Lightsymposium Wismar 2008 Wunsch

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  • Words: 7,859
  • Pages: 95
© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

1 1

Life on Earth is adapted to...

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

2 2

...the Genuine Natural Light Source

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

3 3

Two Natural Light Sources and one Reflector

Picture credits: Sakurambo

Picture credits: Luc Viatour

Picture credits: Thomas Wolf © Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

4 4

Mystical and Religious Phase ✴

From prehistoric times to the 18th century

Egypt Babylon Hinduism

Persia (Parsee) Hammurapi © Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

Echnaton 5 5

Lighting of Holy Fire

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

6 6

Archimedes destroys the Roman fleet

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

7 7

Light Therapy Concepts in Ancient Times

Sun = God

Heliotherapy (often embedded in religious cults)

Fire (Thermotherapy)

Colored crystals and glasses (Egypt?)

Lenses made from rock crystal (quartz) for treatment of ulcers (cauterization, Plinius d. Ä.)

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

8 8

18th Century - Age of Enlightenment

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9 9

Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus (1651 - 1708)

Instant and intense heat for chemical experiments

Smelting of metals

Dresden Glassworks

Glass production, lenses, optical industry etc.

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10 10

Curirspiegel by Andreas Gärtner (1710) Healing Mirror built in 1710 by Andreas Gärtner a.k.a. “The Saxonian Archimedes” Foldable, made from wood, plaster (gypsum), covered with gold leaf

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

11 11

Gold has very specific reflection properties

Used for treatment of:

Gout Arthritis Chronic pain Articular rheumatism Metabolic hypofunction Drain of lymphatic fluids

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

(Gold absorbs UV)

12 12


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13 13

Dr. Ernst Horn 1799/1

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Dr. Ernst Horn 1799/2 ✴ ✴

✴ ✴

✴ ✴

Light as a stimulant Man has more sensuality than animals, so light is more effective (understanding sens. as ratio between body and brain size) Eye is not only a tool for vision but part of the sympathetic nervous system/governour Light window of nervous system Rhythmic occurrence of light creates periodical proceedings in the body Effect of civilization prevents accommodation to soft stimuli Decrease of ability of adjustment to external rhythms Higher mortality in cities, diseases of darkness © Alexander Wunsch

Montag, 9. November 2009

15 15

Dr. Ernst Horn 1799/3

"Eine Materie, die, wie das Licht, überall verbreitet ist, und die auf so mancherlei Weise auf alle Geschöpfe die wichtigsten Wirkungen hervorbringt, durch deren Gegenwart vorzüglich auf der ganzen Oberfläche der Erde Leben und Thätigkeit möglich gemacht wurde; welche der ganze physische Zustand des Menschen, wie er nun einmal ist, der größte Theil seiner Einwirkung auf die Körperwelt bedingte; eine solche Materie kann für sich und ohne das Hinzukommen besonderer Umstände keine schädlichen Wirkungen hervorbringen. Licht ist in dem Grade, das dem Klima seinen gesunden Bewohners angemessen ist, keinesfalls gesundheitsschädlich, sondern im Gegenteil, der Gesundheit förderlich.“

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

16 16

Age of King Steam and King Coal

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17 17

This was the prehistoric phase

At least from 1.5 million years b. C. up to 18th century a. C.

Before the discovery of IR and UV

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18 18

19th Century

From Full Spectrum to Finsen



© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

19 19

Therapeutic power of sunlight

Thermotherapy ✴

William Herschel (1738 - 1822)

Chromotherapy ✴

Infrared rays (Herschel 1800)

Visible rays (evident since billions of years)

Actinotherapy ✴

Ultraviolet rays (Ritter 1801)

Johann Wilhelm Ritter (1776 - 1810) © Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

20 20

Sunlight Spectrum with Therapeutic Ranges

UV Actinotherapy




© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009


21 21

Sunlight Spectrum with Therapeutic Ranges






Photochemical R.

Resonance Effects

Hyperemia (delayed) Hormone Production Hormone Destruction DNA Damage

Mitochondrial Activation Membrane Effects Hormone Regulation (Eye) Oxidative Cell Stress

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

Thermotherapy Resonance and Circulatory Effects Erythema/Hyperemia (instant) Water Molecule Activation Hormone Reconstruction Cell Repair

22 22

Sunlight Spectrum with Therapeutic Ranges






Photochemical R.

Resonance Effects

Hyperemia (delayed) Hormone Production Hormone Destruction DNA Damage

Mitochondrial Activation Membrane Effects Hormone Regulation (Eye) Oxidative Cell Stress

Thermotherapy Resonance and Circulatory Effects Erythema/Hyperemia (instant) Water Molecule Activation Hormone Reconstruction Cell Repair

Sunlight induces shift of body liquids (blood, lymph) into the skin

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Example for IR 1

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Example for IR 2

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Example for IR 3

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Example for VIS

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DAY 3 & 4

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DAY 5 & 6

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DAY 7 & 8

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DAY 11 & 12

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DAY 15 & 17

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Example for UV 1

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Example for UV 2

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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

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Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner (1780 - 1849) ✴

Father of Periodic System

Discovered Catalysis

Influenced by Goethe

differentiated between Thermotherapy, Chromotherapy and...

