Lp Demo.docx

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  • Words: 1,312
  • Pages: 5
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Health III for Demonstration Teaching I.

Objective: At the end of the lesson at least 75% of the pupils will be able to:  Identify the sources and uses of water.  Value the importance of water in daily life.


Subject Matter: A. Topic: Sources of Water and Uses of Water B. Science Idea: The water that we drink and use comes from the different bodies of water that serves as our water sources. C. Science Process: Observing, Identifying, Determining D. Value Focus: Love of Nature


E. Materials: Pictures, Manila Paper, Cartolina, water F. Reference: BEC VI.3.3.1 p. 17; Growing with Science and Health Grade III pp. 193-199 Learning Activities: Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Multiple Intelligences

A. Pre-Activities: 1. Greetings Good morning class!

Good morning, Teacher!


2. Prayer Who will lead the prayer today? Kindly, lead the prayer.

Assigned pupil will lead the prayer

Existential Verbal/Linguistic

3. Checking of attendance 4. Review: What was our lesson all about last meeting?

Very good! And what are the three state of matter.

Our lesson was all about the three state of matter. The three state of matter are the solid, the liquid and the gas

5. Motivation: Showing of a picture and ask the following questions. Questions: 1. What have you seen in the picture? I have seen a horse! 2. What is the horse doing in the picture? The horse drinks water in the pond. 3. How about you? Do you drink water too? Yes! 4. Is it important to drink water? Yes!



B. Lesson Proper: 1. Presentation: Our lesson for today is all about water. I have here a water in a bottle Can you smell anything from water?(let a child to smell from water) Can you taste anything from water? (let a child sip of the water) So, what is water?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. Water is an odorless and tasteless liquid.


Yes, it odorless because you cannot smell anything from water. And it is tasteless because a pure water is neither sweet nor bitter or any kind of taste. Now, let us know the different sources of water. These are the different sources of water. Ocean or seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, springs and groundwater (Showing of pictures) Let us identify the sources of water. Ocean and Sea water – are salty water, these are the homes of aquatic animals just like the small and big kind of fishes Rivers, ponds and lakes – supplies water for agricultural business just like the livestock industry and irrigation. It is not safe to drink water from these sources because it is contaminated that can cause diseases. Groundwater – is safe to drink because it is not contaminated with dirt from the surface. Sometimes it is necessary to boil the water for 15 minutes to make it safer for drinking. Okay, so what are the different sources of water?

Do people use water? How about the animals, do they use water? How about the plants, do they use water?

Ocean or seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, waterfalls, springs and groundwater Yes! Yes! Yes!

Verbal/Linguistic, Naturalist

Now, let us know how people, animals, and plants use water. Uses of water (Showing of pictures) 1. People – three-fourth of the human body is composed of water. We drink when we are thirsty. We cook our food with water. We clean our body and things using water. We wash clothes and utensils. We prevent diseases if we keep ourselves and our things clean. 2. Animals – they need for bathing and drinking. Some animals love to stay in the water. 3. Plants – they need water to grow and survive. 2. Discussion: Showing of the pictures and asking questions. 1. FROG What have you seen in the picture? Where do frogs live? Why pond water is not safe to drink?

Very Good! So you should not drink water

A frog. The frogs live in the pond. Pond water is not safe to drink because it is contaminated that can cause diseases.

Verbal/Linguistic, Naturalist

from the pond. 2. DRINKING Is it important to drink water? Why?

3. FISH Where does the fish live? Does fish need water? Why?

4. A DYING PLANT What happened to the plant? Why? Very Good! What does it need?

Yes! We need water to sustain our body.

Fish lives in the oceans and seas. Yes! It is there home and without ocean and seas they will not survive.

The plant dies. Because the soil is dry. The plant needs water to live.

Correct! C. Post Activity: 1. Generalization: Why is water very important to us?

(Answers may vary) Main concept: Water is very important for all living things. Human, animals, and plants need water to survive. Without water, there will be no living thing. All of us use water in our daily life.

Very Good! Water is one of the very important Yes, teacher. creations of God. Do you agree? 2. Application: Now we will have a group activity. We will have two groups. How many are you in the class? Thirty! Okay so thirty divided by two is? Fifteen! So there will be fifteen pupils in each group. Let us count 1 and 2, start here. (Point first pupil to start the counting). One…two…one…two… Those who have numbers one must stay in the left side, all numbers two must stay in the right side. Go to your corresponding group quietly. (group according to number) Very Good! You grouped yourself quietly. Remember our standard for grouping activity. 1. Everyone must participate. 2. Choose your own leader. 3. Groups must be organize.

Logical/ Mathematical

4. Avoid too much noise. 5. Observed cleanliness. (Give the activity card to each group). Group 1: Draw a comic strip about the sources of water and living things that needs water. Group 2: Make a jingle or song with at least five lines about the sources of water and living things that needs water, the group will sing that with actions. I will give you ten minutes to work. Okay you can start now.

(Pupils will do the activity).

Now, the group one will present their (Presentation of group work. one).

Spatial, Interpersonal, Naturalist

Very good group one! You have a nice comic strip Now let us see the group two.

(Presentation of group two).

Very good group two! You sang and danced well. Group one and two had a very good presentation. Congratulations to both of the group. Let us have a rain clap. (Pupils will do the rain clap). 3. Value Infusion: Based on the comic strip and song that you did a while ago. How will you value the importance of God’s creation? (Answers may vary) Main concept: I promised to God that I will conserve water. Use only the necessary. I promised to protect the living things that survive and live in water.


Interpersonal, Bodily Kinesthetic, Musical

Existential, Intrapersonal, Naturalist

EVALUATION: Direction: Read and answer the following questions. Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper. 1. Which water is safe to drink? a. Sea water b. Pond water c. Groundwater

2. Which sources gives salty water? a. Ocean b. River c. Lake 3. Water is helpful to a. Plants, woods, and animals b. People, animals, and plants c. Houses, woods, and people 4. How can you help plants grow better? a. Water them regularly. b. Hide them in the shade. c. Water them when the soil is dry. 5. Why is water important to living things? a. Because they take a bath. b. Because they are alive. c. Because without it they will die.

Mastery of Learning:

Instructional Decision:

Boys: Girls: Total:


ASSIGNMENT: Watch a commercial on television. Observe and list down the products that use water.

Prepared by:

MYLAH S. DE PEDRO (B.E.Ed.) Applicant


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