Lpumc News & Views-dec 2009

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A monthly publication of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church ◊ November 2009 A church without walls, creating a visible sign of Christ’s presence in our urban community and beyond

Happenings at LPUMC

From The Wilder View Luke 2:7 …and she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

Cookie Party, 10 am Dec.6 Breakfast with Santa Dec. 12 9:30 am LPUMC News & Views– December 2009

9:00am Adult Sunday School

Save the Date…

Join us this Sunday…

8:00am Family Friendly Service

Dec. 6 Cookie Party Dec. 12 Breakfast with Santa Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Family Serice Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Serivce

Youth and Kids Sunday School

10:00am Traditional Worship 11:00am Fellowship Hour (fellowship hall)

News & Views

Non-Profit U.S. Postage

Page 12

As a people of faith, we recognize the diversity of people created in the image of God.

We welcome to this congregation people of any age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, health status, and any element of humanity created by God.


News & Views

Christmas Cantata 10am Service Dec. 20 Christmas Eve Family Service, 4 pm Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Traditional Candlelight Service Dec.24

This Issue Wilder View


Check It Out


Earth Care Column


Financial Considerations 5



Time with Sharon


It wasn’t a special day. I was living out my normal schedule. Running from one meeting to another, making phone calls as I traveled, and thinking about the things I needed to do in the free moments at stop lights. I pulled up to the church. Really quick now, I told myself, “you need to get in, get out, pick up ____, ____, ___, and get to the next place. Hurry!” Then this verse came to my head. “…there was no room for them in the inn.” Wow, what an odd verse to run through my head when I am thinking about getting things accomplished. After all it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet! Why am I already thinking about Christmas? (maybe because it was getting close to the deadline for this article?) “…there was no room for them in the inn.” The words came to me again. Hmm, I wonder… no, gotta fly, people are waiting on me. I need to get in, get out, and go. “…there was no room for them in the inn.” Once again, these words floated through my mind. Finally I realized that it was probably the Holy Spirit

working on me. So I stopped just a moment and wondered… could it be possible that there was no room in my inn? Well at least in my day? Wait a minute, I already had my personal devotional and prayer time, God; I made room for you this morning…what do you mean, there is no room? Yet those words swirled around me once again. My friends, we are entering a time when the world just gets faster and faster. Our calendars are getting fuller and fuller. Our commitments are becoming greater and greater, and maybe, just maybe, we are not making room for the real meaning of Christmas. Maybe the ‘inn’ is the place in our daily lives that we stop to invite the Christ child to help us see the world from the perspective of innocence and fun. How much room have we set aside in our calendar to experience the wonder of birth and life? How much room do we have in our day to be quiet and reflect upon the joy of God’s greatest gift? This advent, I invite you to stop and intentionally make room…make room in your day; make room in your schedule, and in your life to encounter Emmanuel, God with us! Happy Advent!

~Pastor Kathleen

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

CHURCH CONTACTS Church Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 314-771-9214 Pastor Rev. Kathleen Wilder [email protected] Associate Pastor Sharon Kichline [email protected] Church Secretary Maria Lawrence M-F 9:00 a.m. - Noon [email protected] Newsletter Editor Elena Greene [email protected] Newsgroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lpumc WebMaster Chris Finley [email protected] Preschool Director Edna Coleman [email protected] Youth Director Chad Johnson [email protected] Young Adult Minister Aaron Ban [email protected]

News & Views Editor Elena Greene Newsletter Production Bob & Jeris Beane Sunday Bulletin Production Betty Disbennett Mary Disbennett

Dear Lafayette Park United Methodist Church: Thank you for you generous donation of Wish List items to the USO of Missouri. Your donation will make a real difference. There is not a more cherished image in the military community than the USO. In 2007, we served over 300,000 military personnel and their families thanks to the dedicated support of over 600 volunteer and donors like you. Your support enables the USO of Missouri to continue operation of the facility at the Lambert-St. Louis Airport with all services and amenities absolutely FREE to military personnel and their families. The USO of Missouri also operates a facility at For Leonard Wood. This would not be possible without your support. We receive no government or United Way support and are not part of the Department of Defense. We depend entirely on private donations to serve those who bravely serve. Sincerely, Kathy O’Conner, Executive Director Dear Reverend Wilder, On behalf of the residents 6th Ward, I would like you for your partnership in our Day of Peace, Rally and March. Your efforts made all the difference and I am encouraged by your stand to restore peace and calm our community. Thank you again for your support. Together we will make our City the best it can be. In Service, Kacie Starr Triplett Alderwoman 6th Ward

