Lift Impact Report 2009

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  • Words: 9,955
  • Pages: 24
Impact report 2008-2009

mission LIFT’s mission is to combat poverty and expand opportunity for all people in the United States. vision We envision a day when all people in our country will have the opportunity to achieve economic security and pursue their aspirations.

Table of contents Letters from the CEO and Chairman............................2 Introduction to LIFT.....................................................3 Theory of Change........................................................4 Path Out of Poverty.....................................................6 National Highlights......................................................8 LIFT-Boston..................................................................9 LIFT-Chicago.................................................................10 LIFT-New York..............................................................11 LIFT-Philadelphia.........................................................12 LIFT-Washington, DC . .................................................13 Financials.....................................................................14 Thanking Our Donors..................................................15 LIFT Directory..............................................................20

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Letters from the CEO and CHAIRMAN Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

I am thrilled to present you with our first Impact Report as LIFT. If you were a supporter of National Student Partnerships, I hope that you are as excited as we are to now be a part of the LIFT family.

It has been a remarkable year of growth and transition for the organization that started as National Student Partnerships over ten years ago. As one who has had the privilege of being part of this journey from the very beginning, I am both grateful and inspired by the way in which the organization has met the challenges presented by the economic crisis we all have faced over these past several months. I have watched a strong team of individuals make difficult—but necessary—decisions, while ensuring that the fundamental work of helping people on the path out of poverty continues and that the organization emerges stronger than before.

Our name may have changed, but our dedication to our mission has not. I feel more passionate than ever about LIFT’s work, especially knowing that the recession has catapulted so many families into crisis. This has been an important year for LIFT—one full of transformation and big decisions. We have decided to “go deep” in five of our metropolitan areas and have established a strong plan that will enable us to meet the needs of over 100,000 new families in the coming five years, while also strengthening the quality and impact of each LIFT intervention. In order to focus on this strategy, and as a response to economic realities that have also affected nonprofits, we made the very difficult decision to close four of our offices in Baltimore, New Haven, Pittsburgh, and Richmond. We worked hard to ensure that our clients in those communities had other supports in place and that our resources were shared with organizations throughout those communities. I am humbled by the truly exceptional people who continue to join and enrich the LIFT family. As always, I am deeply grateful to you, our supporters, for making our work possible. Please know that I’ll never be able to sufficiently thank each and every one of you for your steadfast commitment to our mission.

It should come as no surprise that the need for LIFT’s services continues to be great and I am more convinced than ever of the power of its model to support our communities as they struggle through these tough times. As you will read in the following pages, over this past year LIFT has had a tremendous impact on the lives of clients and volunteers in our core communities, and alumni from across the country continue to find ways to serve. Through the work and talent of individuals like these, LIFT is uniquely poised to serve the increased needs of clients and communities in the year ahead and beyond. I look forward to working with all of you as we dedicate ourselves to furthering the impact and reach of LIFT’s important work. With deepest appreciation for your ongoing support of LIFT,

With gratitude,

Kirsten E. Lodal CEO and Co-Founder LIFT

Marne Obernauer, Jr. Chairman LIFT Board of Directors

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Introducing LIFT LIFT officially launched its new brand in July 2009, thanks in large part to pro bono support and in-kind donations. We would like to highlight the efforts of those who contributed to our renaming process and thank them for their hard work. Burson-Marsteller and Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates

Several members of the staff at Burson-Marsteller and Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates worked closely with us to refine our language and offer name suggestions. “LIFT” was immediately the favorite contender. Don Baer Tracy Clayton David Hughes

Beth Lester Mark Penn Andrew Nibley

Josh Werman Shawn Westfall

Global Printing Jon Budington, LIFT National Board Member, and his team at Global Thinking in Alexandria, VA, donated all of the paper, printing, and services associated with LIFT’s new printed collateral. Armed with business cards, stationery, folders, this Impact Report, and many other materials, our offices have smoothly transitioned from NSP to LIFT. Over the next few months, LIFT is looking forward to collaborating with Global Thinking to redesign our e-communications and website.

Paul Bailey Jon Budington

Kevin Fay Jason Kowal

Tony Stuck

Rob Giampietro and Rumors

Our new visual identity comes courtesy of independent designer Rob Giampietro and his collaborators at Rumors design collective in Brooklyn, NY. Rob, Holly, Renda, and Andy were able to channel what we as an organization had already accomplished and what we aspire to achieve in the future. The mark conveys what we strive to do: “lift” communities across the country. Paired with a fresh color scheme, a bold typeface, and the ability to keep evolving, our external identity now matches the internal power and spirit of LIFT clients, volunteers, and supporters. Rob Giampietro Holly Gressley

Renda Morton Andy Pressman

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Theory of the Problem Nearly 40 million Americans—one in eight individuals—live below the poverty line.1 According to the federal poverty measure, a family of four is considered below the poverty line if it earns less than $22,050 a year.2 This translates into an average of $15 per person per day to cover all needs, from food and bus fare to doctor’s appointments and utility bills.

Theory of Change LIFT activities...

The implausibility of living on this amount of money in America today is alarming, but even more concerning is the reality that the number of Americans living in poverty will significantly— and precipitously—grow in the coming months and years as the economic downturn is fully realized.3

On the policy front, we have failed to make the elimination of domestic poverty a national priority despite the amount we as a country know about the persistence and growth of poverty in the United States. We have not prioritized the necessary policies and investments that could pull millions of families out of poverty.

Theory of Change With a mission to combat poverty and expand opportunity for all people in the United States, LIFT’s model pursues two distinct paths. First, low-income individuals (clients) work with trained volunteers to obtain access to necessities—secure income, housing, health care, and education—that enable families to survive and thrive. LIFT’s services are free of cost and without eligibility requirements, ensuring that any individual in need can access resources. Second, LIFT trains a corps of volunteers in a variety of issue areas to prepare them to work within the context of client needs. Their exposure to the challenges presented to lowincome families serves as a transformative experience, and LIFT alumni go on to pursue careers across all sectors and become lifelong leaders in the effort to improve the practices and policies that aim to eliminate poverty. “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2008,” U.S. Census Bureau “The 2009 HHS Poverty Guidelines: One Version of the [U.S.] Federal Poverty Measure,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 3 ”Simulating the Effect of the ‘Great Recession’ on Poverty,” Emily Monea and Isabel V. Sawhill, The Brookings Institution 1



Clients and trained volunteers work one-on-one to find jobs, secure safe and stable housing, make ends meet through public benefits and tax credits, and obtain quality referrals.

MISSION: Combat poverty and expand opportunity for all people in the United States


Poverty is a complex and multi-faceted problem and all of its associated issues—unemployment, homelessness, hunger, illiteracy, health care costs, and more—are interlinked. Yet our social services system does not reflect this reality. In order to secure needed resources, poor families must navigate highly complex and confusing bureaucracies, making access to basic services and benefits challenging.

Path 1

Path 2

The LIFT experience pushes volunteers to grapple with our country’s most challenging issues related to poverty, race, inequality, and policy.

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Theory of Change ...create positive change Clients make concrete and tangible progress on the path to opportunity including access to: • Stable housing • Stable income/employment • Education and job training • Health care • Basic necessities (food, clothing, transportation, etc.)

VISION: One day, all people will have the opportunity to achieve economic security and pursue their aspirations.

Short Term: Volunteers are transformed and educated by the experience.

Long Term: Alumni become lifelong leaders in the fight to decrease poverty and expand opportunity for all families in America.

