Onin Fiction.docx

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 5,170
  • Pages: 12
CHAPTER 1: RESCUE “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday happy birthdaaaaay…….Happy birthday to you!”. It’s six in the morning and my sister woke me up with a birthday song. She even brought me a cake, a chocolateflavored cake. A cake together with a lovely kiss on my cheeks.

“Thank you Ate.”, I said Actually I didn’t know that it was my birthday. I just pretended that I’ve remembered it. Why? Because for the past few years, the celebration of my birthday is only countable on my ten fingers.

“I love you Bunso”, she said. “I love you too Ate”, I replied. I am Lorenzo Pedrosa, just turned 21 years old today. I am living with my Ate since my parents died. Mom and Dad didn’t have the chance to see my birthdays anymore. Our mother died after she gave birth to me. Our father left us when I’m still in my mom’s womb. I didn’t have the chance to see my parent’s faces. I hope I can find my dad and ask him why he leaved us. As usual, after a simple celebration, I am off to my work as a crew at a fast food chain here in the city.

“Good morning Enzo!”, Sir Danny’s greet.

“Good morning Sir Danny!”, I replied. “Another day, another busy day! Stay focused and the hard work will pay!”, an encouragement from him. “Thank you Sir!”, I replied. Everytime I hear the encouragement of our boss, I feel determined to do my job and together with the love of my Ate especially it’s my birthday. It’s six in the evening and my day shift ends. Our dinner tonight will be delicious. Actually, every night since I got my job because everytime I finished my job, Sir Danny gave me the leftovers for the day. I am so thankful to Sir Danny because without him, I and my Ate will not be as what we are today. Maybe, right now, we’re still looking for a job. Other companies didn’t accept a job seeker who’s not a college graduate. The day that Sir Danny found me was the day that a company I am employing took me out of the building with anger. I am so desperate to have a job so that I cried so much and I even decided to kill myself. Sir Danny found me, he rescued me. I can still remember what he said to me.

“Boy don’t decide too fast. All I can say to you is just take this as a challenge. The world has a lot of tasks for us. If you cannot overcome it and you immediately give up, who’s the coward? It’s YOU!” “Don’t call me that! You don’t understand me!”, I said. “I understand you. I also experienced this. Look, if you kill yourself, does it make you happy? No, right?”, he said. I felt it.

“Easy Boy, easy. I can help you. I can give you another chance. Wake up Boy! End this nonsense!”, he said. Those

are in our 31st year of being married, said by Sir Danny

“I am Danny Garcia. You?”

“We went through ups and downs but we carried it with love and trust with each other. We’re very thankful to God that our family is still intact and still staying strong. My love for Danny will not fade as bubbles but stays like everlasting flower. I love you Danny.”, said by Mrs. Helen

words gave me spirit to keep going. He made me feel relief.

“I am Enzo—Lo—Lorenzo Pedrosa, thank you.”, I replied. Sir Danny and his wife gave chances to those people who don’t have the chance to get a job. Sir Danny gave me a position as a crew in their fast food chain. His wife gave my Ate a position as a waitress in their coffee shop. Some of my co-crews and my Ate’s colleagues are also the less fortunate ones who had given a chance to continue life like us. Another day, another busy day. I am very happy that today, we reach our quota; we gain lots of customers because it’s a special holiday. Sir Danny noticed our excellent performance that’s why he invited us at their wedding anniversary with his wife.

“Thank you Sir for the invitation. We’ll going to give our best to the visitors of your party.”, I said. “No-no-no-no-no! You don’t have to serve on my party. YOU (he shouted and looked to everyone)! All of you are one of my visitors! I consider you all as my family because you have the biggest help to make my business still running!”,

he said in a whoop. Some of my co-crews have teary eyes. Tears of joy because we are now family helping each other. It’s Saturday and it’s Sir Danny and his wife’s day. The venue is at 7PM and I can still work at morning but just until 2PM because the resto will be closed early for us to prepare ourselves for the celebration.

“It’s my pleasure to have you all here tonight. I’m so thankful that Helen and I were still strong until now that we



“I love you too Helen.”, said by Sir Danny sincerely. And they kissed each other.

-One of the audience shouted, “Happy Anniversary!!” -And then everyone shouted, “Happy Anniversary!!!”. Wine glasses are cheered. Hands clapped. And everyone eats. I and Ate came home with a full stomach. The next day I woke up late and suddenly I saw blood spilled on the room of my sister. I shouted her name and cried. She had lots of wounds that look like stabs of knife. I went outside and get help from neighborhood. I also went to the police station to report what happened. The police are searching evidences. Under the bed, checking the windows, looking for proofs, and questioning the neighborhood. Crowds outside and the police brought me back at the police station and asked me, “Where were you last night!?”

