Law Of Consequence - Destiny

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The cosmic law of consequence - Destiny? -maitreya Imagine you decide to boil some milk on fire. Obviously, after a certain time you must act to remove milk from fire. Now imagine that you just get distracted and forget the boiling etc. The consequence? You are letting the nature to take its course by allowing fire to take milk to the boiling point, consequently milk would spill out and that can have further consequences from most milk going waste to the kitchen in flames. Quite similarly destiny ONLY comes into action when you are being passive and BECOME inactive. If you act in DUE TIME using your intelligence & will power - destiny or nature will remain inactive. In simple words, when you act, take decisions with responsibility and follow your actions and their consequences - you remain in charge of yourSELF, if you distract and abandon the actions or their consequent reactions & become passive, the destiny takes charge and continue with the course of actions till they reach to the end. Nature only overtakes human actions when humans run away or leave their course open. The course of nature is very NATURAL & it will only follow a natural path. The nature's path may appear to be brute and unbearable for human beings but nature works by following the mathemetical formulas of nature - which are accurate, precise and incessant. Before the NATURE takes charge - you control your own actions and let the destiny continue to be 'behind' you. IF you do NOT lead your ownself - nature will lead you. You can stay passive but destiny is hyper active phenomenon which is always running behind the scenes. So whenever your life path, in your eyes, is blocked by destiny - STOP, THINK of your past actions and you will notice that you BECAME inactive at some stage after initiating your own actions or duties. Review your life and try to see if you ever abandoned some issues and matters which you should have attended? You may get some answers after your analysis. WHAT IS Destiny? Our destiny is a kind of liquefied random access memory where records of our past lives are annoted, which are governed by the

eternal law of consequence. Changing bodies or physical forms will neither erase this memory nor one can delete it by ending current episode of life. The parental familial, genetical condition, social, religious, economic situation of current family base influence our destiny only partially. The REAL decisions or actions, supposedly taken by our instinct, are in effect consequence of the 'carry forward' memory of previous life forms of our innerself. Our current life does have a mission as the creative force manifests through us yet each individual is carrying that personal record of memory, which keep orienting and driving us. Consciously we try to LIVE the current life with its own acquired conditioning and environmental impresssions, however subconsciously we are being guided or driven by destiny. If you can understand this paradoxical yet simple reality, you can review your life's mission rather easily. Your duty or dharma in this life is to make use of all available resources via constructive work and to rectify your own personality by becoming better, by the soul driven discipline or karma to review each action with careful attention and keep ourselves active on correct path despite all hurdles & adversities. Next time we will talk about the key e.i. can we alter the course of destiny? More.. Is Fate in harmony with your life path?

Knowing real Mission of your life & Your secret self? Life is a constant travel on the timeline where you walk every instant. There is a time of repose when your body sleeps but your mind's subconscious areas- which in reality are your vibrating soul fields; are guarding you.

Around your physical body there are seven to nine circles of light each of different color; that circle around you like a complete wheel shaped rainbow. This light can only be seen with a special eye. These vibrating fields are always hovering around you, protecting you from negative and killer vibrations. They also contain a connection to the universal mind where your feelings and emotions channel, run and permanently stored. Your connection to the root is permanent, like a computer connected with cable to the server. You change your natural configurations and you start having problems. When you become totally involved with skeleton body, the senses and get lost in them, trying to extract pleasure, like squeezing juice out of nuts but thinking they are luscious fruits; you get disconnected with your soul fields. When that happens you become disconnected from your real self and think of mind. Mind is not your real self but an alert mechanism to store experiences, stored as thoughts, and to protect you. Mind is selfish and let you think in terms of ME, mine and I. Look beyond mind. Look at a candle. Wax is body, the twig in it is mind and when you fire it, the energy comes out as a flame � that�s your soul. Your mission is to learn, gain a variety of experiences and to evolve. In short, DO NOT distract and waste time in activities, which are totally passive, and not contributing to your growth. For this purpose you need to be more aware of the global picture of your life. Enjoy every moment with details but when you do all with awareness your track is clearer, faster and more fun.

Mission of Life: How do I know my purpose of life? Look at your physique and see that every part of our body has unique functions. They are perfectly synchronized and in total harmony. Once