„SunFirebath“ (naked)

Sunbath (with light white clothes)

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

38 38

Color Therapy by Pancoast (1877)

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Ironworks Borsig, Berlin 1847

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Lupus Vulgaris-Patient before and after Finsen Tx

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Niels Ryberg Finsen

Niels Ryberg Finsen (1860 - 1904)

Nobel Price in Medicine 1903

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20th Century

Exploring the Spectrum + Marketing and Selling Energy

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Sun Hospital with Solarium in Switzerland

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August Rollier

August Rollier, Leysin

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One of Rollier´s Patients

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2,5 Years later

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15 and 23 Years later

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Mercury Vapour Discharging Lamp (1903/04)









Richard Küch (1860 - 1915) © Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Prof. Dr. med. Albert Jesionek

Albert Jesionek (1870 - 1934)

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Light Bath according to Jesionek

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Until WWII Light Therapy was approved and accepted Sun Lamp



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LASER (Theodore Maiman, 1960)

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Light Emitting Diode, LED (1962)

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1970s Hollwich: Bright Light = Stress

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History of artificial light since 1879 ✴

History of selling electrical energy

Edison and Tesla

Edison: direct current, only local

Tesla: alternating current, large distance

In public places like schools, offices and industrial halls, but also hospitals and senior residences humans are often held like stable rabbits or chicken („light cages“ according to Höfling)

More light, more productivity, more eggs, better sales © Alexander Wunsch

Montag, 9. November 2009

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21st Century Century of the Photon

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© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Cell Intelligence 1

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Cell Intelligence 2

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

66 66

Complex Pathways

Pictures on pages 35-37 by courtesy of: Guenter Albrecht-Buehler, Ph.D. Fellow, European Academy of Sciences, Brussels Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Berlin Robert Laughlin Rea Professor of Cell Biology Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago

Learn more about „Cell Intelligence“: © Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

67 67

Light, Cancer and Coherence

Pictures by courtesy of

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Human Body: Two Organs for Light Perception



© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Two Pathways of Signal Transduction

Skin and eye have to be coordinated for coherence and physical health

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

73 73

EYE: Two Pathways of Light VISUAL


Optical vision Form, size, movement Color vision

Blue has the highest impact on the human endocrine system and on chronobiological functions

One type of rods Three types of cones Blue is filtered out

Bright light has also a high impact Red is chronobiologically neutral

0,1 4 2 Number of receptors in retina in millions © Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Complex cybernetic systems...

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...require holistic observation.

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Publication in Chronobiology International

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Lights at Night (LAN) and Breast Cancer

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

80 80

Results and Consequences

Kloog, Itai; Haim, Abraham; Stevens, Richard G.; Barchana, Micha; Portnov, Boris A. (2008): Light at night co-distributes with incident breast but not lung cancer in the female population of Israel. In: Chronobiology international, Jg. 25, H. 1, S. 65–81.

Recent studies of shift-working women have reported that excessive exposure to light at night (LAN) may be a risk factor for breast cancer. However, no studies have yet attempted to examine the co-distribution of LAN and breast cancer incidence on a population level with the goal to assess the coherence of these earlier findings with population trends. Coherence is one of Hill's "criteria" (actually, viewpoints) for an inference of causality. Nighttime satellite images were used to estimate LAN levels in 147 communities in Israel. Multiple regression analysis was performed to investigate the association between LAN and breast cancer incidence rates and, as a test of the specificity of our method, lung cancer incidence rates in women across localities under the prediction of a link with breast cancer but not lung cancer. After adjusting for several variables available on a population level, such as ethnic makeup, birth rate, population density, and local income level, a strong positive association between LAN intensity and breast cancer rate was revealed (p<0.05), and this association strengthened (p<0.01) when only statistically significant factors were filtered out by stepwise regression analysis. Concurrently, no association was found between LAN intensity and lung cancer rate. These results provide coherence of the previously reported case-control and cohort studies with the codistribution of LAN and breast cancer on a population basis. The analysis yielded an estimated 73% higher breast cancer incidence in the highest LAN exposed communities compared to the lowest LAN exposed communities.

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

81 81

Holistic Criteria for Healthy Light

Black body radiation, not CCT

Color temperature below 3200 K

Continous spectrum

No mercury

No modulation frequencies

No electromagnetic disturbances

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Black Body Radiation

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Non-coherent lighting ✴

Bright light without solitrol inducing UVB ✴

Chronobiologically active AND solitrol-inactive

Bright light at night

Bright light in winter for longer periods

Xenon light in automobiles

Summerlike light the whole year

PWM-driven LED-light ✴

Carrys frequencies the eye cannot see, but the whole system detects © Alexander Wunsch

Montag, 9. November 2009

84 84

Chronobiologically active…

Does NOT mean healthy!

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The Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum 5.48 EHz

6.52 EHz

21.4 keV

25.5 keV

61.4 pm

51.6 pm

4.61 EHz

3.88 EHz

73.0 pm

18.0 keV

4.61 EHz

15.1 keV

103 pm

86.8 pm

2.31 EHz

2.74 EHz

3.26 EHz

10.7 keV

0.1nm 12.7 keV

123 pm

1.94 EHz

146 pm

2.31 EHz

7.57 keV

9.00 keV

174 pm

1.37 EHz

1.63 EHz

5.35 keV

6.36 keV

245 pm

206 pm

1.15 EHz

969 PHz

292 pm

4.50 keV

1.15 EHz

576 PHz

491 pm

2.68 keV

686 PHz

485 PHz

584 pm

2.25 keV

576 PHz

4.50 PHz

62.8 nm

2.25 PHz

126 nm

335 eV

60.6 PHz

4.67 nm

281 eV

72.1 PHz

199 eV

237 eV

42.8 PHz

51.0 PHz

167 eV

6.60 nm

5.55 nm

• Physicists have divided ultraviolet light ranges into Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV), Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV), Far Ultraviolet (FUV), Medium Ultraviolet (MUV), and Near Ultraviolet (NUV).

