Realize Your Power.

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Realize Your Power - Estimating your worth Take a small seed in your hand and look at it. It appears so lifeless, tiny and almost insignificant. But with some soil, water, sun heat, air and the fusion of cosmic spark that little seed transforms into something thousands of times bigger than itself. Note the scale and see that there is a large tree hidden in that small seed. Quite similarly, in your almost invisible, quasi-forgotten soul - lies a huge universe that is hidden and inherent like tree in the seed. You are capable to do almost anything you can dream of; you carry the whole universal energy in and around you. Many of the low times in life, we think ourselves worthless, incapacitated, virtually enslaved and at times surprised 'man what am I doing here? what is our mission on this earth etc'. I inform you - You do have an important mission and you are already contributing to the visible world - through your talent, hard work and pool of energy. Never underestimate yourself nor feel lonely. Your world is created by your work and creativity. You only have to act - the BEST you can, the real DOER is the creator - who like a prompter of theatre delivers you the script. Something that holds your growth? IS IT FEAR? When you get up in the morning - make a point that you get up like a lion - sure of yourself, bold and fearless. Before that you may have to work on the fear. Fear starts from 1st day of life, out of insecurities or of feelings of losing what you have. Fear is NEVER of unknown but the known and what you 'possess'. You fear, of what you already KNOW quite well. Fear resides in deep pockets of mind like a bug - hidden but lively. Fear can be one of the basic reasons of failures of life. Fear creates walls around us, forces us to take incorrect decisions, on the other hand, fearlessness will give you boldness, peace, preserve energy. BUT NEVER run from fear - running from it IS real fear. Stop, think, and follow the track of fear back in your mind's archives. Find it, face it, and deal with it now. You must REMOVE it by surgery of deep meditation, by ceasing all knowledge stored in mind. I Repeat that fear resides in knowledge not in the unknown. Your life will be on the super fast track after this silent process. Should you be waiting for that perfect great moment? How to dis-attach from a conditioned life and get going? While it is important to plan with prudence, wait for the right moment to take the decision for important and not-so-important things of life; many times we forget to enjoy the present, thinking that one fine day when a certain thing happens we will do so. Expecting that a certain thing will happen at a certain moment and then a certain idea will come to mind and then from thereon you will start enjoying life; is nothing but a deception that actually take us far from reality of life. This conditioning of mind in reality makes our life conditioned. Anything that takes us far from reality is unreal and one cannot live waiting for the unreal. How many great works of art are

conceived but not created, how many great relationships start but die an immature death, how many great decisions of life are to be made by us but missed and thus are missed great opportunities of life. It is not that opportunities do not return, they do almost every day, but they are not the same. Apparently, Time passes through us, unknowingly we assume we pass through time, although in reality time neither passes nor moves but our own reality does passes and moves to another reality. If you are able to see the big picture of your life and can plan at least certain things as per your desires, and take the right decisions in their right time, it is fairly good. In this case, even if you miss few opportunities, it won't affect your overall actions. However if you are stuck in one fixed place for long time without moving anywhere and feel that life is nothing but a boring routine, without any joy and a repetitious exercise that never ends, you need to do some introspection and look within carefully that which is holding you from taking important decisions. If nothing is happening in your life and you find it boring, it means that you are not taking your decisions in their right time but keep them suspending in an interminable unknown future that swallows all your good times. Lets make our mind cold, warm our heart up to evaluate this important fact of life. If Earth waited for better and more, it would stop orbiting and soon collide and disintegrate. Each atom all around you and inside is full of life, vibrating at total noiseless speed, enjoying the music of life, living right beside you. You live a conditioned life whereby you say, that one day you will have this and then you will do that. This conditioning of life is in reality self-framing yourself in a box where you put your self and cover with the lid of excuses. The excuse to NOT live your life is a serious denial of life. When we deny the reality of living, we are not living but lying like a vegetable that expects to be eaten or be disintegrated by microorganisms, in other words we are letting nature take our decisions and remember that decisions taken by default or by nature are neither going to be fair nor as per your dreams. If you don't live each moment of life now, you are not living fully as you should be doing. Please be good to yourself, review your life and straighten out all loose ends and define your living. Once you do define then just reverse the course and undo all what you do. This is the precious moment that you have been waiting for. Each impulse of life that makes this moment precious is worthy to appreciate wherever you are, whatever you do, in whichever state of mind. Remove the self-imposed conditioning and start living. Once you change your attitude of will-do-when-that-happens to lets-do-now; the surroundings and ambience around will change instantly. Do not attempt to store this fleeting life. See the essence of life that is pure love. Try dehydrate your resentment, guilt, anger, frustration to failures of past and let them dry and disappear. Water the fruits of love and compassion and see how your life grows wild like a tropical tree. Do not block your present for a beautiful future. It is ok to save some money and resources for future but don't save your love, goodtime, hot foods and your smiles for future. They are only good while they are fresh. Stale love, times and foods make you sick. Reverse your attitude and DO whatever you want to do today. The horrible people will become friendly, dry will become green and bored life will become interesting. Do not wait for the BETTER or MORE. It can't be better than now. Accept the ENOUGH in hand as optimum and stop chasing for more and better. You will start living with joy. Feel the joy in you and everything will be full of joy all around you. Now don't hold life, let it live please. Your real you ? Are you really aware of your genuine personality or you are just living a quarter or half life? Personal Growth � How to really achieve more and grow fully?

