Final Draft Of Manual

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  • Pages: 30
Mountain Institute for Education Development Equal Project Regional Office Mansehra Road Meer Pur Abbott Abad

Training Manual For Capacity building and refreshers Of Parent Teachers Councils, Mother/Father & Volunteer Groups


Table of Content Topic

S# 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Introduction To MIED and Care Roles and function of PTC(Management of fund, Facility maintenance and upgrading PTC linkages with Education Dept Understanding Education Quality Community Based Education Information System (CBIES) Project Management Skills School Development Plan (SDP) School Development Plan format Community Mobilization

10 PRA Techniques . 11 Communication . 12 Cultural Attitude that might report of increasing .


Page Number 4 9 12 13 15 16 18 18 23 24 27 28


Preface Schooling is one of the fundamental ways that societies ensure their survival, producing and reproducing the social relationships which make up society. Success in school is much more likely when schools, parents, and a wider community work well together. When this happens, the relationship is characterized by a strong respect and valuing of the identity, language, and culture that are important to the students and their families. It is characterized by a strong sense of partnership where the school, family, and community can apply their collective skills, energies, and abilities to support access, and enhance the learning of children. It is therefore, important to bring all stakeholders together to eradicate the hitches that children get maximum in learning outcomes. The Mountain Institute for Education Development (MIED) EQUAL interventions, in partnership with CARE/JICA, is to ensure the same outcome in its zone of operations. The primary goal of this model is to bring ownership and community empowerment in decision making process for quality education in the schools. The purpose of reactivation and capacity building of PTC as one of the core components in EQUAL approach. It will help to increase the parents and community participation in school development activities. Furthermore, it is aimed to educate them that they reflect and reason soundly about their school problems and find ways to resolve them skillfully. The eminences of this project is to establish support bodies in the communities in shape of parents and volunteers group This manual is developed to provide a conceptual framework for conducting workshop on PTC in 06 union councils (names are given below) of District Abbott Abad in order to understand how PTC can play an effective role in school developing process This document (Training Manual) also addresses/in-corporate substantial requirements of parents group (PG) and volunteers group (VG) trainings/refreshers. .

Before going through the manual It is seems to be necessary for getting aware that who we are and with whom is our working relationship for this Noble cause. 3

WE are Mountain institute for Educational Development Our Vision A positive and interdependent society where all are free to reach their full potential, and where respect for human rights is balanced with citizen’s knowledge of their responsibilities. Our intention is to play a part in creating a peaceful world by respecting pluralism and diversity. Our Mission MIED’s mission is to improve the quality of education in our schools to ensure that each child has the opportunities and the resources to reach their full potential. Our aim is to work with all groups who have an impact on child development, including parents, communities and teachers. We hope to inspire them to develop schools that are continuously improving, child focused and centers of learning. Values Acceptance of diversity, inclusion, and pluralism are the central values of our organization. Our interventions are based around ideas of gender equity, equal opportunities for participation, and rightsbased approaches. A Brief History of MIED MIED began activities in Mansehra District in 2004, implementing a programme aimed at school improvement in 68 government-run schools in partnership with Plan Pakistan. Our school improvement programme is an inclusive approach to improve the quality of education: all aspects of a school are targeted and all people with an interest are involved. It includes capacity building and providing professional support to teachers and school leaders, increasing child participation both in lessons and in the development of their school, improving the school’s environment, and providing teaching and learning resources. Since 2004 our partnership with Plan Pakistan and our activities have expanded. We began to implement our school improvement programme in Chakwal in the Punjab, and a community learning programme in slum areas in Islamabad. We are working with communities to provide centers for children aged 3-6, and non-formal education for older children who haven’t been going to school. After the earthquake we undertook a further partnership with Plan Pakistan, to implement rehabilitation and reconstruction in schools in Siren and Konsh valleys in Mansehra District. We established 100 Early Childhood Care and Development Centers for children aged 3-6, and are working in over 50 schools. We have also been providing psycho-social support to the pupils, staff and communities. Our earthquake response also included partnering with Care International in Battagram: this included both rehabilitating schools but also emergency preparedness activities in the schools. Between July and December 2007 we partnered with UNICEF working in government schools that were affected by the earthquake in District Muzzafarabad. This project has been extended until June 2008. We (are) also (beginning) worked in 27 earthquake-affected schools in Balakot, In partnership with Care International to implement( RESP) program to provide (we hope to both provide temporary shelters for schools that are still taking place in tents, and)professional support to the teachers. 4