9.34 nm

141 eV

36.0 PHz

118 eV

10nm 30.3 PHz

• UV-A, UV-B and UV-C were introduced in the 1930’s by the Commission Interna´ tionale de l’Eclairage (CIE, International Commission on Illumination) for photobiological spectral bands. • Short-term UV-A exposure causes sun-tanning which helps to protect against sunburn. Exposure to UV-B is beneficial to humans by helping the skin produce vitamin D. Excessive UV exposure causes skin damage. UV-C is harmful to humans but is used as a germicide.

21.4 PHz

13.2 nm

18.7 nm

70.3 eV

41.8 eV

49.7 eV

59.1 eV

10.7 PHz

26.4 nm

22.2 nm

15.1 PHz

18.0 PHz

7.57 PHz

37.4 nm

35.2 eV

9.01 PHz

29.6 eV

3.79 PHz

74.7 nm

17.6 eV

4.50 PHz

14.8 eV

8.79 eV

2.25 PHz

20.9 eV

5.36 PHz

52.8 nm

t) EUV (Extreme Ultraviole 44.4 nm 6.37 PHz 24.9 eV

10.5 eV

2.68 PHz

106 nm

100nm 12.4 eV

1.13 PHz

251 nm

5.23 eV

563 THz

503 nm

2.61 eV

281 THz

1.01 µm

1.34 PHz

35.2 THz

8.04 µm

118 THz

59.2 THz

4.78 µm

275 meV

70.4 THz

163 meV

41.8 THz

9.56 µm

137 meV

35.2 THz

24.9 THz

29.6 THz

97.1 meV

115 meV

13.5 µm

11.4 µm

20.9 THz

19.1 µm

68.7 meV

17.6 THz

12.4 THz

14.8 THz

48.6 meV

57.7 meV

27.1 µm

22.7 µm

10.5 THz

34.3 meV

8.80 THz

28.9 meV

38.3 µm

45.5 µm

7.40 THz

3.70 THz

17.2 meV

4.40 THz

14.4 meV

76.5 µm

91.0 µm

1.85 THz

8.58 meV

2.20 THz

7.22 meV

153 µm

182 µm

306 µm

4.29 meV

1.10 THz

2.15 meV

550 GHz

Sizes of EMR

5.23 THz

20.4 meV

2.20 THz

129 µm

10.2 meV

2.62 THz

1.10 THz

257 µm

5.10 meV

1.31 THz

550 GHz

515 µm

6.22 THz

54.1 µm

24.3 meV

108 µm

100µm 3THz 3.11 THz 12.1 meV

216 µm

6.07 meV

1.55 THz

3.03 meV

433 µm

654 GHz

2.55 meV

777 GHz

364 µm

3.61 meV

1.80 meV

462 GHz

612 µm

902 µeV

231 GHz

1.07 meV 1.22 mm z O2 absorption 118.75GH

451 µeV

116 GHz

137 GHz 536 µeV 2.45 mm O2 absorption 60GHz

275 GHz

1.03 mm

1.28 meV

327 GHz

389 GHz 1.52 meV 866 µm Water absorption 183GHz 1.73 mm

1.46 mm

137 GHz

638 µeV

163 GHz

194 GHz

2.06 mm

759 µeV


36GHz 160 µeV

40.9 GHz

Microwave V-band 5.82 mm 48.6 GHz


Microwave Q-band

2.91 mm

97.2 GHz

379 µeV

3.46 mm

81.7 GHz

319 µeV

190 µeV 6.93 mm Water absorption 22GHz


Microwave K-band (Kurtz) 20.4 GHz 79.8 µeV

11.6 mm

24.3 GHz

113 µeV

57.8 GHz

4.90 mm

268 µeV

Above) Microwave Ka-band (Kurtz 134 µeV 9.79 mm 28.9 GHz

Balmer series name

White Hot Red Hot Hot CMB

• Much of the EMR properties are based on theories since we can only see the effects of EMR and not the actual photon or wave itself. • Albert Einstein theorized that the speed of light is the fastest that anything can travel. So far he has not been proven wrong. • EMR can have its wavelength changed if the source is receding or approaching as in the red-shift example of distant galaxies and stars that are moving away from us at very high speeds. The emitted spectral light from these receding bodies appears more red than it would be if the object was not moving away from us. • We only have full electronic control over frequencies in the microwave range and lower. Higher frequencies must be created by waiting for the energy to be released from elements as photons. We can either pump energy into the elements (ex. heating a rock with visible EMR and letting it release infrared EMR) or let it naturally escape (ex. uranium decay).

Hδ H% Hθ Hζ

• Max Planck determined the relationship between the temperature of an object and its radiation profile; where Rλ is the radiation power, λ is the wavelength, T is the temperature: ! 37418 " Rλ = 14388 − 1 λ5 ' λT

Syst` eme International d’unit´ e prefixes (SI unit prefixes) Symbol Name Exp. Multiplier Y Z E P T G M k

yotta zetta exa peta tera giga mega kilo

m µ n p f a z y

milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto

1024 1021 1018 1015 1012 109 106 103 100 10−3 10−6 10−9 10−12 10−15 10−18 10−21 10−24

275 GHz

68.7 GHz

34.4 GHz

• CMB was predicted in the 1940’s by Ralph Alpher, George Gamow and Robert Herman. • Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson accidentally discovered CMB while working for Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1965. • The intensity is measured in Mega Jansky (Jy) per steradian. 1Jy = 10−26 W/m2 /Hz

65 GHz

Close examination of slight CMB intensity variations in different parts of the sky help cosmologists study the formation of galaxies. WMAP photo by NASA

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,000,000 1,000 1 0.001 0.000 001 0.000 000 001 0.000 000 000 001 0.000 000 000 000 001 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001

Measurements on this chart Name

Symbol c h h ¯ f λ E

Speed of Light Planck’s Constant Planck’s Constant (freq) Frequency (cycles / second) Wavelength (meters) Energy (Joules)


2.997 924 58 ×108 m/s 6.626 1 ×10−34 J · s 1.054 592 ×10−34 J · s Hz m J

Conversions E = h·f λ = c f 1˚ A = 0.1nm 1nm = 10˚ A 1Joule = 6.24 ×1018 eV

• CMB radiation is the leftover heat from the hot early universe, which last scattered about 400,000 years after the Big Bang.