“I’m in my room and my Ate is also in her room. We came from my boss’ party.”, I replied. Lots of questions are followed until they said that I am the primary suspect. I said to them that I heard voices that night but I didn’t know that it was my Ate’s voice. I

thought it was only the voice of neighbors so that I didn’t have the chance to rescue my Ate. I’ll prove to them that I’m innocent so I promised to help them gather information.

CHAPTER 2: “WHERE IS HE?” It is the wake of my sister. Sir Danny helped me on all the costs of the wake. After work, I walked and went to a subway train station. I rode and while the train was running, it suddenly stops and all of the passengers stop moving. My body was thrown on the floor because of the sudden stop. My face hit on a paper with a writings on it. It says that, Need help? You can count on me.:) I stood up and suddenly the train and the passengers are back in motion. I arrived at home shocked because of the weird thing happened. I looked at the paper and I remembered the case of my Ate. I think this can help me find justice for my sister. But I ignored it because it might be a scam. Days passed by and I still ignore the paper. And then one night, I decided to contact the number written there. I pressed the call button. Not long after, I heard strange voices. The signal was bad but I said, “Hello?”. it still have the voices, mixed voices. Until……a voice replied, “He—Hel—lo, Hello?”. It was a huge voice like it’s from a man. I was a little bit surprised at first because he said that he is a lawyer, a lawyer living in the year 1996.

“WHAT!?”, I said.

We chatted long and I don’t believe in him. It is 2020 but how come a man from the past has still connection in this time? He said that he was the famous Atty. Lucas Dela Vega. He also said he won many cases. Lots of information that made my ear noised and forced me to end the call. I decided to go to a PisoNet and searched who the hell is this lawyer. I didn’t find any traces of information about him. I feel so relieve now. The curiosity has answered. But still I have this thought that I must not abandon the case of my sister. I remembered what the voice said last night, “Call me back if you want. I’ll help you.” The night comes, and before I sleep, I called him. Even I didn’t found any information about him, I’ll ask for help because I am so desperate. After we talked to each other, he said that I should go to place where I found the paper. I then went in the train subway station the next day. I waited for about two hours and then a train passed by and among the passengers, there is the man who wore a tuxedo with a necktie inside paired with slacks and a pair of shinny shoes. Wearing eyeglasses and holding a briefcase which I think inside of it are the documents. He looks like an honorable and respectful person and ages around 50 plus. I was shocked for a moment because he immediately knows me without seeing my face before. It’s weird. He approached me and said happily, “Oh, its 2020, your

me a help in my Ate’s case but I’m ashamed of how much he helped me from my sister’s wake. I said that I can handle my own. I feel shy. Well the man seems to be hungry because he ate all the food I offered. The bowl of special ramen, four cups of rice, and one plate of sweet and spicy shrimp. He burps so loud that indicates that he loves the food. It literally shows like he owns the house. Feel like home. Before we sleep, I told him the case of my sister in a detailed way. He said that this will be a very hard case because the suspect seems that he/she planned this carefully. Days passed and we are on the process of gathering information, evidences, and proofs. Until one day he said that before the day ends, he must go back home, back in his time through the subway train. I then brought him to the train station where I met him and as the train went away, a light was shone and the train disappeared. I was shocked because it might be the portal from his world to us. My curiosity tells me that when he comes back, I want to go with him to see his world. The next day, I picked him up. This day, I want to take him on a little trip. I brought him in Sir Danny’s Resto.

“Hi Enzo! How is it going?”, Sir Danny is referring to the case.

phone is different from the phone in my time. Your clothing is different. Everything changed. I’m so lucky you called me and I get a chance to go here!”

“It’s beginning to solve by the help of my lawyer.”, I said

“Aheem, don’t forget that you came here to help me.”, my

he questioned.

surely approach.

“Oh, yes, of course!” , he said confidently. I brought him in my house and offered him a dinner. It was the food from Sir Danny’s Resto. Actually Sir Danny offered

with pride.

“A lawyer? But where did you get your payment for your it?, “Oh, I’ts free as long as he said that I’ll feed him.”, I answered.

He laughed, “He must be very kind man, and I think we’ll

agree with each other. Can I meet him?”