Meet LIFT Alumna Deanna Singh In 1999, as a Fordham University undergraduate, Deanna Singh founded LIFT-The Bronx, now the organization’s New York City anchor. It was Deanna’s prior work as a youth program director and a tutor in the Bronx that compelled her to establish LIFT in her community. Says Deanna, “The whole concept directly addressed an issue that I saw over and over again with the families in the neighborhood. I did not know one person that did not want to work—they just had something in the way. I loved the idea of having an entire organization dedicated to helping them alleviate whatever that something was.” After graduating from Fordham in 2001, Deanna went on to receive her Juris Doctorate from the Georgetown University Law Center. While at Georgetown, she participated in the Washington DC Street Law Project, a program she later replicated in her hometown of Milwaukee, WI, where she returned after law school to become a public defender and professor at Marquette Law School. The project puts law students into local high schools where they teach introductory law classes, host a city-wide mock trial, and interact with the community on multiple levels. Deanna has since completed a yearlong fellowship with Building Excellent Schools, and in 2007, at only 27, she launched the Milwaukee Renaissance Academy, a public charter school designed to put students on a track toward higher education. Deanna says that her time with LIFT influenced all the steps on her impressive career path. “I have dedicated my entire career to serving underserved and underrepresented urban communities. Everything that I learned with LIFT has become part of my approach to that service,” she says. And to the benefit of thousands of families in the Bronx, DC, and Milwaukee, it was at LIFT that she became a social entrepreneur: “I started an organization as a college student. That gave me tremendous courage later on in life to embark on other ventures that people often considered unrealistic.”

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Path Out of Poverty LIFT believes that there are five essential asset areas—basic necessities, employment/financial stability, housing, education and training, and health care—that are vital for individual and family success on the path out of poverty. By working oneon-one with LIFT volunteers to find jobs, secure safe and stable housing, make ends meet through public benefits and tax credits, and obtain quality referrals for services like childcare and health care, LIFT clients are able to holistically address their immediate and long-term needs while making concrete steps towards realizing their greater dreams and aspirations.

Community members come to LIFT with a highly complex set of interrelated needs:

Together, volunteers and clients take the following actions:

Secure source of food, transportation, clothing, etc.

Search for Employment

Basic Necessities

Employment/Financial Stability


Secure stable income through employment and/or benefits Apply for Public Benefits

Search for housing

Secure stable housing

Secure entry into education and training programs

Education and Training

Health Care

Volunteers help clients achieve:

Connect to Referral Agencies

Secure access to affordable health care and medical services

In the process of working toward their goals, LIFT clients develop an important internal “toolkit” for progress and resiliency that enables them to move forward independently and bounce back from challenges and setbacks. With the support of LIFT volunteers, clients strengthen their goal-setting abilities, problem-solving skills, knowledge of key community resources, selfconfidence, and ability to advocate for themselves and their families.

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Path Out of Poverty Meet LIFT Client Maria Selamoglu

After losing her job in March 2007, Maria Selamoglu was struggling to get back into the workforce. With no income and little savings due to a recent divorce, she was falling behind on her rent and utility payments. She found LIFT-Somerville and immediately began working with volunteers to update her résumé and expand her job search. With LIFT-Somerville’s assistance, she soon secured part-time work at Massachusetts General Hospital. Despite receiving a regular paycheck, Maria was still struggling financially. Things took a turn for the worse in November 2008 when Maria’s landlord increased her apartment’s monthly rent. Maria could not afford the increase—already more than half her income went toward rent and utilities—and she was handed an eviction notice. After 15 years of living in her apartment, Maria suddenly faced the prospect of homelessness. She returned to LIFT-Somerville in tears, and volunteers were able to advise her about her tenant rights, including the fact that with a nofault eviction, she was not required to leave her apartment until a judge ordered her removal. Maria teamed up with Laura McNulty, who started researching housing options in Boston and then contacted the Volunteer Lawyers Project to help Maria obtain legal aid. LIFT volunteers accompanied Maria to her court appointments while a pro bono lawyer worked with her to negotiate an extension on her move-out date and settle outstanding payments with her landlord. Maria credits LIFT as her support system while navigating the stressful and confusing eviction process. “They helped me mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. I can’t stress this point enough, they were just there.” Laura then helped Maria compile the necessary paperwork for emergency housing and accompanied her to an interview with the Somerville Housing Authority. Maria was eligible to receive housing and soon found an affordable apartment in a safe neighborhood, but she worried that she would not be able to afford the security deposit and first month’s rent. Laura reached out to community partners at Catholic Charities and the Somerville Homeless Coalition and secured funds that allowed Maria to sign the lease on her apartment in July 2009.

Client Maria Selamoglu and volunteer Caitlin Payne discuss Maria’s monthly budget.

Maria says, “[At LIFT] they work with you like a partner. They did so much more for me here than anywhere else I have visited. They really care about their clients.” She continues to visit LIFT-Somerville to work on securing another part-time job while she waits for her job to transfer to full-time. In the meantime, it is still hard to make ends meet on a part-time salary, so volunteers have helped her establish a monthly budget and payment plans with her bank to make living expenses more affordable. Reflecting back on the last two years, Maria says, “Before, my life [was a downward] spiral. I lost my job, got a divorce, and then lost my apartment. Since LIFT, I feel like I got my life back. I worked very hard to get where I am today and I did it with LIFT.”

“At LIFT, they work with you like a partner. They did so much more for me here than anywhere else I have visited. They really care about their clients.”

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National Highlights

Preparing for the Future This year, LIFT focused on its “go-deep” strategy in five core geographies, consolidating resources and operations in Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC. As part of a heightened focus on local leadership, LIFT hired Regional Executive Directors in Chicago and Philadelphia, and their presence has already resulted in higher volunteer numbers, increased levels of client service, and a higher profile among community partners, funders, and local government agencies. Building on the strategic growth planning work started last year with the support of New Profit, LIFT spent the past summer working with a Monitor consultant to establish a detailed five-year operating plan, supported by a clear economic model, that will extend LIFT’s services to over 100,000 new families in need by FY2015. With the help of numerous strategic thought partners, including Robin Hood in New York City, LIFT has also significantly refined its overall approach to evaluation, with an increased focus on outcomes over activities. Much of FY2010 will be spent designing and implementing new client outcomes tracking systems.

LIFT has been working on the front lines of our country’s response to the economic downturn since its outset, with volunteers serving as a rapid response force to help the growing number of American families facing unemployment, poverty, and homelessness. This year LIFT helped more clients than ever before.

Clients and Meetings, 12 Offices PY06

After over a year of work as part of the ServiceNation coalition, Kirsten had the honor of representing LIFT at the President’s signing of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act in April. Only three months later, LIFT Vice President Tony Brunswick joined other outstanding program leaders at the White House for the official introduction of the Social Innovation Fund, authorized by the Kennedy Act, which will identify promising, results-oriented nonprofit programs and expand their reach throughout the country. In June, Kirsten served on a panel to discuss “Service and the Road to Economic Recovery” at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service. She was also honored as a Scholar at the Aspen Institute’s “Ideas Festival” in July, where she had the opportunity to discuss LIFT’s innovative model with other thought leaders from across the country.


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Shining the Spotlight: National Service and Social Innovation Earlier this year, LIFT was featured on The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer as part of a series on the economy’s effects on “Generation Next.” LIFT-DC Site Coordinator and AmeriCorps member Brian Marroquín and CEO Kirsten Lodal offered their perspectives on the growing spirit of service in America.