600 GHz


Gamma Rays • Gamma radiation is the highest energy radiation (up to ≈ 1020 eV) that has been measured. At this energy, the radiation could be from gamma-rays, protons, electrons, or something else. • Alpha, beta, and delta radiation are not electromagnetic but are actually parts of the atom being released from a radioactive element. In some cases this can cause gamma radiation. These are not to be confused with brain waves of similar names.

Visible Spectrum

Television • TV channels transmitted over the air are shown as TV .

• The range of EMR visible to humans is called “Light”. The visible spectrum also closely resembles the range of EMR that filters through our atmosphere from the sun.

• TV channels transmitted through cable (CATV) are shown as TV . CATV channels starting with “T-” are channels fed back to the cable TV station (like news feeds).

• Other creatures see different ranges of visible light; for example bumble-bees can see ultraviolet light and dogs have a different response to colours than do humans.

• Television is transmitted in the VHF and UHF ranges (30MHz - 3GHz).

130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

127 128 129

125 126













10.2 GHz


39.9 µeV

• Johann Balmer created this formula defining the photon emission wavelength (λ); where m is the initial electron energy level and n is the final electron energy level: " ! m2 λ = 364.56nm m2 − n2 • Much of the interstellar matter is made of the simplest atom hydrogen. The hydrogen visible-spectrum emission and absorption lines are shown below:

• The wave nature of EMR is demonstrated by the famous double slit experiment that shows cancelling and addition of waves.