“Yes. Actually he’s with me now.”, I replied. “Where is he?”, he asked. He does not see Atty. Lucas which is just behind me. I was a little bit shocked and I then said that my companion had earlier sat on the table. Sir Danny’s neck is getting longer in finding the person I’m pointing my fingers in from the huge volume of customers that day. To make an excuse, I decided to pull Sir Danny into the kitchen and said to him that my companion is shy and maybe in some other day he’ll be ready to meet him. I asked for permission that I will accompany my lawyer first. The day well-spent with Atty. Lucas. We strolled along the city seeing the famous trademarks. We passed by at the front of court building and suddenly he asked, “When is your trial?”

“Next week.”, I responded. “Don’t worry, we just need little more preparation for substantive evidence and we will be ready for the trial.”, he said.

“I feel nervous.”, I said sadly. He cheered, “We can do this!” I then suggested him, “We still have time, can I go with you when you go back in your world?”. At first he did not agree, but later on, he then agreed of what I said to him that me and my Ate dreamed to travel and it will be the chance to fulfill our dream and this will be cool because it’s on another dimension.

CHAPTER 3: dis-APPEARED It’s about evening when I came along with him in the train station. I was so excited. There were a lot of passengers because that was the day’s rush hour. People are going home from the work. When we stepped inside the train, it was very noisy. One of the passengers was playing a hit song that is very famous this year. The train starts moving; I held the passenger’s handle so that I will not fall when the train is running. We’ll going to reach the end of the subway when suddenly the light shone, the passenger’s clothing turns into 90’s, and the music was switched into Macarena Song. We get off from the train. It’s their city! I was amazed. The carnival and the circus, the people, and the environment were different. It was really the year 1996! We rode the Ferris wheel. We ate street food and many more. The moon was brightly shining. I wish Ate was here. I went to his house and I noticed that it was looked like my house. I now realized that maybe when he was in my house he act like he’s home that’s why our house was much the same. I met his wife, and his children. They took good care of me very well. We ate dinner and while I’m eating, I’m watching them. They’re eating happily. Happy and complete family. All was sleeping and I’m still thinking that Atty. Lucas’ children were very lucky. They have their father, mother, and siblings. Very distant from my life. I stayed there for two days. I enjoyed the experience. We returned home, in the year 2020. Attorney continues to gather information. He furthermore asks me questions. He prepares for the trial but I’m still nervous.

The day came. This is it! We went to the court. My co-workers and Sir Danny was there. I will now clear my name. I’ll prove to them that I am innocent. The judge started the session. He asked where my attorney is. I point my finger on my side telling that he is with me. The judge’s forehead wrinkled and said, “Where is he!?”. I replied, “He is here beside me!”, and then I looked again at my side. Atty. Lucas disappeared! “Where did he go!?”, I questioned. The judge looked at me sharply. I then continued, “He’s here! He’s here earlier! We walked from my

house up to here!”

“How can we proceed if your lawyer was absent?”, the judge said.

“No, he’s here!”, I repeatedly said with force that he’s with me.

They didn’t believe. People in the room are looking at me with their confused faces.

“Wait, I’ll look for him. I’ll go back.” I went outside. I searched for him. “Please not now! Where did you go!?”. Until, I found him. “Oh there you are! Where did you go!? This day is very important and you left me!” . Atty. Lucas was shocked.

I pulled him all the way to the court room. People inside was murmuring, confused by what had happened. The judge was about to leave and I said, “Here he is! Let’s


“Is that him, your lawyer? He is not even wearing formal attire.”, the judge asked.

I then looked at my lawyer’s clothing. He wears household clothing. He looked at me with shocked eyes and then said, “Who are you? Why did you bring me here?”, then I was stunned. I didn’t understand him. Why did he act that way? Does his head bumped outside and have amnesia? I felt embarrassed. I went home disappointed. It isn’t funny acting that he didn’t know me! I’ll accept if he just said that he was coward and not acting like he just met me, like we’re strangers. I don’t know if I can carry this situation. All the hardships we did were thrown like waste. I angrily wiped the things on my table, drank water and throw the glass until it breaks. I act very wild. I cried that night, shouts until I slept due to tiredness. The next day I woke up empty. I don’t know what to do. I just want to finish this day. I just want to fast forward the time until I reach the finish line of my life and disappear in this world. I went to work. Sir Danny noticed that I did not do well that day. He asked me what really happened last time. All I can say to him was, “I don’t know Sir.”. He understands me so he gave me chance to go home early to rest. I’m strolling down the streets of the city slowly. I passed by the subway train station and wait there for my lawyer. I want to ask him if why he did that on me. I sat there until afternoon. I sat for about four hours. The trains were passing back and forth but nothing came. What I expect to come didn’t come. I went home mad. I have no appetite to eat dinner so I slept early.

