Lung Cancer

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 807
  • Pages: 21
It cooks up your food in fastest and easiest way you would have ever imagined... This device about which we will be talking is the one which has revolutionized food preparation since its use became widespread. The device being talked about is….


♦ Simple logic makes us think that heating

something with a microwave is just like heating something normally. ♦ Microwaving is not an ideal form of heating something and using other types of heating to warm food is always recommended. ♦ If we have to use it, we must understand the dangers.

♦ The most concerning issue

is the use of plastics in a microwave. ♦ According to information circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, heating our food in microwave oven especially fatty food releases dioxins which are highly poisonous to the cells of our body and causes cancer.

♦ No Plastic containers in microwave. ♦ No Plastic wrap in microwave ♦ Use glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or

ceramic containers for heating food ♦ Paper Towel can be put on the foods to be cooked in the microwave instead of using plastic wrap such as Saran.

At homes or at restaurants, it might happen accidentally or due to carelessness that a microwave is left on with nothing inside resulting in the leakage of the radiations from the oven that may become a potent cause of to the operators of the microwave in homes and restaurants. The need is to find some arrangement for the absorption of the radiations in case of the oven being left empty and still on.

 Firstly we need to detect presence of any

material present on rotating plate which can be done through piezoelectric transducer simultaneously microwave detector is also required.  If no material is present but wave energy measure is non zero, user can be warned by sounding a buzzer.

 Our problem will get solved by setting up

some permanent internal controlling system to absorb these microwaves.  For some inbuilt permanent absorbing system, a suitable absorbent is required.

Closed container

Open container

♦ Container should be such that, being closed, it allows the

radiations to enter it but doesn’t allow the leakage of harmful microwaves in surroundings. ♦ For this, we recommend a cubical container with one side facing the heating chamber to be of glass and the remaining sides to be metal walls. ♦ Now this water can get highly heated in case when the oven is turned on for long durations and thus can lead to superheating of water. ♦ Just one liter of water when superheated at a temperature slightly above 100degrees can produce 3 liters of steam.

♦ Therefore an appropriate cooling system

along with the water container is also necessary to avoid superheating of water. ♦ Desirable properties of liquid coolant for microwave ovens— non toxicity , noninflammability and good absorption ♦ The internal surfaces of the container are made rough so as to avoid formation of smooth surfaces which generally help in facilitating the superheating of water.

♦ A detachable pocket type container

attached to back wall of heating chamber. ♦ But, water level needs to be maintained in this type of container as due to one open side, there will be continuous loss of water. ♦ To a certain extent loss can be controlled by adding ethylene glycol in water as this increases boiling point of water.

1.A piezoelectric pressure sensor is placed at the bottom of the pocket holding water. 2.As the amount of water in it changes, the voltage generated by the sensor would change as well. 3.The voltage corresponding to the minimum permissible amount is taken as the reference and the signal is fed to a comparator. 4.A positive signal is generated when the water level is less than the lower limit and this signal is fed to an LED. The LED is placed at front panel of the microwave. It glows indicating that water solution needs to be added.

♦ Open container ♦ No cooling system required. ♦ Water needs to be refilled. ♦ Measuring system is important part. ♦ Less portable.

♦ Closed container ♦ Cooling system is required. ♦ No need of refilling of water. ♦ Measuring system is also not required. ♦ Portable.

The vast majority of plastics used in food wraps and packaging do not contain the chemical constituents needed to form dioxins so there is no such hazard of lung cancer and all cancers in general. There is dire need to change our life style and have a close look at the things we use for our food preparation. We have proposed some changes in the design of a microwave oven which, if employed can contribute in its own way to negate the radiations that can be a potent cause for

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