Liacs Summer 2002 Newsletter

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Long Island Association Of

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July - August 2002 Newsletter - Highlights NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION FOR CENTRAL SERVICE PROFESSIONALS FORMED The New York State Association for Central Service Professionals was created after more than a year of correspondence between the five Central Service associations in New York. The five associations convened at a dinner meeting in Albany to review and approve bylaws prepared by Don Gordon, Past President of the Long Island Association for Central Service. The five associations include: Central New York Association of Central Service Professionals Long Island Association for Central Service New York City Association for Central Service Professionals Northeastern New York Healthcare Chapter of Central Service Professionals Western New York Sterile Processing and Distribution Managers Association Interestingly, these associations are affiliated with the two separate national Central Service Associations -- International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) and the American Society for Healthcare Central Service Professionals (ASHCSP) with downstate affiliated with IAHCSMM and upstate with ASHCSP. Don Gordon explained "We were not going to leave the room until We had accomplished our goals. The commitment of the representatives attending the meeting was evident. They not only approved the bylaws of the new organization but selected the officers before dessert was served after dinner!" Larry Guittard was selected as President of the new association and in his first address to attendees at the Northeastern New York Seminar held the following day, he identified the objectives of the organization: "The chapters of New York State shall work together to promote knowledge and experience of the Central Service profession and work together to achieve a state certification/licensure." Bonnie Ingham, President Elect who will assume the presidency next year explained to the conference attendees "your representatives will work together in the future to 'raise the bar' of our profession and that everyone who is a member of their regional association will automatically be a member of the New York State Association. This of course did not happen overnight. It all started last year when Chuck Hughes and Ray Averill from SPS Medical (a New York based company) brought together Don Gordon (a previous Executive Board member of IAHCSMM), and Peg Galluppi (Past

Each organization has one of their representatives' serve in a given office. Officers will rotate annually. The officers are: Larry Guittard (Long Island): President Bonnie Ingham (Northeastern New York): President Elect Mary Olivera (New York City): Secretary Wilma Lasher (Central New York) Treasurer Wilheimina ,Jones (Western New York) Director (this position will become the Past President next year) Ray Averill (SPS Medical) Ex-Officio Director Chip Moore (Getinge/Castle) Ex-Officio Director The successes of these New York State Chapters highlights the importance of uniting in achieving the goals to better their profession. Hopefully, this will set an example for others to follow. 2002/2003 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT



















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The Board of Directors was elected by the membership. It is their responsibility to answer questions and make recommendations concerning our professional organizations. Do not hesitate to call. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS BY-LAWS






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Gordon (a previous Executive Board member of IAHCSMM), and Peg Galluppi (Past President of ASHCSP). The two organized a meeting in central New York of the various groups last year on September 10th where the foundation for the "new" New York State Association was discussed. A teleconference meeting a few months ago with the associations produced the roots for the bylaws and representation for the meeting held in Albany.


Each association has two representatives that make up the Board of Directors. From the Board of Directors the officers were chosen.







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Please call the chairperson of the committee for participation, Be active in your professional association --join a committee! PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE/EDITORIAL This is my first President's message in my new term as your President of LIACS. It will be my honor and pleasure to serve our organization in the coming year. It should prove to be a very busy and productive one. In the past year the ground work has been laid for the formation of the New York State Association of Central Service Professionals. On June 4th and 5th, representatives of our LIACS chapter of IAHCSMM, met with sister chapters in our profession from New York State. This proved to be a very productive meeting. Quoting the words of our IAHCSMM President, Brenda Sexton, "Here we grow again". This undertaking will indeed be a new growth for our profession. Stay tune for the updates and details! Our editor, Don Gordon, has written an article with the details in this newsletter... ! All of the members of your Board of Directors want you, the membership, to become involved in this undertaking. Please come to your membership meetings (the next one is on July 18th at Southampton), attend our seminars, and join a committee to help our organization to go forward. Please remember that this is our organization and our profession. Visit our Web Site! Bring a co-worker to our meetings! When you contribute, you will be paid back in so many ways that will benefit you and your hospitals. Until the next time have a great and safe summer! Corrine Van Note President


Hampton Picnic/Educational Meeting Speaker: Tony Monaco "New Jersey Certification/ Licensure "

Aug. 10:

Fishing Trip


Educational Meeting/NSUH @ Syosset Speaker: Don Gordon "17 Principles for Success"

Sept. 20:

Golf Outing (Rescheduled)

EDITORIAL Rita Barnes authored the "Technician's Exchange" in IAHCSMM's Communique each Oct. 24: issue. Rita passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in May. She was a significant contributor of knowledge through her articles and for me personally through our phone Nov. 3-6: conversations and e-mails. More importantly, she was a wonderful lady. I had recently corresponded with her concerning policies for "loaner trays" that she was researching for a future article and we had discussed possibly seeing each other again in Orlando at the IAHCSMM meeting. She was not certain whether or not she would Dec. 7: be attending the meeting due to her health. Someone once wrote: "To fully enjoy life, to derive its greatest meaning and beauty,

LIACS Annual Seminar and Exhibits

IAHCSMM Fall Meeting San Antonio, Texas LIACS Annual Dinner/Dance Singleton's -- Oyster Bay

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Long Island Association Of

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Someone once wrote: "To fully enjoy life, to derive its greatest meaning and beauty, one needs to enter into it with not only the look of involvement and happiness, but the spirit of involvement, as well. "Without doubt, Rita enjoyed life, its meaning and beauty. Our profession and I in particular will surely miss this very special individual. Our prayers go out to her family . Don Gordon Editor

FISHING TRIP Get ready to set sail again on the Captain Lou. We will be setting out for the calm waters off of Long Island fishing for fluke. There is nothing like a fresh fish dinner on a summer evening! Here is your chance to bring home that catch to your family. Captain Lou provides the fishing gear and bait along with his expertise of the best fishing spots off the shores of Long Island.

