built, Micheles baby was born a year before, she named her Natasha, in honor of the Russian doctor who made it possible. This ornate building had the first indoor ice rink! Talad had to find engineers who could design a refrigeration system that was efficient on natural gas. Our rink unlike those on Terra, used ammonia and water, not Freon. It was the first non-electric rink in either Macawn or Terra history in over 250 years! This was an Olympic sized rink. -276-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene The new ballroom upstairs was used for Rollerblading, banquets, and court.

To help fund the gas that was being burned to cool the ice, the rink was open to the public to use for a fee. Later skate rentals would be provided. Now all five of us were skating! Katerina was a quick learner, Tonito struggled to master even simple moves. Talad was so bad that he gave up, humiliated and defeated. Michele and I now headed to the first world championship at Camp Siberia.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 20

Michele When Bichela and I went on the ice for the first time, neither of us thought that we would have gotten anywhere! Poor Bichela was so bad on ice that she broke down and cried at the outdoor rink in Camp Siberia, or as Bichela would later call it, Camp Hell. My heart went out to her, its not her fault that most Kingons and many Terrans did not have a natural ability on ice. Its like my Husband Talad, he has the ability to rule as king without a second thought to what he was doing. Me? Forget it! Everytime I tried to be strong and tough in court, yet my heart gets in the way. Whereas when Bichela and I do practice, its our hearts that keeps us going. Skating with the love of skating, with your favorite lead skater swinging you in a death spiral, your head only 10cm from the ice! Those powerful throws where she carefully tosses me out of her arms. I remembered when I asked her to do it with rollerblades! God! did she ever do a beautiful throw! Practicing with the mop had given her that edge. Some would wonder why two 41 year old women would want to tackle an area usually dominated by teenage Divvas... Why not! Even us older people have unfulfilled dreams. I only wanted to earn the satisfaction of success, it was my coach Marina at Camp Siberia who encouraged me to the first Macawnian Ice skating championship. Here I was, an old woman competing against girls that were only sixteen! My heart was in my throat, my nerves a jangling mess, If I did not land that double axle correctly, it was all over! I only had one chance. I skated to my starting point. My music was Orange Blossom Special by Billy Vaughn. I spent months working on this -278-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene routine. My routine was going fine, yet I still felt nervous, Come on Michele! Get ready! First axel.... Now! I leaped, Oh no! I am coming down too fast! Not enough height! Argh!. Boom! I landed on the ice at least standing up. I just did a single axel, Shit! I need that double!. Again I swung around the rink, faster! faster! I screamed to my tired nerves! at the point I screamed to my legs FIRE! I leaped! Height good, Twist! Yes! I got it. Landing time. uh not again! Worse! Skate in wrong position, "Houston, we have a problem!", Bam! I fell sideways on the ice! Ow! I bruised my side! I got to get up! Ow! Up! Scratch spin! God do I hate those! Umm speed low! lower arms! Yes! I am really moving! Slow to stop, ow owowow! that sore side hurts. I leave the ice! The 9 judges rate my performance. No! only a 5.5! I need a 5.9! I burst into tears with grief.

Marina smiled, "You did good with the practice. Now we go out for the real thing!" It was a simulated contest. "Hows your side?" I winced, "Bruised! I want Natasha to look at it before I even hit the competition tomorrow!" It was these practice sessions that helped me cope with the real event. Natasha looked at my side and declared I will perform tomorrow, I sighed with relief! as I went to the locker room to get back into my daily wear. Bichela was smiling, "If you do as good tommorrow. You will have the second place trophy." I stared at my pairs partner with frustration, "I dont want second place Bichy! I have worked for three years for first! Yet, I will have to settle for second if my side is still hurting.", Bichela was also skating in the competition, unlike me, she did not think she had a chance! I wasnt so sure. I knew that in our pairs routine she was awsome! By strange twist of the Macawnian Skating Comittee -279-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene rules, she was in the mens championship! Again, this had to do with the fact that she was the male of our pair. The MSC decided to have her perform in the mens. Poor Bichy! she had to do a Triple jump to my double! She had the power, the Klingon strength and stamina. Yet, she really wanted to be in the womens singles, If she did, our pair skating would be scratched! She snarled with disgust at this thought. "Why are these paper pushing beaurocrats so damn hard on one of the few same sex pairs skaters? You know that Variot Briava is going to wipe the ice with me! He can do a quatruple Axel! I can barely do a Triple!"

I groaned, Variot Briava was a Rician who grew up on ice, Living in Ricava, he had the chance to practice daily. Our main practice time was at Camp Siberia for 2 weeks a month! My side twinged to remind me that I was still tender. "Hmm. well perhaps you may need to take your own advice. You may have to settle for the second place!" Bichela snarled, "Death before Dishonor! I will BEAT him!" Marina walked in, "Your time Bichela, you are on in 2 minutes!" Bichela got frantic, knowing that it was a simulated run did not stop the jitters, those were real people out there! that was a real crowd, judges and worse real ice. She licked her lips. "Wish me luck!" She got into starting position. or as the MSC says, "HE" got into starting position. His music began, why on earth! Would he want to skate to a Klingon drinking song! Bichela worked hard to get up the speed, he did it! a double Axel! YeeHaw! I could not help smiling. His program was going good, Hmm what Now? A triple jump! A Quad jump! No Way! Bichela did a quad, not a axel but a -280-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene jump that would have snapped my pelvis! Splits! Split Jumps! Camelbacks! DAMN! What now, Looks like another axel,, hell of a way to one side though for a double or a triple, I Dont Believe this, I almost fell over with shock, its a Quad axel! Awsome! Landed a little rough though. The crowds went crazy, Marina was in orbit! as was I. Bichela finished with a sit spin. quickly going to a scratch spin.! I was estatic! Tired Bichela went to sit with Marina to await his scores! Perhaps it was because Bichela was so much stronger than I that she ended up the he, I awaited her scores. Three 6.0! six 5.9! The crowd and Marina gave overwhelmed Bichela a standing ovation! Even the impassive judges stood to honor the first person to do a quad Axel in Macawn History! Eat That Variot!

Bichela came back to the locker room. Tired and weary she jumped into the shower, The hot water felt good on her tired joints. I could hear her sigh with relief as the water washed away the sweat from the workout at the short program. Marina walked in, "I did not expect Bichela to tackle a quad axel! If she does this tomorrow, she will have the first place trophy for Mens singles!" I nodded, "Then what?", a Quint? You saw how much of the rink she needed to do that quad! She could have snapped her skates on the landing! To do a quint would take her even more room! Her poor pelvis and balls of the feet!", I exclaimed in awe. Marina smiled, "Soon, you will be doing a quad, I never expected her to even get past doing a basic jump! You however, are my little star! We work on it next month! Your new rink." I sighed, this was no longer just for fun, this was becoming war of the fittest! Jump higher! faster! longer!. I now only weighed about 36 Kilos, about 79 American pounds! I plummeted from a whopping 110 Kilograms down to this! at 175 centimeters! I was almost to -281-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene the point of anorexic! Whereas Bichela had the opposite problem. she had to gain muscle mass and tone. Like most desk jocks, she had gotten very flabby over the past 10 years. She went from 70 Kilograms of flab to 90 Kilograms of solid rock muscles! Her height was 195 centimeters! She towers over me! Its no wonder she is considered by the MSC to be a male! compared to her mousy little partner! I am the flea, she is the Laprat!

Our pairs competion was in two days. We were competing against two mixed pairs couples and two single sex pairs. Two females named Nancy and Tina, two lesbians who had trained for over 10 years together! Another single sex pair, was Mark and Jeff. Mark is a cute little guy. Unlike Nancy,Tina, Bichela and I, they were brothers! Like Bichela and I, they were 37 and 40 years old. We were both 41. Like us, they just wanted to give it a go. Jeff was the lead, Mark was the girl! he looked a little like a girl, small and cute! MSC did not require this, Only he had to wear a skirt, his brother wore slacks. The lesbian pair dressed similar to us. Tinas dress was blue with sparkle, Mine was white, lacy and had dark red crucifixes along the waistline. Tina, a redheaded Terran, was a sweet person, Hoever, Nancy, a full Klingon, hated me! She saw me as a hurdle to getting first place! I did not hate her, I just saw her as a competitor, on the ice. To her, I was LUNCH! a horrible burnt stale lunch! that should not be in this championship! Yet, off the ice, Bichela and I got along with everyone but Nancy. Sometimes for fun we take turns with the different partners. I have skated with Jeff and Mark and Tina. Bichela has skated with all including Nancy, they did not get along. The two mixed pairs were husband and wife teams. Being they -282-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene were from Willimantic Moron and Winsted Lesbos they had the option to train in their own country. Both had lots of snow and ice in the North of Moron and the south of Lesbos. Only we did not have a training area in Tostia. That would change when the new rink at the palace is finished. We met Tina at Camp Siberia, she was a young late comer who immigrated from Terra. On Terra she met the requirements set by their ISU. she was only 26. When she heard that the MSC allowed same sex pairs, she grabbed her mate Nancy and moved to Alsay. On Terra she and Nancy were not eligible to compete. Here the MSC requires that same sex couple partners distinquish who is the guy and whos the girl, this is determined by two things. 1. The guy and Girl must be greatly different weights, The woman must be lighterby 10kg minimum. The male partner has to have the strength to lift his mate. (this rule is the same for mixed pairs also) 2. The male must be taller, he must be at least 10 cm taller than the female. (again same rule as mixed).

Clearly that would mean that Bichela and Nancy (if they even could get along) are not a pair, they are close to the same weight and height! That also disqualified me with Mark. or Tina. we are close to same height, Mark was heavier, yet his height disqualifies him. Tina was heavier than me, yet she was shorter by 3cm, the mixed weights disqualified us too. Even so, when we let our hair down, we trade partners for fun. As I was waiting for Bichela to get done with her shower, Tina and Snarling Nancy came in. Nancy was like usual in a foul mood. Being I was not able to defend myself from this monster, I quickly hid. "I smell that Suckin Michele Maria! I am gonna eat her like Gaugh! Live!", Nancy laughed menacingly. I heard the stories of women like -283-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene this. If anyone wanted to smash my kneecap. she would! In fact... she was holding on to a stick! Marina saw it too. As long as she did not touch me, she would compete. "If you even touch Michele Maria, you will disqualified!", Marina looked at Nancy with sheer rage! "Get the Frell out of here!"

At that time a snarling naked Bichela saw what was going on, "Hey Nancy! You want Michele eh? You gotta get through me first! But before you think of throwing the first punch, you will be disqualified! Do you really want to throw all o that down the commode?" Nancy wisely walked out, "You will go down! I will get that first place!", Tina did not leave, she was the next single to practice. she saw me hiding in the towel closet, "Michele, you must be careful! she wants to do a Tonya Harding on you! Do you even know who that was?" I turned pale, "I know who that was alright. Tonyas boyfriend hired a hit man to do the actual deed. Here Nancy is thinking of doing it, A suprise attack maybe.", I looked at Marina with terror, "I need protection! I am not safe with that psycho running around!" Marina nodded, "I will arrange for protection, she wants to distroy you and Bichela. stay here until I talk with security and the committee they must know!" Bichela snarled, "I dont understand! Why does she hate you? or does she hate both of us?" "Hard to say, she hates me more as I am a Queen of 400,000 people and at an old age, worked hard to become eligible for the championship. She hates you because you and I are not likely to -284-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene lose as we worked hard to get here. She is one of those Prima Donnas that only wants to win without the constant effort.", I said as I slowly calmed my shattered nerves.

