Lpumc News & Views-oct 2009

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St. Louis, MO Permit No. 2950 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314.771.9214

Happenings at LPUMC Operation HOGAR; Juarez, Mexico Oct. 3-9

Welcome to our new Young Adult Minister!

Pumpkin Patch Oct. 10-31 ‘Fall Fun Fest’ Oct. 17, 10-12 am Blessing of the Animals Oct. 1 pm ‘Are you Smarter than a Youth’ Trivia Night Oct. 17, 7 pm

October 2009



A monthly publication of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church ◊ October 2009 A church without walls, creating a visible sign of Christ’s presence in our urban community and beyond

LPUMC News & Views–

9:00am Adult Sunday School

Oct. 17 You th Trivia Night, 7 pm Oct. 34 Car Wash 10 am

the Date…

Join us this Sunday…

8:00am Family Friendly Service

Youth and Kids Sunday School

10:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am Fellowship Hour (fellowship hall)

News & Views

Non-Profit U.S. Postage

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As a people of faith, we Save recognize the diversity of people created in the image of Oct. 3-9 VIM Trip, Juarez, MX Oct. 10-31 Pumpkin Patch God.

We welcome to this congregation people of any age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, health status, and any element of humanity created by God.


News & Views

Car Wash Oct. 24, 10 am Sun School - 9-9:50 Adult, Kids & Teens classes

This Issue Wilder View


Check It Out


Earth Care Column


LPUMC new happen-


ings! Calendar


Time with Sharon


Aaron Ban, our new Young Adult Minister It is with great joy and anticipation that I bring in the new school year (and the Jewish new year) by starting my ministry here at Lafayette Park UMC. As many of you already know, I am a student at Eden Theological Seminary entering my second year of studies for a three-year masters program. I had the privilege of working with Kathleen last year at Centenary, and decided to continue our working relationship at her other ―charge,‖ with a particular focus on building young adult ministries.

In addition to long walks on the beach, I enjoy singing, and my wife Caroline and I have already been fitted with choir robes. The community we have encountered through its central practice of worship here has been extremely warm and affirming. Instead of saying, ―I have to go to work today,‖ it is my privilege to say, ―I get to go serve the people of Lafayette Park!‖ The soil is indeed fertile for Jesus to sow new seeds, guiding our feet and opening our eyes in the presence of one another and the greater community. Sincerely, Aaron Ban

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News &

CHURCH CONTACTS Church Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 314-771-9214 Pastor Rev. Kathleen Wilder [email protected] Associate Pastor Sharon Kichline [email protected] Church Secretary Maria Lawrence M-F 9:00 a.m. - Noon [email protected] Newsletter Editor Elena Greene [email protected] Newsgroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lpumc WebMaster Chris Finley [email protected] Preschool Director Edna Coleman [email protected] Youth Director The Gospel Rockers Chad Johnson [email protected]

News & Views Editor Elena Greene Newsletter Production Bob & Jeris Beane Sunday Bulletin Production Betty Disbennett Mary Disbennett


From the . . .

Five years ago a new pastor of a small „struggling‟ church in the urban core of St. Louis, had this really crazy idea. “Let‟s host a pumpkin patch on the church parking lot.” She had heard it was a great fund raising opportunity, and since the church was somewhat cash strapped at the time, this seemed like an easy way to break out of the financial bind. Oh, there were some concerns…”Someone might throw a pumpkin through our stained glass window….What happens if someone steals the pumpkins (after all we are located in the big, bad city) ….someone might smash them on our lot, and make a great mess.” However, this small church stepped out in faith, and hosted its

first pumpkin patch. One day a woman in a van stopped by the patch. She was from an agency that cares for children who have been severely abused. “Would it be possible for the children to come and play in the patch, even though we do not have money to buy pumpkins?” “Of course,” said the person working at the pumpkin patch and then they began to seek sponsors for children without money, so that every child could leave with a small pumpkin of their own. Even though the patch didn‟t earn the huge amount of money that the church anticipated that year, the patch was rich in the joy and laughter of the children, children who had been traumatized, children enjoying a care

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!       