Every single living human being is an extremely complex yet a complete and perfect creation of this universe. The enormous synchronization of billions of cells constantly keep creating us and giving us new life, renewing us yet how many of us live a total and complete life? I find that in the entire humanity only about 2 or 3% of people really LIVE their life to their fullest potential. Majority of us are in reality living from 5 to 30% of our potential. People give zillion causes like poverty, environment, government, god, religion, education and social conditioning and many other ready made answers to their situation to defend their partial living. If you start thinking NOW you will also find many excuses to justify your situation. The truth is that the majority of humanity is lost in so many self created webs and threads that we become like spiders running around the threads but the tragic thing is that instead of getting out of the comfortable webs, we weave more and more silky threads to create more and more prison like encasing of our soul and our personality. Without getting offended and being as realistic as possible, sit down and think if you are really living a life to your fullest potential? I do know your answer in advance. Let us find out what exactly happens to us once we are created and why do we volunteer to go to the self created prison and hide ourselves there. The reality is that most of us do not sprout the seed of real self or personality properly and in many cases its growth is hindered by our own mis-actions and lack of understanding the totality. I am not talking success or failure here as those are totally virtual, rather unreal states of mind nor I mean any achievements. Our real personality means our true potential and how do we liberate ourselves from the self created web and RELEASE ourselves from the closet or seed. A personality that is not totally liberated or free is in reality hidden in a secret box. What you exhibit, show or demonstrate to others is only a very limited view of our total sum of personality. Why? Because we inhibit our real self. You may have noticed that we keep the best dresses and personal things in closets self assuring that we will use them on a certain occasion. Likewise we keep the best of our qualities hidden in our seed thinking one fine day we will unlock or manifest those qualities. However the truth is that those beautiful dresses remain most of the time hidden and become part of your private museum and likewise the most beautiful of your qualities remain hidden in your private mind which later on become cumulative guilt and unfulfilled desires and the consequence is that we remain unfulfilled and we live only partially with casual dresses and with 'casual' qualities. A semi-grown or half growing personality is an inhibited and imprisoned personality. The word Inhibit also means choke, constrain, constrict, crimp, curb, diminish, discourage, dissuade, forbid, hamper, hinder, imprison, interdict, oppress, prevent, prohibit, quench, repress, restrain, retard, snub, stifle, stop, suppress, veto, withhold and forbid... Trust me this is exactly we DO to our personality and we lock our true potential and never can really grow. It is like a seed planted in a small pot in a nursery that never actually is re-planted to really start growing on its own. IF you sit down today and observe you will see how many of these verbs with the same meaning apply to you and the sadness and frustration that will engulf you by knowing how you have been restricting your own growth is exactly I want you to feel

