Li Lbm 2

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 987
  • Pages: 4
A. ACCUMULATIVE Measuring the average number of children born to a woman to the end of childbearing age. example: CBR, GFR, ASFR • Crude Birth Rate Rough fertility rates are defined as the number of live births in a given year per 1000 residents in the middle of the year • General Fertility Rate Is the number of live births per 1,000 women of reproductive age (ages 14 14-49 or 15 15-44 years)) in a given year. • Fertility rate by age (Age Specific Fertility Rate) Is a calculation of the fertility rate of women in each age group and certain years. B. ANNUAL Measuring the number of births in a given year is related to the number of people at risk of giving birth in a given year. Distribution: TFR, GRR, NRR • Total fertility rate (TFR) TFR is defined as the number of male and female live births per 1000 people who live until the end of their reproductive period with a note: a. No woman died before ending her reproductive period b. Age fertility rates do not change over a period of time In practice the total fertility rate is done by summing the fertility rate of women according to age, if the age is five years old, assuming that the fertility rate according to a single age equals the average of the five-year age group fertility rate, • Gross Reproduction rate (GRR) It is the number of births of 1,000 female babies throughout their reproductive period with a note that no woman has died before ending her reproductive period, • Net reproduction rate (NRR) is the birth of a number of baby girls by a hypothetical cohort of 1000 women taking into account the possibility of leaving these women before ending their reproductive period.

how to deal with high population growth: 1. Promote the transmigration program One program overcomes population density without suppressing population growth 2. Equitable employment 3. Suppress population growth with the Family Planning program

Family Planning is a government program for the people of Indonesia to limit the number of children, where in one family only have 2 children. 4. Making a law that sets the minimum age for marriage 5. Limiting child support for civil servants and military personnel to the second child One of the reasons why people do not question the number of children is because they get government and private benefits. the more children, the greater the benefits obtained

1. Menggalakkan program transmigrasi Salah satu program mengatasi kepadatan penduduk tanpa menekan pertumbuhan penduduk 2. Pemerataan lapangan kerja 3. Menekan pertumbuhan penduduk dengan program Keluarga Berencana Keluarga Berencana merupakan program pemerintah bagi rakyat Indonesia untuk membatasi jumlah anak, dimana dalam satu keluarga cukup memiliki 2 orang anak saja. 4. Membuat Undang-Undang yang menetapkan usia minimal menikah 5. Membatasi tunjangan anak bagi PNS dan ABRI hingga anak kedua Salah satu yang menyebabkan orang tidak mempermasalahkan jumlah anak adalah karena mendapatkan tunjangan dari pemerintah maupun swasta. semakin banyak anak, maka semakin besar tunjangan yang didapatkan

The role of the BKKBN in handling fertility? • A family planning program that seeks to limit the number of children. • There is a marriage age limit, for women at least 16 years old and for men at least 19 years old. • Assumption of children is a burden on the family in fulfilling their life needs. • There are restrictions on child support for civil servants, namely child support is given only to the 2nd child. • Delaying marriage until completion of education will get a job. Source: Munir, Rozy.1981. demographic basics. Demographic Institution FE UI, Jakarta. Peran BKKBN dalam menangani fertilitas?  Adanya program keluarga berencana yang mengupayakan pembatasan jumlah anak.

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Adanya ketentuan batas usia menikah, untuk wanita minimal berusia 16 tahun dan bagi laki-laki minimal berusia 19 tahun. Anggapan anak menjadi beban keluarga dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Adanya pembatasan tunjangan anak untuk pegawai negeri yaitu tunjangan anak diberikan hanya sampai anak ke – 2. Penundaaan kawin sampai selesai pendidikan akan memperoleh pekerjaan. Sumber : Munir, Rozy.1981. dasar-dasar demografi. LEMBAGA Demografi FE UI, Jakarta.

BKKBN has the task: "Carrying out government duties in the field of population control and the implementation of family planning" In carrying out the tasks referred to, BKKBN organizes functions: 1. Formulation of national policies, integration and synchronization of policies in the KKB field; 2. Determination of norms, standards, procedures and criteria in the KKB field; 3. Implementation of advocacy and coordination in the field of population control and family planning; 4. Organizing communication, information and education in the KKB field; 5. Determination of national population control estimates; 6. KKBPK Program design preparation; 7. Management of family planning counselors / family planning field officers (PKB / PLKB); 8. Management and provision of contraceptive devices and drugs for the needs of national Fertile Age Couples (PUS); 9. Management and control of family information systems 10. Empowering and increasing the participation of national level community organizations in controlling services and fostering participation in family planning and reproductive health (KR); 11. Development of the design of family development programs through fostering resilience and family welfare; 12. Empowering and increasing national level community participation in family development through family security and welfare; 13. Standardization of family planning services and certification of family planning counselors / family planning field workers (PKB / PLKB); 14. Implementation of monitoring and evaluation in the field of population control and family planning; and 15. Coaching, guidance and facilities in the KKB field.

In addition to organizing these functions, BKKBN also carries out functions: 1. Organizing training, research and development in the KKB field; 2. Fostering and coordinating the implementation of general administrative duties in the BKKBN environment; 3. Management of state property / wealth which is the responsibility of BKKBN; 4. Supervision of the implementation of tasks within the BKKBN; and 5. Submission of reports, suggestions and considerations in the KKB field.

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