With whom:CARE International and Care International in Pakistan With support JICA CARE International is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organizations, working in almost 70 countries around the world, committed to help families (over 45 million a year) in poor communities to bring about lasting changes in their everyday lives. Head Office of CARE International is located in Geneva, Switzerland Care International in Pakistan (CIP) CARE International in Pakistan office was formally set up in June 2005. Based on the findings of an assessment conducted by CARE International in 2002, it was decided that CARE Pakistan should commence operations in Sindh, Baluchistan and Punjab in the following key areas Gender Concerns and improving the role of women Strengthening institutional capacity of NGOs through partnerships Strengthening Local Governance in line with the ongoing devolution process at the grass root level. Earthquake changed the dynamics of CARE's operations in Pakistan. CARE quickly mobilized to respond to the Earthquake. Although at the time it was a small office primarily working through local partners, it rapidly expanded its operation to respond to the crisis. In the aftermath of the earthquake, with the assistance of the global CARE International Family the operation quickly built its capacity through the hiring of new local staff, and securing emergency funding from CARE Programs around the world. Additionally, local staffs were supplemented with international emergency experts from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Australia, Canada, UK and USA. Although, CARE did provide some relief assistance in Bagh in the initial days of the emergency, since then, CARE Pakistan has been predominantly working in 3 districts in NWFP namely Mansehra, Shangla tehsils & |Distt Battagram and especially Allai..


Few ew words about Project roject Enhancing Education Quality, Access and Learning (EQUAL) ) ( The project aim to target earthquake affected communities inhabiting six union councils of Abbott Abad district, North West Frontier Province with average total population of 1,033,000 people. Baseline survey was completed in 58 communities with 58 G/GPSs . This activity was concluded in coordination with EDO education. 20 schools have been selected from the following 06 union councils with mutual consent • Dalola • Boye • Kukmang • Pattan Qala • Namal • Bakot The main beneficiaries will include: o 20 PTCs (10 GGPS + 10 GPS) o 20 school communities. o 20 Parents groups (200 Fathers + 200 Mothers) o 20 Groups of community volunteers (around 100 members) o 1,700 students (on average 850 girls and 850 boys) Project Goal Local communities in Abbott Abad District especially women and girls are empowered to actively participate in decision making processes related to education Project Objective To empower local communities especially women and girls to address issues related to formal and non-formal education in 20 schools in 6 Union Councils of Abbottabad tehsil, Abbottad District, NWFP. Outcome 1. Capacity of 20 Parents Teachers Councils (PTCs) and 20 community groups enhances to contribute to quality education. Outcome 2. Rigorous social mobilization to empower communities to effectively participate in decision making processes related to education. Outcome 3. Enhanced coordination between local communities and government counterparts to address issues of education quality and access. 6

In the light of above mentioned out comes following activities will be done with f schedule mentioned in the table. table


Consolidated training activities and schedule of 2009

S.No 1 2

Training Type PTC Training for Capacity building PTC Sensitization


Training of Community Volunteers Improving PTC fuctioning training:Development of CBEMIS Group formation Manual development on PRA for parents group Training of Parents group

4 5 6 7

Target Group 20 PTC 20 PTC 20 Volunteers(5 Group)

Time Period 3 day trg in May 09 2 day trg July to Sep 09

20 PTC

2 day trg in Aug 09 July to Dec 09

Duration of Training

one six-day trg in Nov 09

July to Aug 09 3 day oct 09 to Mar 10

Consolidated training activities and schedule of 2010


Training Type

1 2

PTC Training for Capacity building PTC Sensitization Improving PTC functioning training: Development of CBEMIS Training of Parents group

3 4

Target Group 20 PTC 20 PTC 20 PTC

Time Period 3 day trg in Feb 10 and 3 days trg in Nov 10 2 day trg April to June 10

Duration of Training

2 day trg in May 10 3 day oct 09 to Dec 10

Who can use the manual? This manual is designed for PTC , PG and VG sessions with specific reference to JICA/CARE-MIED’s partnership in EQUAL project for 20 communities in 6 Union Councils of Abbott Abad District, NWFP. The Equal Project team will be using this manual as prerequisite to conduct PTC, PG and VG awareness sessions. We believe that this manual will provide some level of professional support for them and off course in many other ways 7

they will get benefit out of it. It will also be beneficial for the PTCs members and to those who will read it.