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! •

To all those who cleaned, baked, cooked, served, and cleaned up for our annual Turkey Dinner. It brought our neighbors in to taste our hospitality, and it was GOOD! • For the counters who count the money each week after the worship service, and sacrifice the goodies and fellowship happening downstairs. • For Shelby Hileman and Bob Kessel, who send out their notes and cards of welcome. • For the caring and clever teachers that have been hosting The Bible Stories Sunday school class for our children. • For the thoughtful teachers of our youth Movie Review, helping our young culture-consumers think deeper. • For the leadership at LPUMC, who offer their time and creativity to making us a church without walls, a visible sign of Christ’s presence in our urban community and beyond.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

December 2009

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Sharing Time with Sharon: Finding Hope Said the night wind to the little lamb, “Do you see what I see? Way up in the sky, little lamb, do you see what I see? A star, a star, dancing in the night, with a tail as big as a kite.” It was back in October, 1962, and the Soviet Union and the United States were involved in a crisis centered on missiles the Russians had installed in Cuba. The United States threatened military action if the missiles were not removed. The world trembled and prayed as these two nuclear powers stood eyeball-toeyeball. That October, as Noel Regney walked through the streets of New York, a sense of despair was everywhere. No one smiled. Everybody hung on the words of the radio newscasters, waiting, waiting, waiting, to learn if the security that they had known was on the verge of being obliterated. Noel knew something about war and fear of death. Forced to serve in the German army during WWII, he secretly also served the French resistance, risking his life many times as he shared German plans for harm with the French freedom fighters. Years later, he and his wife, Gloria, living in New York, worked as a song-writing team. Christmas was approaching, and Noel had been asked to write a holiday song. In this time of thick tension and cold fear, he could not muster any enthusiasm or inspiration. Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, “Do you hear what I hear? Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy, Do you hear what I hear? A song, a song, high above the tree with a voice as big as the sea.” But then one day walking home, he saw two mothers with their babies giggling at each other from their strollers. Their joy transformed him, and filled his heart with poetry. The little ones reminded him of newborn lambs, and he began to muss, “Said the night wind to the little lamb....”As soon as Noel arrived home, he jotted down the lyrics, and Gloria set them to music. I am struck how this story pivots on a peek into the

world of God’s reign of tenderness and goodness, even in the midst of external fear and turmoil. While the East coast sat in the sights of a belligerent world power, God was revealed in the goofy, gurgling delight of children. Hope sprung forth for this songwriter, even as it did 2000 years ago for those who, beleaguered by their lives of poverty and oppression, gazed upon the Messiah child. Our own era has known some major turbulence this past year too. There is certainly fear, for shrinking saving accounts, another rent check due, and the potential of impending illness. People are still hurting each other in our neighborhoods, in our cities, even in our service bases. There is no shortage of bullies, big and small. But during this season, we are reminded that God is still with us…and will show up in the most amazing places in the least likely container. Who could have imagined that he would choose to present himself where the cows and donkeys were stabled, as the baby of politically and economically invisible parents? Said the king to the people everywhere, “Listen to what I say! Pray for peace, people, everywhere, listen to what I say! The Child, The Child sleeping in the night, He will bring us goodness and light, He will bring us goodness and light.” As we await the celebration of the birth of Emmanuel, we are reminded that Hope is still alive through God’s presence with us. We are never alone, not ever. God’s purposes for healing and wholeness for us continue, even in the face of our present difficulties. Look into the sweet face of a child, and yet again, see the hope for tomorrow revealed. Find the truth on which we may take comfort… “He will bring us goodness and light.” May God’s peace and grace be upon you in this season of waiting, Pastor Sharon

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

Something Really Important In the humdrum of your week, do you ever dream of doing something really important with your life? Just 30 minutes a week as a reading mentor will change the trajectory of a child’s life. No kidding! In the first three years of school, children learn to read. After that, they read to learn. Kids who have missed a lot of school or have learning or emotional disabilities fall through the cracks. Mentors help at-risk kids to go back and pick up important reading skills that were missed along the way, so they can feel successful as they continue to learn. When the children return to school on January 5th, there will be some of them who will not have a reading mentor. If you have 30 minutes once a week in your schedule, please consider joining a group of us who mentor second graders at Hodgen Elementary. Reading times are Tuesday or Thursday, 10:15 or 12:40. You do not need to have teaching credentials. Contact Pastor Sharon now at 566-0332 or at [email protected], and change the life of a child. Could anything be more important?