Marina returned with 4 surly Klingon security guards. "These four will watch you until your time on the ice. Even then, you are still at risk. the MSC now is aware of the threat. She does anything and its over." I turned to Bichela, and frowned, "How did this competion turn into a feud? Come to think of it? How did we ever get into this mess in the first place?" Bichela sighed, "I am not even sure, Nancy just showed up out of the blue. You and I, through those years of practice and training earned the right to be here." We sat with our four guards to watch Tinas routine. Unlike me, she got a good score, 5.9s accross the board, I was no Nancy, I did not want to smash her kneecap! In fact, I gave her a hug when she came to sit with us. Something started happening in the locker room, "A screaming Nancy was fighting with one of my guards! I heard a loud CRASH! as the guard yelped in pain. Bichela bolted up and ran into the room, I followed in horror. Klingon blood everywhere! A broken nose, broken arms and you got it, a severly bruised knee, the poor male guard was seriosly hurt! He was rushed to the infirmiry where Natasha was to fix him up. Nancy was here! I knew her scent, She sprung from the top of the lockers! Oh shit! "You are done!", she snarled, she -285-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene slamed that stick into my knee. I howled in pain! Bichela grabbed Nancy, "and you, are dead!", she slammed Nancy up to the wall. Several MSC judges saw Bichela snarling. When they saw me curled in pain, they figured it out quickly! The grabbed Nancy and manacled her. and put her under house arrest. I was in such pain that I barely understood what was going on! Natasha was summoned, "You are lucky! You will live! You will skate, I must treat this bruise in the infirmiry."

I screamed when I walked on it, "A bruise! Nothing broken?", as I limped down the hall. Bichela picked me up and carried me. After my knee was fully examined, nothing was found to be broken. a huge bruise, I would skate. Nancy was now out of the competition, If she had played fair, she would have won. Sadly poor Tina was without a partner. I would be sore doing my routine, Natasha gave me some medication to help with the pain. "You will skate! Just relax in a hot tub tonight. I will free the showers for you and Bichela." I smiled, "Also Tina, I want her as my friend to be with us." All 3 of us sat in the bigest tub in the locker room. Tina was crying horribly, "How can you skate? that bruise is huge!" I sighed, "Like Nancy, I want to win, yet, I play fair. In fact, I am sorry you are out of the pairs. Who can you find in such short notice?" Bichela growled softly, "If the MSC would allow an exception. and allowed me to be of both pairs, I could fill in. we practiced some of your routine. You deserve to win." -286-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Marina walked in to check on the three of us, "How is that side and knee Michele?"

I sighed, "Better, we have a favor to ask, Tina needs a partner. For fun we practice with each others partners, Bichela would like to be on both teams. I feel she needs a chance." Marina stared at me, "Are you sure Bichela? Thats illegal in the books. Yet, what Nancy did to you is criminal. I will ask right now if an exception can be done." Less than twenty minutes passed, Marina returned, "Its a done deal! Bichela, you skate with Both Michele and Tina, If either team wins, you get a trophy. Is that fair?" Bichela sighed, "No, its not, I am a sub. if Tinas pair wins, I am giving her mine.". I am doing this as a friend. Marina stood there surprised, "You mean that? That means you get nothing if Tina wins and you and Michele lose!" Bichela nodded, "I know she can win, If she wins she deserves to have both trophies. If Me and Michele win, I keep my trophy. Thats a valid win. thats my rules." Leave it to Bichela! Thanks to her compassion and effort, Tina did win the second place in the pairs. We still won the first place. She handed her second place trophy to Tina, she kept her word. Sadly I would have a hard time even winning tommorrow! my knee still hurt that next day. I practiced my routine, I had a hard time doing my jumps! I hurt! In addition I really was emotionally hurting. For three years I practiced. Now to have a enraged female Klingon to go at my jumping leg. Now I was no better than Bichela was 2 -287-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene years ago! I snarled, I growled in rage! What can you expect living with a female Klingon for ten years? I thought about my anger, Ah! a tool! Use my outrage to propel me! It worked! my old jumping talent was still there. Only after practice I was so tired. I too a short break to have some Araqicino. Natasha was watching, "Good work! Easy on the coffee! You are going to be nervous enough without it.", Quickly she checked my bruises, they were healing fine. Swelling on both was quickly subsiding. A few hours later Bichela and I were sitting in the locker room, "You know, I want to thank you for something you taught me."

Bichela stared at me confused, "Whats that?" "When you are enraged, use your anger to propel you, in my case push me harder to get through my practice this morning, I thought of Nancy and BOOM! I just channeled my rage into my routines. Only I was so tired afterwards." Bichela frowned, "Thats also a good way to create a severe injury! How did Natasha feel it looked afterwards?" I shrugged, "She said it was doing much better, she wants me to take it easy until my turn." My turn quickly did come, I again di my routine. This time I did not falter at the axels. I skated a perfect 5.9s accross the board. Likewise Tina also got high scores, she had gotten second place. A very close second place. It was Bichela who wowed the crowd again! Nancy was an idiot! if I even had the same nerve, it would be Bichela she should have downed. Bichela won the mens. five perfect 6.0s! that Quad Axel -288-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene just blew those judges away! Those quad Jumps equally had impact.

Our pair skating routine certainly was not severly affected, Both of us did all the right moves! The lifts, Spirals and the two person jumps and throws. We made a slight change, I would land on my other foot. Last thing I wanted was to turn a bruise into something worse. As Bichela threw me, landing was rough. Too rough! I fell flat on the ice! I jumped up quickly to finish the routine. Somehow the judges decided, even though Bichela and I thought that the team from Moron was much better in control, to give us first place. We sat down with Angela and Giuseppe. Unlike Snarling Nancy, I gave them a hug, they only finished third, Their routine was so much better than ours. I offered them our trophy. "I got a feeling the judges handicapped me and Bichela, you deserve this." They refused, "No, you did better than us even with the fall", said Angela, "I am so proud of you! You two were so beautiful! I kept crying when I saw you looking into the others eyes with compassion, respect... and love." Giuseppe nodded in agreement, "Someday, we will get there! We may be older, yet we will always be skating. I am honored to have met two of the nicest women I ever met, even if the MSC says the tall one is a male!", he laughed. We all busted up in laughter. Sometims thats what makes this all worth those Nancys who try to smash kneecaps, or sabotage a fair competion. Real decent friendships.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 21

Bichela When Michele and I returned to Toriest we had such a reception! Thousands o Tostians were cheering as we left Eric Gustofsons boat. Reporters were again sticking recording devices and cameras in our faces. Yet this time I did not seem to mind as much. Michele smiled and waved to the crowds as we walked with our new private coach Marina. Tina also was with us. After Snarling Nancy was permanently barred by the MSC and the Terran ISU. The president of Alsay had her stripped of her Alsayian citizenship and exiled her to a tiny island in the Moronic sea. That Island would become known as Nancys Island, the ultimate jail. No bars, but no ice! Ships dont even dock there! She would have to live on her own meager means, alone. Tina, wanted to get out of Alsay. After what Nancy had done, she felt like she was unwelcome. She moved into a room in the palace. The palace itself certainly was stunning. Unlike Christianas, now King Zarls and Queen Jills, our palace was not gaudy. It was a very well designed building with more conservative construction. Here Gas lights did not use crystal bases and shades, or golden silverware. Instead Michele wanted color! Sparkle was not as vital to her as vibrant colors were. Beautiful murals featuring Terran scenes of families, animals and yes, skaters! Floral patterned china, full relief frescos showed in three dimentions ice skaters. She had a very unusual idea of art. In a dark corner, Tonya Harding was portrayed complaining about her skates to the judges! Dorothy Hamill was her centerpiece, Dorothy was also Micheles -290-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene hero. The only colorized Frescoes I ever saw in my life were here! In this spot lit frescoe Dorothy was doing a Arabeque glide wearing a red skating dress from the 1976 Terran Olympics. This gold medalist won on Micheles Birthday, February 13. When I first saw it, I thought she was really there! Now a new frescoe was being worked on. again it was in color. This was not yet unveiled. Nor was I or Michele allowed to see it, until next week. It was right next to Dorothy Hamill, wall was covered with a tarp. Talad had commissioned this without Micheles knowldge.

We held a banquet in the great hall. Here the 5 lords and ladies, Micheles three children, Marina, Tina and I would spend over 4 happy hours singing and eating. Micheles little daughter Natasha was the most stunning little girl I ever saw! Black hair, deep blue eyes. A loud cry that carried from end of the palace to the other! She got her moms pipes! Her forehead was very Klingonish. She was not an extra bumpy. her ridges were very soft but prominent. Katerina just adored her baby sister, Now eight, this girl and Tonito now nine had watched their sister when Michele and I were skating or at the championship. Again the food was Mexican! Thank god! I missed the hot stuff when Michele and I were at Camp Siberia. Again I scarfed down several enchiladas. Poor Talad never did quite get the hang of eating a Taco, he spilled it on his shirt! He groaned, went up to his room, and grabbed another, while a laundry woman washed his shirts and the little dirty laundry he had. Unlike the Coronation Banquet; The music was hard rock and Heavy Metal! Michele took my idea and ran with it! She modified it by having Mexican instead. Another shocking change was that we were rollerblading instead of dancing as well as Ice skating on the new rink downstairs! Thats -291-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene when I saw the Dorothy Hamill relief. I swore! I thought I was looking at the real person, skating through the wall! Downstairs was where all of her legends of the ice were present in Frescoes, murals and full size lifelike Statues. I yelped when I saw a lifesize Tonya Harding whining, holding a real skate with a broken lace. Pair skating Legends, Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov were a mural painted between the Women and the Mens commodes! They were wearing their 1994 olympics outfits. Nancy Kerrigan was painted on the wall leading to the ladies, Brian Boitano was painted on the wall to the mens!

Here art and skating were everything! Here Michele went Gaga! All of those frescoes and murals just about broke the royal treasury! Fancy Tiffany style gas lamps hang over the Olympic sized rink. four Massive Stain Glass windows faced the western sun. The staind glass pictures were of Nancy Kerigan, Peggy Fleming, Dorothy Hamill and Sonja Henie! The most shocking thing to me was the Giant Cruxifix on the far wall, Here poor Jesus, in bloddy detail. Stared at us. Creepy! It took me a few months to understand why Jesus was on display here. Like Jesus all skaters have to bear a cross: Broken ankles, bruises and often broken hearts. Here, everytime Michele fell, she turned her eyes to Jesus and prayed! I starting doing the same, without even a moments thought. The new rink was a popular skating area that night! As you can guess, we were the star act. Its weird to skate inside on a giant concrete slab with water frozen on top. The warmth of the room was a far cry from my frozen skating championship. People tried to skate. Some did ok, most fell humiliated, turned to the lifesized Jesus and prayed for help! -292-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Tonito and Katerina stole the show! Here these two, trained first on rollerblades, had sucessfully mastered the ice quickly. Doing jumps, spins and spirals that made us look like a rusty saw!

A few days later, we had another banquet. This was for the unveiling. I swore when I saw it! Michele broke down and cried, with sadness and joy. It showed Michele and I staring at each other in the most loving embrace that I ever saw, Standing on the side was Snarling Nancy, in vivid detail! Her stick ready to do its deed! We were placed on the same level with Dorothy Hamill, thus it looked like all four of us were skating together! Talad, who was watching the championship on television, had been taping it. when he heard of our misfortune, he saw this scene on tape, when he was reviewing it. The best sculpters were called in, "Make this lifelike! Make it match Dorothy Hamills background, bring all of them together!", he demanded. The four artists worked day and night to bring this to our wall. While Snarling Nancy was now living in her little island, she lived in memory, in plaster on Micheles wall. Later Michele would put Tonya Harding on the same wall, sheer hate on Tonyas face facing Nancy with a BIGGER stick! ready to pound her copycat to a bloody pulp! What does that mean? As Michele said to me, "These Prima Donnas dont like being copied, If Tonya met Nancy in life, I imagine the sheer hate between the two would result in Tonya trying to Smash Nancys skull for her copycat action." Marina was awed at Micheles rink, Tina was estatic! "Indoor ice! I have not seen that since I left the Terran World Championship!" -293-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Marina was jolted like I was, to see Snarling Nancy staring at Michele with such hate! Those artists really put this woman to life! She loved the Dorothy Hamill frescoe that now was part of ours. "She was one of the best in her career, Now it looks like she is skating with both of you, while Snarling Nancy stares with sheer hate. God how I wanted to kill that little bitch!", Marina snarled.