• •

• • • • •

What, Why and how PTC? Roles and function of PTC (Management of fund, Facility maintenance and upgrading PTC linkages with Education Dept Understanding Education Quality Community Based Education Information System (CBIES) Project Management Skills School Development Plan (SDP)


What is PTC? PT ? The concept of Parents Teachers Council (PTC) was conceived by UNICEF in 1992 and implemented in primary schools in 1994 by government of Pakistan. PTC is exclusive body of teachers, parents and representatives of the community. “Council of elected parents and community representatives and the head teacher of school for effective functioning of the school matters” Parents’ Teachers Council (PTC) is an exclusive body of parents and teachers of respective Government School established, to enhance participation of parents in school improvement program. Making financial matters very transparent and to provide support for enhancing quality education in the respective school, is the basic responsibility of PTC members and do the maximum work with minimum amount and limited resources allocated for the school.

Why PTC? PT ? The involvement of parents in school matters is considered as back bone for the progress of school. It is vital because children attend school for 5-6 hours and stay at home for the remaining time in a day. Therefore, building a strong relationship between school and home is imperative. Therefore parents and teachers coordinated efforts play a significant role in child schooling. Keeping this in view, idea of PTC was conceived to improve quality of Education in schools by ensuring community participation. With reference to the Government Policy, PTC will consist of parents, teachers and local community to enhance the private participation in public sector’s educational activities, to complete the developmental projects in public sector schools and improving standard of education.

PTC Structure: Following is the Government mentioned structure for the PTCs.

The committee will be consisting of eight to nine members, such as:  Four elected representatives of parents,( of currently studying students of that specific school) who will elect a chairperson/chairman from among them.  Head teacher/mistress/ master will be the secretary-cum-member of the PTC.  A local retired government servant will be member of the PTC  Parents will elect an influential person from the local community as member of PTC (preferably the imam of the mosque) 9

 

A councilor of respective gender from the same locality where the school is situated. Ninth member will be the Imam of Masjid( for male)/Allama (for femaleptc)

Procedure of PTCs election:    

A wide publicity in the community about the election of PTC members with date and time must be ensured A committee of community members having 51% representation of Parents will (s)elect the members of PTC. The members of the PTC will (s)elect a chairperson/chairman from the parents. The duration of the committee will be for 3 years than new committee will be elected.

Roles and responsibilities of PTC a) Administrative & developmental Responsibilities. b) Financial c) Enhancing Educational quality in school  Administrative & developmental Responsibilities. a) Efforts for increase in enrollment and to make sure that all school age children are attending /going to school b) Discourage drop out, motivate and mobilize parent regarding education of their children. c) Work creating conducive teaching/learning environment and extend full cooperation in this regard d) Create awareness about importance of education and motivate parents to send their children particularly girls e) Organize walk, debates and other activities on the national festival, so as to encourage the student and propagate the importance of education f) Provide financial assistance to the poor children especially intelligent children. g) Create an environment of activity based learning in the school h) Make efforts for character building of the students i) Help the school staff in organizing curricular and co – curricular activities j) Ensure regular attendance of the teachers and in case of their continuous absence and poor performance, report to the concerned authorities. k) To issue warnings to teacher for their continuous absence from duty. l) Make arrangement for the repair and maintenance of the school m) Purchase of furniture and other equipment necessary for educational activities in the school n) Make arrangement for provision of basic facilities and monitoring of construction of additional room/missing facilities in the school. o) make arrangement for the repair of furniture in the school p) Address problem of student and teacher so that educational activities are not disrupted q) Help in maintaining good working relation between the community and governmental and non governmental organization for the betterment of the school r) Utilize the resources provided by the GOVT and community (funds equipments and man power for the betterment of the school. s) Provide fund for the requirements identified by the student and teachers 10

t) u) v) w) x)

Award scholarship and prizes to the students on the basis of prescribed criteria. Make any other step related to educational activities in the school. Provide protection to staff male / female Maintain records in all meetings and proceeding of PTC also disseminating information. Ensure the friendly environment and ensure that corporal punishment is eliminated form the school y) Arrange accommodation for teacher especially female teachers) coming from far flung area. d) Enhancing Educational quality in school • PTC will monitor educational activities time to time. • They will Assist teachers as and when they required. • PTC will coordinate with parents to minimize students absenteeism. • PTC will also coordinate with students & volunteers for conducting various events. • PTC will also arrange low cost no cost learning material for enhancing activity based learning. • In case of any problem with student PTC will act as bridging up body between parents and teachers. • PTC will be responsible for consistent on going of learning activity when the teacher is on leave.  Financial Responsibilities 1. Every council shall open and maintain a bank account which will be jointly operated by the chairman and secretary. 2. all funds provided by the GOVT and all donation shall be deposited in the said account 3. Utilize the funds at the discretion of PTC on individual need basis, according to the priorities set by the PTC. In this regard there shall be bar of purchasing any particular item. 4. PTC shall undertake minor civil works and repair itself 5. PTC shall monitor the civil / other work executed through the said PTC funds 6. PTC shall maintain completed records of income and expenditure and shall submit copies. Thereof to the EDO concerned at the closure of the financial year 7. The PTC funds shall not be lapsable and could be utilized during the succeeding financial year 8. all the decision related to general and especially financial matters shall be take with majority vote 9. signature of both chairman and G.S shall be mandatory for the withdrawal and utilization of PTC Funds 10. PTC shall have the authority to utilize the funds on petty repairs, minor civil works, payment of utility bills, repair of bath room/latrines, white wash, purchase tats/furniture, classroom consumable, laboratory equipment and consumable gardening etc. and other equipment as determined by the PTC. 11. As PTC is accountable to the community, therefore the PTC must satisfy by the giving community update on accounts frothing or yearly basis.