that chain of harmony is broken or even slightly altered by misuse or excessive pressure by going against nature, you will not function properly. Likewise our little world of humanity at this giant spaceship called earth is not functioning well for past few centuries. We are not doing well. Human soul has caught a viral flu. There is sadness, depression, injustice, violence, cruelty, immorality and disequilibrium on personal, family, social, economic and spiritual levels. Why? Because parts of humanity are not in harmony with each other and there is misuse and excessive pressure by going against the flow of nature. Despite seemingly advanced technology and ideas, most human beings are suffering. The glitzy marketing has created an illusion of well-being and great prosperity. Our inner world and its nature are altered with hardly any synchronization with universal energy. We have created suffocating barriers and walls around our soul. Our communion with nature is at minimum level. We pretend to live. We have become insensitive to relationships with other humans and other species of this planet and thus our nerve to feel love is becoming numb. How does one survive in this age of mechanization? How do we know our purpose of this life? How do we find true mission of our soul. How to find our self and recognize our true identification and potential? Many times you notice that I am not responding to many queries and your questions. However when you write me I do get your telepathic message and I can decipher and decode your problems. I promise to write to each and every brother and sister but bear in mind that as soon as you write me here on these pages specially created for you, something special happens and you transmit your feelings to me. Sincerely I do attempt to connect using the stream of cosmic energy and I do pray for you. Something does happen somewhere. Bring yourself to harmony. Do not suffer. Do not abuse your body, mind and soul. Listen to your innerself and that is only possible when you still your mind, not by numbing it or sleeping but by meditating and learning to discover other levels of consciousness in the edifice of your vast mind -

which in reality is a micro universe, where there is great pool of energy. Once you connect with that super energy, a great process starts and you start coming closer to your true self. We will talk more soon.

We should know why are we born on this planet, in our current format and what are we made of? To know our purpose of life, we must know the background of life and its origins. Planet earth is one little laboratory in the cosmic universe, which consists of as many planets as cells in your body. Consider it like one little flowerpot in the vast garden of cosmos. Human body is made of four elements where the fifth element - the soul or your self in form of energy lives. Aquatic beings, fish represent the water, birds the air, insects and dragons the fire, terrestrial animals the earth. Vegetation is made of all four elements. It boils down to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. The fifth element is electromagnetic energy that travels faster than light. All beings of these elements do have soul too but they are on a different plane and levels of consciousness, vegetation being at the bottom. Human beings composed of billions of micro organisms are on the highest plane of consciousness. There are billions of galaxies and universes and living planets like earth where our soul transcends. Our mind or hard drive has limited capacity to measure time and space and thus we feel disconnected with the rest of the cosmos. Depending on the evolution of soul, it can be on many planets simultaneously. The space, time, sensual engagements, our acquired knowledge filled mind make it impossible for human mind to understand this. Will give you an example. Lets say you are dreaming in subconscious mind. In reality your soul may be on another universe in a totally different time where you are also living and there too you are dreaming and this current life can be that dream. Time is not absolute, it can be dilated.

Astral bicycle trip to Multiple universes

You may question if some evolved souls can be simultaneously on different universes, then why don't I can perceive those other life forms. The reason is the gap or vacuum of enormous space. To reach from one space to another, our gross body will take many light years thus in one human life time it is not possible. Yet our soul transcends this barrier and travels faster than the light of planets of our galaxy. Lets try to illustrate it more graphically. The relativity theory tells you that time is not absolute, it can be shortened or lengthened. Such dilatation occurs when something travels faster than light. One light year is about 5.87 million million miles, the distance light travels in 365 days or one earth year. If we go on an interplanetary voyage the difference of time will rise sharply. If you travel for 2 years, same time on earth will be 2.1 years. But if you travel for 10 years, it will be equal to 24 earth years. 30 years travel be equal to 3100 earth years and 60 years to 5 million earth years. In other words, you can see that farther you go time is dilated. Our soul travels speedier than light and it can reach another of its habitats on another universe in virtually few seconds. Thus your cosmic astrologer friend can travel in time easily and reach to hundred, thousand or million years without leaving the body. The subtle, astral body or soul thus has enormous power to transcend and move around but our gross body or physical form is made of fragile elements which only allow the body to live for about 100 years. But due to our ignorance and the man made world's magnetic pull we get too busy with our life here to actually see the big picture.

Secret of birth, Death and life beyond

Soul or astral body of self is on a higher plane of cosmic consciousness and it has no boundaries, no colors, no labels and no barriers. It is

free, subtle, pure, peaceful, graceful and beautiful. It flows in the multiple universes without any passport or visa or permission. It can create a home at any of the universes, depending on its evolution. Our gross or physical body is one of its forms and due to its motor being very small, i.e. the mind, it can only think of local space and time. Mind is too limited to comprehend vastness of space, yet if you meditate and still your mind, the vast universes and the whole cosmos can become a particle and can be held in your hand. This is the mystery of cosmos. It is a matter of scales. The mind creates such an illusion around it that we weave a habitat around it, which we call our world. Nothing in the universe ever dies, nor perishes. All material or gross formations in different shapes and species are physical manifestations of the soul, which is a fragment of cosmic root. This manifestation is possible on any of the universes. The body is nothing but a creation of cosmic energy, which germinates itself when the duality, negative and positive or female and male is harmonized by love. Every being on any plane of consciousness carry its own seeds all the time. Any vegetation or species of 4 elements, including human beings carry their own seeds to continue giving new shapes. Soul enters into the womb at start of seventh month and thus a human being is formed. When soul has finished its karmic work, it leaves the body and thus the physique becomes useless. The body must be dumped. The body merges with 4 elements and gets recycled but the soul continues its travel and depending on its karmic account, it either reshapes itself and manifests again in its assigned universe or it just rebirths again in same time and space after a repose. However, human birth is very rare and difficult to conceive.