Marina Yowled with shock and rage when Michele unveiled her snarling Tonya ready to pound Nancy, "I never thought I would see the day that two of skatings worst would be facing down each other forever in plaster! You Michele have one strange idea of justice!", Marina laughed with awe. When The Toriest news asked Michele and I what we thought of Nancy vs Tonya Hardings actions. Michele shocked all of us. "Comparing Nancy to Tonya is like comparing a Fine tuned, racing machine with a rickshaw! Nancy really DID have the skills, she worked hard. Pushing herself to the edge of excellence! She could have won! In sad truth. Tina and Nancy should have won first place! Only Nancy felt she could not beat us fairly, this was not the case! Tonya was not keeping up with her training. in the Terran 1992 and 1996 Olympics she made excuses after excuses, she was a disaster!" While Michele may sometimes make fun at Nancy. What she did later for Nancy really caused us to scream in shock. She forgave her! and arranged her to at least visit Michele at the palace. This would have been Nancys Get out of Jail free card! Nancy, bitter with grief refused. Michele sighed "If the mountain wont come to Michele, Michele goes to the Mountain!", Marina, Tina, Michele and I took the royal -294-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene yacht to Nancy. Sometimes I just wondered what the hell goes on in Micheles smooth forehead! Tina and Michele agreed to bring the pairs trophy that would have been Nancys to her.

When we landed on Nancy, I did not know what to expect. I was not prepared for the sad truth. Nancy had just about given up living! In the Klingon sense, she was a shame to me. Yet having lived with Michele all of these years, looking at the hollow eyed, depressed woman that only a year ago who tried to ruin Micheles singles and our pair routines, I just broke down in sobs. Her paradise was her worst prison. No ice! No skating! To Nancy that was worse than a Hangmans noose! Michele and I were invited to sit down in the sand, she did not have furniture. Her home was a cave! Michele sighed, "After your attack, Bichela was nice enough to give Tina the chance to win the pairs skating event. the MSC judges allowed Bichela to skate in your place." Nancy stared at Bichela, the hatrade that used to blaze so ferrociously, was only a tiny candle flame. "So?" I stood, walked over to Nancy. "Tina and I agreed, you should have my pairs trophy I won for you.", I walked over, and handed the trophy to Nancy. Nancy just stared, "Why? Why should I take what I did not honorably win? I want to win, not get gifts!", she handed it back to me. I sighed, "How? You are barred forever from competion. You cannot go to the second Macawn championship. nor the World games. But..." -295-

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Michele who was drawing in the sand spoke up, "We can have our own little competion! We have our own rink now. If you win. I will give you your trophy. And... I will work to get you back in the competions. IF you play fair." Nancys eyes started to brighten with tears and excitement, "And if I lose?" "If you lose, and played fair. you dont get your trophy but I still will remove the blot from your name. Look I am a softie! I did not suggest your exile! If I was the MSC, you would have spent a year here, but able to compete if you played fair the next year, I make my own rules, I am the Queen of Tostia! I play by MY rules! Nancys Island is not of any jurisdiction! you are your own Queen, Only I can get you out as I have a boat!" Nancy growled softly, "You are one sneaky daugter of a bitch! Can you get the MSC to change that rulling?" "I dont know. I promise this, I am not competing in The Winter Games if I cant!" Nancy grunted as she mulled over what was said, "You got a deal! I want to skate with the one I hurt. As a return favor. Is that fair?" I stared at Michele with rage, Crap! now I was thinking like Nancy had. Thats MY trophy! Michele sighed, "No, its not fair. I want you to skate with Bichela! a test of the two best matched Klingons. Its her trophy thats up for grabs! I will skate with you for exhibition. I want to see your skils in action." -296-

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While I did not quite like Micheles idea, I did think it would be interesting. Nancy and I were closely matched. I say WERE because Nancy had fallen in her weight and physical condition. She now weighed only 75kg. and she was 10cm shorter than I. Now we could pair by MSC rules. Yet this was not a MSC championship. Yet we used the same rules. Tina was estatic! "I want to do the same with Bichela again! or maybe Michele this time." It took us eighteen days to even get here! Now we had to take another eightteen to get home. Michele and I decided to have a look around. Nancy was a very nice little island, very mountainous. The average tempratures in the summer were 21C. Winter lows could hit -12C. She could make ice if she had a place to put it. Only she had no skates! Marina, who was on the yacht, was mainly to help Nancy get back into shape if she took our offer to get off. She spent days preparing her for our impromptu competition. Michele had a bigger problem. That frescoe, I was not sure how Nancy would react. "You got to either tell her about Talads gift, or distroy it!" Michele sighed, "I will tell her, and let her decide." Michele showed Nancy a photograph of the frescoe, Nancy nodded, "No, Keep it. Its a reminder of my stupidity. Why did King Talad put you and Dorothy Hamill together? and who is that Broad who is brandshing a club at my head?" -297-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Michele Laughed, "Dorothy Hamill is one of my heros! that broad is Tonya Harding! she did the same to her rival Nancy Kerrigan. Another hero of mine."

Nancy gaffawed! "I get it, she smash my skull for taking her trick, Oh!!! do I LOVE it! Do you even like Tonya Harding?" Michele was flat out honest, "No, I think she was one of the worst that skating had in those years. She could not win fairly, no honest effort. Thats why I was so outraged, You HAVE the talent. You can win fairly. I have murals of her that would make you bust out laughing. Photographs of her whining, Stories of her excuses when she did a bad routine, she would hem and haw and whine for another try. Talad comissioned part of that Frescoe. I added the Tonya part. I never saw you in the same same way. Sorta but not the same. If you truely were the same, I would not risk my skating career to pull your ass out of the fire. Nor would I suffer eightteen days to get here to talk to you." Because Michele did not want people to know that Nancy was on her boat, we pulled into Toriest in pitch black! All lights off. We walked to the palace, quietly she used her key to open the gates. "Shh! I dont want anyone outside of the royal home to know you are here! you will remain incomunicato. Do you understand?" Nancy nodded, as they quietly walked to the rink. Michele had her turn away from the rink and face the crucifix. Michele went and using a long stick opened the gas lights. The lights had pilots, all she had to do is turn on the jets. Nancy yelped when she saw the bloody Christ! "Oh Shit! I thought that was real! She touched the Christus. Blood was on her hands. "Yiii! It bleeds!", When Michele touched it. her hand came away clean. yet she saw the blood in Nancys. "Absoutly fascinatiing!" she touched the whole Cristus. no -298-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene blood. When Nancy did the same.. Blood was all over her body! Nancy was mortified, "What does it mean? Why is the blood on me?"

Michele thought for a second, "I think you should ask Jesus for forgiveness, Do you pray? Are you a christian?" Nancy was so terrified, she prostrated herself in front of the lifesized Jesus, "Jesus! Have mercy! I am so sorry! Wash away my sins. Make me pure." Then Jesus spoke from the Cross, I thought this was a stunt, Michele swore up and down that this was not a trick. "My daughter, why did you hurt me?" Nancy was just crying uncrontrollably, "I wanted to win! I thought, I could not have! Please, Jesus, Son of Jewah of the most high! Son of the Blessed Virgin! Forgive me!" Tina and I stared in shock as the Crucifix poured its blood on the floor. "Damn Shelly! its REAL blood!", Tina and I yelped! Jesus spoke, Smear the blood on this floor into your hair and hands. and I forgive you. I forgive with my blood. Drink it! Get down and lick it! Same with Michele,Tina and Bichela, All of you take of my precious blood! When all of you drink of it, The stains will disappear. No soap can clean these, no scrubbing works. Only taking my gift will remove the stains. You will be free from your sins you had comitted, including those done tonight!" Michele nodded, "So be it! She rolled in the blood, lapped it with her tounge like a laprat. Tina and I too joined her. Nancy, totally mortified. did the same. When we looked up again. the blood was -299-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene gone! The crucifix again was just a frescoe!

Our bodies were unstained. Yet the taste of blood remained in our mouths. Nancy shook her head in bewilderment, "Is that what you call communion? That was REAL blood! Yet, I feel clean again! I think it is time to consider becoming a Christian, even though I am not, Jesus forgave even me!". She went up and kissed Jesus on the Crucifix. "Thank you! Thank you Hosanna!". In all of our shock, we did not even look behind us. If we had, we would have jumped clear out of our skins. A ladies voice spoke, "Does anyone know who I am?". We turned. Nancy and Michele fainted! I was staring at Mary! What? How could I be staring at the Mother of Jesus? "Mary, help me wake my partners!" Tina was so terrified she urinated on the floor! Mary walked over and lifted Michele first, "She is fine. All of her life she wanted to meet me in person. The surprise of my son shedding his blood and then my arrival was too much.", She lifted Nancy, "Nancy never believed in me, or Jesus. Now our sudden arrival has again shocked her system. She will be fine, but dazed." Both Michele and Nancy blinked, Michele got up, "Why now? Why have you waited so long to see me? I have many questions. Like is Bichelas and my love acceptable to you and Jesus? Did we do the right thing by forgiving Nancy? Why did my parents refuse to accept the truth?" Mary sighed, "Many questions, many answers. Your love is valid. Your parents were blind to the truth. Now that you are an adult, you have the power to live as you are, not as your parents wished. Their way was death, as an adult. You can now live. As for -300-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Nancy, Forgive as my son has done.", she gave Michele a giant hug.

Nancy stared at Mary, "Why is it so hard to believe in you and Jesus? Why dont you visit people more often. Can even I get to heaven?" "As former Archbishop Arianna had told Sheila, Jesus, my son had forgiven convicted killers. By washing in his blood and drinking it. you have been cleansed of your sins of the past. My son and I do visit people often, only they refuse to see us. We are there everyday. No one really looks for us. If they did, they would find us. People dont believe is us for two reasons. 1. Believing in someone who knows better than yourself causes many to feel uncomfortable. 2. They rather believe that there is no God or Jesus or I. People who truely believe, tend to live very close to our hearts and us theirs. You can tell these people from those who dont. You know of two. You tried to smash ones kneecap. Yet she forgave you." Mary did something I never thought she would ever do. she grabbed a mop and mopped up Tinas urine. "Sometimes I have to do this. People have been known to do this when I show up. Thats one reason I dont. Some even defecate or vomit. Now thats something I dont enjoy dealing with." Mary sighed as she wringed out the mop and put it back into the bucket. "Now let me get somthing clear Nancy, and this is from The mother of The Son of man. Michele does not hate you. She never had hated you. She believes in fair play. Truely she wanted you to win! Yet, you disqualified yourself! She is going to do something that, few do. She is willing to forgo her chance at The Winter Games, if you are not pardoned. When she says something -301-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene like this, she means it! Shes does not backslide! With the Holy Spirits help, I also going to petition the MSC to consider Micheles requst. If we fail, Michele will NOT skate."