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Client meetings

At a time when tax credits have never meant more to families struggling to make ends meet, six of LIFT’s offices offered free tax preparation services to a record number of clients and secured over $1 million in refunds. Office


Tax Refund
























LIFT-Washington, DC total

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Main heading Regional Highlights subheading LIFT-Boston • LIFT-Boston enrolled 100 new clients in food stamp and/or WIC programs, a 35 percent increase from 2008. Many of these clients had never needed public benefits before and did not know how to navigate the application process. LIFT-Boston connected these clients to necessary food assistance resources so that they could defray the cost of other living expenses. • Over 500 LIFT-Boston clients received employment services. Services included creating and revising résumés, preparing cover letters, setting up e-mail accounts, filling out online job applications, faxing résumés, practicing interview skills, and locating resources for professional interview attire. • LIFT-Boston’s tax services yielded approximately $600,000 in returns for Cambridge and Somerville residents, an increase of more than $200,000 from 2008. $123,000 of these returns consisted of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). LIFT-Somerville is the only Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site in the city of Somerville and LIFT-Cambridge continues to serve as one of two throughout the City of Cambridge. • Four LIFT-Cambridge volunteers were selected to attend the prestigious Clinton Global Initiative University in Austin, TX in February 2009. The Harvard University students worked closely with community partners to develop a “Commitment to Action” to improve mental health referral services in the LIFT office and throughout the Cambridge community.

“LIFT opened up a great deal of opportunities for me ... and they helped me make connections that were necessary for me to begin having hope again.”

Meet LIFT Client George Uwanawich This past year, George Uwanawich became a victim of the foreclosure crisis that has swept through communities across the country. George was living as a tenant in a multi-unit house when he was received the news that what had seemed like a stable home was in the midst of foreclosure. He had gotten to know the volunteers at LIFT-Cambridge as a tax preparation client, so he immediately turned to them for help. Volunteers set to work with George to secure alternative future housing and to access disability benefits for which he qualified. Volunteers also consulted with a housing advocate in the Cambridge Multi-Service Center who suggested that George apply for immediate emergency housing. From there, George and various volunteers worked to reopen his case for long-term disability benefits and apply for emergency housing. George’s initial housing application was rejected by the Cambridge Housing Authority (CHA). Confident they could appeal the decision based on his case, volunteers worked with George to compile his housing history, worked with his landlord to provide a reference and evidence of the foreclosure, and reached out to housing advocates for advice. After months of preparation, George presented his case to the appeal committee at the CHA, who overturned the original decision and granted him emergency housing. In that same month, George was also approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), providing him with an additional $1,000 in monthly income and over $10,000 in back benefits. George is now settled in a new apartment and is thankful to LIFT. “[LIFT] opened up a great deal of opportunities for me through their knowledge of community resources and they helped me make connections that were necessary for me to begin having hope again.”

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Regional Highlights LIFT-Chicago • LIFT’s two offices in the Chicago region helped clients secure over 200 job interviews, resulting in 110 successful job placements, despite severe job shortages in the Chicago area. Meet LIFT Volunteer Nicole Davis When Nicole Davis stepped into her first activity fair as a freshman at Loyola University Chicago, she was struck by a LIFT-Chicago poster that asked the question: “Are you a student leader?” Nicole immediately walked over to the table and wrote her name on the sign-up sheet to find out more. Two years into her volunteer service with LIFT-Chicago, Nicole has proven that she is, indeed, a true leader, both on-campus and in the community. Fellow volunteers and LIFT staff have come to think of Nicole as a “go-to” person when questions arise about a local resource need. Site Coordinator Nadia Shamsi says, “Volunteers appreciate Nicole’s knowledge of resources in the community. This summer, volunteers would often need advice from Nicole on ‘best referrals’ for clients. Nicole does an excellent job of checking in with a client, ensuring that they have support in other areas beyond their immediate needs, and then immediately connects them to the right resource.” Throughout the school year, Nicole manages LIFT-Chicago’s online housing database, a free, wiki-based website that allows both volunteers and other community partners to post affordable, subsidized, and transitional housing availability and information. The student-driven initiative has proven invaluable to volunteers and community partners by providing resources for harderto-place clients like people living with HIV/AIDS and formerly incarcerated individuals, as well as offering Section 8 housing lists and contact information for rental and utility assistance programs. This summer, as a full-time Summer Director, Nicole took even greater control of LIFT-Chicago’s housing resources. She trained seven staff members from four community organizations to use the database, and she plans on training more in the upcoming school year. She says, “It’s awesome to have community partners using our database, helping us keep it up-to-date, and adding new resources that we didn’t know about.”

• As part of Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, LIFTEvanston facilitated a panel discussion for the entire Northwestern University community. The event featured faculty as well as representatives from local partners, including Connections for the Homeless and the YMCA. • LIFT-Chicago partnered with Loyola University Chicago’s Center for Experiential Learning to train student volunteers from servicelearning social work classes. The office also guided the work of a separate group of research students as they conducted a comparative study of two neighborhoods—Pilsen on the West Side and Hyde Park on the South Side—where LIFT is considering opening new offices in the city. The study surveyed existing community resources geared toward low-income individuals in the neighborhoods and assessed service gaps that LIFT could fill. • LIFT-Evanston volunteers helped 153 clients receive nearly $175,000 in tax refunds, a 52 percent increase from the previous year. $78,300 came from the Earned Income Tax Credit for working poor families. LIFT-Evanston also partnered with the Evanston YWCA to host additional tax preparation sessions on Saturdays throughout the winter. • In March 2009, LIFT-Evanston moved into significantly larger office space in order to accommodate increased client flow, as well as a growing student volunteer corps. The new location also allows for greater privacy at client workstations and is closer to where many LIFT-Evanston clients live.

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Main heading Regional Highlights subheading LIFT-New York • In 2009, referrals in to LIFT-The Bronx from other agencies increased by 50 percent from 2008, indicating that there is growing community awareness of the office’s offerings and that agencies recognize the quality of services provided at LIFT. Meet LIFT Client Quaneesha Cutts

• In line with a heightened focus on community connections, the office ran Community Partnership Days, during which student volunteers made group visits to partner organizations, including food pantries, shelters, advocacy groups, and community action agencies. The visits fostered deeper collaboration with community partners, and helped ensure that volunteers are making the most effective referrals for LIFT clients.

After her children’s father abandoned the family, Quaneesha Cutts was left to take care of five young children on her own. Not only did Quaneesha need help supplementing her family income, but she was also worried about her children, who were demonstrating behavioral issues due to their father’s absence. The children’s school offered little support, and without knowledge of any resources in the Bronx, Quaneesha began to feel overwhelmed.

• LIFT-The Bronx collaborated with the Heiskell Enterprise Center for Technology to host a résumé writing workshop in July 2009 in response to growing unemployment numbers in the Bronx. Using the Heiskell Center’s computer lab, workshop participants were able to access a personal computer and receive individual coaching on how to properly format a résumé and use the internet to perform an online job search. The office plans to continue running the workshops in the upcoming year.

She saw a flyer for LIFT-The Bronx outside the Refuge House and contacted the office for help. Volunteer Catherine Groene worked with Quaneesha to create a strategy to find therapy resources for her children, secure legal assistance for child support, and obtain a job in the medical field. Catherine contacted community partners Good Shepherd Services and All About Kids for information on family services. Quaneesha’s youngest son was successfully placed in an Early Intervention Program, which provides therapeutic and support services for children under the age of three. Her other children were enrolled in counseling, as well as stable day care.

• The office created a Local Advisory Board (LAB) mentorship program, linking student volunteers on the office’s Leadership Team with LAB members who work in a field they wish to pursue after graduation.

With her children’s well-being secure, Quaneesha is now able to devote her full attention to her employment search. She has worked with Catherine to update her résumé and is applying for physical therapy assistant and medical office assistant positions. She has received multiple interview requests and recently enrolled at Bronx Community College to earn her remaining credits for her Associate’s degree.

“I feel hopeful. I feel less alone. I see a more self-sufficient me. I’m going to secure long-term employment. I’ll be able to pay for things, take care of my children, and have financial security. The sky is the limit.”

Of her future, Quaneesha says, “I feel hopeful. I feel less alone. I see a more self-sufficient me. I’m going to secure long-term employment. I’ll be able to pay for things, take care of my children, and have financial security. I will definitely have my Master’s degree and when my kids get older, hopefully be a nurse. The sky is the limit.”

