Knowing The Beginning And Ending Of Relationships

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  • Words: 1,198
  • Pages: 4
Knowing the beginning and ending of relationships - Maitreya In the journey of each life you have met people all along. Some were there for a short period and some continue to be with you in many lives. Each relationship has a deep meaning and an impact on us. Some very brief relationships leave a long-term mark or scar whereas some lengthy relationships seem meaningless. It's because life path is a continual journey of coming back again and again. The accumulated inbuilt memory and karmic actions of our past keep bringing you closer to some people. You love, hate, grieve, sob, hurt, get hurt and get kicks out of relationships. No relation is permanent except the one with your own self and its connection with the root. All relationships are temporary. Some appear to be temporarily permanent and others permanently temporary. These ones keep coming in each life in different form as if chasing us. The biggest challenge in any lifetime is to let go and to separate without pain or to manage the separation. I will send you some messages on how to handle these separations in coming days. Meanwhile please remember and learn to value any relationships you maintain even though they may appear meaningless or colorless today. Meet each person you know as if it is the last day of your meeting. You don't know if you will ever encounter them again. Your acquired and false sense of security in mind will abhor to think that way forcing you to ignore this reality but note that all what you see today is temporary. This appears and sounds very cruel, hurtful and unbelievable but this false security is as solid as the dry paint on your house. Keep this always in your mind that you have a very limited time to meet and inter-act with people in this life. NOW you have the time, will and possibility. You don't know when the next opportunity will come.

Do not wait for tomorrow to love. If you cannot love today please do not hope for the tomorrows, as it may never be there. YOU ONLY have today to love and do whatever you can for people you love. Forget the rest.

What you see is NOT what you SEE and what you get If you wear expensive clothing but have no material possessions, will you be considered rich by the world? Or if you are very rich and wear a simple dress will you be poor? One of the most frequent routine things most people do is to visualize a person by their appearance and immediately pass a judgment in their heart. Never judge someone by skin. There may be more colors behind that white, pale, brown or black skin, which you may not find even in the rainbow. Never judge someone for his thin appearance, there may be a huge personality in that frail body or for his big physique, there may be a cute little innocent baby in that wide body. Never judge anyone with poor looks, there may be hidden, God's most precious gifts in that mind. Never judge anyone who appears to be ugly to you because the beauty of universe may lie behind that horrid ugly mask. If you really want to make friends & KNOW people, delve into their mind. Value their mind, talents, the substance in their soul. The content 'inside' is more important than the exterior colors. Like advertising & deceptive packaging, MOST appearances seen by plain eyes are NOT what they are. You can save a great deal of time; resources and life if you look behind the glitter.

Maitreya's Practical list to express LOVE and achieving total peace, harmony and success Loving is manifested in millions of forms and loving in any form is connecting with life and all that is living is directly connected to the ultimate super creative reality. As you cross the timeline and look back humanity has always defined

love with their own knowledge, experience and styles yet love does not require any language to express itself. As you don't need any language or religion to talk to God, likewise you don't need any language or man made object to express love.Love can be expressed in as many ways as you want. Do not misunderstand love. Fake, moralistic, fear inducing, unreal, stale, mass-marketed, you-arethe sinner type philosophies have distorted love to such an extent that love is reduced to touch and sensual pleasures. That's like selling advance tickets to heavens and paradises. Remember - teach others that Love is also: * To help someone without any greed, self interest or ulterior motives. Sharing is to create love * To not hurt any living organism even at times you are hurt knowingly. Real strength is gentle. * To not hurt others by words or actions by projecting inner insecurities, turmoil and fears. Deal your stuff dont victimize others. * To sacrifice one's pleasures or rewards to bring happiness to people you care. Real pleasure is to let go. * To only see the best part of others and ignore their worse traits. God may appear in any form. * To forgive and forget forever and not keeping any resentments. Retaining resentment is cancerous. * To accept your weaknesses, run routine checks for error and mistakes. Knowing self opens inner love source. * To thank for all the good and worse things life and people have given you. Thanking is accepting the destiny. * To not making others feel guilty for their failures to please yourself. Our failures are necessary to succeed. * To not keeping guilt for your failure to please others. Pledge to do better next time. * To not expect anything in return for all the favors you did to all.

Giving is receiving. * To plant, water, nourish and love as many plants and trees as possible. Be like a tree. * To not hurt any living form of any size unless they are a threat to your life. Dont create anxiety, fear and hatred if you cant love. * To save, protect and nurture ALL birds, water or earth animals and other life forms who cannot speak for themselves. They bless and love you. * To not eat junk, artificially processed, lifeless foods even though they appear fancy. Prolong life. * To not hate in any form to any one who is not of your type, religion, culture or color. Remove colored glasses. * To not ridicule anyone for any disability, weakness, sickness, defect or poverty. Look within to laugh at you. * To have compassion for all those who hate, despise and stab-in-back you for whatever reason. Answer them with kindness instead. * To give hope, friendship and any form of support to anyone who is depressed, sad or losing life's vibrancy. Regenerating life enhances living * To appreciate, encourage and say positive compliments to anyone who YOU THINK is ugly, inferior, stupid, imbecile and good-for-nothing. All Beauty is temporary. * To respect & protect all children, women, men of all classes, castes, nationalities, colors, races, faiths and languages with equality. You dont know where you will birth next time.

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