Lecture On The Icc.docx

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  • Words: 762
  • Pages: 4
Jurisdiction of ICC and some Exceptions (Lecture) Art 5 of the Rome Statute - Article 5 Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court The jurisdiction of the Court shall be limited to the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole. The Court has jurisdiction in accordance with this Statute with respect to the following crimes: (a)

The crime of genocide;


Crimes against humanity;


War crimes;


The crime of aggression.

4 principles that must concur a. Ratione materiae (what) b. Ratione temporae (when) c. Ratione soli (where) d. Ratione personae (who) e. + How f.

+ notice

a. Ratione materiae (what) -

Cases that fall under jurisdiction of ICC that is, most heinous/ serious crimes concerned to ICC as a whole 1) Genocide - See Genocide section 2) Crimes against Humanity - Widespread/systematic attack against civilian 3) War Crimes - Violation of provisions in Geneva Convention 4) Crimes of Aggression -

not defined in Rome Statute


(2010) Review Conference Kampalla Amendment


Any initiation, planning, preparation or execution of acts resorting to the illegal use of armed forces

threatening the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State b. Ratione temporae (when) -

Crime that are alleged to be committed after July 1 2002 fall under ICC


Any case before July 1, 2002 can’t be taken cognizance by ICC


On the 1st day of the month following the 60th day of deposit

c. Ratione soli (where) - Principle of territoriality

1.a Crime is committed in territory of State party (SP) 1b. Crime is committed in territory of SP (not ratifying State) but accepted the jurisdiction of ICC 2a. If the person who committed the crime is a citizen of the SP 2b. If the person who committed the crime is NOT a citizen of the SP >(2b)If the person who committed the crime is NOT a citizen of the SP and >does not recognized the juri of ICC >crime is committed in the territory non-SP

Jurisdiction of the ICC ✓


d. Ratione personae (who) -

Citizen of SP

e. (5.) How – 3 ways 1) Initiated by the Prosecutor himself

2) SP initiates the investigator/ prosecution of the case 3) Victim: when it initiates, the case goes to Pretrial Chamber to assess WoN the alleged crime is cognizable by the ICC If the 4Ws concur, the Pretrial Chamber will transmit to prosecutor  Q: If a State is not party, is there no way for it to be brought in the ICC? also not citizen of the SP A: Yes, (xpn) When the situation of the case is referred to Office of the Prosecutor by the UN Security Council -

NOTE: UN Security Council - responsible for promotion of advancement and preservation of peace

 If the case is referred to UN Security Council, there’s no need Ratione Soli to be complied -

Chapter 7 of the UN Charter


Acts that threaten peace and security of breaches of Peace or Acts of Aggression Not needed that he is citizen of SP

f. (6) Aside from 4W’s, NOTICE is very important to be issued to the State Party & the alleged perpetrator.  Key Feature of the ICC  Complementarity  Basic rule in Int’l Humana Rights Law  Seeming violation of crime that is widespread and systematic attack  Not directed to ICC first BUT first tried in National Laws o Doctrine of Exhaustion of Remedies o Principle of Complementarity - National Courts: Nat’l Laws  ICC: Court of Last Resort  Case will be outright inadmissible by ICC if not exhausted remedies Instances: [PAp-Tpi] 1) Prosecution stage at SP XPN: showing Nat’l Prosecutor/ Investigator is unwilling. Unable to properly investigate/ prosecute


matter of proof and require cooperation of NGO, Intergovernmental Entities or other concerned agencies

2) Case already properly prosecuted/investigated -

State decided not to prosecute the case through Decision/ Resolution


ex. there’s no probable cause 3) There is trial on accused/ perpetrator XPT if there is showing that the conducted hearing was: a. Trial is perfunctorily conducted -

Just to show that the conduct of trial was complied with to save

the perpetrator from Criminal responsibility in the ICC b. The judges were impartial/ lack of independence  ICC can send its members in other State for proper administration of justice

3. Concept of Superior/ Command Responsibility (Petralba, pp. 137-138) 


Doctrine of Greatest Responsibility One who has the greatest responsibility for the crime committed will be brought in the ICC

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