“Kill her!...She’ll going to leave you too so before she do that, kill her!...KILL HER!” . I get up from my bed with

sweats running on my body. It was just a dream, but what does that mean? Strange voice that dictates me to kill someone.

The phone rang, it was the court. They told me that if I didn’t bring my lawyer on the next trial, they will immediately close the case. I went to the resto and while commuting I saw him. It was him, my lawyer! But why does he change? His style in carrying himself, his clothing………..all!

the chance to be with him after 21 years. I glanced at him. He’s still looking at me but he is about to walk at the opposite direction of mine.

“Oh glad I found you! After you left and embarrassed me in front of the people there, you still have that face of happiness! You coward!”, I said angrily.

“Yes?”, he replied.

“Uhhum, boy, watch your words. I don’t even know you. Are you crazy?”, he asked.

I said quickly with my head leaning down and not looking at him directly hoping that he might remember something.

“Wow! Crazy? Me? Ohh, ATTY. LUCAS (I said hardly), don’t make fun of me. I’m not playing with you. I’m serious!”, I shouted.

“Wait, what? Atty. Lucas? My name is not Lucas…I am ALLAN PEDROSA.”

I then ran up to him gasping and said, “Uhm, Allan, can I

ask you something?”

“I just want to say that…..I am Enzo—a—lo—Lorenzo Pedrosa, brother of Anne Pedrosa and son of Sara Pedrosa.”,

I don’t hear his voice until his coarse hands touches my face and raised my head straight. I saw his teary eyes. I’m now looking at him. His eyes moved as if he were looking at me from head to toe. He sighs and said, “Son?” .

I suddenly stopped speaking. What he just said made me startled. I remember something, is he my father? No. There’s a lot of Allan Pedrosa. Maybe he’s one of them. But maybe he’s probably the father I am looking for.

The only thing I said was “Dad?”. And then he embraced me. The leap of blood. The hug that I was looking for. I closed my eyes and my tears started to drip.

“If you are Allan Pedrosa, where is Atty. Lucas Dela Vega? Why did you really looked like him?”, the series of questions

There’s no day I did not think of you.”

Together we wept crying. He said, “And finally, I see you!

I asked.

“Why did not you look for us?”, I asked.

“I don’t know what you’re saying. You’re the one bothering me, and then you asked me those questions? I’m sorry boy, I really don’t know what you’re trying to say about.”, he

He said he tried. He returned back but he didn’t reach us at home. He found out that my mom and sister left home and moved in another place. He didn’t even know where my mom and sister went. He left us because of mom. The truth is, that mom was a drug addict and later she became worse and dad could no longer control her. My mom’s love for him was


I suddenly calmed down and I felt mortified. I turned back and started walking. If he is my father, this would be

gone. She dumped him because daddy is stopping her from taking drugs. She took us away from dad. Soon, dad found a woman who would love her but it died in an accident. He looked for a job to survive. He is currently a janitor in a school here in the city. -And that is the fact that they have denied on me. My sister did not tell me that. My anger for my dad has gone. I now forgive him. I brought him to my house. “So this where you lives?”, he said sadly. He looks at every corner of my house. He went at Ate’s room. He asked where my Ate is. I then told him what happened. The incident, the lawyer, and the time I pulled him to court. I explained everything. He then offered that he will help me.

CHAPTER 4: UNVEIL It was evening when he got home. He said that he’ll go back tomorrow and live with me because my house is not really that far from his workplace.

“Kill her!...She’ll going to leave you too so before she do that, kill her!...KILL HER!”. I suddenly rose out of my sleep that night. It happened again. That nightmare. But tonight was different. I saw myself holding a knife. A knife with blood. But where did the voice came? I’m very confused. Was that has a connection in my sister’s case? But why me? Why am I there? The next day, my dad arrived with his suitcase. I hugged him. Now I will not be alone if ever bad things will happen. We went on Sir Danny’s Resto. I introduced my dad to him. Dad was so thankful to Sir Danny because he became my temporary father while I was looking for dad. I also asked permission to leave work for about a week because I feel sick for the past few days. (I am referring to the weird things happened.) Before we leave the resto, I treat my dad with lunch and introduced him to the best foods I worked every day. Then we went at Ate’s grave and we lit candles for her. The evening came, my dad sleeps on my sister’s room. It’s here again but now it’s clear. My Ate begs me, “No,no, Enzo, please stop! NOOOOOO!!!!”, she shouts. -(Thrust here, thrust there. Blood spilled.) I was shocked, I ran outside. I throw the knife in the manhole. I came back

and clean myself. I clean my bloody shirt. And then I went back to sleep.