What is Birth, Life and Death? Let us clear what exactly birth and death is. Much literature and debate has been created in each era on these subjects. You find life as beautiful and death very ugly. Right? Humans get frightened dealing with death. But if you could see the big picture, you will never be

afraid. All species and genres in physical form must recycle themselves to continue life cycle. Life never really ends; it is only the physical identity of a particular period that disappears. Consider it like a theatre where the individual puts on the dress and enjoys the show, after that he removes the dress and goes back home and returns for the next show. However the difference here is that each life is absolutely different theatre. Mind is disconnected from electromagnetic energy like a computer and all its files are deleted, except the karmic account that remain intact in soul, which we carry always. If one had to rebirth with same identity life will be extremely boring and sad. Creative forces have mathematically precised the thread of lives, and thus we reshape the self with a new identity each time. In rare cases, the human birth is regained when the previous life has ended usually accidental or with human intervention or manipulation; without fulfilling its work. For most cases, a soul has to go through dozens, hundreds or thousands of life forms in innumerable universes, before it can return as manifestation of higher consciousness. Earths of every galaxy and universe are laboratories where life forms return for experiencing and expressing the duality, negative and positive and perform actions. The advanced souls repose, travel in a quiet universe which can go on for about 100 to 600 years and then return to resume their work. Some very rare, highly evolved sage souls are active in multiple universes in different shapes although on variable levels but due to difference of space they appear to be multiple lives. These life forms are continuation of same mission but in different levels, usually these souls sustain or regenerate life cycles. More tomorrow.

Mystery of WHO We Really ARE? Another day We talk about mystery of time and if you can go back in or beyond time and more on after life, reincarnation and different life forms etc. WHO WE REALLY ARE?

When we see the complete picture of our universe, our transformations of lives, looking closely, we find that we are just a body with massive concentration of micro organisms with neurobiological energy made of nucleic acids and proteins, sensory receptors and liquefied sensual emotional pool. Or we are all that with mind driven motorized robots that are emitters, receivers, sensors and analyzers. Beyond this visible identity with a self-sufficient system, our real self is billion times stronger and this light or spark of energy is the real inhabitant of this universe - we call our identity. In reality there are two universes around you. Internal and external. THE COSMIC UNIVERSE The external universe you see around with which our identity is closely involved. This universe does not exist independent of us. We are deeply involved in what is happening around us, We are not mere observers but active participants in the functioning of universe. Each and every single person and being in its current life form is extremely important, integral part of universe and making it all happen. Together we make the fabric of diverse eco-cosmic system. THE UNIVERSE WITHIN There is another universe, in super microform in our neurobiologicalsensual body. It is a mirror of the outer universe. Whatever is happening in exterior is simultaneously happening in our internal universe. All the planetary movements, shifts, shakes, quakes and eruptions, flow, transmission and emission of negative and positive electric energy and all other possible phenomenon are also happening in our internal universe, right now, at this moment while you read me. There is root energy, which run our universe and the spark of this root, our soul energy run our internal universe.....

WHO We Really ARE? - The origin of Humanity and Mind

If someone told you that we all are extra-terrestrials you will have a hearty laugh, probably. Well get ready. The reality is that although we are natives to earth for a long time, our origin is not terrestrial. Life on our earth was transplanted from another advanced universe like a nursery plant is transplanted elsewhere after germination. One fine day, the cosmic dust was blowing around universes and seeds of some lost planet rested on the green planet of earth and thus the most violent of species was germinated on this planet. Genetic code, the molecular carrier of genetic information - is identical to all humanity. The beginning of Aquarian or New age will soon decipher this fact. The 92 chemical elements are common and universal to all planets and universes. The human mind is so complex today for the cumulative effect of 60 million years of life on the planet. The human body dies, mind expires but its information � the cumulative thought - passes through genetic codes and thus we continue the life with same heavy load. We all have one origin and due to the excess accumulated thought also known as 'knowledge' we have created millions of divisions and strange belief systems. In each of our mind, lies 60 million years of history.

The weight of 'Knowledge' We should not call this advancement but extreme end of cumulative process. We need to dis-install this information load and see our reality as it is. What we see as true knowledge is not complete but a fragment of the vast universal picture. This is the cause of our suffering, despair, depravation, ignorance and grief. We do have a purpose and mission and we can change our lives radically if we knew our karmic files. We need to recycle our minds and souls. I will reveal you the meaning of Karma and what it implies to understand your true goal. We also need to know how are we connected to each other. More..

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