Responsibilities of Chairman/Chairperson 11

The chairman will ensure to: a) Preside over all meetings by him. b) Give due attention to the views of all members and develop consensus on their suggestions c) Provide opportunity to all members to express their view point. d) Open bank account for the council in the nearest bank. e) Work as co – signatory with the secretary to run the financial business with mutual understanding and maintain record of the transactions . f) Carry out all business with mutual understanding & consensus of other members. g) In case of emergency allow withdrawal of money from the bank account in writing. However approval must be sought in the subsequent meeting of the PTC.

Responsibilities of Secretary The responsibilities of secretary are as under: A. To seek approval from the council before withdrawal of money from the bank. B. To keep record of bills, vouchers and other documents in his/her own custody. C. All such documents have been signed by the chairman/chairperson and the Secretary. D. The income and expenditure statement has been presented in the PTC meeting and signature of all the members have been obtained thereon. E. To share the detail of income and expenditure with all the PTC members at least on quarterly basis. F. To record minutes of the meetings. The minutes have been duly signed by all the members. G. To hold regular meetings with the councils. H. To invite chairman during the annual inspection. I. All the members have been invited and informed on time for attending the meeting. J. To get approval of the minutes of the previous meeting has been sought in the subsequent meeting.

linkages of PTC with Education Dept.

For rhythmic flow and consistency in educational enhancement and MINOR and Major developmental works of the school close linkage with line departments & NGOs is necessary, rather it is considered as back boon of the system. Therefore PTC will have to create strong linkages with all the line departments adopting a bottom up approach in the following way.  PTC needs to share those problem/ issues identified by teacher, student and parents in their monthly meeting and then work and create linkages with 12

various forums such NGOs working in the area, local representative and Education department for their possible solution.  Identification of different linkage/sources which can play role in education promotion in their community and also help in solving school related issues.  PTC is GOVT endorsed body, its main role is to promote education in its locality it can identify problem related to school and to work for the solution of these problems for smooth functioning of school.  Solid understanding of GOVT authorities/ stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities for better functioning, for example who is responsible for developing curriculum , who is responsible for providing funds and who is project approving/ money sanctioning authority.  PTC needs to involve community to discuss issues and communicate same to the department for quality education.  PTC will develop practical mechanism for community based education information system and share it with education deptt on regular basis.  PTC organizes/participates in educational seminars or functions and share these experiences with education department and also share the success sorties, lesson learned in public gathering at village level and UC level.  PTC should invite GOVT concern officials in their meeting time by time.  PTC should submit records of meetings to GOVT officials and especially to Department of education for flow of information.  PTC can arrange an exposure visit by the help of any NGO/Donor or at their own to observe successes of PTC and to get know how about the procedure of getting success.

Understanding Educational Quality The word Educational Quality is a compound word comprises of Education and Quality. It is therefore very imperative to understand both of the words thematically. It will help in communicating the meanings of educational Quality to the Communities at broader level and particularly to Parent Teacher Councils (PTCs), Parent Groups (Mother & Father groups) and the volunteers.