Tina, now blushing with embarrassment, just stood there, yet wanted to ask questions "Are... Are you Human? or an Angel? Can I touch you? Are you alive or dead?" Mary smiled, "Come Tina, you tell me!" Tina touched Mary, "You are REAL! you are warm, like me! Yet how do you travel like you do?", she exclaimed, "Sorry about urinating, I was so terrified I lost it.", she murmered. Mary gave her a hug, "Thats Ok, I have seen worse! I got a surprise for all of you. Including Nancy. These Statues are not just resin or plaster. When you close the rink, for the day and only you four are here, they become people! The skaters. Ony Tonya, who is bound. does not skate. Tonight, Tonya will Skate, with Nancy! The poor woman has been in purgetory for so many years, she wants out. Only One person can free her, Thats you Nancy. Would you like to meet this woman? Only you can free her." We stared as Dorothy leaped from the wall unto Micheles rink! Breathing and alive! Michele so shocked stared at her hero, no longer just a plaster image. Dorothy stared at Michele, "Michele, want to do some skating?", she was skating on our rink! Now Michele stared in shock, "How the hell... Hold on while we get done talking to Mary, I will be out shortly. How can this be?" Mary sighed, "Jesus really is better at explaining this. Your love of skating provides a channel. Your statues provide a means." -302-

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Nancy stared in shock, "You mean, because of our love of the art of skating, we bring these people back from the dead? Why here in Toriest, Why not Terra?" "Because on Terra, there is nothing like this place. Its unique. Terra does not have a single faith. People also have forgotten these skaters. Everyday they wait to skate with those who admire them. Yet no one on Terra cares anymore. Its always money and image not the person. Michele does not live for this, she hates being a queen! She hates all of this hoopla involving skating competions, she just wants to have fun! Do you understand?" Nancy stared at Michele, "If I had truely known, I would never have hurt you. I thought you just wanted to win, Sure you like winning but...." Michele sighed, "I dont want to win if it means having to make permanent rivals. Friendly competion is one thing, all of this push to just win, is pure dumb! I would never have done that to you guys, All Bichela and I wanted was to enjoy some skating. Try to win fairly. Its too bad that you had not known." Marina, had just walked in. she stared at shock as Dorothy did a split on the ice, "What on earth!", she turned and stared at Mary, "Holy Mother of Jesus?" Mary smiled, "It is I, the Immaculate Conception." Marina sat down on the floor, "Why are you here? Why is Dorothy Hamill skating on our rink?" Mary sighed, "I will explain this again in a different way, takes too -303-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene long with words.", she touched Marinas hand. "Do you understand now?"

Marina nodded excitedly, "I get my skates! I want to skate with some of these people!" Nancy stared at her frescoe, "How do I unlock that? How do I unlock The woman with the big club?" Mary smiled. "You unlock yourself by kissing yourself. Then by kissing Tonya and becoming friends, you free her. Once you are freed, you and your plaster image merge together, Then you will have to learn to tame that shrew, yourself. Once merged, the plaster image disappears forever. Being you are tough, you can do it. Are you ready?" Nancy walked over to herself, she stared at the sheer hate, "God! was I a bitch or what? Yes, I am ready.", she gave herself the biggest french kiss I ever saw. The frescoe merged with Nancy. Now the frescoe was gone. Only a angry Tonya held a bat to an empty wall. She looked at Tonya, "Sometimes kid we do things that are insane, This is one of them.", She kissed Tonya, Tonya put the club down, stared at Nancy. "Who are you? Oh, I know who you are! I am not going repeat my bad ways", Nancy and Tonya walked over to us. Mary smiled. "Now, Tonya, you need to be saved by my sons precious blood, Nancy knows the steps." Marina Jumped clear out of her skin as the Crucifix again bled a huge puddle on the floor. "Urk! Thats Blood! Thats impossible!" Jesus sighed, "No, its not. Come and join Tonya and Nancy." Dorothy who was in the midst of a difficult move slammed into the -304-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene ice! "What the heck!", she slipped on her guards and walked up to the Crucifix. "I ask to take of your blood, Its been a long time since I took you in my hands. She also prostrated herself.

These events were making all of us scared! Every one of us out of reverance prostrated ourselves! The sheer shock of tonights events just could not be explained. We did not even try! Dorothy and Tonya stared at each other. Tonya spoke, "When I was nine, I watched you skate, I loved your routine. It was you and Peggy Fleming who got me interested, I was never a Peggy, Yet, when I saw you, I wanted to give it a go. Sadly, I blew it." Dorothy smiled, "Naw! Here, you can be what you failed to be, Every night we come out here to skate. This is our ownly rink we can access. Many new skaters come here! Some who will one day beat all of us, in a fair contest.", she hugged Tonya who was in tears. "Come on! lets see what you got!" Tonya smiled, "Thanks Nancy! Thanks for giving me a new chance!" Nancy tearfully stared at Tonya, "Your welcome, Thanks Michele for giving me another chance too!" Michele looked at Dorothy with a tearful smile, "May I also give you a hug? I may have never known you, except through books and media. Yet, I too have looked at how you, like me, a little girl who did not start out pretty had grown so sucessful. I always wished...", Tears ran down Micheles face, "I always wished I could just say thank you." Dorothy smiled, "You bet!". Michele sobbed on Dorothys shoulders. I was so touched, even I became teary eyed, "We have a contest -305-

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to do!" Several more skaters from the past sat at Micheles judging bench. They would judge. "Should we judge with Compulsory figures being 60% or just style and presentation?" Asked Sonja Henie, "I hate the way they took out the figure in figure skating." The 6 others nodded in agreement, even Michele nodded, "Yes, I HATE the way that things have downgraded too! Some dont know school figures however! Thus we will have two contests, both short. First is with figures, second without! The first contest is for Nancy and Bichela to skate for Nancy to win back her title." Sonja Henie looked at me, "Bichela, This is not Wrestling! I Dont want this to become a match! No, you skate as singles, Mens rules for both! Two programs, One with school figures, one freestyle as you know it.", the other judges nodded in agreement. Mary smiled at Michele, "Dont worry about the staff, They will not be aware of this contest. We have warded this room." Michele sighed, "Thanks! I would be awfully embarrassed if anyone saw Nancy here. Or all of you for that matter." Everyone of us busted out in laughter. Even Nancy and Tonya smiled at this strange event. I groaned, Now I was in for it! I didnt KNOW school figures! I never needed to learn them. Nancy was also worried, "No matter, Bichela, I did take the time to learn them! Thats my edge! My problem is my jumps! I always had a hard time mastering jumps. Thus we are equally handicapped." -306-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Nancy was first, "I dont need music, but, I will use my routine that I never got a chance to try."

She started at the end of the rink, Slowly she began to draw spirals and figure eights in the ice. it was agreed each will have two minutes to draw at least one figure eight.", She back sculled and redrew another eight under the first. this it looked like a string of pearls. One thinga about this type of figure skating, there was no explosive jumps, it was a very gentle type of motion. Almost like poetry in motion. she ended her two minutes and left the ice. The judges stared carefully at the work, Using an item called a scribe they checked her figures for consistancy, Almost perfect! I stared with shock! she draw some elaborate dsigns in the ice. Her score was 5.7 for technical and 5.7 for artistry. Mary quickly erased the ice, "You dont want to wait until a crew resurfaces do you?" I sighed, "Mary, I just wish I knew these figures! Marina, After today, I am ordering you to teach me these!" Marina nodded, "And Michele." I got on the ice. I tried to do what I saw Nancy draw, My work was horriable. I only got a 3.0 and 2.1! Shit! Sonja Henie frowned, If we only based our scores on these figures, Bichela, you lose! Yet we will also judge based on the standards you learned. Nancy begins first." Nancy was one of those skaters who rather not jump, Yet here she did just that. a double axle, two splits, a camel, a satchow! Sadly her program was just not good enough! She left after her two minutes disappointed. -307-

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Her score was only a 5.0 and 5.0 I sighed, "Klingon Drinking Song, my routine." Here I did the routine that I did in the world championship. Now winded and very tired I sat down. These older judges, who were also expirenced skaters were very critical of my routine. I only got 5.5 and 5.7! CRAP! The judges sat and talked amongst themselves. Finally they faced us, "It has been decided, that Nancy has won! She has the edge in the areas that we feel are more valuable. Her style is smooth and methodical. Yours? Love the jumps but, you waste your energy in such strange ways. Our advice to you and others who do not know Compulsory figures, go back to skating school! We dont like what our favorite activity has become!", Sonja Henie sighed. I sat down and cried! It was like I lost the championship! I was not ready! Tonya sat down next to me, "Hey! I did the same! Perhaps if you practice, you will learn! If I only kept my own advice.", she sighed. I nodded sadly, "You are right. This is very different than what I learned.", I walked up to Nancy and handed her the trophy, "You won! You proved that you really did know what you were doing." The Judges smiled. Dick Button looked at us, "Now. Lets have some fun! I would love to see Michele and Nancy go first! This is not a contest, have fun! Bichela you skate with Dorothy! Pick your music, All you have to do is say it. and we play it ok?" -308-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Michele smiled as she looked at Nancy, "Im sorry by Brenda Lee."

They skated to a song that was perfect for these two! I just got so teary again. Damn! all night I cried, Will I ever smile? Dorothy looked at me carefully, "hmm. Shake Rattle and Roll by Bill Hailey and the Comets!" Aw Right! We took off! We did one of the most interesting programs. I did not do throws! I did not know if she was prepared for them. Yet we had the greatest time! This whole night had become a skating party. Anything went! At 6am we all parted. Dorothy and the others returned to their wall and statue selves. Mary smiled, "Everytime you come here, after closing, you can skate with anyone in this room. Just touch them. When you leave, they return to their places. Anytime you need me or Jesus, we are always here!", Mary became a lifesized statue next to her crucified son. Only Tonya sighed, "Where exactly do I belong? I rather not go back to holding a club!" Michele sighed, "I agree! Well, perhaps you can remain with us in this world. Your chance to restart your life, the right way!" Tonya yelped, "All Right! I take your proposal!" Tonya, Nancy, Marina, Michele, and Tina returned to their rooms. Tonya and Nancy would be sleeping with Tina. I had some explaining to later that day. My head hurt just trying to figure out how Michele and I would explain this to Talad. The others walked out. I was getting ready to shut the lights. Mary stared at me, -309-

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"Bichela?" I smiled as I touched Mary, "What?" She smiled, "You wont need to worry about anything. I am taking care of it. Tonya will now become a regular part of the team. Her past is gone. Her only image here is of her with a broken skate lace. You will remember her as a skater that needed a home. Not at all a lie! Just promise me one favor." I smiled, "Name it!" Mary smiled, "Dont tell anyone about our portal ok? I dont want another shrine, especially not one in this special room. I did this for a favor for Michele. You see, long ago she wanted to meet me when she was on Terra. She was inconsolable, all she asked was to meet me. Then was a bad time. I am keeping my promise of not making her feel alone. I do appreciate when people pray my rosary and all, yet, its people like Michele and you who live as my son Jesus taught in his scriptures. Those are the ones I really appreciate. I sighed, "Mary, I rarely pray your rosary. Sorry, I just didnt feel that it made a difference, however, maybe it does! Michele does not pray it either! Should we?" Mary sighed, "It helps! It helps the person praying, it provides a means of peace. Next time you get upset or angry, Say a few Hail Marys. It helps! I cannot explain it better. Dont worry about the lights, I will take care of it for you." Quickly I was plunged in darkness! Being it was getting to be morning my eyes became accustomed to the daylight coming in -310-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene through the 4 big windows. I gave Jesus a bow and went to bed.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 22

Bichela We slept until noon. We were woken by a knock at our door. I sighed as I got up to answer it. Outside stood Mary! she looked at me with a smile, "Good afternoon! I thought I would be the first to greet you." I smiled,"Good Afternoon! Why are you here? Arent you bound to stay in the rink?" Mary smiled, "No, I am not bound. I can go wherever I please. I am here to help you explain this matter to King Talad, you will need my help." I frowned, "That bad huh? If so, we can sure use it." Mary went over and kissed Michele on the cheek, "Shes one of my favorites! I have a small Statue of Michele in heaven." Michele opened her eyes, "Mary? Why do you have a statue of me?" Mary grinned, "Why not? You have statues of me, Jesus and several skaters at your rink. As I said, you are my living hero." Michele sighed as she woke, "Do me a favor huh, get rid of this facial fur! Every day I have to scrape it off. I hate it!" Mary smiled, "Easily done!", she touched Micheles face. The fur fell into Marys hand. She threw it in our garbage can. -312-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Michele smiled, "Thanks!", she got up and began to dress, Mary smiled, "Here, let me give you a hand.", she helped Michele put on her nicest pink floral summer dress. "Gorgous! You really do like pretty in pink lace.".

