Lesson Plan Maam Linda.docx

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  • Words: 861
  • Pages: 3
Lesson Plan In 21st Century Literature of the Philippines and of the World I.

Lesson Objectives A. Discuss the three assumption about the nature of literature. B. Discuss the contrasting views of Matthew Arnold and Plato regarding the Value of Literature.


Subject Matters A. Nature of Literature (3 Assumptions) B. Value of Literature 1. Matthew Arnold 2. Plato


Lesson Presentation A. Engagement /Exploration 1. Objectives of discussion : to call attention to the three assumptions that lie unnoticed or unchallenged whenever attempts to discuss the nature of literature 2. Question : Are assumption always true? 3. What are assumptions? - Refer to deeply – seated ideas that we have unconsciously accepted as timeless or universal unexamined value. B. Explanation : three (3) Assumptions on the Nature of Literature 1. First Assumption – literature (singular – with small “l” For conveniences sake - (warning) – It gives an impression that there is only one kind of literature that is governed by so called timeless standards that are universally applicable – despite the every high degrees of contextual differences in cultures and timeframes. Examples : World Literature vs National Literature National Literature vs World Literature Reflection : Historical, cultural, social, political, economic, effective biographical and other material conditions that have bearing on the writing, publishing and reading of literary text. Also include genre, mode of forms, in which the work was written – or the set of conventions in which the author grapples with in producing his own art. NOTE : When a dominant view about literature develops the aura of universal applicability, such multifaceted contextual condition can be naively forgotten or worse deliberately ignored. Question : Can oral, print and online cultures co-exist and influence one another in the production and reception of literary and other artistic works? 2. Second Assumption – literatures ( Plural with small letter “I”) - literature are incredibly various in textual forms, themes, and concerns as they are in their extra textual conditions of writing and reading. 3. Third Assumption – “ Literature” (Singular with big “L” and enclosed in quotation marks. -

brings up the context of literary canon the idea that some works deserve to be included in a kind of literary hall of fame – (while others are relegated to literature or literatures)


“ great works” - Who determined - Who set the standards?

Value of Literature Plato – didactic – to teach; to instruct ; ethical

Aristotle – aesthetic – for pleasure Horace – teacher and delights Matthew Arnold – to raise cultured individuals - able to derive moral and spiritual guidance from poetry / literature.

Value of Literature Matthew Arnold “Culture and Anarchy”

Plato “ The Republic”

A. Matthew Arnold - English poet and Cultural critic - School inspection Born : December 24, 1822 Died : April 15, 1888 Period : Victoria Period in England Philosophy/Perspective : Liberal Humanism (“Culture and Anarchy”) Liberal Humanism : understands literature/poetry to be timeless. Literature/Poetry must reveal a constant and universal truth about humanity. In “Culture and Anarchy” - sees literature as a powerful and beautiful application of ideas of life to the question of : “How to live? - serves a civilizing function: to raise cultured individuals capable of deriving moral and spiritual guidance from reading literature - one can turn to literature as a kind of substitute religion or philosophy. Context of Arnoldʻs Perspective - Moment of “anarchy” in English history - Piots and social unrest among the masses as a result of their not being allowed to vote - Arnoldʻs seemingly inspirational counsel is actually a warning against political fanaticism, or resorting to unreflective, impulsive and destructive measures when clamoring for change. - Implying masses lack of culture and restraint as the root of the problem rather than their economic, social and political, social and political dispossession. (with these historical context of Arnoldʻs work – his thesis of universality of literature is not universal at all) B. Plato : theory of Literature in “ The Republic” Plato : Philosopher in Classical Greece Founder of the Academy of Athens – the first institution of higher learning in the Western world . Born : Classical Athens (508-322 BC) Work : “The Republic” (380 BC)

Theories of Literature : The role of poets in his Perfect Commonwealth 1. Poetry is a form of divine modness. Spiritual 2. Contents (Book II) of the Educative Literature a. They can either be good or bad. Ex. Those erroneous tales about gods and goddesses are heroes carrying out revenge, quarreling, showing disrespect towards parents, etc. must be censored. Note : The founders of a state ought to known the general forms in which poets cast their tales and the limits which must be observed by them. Example : The traditional tales transmitted by Homer contains false ideas about the gods.

Note: Divine beings are supposed to assure several shapes, and God is suppose to be the the cause of all things, including evil. This is untrue for Platos spokesman, Socrates. For Socrates : “ God is essentially good, and is not the cause of evil in the Universe”. All these tales must be forbidden. Book III :

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