Lesson Plan Science.docx

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  • Words: 1,222
  • Pages: 7
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to: a. Identify the good conductors of heat. b. Give some materials as good conductors of heat. c. Awareness about metal materials when heat is involved. II. Subject Matter A. Topic Light and Sound, Heat and Electricity B. Sub-topic Conductors of heat C. Reference Science and Health for the New Millennium By: Renaida L. Ranay Dr. Amelia F. Pascual D. Concepts Conductors are materials that allow heat to flow or pass through. E. Materials Video presentation about good conductors Objects (metal spoon, glass and pencil) Pictures about conductors Powerpoint Presentation, safety measure Manila Paper, pentel pen, envelopes F. Science Processes Processing Identifying Classifying Inferring Describing G. Values Appreciate the usefulness and importance of conductors. H. Approach: 5 E’s Engage Explore Explain Extend Evaluate

III. Methodology TEACHER’S ACTIVITY A. Preparatory Activities 1. Prayer Everybody stand up and let us pray

2. Greetings Good Morning Class! 3. Checking of Attendance Kyle, whose absent for today?


A pupil will lead the prayer

Good Morning Sir! Kyle: I am glad to say that no one is absent Sir.

4. Review (Engage) Before we go on to our lesson this morning, let’s have a short recap. What is the formula in finding the distance?

D = speed x time

What is the formula in finding the speed?

S = distance time

5. Motivation Class, Do you want to watch a video? But before that, What are the standards to follow during watching video?

Yes, Sir!

1. What silently. 2. Listen carefully. 3. Take note all the important details. Ok class after watching the video, I will gave some questions. Is that clear?

Yes Sir!

What is the video all about?

The video is all about materials that absorb heat

What are the materials you have seen in the video?

ruler, pencil, scissor and metal bar.

In what can heat travel? Very good! That’s correct! B. Lesson Proper Pre-Laboratory Activity (Explore) a. Setting of Standards

heat travel to material that is made of metal.

Class, let us recall once again. What are the things to be done in group activity? 1. 2. 3. 4. b. Unlocking of difficulties I need two volunteers I will ask the volunteers to arrange the jumble letter to match picture in the given meaning. Do I make myself clear?

Cooperative with the group. Follow the suggested instruction. Follow the time allotment. Work silently

Yes it is.

Are materials that allow electricity to flow or pass through.



Is a form of energy It can be used to do work, or it can be converted to other forms of energy



C. Discussion of procedure Class, I will group you into four. Each group will select a leader. Is that clear?

Group 1-4 Yes, Sir!

Now class, each group will receive a brown envelope containing the necessary materials for group activity. Leaders, kindly check the things inside the brown envelope?

(The leaders will check the things inside the brown envelope.)

Ok, class you are going to perform and what is being asked? Go to your respective group. I will give you five minutes to finish your task. Clear class? You may start now.

Yes, Sir! (The pupils will go to their respective groups.)

ACTIVITY SHEET NO. 1 I. Problem Identify the materials which is a good conductor of heat? II. Materials 2 glasses of hot water metal spoon, pencil III. Procedures Remember do not touch hot water. 1. Pour the hot water in a glass. 2. Put the metal spoon and the pencil at the same time. 3. After 3 minutes touch the end of the metal spoon and pencil. 4. Compare what will happen? 5. Record your observations. IV. Observation Questions: 1. Does the metal spoon absorb heat? 2. Does the pencil absorb heat? 3. What do you feel, when you touch the end of metal spoon and pencil? 4. Which of these is a good conductor? C. Post Laboratory Activity a. Group Reporting and Publication of Data (Explain) Are you done class? I will call each leader to present your output. … the group 1 … the group 2 … the group 3 … the group 4

Yes, Sir! (The leader will explain their output)

Very good class! Give yourself an “Ang galing galing clap” b. Discussion and Analysis Now class, using YSL there are pictures. You will identify the materials, Is that clear?

(The pupils will do as told)

Yes, Sir!

(The pupils will identify the pictures) spoon, coin, fork pin, needle, teaspoon

What do you call these materials?

Conductor, Sir

What do you mean by conductor?

Conductor are materials that allow electricity to flow.

Very good class! I will show you the PowerPoint presentation about safety measures. Kindly read:

(The pupil will read)

1. Do not touch when metal materials is expose to heat. 2. When preparing hot coffee or any hot beverages do not leave the teaspoon. 3. Remember that metal materials absorb heat. 4. Follow the safety measure to avoid accident.

Did you understand class?

Yes, Sir!

Based on the video presented and the group task you have performed. Now class I will check your understanding by some questions. 1. What will happen when heat is involve in metals materials?

when material will absorb heat.

2. Why some materials like coin, pin and fork are said to be good conductors?

because materials mentioned allow heat to pass through.

3. Why do you need to know about the main characteristic of conductor?

because to know the importance of conductor.

4. How will you identify conductor, when heat is occurred?

when material absorb heat.

c. Generalization I have here a diagram that completes your understanding. I will post it.

Now class, I need volunteers in front… This time, you will identify the materials based from what you have learned this morning. Is that clear?

Yes, Sir

Kindly pick one and post it on the board.

(The pupil will identify the materials.)



spoon conductrs of heat

(spoon, coin, fork, ruler, pin, needle, teaspoon, pencil) needle


Very good class Give your classmate a “YES CLAP”

(The pupils will do as told)

d. Application (Extend) Here’s your additional activity Form Group 1, 2, 3, 4 Kindly read the instruction Explain 2-5 sentences about conductor

(The pupils will read the instruction) (The pupils will answer this question)

(Group 1-4 will present your answer) IV. Evaluation Direction: Identify the good conductor of heat. Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. Materials that allow electricity to pass through are called __________. a. Conductor b. Insulator c. Heat 2. Which of these materials allow electricity to flow? a. Glass b. Wood c. Copper 3. Which of these materials that do not allow electricity to flow? a. Scissor b. Wood ruler c. Aluminum 4. What will happen when heat is involved in metal materials? a. The materials will absorb heat. b. The materials do not absorb heat. c. The materials is the same. 5. Why do you think that material made of metal is so called good conductor?


Assignment Answer the following questions: 1. What is an insulator? 2. Give 3 examples of insulators.

Answer: 1. a

2. c

3. b

4. a

5. because material that is made of metal allow heat to pass through.

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