because if you do realize that we have diagnosed part of the problem and thus we can go ahead and find the right remedy for you to remove those lids and let you grow and let you re-plant in the open skies where you can grow like a wild shrub, unlimited, unhindered and to your fullest potential.Why don't we develop those qualities why don't we wear those dresses? I will unlock the secrets of developing your personality now so please read my message very carefully..... How does it all start? The constrained and repressed personality is inhibited and while it attempts to express itself to be ITSELF - the failure to grow adequately or fully expresses itself as frustration. The frustration is the lost steam and dispersed energy that should have gone into the repressed personality to contribute to build it but the inhibition causes it to evade and get lost. We will review the secrets of the half baked or semi grown personality and try finding some alternatives and solutions so that you can draw the best of your resources from within and grow as a giant that you are. What exactly happens when we inhibit ourselves and our personality. The first of its symptoms are timidity and shyness. From very young age we need encouragement and constant support of our parents, teachers and other adults to express ourselves but the truth is shyness is mainly caused by our self inflicted restraining. Some overly protective parents keep discouraging the child by saying don't do this, don't do that, stop, you will fall, you will fail or you must not do this or that. This excessive negative protection cause inhibition and the child thinks that everything it does is wrong or it is wrong to do anything. Most parents do not realize what they are doing. They want to train their kids instantly and expect them to behave like them. Many kids in place of opening up, start growing inward and start repressing most of their expressive feelings. If you grew up in this environment you do have residuals of these inhibiting remarks. Its time that you release this timidity, shyness to let your mind be free. Try still your mind and go backward and review what happened in your childhood. Try removing gradually those scars that still make you over protective and enclose you in a shell. Slowly you will learn to be free from those scars and heal. The inhibitive personality also causes hostility, nervousness, irritability, feelings of constant guilt for no apparent reason, an innate fear to speak in public, an unspeakable uneasiness about dealing with others, an insecure feeling of lack of confidence that causes you to miss opportunities and diminish your possibilities to defend yourself in times of crisis etc. If such personality does not get channelized in time it either goes into oblivion or in extreme cases it erupts as a cruel, dictatorial, violent and unsocial individual, thus giving statement to all the unspent energy in its due time. To have a harmonious, peaceful world we need to be complete, fully living and growing individuals whereby it is essential that we untap our personality and let it grow in harmony. The worst and biggest frustration of all is that when you can not really be YOU and yourself but you start pretending, faking, putting different masks and distancing from your ownself. One starts denying one's own personality, the true self and always attempts to BE someone one is really not. This causes invasion of fantasy, creation of

unrealistic images and a personality that has nothing to do with your real self. This serious conditioning and masking is repeated so often that one loses the real personality, making us lose precious time, create a zigzag in our regular straight track, alter our destiny to our loss and in reality live times of UNLIVING. Many talented and extremely bright people get lost in delirious creation of an artificial personality and all this in extreme cases causes many apparent psychophysical problems like sttutering, stammering, failure in studies, failure to maintain significant relationships, hidden depression, lack of confidence, fear to failure and success, a negative behavior and unhappiness in general. Next we will discuss deeper why all this happens and the solutions to unlock your hidden dormant personality.. We now can see that inhibited and semi-grown personality has negative impact on overall life and its total growth, we will first find out the deeper reasons and causes. Simultaneously, we will look into the ways to correct or rectify the inhibition and how to dis-inhibit, untap the personality by opening the closed tin of our talents and to find out means to open up, recognize the faulty areas and start the overall deserving growth, to make you totally successful, fully grown in all dimensions and directions, physically, emotionally and materially. Once we work on these subtle exercises you will be surprised how much weight has been lifted from your mind and with that lighter load you could speed, achieve more and feel more fulfilled. Some of the things may appear to be trivial or overly common knowledge. Your mind however, already has all the secrets yet you may not be aware of them or you may not have given careful attention. When we are born in a life act, we do bring in a carry forward residual of our karmic files to each current life. The identity and your previous life's labels are reset and deleted but the essence of your past lives does remain in the soul that comes to reside in a new personality. The system is so perfect and wonderful that each and every living being is given a fresh chance to grow his or her personality but due to our acquired genetic structure, upbringing, cultural spices, pseudo-religious drama, ethno-racial groupings, colors, flavors, crazy content of literature and media beams, nationalistic nonsense and the mindset of the parents and family; the personality is completely overpowered and sooner or later we are engrossed and absorbed by the environment around us. We think we are ALL THAT and unconsciously we start identifying with all these distractions and influences. Many times a soul comes prepared and ready to do great actions but while the shape of body is still being formed, mind of the recent born child starts getting noises, influences around finding itself in severe agony and shock.