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

94.8 µeV Under) 13.9 mm Microwave Ku-band (Kurtz 17.2 GHz 12.5GHz 67.1 µeV the spot) 19.6 mm 14.4 GHz Microwave X-band (X marks 56.4 µeV 23.3 mm 12.1 GHz 47.4 µeV 8GHz 27.7 mm mise) (Compro C-band e 8.59 GHz Microwav 33.5 µeV 39.2 mm 7.22 GHz µeV 28.2 Wireless LAN mm 46.6 4GHz 6.07 GHz 22 24 23.7 µeV 12 14 16 18 20 55.4 mm 02 04 06 08 10 5.11 GHz 21 23 11 13 15 17 19 19.9 µeV 01 03 05 07 09 65.9 mm ITFS 4.29 GHz 4.29 GHz Microwave S-band (Short) µeV 16.8 W-LAN mm 78.3 3.61 GHz Microwave Oven 14.1 µeV 93.2 mm Cordless phone 3.04 GHz 2.45GHz 11.9 µeV 2.4GHz 111 mm 2GHz 3G 2.55 GHz 3G 9.97 µeV CP GPS 132 mm CP 2.15 GHz 2.15 GHz 3G 8.38 µeV L1 157 mm (Long) GHz L-band e 1.81 H GPS Microwav GPS 7.05 µeV 186 mm L2 1GHz 1.52 GHz L5 5.93 µeV 82 83 222 mm 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1.28 GHz 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 4.98 µeV 55 56 57 58 59 60 264 mm 49 50 51 52 53 54 48 GHz 47 46 45 1.07 GHz 1.07 44 40 41 42 43 4.19 µeV 35 36 37 38 39 313 mm Cell Phone 30 31 32 33 34 903 MHz CP 91 92 93 94 25 26 27 28 29 3.52 µeV 22 23 24 86 87 88 89 90 373 mm 81 82 83 84 85 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 14 76 77 78 79 80 759 MHz ) 3/4 m Ham 73 74 75 76 2.96 µeV 68 69 70 71 72 443 mm 66 67 65 Microwave P-band (Previous 64 63 Gov 62 638 MHz 61 60 59 58 2.49 µeV 57 56 55 54 527 mm 53 52 51 50 537 MHz 537 MHz 49 48 Military µeV 47 2.10 46 45 mm 44 627 43 42 41 40 451 MHz 39 38 37 1.76 µeV 36 35 745 mm 34 33 Military 32 380 MHz 31 30 1 1/4m 29 1.48 µeV 0.3GHz 28 13 27 886 mm 12 26 25 11 319 MHz 24 10 23 9 13 1.25 µeV 8 12 7 1.05 m 11 10 268 MHz 268 MHz 09 Marine Mobile 08 1.05 µeV 07 22 1.25 m 2m 21 226 MHz 20 19 W 881 neV 18 1.49 m 17 W 16 190 MHz neV ical 741 m Aeronaut 1.77 FM Radio 160 MHz 15 107.9 104.1 14 623 neV 100.1 99 2.11 m 96.1 98 92.1 134 MHz 134 MHz 97 87.7 524 neV 96 2.51 m 6 95 113 MHz 5 441 neV 06 2.98 m 4 05 94.9 MHz Remote Ctrl 370 neV 3 4 3.55 m 2 79.8 MHz 3 6m Ham Radio 312 neV 4.22 m 2 67.1 MHz 67.1 MHz neV 262 T-14 m 5.01 56.4 MHz T-13 220 neV 5.96 m T-12 47.5 MHz 185 neV 7.09 m CB T-11 10m Ham 39.9 MHz 11m 156 neV 8.43 m 33.6 MHz 33.6 MHz Marine T-10 131 neV 15m 13m 10.0 m Aero 28.2 MHz 110 neV 16m 11.9 m T-9 Marine 23.7 MHz neV 19m 92.6 m 20m 14.2 22m 20.0 MHz 77.9 neV Marine 25m 16.9 m Aero T-8 16.8 MHz 16.8 MHz 65.5 neV 20.1 m International Intnl. and relays 14.1 MHz Aero neV Marine 55.1 m 23.9 T-7 11.9 MHz 46.3 neV 28.4 m 40m Ham 9.98 MHz Aero 38.9 neV Marine 33.7 m 49m 8.39 MHz 8.39 MHz neV 32.7 m 40.1 Aero 7.05 MHz 60m 27.5 neV 47.7 m Tropics 5.93 MHz 23.2 neV Marine 56.7 m Marine 4.99 MHz 80m Ham Radio 19.5 neV 67.5 m 90m Aero 4.19 MHz 4.19 MHz 16.4 neV 80.2 m Aeronautical MHz 3.53 13.8 neV Marine 95.4 m 120m Tropics SOS 2.97 MHz 11.6 neV Marine 113 m 2.49 MHz Marine 160 Meters Ham Radio 9.74 neV 135 m 1600 2.10 MHz 2.10 MHz Beacons 1500 8.19 neV X-Band 1400 160 m 1300 1.76 MHz 6.88 neV 1200 191 m 1100 1.48 MHz 5.79 neV 1000 227 m MHz 1.25 900 4.87 neV AM Radio 270 m 800 1.05 MHz 1.05 MHz neV 4.09 700 m 321 882 kHz 3.44 neV 600 382 m 540 741 kHz SOS W 2.89 neV 454 m 623 kHz Beacons 2.43 neV 540 m Morse code 524 kHz 524 kHz 2.05 neV m 642 kHz 441 EU&Asia AM 1.72 neV Navigational Beacons 763 m Marine Radio 371 kHz 1.45 neV 908 m Marine Radio 312 kHz Europe and Asia AM 1.22 neV 1.08 km 262 kHz 262 kHz Navigational Beacons 1.02 neV 1.28 km 220 kHz peV 860 Network cy 1.53 km Ground Wave Emergen 185 kHz Maritime Mobile 724 peV Maritime Mobile 1.82 km 156 kHz 608 peV Radiolocation 2.16 km 131 kHz 131 kHz n peV 512 navigatio C 2.57 km LORAN110 kHz 430 peV 3.05 km 92.7 kHz 362 peV 3.63 km Maritime Mobile 77.9 kHz Maritime Mobile 304 peV 4.32 km 65.5 kHz 65.5 kHz 256 peV 5.13 km kHz 55.1 215 peV 40.75kHz 6.11 km 46.3 kHz 181 peV 7.26 km 30.0kHz Maritime Mobile 39.0 kHz 152 peV 8.64 km 32.8 kHz 24kHz 32.8 kHz 128 peV 10.3 km 21.4kHz 22.3kHzMobile 27.6 kHz Maritime 108 peV 12.2 km 17.8kHz 18.6kHz 23.2 kHz 90.4 peV 14.5 km 14.7kHz kHz Maritime Mobile 19.5 13.6kHz 15.5kHz 76.1 peV 17.3 km Maritime Mobile 16.4 kHz 16.4 kHz peV 64.0 20.5 km 13.8 kHz Radionavigation 53.8 peV 24.4 km 11.6 kHz 45.2 peV 29.0 km 9.74 kHz 38.0 peV 34.5 km 8.19 kHz 8.19 kHz 32.0 peV km 41.1 kHz 6.89 26.9 peV 48.8 km 5.79 kHz 22.6 peV 58.1 km 4.87 kHz 19.0 peV 69.1 km 4.10 kHz 4.10 kHz 16.0 peV 82.2 km 3.44 kHz peV 13.4 97.7 km 2.90 kHz 11.3 peV 116 km 2.44 kHz 9.51 peV 138 km 2.05 kHz 2.05 kHz peV 7.99 164 km 1.72 kHz 6.72 peV 195 km 1.45 kHz 5.65 peV 232 km 1.22 kHz 4.75 peV 276 km 1.02 kHz 1.02 kHz 4.00 peV km 329 Hz 861 3.36 peV 391 km 724 Hz 2.83 peV 465 km A 609 Hz 400Hz 2.38 peV 553 km 512 Hz 512 Hz Airplane Power 2.00 peV 657 km 431 Hz peV 1.68 782 km 362 Hz 1.41 peV 929 km 304 Hz 1.19 peV 1.11 Mm 180Hz 256 Hz 256 Hz feV 999 1.31 Mm 3rd harmonic 150Hz 215 Hz 840 feV 1.56 Mm 3rd harmonic 120Hz Lights 181 Hz 707 feV 1.86 Mm 152 Hz 100Hz Lights p= 594 feV 2.21 Mm 128 Hz 128 Hz p= 500 feV Mm 2.63 Hz 108 420 feV 76Hz 3.13 Mm 90.5 Hz 60Hz Power 353 feV 3.72 Mm 76.1 Hz 50Hz Power v= 297 feV 4.42 Mm 64.0 Hz 64.0 Hz v= 250 feV 5.26 Mm S 53.8 Hz feV waves) 210 brain S 6.25 Mm γ (Gamma 45.3 Hz 177 feV S 30Hz 7.44 Mm 38.1 Hz 149 feV 8.84 Mm S 32.0 Hz 32.0 Hz β (High Beta brain waves) 125 feV 10.5 Mm 26.9 Hz 105 feV S 18Hz 12.5 Mm 22.6 Hz β (Mid Beta brain waves) 88.3 feV 15Hz 14.9 Mm 19.0 Hz waves) feV brain 74.3 Beta S β (Low 17.7 Mm 12Hz 16.0 Hz 16.0 Hz 62.5 feV Mm 21.0 waves) Hz brain 13.5 α (Alpha 52.5 feV 25.0 Mm 11.3 Hz 8Hz 8Hz 44.2 feV 29.7 Mm S 9.51 Hz 37.1 feV 35.4 Mm 8.00 Hz 8.00 Hz θ (Theta brain waves) 31.2 feV 42.1 Mm 6.73 Hz feV 26.3 50.0 Mm 5.66 Hz 22.1 feV Mm 59.5 Hz 4.76 18.6 feV 70.7 Mm 3Hz 4.00 Hz 4.00 Hz 15.6 feV 84.1 Mm 3.36 Hz 13.1 feV 100 Mm 2.83 Hz 11.0 feV 119 Mm 2.38 Hz 9.28 feV 141 Mm 2.00 Hz 2.00 Hz 7.81 feV Mm 168 Hz 1.68 6.56 feV 200 Mm 1.41 Hz 5.52 feV 238 Mm 1.19 Hz 4.64 feV 283 Mm 1.00 Hz 1.00 Hz δ (Delta brain waves) 3.90 feV 337 Mm 841 mHz feV 3.28 400 Mm 707 mHz 2.76 feV 476 Mm 595 mHz 2.32 feV 566 Mm 500 mHz 500 mHz feV 1.95 673 Mm 420 mHz 1.64 feV 800 Mm 354 mHz 1.38 feV 952 Mm 297 mHz 1.16 feV 1.13 Gm 250 mHz 250 mHz 976 aeV 1.35 Gm 210 mHz 821 aeV 1.60 Gm 177 mHz aeV 690 1.90 Gm 149 mHz 580 aeV 0.1Hz 2.26 Gm 125 mHz 125 mHz 488 aeV 2.69 Gm 105 mHz aeV 410 3.20 Gm 88.4 mHz 345 aeV 3.81 Gm 74.3 mHz 290 aeV 4.53 Gm 62.5 mHz 62.5 mHz 244 aeV 5.38 Gm 52.6 mHz 205 aeV Gm 6.40 44.2 mHz 173 aeV 7.61 Gm 37.2 mHz 145 aeV 9.05 Gm 1 31.2 mHz 31.2 mHz Hz 122 aeV 10.8 Gm ∞ 26.3 mHz ∞m 103 aeV 12.8 Gm 1 22.1 mHz 86.3 aeV eV Energy 15.2 Gm ∞ Wavelength Frequency 16.5 mm 17.2 GHz SI-time standard Cs-133 9,192,631,770Hz 32.9 mm