What is Education? Education is the process in which all of the people in their particular atmosphere contribute and share their knowledge, observations and experience, no matter what ever the field may be. It may be Mathematics, science .Religion philosophy or other social/ natural sciences. Quality Education Keeping Above discussion in view an attempt is made to under stand meanings of quality Education Quality education, means to set the standards to measure the:1. efficacy of prevailing education/education system 2. Comparison of two programs 13

3. And to decide weather the prevailing system/ education is helpful in achieving the targets. 4. This is especially true now at the beginning of the twenty-first century when education is increasingly being understood to be ‘more than, Reading, Writing and arithmetic, and extends to an expanded vision of education as articulated by the Jomtien Conference on Education for All in 1990 (UNESCO, 1990), and later reaffirmed by the Dakar World Education forum in 2000 (UNESCO, 2000). Jamtian declaration1990mentions the following indicators in regard with quality of Education. 1. Increase in the number of students is not the only indicator for quality education rather it must be observed that what the status of content knowledge of the learner is. 2. According to Dakar frame work of action 2000 an international education forum, quality of primary education must be improved especially innumeracy writing/speaking and apprehension skills. Above said document consists of following two claws. (a)Along with increase in enrolment quality of education must be focused. (b) GOVTS and all the stake holders of Education for All (EFA) should ensure that basic education must not be influenced by Gender, Health, regional, linguistic, and religious discriminations. According to this declaration quality of education can only be attained by improving all the processes involved, for example setting the standers, betterment in learning process, providing better opportunities of learning for the teachers Monitoring and evaluation system in side the school. According this document show that quality of education of education not only satisfies the basic need of the learners but it also improves his standard of living and experiences. Followings are the standards for attaining quality of education • Availability of educational facilities and learning material. • Learning is a process of enthusiasm which need healthy environment and depends on better level of understanding. • Availability of related core curriculum. • Create and encourage a friendly learning environment. • Recognition of best utilization of learning/ knowledge and professional skills. • Educational strategy should be result oriented. • Sharing of administrative roles and responsibilities. • Involve local community in learning (educational) based activities/program. Along with above mentioned procedural developments, the document maintains that for enhancement of quality education at learners level following s is the three domains to be focused. Refer to the claw a mentioned above improvement in three domains of the students is essential. These three Domains are clearly elaborated, in Bloom Taxonomy, as follows. 1. Cognitive Domain. 2. Affective Domain 3. Psycho motive Domain Let us see in brief what these Domains are? 14

Cognitive Domain:This domain relates to improve mental capacity of the learner in seeking in formations and their analysis, improving memory of the learner, seek solution of the problems, seeking principals conceiving ideas and perceiving the upcoming situations. Affective Domains:This capacity relates to improve the understanding of the existing situation. Through improving this capacity learner can improve his attitude, belief, and social contacts Psycho motive Domain:Improving this capacity helps to manage movement of body .e.g. movement of the body as a whole or some/any part of the body, as jumping, throw of ball, drawing, designing, and improving hand writing skill. Care full study of the article helps to understand the basic idea of quality education with reference to international standard. A holistic development of the school dire needs rhythmic, consistent and logical flow of required information's to its relevant quarters to be addressed. In education department a set system EMIS( Education Management Information System) has been established. Same structure needs to replicate at community level to address the basic needs which can be full filled by the community. Let us seehow this system can work.

Community Base Education Information System A system in the school at community level that collect information regarding the education conditions of the children of that society or village is called CBEIS system. Sources for the CBEIS system 1. PTC: PTC is the prime body that is responsible for maintaining the system at school and community level. 2. Teachers: teachers are one of the main source for information that will be collected under this system 3. Children: children can also play a very important role for collection of the information in the system. 4. Parents: parents will have the responsibility to cooperate for this system where they will have double advantage and role one will be that they will provide the necessary information and on the other side they will take interest in their children’s education and will also involve in the school matters 5. Union Council: union council is one of the institutions at the village level where it has dual nature i.e. a political institution and as a social institution and has a potential to have and provide such kind of information. 15

volunteers: there will also be volunteer who will equally assist the PTC in maintaining this system voluntarily 7. Organizations: if there is any organization in the concerned village we can get much information and help from them regarding the education system and condition of that village. 8. Common people: general masses and community people will also be a major source of collecting information This is a sign of a social and responsible nation that the people of that area took much interest in the education activities of their village and community. Now this is very important that linkages between these two segments should be developed and strengthens.  Data regarding parents qualification  Children birth registration  Out of school children record and data.  Record of enrolled children information.  Continuous linkage with school  Record of drop out children along with their reason.  Linkages with concern department regarding relationship of PTC, Teacher and Parents When SDP is formed it is simultaneously converted in to a project. 6.

Therefore it needs essential skills for meeting and managing the requirements of SDP with in the limited resources therefore in the following lines we will see that what is project management and what is project management cycle.