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Regional Highlights LIFT-Philadelphia • With improved student recruitment efforts, LIFT-Philadelphia recruited 70 volunteers to serve in its two offices, a 50 percent increase from last year. Meet LIFT Client José Ortiz When he first arrived at LIFT-Philadelphia’s North office, José Ortiz expected to simply file his taxes and leave. But upon hearing about LIFT’s numerous other services, José revealed that he was living in a homeless shelter and needed help finding employment and stable housing. As a former food preparation worker, José’s first instinct was to pursue more work in a kitchen. Volunteers helped José draft a stronger résumé and introduced him to LIFT-Philadelphia’s co-locators at Philadelphia OIC, who were able to provide him with information about their culinary arts training programs. Armed with a new résumé and new information, José began applying for jobs. José applied for several kitchen positions, but soon realized he was more interested in obtaining a college degree in a field he enjoyed rather than trying to get “just another job.” LIFT-Philadelphia volunteers Tasnuva Islam and Meredith Dean encouraged him to apply to the Community College of Philadelphia and explained to him how he could receive federal assistance through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program to offset his tuition costs. They helped José set up his FAFSA application and apply for several state grants, and he successfully secured over $8,000 in financial aid. Tasnuva and Meredith continued working with José to find affordable housing so that he could move out of his shelter and into an apartment closer to campus. He was ultimately able to obtain a clean, safe room in an apartment for $200 per month. He started classes this past August, and recently contacted volunteers to let them know that he is very happy in his new apartment.

• Client numbers increased by over 100 percent in Program Year 2009. With new office locations and increased leadership from two full-time Site Coordinators and its first Regional Executive Director, LIFT-Philadelphia was able to serve 1,200 clients and conducted 3,900 client meetings. • LIFT-Philadelphia was renewed as an official Community Outreach Center for Pennsylvania CareerLink, Philadelphia’s hub for workforce development. The offices partnered with Center City CareerLink to accommodate the overflow of CareerLink clients seeking personalized résumé and job search assistance. • Volunteers prepared tax returns for more than 220 clients, resulting in over $270,000 in returns, over $70,000 of which was through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). LIFT-Philadelphia also partnered with three local organizations—Project H.O.M.E., YouthBuild Charter School, and the Southwest CDC—to provide offsite tax preparation services for clients during evening and weekend hours. • LIFT-Philadelphia focused on expanding its Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) services by providing enhanced training to volunteers about this critical resource. LIFT also partnered with YouthBuild Charter School and UPenn’s Educational Opportunity Center to hold three “FAFSA Nights” for individuals seeking support in pursuing post-secondary education.

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Main heading Regional Highlights subheading LIFT-Washington, DC • In response to the surge in demand for social services brought about by the recession, LIFT-DC organized “Something for Everyone: A Social Services Fair” to connect DC community members in need with nearly 20 social service agencies in one place, at one time. LIFT-DC brought in partners from across the city to offer services from financial planning to food assistance and medical screenings. With the help of National Board Member Jon Budington, the office also recruited a corps of professionals from companies throughout the region to volunteer to provide résumé critiques and interview training for fair participants. • In April 2009, the George Washington University Office of Community Service presented LIFT-DC with its Outstanding Community Partner in Service Award, recognizing LIFT-DC’s exemplary work in engaging students in the Washington, DC community. • LIFT-DC provided over 630 clients with employment services. The office also worked closely with its co-locator, the Perry School Community Services Center, to refer LIFT clients to Perry School job training programs. In exchange, LIFT-DC provided résumé and application assistance help to Perry School clients. • LIFT-DC successfully expanded its summer internship program, which resulted in a 60 percent increase in summer service delivery compared to 2008. Between June 1 and August 31, the office conducted 1,030 meetings with clients.

“Going forward, I will take with me a new awareness of the power just one individual has to help his community.”

Photo Credit: Chris Mabry

Meet LIFT Volunteer Collin Stevenson Collin Stevenson was already a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, a cross-country captain, and an Alternative Spring Break leader, when he discovered LIFT-DC. While promoting the Alternative Spring Break (ASB) program at an involvement fair at George Washington University, he saw a table for LIFT and immediately felt that he had to be a part of the organization. Now, after over a year volunteering with LIFT-DC, he promotes LIFT at ASB meetings to encourage others to get involved in their community year-round. This year, Collin will continue his dedication to community service as a Presidential Administrative Fellow at GWU. He will be working on an initiative to incorporate service learning components into more college classes, while also pursuing a Master’s degree in International Relations. “I think community involvement is a crucial component of learning and feel it should be required in curriculums. I will be researching how students can learn academically through direct service in their community.” He says that his LIFT experience has given him insights he would not have otherwise had in his college career. “I have become invested in the DC community and the policy of this city. Going forward, I will take with me a new awareness of the power just one individual has to help his community. I know that I can give people hope simply by letting them know they have people in their corner.”

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Revenue and Financials Revenue Individuals......................................................................... $696,423 Institutions ....................................................................... $706,600 AmeriCorps*VISTA . ............................................................ $71,158 AmeriCorps*National Direct . ........................................... $283,091 In-kind Contributions . ........................................................ $87,032 Other Income........................................................................ $4,237 LIFT-DC client Sheila Boykin addresses guests at the home of Nancy Jacobson and Mark Penn for LIFT’s Annual Spring Benefit in Washington, DC. Sheila worked with LIFT-DC to obtain her Certified Nursing Assistant credentials and land her dream job working with veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Photo Credit: JB Yong, Sweet Dreams Studio

Total Revenue: .......................................................... $1,848,541

Expenses Program Costs................................................................ $1,365,101 Management and General................................................ $176,681 Development ................................................................... $327,667 Total Expenses............................................................ $1,869,449 Change in net assets........................................................$(8,890) Net assets, beginning of year ........................................ $248,326 Net assets, end of year ................................................. $239,436

(From l-r) Serena Potter, Kelly Mateo, Elizabeth Milbank, Michael Sobel, and Jessica Wyman support LIFT at the 2009 Annual Spring Benefit in New York City, hosted at the Rubin Museum of Art. Photo Credit: Max Flatow, Max Flatow Photography

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Thanking Our Donors LIFT is grateful for the support of the following individuals, foundations, corporations, government agencies, and universities whose significant contributions make our work possible. This list reflects all gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009. Government Partners

Mark Penn and Nancy Jacobson

Bob and Marilyn Mazur

Lawrence and Lorna Graev

The Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area

The Polk Bros. Foundation

Julie Ha

Donald and Barbara Tober, in honor of Marne Obernauer, Jr.

Paul and Sarah Sohn

Michael McCurdy and Lisa Ripperger

Jeff Halis

Raymond and Jean Troubh

The Corporation for National and Community Service/ AmeriCorps*National Direct and AmeriCorps*VISTA

Virginia Non-Profit Housing Coalition

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merinoff, in honor of Marne Obernauer, Jr.

Herb Block Foundation (Athelia Knight)

Catherine Tyler

Wachovia Foundation (Baltimore)

Al Pierce and Lola Reinsch

Kevin Werner

Lance and Lisa West

Geoff Pohanka and Anne Kline

Harold and Bonnie Himmelman, in honor of Kirsten Lodal

Billy and Cassie Rahm

Anna Hoffman


James and Suzanne Woolsey

Joel Ramin

Mark and Karen Holzberg

Investment Partners New Profit Inc.

William Wallace and Anne Evans Alexandra White

Anonymous (2)

Wayne and Wendy Rhodes

Mark Horowitz and Jen Koen



Don and Anne Ayer

Rod Smith and Rebecca Mills

Tim and Debra Howard



The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

Mike Sobel and Elizabeth Milbank*

Ellen Howe

Don Baer and Nancy Bard

Confidence Foundation

Beneficial Bank

Jerry and Isabel Jasinowski

Will Yu*

JHL Capital Group LLC

Edward and Maura Baker, in honor of Amy Baker

ECMC – Educational Credit Management Corporation Global Thinking Inc.