Thank you to the Men’s Group for their delicious breakfasts between worship services. Thank you for the energy of the many people that are involved in working with Sunday morning education for our children and youth. Thank you for those who cleaned and prepared our building to get ready to receive company for Homecoming Sunday. Thank you to Bob Kessel for sending invitations for our Homecoming Celebration. Thank you to the McBride and Byrd/Johnson families for hosting a lovely Homecoming luncheon, and for all those who contributed with delicious side dishes and desserts. Thank you for those returning to serve in the choir and for those new voices that have joined We want to thank everyone for their prayers and cards during my illness. Prayers do help, as we know, since the chemo is working and the tumor is shrinking. ~Sherry and Mike Owens.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

October 2009

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Sharing Time with Sharon: Traveling in the Darkness Today, I spent two hours getting my headlights replaced on my car. They couldn’t find anything wrong with them, but they had completely shorted out twice this week while I was driving home from church after dark. This was worse than if, when I first started the car, they had simply just not come on at all. I would have called my trusty friends at AAA , and we would have dealt with the issue before I found myself hurtling down the highway in total darkness at (or near) the speed limit. After some time of checking, and making phone calls, the dealer agreed to replace the headlights. Their machines couldn’t find a problem, but they concluded that the risk of leaving them in place was too high. I agreed. It’s a good thing when your lights turn on when you need them...but it’s a better thing that they stay on when you are trusting in them. So it is with our faith, our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. How often have we taken it for granted, expecting that, because we have once had a transformative experience in our life, our faith, will just be there for us and we’ll know how to access it when we need it? That transformative experience was catalytic, for certain, and probably propelled us into a deeper relationship with God. But if we don’t attend to our faith through connecting with others in prayer, Bible study, Christian conversations and fellowship, and reaching out to others, then we may have difficulty connecting with God just when we need it most critically. In other words, our faith might short out, just when we find ourselves hurtling at high speed in darkness.

dread. I couldn’t even form the words of a prayer. But I had made a few phone calls before leaving, asking others to pray. And pray they did. The church prayer chain kicked in, and prayers started flying heavenward. A friend called and prayed over the phone for and with me for miles as I drove on. I was covered, drenched, saturated in prayers, as were my brother and his family. I felt the love, the assurance, the peace that surpasses all understanding. My faith held me up through a connection with God via my church family. My headlights blazed on in the darkness, because of people of faith that surrounded me in prayer. I never felt alone.

Coming to worship is very good. But I encourage you, my friends, to stay after, talking and sharing. Come back in the middle of the week for bible study and prayer. Join others on a Saturday in risk taking a mission and service. Attend to your faith through the energy you pour into engaging with your faith family. It will serve you well. For these people will remind you that God is right there; embracing you, loving you all the way. And you will never be alone in the dark. Peace,

Pastor Sharon

A few weeks ago, that’s what happened to me. I was in route to see my critically ill brother, who had been hospitalized with a high fever and a mysterious and aggressive infection. It didn’t look good at all….in fact it looked really bad. I was driving numbed, filled with Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

(continued from page 4)

Inkjet and Toner Cartridges and the parking lot. Cell Phones for Recycling Simple Fundraisers Don’t forget to bring these items Schnucks eScrip Card

2nd and 4th Sundays after 8 a.m. service

to the church office! This helps our environmental fundraiser.

Website Update

Continue to look for updates on the website. Checkout the Yahoo Aluminum cans for Recycling photo pages. Comments? ConLook for can collection bin in tact Chris Finley at [email protected]. 2

8 a.m. Grace Praise Service Try the early, contemporary service.

1. Pick up a Schnucks eScrip Community Card at a Schnucks Service Desk or LPUMC office. 2. Register the Card. 3. Show the Card at Checkout.

Macy’s Fundraising Card Register your Macy’s card at https://secure.escrip.com/jsp/supporter/ authentication/password.jsp When you make a purchase, a percentage will be donated to LPUMC as a fundraiser.