Project Management

o Project Management is combination of financial and human resource to achieve a set goal at specific period of time o A project is a time – limited effort, which needs resources (people, equipment, money and materials). o Project management is the planning, scheduling and control of the resource required to accomplish the project by the completion date, within the allotted funds and according to the project specification. Project cycle The project cycle is way of viewing the main elements that projects have in common and how they relate to each other in sequence. The basic components of project cycle are shown below


Identification / assessment




Implementation and monitoring

Proposal, approval and financing Let us elaborate the diagram. I. Identification / assessing needs Generation of the initial project idea and preliminary design. Usually, the first stage of project cycle is to assess the needs of community. It is important to carryout a participatory assessment. This ensures that our projects are focused on real needs and that we understand these needs well. Well conduct assessments can act as a baseline. A description of the situation before we start to address the needs. This will provide vital information for monitoring and evaluation work during the project. Using participatory approach ensures that key informants and stake holders in the community are consulted about the school/ community problem in a non – threatening way. Participatory tools include social mapping, body mapping, trend diagrams, seasonal diagram, problem tree, tables and charts help us to prioritize and rank needs. II. Planning, Designing project Planning the project is the 2nd stage of the project cycle. This step involves reviewing the need assessment finding and discussing which issue the organization might be able to address. This step is important as the PTC may not have the skills to address some of the problems. Those problems should be referred to other as appropriate authorities, while the PTC focuses on issues that they can be solved by them selves. The PTC members can also take time to collect good practice information about how to address problem, establish what work they can afford to do, who would be involved and when and how the work would be organized, monitored and evaluated. III. Proposal/ approval and financing Writing the project proposal, securing approval for implementation and arranging sources of finance. (Note that financing is not always a separate stage and financial 17

decision may be taken at different points in the cycle e.g. at the end of the identification or appraisal phases, dealing on the particular procedure being followed. IV. Implementation and monitoring Implementation of project activities, with ongoing check on progress and feedback. The 3rd stage of the project cycle covers implementing and monitoring the project to a large extent, the success of this stage is dependent on how well stages before were managed. The agreed resources are used to carry out the planned activities and achieve objectives. Progress is assessed through monitoring to enable adjustment to changing circumstances. This stage of the project cycle is really about making sure the project is implemented in an organized and coordinated way, and that there is regular monitoring, project adjustment and problem solving. V. Evaluation Monitoring is the business of checking progress activities and achievement of objectives on an ongoing basis. An evaluation is different. An assessment at one point in time that concentrates specifically on whether aims (goals) have achieved and what has been done and what was the result. It helps us learn from experience, understand reason for success and failure, assess cost effectiveness. This assessment of the project achievement and impact examines the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. After getting know how about Project management it seems to discuss at length about School Development Plan.

School Development Plan (SDP) School development plan is actually a visionary exercise, which aims to translate vision of the community in regard with current situation (problems and their solution with time duration) and future situation. School Development Plan focuses following two aspects: a) Purpose of SDP is to enable the community members to own school with all its success and problems. b) To enable/ involve them in educational activities for solving minors level problems and coordination for massive developmental works, with line department’s and generates funds by mobilizing local resources if necessary. School Development Plan consists of following questions a) Where we are? (Current school structure, what is plan? 18

b) Where we want to go? (what is S.D.P, School Development Plan) c) What is importance of S.D.P d) How we can go to required Change? Educational environment and its quality needs clear objectives and better understanding. There are some important aspects about school evaluation. a) Enrollment record of children and their attendance b) No of teacher’s, capabilities, attendance and behaviors c) Availability of basic facilities and its status. d) Classroom environment. e) Participation of local community. School Development Plan is prepared for a specific time period. It has a defined starting and an end point. Goals decided for SDP should smart in following way a) Specific b) Measurable c) Achievable d) Relevant / Reliable e) Time bound There are some characteristics to prepare SDP. a) It has an action plan of implementation with responsibilities and has its well defined administrative arrangements. b) It describes the objectives, targets and strategy. c) It has an allocated budget and other resources. d) It spells out the monitoring mechanism and indicator. e) It clearly identifies the beneficiaries. It is based on the identified needs of school or any other entity.


S Targets/ Objectives #

School Development Plan (Format) Activitie s


Duration/ Resourc Time Frame es

Responsibil Succes ities/ by s whom criteria








• • • •

Community Mobilization (PG)/VG PRA Techniques (PG) Communication (PG)/VG Cultural Attitude that might report of increasing access (PG)/VG


What is parents’ group/volunteer group? Parent group is supporting group for PTCs in community comprising of ten fathers and ten mothers whose children currently studying G/GPS located in that specific, targeted community. Why parents and volunteer groups? Usually it is observed that parents in the selected community are departmentalized from on going process of learning they have no role in the uplift of educational quality in their areas/ schools so it is imperative to make the learning process more participatory by involving parents through organized forum. Structure and parents groups of PTC Parents groups will be selected in a gathering comprising of ninety percents parents of those students who are currently involve in the school. • PTC will play the role of catalyst/mediator • Ten fathers and ten mothers would be selected • Introductory meeting will be conducted before the selection of fathers and mothers