Lee and Mindy Foley

Laurence and Susan Hirsch

Eugene Keilin and Joanne Witty


The Bromley Charitable Trust

Nick and Gardiner Lapham


The McCormick Foundation

Marc Lawrence

Bernstein Wealth Management

Ronnie and Kelly Mateo

Bob and Nancy Blank


Morningstar Foundation

Jay and Nina Bliley

The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Annie Moyer*

Dennis and Shirley Bloomquist

David Parker and Marian Davis

Marne and Peggy Obernauer Larry Robbins John and Rachel Rodin JPMorgan Chase Nate and Margie Thorne

$10,000-24,999 Beverage Distributors Company, LLC Capital One The Charles Jacob Foundation Chichester duPont Foundation Claneil Foundation, Inc. Glenview Capital Management The Goldhirsh Foundation The Gray Charitable Trust Richard and Carol Hochman Modestus Bauer Foundation (Marc Lawrence) Jan and Elizabeth Lodal

William Knapp and Jean Milbauer Rick and Nancy Kreiter Brian and Ali Kreiter Samuel and Susan Lehrman Richard Leventhal

Richard and Amelia Bernstein Bob and Jan Billingsley Richard and Suzie Bissell Charles and Judy Black Joel Bonner

Douglas Maguire

George and MaryAnne Boyd

The Four Lanes Trust, (Wendy Makins)

John and Amanda Cali

Ben Bradlee and Sally Quinn

Richard and Heather Cass

Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC

David and Katherine Bradley

Chris and Nina McIntyre*

Armeane and Mary Choski

David and Susan Rahm

Michael McNamara

Philip and Carolyn Cohan

Peter and Suzanne Romatowski

Joe Brodecki/Bernstein Wealth Management

Louis and Bonnie Cohen

Walter and Elise Haas Fund

Colbert and Mary Cannon

Susan Merinoff

Donna Cusimano

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

Richard and Suzanne Carroll

Jon and Lois Mills

Dominic and Rita Cusimano

Bob Woodward and Elsa Walsh

Centerbridge Partners Foundation

Kathleen O’Hare, in honor of Katie O’Hare


George Chopivsky and Clara Brillembourg

Morgan Oldenburg*, in honor of Katherine Conway

Dalio Family Foundation Inc.

Rubenstein Family Charitable Foundation (Eli and Virginia Grace Cohen)

Bill and Lee Perry

Bob and Sara Cusimano

Matthew and Tina Ripperger

Anonymous (2) Carl and Tammy Allegretti Peter Cherukuri and Emily Lenzner Dan and Susan Christman Citizens Bank Charitable Foundation David and Debra Eichenbaum Irving Foundation Peter and Martha Kellner Kenilworth Union Church Henry and Charlotte Kimelman Terry and Margaret Lenzner

Dirk and Caroline Degenaars

Clifford Pollan and Peggy Kriss, in honor of LIFT-Somerville

Ivo Daalder and Elisa Harris Stephen and Brooke Day John and April Delaney Albert and Claire Dwoskin Hossein and Dalia Fateh David and Elizabeth Fischer

Phil Deutch and Marne Levine

Christian Salomone and Suzanne Fine

Kevin Downey and Michele Jolin

Michael and Diane Sapir

Frederick and Suzie Fletcher

Ronald and Beth Dozoretz

Guillermo and Cecilia Schultz

Patrick and Patricia Ford

Tim and Elizabeth Dugan

Brent Scowcroft

Chris Foreman*

Ricardo and Isabel Ernst

Thomas and Bonnie Strauss

Fred and Susan Forman

John and Marie Evans

Jake and Carrington Tarr

Kenneth and Ellen Forrest

Stan Freeman and Cecilia Parajon

Anne Thompson

Carol Fox

Julian and Suzanne Flannery

16 | LIFT

Thanking Our Donors Paul Frazer and Tina Alster

Thomas and Sarah Neff, in honor of Owen Mack Day

Michael Abramowitz and Susan Baer

John and Gail Nields

Matt and Mary Adams

Michael Geraci

Michael Nussbaum and Gloria Weissberg

David and Elizabeth Gould

Adam and Tracy Bernstein

Rene Canezin

Deborah Bers, in honor of Katie O’Hare

David Caprara

Robert Alexander, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vann

Matt and Lauren Biel

Robert Carmona

Jake Blair

Phillip and Marge Odeen

Tom and Barbie Alt

Brian and Kristine Carney

Jonathan Bliley

Howard and Gail Paster

Rodolpho and Claudia Amboss

Stuart Carrol

Doug and Mary Clare Gourley

Keith and Jacquie Bloom

Michael and Nina Patterson Scott Pearson and Diana Farrell

Zachary and Corinne Boisi, in memory of Luke Boisi

Sharon Cascone*

Patrick and Sheila Gross

Jim and Terry Anderson, in honor of Janelle Rae

Nancy Carter*

Anderson and Mae Grennan Mark Haggarty and Amy Stone

Arnold Penner

Regina Anderson

Burton Haimes

Phil and Nina Pillsbury

Melissa Anderson*

Stephen and Cathy Bokoff, in honor of Jennifer Bokoff

Tom Hardart and Virginia Shore

Dale and Kay Pittman

Louis and Dena Andre

Jennifer Bokoff*

Frederick Cavin, in honor of Cory Sorensen Logan

Lover and Tizgel High*

Christopher and Diane Pohanka

Susan Andrews

Esther Bokoff

Stephanie Chak*

Jeff and Karen Holway

Mary Raiser

Scott and Teri Angstreich

Joel Bonner

Joan Challinor

Roger Horchow

Jason Redlus

Susan Lucia Annunzio

William and Irina Booth

Lily Chang

Joe and Lynn Horning

Jack Ripperger and Kathryn Lodal

Warren and Sue Ellen Appelman

Robert Chartener

I Do Foundation

Eric and Laurie Roth

Garry and Kathy Johnson, in honor of Megan Johnson

Philip and Janet Rotner

Robert Armstrong, in honor of Kyle Armstrong

Roger and Susan Bottum, in honor of Caroline Degenaars

Paul and Teola Jones

Darryl and Alicia Sargent

Paul Kalb and Susan Ascher

David and Lisa Schertler

Robert Kallen

Stephen and Wendy Siegel

David Karabell and Paula Moss

Kevin Simmons*

Joseph Kenny

John and Sally Simms

Martin and Carol Kolsky

Leslie Simon

David and Karen Levites

Stephen and Martha Smith

Elliot and Lenore Lobel, in honor of Annie Lobel

Howard and Mindy Sontag

William Maguire

Mark and Katie Sullivan

Jacqueline Mars

Kevin and Betsy Sullivan

John and Gail Marshall

Diane Tachmindji

John and Joanne Mason

William Techar

Ed and Dale Mathias

William and Cassie Barnard, in honor of Stan Freeman

John and Nina Toups

Theodore and Margery Mayer

Michael Barr and Hannah Smotrich

Oltac and Cecilia Unsal

Matthew Mazur and Zehra Dincer

Thomas and Patricia Barron

Antoine and Emily van Agtamael

Stanton and Lindsay McCullough

Steve Barrows*

Robert and Margi Vanderhye

Thomas and Eileen McIntyre

Maurice and Fran Baskin

Peter and Jennifer Wallace

Kirk McKeown

Marcy Baskin*

Theron Ttee and Letitia Smith

Daniel and Ellen Meltzer, in honor of Anne Romatowski

Cricket Bauer

Bob and Pat Wilburn

Jonathan Bauer

Mei Xu

Albert and Kay Bellas

Darwin Yeung*

Adam Benforado*

Salvatore Zizza and Patty Theis

Anna Bennett

Elizabeth Gaffney, in honor of Katherine Conway Dennis and Holly Galgano

Rob and Mary Jo Milbank Kunal Modi* Amreesh and Asmita Modi Edward and Linda Morse Doug and Denise Nash