• When a photon hits an atom it may be absorbed if the energy is just right. The energy level of the electron is raised – essentially holding the radiation. A new photon of specific wavelength is created when the energy is released. The jump in energy is a discrete step and many possible levels of energy exist in an atom.

Absorption line

Particle Nature

• The particle nature of EMR is exhibited when a solar cell emits individual electrons when struck with very dim light.

• CMB permeates the entire universe at a temperature of 2.725 ± 0.001K.

56GHz 226 µeV

• As EMR passes through elements, certain wavelength bands get absorbed and some new ones get emitted. This absorption and emission produces characteristic spectral lines for each element which are useful in determining the makeup of distant stars. These lines are used to prove the red-shift amount of distant stars.

Emission line

925 GHz

728 µm


One Cycle Per Second

Human Brain

Far Infrared



VLF Very Low Frequency


Earth 12,756 km

141 THz

231 meV

122 123 124


Microwave µmm-band

300GHz 30Hz

Induction Heating

ULF Ultra Low Frequency

ELF Extremely Low Frequency



LF Low Frequency


Radio tower

Microwave mm-band

EHF Extremely High Frequency


SHF Super High Frequency


UHF Ultra High Frequency HF High Frequency

VHF Very High Frequency

300MHz Football Field 100m


House 12m


People 1.8m

Short Wave radio

Football 308mm Cell phone

549 meV

462 meV

64.3 µm

8.24 mm

281 THz

5.69 µm

4.40 THz


1.10 eV

2.84 µm

40.8 meV

34.4 GHz

1.20 µm



• We can only see the visible spectrum. All other bands of the spectrum are depicted as hatched colours .

Emission and Absorption

J 237 THz

49.8 THz

81.7 meV

• A bumblebee can see light in the UVA range which helps them identify certain flowers.

563 THz

194 meV

32.2 µm

• The sun produces a wide range of frequencies including all the ultraviolet light, however, UVB is partially filtered by the ozone layer and UVC is totally filtered out by the earth’s atmosphere.


388 meV

99.5 THz

• The CIE originally divided UVA and UVB at 315nm, later some photo-dermatologists divided it at 320nm.

1.13 PHz

6.76 µm

16.1 µm

4.12 mm

4.39 eV

3.38 µm

Thermal Infrared

• Ultraviolet light is beyond the range of human vision.