Mary stared at both of us, she sighed, "Talad is going to need to know the whole story, he knows you went to Nancys Island, he does know that she is here. I also want him to meet Jesus at the rink, my son agrees. Talad has fallen away from his faith. His heart is failing, He does not have much longer. You would have to take the throne. Jesus wants him to meet his savior who will wash away his sins. He may go to Santa Michelas but, he does not take communion. He does not have long. Michele looked down at the floor sadly, "Mary, I abhor being a queen! I dont even want it!", she began to sob, "Oh God! Why couldnt I have been just a normal person! I am terrible at royal functions. Take this from me! I want nothing to do with it." Mary sighed as she sat on our bed, "No, you will not rule for long. Just a few years, Tonito is almost old enough to take over, Just four years. All of us here in Heaven and Maca will be there to help you make good rulings.", she gave a inconsolable Michele a long embrace. "I promise, you are not alone." Michele slowly calmed down, "How can I rule when I dont know how? I did not have any formal training!" Mary Sighed, "Think of Moses, he did not want to lead my people to Isreal either! Yet, when he saw The Lord as the burning bush, he knew that he had to. He did not want to displease The Lord. I am not as dramatic, I was asked by my son to come to you today. Woman to woman, he felt that you needed a female messenger." -313-

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I groaned, "Mary, she really is not queenlike!" Mary laughed softly, "Define queenlike? If you mean going out with tons of jewels and staff and fancy clothing, Acting like a Prima Donna. No, she isnt. If you mean a woman with compassion and love, who wants to be fair to all. Thats Michele." Michele sighed, "The People of Tostia want the former, as you said; I am the latter." Mary smiled, "No, they want the latter. Some may like the former. The vast majority want a woman who trys to be fair in her policy making." I thought about what Mary was saying, Micheles loving charismatic nature has always been well recived. however, Michele is so kind that she is never tough enough to handle royal court or deal with all of the paperwork that is involved in decrees. "No, Mary. Michele would be one of the worst things for Tostia. She must give the throne to her son, now!" Mary frowned at me, "Tonito is too young! He would have a regency! Do you really want those five lords acting as his regents? They would boot his mother clear out of the palace! They dont like her or you. She could even be sent to Nancys Island! Espcially if they found out about her giving Nancy a new home! She would be considered a traitor! Thats why I am here, to smooth that over." I snarled viciously, "The feeling is mutual! I dont really like those lords either!" -314-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Michele sighed, "Either way, we have to deal with the matter. Its time to face my husband and resolve his issue of salvation and Nancy."

Mary smiled, "Dont worry about going to his room, hes outside! The holy spirit summoned him here." I heard a knock at the door, "Michele Maria, Bichela. I need to talk with you two." I opened the door to let Talad in. He smiled when he saw Mary. "Umm. I need to tell you a few things. 1. my doctors said my heart has shown some bad signs, I have a congenital atrophy of the muscles, its incurable. 2. I am miffed that Nancy is sleeping with Tonya and Tina! Why did you disobey the Alsayian Presidents exile order? She was to die on Nancy!" Michele stared at her husband with dismay, "I know of your heart and I am sorry that you may not make it, I really wish there was something that could be done.", she growled with frustration, "As for Nancy. I did not order anyone to abandon her on an island with no proper building materials and supplies. I am dead set against that. I forgave her! She is my friend." Talad just stood there and steamed, "Now! listen to me you little slut! I may be the most stupid man in Macawn history, but... You earned the title of The Macawns WORST queen! I should just have all of you hung! Every frelling one of you! Including Mary! Thats right! Even the Mother of god!", He stopped and grabbed his chest paled, gasped and recovered, "Well... maybe not... I really dont have the litteral heart to do it. Yet, you now have to figure out how the hell you are going to get out of a major blunder with Nancys exile." -315-

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Micheles face cracked a giant smile. "I have! All of us are off the hook too! Nancys Island is not under Alsayian juristiction. It belongs to Nancy! She was exiled from Alsay, not Tostia. Look it up Talad! You will find that I am correct." Talad stopped short, "Wha!? Do you mean that she is not forced there by Alsayian laws?" Even I grinned, "No, Lets just say Alsay gave her a country! She does not want to live in her country alone. Like Michele, Nancy does not want to rule, she wants to skate. She freely left her country. Yet she still owns and rules a country of one." Michele smiled at Talad and me. "Thats correct Talad. You might say she is here on a diplomatic visit. A life long visit!" Talad sighed, "Sometimes Michele Maria, you really show your brains! Egad! I dont even think the Alsayian president thought of that! That means... If I exiled you to Nancys island, you can come home again! Right?" Mary sighed, "No, it means Michele can go anywhere BUT where she was exiled from. This also applies to Nancy. However, you love your wife too much to do that, just as your wife loves you too much to see you die without receiving my Sons precious blood." Talad smiled, "Yes, I do love Michele Maria, and I am sorry I called her a slut. How can I recieve the blood of Jesus? I dont enjoy going to communion." Michele smiled, "Come with us. We have a secret to share with you." -316-

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We all walked down to the rink, Mary smiled as she pointed to her crucified son. "Touch him!" Talad touched the bloody christ. He yelped when he pulled his hand away, covered with blood. "What the hell... Man! do you girls got a strange sense of humor." Jesus groaned, "This is not a trick! I am real. I want to talk with you alone. Would all of you step outside while I talk to Talad." We all nodded as we walked to the hall. the doors sealed behind us. "My son wants a truely private moment with Talad. No way in! Even your keys dont work Michele." Michele frowned, "A true private confessional?" Mary sighed, "Yes, and they will be in there for at least half an hour. We might as well go eat lunch." I smiled at Mary, as we walked to the dinning room. Michele stared at her most favorite hero. "Tell me Mary, Why do you have a statue of me? What makes me stand apart from all of the men and woman that have always loved you and your son?" Mary smiled as we sat down to a small lunch, a plate was set for her also. "I am not at liberty to go into details now, lets just say this. Your parish Santa Michelas is not improperly named. When I saw you when you were a child, I knew that you would become very special to my son, mothers intuition. So far you have lived up to my expectations. You are as favored to me as are: Santa Clarissa, Santo Fransisco, Santa Lucia, Santa Katerina de Siena. Santa Jeanne darc, Santa Barbara and Santa Veronica. You got -317-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene some powerful friends in Heaven! Your friends on Maca round out your allies. Keep my son first in your heart, and you will learn just how special you really are. Would you please give us the blessing?"

Michele stood at the head of the table, "In the the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit! Lord, you gave us your precious life so that our sins would be washed way. You gave us this Macawnian food so that we may grow. Thank you for being our friend! Thank you for bringing all of us together for this breaking of bread. Amen!" We all smiled and said amen, we began to eat our meal. Mary smiled at Michele, "Thats one of those things that makes you so special. Your powerful blessings are rarely forgotten." Michele blushed, "Thank you! I just seem to have a knack at doing blessings!" I groaned, "She makes up for what I lack! My spontanious prayers are horrible!" Tina laughed, "Naw! You two compliment each other! Mary have you ever skated before? How would you like to learn?" Mary laughed, "No, why not! I think it would be fun. Who would teach me?" Nancy nodded, "I would! I would be honored to show the Mother of god how to skate. I feel I owe you a favor." Talad came upstairs and met us at the table, shaken, "God! Do you girls have some powerful friends! I talked with Brian Boitano! Sonja -318-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Heine and Dick Button! Why do all of these skaters come here? I asked, they told me. Michele loves us, her rink is special to us. How can I threaten to exile a saint!"

Michele sighed, "Talad, I am not a saint..." Mary interjected, "Yet! You will be one of the most celibrated saints next to Santa Clarissa within a century!" Michele snickered, "So I hear...So I hear." We all laughed. Today would be a day of fun, for all of us." All of us, including Talad went down to the rink. Talad sighed, "Did you know, Jesus does not want this to be a shrine? He wants us to use it as a skating rink, as we have been." Mary smiled at Talad, "I told Bichela this early this morning. Look Talad, promise me one favor. Dont turn this into another Fatima. This is one little shrine I want kept quiet, forever. Can you promise me that? I want this to remain an open rink also." Talad sighed, "Whats Fatima? I promise that I will not disobey either you or Jesuss requsts." Mary smiled, "Thank you! Fatima is in Portugal. on Terra, here I visited 3 children to give them a special message, a message of the future to come. Those visits quickly became well known, thousands flock there hoping to see me again. My little visit helped revive a small town. This rink is different, its the only rink open to all skaters in heaven or on Maca. I would hate to see them deprived of their only place to skate. They also enjoy watching -319-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene the living skaters too. They interact with Micheles friends and you when the rink is closed to the public."

"Are these skaters dead or alive? I still did not understand how a plaster and wood cross could spill real blood on the floor!" Mary smiled, "Thats a hard qustion! They are as alive as you and Michele, I am like those skaters, touch me! am I not flesh and blood?" Talad touched Mary with fear, "Damn! you are warm! and soft! How?" Mary sighed, "I dont really know how! It just happens! Normally I am just a life sized statue next to Jesus, I am not forced to reside in that room either are The skaters! In fact, they can walk out of that room. Thats how Tonya became a part of the family. They however have agreed to not do that often as it would create some strange time paradoxes. Tonya was the only exception. She has been given a second chance. Talad looked confused at Mary, "Time paradox? What exactly does that mean?" "Bichela would be more qualified to explain that." I groaned, "Thanks alot Mary! A time paradox Talad in this case would be this. How can all of these dead skaters be skating legends if they are not dead? Tonya was given a second chance as she muffed her first chance royally. Now she has no past. She has a clean slate! Millions of men and women look up to these skaters, they represent the finest in the sport. You cannot look up to a legend IF there is none, If theres no innovators in skating, -320-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene there is NO skating! If theres no skating... thers No rink! if there is no rink... There are a whole bunch of displaced people in limbo! Do you understand?"

Talad held his head in confusion, "No, I dont! You say Tonya was one of them. Since she now lives with Tina and Nancy, she has no past? Yet she has a statue of herself holding a skate with a broken lace!" "Ah! easily dealt with! She broke a lace at the Macawn world championship!", Mary laughed. "What about the Frescoe of Michele and Bichela? If I touched them, would they pop off the wall and skate with me?" Mary smiled, "No, because they are not dead yet! However, when the time comes and they are... they will be like the rest of them." Nancy smiled, "Lets get you in skates Mary! I want to get started with your lessons." I watched at Nancy and Mary searched for the right sized skate, "Geez! you got some small feet!", Nancy exclaimed. "Lets try a size 5....", about five minutes later Mary wore a size five skates. For Mary, walking on skates was like most of us learning to walk with heels. Nancy had to show Mary how to balance her weight on the blades. When Mary became comfortable with the skates on the floor, with the guards on. Nancy took her into the rink. Mary forgot to take the guards off, WHAM! down she went! Nancy laughed, "Take the plastic guards off!", She did, Nancy helped her up. Our Blessed Virgin Mother was now standing on an ice rink! Nancy had to spend all day teaching Mary how to skate. She needed help! She summoned Peggy Fleming to help teach Mary. The two females -321-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene had a very interesting conversation that I will not repeat here. It was a pleasant talk, of raising children and motherhood, in addition to skating.