December 2009

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Locksmith If you are a locksmith, or know someone that is a good locksmith that would be willing to help us, please let me know. We are looking into making some master keys for the church. Thanks, Steve Coffey - Trustee Chair 314-604-5056

OUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE Worship Service Sunday: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m. Children’s Church: 10 a.m. service Communion: First Sunday of the Month

Sunday School

9 a.m. Adult, Teen & Kids

Service to our Community Preschool Weekdays at 9 a.m. during school year CHARIS Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Recycling Aluminum (Blue bin outside) Paper Recycling (Green bin outside) Cell Phones & Print Cartridges (Fellowship Hall)

Earth Care: Tips for Green Holiday Giving Is anything more wonderful than finding the perfect gift for someone, or receiving the present that’s just what you needed? How about gift-giving accompanied by the knowledge that your gift is also a gift for the planet? There’s more to green giving than just switching to the stuff with the “green” label. Here are some pointers for finding the

right gifts that make everyone happy. Be sure your gift will get used. A gift that the receiver does not use is simply wasted. Give a consumable gift. The gift will not be left unused in the corner of their closet. Share a piece of yourself. Offer your services. Make a gift of any service. You will still reduce material consumption.

Give a gift where it is needed on behalf of someone better off. Improve another family by the gift of a llama or a sheep on their behalf. Buy a local gift. A gift made or grown locally you have discovered right here. Gifts are wonderful expressions of friendship. Just keep in mind the true meaning of Christmas, and that is so much more important than gift giving.

Program Youth Ministries: Chad Johnson Education: Cindy Pillow Outreach: Robin and Eric Merle Missions: Nancy Thuer; Larry Heugatter Worship: Jeff Jensen; Sue Meyers Stewardship: Brenda Cook Music: Kourtney Strade Preschool Liaison: Cindy Pillow

...to provide an avenue where human need and available resources can converge. Through a free -meals program and providing access to other necessary services, guests are treated as valuable humans of worth and given opportunity to work toward self-sufficiency through cooperative partnerships with other community health and service

Ministry Teams at LPUMC Administrative Church Council: Daron Smith Board of Trustees: Steve Coffey Publicity: Debra Crowe Finance: Bethany Spaulding Treasurer: Sherry Owens Finan. Secretary: Maria Lawrence Lay Leadership: Sharon Domke Parish Relations: Sheryl Smothers

The Bridge Mission

Other Conference Lay Member: Chad Johnson United Methodist Women: Jeris Beane Historian: Tom Keay Wills and Memorials: Larry Heugatter Wedding Coordinator: Lynne Keay

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

agencies. The Bridge is dedicated to seeking

Join us for a fun time on December 6th, after 10a service to remember Lois and celebrate

the annual cookie party.

paths of justice, dignity and respect for all marginalized people living in the downtown St. Louis Please bring your school supplies to share with the community.

children of Epworth and Hodgen college bond Elementry.

RMN MISSION STATEMENT: Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice. Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

December 2009

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Home for the Holidays….A celebration of God’s Amazing Gift to Us—His Son, Jesus! Christmas Eve Family Friendly Service 4:00 pm

Christmas Fellowship 9:30pm—10:30 pm

Christmas mini-concert 10:30 pm-10:55

Traditional Candlelight Service 11:0 0 pm

Centenary Candlelight Service 7:00 pm A time for memories of Christmas Past, memories of times shared together! And a time for making new memories that will be cherished for years to com. Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