UV-B 299 nm


83.7 THz

8.80 THz

68.7 GHz

1.85 eV

924 meV

149 nm

2.39 µm

17.6 THz

8.59 GHz

MF Medium Frequency

Microwave oven

Montag, 9. November 2009

327 meV

1.42 µm


Microwave W-band

Long Wave radio


Sources of EMR

4.02 µm

473 THz


Near Infrared

199 THz

777 meV

1.69 µm

167 THz


Honey Bee 1.2cm

Power Lines (50,60Hz)

70.4 THz



711 nm

398 THz

1.55 eV

845 nm

335 THz



653 meV

3.11 eV

1.89 PHz 7.39 eV 1.59 PHz 320 315nm 340nm UV-A UV-A2 UV-A1 947 THz 3.70 eV 355 nm 796 THz R



Single Cell 10µm

2.01 µm

6.22 eV 400nm

423 nm

Ultraviolet Light

• UVA is subdivided into UVA1 and UVA2 for DNA altering effects at 340nm.

178 nm

Datacom I

1.31 eV

141 THz

211 nm

88.9 nm

3.18 PHz




Bacteria 3µm800nm

12.7 PHz


Light bulb

11.1 nm

25.5 PHz

99.4 eV

83.6 eV



204 PHz




144 PHz

2.78 nm



563 eV

102 PHz

121 PHz

398 eV

473 eV

3.30 nm

e Sp



• Air and cable TV stations are broadcast with the separate video, colour, and audio frequency carriers grouped together in a channel band as follows: 6MHz 4.5MHz 1.25MHz 3.58MHz Video Colour Audio

• The sky is blue because our atmosphere scatters light and the shorter wavelength blue gets scattered the most. It appears that the entire sky is illuminated by a blue light but in fact that light is scattered from the sun. The longer wavelengths like red and orange move straight through the atmosphere which makes the sun look like a bright white ball containing all the colours of the visible spectrum.

• Satellite channels broadcast in the C-Band are depicted as TV . These stations are broadcast in alternating polarities (Ex. Ch 1 is vertical and 2 is horizontal and vice versa on neighbouring satellites).

• Interestingly, the visible spectrum covers approximately one octave.

• The 15.7 kHz horizontal sweep signal produced by a TV can be heard by some young people. This common contaminant signal to VLF spectra listening is depicted as .

• Astronomers use filters to capture specific wavelengths and reject unwanted wavelengths. The major astronomical (visual) filter bands are depicted as X

Infrared Radiation Radio Bands • The radio spectrum (ELF to EHF) is populated by many more items than can be shown on this chart, only a small sampling of bands used around the world have been shown. • Communication using EMR is done using either:

• IR remote control signals are invisible to the human eye but can be detected by most camcorders. • Night vision scopes/goggles use a special camera that senses IR and converts the image to visible light. Some IR cameras employ an IR lamp to help illuminate the view.

– Amplitude Modulation (AM) OR

• IR LASERs are used for burning objects.

– Frequency Modulation (FM) • Each country has its own rules and regulations for allotting bands in this region. For more information, look up the radio communications authority in your area (Ex. FCC in the US, DOC in Canada). • Not all references agree on the ULF band range, the HAARP range is used here. • RAdio Detecting And Ranging (RADAR) uses EMR in the microwave range to detect the distance and speed of objects. • Citizens Band Radio (CB) contains 40 stations between 26.965-27.405MHz. • Schumann resonance is produced in the cavity between the Earth and the ionosphere. The resonant peaks are depicted as S • Hydrogen gas emits radio band EMR at 21cm H • Some individual frequencies are represented as icons: xxHz

• Infrared radiation (IR) is sensed by humans as heat and is below the range of human vision. Humans (and anything at room temperature) are emitters of IR.

• A demonstration of IR is to hold a metal bowl in front of your face. The IR emitted by your body will be reflected back using the parabolic shape of the bowl and you will feel the heat. • Fiber-optic based infrared communication signals are sometimes amplified with Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers EDFA

LASER • LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. • A LASER is a device that produces monochromatic EMR of high intensity. • With proper equipment, any EMR can be made to operate like a LASER. For example, microwaves are used to create a MASER.

Submarine communications Time and frequency standards


xxm Ham radio and international meter bands Miscellaneous short wave radio W Weather stations CP Cellular and PCS Phones (including; FDMA, TDMA, CDMA ranges)

• As a photon (light particle) travels through space, its axis of electrical and magnetic fluctuations does not rotate. Therefore, each photon has a fixed linear polarity of somewhere between 0◦ to 360◦ . Light can also be circularly and elliptically polarized. • Some crystals can cause the photon to rotate its polarization.

Sound • Although sound, ocean waves, and heartbeats are not electromagnetic, they are included on this chart as a frequency reference. Other properties of electromagnetic waves are different from sound waves. • Sound waves are caused by an oscillating compression of molecules. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum such as outer space. • The speed of sound in air at sea level is 1240kph (770mph). • Humans can only hear sound between ≈20Hz to ≈20kHz. • Infrasound (below 20Hz) can be sensed by internal organs and touch. Frequencies in the 0.2Hz range are often the cause of motion sickness. • Bats can hear sound up to ≈50kHz. • The 88 piano keys of the Equal Temperament scale are accurately located on the frequency chart. • Over the ages people have striven to divide the continuous audio frequency spectrum into individual musical notes that have harmonious relationships. Microtonal musicians study various scales. One recent count lists 4700 different musical scales. • The musical note A is depicted on the chart as A

• A polarized filter (like PolaroidTM sunglasses) can be used to demonstrate polarized light. One filter will only let photons that have one polarity through. Two overlapping filters at right angles will almost completely block the light that exits; however, a third filter inserted between the first two at a 45◦ angle will rotate the polarized light and allow some light to come out the end of all three filters. • Light that reflects off an electrical insulator becomes polarized. Conductive reflectors do not polarize light. • Perhaps the most reliably polarized light is a rainbow. • Moonlight is also slightly polarized. You can test this by viewing the moonlight through a PolaroidTM sunglass lens, then rotate that lens, the moonlight will dim and brighten slightly.