Criteria of PGs & VGs PGs:          

His/Her son/ daughter must study in concern school Literate / Skillful Available Willingness Social acceptances Willing to contribute Ensure diversity Problem solving Initiator Having no expectations

VGs: 23

        

His/her son/daughter must study in concern school, currently with the provision of exception Minimum qualification middle to metric Availability Should here capacity to advocate Participation of every segment/ class of community(ensure diversity ) Social worker/Activist Social acceptance Skillful(teaching, leadership, Govt servant retired) Having no expectations

COMMUNITY MOBALIZATION WHAT IS COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION:Community mobilization is not a campaign, nor is it a series of campaigns. It is a continual and cumulative communicational, educational and organizational process that produces a growing autonomy and conscience. Community Mobilization Process has following seven stages. The seven phases of community mobilization are: 1. Preparing to mobilize, 2. Organizing the community for action, 3. Exploring the issue and setting priorities, 4. Planning together, 5. Acting together, 6. Evaluating together 7. Scaling up. HOW TO MAKE EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY MOBLIZATION 1. Before initiating any activity, be mentally prepared. 2. Set the target which you want to achieve. 3. While interacting community keep the individual difference in mind. 5 Meet the community with dignity and sympathy. 6. Avoid fake promises with community. 7. Used different words for different individuals in community like baba, brother, Molana sahib etc. 8 Involve all the participants in conversation and seriously listen the views 9. Organizational code of conduct must be followed Any one can easily apprehend the community needs, difference and opinion. HOW TO ACHIEVE AIM 1. Be targeted oriented 2. Provide incentives 3. Communicate objectives of project to community 4. Give sense of responsibility to community. HOW TO INVOLVE COMMUNITY IN PARTICIPATION 1. Work according to the need of community. 24

2. Provide friendly atmosphere 3. Inculcate sense of ownership in society.

COMMUNITY BREAK DOWN Some time it is not possible to succeed of achieve goals, in such case Divided community into different groups like 1 educated people 2 ex- serviceman 3 old people 4 religious 5 influential one 6 young In such case arrange meeting with each of one and point out the most active one. After reaching mutual understanding with each of one, establish a community council.

To set the priorities, there are some tools to be clear about the most emergent needs of the school, which are known as PRA TOOLS. These rules are discussed as under. Participatory Rural Appraisal Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) is an approach used to incorporate the knowledge and opinions of rural people in the planning and management of development projects and programmers PRA Guiding Principles  Rapid progressive learning, flexible, exploratory, interactive, inventive  Reversals – learning from, with and by local people, eliciting and using their criteria  Optimal ignorance and appropriate imprecision (not finding out more than it is needed  Triangulation – using different methods, sources and disciplines and a range of information in a range of places and cross checking to get closer to the truth through successive approximation  Direct contact, face to face in the field  Seeking diversity and differences  Critical self awareness about attitude and behaviour  Embracing and learning from error, continuously trying to do better, building learning and improvement into every experience and taking personal responsibility  Changing behaviour and attitude from dominating to  facilitating, giving support, handing over the stick, giving 25

   

respect and confidence A culture of sharing information of method, field experience between NGOs, govt. local people Commitment to equity

PRA techniques Following are the PRA Techniques • • • •

Group dynamics, e.g. learning contracts, role reversals, feedback sessions Sampling, e.g. transect walks, wealth ranking, social mapping Interviewing, e.g. focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews, triangulation Visualization e.g. Venn diagrams, matrix scoring, timelines

Techniques of Participatory Appraisal: There are many methods and approaches to participatory appraisal. Over the career, you will develop various approaches of your own, modifying and selecting as you go along. Social Mapping: Making a community map is probably the best approach for you to start with, and for a community to get started. Take a group on a walk through the community, and let them draw a map of the area. Let the map include communal facilities, personal and family buildings, assets and liabilities. One method is for individuals or small groups to each make a separate map, then, as a group exercise later, all the small groups of individuals prepare a large map (eg using newsprint or flip chart paper) combining and synthesizing what is included at all the maps. Valuable information over and above that shown on scientifically produced maps can be obtained from maps drawn by local people. These maps show the perspective of the drawer and reveal much more about local knowledge of resources, land use and settlement patterns, or household characteristics. Models: If the community members add sticks and stones to a map scratched onto the ground, they are making a simple model: a three dimensional map. Do not draw the map or construct the model for the participants; encourage them to all contribute. As you watch them, note if some facilities are made before others, if some are larger in proportion than others. This will give you some insight into what issues may be more important than others to the participants. Make notes; these will contribute to your sociological understanding of the community. Make a copy on paper of the map or model as a permanent record. Maps and models can later lead to transect walks, in which greater detail is recorded 26