Poinsettias Order Form/Mozambique Covenant Donation

December 2009

World Aids Day Events

Here is a list of a few World AIDS day events. For more info Would you like to purchase poinsettias to decorate the Sanctuary for Christ- please go to EFA's website. mas and/or make a donation toward our Mozambique Covenant? Flowers and/or Mozambique Covenant donations may be purchased to honor or me- Goldfarb School of Nursing at morialize a loved one. Poinsettia ($8.50) Orders will be taken 11/29 through Barnes-Jewish College will display panels of the 12/6. AIDS Memorial Quilt, Nov. 23 thru Dec.11, 2009. They will also Your Name _______________________________ Phone # host a WAD service & activities ______________________ from 4 pm-7 pm Dec. 1. # of Poinsettias? ($8.50 each) __________ Christ Church Cathedral will hold a Eucharist at 7 pm Dec. In Honor Of__________________________ In Memory 1st. Reading of names will begin Of_______________________ at 6 pm. Mozambique Covenant $_________________________________ Metropolitan Community Church of Greater SaintLouis will host a In Honor Of__________________________ In Memory World AIDS Day Service beginOf_______________________ Payment must be submitted with your order. Please make checks payable to What is Advent? This year, the Season of Advent begins November 29th. Advent is the first season of the Christian Calendar, and it stretches over the four Sundays before Christmas, and ends at midnight on Christmas Eve. Advent is marked by a spirit of expectation, of anticipation, of preparation, of longing. There is a yearning for deliverance from the evils of the world, first expressed by Israelite slaves in Egypt as they cried out from their bitter oppression under Egyptian tyranny. It is grounded in the hope that we still share with our ancient ancestors of the reign of an Anointed One, a Messiah, who will bring peace, justice, and righteousness to the world. We traditionally begin the First Sunday of Advent with the Hanging of the Green, adorning the Sanctuary with evergreen wreaths, boughs, and a tree that help to symbolize the new and everlasting life brought through Jesus the Christ. Each Sunday, a candle of the Advent Wreath is lit, and the emphasis moves from hope, to peace, joy, and then love. On Christmas Eve, we light the Christ Candle, and the light of Christ breaks through the darkness to bring new light to the world! We hope you will join us in worship during the season of Advent. May we prepare together our hearts for the (re)birth of the Christ child in our hearts.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

Page 5

“Good Sense” Financial Considerations Bethany Spaulding, CPA, CMA, CCSA, CRP, 'Tis the season to show our love to each other in celebration of the One who showed us the true meaning of love. We've probably all heard a lot about finding new ways to give gifts as the nation's economy shifts, but as Christians, this shouldn't be a new idea! While material things can help show love, the foundation of love is to treat each other with mercy and grace. 1 John 3:18-20 (The Message) My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality. It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves. In our quiet times with God, let's listen for what would truly bless friends, family and strangers during the holiday season. As a side benefit, God promises that love will replace the focus on what's wrong with ourselves and our life

situations. Here are some gift/celebration ideas to get your creative juices flowing: • coupon for future redemption – babysitting, chores, homecooked dinner, night on the town, night spent doing a favorite hobby together, breakfast in bed, clean a friend's home • baked goods – breads, cookies, candies • charity donation in the name of a friend/family member • handmade gifts-crafts, scrapbook/picture of a special event in a frame, collage, jewelry • handwritten letter or poem tied with a ribbon or put in a frame • create storage boxes (serves double duty as wrapping for a present) using shoe boxes and leftover wallpaper or heavy wrapping paper • refinish/repaint a garage sale find or antique (furniture to decorative items) • host a get-together where guests bring gift under $5 or $10 to exchange, use a theme to make it more interesting (bring a recipe and as many ingredients as you can for $10) • organize an opportunity to serve together with friends at a local nonprofit • give the gift of time together – decorating cookies, potluck meals, making ornaments

Tip of the Month:

This is the busiest time of the year for many of us – this month let's give back to God tithes and offerings of our time as well as our money. Even on the busiest days take a few minutes to sit and just be with God – after all, what greater gift do we have to celebrate? It would be a shame spend the holiday season being busy celebrating the One for which we don't have time.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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LPUMC News & Views

Calendar Dec 6

December 2009

Breakfast with Santa

Cookie Party, 10 am


Breakfast with Santa

Dec. 13

Lafayette Square Winter Parlor Tour

Dec. 20

Christmas Cantata 10 am service

Dec. 21 Homeless Memorial Remembrance service at Centenary, 4 pm Dec. 24

4 pm Christmas Eve Family Friendly Service

Dec. 24

Christmas Eve Traditional

Saturday, December 12 from 9:30-11:00 a.m., Children under the age of 10 years and their parents are invited to join us in Fellowship Hall for a light breakfast and a visit with Santa. Fun, food and pictures with Santa will be provided at no cost. Just come and enjoy! Sponsored by the WCDANS and friends.