Refraction • Refraction of EMR is dependent on wavelength as can be seen by the prism example below. By using a glass prism, white light can be spread by refraction into a spectrum of its composite colours. All wavelengths of EMR can be refracted by using the proper materials. Not all glass prisms behave alike; a right-angle prism will act as a mirror instead of a light refractor. The critical angle of a true light-refracting prism is 42◦ .

This image depicts air being compressed as sound waves in a tube from a speaker and then travelling through the tube towards the ear.


Convex lenses make objects appear closer and are used to correct far-sightedness.


Concave lenses make objects appear farther away and are used to correct near-sightedness.

Focal point

Gravity Waves • Gravity is the mysterious force that holds large objects together and binds our planets, stars, and galaxies together. Many people have unsuccessfully theorized about the details of gravity and its relationship to other forces. There have been no links between gravity waves and electromagnetic radiation. • Gravity is theorized to warp space and time. In fact, gravity is responsible for bending light as observed by the gravity-lens example of distant galaxies. • “Gravity waves” would appear as ripples in space-time formed by large objects moving through space that might possibly be detected in the future by very sensitive instruments. • The speed that gravity propagates through space has been theorized to be the same as the speed of light. Heartbeats

Brain Waves • By connecting electrodes from the human head to an electroencephalograph (EEG), it is possible to measure very small cyclic electrical signals. • There has been much study on this topic, but like all effects on humans, the findings are not as sound as the science of materials. • Generally, lower brain wave frequencies relate to sleep, and the higher frequencies relate to alertness. • Devices have been made for measuring and stimulating brain waves to achieve a desired state.

© Alexander Wunsch

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Heavy objects like dense galaxies and large planets cause light to bend due to gravitational lensing.

Reflection • Reflection of EMR is dependent on wavelength as demonstrated when visible light and radio waves bounce off objects that X-Rays would pass through. Microwaves, which have a large wavelength compared to visible light, will bounce off metal mesh in a microwave oven whereas visible light will pass through.


Ocean Waves

Mechanical Waves

• Receivers that expect polarized photons will not accept photons that are in other polarities. (ex. satellite dish receivers have horizontal and vertical polarity positions).

Photo by STScI

31.4 nm

2.33 nm

796 eV

946 eV

1.65 nm

1.39 nm

171 PHz

85.7 PHz

Soft XRay

So urc

urc e

E = Electric Field Strength B = Magnetic Field Strength Wave Nature

669 eV


9.01 PHz

288 PHz


15.7 nm

1.13 keV

242 PHz


18.0 PHz

1.17 nm


• Values on the chart have been labelled with the following colours: Frequency measured in Hertz, Wavelength measured in meters, Energy measured in electronVolts.

0 MJy/sr

7.85 nm

1.89 keV

• There is no limit to either end of this chart, however, due to limited space, only the “known” items have been shown here. A frequency of 0Hz is the lowest possible frequency but the method of depicting octaves used here does not allow for ever reaching 0Hz, only approaching it. Also, by the definition of frequency (Cycles per second), there is no such thing as negative frequency.

400 MJy/sr

3.93 nm

36.0 PHz

3.78 keV


• The horizontal bars wrap around from far right to far left as the frequency increases upwards.


72.1 PHz

• This chart is organized in octaves (frequency doubling/halving) starting at 1Hz and going higher (2,4,8, etc) and lower (1/2, 1/4, etc). The octave is a natural way to represent frequency.

Human Audible range

1.96 nm

Ionizing radiation : Harmful to living tissue.

144 PHz

694 pm

408 PHz

1.59 keV

826 pm

343 PHz

1.34 keV

347 pm

815 PHz

3.18 keV

413 pm

• EMR is emitted in discrete units called photons but has properties of waves as seen by the images below. EMR can be created by the oscillation or acceleration of electrical charge or magnetic field. EMR travels through space at the speed of light (2.997 924 58 ×108 m/s). EMR consists of an oscillating electrical and magnetic field which are at right angles to each other and spaced at a particular wavelength. There is some controversy about the phase relationship between the electrical and magnetic fields of EMR, one of the theoretical representations is shown here:

How to read this chart

• Frequency increases on the vertical scale in the upward direction.

Hard XRay



288 PHz

1nm 982 pm

Gamma Ray



Virus 17300nm







X-Ray machines

9.22 EHz

B +


36.0 keV

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)


Water Molecule 0.3nm

36.5 pm

43.4 pm

GAMMA RAYS Radioactive elements

30.3 keV

∞Hz 1 m ∞ ∞eV 7.76 EHz

Subsonic - Infrasound

Sizes of EMR


Sources of EMR


EMR of any wavelength can be reflected, however, the reflectivity of a material depends on many factors including the wavelength of the incident beam.


The angle of incidence (θi ) and angle of reflection (θr ) are the same.


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„The Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum“

Download this Chart for free @

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Health is a Coherent State on each Level

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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Color and Sound Treatment in Hospital (Speyer, D)

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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University of Zürich, Switzerland

© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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© Alexander Wunsch Montag, 9. November 2009

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This lecture is available on DVD from: wellio-WunschProdukte Doris Wunsch Bergheimer Strasse 116 69115 Heidelberg Germany [email protected]

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