Kuis Bing

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  • August 2019
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Hal 1 1. an activity when a security officer to do security checks on passenger who will be boarding the plane 2. an activity when a bank customer withdraw cash 3. a large tree uprooted blocking highway 4. the acitvity of a woman picking coffee berries mature in the coffee plantation 5. the activity of a foreman of the project who are to control the smooth implementation of the project hal 2 1. The first bar chart is show the information when 2002-2010 of computer ownership by education level start from no high school diploma, high school graduate, college, bachelor’s degree, and postgraduate qualification and in second bar chart is show the information the computer ownership when 2002-2010. From the first bar chart we know that the majority of computer ownership by education level 2002-2010 is postgraduate qualification with 95 per cent in 2010 and 75 per cent in 2002, with 20 per cent between the two. In no high school diploma the difference is 30 per cent, in high school graduate computer ownership by education level 2002-2010 difference 30 per cent. In college the difference is 25 per cent and in bachelor’s degree the difference is just 10 per cent. And the computer ownership continue to increase from year to year. Computer ownership in 2010 is 77 per cent whereas in 2002 just 57 per cent. In conclusion we know that in 2002-2010 computer ownership by education level is so high with 95 per cent ownership in 2010 and 75 per cent in 2002 with the postgraduate qualification is the ownership. And for computer ownership we can conclude that in 2010, the computer ownership is so many with 77 per cent ownership. In future, we can probably expect to see computer ownership increasing. 2. This graph is show the radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992. The audiences is start from 6 am until back to 6 am again. From the graph we know that the majority of television audiences is so increasing at 8 pm with 45 per cent of UK population (over 4 years old). And for the radio audiences is so increasing at 8.30 am with 38 per cent of UK population (over 4 years old). The radio and

television audiences is low at 2 am with 2 per cent of UK population (over 4 years old), cause in that time, many people is sleeping. The radio audiences is increasing again at 6 am until 8.30 am with 5-27 per cent of UK population (over 4 years old). The radio and television has increased and decreased to the audiences. In conclusion we know that radio and television audiences in UK population, OctoberDecember 1992 has increased until 45 per cent and decreased until 2 per cent. And for radio audiences is not as much television audiences. In future, we can probably expect that audiences for radio as much as television audiences.

Hal 3 rangkuman a. Vitamin A is found only in yellow animal fats, in egg-yolk, milk and cheese. It is particularly plentiful in fish-liver oils, hence fish-liver oils are used for preventing and curing illness caused by lack of vitamin A. In a well-fed, healthy human being, the liver can store up sufficient vitamin A to meet the body's requirements for six months.Although vitamin A itself is not present in plants, many plants produce a substance called carotene, formed from leaf-green which our bodies can convert into vitamin A. Carotene is the yellowish-red coloring matter in carrots. The greener a leaf is, the more carotene it usually contains. Hence the importance of green, leafy vegetables in the diet as a source of carotene. Tomatoes, papayas, mangoes and bananas contain more carotene than most other fruits. Red palm oil contains so much carotene that it is used instead of cod-liver oil. Thus, it is very valuable, both as a food-fat and for deepfrying.Vitamin A and carotene are insoluble in water and they are not destroyed by heat unless oxygen is present. Boiling in water, therefore, does not destroy much vitamin A or carotene.Vitamin A encourages healthy growth and physical fitness. Young animals soon stop growing and die if vitamin A is not present in their diet. This vitamin keeps the moist surfaces lining the digestive canal, the lungs and air passages healthy. It also helps keep the ducts of the various glands, the tissue that lines the eyelids and covers the front of the eyeball functional. As vitamin A helps these tissues build up resistance to infection, it is often called the anti-infective vitamin.Some of the most common disorders in people are caused by a shortage of vitamin A, when the moist tissues become dry and rough. This often causes serious eye disease, followed

by infection of the air-passages. The skin may also become flaky and rough. Another defect caused by shortage of vitamin A is 'night-blindness', when the affected person has distinct vision only in bright light.As the body cannot produce vitamin A, it has to come from external sources. Thus a well-balanced diet is required and is usually sufficient to provide the necessary amount. There is therefore no need to supplement the need in the form of pills. *

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Vitamin A can

found in yellow animal fats, in egg-yolk, milk and cheese. vitamin A itself is not present in plants, many plants produce a substance called carotene, formed from leaf-green which our bodies can convert into vitamin A. The greener a leaf is, the more carotene it usually contains. Hence the importance of green, leafy vegetables in the diet as a source of carotene. This vitamin keeps the moist surfaces lining the digestive canal, the lungs and air passages healthy. It also helps keep the ducts of the various glands, the tissue that lines the eyelids and covers the front of the eyeball functional.

b. We are bombarded by many advertisements every day. Vendors try all means and ways to gain our attention and sell us their products or services. Advertisements appear everywhere; on television programs, radios, in the papers, magazines, pamphlets and so on.Advertisements are actually very useful though we sometimes feel annoyed when they interrupt our favorite television programs. They provide us with free information on the products and services. There are two types of advertisements. The informative advertisements are the ones which provide us with the details of the products or services. This information is especially useful if the product or service is new. For instance, when we need to buy a computer, advertisements describing the latest models and their different functions would be extremely helpful. However, only a minority of the advertisements are informative ones. Many of them belong to the second category -- the persuasive kind. These advertisements not only tell us more about the products, at the same time, they persuade customers to buy them by claiming that their products are superior to the rivalry ones. These claims may sometimes be untrue.Besides being informative and persuasive, advertisements also help to subsidize the prices of magazines and newspapers. Our newspapers are sold at a low price of about one dollar, owing to the advertisements in the papers; otherwise, the price would have been higher.While advertisements can be good helpers for shopping, they do have their shortcomings. Most advertisements aim to sell only. Faults of the products or services are usually hidden from the consumers. Hence, sometimes, we feel

deceived if the product or service we bought does not turn out the way the advertisements claim to be.Sometimes, advertisements by rival competitors can get very intensive, especially when there are many firms producing similar products. One common example is the washing powder. There are so many advertisements for the different brands that customers sometimes get confused over what they should buy. Furthermore, having more advertisements would mean that the production cost of the firm would be increased. These rises in cost are usually passed on to the consumers in the form of higher prices.Hence, in conclusion, though I do advocate advertisements, I do not deny their flaws. Without them, we might have to buy things based on incomplete information or go through more complicated ways before getting to know theproducts or services. On the other hand, too many advertisements also complicate our buying decisions. So I would say that we cannot live without advertisements but we must be careful how we live with them *

There are two types of advertisements. The informative advertisements are

the ones which provide us with the details of the products or services. This information is especially useful if the product or service is new. the second category is persuasive kind. These advertisements not only tell us more about the products, at the same time, they persuade customers to buy them by claiming that their products are superior to the rivalry ones.There are so many advertisements for the different brands that customers sometimes get confused over what they should buy. So I would say that we cannot live without advertisements but we must be careful how we live with them Hal 4 I don’t agree with this opinion, because what is the meaning of a person if they can’t be kind or respect others? Social status is just something that will not last long. Possessions will be exhausted. Then what else we have if we don’t have trust of others? Trust is something valuable. The good that we do on other people is a reward. If there is not good, trust each other and appreciate between humans in this world, how can every human being will live comfortably? For example, I helped a grandmother that I didn’t know lifting rod banana, a few days later, I met that grandmother again, grandma gave me a cake as thanks because I had helped him a few days ago. Initially I reject, because I help him sincere, but she forced me to take it as she gratitude.

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