James and Heather Ruth

Charlie and Libby Speth

$1-499 Anonymous (29)

Karl Bourdeau

Chris Carlson

Steven and Beth Catlett, in honor of Samantha Catlett

Haejin Chung

Eric Arnold

Elena Boyd*

Gail Claffey, in honor of Rosellen Marohn

Rita Axelroth*

Bruce and Laura Brancheau, in honor of Lisa Brancheau

Donna Cloninger

Daniel Backo and Eleanor Winter Ken and Darcy Bacon

Kevin and Susie Brandmeyer

Robert Baizer, in honor of Brian Kreiter

John and Jane Brickman

Carrie Baizer

Mark and Andrea Brodin, in honor of Meg Newman

Liz Baldick Howard Balikov and Lisa Rosenberg Maynard and Barbara Ball Eugene Bang Alison Barad John Barker and Anne Witkowski

Heidi Berenson Michael Beresik and Beth Brummel

Stephen Broache and Miriam Boyer

Robert Broeksmit and Susan Bollendorf Mary Brophy Katharine Brown Sharman Brown, in honor of Gini Christman David Browning and Nancy Lax, in honor of Shannon Murphy

Sheryl Cohen Jessie Colgate William and Cathy Colgazier Stefanie Conahan Jeanne Connaghan Kevin and Janet Conroy Greg and Donna Conway, in memory of David Conway Elizabeth Copeland* Lindsay Copeland and Carol Goldberg K. Don Cornwell Tom Cosgrove*

Edward and Marnell Bruce

Anna Constantino

Robert and Kay Brundige

Claire Constantino*

Nancy Bubes

Robert and Jamie Craft

Mike Buchwald*

Jon Cross and Rachel Whiteside

Susan Burk

Geoffrey and Barbara Crowley

James Burns and Lucy Owen

Lucy Claire Curran*

Jennifer Burton

Richard and Suzannne Curry

Nathan Byer

Rim Curry and Mary Garver

Claudette Calder

Walter and Didi Cutler

John and Holly Caldwell

Bernard and Laura D’Avella

Adam Caldwell and Dahlia Neiss

Andrew and Celia David

Corey Callahan

Michael and Antigone Davis

2008-2009 Impact Report | 17

Thanking Our Donors Louise Davis

Erin Fitzgerald*

Stephen and Sharon Haberfeld

William and Miriam Howard

Bruce Kieloch

Lawrence and Carole Day

Janet Flowers

William Hagner

Hunt and Janet Howell

Caitlin King Rossman*

Rudy and Cynthia DeCanio

MaryAnn Flynn, in honor of Colleen Flynn

Elizabeth Hague

Horace and Ivy Howells

Ian and Michelle Kleier

Barney and Julia Hallingby

Benjamin and Gisela Huberman

Rebecca Klemm

Jim Fogel and Beth Jacob, in honor of Anna Fogel

Jessica Hammerslough*

Lindsay Hughes

Gina Kline*

Frances Harden

Lim Hui*

David Kline

Mandy Hargitt

Eric and Tiffany Hunsader

Allison Kornstein*

Heather Harr

Robert and Jean Hutnick

Ross and Kaye Kory

Roland and Donna Harrid

Michael Iannuzzi

Henry Harris and Rebecca Fishman

Jason Idilbi*

Jennifer Kovach, in honor of Carolina Madinaveitia

Dana Hart

Redmond Ingalls

Laurie Kramer

Matthew Jacobs

James and Linda Kreider

Peter and Caroline Friedman

Robert Hartheimer and Nancy Golding

Harry and Ruth Kreiter

H.E. Claudia Fritsche

Rachel Jacobson

A. A. and Donna Hartman

Alan and Kusum Krishnan

Marguerite Donnelly, in honor of Colleen Flynn

Robert and LouAnn Frome

David James and Rebecca Burke

Harvard Undergraduate Council

Cory and Tara Gaffney

Kate Janeski*

Val and Sophie Hawkins

John Krugle and Kim CariotoKrugle, in honor of Caitlin Krieck

Kristen Donoghue

Shelly Galli

David Hawkins

Thomas Jarrett and Martha Ann Burke

Christopher Dorval and Elizabeth Britton

General Electric Company

David and Barbara Heiner

David and Anne Gergen

Andi Drileck

Thomas and Barbara Decker Carlos Del Toro Peter and Ruth Demmin Michelle Devereux* Neil Dhillon Robin Diamond Gary Dibianco and Sczerina Perot Margaret Dimeling Todd Dimston Michael and Linda Donnelly, in honor of Colleen Flynn

William and Elizabeth Folberth Patricia Foo* Derek Fox and Erica Brindley Bob Franken Michael Fraoli Kathleen French

Gail Kruzel Sarah Kuhn

Joanne Heisey*

Laurie Jochum, in honor of LIFTChicago

Brian and Pamela Henjum, in honor of Matt Henjum

Benjamin Johns and Deborah Waterman Johns

Ronald and Nancy Kurz

David and Angela Duff

Andrea Gingrande, in honor of Adam Stoller

Dan and Karen DuVal

Michael Gitter

Jason Herrick and Lindsay Smith

Brad Johnson

Lenard Lacy*

Robert Eager

David Gleave

Collister and Carrie Johnson

Anne Ladky and Karen Fishman

Dillian Edick

Eric Glostrum

Kathleen Hickey, in honor of Bill and Jamie Buehl-Reichard

Jack and Sharon Jones

Cheryl LaFleur

Michael Edwards and Jennifer Urquhart

Daniel and Anne Goldman

John Hickey and Susan Epstein

Natalie Jones

Nona Lambert

David and Felice Goldman

Tiffany Hicks*

Claudia Jones

Ray Eigelback, in honor of Janelle Rae

Elisabeth Lamotte

John and Sherri Goodman

Michael Higgins

Peter and Beverly Jost

William and Laura Lamson

Steven Goodman

Ernest Higgins

Mike Iacavone and Alexandra Jost*

Joseph and Stephanie Lanasa


David and Marja Hilfiker, in honor of Tony Brunswick and Rachel Dickerson

Linda Jun*

Zach Landau

Tom Kahn and Susana Sanchez

Ben Langworthy

Nathan Kamesar* Gerald Kane and Priscilla Bijur

Malcolm Lassman and Camille Thornton

Angi Kang

Jenna Lawrence

Ronald Kass

Richard and Susanne Leach

Fran Katz

Miriam Leder Susan Lee*

Robert and Jessica Einhorn Pablo Eisenberg Arielle Elliott Mary Emerson, in honor of the Emerson family

John and Marilyn Gordon Joshua Gotbaum and Joyce Thornhill

Stephen and Joslyn Hills

Alex Kumin Ruth Kyle

The Granoff Family Hillel Center at Tufts University

Benjamin and Lauren Hilyard

Lucinda Eng Garcia Tom and Kristine Evans, in honor of Tom and Beth Evans

Karen Gray

Fred and Mary Hitz

Joseph Greco

David Hodges

Michael and Marcia Greenberger

Kevin Hodges and Andrea Miano

Gerry Kavanaugh, in honor of Mark Penn and Nancy Jacobson

Marcia Greenblum

Matthew Kaye

Rhonda Greifinger

Ann Hollick, in honor of Amanda Hollick

David and Becky Legge

Billy and Ann Kaye

Ginny Grenham

Pauline Holmes

David Leiter and Tamara Luzzatto

Eric and Elizabeth Grossman

Linwood and Jinks Holton

Peter Keane*

Marc and Jacqueline Leland

William Keen

Marc Grossman and Mildred Patterson

James and Holly Hoscheit

Chris and Judy Keller

Amy Leveton, in honor of Mark Penn and Nancy Jacobson

Carrill Kelly

Katherine Levine*

Peter and Amy Keogh

Molly Levinson

Jim Kessler

Lauren Levites*, in honor of LIFT-

Rebecca Fabbro* Jacqueline Falk Parker Farrington* Loie Fecteau, in honor of Katherine Conway Michael Feldman William Fettweis* Richard Fiesta Dennis Fischman John and Catherine Fisher