Earth Care: Easy Recycling Tips The average U.S citizen generates Recycle it and keep it out of the 5 pounds of waste per Landfill. day or 1,825 pounds per year. According to the Newspaper—Recycling a Environmental Protecfour foot high stack of tion Agency approxinewspapers saves one tree mately 30% of our waste from being harvested! Alis containers and packagthough these trees are ing. So 600 pounds are grown for paper production, headed for the trash! recycling paper consumes That cardboard box can fewer resources (water and be recycled and the plastic bag electricity) and produces less air polcan be recycled. Close The Loop.

lution. Just drop off your newspapers in the bin on the church parking lot. Aluminum—Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours — or the equivalent of a half gallon of gasoline. An aluminum can that is thrown away will still be a can 500 years from now! Just drop off your

Program Youth Ministries: Chad Johnson Education: Marti Latimore Outreach: Robin and Eric Merle Missions: Nancy Thuer; Larry Heugatter Worship: Jeff Jensen; Sue Meyers Stewardship: Brenda Cook Music: Kourtney Strade

Page 9

cans in the bin on the church parking lot. Light Bulbs– An ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) will save about $30 over its lifetime and pay for itself in about 6 months. It uses 75 percent less energy and lasts about 10 times longer than an incadescent bulb. To keep the mercury out of the landfill, you can drop off your old CFL bulbs at Home Depot and Lowes. It is so easy to be a good steward of our environment!


8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Children’s Church 10 a.m. service Communion: First Sunday of the Month

Sunday School

Other Conference Lay Member: Jim McCorkle United Methodist Women: Historian: Tom Keay Wills and Memorials: Larry Heugatter Wedding Coordinator: Lynne Keay

Preschool CHARIS Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Recycling

Weekdays at 9 a.m. during school year Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Mondays at 7 p.m. Every other Monday at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Aluminum (Blue bin outside) Paper Recycling (Green bin outside) Cell Phones & Print Cartridges (Fellowship Hall)

Centenary CARES’ Mission ...to provide an avenue where human need and available resources can converge. Through a freemeals program and providing access to other necessary services, guests are treated as valuable humans of worth and given opportunity to work to-

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

ships with other community health and service agencies. Centenary CARES is dedicated to seeking paths of justice, dignity and respect for all marginalized people living in the downtown St. Louis community.

9 a.m. Adult. Teen & Kids - summer vacation

Service to our Community

ward self-sufficiency through cooperative partner(continued on page 9)

Ministry Teams at LPUMC Administrative Church Council: Daron Smith Board of Trustees: Steve Coffey Publicity: Debra Crowe Finance: Bethany Spaulding Treasurer: Sherry Owens Finan. Secretary: Maria Lawrence Lay Leadership: Sharon Domke Parish Relations: Sheryl Smothers


Earth Care Column

CHECK IT OUT! Men’s Breakfast


Stewardship for August Brown Bags: 74 for August; 324 YTD Attendance: 503 Ministry Gifts: $ 12,217.73 Designated: $3,035.78 Prayer Hours: 62 hours Service Hours: 63 hours We have paid 100% of our District Apportionments and we are at 49% of our way to our Conference Apportionments.

We are impacting lives in the state of Missouri and around the world!

RMN MISSION STATEMENT: Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice. Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News &

October 2009

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“A visible sign of Christ’s presence in our urban community and beyond” Check out what is going on at UMC! Come to the Pumpkin Patch!

Do you like to watch movies that make you think? Mid-high and Senior-high kids are invited to come to the new

Are you Smarter than a Youth?

La fa y et t e P ark U n i t ed M et hod i st Ch urc h 2300 Lafayette Ave.

Time: Where: What:

Who: The Gospel Rockers (Youth Group), Lafayette Park United Methodist Church What: Trivia Night 2009

Movie Review When:

Youth Trivia Night 2009

When: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday, October 17th - Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday mornings, Beginning Sept. 13th 9:00am-9:50am Meet in the Chapel downstairs Bring your eyes, your brain, & your appetite!

Where: Fellowship Hall, 2300 Lafayette Avenue, St.Louis, Mo 63104 Sponsors: The Gospel Rockers (Youth Group) of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church Cost: $10 each seat or $80 for a table Info: (314) 602-0318 Enjoy the Straw Maze! Pick out the BEST Pumpkin! N o o n

STORIES Stories Stories Stories Stories Come EXPERIENCE the Stories of the Bible Sunday mornings 9am-9:50am Tots-Fifth Graders Education Room Begins September 13th