Mary did find that skating was fun, although she still did not quite see how all of us would spend most of our lives training for competion. She enjoyed how much freedom she had on the ice, "The Lord created ice. Everytime you skate, give him thanks and praise!", she exclaimed with joy as she whizzed around the rink doing twists, jumps and simple glides. "I think I am going to do this at least once a week! This is a blast!" Tonya decided she would rebuild her career, she was practicing in a little section of the rink. She smiled as shw watched Mary skating, "Holy Mary, Mother of my God! On ice! Wow!", she lost her concentration and fell on the ice. In prayer! Sadly not all of that day was pleasent, Talad died in his sleep that night, quietly and peacefully.


Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Chapter 23

Michele Waking up to the message that Talad was no longer amoung the living jolted me badly. I was now stuck doing the one thing I hated with a passion, ruling a country. Yet, I had Marys assurance that I would be guided in my decision making. Even so, I did not relish the thought of ruling. As I sat there at the funeral mass. my heart was heavy. I felt like the biggest heel in Macawn History! Was I any better than my grandmother in-law Galavia? Would I do something so stupid that our world would be again at war? Does Natasha have this same congenital atrophy of the heart muscles? What really did kill Christana? was it her alcholism or was it her heart? or did she willingly distroy her own liver? Would I end up on the casualty list along with my husband, his mother and his grandmother? Would I yeild to the creature myself? I just could not handle this! Tears were streaming down my face! I loved Talad, I knew that this would eventually kill him, the stress, the hard to make decisions, the deep lonelyness. I could not stop him from doing his work as a king. How I just wish I turned down his proposal! Yet even If I had, would he not be still in that casket? Most likely! Mary said I would be a saint someday, a saint of what? If only I knew more! The more that I thought of all of this, funny thing, the less upset I became, Go figure! Perhaps I should not wimp out and give this -323-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene throne to my son! Tonito may be tough, thanks to his biological dads teachings, Yet to be a monarch requires one to be as tough as the best hardened alloys! Was Tonito ready? am I?

I felt like I did in my practice with all of those real people watching. Only this time I would not be doing triple axels. I would be making rules that affect over 400,000 people! I felt like Tonya did in the 1992 Olympics! only I cant go to the judges and ask for a restart! Stupid me! I knew that this day would come yet I did not practice! Sorry Tonya, you are not the only idiot! May I join your club? I snickered quietly as I smiled at the sheer stupidity of our comparison. Yet, it was true! Tonya? What was it about this woman that makes me smile, Nancy and Tonya were now becoming the best of friends. Two gutter mouths who talked their four letter vanacular with such zeal. Rough playing on the rink. The more I thought of the absurdity of the events around me, I just wanted to crack up in laughter, I quietly excused myself. and went outside the cathedral. Laughing my heart out. The sexton looked at me strangely. I smiled back. "Sorry sir, its just, I just see myself as the biggest dolt to take over a regime!". He smiled, "No problem! Laughter is always a good way to relieve the tensions we feel.", he was cutting the grass of the cathederal with a laprat powered sicklebar mower. "Hey! I got a question for you, your highness." I smiled, "Please, just call me Michele, I dont like titles. Whats your question?" -324-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene He smiled, "Why did you forgive Nancy? I have heard of your little trip from my friends at the palace. Whats with that?"

Frowning I sighed, "The Lord asks us to forgive. I did not like the fact that she was to die alone! Sir, we are a social people. We need friends, she had a right to leave Nancy as she was the owner of her own soverign country." The sexton smiled, "Ah Michele! No wonder no one can hate you! You are just a giant Southern pecan pie! You are too sweet to hate! Come here, let me give you a hug!" I walked down the steps to the sexton, he gave me a big squeeze. "Now, you got to return to the funeral. I will promise to finish your laughing for you! What was it that got you chortling like a maniac?" The sexton was from Terra, an American from Georgia. "Comparing my reign to figure skating and realizing how unprepared I was for this giant competition caled life." He smiled, "Thats ... Thats good!", he gaffawed, "Good bless you! you just brightend my day!" I busted out in laughter as I gave his hand a squeeze, "Thanks for taking the time to talk with me." With a giant grin I returned to my seat next to a puzzled Bichela. Being Maca does not embalm, our funeral was the day after Talads death. I was the first to look at my late husband, "Hon, I guess I have to do what I rather not, may you guide me in my policy making.", I sighed as I gave him a simple kiss on the cheek, "Fare -325-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene well my husband. May you find friends in Heaven to hang out with until I come home."

Bichela looked at me strangely, "Kissing the dead?" "Forgive me Bichy, your people scream for yours, to announce their arrival at Sto-vo-kor, I kissed my husband to wish him well on his trip to our Sto-vo-kor, Heaven." Bichela smiled, "Touche! How do we know if they are not the same? Perhaps Talad will become friends with Kathless and Peter The great of Russia?" I chuckled, "No one has come back from the dead to give us a full report!" She grinned, "Ah! but you and I know who knows! He refuses to talk about it though!" Poor Jesus! You died the day after Passover, faced a mockery of a trial. Crucified by your own people. Three days later, you rose from the dead! Yet when I ask you to describe Heaven you just tell me its a surprise! Well, I can only hope that Talad is happy. Its time he let himself go. Returning to the palace I went to the rink for a quick talk with our saviour. Jesus smiled, "You want to know of Heaven? You want to know if Talad is there?" I nodded, "Thats right. I also wonder if Macawns, Terrans and Klingons share the same Heaven or if they are seperate places." -326-

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Jesus who was sitting at the judging bench, stared at his bloody self on the wall, "Thats difficult to answer, When I preached in Isreal and Lesbos, I did not think bringing that topic up. Yet you know I mentioned others. Your Mormons thought it meant them. You know what? It does and it does not. This also refers to other species. You and your husband will be together again. He will meet many men and woman from all three planets, and many others. I smiled, "In short, he will not be alone. Umm, I also have qustions reguarding two other things, what is hell? and tell me about purgatory. I know what my church teaches of both but... Sometimes I still wish I knew more." Jesus sighed, "Hell, is where people put themselves! Its a nasty place, A place of misery and hate. A place that I am glad you will not end up. Purgatory is like a giant holding cell. You spend your time here while you purge your unforgiven sins. To go straight to heaven requires that a person be totally cleansed of sin. While you are alive you collect sins. When you go confess those to a priet or me, your sins are cleared away, like dirty dishes. Only people dont stay clean long, you dirty yourselves again. I clean them again if they ask to be forgiven. If you go to heaven unclean, you go to the giant place called purgatory, your time here varies until all of your sins are purged away. Because Talad took of my precious blood and asked for absolution before he died. he is now in heaven." I sobbed with relif. "I am glad that he is not in hell! How does a person end up taking that path?" Jesus frowned, "By willfully turning away from me. To me thats like treason. Only if they change their ways and repent, they are given -327-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene another chance. Only you cannot beg for mercy after you are dead! Its too late then! You must ask for this honestly before your death comes. Only people can die at any time! You never know when you will be sitting in the defense chair. Thus it is prudent that one lives a good Christian life at all times."

"Thank you, for reinforcing what I already knew. Is my love to Bichela acceptable to you and The Lord? Should we abstain? Am I really a male or female? I never really understood that." Jesus smiled broadly, "Come here! have a seat on my lap!", I walked up to Jesus and sat on his knee, "You are one of the most special people, you are a female! You carried a daughter. Your parents were very ignorant of my messengers. Now as for you and Bichela? Thats a thorny area as My father gave you both traits. Bichela cannot bear a child. To me she is a male. She does not mind that people at the MSC call her sir. To me, your love is legitimate. You had a struggle with one of the worst tempations, you barely were able to overcome this. I am proud that you and Bichela refused Talads offer. I am proud of you as you fought to remain faithful to Talad and your children and The Lord." Tears ran down my face, I was scared, "Jesus, May I ask for your forgiveness? I never thought I would fall in love with her." Jesus smiled, "You got it! Did you ever wonder, why Bichela always has to scrape her face so often? She may not have physical male organs, yet, she is really a male! My father created her just for you! and you for her! He does things like that sometimes." I smiled as I touched his beard withmy fingers, "Why?" Jesus smiled as I tickled his whiskers, "Why not? My father knew -328-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene that you would need a reason to try to overcome your hardships. He works that way sometims. Now that your late Husband Talad is in Heaven, he was really touched when you kissed his corpse. He is rooting for you to succeed."

"Will I? Will I rule properly?" "Of course! With all of my Angels and your favorite saints, friends, me and my mother guiding you, you will have an excellent reign." I smiled as I got off his knee. I was so overcome with joy that I just stood there bedazzled, "Thank you... Jesus", I wispered as I prostrated myself in front of him. I turned to him, as I got up. "Umm. just a stupid question. Can Bichela get me pregnant? Could I bear her child?" Jesus fell over in laughter, "Yes you can! She now has a penis! She always wanted one! lift your dress! yours is now on her!" I stared at my bare abdomen, "Holy Shit! sorry!", I busted out laughing in joy! as I ran out the room to find Bichela. Bichela was dancing naked in her room as she fondled her new attachment. "Its gorgous!", she smiled as she checked out its moves. I smirked, "It was mine!", Jesus arranged you to have it. How do you like it sir?" She grinned, "Its what I always wanted, truely!", Now I am gonna test this sucker! On my love. -329-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene How do I describe the events that followed? I guess the best way is just to say it was very fun. By the way, I did take, again! Now Bichela had a little son of her own! In honor of my late husband, he was named Talad.

Since she now clearly was a guy, it did not take long for us to get married. Unlike Terra, we had to have a full physical. The doctors declared her male and me female. We would be married in two months. Everyone still called her, her. and she never minded that. Having two children to breastfeed and raise along with Katerina and Tonito I was just a tired ragged woman. Now with Bichela as my husband, she took the throne. Here is where she excelled, she was a born leader. Bichela took the last name of Galavia. Her whole name is Bichela Anne Dangelo Galavia. I smiled, Anne? I sat there stunned. How many women took Anne and Maria and their many variations as their baptismal names? How many of us would take Peter as a confirmation name? Thats my full bloddy name! Michele Maria Peter Galavia! Her confirmation name was Mathew! We both laughed at how we chose male confirmation names. Ole Sneaky Jehwah! You are one class act! Thats why we both love you so! Now we had to deal with The Winter games issue and the MSC. They refused to change their decree, I refused to skate! Being there was not enough pairs skaters, they recinded their decree and I would now skate. Only I would not skate unless they also judged by the use of school figures being at least 33% of the scoring, I was adamant on -330-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene this issue. The MSC screamed in frustration. Being up against a wall, it was agreed.