When it finds sincere love, affection and care it opens up and grows very quickly but if it finds hostility and negative vibrations all around it starts inhibiting. A child comes with great awareness as its recent connection with the creator has fresh memories on totally clean slate, immaculate without any bit of fear, anger, guilt or expectation and its mind is fresh like a morning flower. Soul's thinking section called mind is innocent and pure and it manifests in the beauty of smile of the child. A child is just a mirror version of the creator and ignorant adults around it treat it as an idiot, little toy like creature as if it was an extraterrestrial being, well in a way it is an extra-terrestrial being as the soul enters in the womb only about 90 days before the birth. The soul - is completely aware, full of true and immaculate knowledge but the magical pain of birth and dis-attachment of umbilical cord from the mother with whom it gets attached; does get out to the world to find bewilderment and joy. It is like landing from ethereal world to physical world again. The shock is neutral but fascinating. Imagine you on non-stop flights for 72 hours and how do you feel after landing? You look at you and say oh I am still in one piece & feel relief. The first few days - if it perceives positive and loving vibrations - it feels good to the child. A soul as freshly born child can ONLY perceive through its feelings. There are no emotions grown around it as yet. The child's extra sensory antennas are extremely sensitive and it can feel instantly if someone is evil or noble. Everything looks great but just after few days, the nervousness, fear, anger, guilt or any other negative vibrations around are perceived and the child starts getting tense. Most of our later growth depends on the first few months of our arrival on the planet. The very begining of moulding of our personality.. We understood that our personality starts taking shape when you arrive in this world in this shape and form and not at 25. Once on the planet, every soul born as a child has to go through the process of evolving physio-chemically but each child gets a different environ to grow like each seed that is blown by winds grows in different climates. The personality of soul is unique with its past experience and its vivid karmic acts that has shaped its own evolution but once the soul chooses a new life, it deletes its past lives from conscious mind and everything is buried in the deeper archives of subconscious mind. Once into a new born baby, soul has to adapt a new world, a new culture, a new set of beliefs those followed by its conceiving parents, a fresh life that gradually keeps receiving stamps of different thoughts. Many times the soul has a good plan to continue its destiny as the births are planned or desired by the coming soul; once born it gets to lose much of its vigor and karmic agenda causing it a very deep concern and hurt as it has to adapt and wear a new cap and a new dress to its mind. The conflict does start here. The conflict between the original purpose and mission of soul that it conceived or desired intensely in the past life act and the new shape and many unexpected impressions it gets in the new adapted world.

The little baby that you see as a dove eyed, innocent little toddler in reality is perplexed and a bit worried as how its going to coop with the new realities that are to come. Most babies are in a way in a thinking mode, like a profound philosopher, which to an uninitiated person may seem to be normal; but in reality the baby is attempting to connect to its subconscious mind where all its memories are residing but the noises and distractions and attention by people around it keep alerting its conscious mind and prompting it to be aware of what is going on around the house. The babies until their mind has been polluted by the content fed by the new world; are in the purest mode of consciousness and they can perceive the past, present and future. That's why many times the babies laugh and smile at adults reactions. They are fully aware and in touch with the cosmic connection they just left. But since they can not express themselves like a grown up, they merely look deeply, perceiving the feelings of any type of energy around. The child at this time does not discriminate nor it has any fear, guilt or any other negative aspect of emotions. The possessiveness or attachment insecurity to the mother is due to the bio-chemical reality but otherwise the child is as pure as it gets. It is like a blank slate where there are no messages. Invisible Influences shaping our mind from the start.. We understood that soul as new born baby has an immaculate state of mind yet it can perceive both dimensions through feelings. The positive and negative emotions vibrating and emitting around the child are received by the soul and it starts piling that information that later shapes and forms its mind. Most people think that a child is like a battery-less toy that giggles or cries all the time and it only becomes educated when it is sent to educate to a school. The truth is that just after about a week of landing, after recuperating from its long voyage it opens up its eyes and while its body starts evolving, its mind antennas are up in the air to start perceiving the floating information. It also tries to confirm what it heard while in the womb and it tries to connect with the new life. As you understood the soul's conscious mind or random access memory is reset and deleted once life act is over and upon entering in a new life, it can only feel the deep knowledge base it inherited from the carry forward of past lives. Coming back to our subject in question, the indiscriminate, pure and compassionate mind of child begins to register the floating emissions of energy. The problems start right here. Adults start feeding the infant with fear, frustration, anger, intolerance, selfishness, guilt, greed, cover ups and lies. The purest form of humanity starts getting stained and the personality starts getting inhibited, constrained and thus the growth starts with all good and bad aspects of life that prevails around the contemporary life. Of course the comfortable argument is given that if the child is not aware of the malicious world it wont be able to survive the falsehoods and evil. To comply with that idea the child is fed the same stale content that has been around for thousands

of past years. The subconscious part of soul does carry the past information but that�s the karmic data and a sort of logbook of its voyages without emotions that are only felt and perceived while in human life. With hyper life styles today things are worse as children are left in front of televisions for long hours alone and the subliminal beams of much violence emitted from media stations start deforming the child's mind. The excited parents think oh the modern children are very smart but little do they know that all the violence, frustration and negative vibrations of adults and their treacherous world is fed in capsule to the little kids, most of the time, unconsciously. Just a few hundred years ago before the prevalence of industries and media, life of a new soul took several years of repose, good care by family and perceived a cleaner and more positive outlook of life. But with this instant world, the growth of child is also considered instant. The extra-smart experts and educators start feeding the kids with so much junk information that the spiritual and natural growth of the child is hindered and it becomes like a robot with a great load of negative feedback. Thus starts our first stages of inhibition and suffocation and mutilation of soul in this modern world that we are so proud of today.

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