Perry Haaland and Pamela Timmons

Ken and Caroline Himmelman

John and Marian Hosmer, in honor of Caitlin Krieck Michael Hotopp

Jeffrey and Roberta Lee

18 | LIFT

Thanking Our Donors Chicago Noah Levy James and Betsy Lewis Lawrence Libera and Corinne Husten, in honor of LIFT-DC

David Mercer

Gregory and Elaine O’Loughlin*

Rajeev and Rachna Rawat

William Methot and Margie Conway, in honor of Katherine Conway

Melissa O’Neill

Pat Read

Andrew Schwartz and Amy Goldberg

Lana Orloff

John Read

David Seeberan

Charles Orr

Tommy Reiser

Margaret Senese*

Kathryn Pappas

Stewart and Anne Rennie

Susannah Shakow

David Parades

James and Ellen Reuler

Robert Shapiro

Bruce and Amy Pascal

Jessica Reveri*

Mark and Maura Shapiro

Robert and Margy Pastor

Greg and Christina Rice*

Monisha Sharma*

Jonathan and Marni Pastor*, in honor of LIFT Alumni Association

Charles Riedel and Meredith Broadbent

Jeff and Kristin Sharp

Morgan Robinson*

Elizabeth Sheldon

Guy Robinson and Elizabeth Stribling

Michael and Lysbeth Sherman

Meredith Metzler

Sarah Licht, in honor of Katherine Conway

Michael and Mia Meyer

Matt Lieppe and Valerie Green

Tom and Janice Milone

Tom Liguori

Deborah Minor Harvey

William and Dale Lipnick

Eric Misbach

Larry and Lainie Lipsher

Robert and Jill Monk

Frederick and Marguerite Lodan

Linda Moodie

Scott Pastrick and Courtney Clark Pastrick

Josh Logan and Cory Sorensen Logan*

Michele Morales

Shilpa Patel

Michael Morgenstern

Charles Rockefeller

Paul London and Paula Stern

Andy and Kimberly Shiff

Lucy Mullany*

William Pearce and Sarah Alexander

Justin Rockefeller

Natasha Lonnon, in honor of Janelle Rae

Jordan Pearlstein

Jemmy and Anne Shih

Kevin Mulvaney

Dahlia Rockowitz*

Jeffrey and Lisa Peck

Charles Short

Loyola University Center for Experiential Learning

Edward and Sarah Mundy

William Roe

Matthew Perault

Sarah Shrewsbury

Genevieve Munoz*

Roger and Fran Rooney

Elizabeth Perkowski

Carrie Shuchart*

Frederick Mutter

William Rosenberg

David Perlin

John and Stephanie Shuchart

Rajeev Nath and Marisa Giorgi*

Martin Rosenblum

Robin Perry

Gwen Shufro

Jim Neal, in honor of Mark Penn and Nancy Jacobson

James Rowe and Lisa Adams

Gregg and Julie Petersmeyer

Amandeep and Jasmeet Sidhu

Jon Rubin

Joseph Neale and Marcy Oppenheimer

Michael and Monica Peterson

Robert Siegel

Miles and Nancy Rubin

Philadelphia Fresh Foods, LLC

Scott Siff

Randolph and Nancy New

Verena Phipps*

Donald and Carol Rubin, in honor of Arianna Rubin

David and Diane Sigman

Meg Newman*

Thomas and Alice Pickering

Pearl Rucker

Eugene Newman and Maryellen Cunnion, in honor of Ruth Cunnion

Dick and Patty Simon, in honor of Lisa Pollan

Elizabeth Pierson

Rick Rys, in honor of Katherine Conway

Warren and Florence Sinsheimer

John and Lynn Pohanka Gene Pokorny and Beth Lodal

Jodi Sakol

Elinore Pollan, in honor of Lisa Pollan

Dan Sallick and Elizabeth Miller

Cynthia Pollan, in honor of Lisa Pollan

Lisa Sampugnaro, in honor of Victoria Sampugnaro

Lisa Pollan*

Angela Sampugnaro

Eileen Pollan, in honor of the Pollan family

Betty Sams

Daniel Pong

Sharday Sanchez, in honor of LIFTThe Bronx

Lane Luskey Matthew and Candace MacDonald* Susan Magee Gabrielle Devorah Malman George Marcou and Karen Barker Dan and Rosemary Marohn Dorothy Marohn, in honor of Rosellen Marohn Kenneth and Louise Marshall Raymond and Luann Martin, in honor of Tony Brunswick and Rachel Dickerson Larry and Lena Martin Chris Martinelli Jeffrey May William and Gretchen Maynes Brant Mayo*

Charles and Sylvia Meyers

North Shore Community Bank and Trust Northwestern University Mr. and Mrs. Rob Norton Steve and Ilene Novack OT and Linda Nuttall, in honor of Katherine Conway

Thomas Maza

Adam O’Byrne and Laura Smolowe, in honor of Kirsten Lodal

Melissa Mazur*

Ralph and Jane O’Connell

Paul and Margaret McElligott

Mike O’Donnell*

James and Donna McGee

Howard and Joan Oestreich

Daniel McGee Ryan McIntyre*

James O’Hare, in honor of Katie O’Hare

Joseph and Kiki McLean

Kathy O’Hearn

Victoria Rollins

Daniel Mehlman and Margaret Shirk, in honor of LIFT-The Bronx

William Okun

Janelle Rae*, in honor of the Rae family

Mark Mellman

William and Elena Olin

William and Pilar O’Leary

Sangeeta Prasad* William and Dana Pratt Edward and Leland Prince Frederick and Diana Prince Rob Quartel and Michella English

Peter Ragosa

Paul Saltzman

Ruth Samuelson

Jeffrey Sandman and Nancy Sanders Timothy Sawina and Jane Kennedy Sawina, in honor of Tony Brunswick and Rachel Dickerson

Hillary Shayne*

Peter Sherman and Tina Toll

Larry and Rebecca Sipos Maral Skeisey Craig Small, in honor of Erin Small Eilliam and Erin Smith Christa Smith Thomas Smith Mary Shernell Smith Gerard and Angela Smith, in memory of Paul Francis Smith David and Bernice Smotrich, in honor of Amit Smotrich Lawrence and Judi Sobel Maya Soble* Arlo and Carol Sorensen Gene and Allison Sperling

Dr. and Mr. Larry Schack

James and Cameron Speth

Jill Schuker

John and Patricia Stack

Blair Schwab*

Kent and Nancy Stansberry, in

2008-2009 Impact Report | 19

Thanking Our Donors honor of John and Peggy Sadler

Leo Tully, in memory of Mary Ann Fanning

Michael and Jennifer Wood

Khyati Desai*

Kenneth and Dorothy Woodcock

Joan Turadek*, in honor of LIFT-The Bronx

Jessica Wyman*

Famous Dave’s of America, Richmond VA

Raymond Uhalde

Joanne Stone Wyman, in honor of Matt Cohen and Jessica Wyman

The First Korean Church of Richmond

Virtre Sterling

John Uhar

David Wyman

Food Lion, Richmond VA

Jordan Seltzer*

Brooke Stetson

University of Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Richard Urraro, in honor of Terese Tornincaso