ANNUAL HAMPTON PICNIC It is summer and LIACS will be holding its Annual Hampton Picnic and Educational Meeting on July 18th. Tony Monaco will be providing an update overview Jersey Licensure. Kimberly-Clark will provide the lunch and Cynthia Labrozzi will be our wonderful Bring your lunch or buy it on board in the cafeteria. The boat is "Hampton" hostess providing dessert and beverages. Bring a chair or blanket and spend more than 60 feet long with two decks -- one for fishing and one for the day where the "jet set plays" The picnic will held at Agawam Park. Call Fran Cody, relaxing and enjoying a nice summer day. Program Chairperson at 718-918-4381 and she will fax to you a directional map. The cost is only $25/person. Bring your family and friends, but.,. Don't miss the boat w it leaves from Freeport at 12 Noon. After the WEBSITES FIRST "CHAT" fishing trip, if you were not fortunate to catch your dinner, you can LIACS had our first "Chat" on May 19th following our representatives' meeting in get one of the best seafood dinners you have ever tasted in Albany, New York in establishing the "new" New York State Association for Central Freeport. Service. Corrine Van Note, Larry Guittard and Don Gordon attended this historical meeting and explained the events leading up to the meeting and the meeting itself. Tony Monaco, the For more information, call Larry Guittard: Cell phone: 516697-0353. "Guru" of state licensure attended the "chat" along with his fellow New Jersey partner Ann Cofeill. Terry Jackson, from West Virginia also participated with Julie Jefferson and our Webmaster Tony Basile on this most interesting "Chat." The next "Chat" will be scheduled in July, so check out our website at: for the date and time. The website provides a wealth of information about our Chapter including dates fox NEXT MEETING upcoming events, photos of our activities, positions available, links to Central Service educational websites and much more. Date: July 18th Time:12 Noon Place: Agawan Park, Southampton Speaker: Tony Monaco Topic: New Jersey Licensure Update and Annual Picnic ANNUAL LIACS SEMINAR AND EXHIBITS DATE SET!

MVP CONTEST.' 1ST QUARTER STANDINGS The 2002~2003 MVP Contest has started as of the April Technician Seminar. We will be giving away more than $2500 in prize money to attend

Mark the date on your calendars - the Annual Seminar and Vendor Exhibits will be on Thursday -- October 24th. Our speakers will be Brenda Sexton, IAHCSMM President and Kathi O'Shaughnessy, LIACS "Hall of Famer."

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Long Island Association Of

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We will be giving away more than $2500 in prize money to attend educational seminars or purchase educational Central Service materials. 1 st Place: Don Gordon 60 Points 2nd Place:

Dan Bialt

40 Points

3rd Place (Tie):

Evelyn Baez

30 Points

Julie Jefferson

30 Points

Melody Traversi

30 Points

Christa Walsh

30 Points

4th Place:

Kathy Froehlich

20 Points

Point Scoring:

Board of Directors:

10 Points

We will be trying something new this year with the wonderful gifts donated by our vendors. We will be holding an auction to raise monies for our educational programs. Bring cash and be ready to pick up some great gifts at nominal prices and have fun doing it! Further information will follow through mailings and our next newsletter,

Committee Chairperson: 10 Points Committee Member:

5 Points

Attendance at LIACS Meeting:

10 Points

Attendance at LIACS or IAHCSMM Meeting:

10 Points

Attendance at a LIACS Social Event (Dinner/Dance, Fishing Trip, Golf Outing, etc.):

3 Points


Sponsor a New 2 Points Member: Participate in professional activities and earn points! See the Calendar of Events in this Newsletter and on our Website.

LIACS REPRESENTED AT THE IAHCSMM ANNUAL MEETING Ten LIACS Members attended the IAHCSMM Annual Meeting in May at Orlando Florida. Those in attendance were able to earn CEUs and share in the educational knowledge through speaker presentations and networking with our professional colleagues from all parts of our country. To view photos of the "LIACS Gang" in Orlando, go to our website at www. liacs.¢om and "click" on "PHOTO ALBUM." Don Gordon was awarded his "Fellow" in achieving his Fellowship status in the association and participated in the tribute to Betty Hanna for her 40 Years of Service as Executive Director of IAHCSMM. In addition, our LIACS Charter was runner-up to California for the "STERIS/IAHCSMM Chapter of the Year Award.:" We are looking forward to attending the next IAHCSMM Fall Meeting in November at San Antonio, Texas.

The inability to forget is infinitely more devastating than the inability to remember. Every individual goes through periods when he does a lot of the right things.., working hard, exercising, thinking and eating well, with no tangible results. This is the point at which successful people bring to bear the powers of faith, patience, persistence, and will. The Five-Word Weight-Loss Formula - Eat Less and Exercise More Killing time murders opportunities T - Together E - Everybody A - Achieves M - More Working together works. How to figure the cost of living ~ Take your income and add 10%. Humor is a potent salve.

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November at San Antonio, Texas. GOLF OUTING POSTPONED --- RESCHEDULED Due to an early morning rain that left the golf course unplayable, the Annual Golf Outing was postponed, it has been rescheduled for Friday, September 20th. For further information, contact Melody Traversi at: 631-496-8822. a potent salve. A smile is a curve that can set a number of things straight.

It's been said that hypocrites are people who complain about ail the sex, offensive language and violence.., on their VCRs. The World's Shortest Sales Course: #1. Know their business. ~2. Know your stuff.

11/16/2009 7:21 PM

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