October 10-31 10:00am to 6:00pm Mon-Sat t o 6 : 0 0 p m o n S u n d a y s

CHILDREN’S FALL FUN FEST 10/17 from 10am-Noon, followed by

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS at 1pm Bring your 4-footed, furry friends to the Patch! To schedule the Patch for a class or group, call Sharon at 771-9214, ext 20.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Details: Reserve a table for this fun and ―youthful‖ event. Questions will cover high school topics from geography, math, literature and even the 3-R’s. Come and join other adults to relive your high school years and see if you still remember things you learned as a youth. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Trivia starts at 7 p.m. Cost is $10.00 a person or $80.00 per table. Soda and popcorn are included, while supplies last. To reserve a table or for more information, contact Chad Johnson, Youth Director by calling 314.602.0318 or e-mail: [email protected]. Additionally, a silent auction will be available and mulligan’s will be for sale. This event is an adult only event. This fundraiser supports activities of the Youth Group in the area of missions, conferences, service projects and just fun.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News &


Out of the Darkness Suicide is a national health problem that takes an enormous toll on families, friends, co-workers, schools and the entire community. Sadly, every minute of every day, someone attempts to take their own life and every 16 minutes someone dies by suicide. We also need to educate the public to recognize the symptoms of depression, especially in teenagers as they are a particularly vulnerable group. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is conducting one of their Out of the Darkness Community Walks here in St. Louis on November 1st to raise much needed funds for prevention and education. A portion of the funds raised will support distribution of AFSP’s new film More Than Sad: Teen Depression to area high schools. The film will educate teens about depression and treatment options. To learn more about the Out of the Darkness Community Walk visit www.outofthedarkness.org and for more information about the film visit www.morethansad.org. My site is Lafayette Park Lafayette Square. I am doing this in honor of my daughter-in-law Stephanie Morris. The walk starts at 11 AM in one of the Creve Couer Parks. I have made arrangements that those of us who go to church on Sunday may start at 12:30 after the speeches. We will have our own walk. I will have buttons with Steph's picture for us to wear and carry her memorial poster done by Jay Ryan of The Bird Machine & Dianogh (the group she went to England with in May) My fundraiser goal is $200. http://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm is my donor location Submitted by Lynne Keay

Wanted: Reading Mentors This past summer, a group of folks went to Hodgen Elementary School and read with at-risk children. Now we have another opportunity to be engaged in helping kids learn how to read better, and to be "encouragers" of their self confidence in school and in life. We have been invited to become tutors to mentor second graders at Hodgen Elementary, meeting once a week with our assigned student for 30 minutes. A group is forming now. You do not need to have teaching credentials. If God is calling you to become an ―encourager‖, contact Sharon now at 5660332 or at [email protected]. It will be the best 30 minutes of your week!

OCtober 2009

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“Good Sense” Financial Considerations Bethany Spaulding, CPA, CMA, CCSA, CRP, “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” This phrase was popular in an old song—and this month it’s the theme of my life. Every where I turn I sense God wanting me to understand love. If we really knew—had integrated into our every thought and belief—how much God loved us, I believe our finances would no longer be cause for concern. The scripture below helps us begin to see this great love as it compares God’s love for us to how, even those who aren’t living for God, can love their children: ―If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!‖ Matthew 7:11 (NIV)

That’s not to say that all people know how to give good gifts to their children. If your family life was less than perfect or was abusive, this may not be a good example for you of God’s love. The past may have kept many of us from being able to receive God’s love and blessings, since our view of God is influenced early on by our parents and other authority figures. How do you see God? Is God the loving parent in this scripture, or something else? Maybe this month is the time to set an intention to get to know the real God—the One who can be an unconditionally loving mother or father to us. The One who is so willing to give us good gifts and supply all our needs if we will just trust God to help us open our hearts to recieve . Getting to know the real God may take some time, but it is well worth the journey! For: ―...neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.‖ Romans 8:39 (NIV)

Tip of the Month:

Stop and think about God’s love for a few minutes each day, in a quite place. Imagine yourself getting a hug from Jesus, or a big smile, or even sitting on God’s lap. Perhaps read scriptures , or find a partner to meet with during the week and share what you have been reading/ thinking. As time passes, be aware of how this practice of love affects your attitude toward your life and finances. Lets set an intention to let God’s love fill our lives and drive our financial stress and fear!