Foodmaster Super Markets, Inc, Somerville MA

Talha Shamsi

Max Stier and Florence Pan

Jason Yeung, in honor of Verena Phipps Colina Yip

Fordham University Cafeteria

Richard Verville

Laird Yock

Robert Victor and Lexa Edsall Carroll and Nancy Voss, in honor of Alix Brown

Michael and Mary Young, in honor of Tony Brunswick and Rachel Dickerson

Fordham University Community Service Program

Carol Wait

Ameer Youssef

Kenneth and Alice Star Patrick Steel and Lee Satterfield Bernard and Sally Stein, in honor of Brian Kreiter

James Stirn Stuart and Ann Stock Judith Stone Howard and Janice Stoodley John and Appy Stookey Edwin and Mona Strassburger

William and Sheila Walker

Alex Zakupowsky and Anne Collier

Jenonne Walker

Michael Zeldin and Amy Rudnick

Stuart Walker and Nicole Bagley

Emily Zimmet

Stephanie Sutton

Bradley Walker and Valerie LoCascio

Francisca Zizumbo*

Alan and Patricia Svendsen

Roger and Judy Wallenstein

Kara Svendsen

Jill Zuckman

Faye Walsh

Mary Svenstrup*

Haiyan Wang

In-Kind Support

James and Terry Svenstrup

Fanta Waterman*

1369 Coffeehouse, Cambridge MA

Rachael Swanson*

Leon and Mabel Weil

Andre Black

Alexandra Taber

Blackfinn, Richmond VA

William Taft

David Weil, in honor of Marni Pastor

Robert and Hope Taft

Craig and Shari Weil

Jonathan and Alisa Talisman

Ari Weinberg and Charlotte Kaiser Weinberg, in honor of Anna Hoffman

Kimball Stroud Duck Suh Wendy Susswein

Derek Tarsy William Taylor Ryan Tetrick* Evan and Osceola Thomas Anne Thomas Leonard Thomas Mary Thomas* Dan and Sue Thomas Suzy Thompson Justin and Debra Thornton James and Nancy Tierney, in honor of Anne Romatowski Howard and Lorraine Tischler Margaret Touborg Sina and Elizabeth Toussi Emily Treleaven* Gardner Tripp* Isaac and Anne Tripp

Richard and Joann Weiner John and Linda Weiss Lee Wells* Shawn Westcott* Sharon White Kevin and Judy White Susan Whitney* Zach and Michelle Williams John and Constance Wilson Jennifer Wilson* Lyric Winik Adam Winkel Ellis Wisner, in memory of Christopher Makins Harris Wofford Jeremy and Becky Wolsk

Lauren Wilkins

Boloco, Cambridge and Somerville MA Burson-Marsteller Capital Ale House, Richmond VA The Case Foundation Chipotle, Somerville MA Cinderella’s Restaurant, Cambridge MA City of Cambridge Human Services Department - Citywide Senior Center City of Cambridge Human Services Department - Multi-service Center for the Homeless City View, Philadelphia PA

Guerrero Grocery, Bronx NY Harvest Co-Op Market, Cambridge MA

Washington DC Qdoba Mexican Grill, Richmond VA Redbones Barbeque, Somerville MA Ropes & Gray

SHARE Food Program Smith Rothchild Financial Springfield College Starbucks Coffee, Richmond VA STRIVE Jackie Stewart*

Iggy’s Bread of the World, Cambridge MA

Stop-N-Shop, Bronx NY

Illinois Worknet

TEAM Sound and Vision, Inc (Jody Weiss Gillanders and Peter Davis)

Johns Hopkins University Economics Department

Taproot Foundation

Robert Vanderhye

Johns Hopkins University Public Health Studies Program

Whole Foods Market, Washington DC

Kimbrick Knox*

Merle Wolf

Kroger, Richmond VA


Luna Café, Cambridge MA Michael Masullo

Matching Gifts

Michael Matthews

Arrow Adhesives Company

The Melting Pot, Richmond VA

The Boston Consulting Group

Met Food Markets, Bronx NY

Citi Foundation

The Middle East Restaurant, Cambridge MA


Mmm Kupcakes, Cambridge MA

Glenview Capital Management

Modern Food, Bronx NY

Goldman Sachs


Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Mr. Que’s Down Home Southern BBQ, Washington DC

GE Foundation

JPMorgan Chase Foundation

National Womens Law Center, Washington DC

Kingdon Capital

Lek Noci

National Starch and Chemical Foundation

Panera, Watertown MA

Lumigent Technologies

Pfizer Foundation

Comcast, Richmond VA

Peet’s Coffee and Tea, Cambridge MA

Compare Supermarket, Bronx NY

Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates

Renee Cook

Picante Mexican Grill, Cambridge MA

United Technologies

Pioneer Supermarket, Bronx NY

* Indicates client, volunteer, alumni, or staff gift

Edward Cunha Danish Pastry House, Medford MA DC Central Kitchen Dick Blick Art Materials

Clifford Pollan and Peggy Kriss Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC,

United Services Automobile Association W.W. Grainger, Inc.

20 | LIFT

LIFT Directory Board of directors

National Office Staff

Jon Budington

Amy Baker

CEO, Global Thinking

Rob Carmona

President and Founder, STRIVE International

Michelle Devereux

LIFT Alumni Association Representative Vice President, Cline Davis & Mann LLC

Lee Foley

Managing Partner, Foley, Maldonado & O’Toole

Stanley A. Freeman

Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC

Michael Gilligan

National Development and Communications Coordinator

Alix Brown

Manager, Investor Relations and Events

Tony Brunswick

Vice President, Programs

Liz Copeland

Development Associate

Heather Decker

Program Manager

Colleen Flynn

Josh Romalis

Amy Hustad

Anne Romatowski

Manager, Communications and Media Relations Chief Operating Officer

Kirsten Lodal

CEO and CO-Founder

Shannon Murphy

Program Manager

Ben Reuler

Regional Executive Director, LIFT-Chicago

Regional executive Director, LIFT-Philadelphia Manager, Program Design and Evaluation

Maicharia Weir Lytle

Regional executive Director, LIFT-Boston

Marian Wiggins

Director of Finance

General Partner, Heritage Partners, Inc.

Mark Greenberg

Director, Georgetown University Center on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy

Susan Hirsch Richard Hochman

Chairman, Regent Capital Management Corp.

Ted Howard

Executive Director, The Democracy Collaborative

Brian J. Kreiter

Co-Founder, lIFT Manager, Research Analytics, Bridgewater Associates

Kirsten Lodal

Local Offices LIFT-Boston

LIFT-New York


LIFT-The Bronx



C/o The Cambridge Multi-Service Center 19 Brookline Street, 1st floor Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 349-6338

c/o The Family Center 366 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143 (617) 591-9400

CEO and Co-Founder, LIFT


Marne Obernauer, Jr.


(Board Chair) Chairman, Beverage Distributors Company

William D. Rahm

4554 North Broadway, Suite 329 Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 303-0700

Principal, Centerbridge Partners, L.P.

Elizabeth Riker

Partner, New Profit Inc.

Arianna Rubin

Student Representative to the Board, Tufts University


1932 Dewey Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 (847) 491-6707

c/o Refuge House 2715 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10458 (718) 733-3897

LIFT-Philadelphia, North Office

c/o Philadelphia OIC 1231 North Broad Street, 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 765-3430

LIFT-Philadelphia, West Office 203 South 60th Street, 1st Floor Philadelphia, PA 19139 (215) 474-1807

LIFT-Washington, DC LIFT-DC

c/o Perry School Community Services Center 128 M Street, NW, Suite 320 Washington, DC 20001 (202) 289-2525

LIFT 800 7th Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 Phone: (202) 289-1151 | Fax: (202) 289-7741 [email protected] |

Printing and production Global Thinking 3670 Wheeler Avenue Alexandria, VA 22304 Design Consultation Julie Sherman J Sherman Studio LLC [email protected] Compilation and Edits Colleen Flynn Manager, Communications and Media Relations LIFT

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