Candlelight Service

December Covenant Partners

Scriptures for December

December 6 December 6 Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 1:68-79

Phillippians 1:3-11 Luke 3:1-6 December 13

Zephaniah 3:14-20 Isaiah 12:2-6

Philippians 4:4-7 Luke: 3:7-18 December 20

Micah 5:2-5a Luke 1:46b-55

Hebrews 10:5-10 Luke 1:39-45 December 24/25

Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96

Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-20

Marvin Park/Stephan Memorial UMC Rev. Mark C. Harvey Mt. Zion UMC Rev. Keith E. Janis

December 13 Rev. Quentin T. Madden Rev. Antonio M. Settles

New Hope UMC New Spirit/Shaw/Unity

North Hills UMC North Park UMC

December 20 Rev. Gerald E. Moore Rev. Ronald Graham

St. Andrew UMC St. Luke’s UMC

December 27 Rev. Monica Jefferson Rev. Jon L. Thompson

December 27 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 Psalm 148

Colossians 3:12-17 Luke 2:41-52

News & Views is published monthly. Submit any information or articles by the 17th of each month to [email protected]. For more information, contact Elena Greene at 776-0365

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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New Year Success Bags for Hodgen Kids We will be collecting items to put into ziplock “New Year Success Bags” for the children at Hodgen College-Bound Academy, formally known as Hodgen Elementary (isn’t that a great new name?!). We will be putting the bags together the last Sunday of the year during Fellowship Time and place one on each desk in time to help them kick off their new year of studies. Please the following items in the baskets at the sanctuary doors, or designate your gift in the offering basket as “Success Bags”: #2 pencils black or blue ink pens 24-packs of crayons bright green magic markers (their official school color for success) single-theme notebooks green stickers bright green erasers glue sticks

Give a Gift This Year That Makes a Difference! LPUMC is offering you the opportunity to give “gifts of ministry.” There will be present packages on the alter rail. We invite you to choose a present and make a donation to support a specific ministry. Presents will range from $25.00-$1,000.00. They also represent supplying ministry needs that range from paying for the radiator repairs to teaching our children to transform the world.

Kingdom House Christmas Gift Shop Some Christmas trees have been placed in the hallways leading into the sanctuary. These trees are decorated with wish list that has been provided from Kingdom House for their gift shop. We're collecting items and would like to deliver them on Friday, December 11th so they can get ready to distribute. There's a large box next to each tree to place your donations. On the back of the wish list is a list of times when volunteers are needed to help with the gift shop. If you have any time available they would love the extra hands. This is a wonderful way to help us get connected to the families that Kingdom House serves! The Kingdom House Christmas Shop serves needy families from the urban area through offering parents an opportunity to come and select age-appropriate gifts and clothing for their children. Last year we found that the tables set aside for teen gifts were the most sparce (i.e. perfume, nail sets, cologne, etc.). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sue O'Neal ([email protected]). Thanks in advance for your generosity!

SAVE THE DATE! January 16, 2009 Join your LPUMC church family at the first FAMILY FUN NIGHT!

A THANK YOU NOTE LPUMC’s contribution really set the stage for our Harvest Festival. One of our Wash U student volunteers arranged the bales of hay into a circle which created a sitting room setting. Please extend our deepest appreciation to the congregation for helping to make the First Annual North Side Harvest Festival a success!

Merry Christmas at The Bridge At the end of the Christmas Dinner served to the sojourners at The Bridge, the guests are gifted with a goody bag. The need this year is for heavy, thick socks and chapstick to go into these goody bags. Please bring your gifts of socks and chapstick for the baskets by the doors of the Sanctuary.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church 2300 Lafayette Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104 314-771-9214

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