The Pumpkins are Coming! The Pumpkins are Coming! Mark your calendars now to meet the pumpkin truck and help unload at 9am on Saturday morning, October 10th. Pumpkin Patch Designers and Straw Maze Architects are needed at 8:00! If you have a secret flair for making and decorating a spooky (yet safe) pumpkin patch, WE NEED YOU!

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

Calendar Oct. 3-9

Operation HOGAR; Juarez, Mexico

Oct. 10-31

Pumpkin Patch

Oct. 11

Men’s Breakfast, 9 a.m.

Oct. 17

Are you Smarter than a Youth, 7 pm

Oct. 20

*Charge Conference Coming

Oct. 24

Car wash, 10 am

Oct. 25

Men’s Breakfast, 9 a.m. A Look Ahead...

Nov. 14

Progressive Dinner

New Day-time Bible Study Coming in October Come join our new, sweeping study of the books of the Old Testament. Together, we’ll discover the story of God’s grace found from Genesis and Exodus, through the Psalms, and beyond to the words of the prophets. No prior biblical study necessary. Bring your Bible if you have one, or we’ll fix you up with one at the church. What: Invitation to the Old Testament, A Short Term DISCIPLE Bible Study When:

Tuesday afternoons, 1::00-2:30 p.m


October 20th for 8 weeks


LPUMC Fellowship Hall

How: Contact Pastor Sharon at 566-0332 or [email protected]

Scriptures for October

October Covenant Partners

October 4 Job 1;1, 2:1-10 Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 Job 23:1-9, 16-17 Hebrews 4:12-16 Job 38:1-7 Hebrews 5:1-10 Job 42:1-6, 10-17 Hebrews 7:23-28

Psalm 26

October 11 Psalm 22:1-15 Mark 10:17-31 October 18 Psalm 104 Mark 10:35-45 October 25 Psalm 34 Mark 10:46-52

October 4 Bellefontaine Rev. Nathan P. Wolff Beloved Community Rev. Aubry Jones October 11 Bethel Rev. Leonard Krudop Clayton Rev. Linda Gastreich October 18 Concord Trinity Rev. Gregory M. Weeks Eureka Rev. Duane D. Larson October 25 Fenton Rev. Debra A. Peebles Ferguson Rev. Lisa M. Scott-Joiner

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

October 2009

Page 3

Wilder View . . .

free morning. It really was rich a be pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread, and return on the investment. maybe even rolls this year. There will be new friendships created, more There is a saying, “mighty oaks lives touched. There will be lots of from small acorns grow.” This pumpkins sold and lots of pumpkins crazy idea of a pumpkin patch sponsored. We make money to help grew and grew, and the Navajo tribe, grew. Now the and even some to church is known as support the ministhe Pumpkin tries of the church. Church. In just a few days the semiThis church isn‟t truck will arrive small anymore, and a group of peoand certainly isn‟t ple will help unload struggling either. It pumpkins that a isn‟t even as finanNavajo tribe grew cially strapped this summer. There anymore. Howwill be volunteers who will share ever, there is one thing that hasn‟t the grace of God and the beauty of changed….our patch will once again pumpkins with our community. be rich in the joy of children‟s laughThere will be children‟s parties ter, rich in the sound of children exand animal blessings. There will periencing the carefree grace of God.

Won‟t you please consider playing with us on our patch as we live out our vision of being “A church without walls creating a visual sign of Christ‟s presence in our urban community, and beyond.”

~Pastor Kathleen of the Pumpkin Church

~~~ Many more thanks! ~~~       

Thank you for all those who have participated in the mosquito nets for Catembe. This is a gift of life. Thank you to those who participated in raking and gardening in Lafayette Square Park as part of the Midwest Mission Blitz. Thank you for those who provide delicious Communion bread and juice each month. Thank you to all of our musicians who lead worship at Grace Squared, our 8am contemporary worship service Thank you to Steve Coffey, Jeff Jensen, and Jack Hawk for your faithful support of the audio and visual ministry of the church. Thank you to all who have worked to make our new youth space safe and attractive. Thank you to the Boutique for your gracious presence during the week.

News & Views is published monthly. Submit any information or articles by the 17th of each month to [email protected]. For other information, contact Elena Greene at 776-0365 or the Church Office.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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