Focused Group Discussions: There may be a range of experiences and opinions among members of the community or there may be sensitivity in divulging information to outsiders or to others within the community. This is where a focus group discussion can be useful. It is best here if you do not work alone, but as a facilitation team of two or three facilitators, one leading the discussion and another making a record. The discussion topics chosen should be fewer than for the general community inventory. First conduct separate sessions for the different interest groups, record their contributions carefully, then bring them together to share as groups their special concerns. It is important to be careful here. While you recognize the different interest groups in the community, you do not want to increase the differences between the groups - to widen the schism. Seasonal and Historical Diagramming: Seasonal and historical variations and trends can be easy to miss during a short visit to the field. You can attempt various diagramming techniques can help explore changes in: rainfall, labor demand, farming (fishing, hunting, herding) activities, wood supply for fuel, disease incidence, migration for employment, food stocks and many other elements that change over time. The diagrams you produce can be used as a basis for discussions for the reasons behind changes and implications for the people involved. Site Selection: first of all we should identify the site for our program and visit to that area. Community meeting: arrange a community meeting. There should be a group of people for the focus group discussion. Explain agenda, purpose of visit and make sure their good perception about your visit. Site Visit: the site visit for the collection of information is very important. We are going to the community observe, perceive and analyze the people need and problems. Pie diagram: By pie diagram we can show the percentage of the issue or need of the community. If there are 50% education problems 30% health problems 10% water and 10% health hygiene so we can draw a pie diagram.

Hygiene 10%

water 10 %

Education 50% Health 30% 27

The diagram shows that how much is the percentage of problems in the community Problem tree: problem tree basically we use to prioritize the problems according to the situation. This also helps us to know that which problem is swear and need to be cover first. Daily routine: by asking their daily routine we can know about the activities of people and working timing. In project implementation then it makes easy to know that when and what is the right time to meet the community.

Communication Definition

• It is process though which people exchange idea, facts, information, feelings or impressions in way that create a common understanding of a message. • It is the mutual exchange of information and understanding

• It is the medium of exchange between sender and receiver, Types of communication There tow types of communication 1.

Verbal communication

Verbal communication is the transmission of message through spoken words is the most obvious form of communication. For effective verbal communication the message has to be very clear and simple and should have complete information in concise form. 2. non verbal communication Body language It consists of body posture, tone and physical/facial impression and eye contact. There are some key concepts in the process of communication. 1. Idea 2. Encoding 3. Decoding 4.filter 5. Environment Sender




Feed back

Effective communication 28

Extend respect to which you are addressing. provide a comfortable seating place to the address during communication Encourage the address to understand the message and if needed could freely ask question. 5. provide complete information in simple words Accessibility to girl’s education 2. 3. 4.

Girl’s education should not be addressed solely by public sector. In educational Program should include active involvement of civil society, media, religious institution, community elected and non elected leaders and GOVT line dept at large and social institution to promote girls education in the area. This new model is called the multicultural approach. The important aim of this approach is to create an environment where progress can be sustained. This is more likely to happen when norms encourage girl’s participation and activities or built on structure their capacities at gross root level that remain after project completion.

Cultural Attitude that might report of increasing access (PG

Education among Muslims and more so for females has been one of the most contentious issues. While people perceive that it’s the religion, which binds Muslims women against seeking education and equality with men, which is the most blatant myth. Islam has always regarded education as one of the highest virtues and seeking education is a fundamental duty upon every Muslim. In fact well established Hadiths say, “It is Farz (obligatory) upon every Muslim to seek Knowledge”. In his time Prophet Muhammad (SAW) laid special emphasis to propagate equality amongst men and women in all respects, allowing women to pray in mosques as well as it is mentioned in one of the Hadiths that he kept a special day in the week to answer queries by womenfolk, when they complained that the men were talking to him most of the time. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said, “If a man has a girl child and he educated her, took best possible care for her and gave her away in marriage, then he will be rewarded twice”. Interpreting the same, we can surely say that twice the reward should be in comparison for taking care of the male child. This highlights, that Islam clearly gives precedence to women’s education, even above the males. No astonishment that Islam had perceived the dire need of female education aprox 1500 years back.



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