Now who was I going to skate with? Bichela was running the country, Tonya was too small, and is not a pairs skater. Tina was a pairs skater but also too small. I would be stuck as the male! Yeech! If I chose them as partners. That left me with Snarling Nancy as we still called her. Nancy was very happy to skate with me, We had to practice for 12 hours a day for the next six months! In some ways it was poetic justice! Bichela paired with Tina, now Nancy paired with me. Learning to bear her guttermouth as she cursed and swore obsenities when she fell or failed to do a good throw made me a nervous wreck! Her throws were powerful but badly done. I got mad, I REALLY got STEAMED! I blasted her up one side and down the other! She used to be fantastic! Now? She had lost her edge. If we did not get her act back togethr quickly! I still would end up out of the World Games! We summoned Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov to come and help us master our routine. The two Russians looked at Nancys performance, Ekaterina sighed, "She is not ready! She cant get ready in time! Nor can you get a replacement partner in six months! Sergei looked at me, "Why are you not going wih Bichela? You two are naturals." I sighed as I sat down at the judging table. "Bichela is now ruling Tostia, She is too overwelmed by work to skate this year." Ekaterina sighed as she sat down with me, "However, you ARE still in your prime. You could skate with anyone who is ready. Sadly, you dont have time to go hunting for a partner. What does Mary -331-

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think?" I sighed, "I did not ask her." Ekaterina walked over to Mary, "Madonna? We need to talk. Skating Emergency." Mary sighed, as Ekaterina explained the problem. "I can try to find her a replacement partner, just dont expect to get one! Perhaps The Holy Spirit can intervene here." I wondered what Mary would do! What she did three minutes later was truely a gift from The Holy Spirit! Nancys act quickly improved to her original quality. Ekaterina was estatic! "Now! she will make it! Thanks Madonna!" Even Nancy was happy, "Lets keep going on these practices! We have a lot to do in a short time." We did! finally it was time to go to Camp Siberia again for the first World Winter Games. Bichela gave her sub a smile, "Good luck! I will be rooting for you!" Tonya and Tina went as two singles. Unlike the 1992 and 1996 Olympics. Tonya trained hard, she wanted a valid win. I smiled at Tonya, "Do me a big favor?" Tonya smiled, "What?" I laughed, "Dont go crying to the judges about broken laces! I brought 4 extras for all of us! -332-

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She smiled, "Done deal!" Returning to Camp Siberia for the Winter games for me was quite a shock! The cold blasted me! The ole familiar outdoor rink felt like it was welcoming one of its own. Marina who was with us smiled to return to our original training grounds. We had a two weeks to practice again on this old icy friend. Nancy sighed, What are we going to do with sleeping quarters? I smiled, "We will pair up. Tonya and Tina will pair up. Nancy sleeps with me. Marina, who was a coach here will sleep in the coaches barracks." Nancy was worried, "Bichela would be very displeased if we slept in the same bed! Would she not?" I sighed, "No, I dont think so. The cabins have two beds. If you rather have a bed alone, thats fine. Only those little stoves tend to run out of coal at the worst times at night! Thats why we started having a inventory of two buckets o coal on hand per day." Nancy groaned, "I was lucky, I slept with Tina every night to keep toasty. I may just take your offer, Klingons dont enjoy the cold." I smiled, "Well now... If Klingons hate the cold, then why are you figure skating.", I giggled. Nancy stared at the sky and laughed a very deep male like laugh. "Good question!" I mention this as it confirmed something I deeply wondered, Was -333-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Nancy like Bichela? did she really have a male gender? How about her biology?

When we went to bed that night, Nancy showed me her little friend. It was not a monster, yet it had the functions! You know Jehwah? You are one strange god! Tina and Nancy were as me and Bichela! Nancy and I agreed to trade sleeping accomadations. She slept with Tina, I slept with Tonya, Not cause I was afraid of Nancy doing something bad, No! I wanted her to stay with her mate in their cabin. Tonya wanted to snuggle up. She was just plain freezing! She was used to being in warm rooms in an Olympic village. As we layed in that one bed with tons of sheets on top of us she told me of her roomates at the Olympics. Of all of them, she best got along with Calla. I did not know who Calla was yet from knowing Tonya, I had a good idea of the personality. Yet Tonya and I got along perfectly well for the most part! Yet we are as different as night and day! She went to practice with Tina on the ice, Nancy would practice with me. As they say, Strange bedfellows! Nancy was very relaxed and ready. she was smooth! Her throws perfect! Like Bichela she did not mind being the male. Hell! technically she WAS! Being I have always known her as a she, thats what I called her, she couldnt care less! Ah! she definatly was a Bichela! Although to be honest, Bichela was much more pleasant to look at and her personality was very complementry to mine. where as Nancy and I were opposites! For days we practiced our routine, it was ready! yet something -334-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene was bothering Nancy, I looked into her brown eyes, I saw tears. "Whats the problem?"

She sighed, "Sometimes I wish I was Bichela. I think I have fallen in love again. To a married woman. When I saw you on my island, with Bichela again I began to realize just how special you two are. when I discovered I had male parts a few weeks ago, I was unsure what I was to do. Like you, Tina used to have them. Now I got them! I am happy with her and all, but, Seeing you holding little Talad, I just wish that was my son. I guestured for her to have a seat with me in the mess hall, I ordered two Araqicinos. "Well, if you were given that blessing from God, and its from Tinas body. She is your mate. You will father children also! Do me a major favor ok? Dont do what I did by dividing my love between Bichela and my late husband." Nancy sighed, "You really think that Tina will concieve?" I smiled as I sipped my drink, "Why not! I did! I gave birth to a boy and girl! The Girl; Natasha to Talad, and the Boy; Talad to Bichela! The Lord loves you, he wants you to be happy." Nancy shrugged, "So everyone says! I need to talk with Jesus again sometime. Only he is not here!" I smiled, "Who told you he is not here? Nancy, Jesus is EVERYWHERE! as is Mary, all you need to do is pray and he hears you. he sees you everyday. His love is divine! All you need to do is find a private place and pray! He listens, he knows." "Does he answer prayers?", she shrugge as she ate a biscuit. -335-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene "Lets answer that this way, if he did not answer his prayers, where would you be right now? Certainly NOT at the First Macawn Winter Games! You were so out of condition that if The Holy Spirit had not intervened, we would still be in Toriest right now!"

Nancy grunted, "I am going back to the cabin to spend some time alone with Jesus and Mary, why dont you work out in the gymnasium with Tina and Tonya, they are working on stretching excertises". I smiled, "Good idea! See you after lunch." Nancy nodded as she walked back that icy path to her cabin. I walked into the gymnasium. Tonya was doing her stretching with her favorite style of curse warfare. She actually insults her poor muscles! I really doubted that they cared! Tina was much more refined, Here she was doing leg stretches, I started doing the same. One thing about being a pairs partner with a Klingon, you had to be limber and quick else you might find yourself in the infirmary with a body cast! Nancys throws were so doggone strong that she already bruised me as she flung me so fast that I was not ready. Unlike Bichela she does not give you a warning! its BOOM! and you are flat on your back on the ice, unless you were ready for a sudden quick throw! That why I had to be ready! She is like a Klingon in battle. She taught me some tips that I would never forget. j1. When you are skating, with a Klingon, you must know when a jump comes, they dont give warnings, unless they are Bichela! 2. Be alert! be alive! as like Battle you will meet the ice and the ice wants to defeat you! You must master the Ice. 3. Be tough! Klingons dont like pussys! You must not cry in pain! You must master your fear! Dont accept defeat! Dont give in! and for Gods Sakes! DONT CRY! Well Nancy, I am a female Terran. I DO cry! -336-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene Espcecially when I am defeated by the ice as she calls a fall, when I am bruised or pull a muscle. Nancy barely tolerates it.

Tina sighed as she finished her routine. "How does it go with Nancy? I dont see many bruises on you yet.", she giggled I groaned, as I carefully stretched my leg muscles, "Oh, I may not look worse for wear and tear, I assure you, I am tender.", I winced as my back was still sore from that last unanticipated throw. "She is worse than a Marine Drill Sargent in a pissed off mood." Tina laughed, "Tell me about it! One time I spent a week in the hospital with a broken pelvis!", She threw me so hard into an axel that my pelvis fractured! How can you bear up? You are 43! I am only 27! How are you keeping your Calcium levels up? I smiled, "Cows Milk! Everyday! every 2 hours I drink a glass. Plus I also take Iron and calcium supplements. I have to do that anyway! I am nursing two kids!" "You breastfeed! You dont use formula? Why?" Tonya was curious too. she stopped to join us, "Why would the Queen of Tostia want to have two welps suckling at her nipples! Go with the bottle!" I smiled, "Breatfeeding has many important advantages: One, it strenghtens a bond between mother and child. Two, my milk passes antibodies to my babies and three, it helps alieviate the swelling of my full breasts. When you are jumping. having two heavy breasts can really slow you down! Your center of gravity is all screwed up." Tonya scratched her blond head, "Hmm. never thought of that. Yet your babies are not here! How are you -337-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene relieving your milk flow during these games?"

Ah, the oldest question in an active nursing mothers book. "I use a breast pump. and store the milk outside in Macas natural freezer! Marina boiles it, packs it and stores it in ice for the trip home! Every two days the bus picks up the breastmilk and carries it in ice to Callixtia where it is transported by Eric Gustofson to Toriest! at home it is boiled again and bottle fed to Natasha and Talad. Tina smiled, "You love your kids that much? Wow! I would have just dumped it! or taken shots to slow down production." Tonya looked at me like an alien, "You are just weird! You are so old fashioned! If you are that dated, why didnt you find a wet nurse?" I sighed, "Who? Not one of my female staff has been having children lately. Katerina has been feeding both with the bottle of my breastmilk, Sometimes Bichela takes care of the kids too. You might say I am the prized holstein cow!" We all broke out in laughter as we visualized what I was saying. Tonya smiled, "Yeah, well when you and Nancy do that routine, you better make sure you are ready! She is a killer partner!" I knew what she meant by killer! my lower back still hurt! from being flung so fast and hard out onto the ice. I was so unready that I just did not have time to establish my position, I sat down HARD! Tina looked at me, with concern, "I am younger, and not nursing. You are nursing and older and you are with one of the most -338-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene dynamic pairs partner! Michele? How do you do it? Arent you afraid of getting hurt?"

I looked at Tina with concern, "Of course I am! Even so, I still have four children who I love. Even if I was hurt bady physically and couldnt skate, I still have my family to care for. My love of skating is only superceeded by the love of God and the love of my family, nothing else!" Deep down I did wonder. Would I survive? Why couldnt The holy Spirit induce milk production in Bichela? It would have certainly helped if I did not have to ship my breastmilk back to Toriest every two days! But then... What would I do with two full breasts? These are qustions that I often wondered as I practiced with Nancy. Nancy was finally relaxed enough to ease up on her throws, "When Tina told me you are nursing. I began to realize that you do need some warning. I really have alot of respect for a woman at 43 who is shipping milk back to Toriest every two days! If I were in your shoes, I would have taken my children with me!" "Out here! They would possibly die from the cold! No way!", I snapped in revulsion. Nancy sighed, "Maybe you are right! This really is a hellhole! To me its worse than anything I ever been in. Brrr! I am still having bad memories from that World championship 2 years ago." I smiled, "Try wearing a light skimpy skating dress! Thats a huge BRRRR! I have to move fast or I freeze! Now that I have two full breasts, and the fact that age is catching up to me, I have lost some of my edge. Thats why I demanded compulsory figures to be -339-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene returned to scoring! I may have lost my youthful jumping power, but I still can draw figures! Nancy, we dont have to even Jump! Do you know that? We could do a nice program with simple leaps. I have two huge handicaps here. Two overfull milk jugs!"

I had an idea, I guestured for Nancy to follow me to the infirmary, I talked to the doctor on duty, she smiled and pulled out a maternity suit. "This will give you an idea of just what I am feeling like! Try it on under your outerwear. This will demostrate where my center of gravity is. This suit simulates a lactating females body weight distribution. We have one week left, wear this for four days. Then you can decide how we should modify our routine." Nancy wore the suit for four days, she tried to jump. smashed into the ice! she was frustrated, "ARGH! how can you do this!" I smiled, "You have to modify your center of gravity! Thats how!" I showed her how I had to modify my jumps to compensate. "Most nursing skaters dont do competion! I am one of the few! I had to learn this on my own." I showed her my Triple Axel, triple loops and my Satchow, my lutz and my Arabesque glide. She was jolted to see my big breats so obviously noticable. Nancy tried it my way, she was back to her old self! She returned the suit three days before our competion, "We have to modify our routine immediatly! my throws could have broken your back! I never realized just how out of whack your body really is! You have more honor than a Klingon warrior! We also have to change your outfit! That normal heavy dress you wear off ice would look much -340-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene better! Your breasts are way too noticable!