“It was me! Dad! I killed my sister! I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to!”, I said crying kneeled in front of my father. He was shocked and cried. He hugged me until I calmed down. I told him what I saw in my dream. I repeatedly said that I didn’t mean to do it. That it was the voice who was whispering me, who dictates me to kill my sister while I’m in my unconsciousness.

“This is bad. It might be the same situation I had experienced on a student in school.”, he said. He brought me to the hospital and consulted a psychiatrist. The result was…….I AM SCHIZOPHRENIC. A chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. It is characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and other cognitive difficulties. I told my doctor about my lawyer, the portal and the year 1996. They were all NOT REAL! The things I encountered were just part of my IMAGINATION. The incident, it was hallucinations. The whisper was made by me. I now understands because while I’m strolling with my lawyer last time, people we passed by were looking at me. The truth is I’m just alone. I asked my psychiatrist, “Am I insane!?” “No Enzo, it can be treated through medications. Medicines will not make your disorder fade but to help lessen the symptoms.”, he replied.

We went to Sir Danny and explained my disorder. We’re shy but we need to lend money first to buy my medicines. He did not mind it and immediately gave help. My father promised that he’ll put extra hardwork in his job to help me. I’m so thankful to God that I have these two fathers beside me that is ready to help. If they’re not here, I can’t handle this alone. That night, dad and I talked about a lot of things like my lawyer was just phantasy that’s why he disappeared in the trial. I searched all the Allan Pedrosa on Facebook and my eyes was hooked on dad’s profile pic even I’m not sure that it was him. It might be the leap of blood. So, the face of my dad might become the base in creating my lawyer’s face. The portal is just the light from the end of the tunnel or subway. The carnival and circus wasn’t real. The house of my lawyer is just my house that’s why I wondered that it’s really the same when I went in it. The food I offered to my lawyer wasn’t him that ate, but me. The lawyer that I was about to introduce to Sir Danny is just the air. I looked funny and stupid in front of people because it showed that I am talking to myself, which is true. The next day I went to the police station. My decision was fixed. I don’t want to make this for long. I will face the law. I will face what I did to give justice to my sister. The court condemned me Second-Degree Murder and sentence for 8 to 10 years of imprisonment. If only mom don’t take drugs when I’m in her womb, this would not have happened. Dad and she would not have been separated. Ate would not have died. Our family would have been still complete until now. But I have no choice. This is my destiny. My friends sometimes visit me here in jail. Dad brought me my medicines. There’s no week he did not visit. He tells me good news like he lent money from his friend because he plans to open a bakery. It’s his passion to bake that’s why mom fell in love in him. Years passed, dad’s business was still running and a success. Our debts have been paid including our debt from

Sir Danny. This is my last year here in jail and after this I will see again the outside. I am about to finish writing this story here in jail, I can’t wait to see my dad and our new home, the sweat of my dad’s business. Today I’ll be better. I’ll forget the bitter past and start a new life.

~~f i n~~

EPILOGUE Author’s POV And finally he’s free. Free from the pain. Free from everything. Enzo’s past was ruined. Ruined by his self-made world. He went through ups and downs. He got a job. Then he murdered his sister, “unintentionally”. He fell but someone held his hand. Atty. Lucas made him feel he is not alone. Enzo didn’t notice that his lawyer wasn’t real. He can’t distinguish the fantasy from reality. Back from the very past, he was born incomplete. Not physically but emotionally. Something’s missing. The truth was hid from him. The person he hates the most was the one who is also a victim of his mother. And that was his father who helped supported him throughout his case. Now he is happily helping his father in their business. Eventually, they have several business branches along the country. Enzo found his ideal woman that will give him and their children an unconditional love. He is still taking his medicines because his disorder has no cure. Atty. Lucas is still appearing but Enzo decided to ignore him. It is better to avoid the false to make his condition in a good state. He promised that he will not let the past happen again.

Author’s Note

-Niño Angelo S. De Pedro -Grade 11 -Accountancy, Business and Management -Altavas College -Altavas, Aklan

For the past few years, I’ve heard some stories about the people with unique abilities that made me amazed but I know that for them it is not cool. I wrote this story from all the videos I viewed and stories I heard. I got some concepts from them and sum it up on this story. I then add my own touches to make this story an original. If you will read this, you might encounter some grammar errors but forgive me because this is my first time to write a book. Good for beginners like me. And I assured you that this story has learnings that you can get after you read. I hope I can inspire you. Enjoy!

PROLOGUE Two worlds, two people Converging together Delving the riddle Finding the killer Let’s find the real Tonight I’ll seel What did he do? Give me the clue The truth you hid Is now revealed My life was a lie Should I cry?

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