L1 - Class Intro

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CVEN 640: Project Development: Methods and Models Lecture 1: Class Introduction Spring 2009 Dr. Ivan Damnjanovic

Teaching  Tuesday

/ Thursday 14:30 to 15:35, CE 217

 Instructor:  

  

Dr. Ivan Damnjanovic

Office: 705-C CE/TTI Building Office Hours: Tuesday / Thursday 4:00pm to 5:00pm or by appointment. Phone: (979) 862-6616 Email: [email protected] Web: http://ceprofs.tamu.edu/idamnjanovic/

Required Textbook

“Real Options: Managerial Flexibility and Strategy in Resource Allocation” by Lenos Trigeorgis The MIT Press

Prerequisites  STAT

211 or STAT 601

 Background

  

knowledge in:

Probability and statistics Engineering economics Optimization

Assignments and Exams 

Approximately 6 assignments:    

Submitted in the form of Technical Memoranda Graded based on the content and the clarity of presented information Make sure you explain the notation If you need to type in formula, you MUST use MS Equation Editor or Mathtype

Exam  

Tentatively scheduled for March 24, 2008 In-class

Assignments Due on specified day before class starts.  Late submissions w/in 24 hours get ½ credit.  Submit hard copy only unless otherwise specified.  Work individually unless otherwise specified.  Graded assignments can be picked up in class or in my office.  Special Group Assignment 2 - YouTube 

Group Term Paper (groups of 2 -3)  Steps

    

in developing Term Paper:

One-page term paper proposal Literature review summary Proposed methodological framework Case study and discussion Draft paper using ASCE paper format: http://www.pubs.asce.org/authors/AuthorGuideJournals.pdf

Present paper

Group Term Paper (groups of 2 -3)  Term

    

paper grade will be based on:

Validity of the methodological approach Confirmation to the set guidelines Clarity of the expressions in written report Understanding of the covered concepts Ability to present the paper in an effective manner

 More

information and timeline will be provided later

Aggie Honor Code

Must be adhered to Violators will handled in accordance with the Aggie Honor System Process

Grading Scale A: 90% - 100% B: 80% - 89% C: 70% - 79% D: 60% - 69% F: below 60%

Grading Breakdown %

Class Participation Assignments Exam Term Paper TOTAL

5 40 15 40 100


Introduction of Students  Name  Area

of Interest  Brief Background  Class Expectations

Class Objectives  Describe

components of commercial project development  Identify and analyze commercial opportunities  Explain project development process  Develop preliminary business and financial plans  Identify project performance measures

Class Objectives  Identify,

quantify and manage project risks  Evaluate project real options  Develop exist strategies  Develop life-cycle revenue and cost management strategies  Analyze project cash-flow and financing methods  Develop skills for conducting research

What is a project? “A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.” “An undertaking that encompasses a set of tasks or activities having a definable starting point and well defined objectives.”

What is a project? “A planned undertaking of related activities to reach an objective that has a beginning and an end.” “A unique venture with a beginning and an end, undertaken by people to meet established goals within defined constraints of time, resources, and quality.”

Common Characteristics of a Project  It

is unique  It is temporary; it has a beginning and an end  It has a clear goal and objectives  It involves a series of activities  It needs resources  It is a joint or combined venture

…and we have different type of projects

Apollo Project


More Civil Engineering Projects

…now more revenue-generating projects

Panama Channel

Millau Bridge

Revenue-generating Projects  What

are revenue-generating projects? Projects that can create revenue! Objective: Make Profit  The concern of this class are the projects where the major revenue-generating assets are civil engineering structures.  What

are the common types of such projects?

Examples  Toll

Roads, Toll Bridges  Pipelines  Real estate projects (housing, office space)  Power plants  Transmission lines  Oil platforms  Others

Key Players  Contractors  Investment

Banks  Large Institutional Investors  Public Agencies  Material and Equipment Providers  Insurance  Credit Rating Agencies

Role of Engineers  Didn’t

change; plan, design, construct, and maintain civil engineering structures

 However,

those decisions need to be coordinated to maximize the project objectives: MAKE PROFIT!

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