Our modifed routine would not have many major jumps or fast spins. Instead she shifted to glides and figures. She was afraid that we would lose. The judges who were watching the practice quietly noted that we were trying to work with a huge handicap. a nursing mother. When Nancy and I talked with them about our difficulties they agreed to relax the dress code for me, I wore my winter dress. I looked like Madge Syers! a 1908 Olympic figure skater champion! It was much better that way. Both Callonian One Televison and Toriest television were carrying this event. They objected to all of that breast, they had to show morally acceptable material. They even refused to televise us unless I did wear a full dress. I gladly complied! Tina was very happy that Nancy changed this routine. Did you know? Nancy now looks at me as a hero? Did you also know, that Thousands of female figure skaters returned to a full dress after watching us on television? This event was even broadcasted to Terra! Terras ISU changed its rules, especially for nursing mothers, they returned to compulsory figures and long dresses. Some would say that I was a saint as I returned morality into a sport that became so obsessed with body image, flashy jumps and glitter. Our routine was so well liked that we got the Platnum! Without all of that jumping! The audience loved the flow and grace of our skating, our style and our beautiful clothing. Our music chorography carefully blended it all together. Nancy wore a Tuxedo! We were the most polished and poised people on the ice! Tonya wanted to do the same! she asked and was permitted to wear a similar outfit. She won a platnum in the woman singls, She did some axels and toe loops. The judges when they later -341-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene compared her style to mine, really did not feel a jumper should have worn such a long dress, No matter, skating in Maca and Terra was regressing to the style of the early twentieth century! Older men and women again took the ice in droves! Little boys and girls returned to skating school to learn figures. The flashy jumpers and glitz and glamour slowly faded away!

Tina was of the older? generation of skaters. Jumps, axels, toeloops, you name it, she did it. She only got a bronze! The judges really did not feel that she gave skating justice. It was compulsory figures, grace and full dresses again! And dignified women and men. We returned to Toriest with huge crowds waving as we walked off Erics ship. It was a hell of a coming home party as thousands of Tostian females gladly wore full length dresses to honor their female hero. Bichela, dressed in black slacks and a white shirt with tie, and I, dressed in a full figure floral dress, with lace, held our two little children, they were doing wonderful with the imported breastmilk. Natasha was now almost a year old, she had grown very quickly. Tonito smiled as he looked at his baby sister and brother with pride, he carried his baby brother and presented him to Bichela who held her son with the most devestating lovely expression. The men did not want to be undone. They wore suits and ties! Some even had top hats! Things were clearly not the same anymore. Did we start another age? was this age the Michelaian age? How would Queen Victoria of Terra feel at being emulated? Would she really mind? Bichela and I quietly walked to our rink. Madge Syers was skating. "Good afternoon Michele Maria! she smiled. I just wanted to say -342-

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thank you!" I stared at the first woman figure skater to compete in 1902. "Me? Why would you want to congratulate me? Didnt I just ruin equality and all of that?" She smiled, "You got to be joking! You just made thousands of females very happy! Finally anyone could skate again! It no longer was just the pretty ones or the young ones! Watching a nursing mother on ice, whos modesty would not allow her overloaded breasts to become sex objects was delightful! I also would like to thank Nancy also. Your partner clearly learned a valuable lesson with that maternity suit! You are one crafty lady!" Nancy who was dressed in a suit and tie, had just came in when she heard Madge saying that, "Um... Forgive me, I dont know how to say this, but... I think I like things as they are now! I thought skating was all about force and power and speed. Looks like I had finally tasted the other side of the blade." Tina who also had came in with Nancy was equally flabberghasted, "I guess I really got much to learn! Last year my routine would have gotten a gold at least, Now, I only got the bronze! Madge, I really want to learn how to do it the right way! Even if Michele does not compete in two years! I would be honored to carry on the tradition." I smiled at Tina, "Well, in two years I wont be breatfeeding. You never know just what I might do. Yet I do think this was the last championship for me. I really am getting on in years." Madge smiled, "I certainly love your rink! Do me a favor, Can you have your artists work to bring these status and fescoes back to -343-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene decency? They are so tacky."

I smiled, "I dont know Madge. I think they are a reminder of how far we came since your day. I would honored to have you on my wall as a frescoe. I like to think of this as my little tribute to skating." Madge smiled, "I would be honored to stand with you and Bichelas last year championship image. As long as I can skate." I smiled, "The rink is always open! just come ready to enjoy yourself!" I smiled at Nancy, You know, we have come a long way since last year, would you like to be on my wall again, this time with a smile? Nancy grinned, "Absolutly! and you in your dress, skating with Madge and I. Keep your older selves, as you said, this is a special place!" We did it! Now there was one Michele, one Nancy and a Madge Syers on the wall next to Bichela and I of last year. The figures looked like a prosession of history. We even put Tonya back on the wall, This time she was smiling too. wearing a shorter dress that would have been better for a jumper. Tonya loved it. Chapter 24 Bichela One of the most important things to both Michele and I was the issue of high speed transportation. When she was shipping -344-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene breastmilk back to Toriest, this really pointed out the flaws with the current system of transport. Especially for perisible foods! Her breastmilk arrived fine, yet it took 5 days to go from Camp Siberia to Toriest! This was clearly un acceptable! Being I was still friends with King Zarl, and his new wife Queen Jill, we discussed this transportation problem. Both agreed that something had to be done!

Queen Marita of Ricia and Michele had agreed to build a high speed railway to connect both continents. We decided it was time to act on this proposal five years early! While Michele may be a genius in some things, designing a railway was not one of them! It was a technical nightmare! Early evaluations with steam/electric engine prototypes were a fiasco! It was not the engines themselves. It was the Catenary! A engine under its own electrical generation would hit that wire and surge it so bad that the pantograph often fused into the wire! as it surged hundreds of amps and volts throughout the network! Now we had to make a hard choice. Either steam OR electric powered trains. Running catenaries througout Tostia would have costed us a huge fortune! Never mind a major safety hazard! We dropped the wire. and rebuilt the engines to just use a wood fired boiler to generate its own power for the electrical motors in the trucks. In areas where catenaries were practical. Engines were electric only. You cannot have railways without rails! Being Maca was using Metric measurements, the distance from one rail to the other, or guage, was set for 1.5 meters..PP This guage was close to Terran standard guage. Close enough that we could use some Terran -345-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene cars and railway equipment with slight reguaging.

One thing Terra never had standardized on for many years was ways to couple these cars. The American knuckle coupler would be the best, yet it was not ideal for tight turns of track. We evaluated some of the European couplers. We decided to take the American coupler as it really was the best automatic coupler. Michele added a few surprises that would make most carmen happy. When our cars coupled, their pnumatic/electrical braking, signalling and electrical systems connected at the same time. Thus one could not forget to connect a lead! or the old standard brake air hose! Being were were given some Terran cars, our trains would support both electric braking and air braking. Sadly mixing the two in the same consist was so rough that it was decided to stick with one or the other. Air was it. It took us fifteen years to rail Tostia. It took two more to connect to Ricia. Only they thought they would go with Terran standard guage! Neither of our trains could directly link up as they switched to a strange coupler known in model railroading as a X2F! What the hell? "whats an X2F?", I asked Michele, she groaned, "Prototypically sized horn hooks! Yipe! And they are using swiviling trucks too! What did Marita do? Buy a HO Trainset and full scale it?", She did! Only she has engineers in the cabs! No wonder she was made fun of, she really was an idiot! Trains worked fine. only sometimes they would derail or uncouple when going backwards on curves! Her team spent another two years working on improvements. -346-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene The Standard guage was a a little narrower than ours. Ricia would end up spending even more to add a third rail to allow our trains to work on the channel bridges to go to their station. Likewise her trains to our dual gauge station. While our channel bridge tracks were snarled with technical nightmares. our new transcontinental railway really did make transportation faster. One could go from Toriest to Tariza in 5 hours. Versus five days!

Related to this new railroad was a need for fast two way communications between stations. Two methods of communication now were used. Telephone and two way radio. With this railroad came express mail! Passenger, and freight service. Like Michele originally told Talad, shipping costs had greatly plummeted. Thus, lower shipping costs, meant lower prices. At the same token, Zarl and Jill began the same railway work on Calla, Unlike Marita, they used our standards, yet their trains were mainly electric with a catenary. They would be done with their bridge to Toriest in 3 years. The interior railways would take another 39 years to complete. Ricias queen Marita finally wised up. She switched to standard American couplers. She reguaged her trains and tracks for standard Macawnian guage. This took her 4 years, and financially ruined her queendom. She was hung by her own people for her stupidity! At least now you did not have to change cars to go from Toriest or Avillo to Ricava. or Riciova. Sorry Talad! She earned the title of Macas worst queen, not my wife, Michele. Changes were happening so fast that it was difficult to keep track! Our Tostian program was a complete success! We began minting -347-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene gold Tostians worth 50 Tostians, These coins had engravings of Michele and I and our 4 children. The back of the coin had an engraving of the palace. Callanians did the same, they also switched to gold and silver coins. We would later mint the first Tostian coin made of platnum! This coin was the value of 10,000 Tostians. This was mainly used in trade transactions where lots of money changed hands.

Bad old Tariza was totally torn down! A new city would be built on the ruins by me. Still named Tariza. This rebuilt shipping epicenter was the go-between for Rail and transoceanic shipping and passenger service to Lesbos and Moron. Since they loved to enjoy carnel pleasures, we legallized casinos and since we could not stop it no matter how we tried anyway, Prostitution and narcotics! Our treasury would greatly be boosted by the taxes levied on these three things. Now with the high speed passenger service, people from Toriest could go to Tariza for a few hours of fun and come home in a day! Tariza had blossomed into a major attraction, the unemployment rate in Tariza had plummeted from 20 percent to 1 percent in 10 years! Little independpendent Alsay, out of rage for Micheles pardoning of Nancy, did not connect up with our shipping and rail systems. They did trade with Moron, which did trade with Caftra and Tariza. Because of this round robin shipping system, imports from Alsay were horrendously expensive! What about the shipping? Certainly we had found better ways to improve that? Actually it was Ricia that improved ships. They used electric motors that obtained their power from wind, solar and if nothing else. a steam turbine. These charged a large bank of batteries. New screws and more efficent electrical motors -348-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene allowed ships from Riciova to reach Avillo in six hours! Marita would have been proud!

These designs would later be used in transoceanic passenger and cargo shipments. Now instead of taking eightteen days to get to Nancys island, one could be there in five! Nancys island, much to the pleasure of Nancy, would become a winter resort and income resource for her little republic. She did not like the iea of one poor monarch doing all of the grunt work, Nancys Island had a presiential election every 8 years. and a micro quara of 3 members. Laprat powered surface transport was still the main means of moving products from rail and shipping terminals to retailers and customers. I liked the giant cats! I did not want to see them out of work! These 1.2 meter tall cats were very well mannered, I adopted two older females as house cats! Michele was also given two Terran household female tiger cats. Funny to see two kitties only about 19cm tall playing with their big sisters. Yet, they got along! It was also discovered that Laprats and housecats were strongly related, both genetically and socially. Male housecats were later found to have impreginated female Laprats. A few gutsy Laprat Toms have also returned the favor. The result of this cross-breeding was several new species of housecats and laprats. One is full laprat sized, with a housecats personality. Another is housecat sized with the ability to tow quite a load. Being Laprats are normally docile, as are most housecats. Very few aggressive Laprats exist. ________________________________________ -349-

Maca’s World By Michele Marie Dalene


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