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Photo: © Lucia Santiago Dantés De la colección“Cafe Iguana”

Premios VIFF Dragons & Tigers

•Guillermo Navarro comparte su experiencia como cinematografo, desde el Film & Television Trade Forum, VIFF

Entrevista con Rodigo Pla, director de Desierto Adentro.

José Guadalupe Posada y todo sobre el Día de Muertos Day of the Dead Musica: Plastilina Mosh Movies Eagle Eye, Adoration, appalooza + MORE


112 Kingsway & Broadway (second �loor) Vancouver, B.C. V5T 312 Phone: 604.8741363



EDITOR Lucía Santiago Dantés. Colaboradores: Robert Waldman (Vancouver) Jason Whyte (Victoria)

Sergio Huesca (California & México) Contact: [email protected] Phone 604 6051676

Muchas buenas películas por ver, no sólo de Mexico sino tambien de todas partes del mundo como Suecia, Japón, Italia, y Argentina sólo por nombrar unas cuantas. Algunos de estos filmes sólo podran verse en el Vancouver International Film Festival, mientras que otras estrenas durante o después del festival. Es por esto que debemos aprovechar el tiempo y tomar en cuenta las recomendaciones no sólo de esta revista sino también de otras publicaciones como 24horas o West Ender. En Escondrijo Otako, le decimos adiós a la serie Macross Frontier y recibimos la nueva temporada de Vampire Knight. Para los que gustan de Música Plastilina Mosh estrena nuevo disco. Nuevas noticias: Jason Whyte regresa a El Kiosko para traernos lo mejor de VIFF. También tenemos una entrevista con uno de los mejores cinematógrafos de México y el mundo: Guillermo Navarro, así como una plática muy agradable con el director de la ganadora de 7 mayahueles en el pasado Festival de Guadalajara: Lucia Santiago Dantes Editor


So many movies and so little time! VIFF is now on it’s 27th edition, and as usually at the Editorial we’re extremely busy keeping up with all the good films! this year VIFF brought a lot of films and directors from Mexico, like Rodrigo Plá, director of the film “Desert Within (Desierto Adentro) and Academy Award winner Guillermo Navarro. We would like to welcome back a very good friend and fellow film critic Jason Whyte from Victoria, who’s in town just to cover VIFF 2008. This month Robert Waldman give us the best openreviews from films like Appaloosa, Tell no one, Eagle Eye and Religulous. Also this month we talk about a mexican holiday that’s celebrated the first days of november: “Day of the Dead” a holiday to honour those who no are no longer with us. Also and related to this story we talk about Jose Guadalupe Posada, a mexican artist who’s better known for his skull prints published during these days. Lucia Santiago Dantes Editor.

P. 4


Octubre 2008

EL KIOSKO INDICE Cine Entrevista con Guillermo Navarro Recomendaciones VIFF Adoration Nights in Rodanthe Eagle Eye

Escondrijo Otaku

El Final de Macross Frontier


pág. 5

pág. 6 pág. 8 pág. 8 pág. 9

pág. 10

Plastilina Mosh

pág. 11

Day of the Dead Jose Guadalupe Posada

Page 13

Interview with Terry Miles “When Life was Good” Eagle Eye Religulous Tell no one Appaloosa

Page 12 Page 18 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23


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Guía del Ocio:


Octubre 2008

P. 5

Guillermo Navarro en el Film & Television Forum VIFF 2008 Por Lucía Santiago Dantes

Dentro de las actividades del Film & Television Trade Forum de VIFF, tuvimos la oportunidad de conversar un poco con Guillermo Navarro, Director de Fotografía mexicano y ganador del Oscar en el 2007 por su película “El laberinto del Fauno”. Guillermo ha colaborado desde sus inicios en el cine con el otro Guillermo (Del Toro) en películas como “Cronos”(1993), Hellboy 1 y 2, El espinazo del Diablo. En que momento de su vida decide dedicarse a la cinematografía? Pues yo empecé a hacer fotografía fija desde muy joven, y eso creció y creció y me acompaño hasta que un día acabe en un set una película mexicana y ahí me dí cuenta de la dificultad de hacer fotografía en movimiento… entonces el desafío de hacer una imagen en movimiento y de satisfacer todos los movimientos a donde el lente está enfocado por el contrario a cuando una foto es fija y está ahí todo para que tengas todo lo que tienes que hacer y garantizar que ese momento óptimo… en movimiento es muy complicado hacer que un plano funcione a lo largo de su… LSD: entran más elementos en juego..

Bueno la luz, el encuadre, el movimiento los actores, hay una hipercomplicación y eso me interesó mucho. Como dice un Maestro (de cine) al cineasta le gusta meterse en problemas GM: bueno, los problemas están ahí, yo no me meto en problemas. (risas) LSD: Cuales son las películas que lo influenciaron? Estamos hablando de principios de los setentas, entonces las películas que me influenciaron mucho fueron el cine europeo de esa época, el cine italiano, las películas de Bertolucchi que venía acompañado de la cinematografía de Storaro y eso fue un gran impacto poder contar ese tipo de historias y con esa grandeza visual se convirtió que en la medida que alguien más lo podía hacer y muy posible que tal vez yo lo pudiera hacer. Entrevista completa en video, en nuestro website:


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Guía del Ocio:



Una de las mejores películas de VIFF, simplemente brillante! Let The Right One In es una película sueca de vampiros, aunque perteneciente al genero del horror, juega con muchos elementos como el romance, el “coming of age” (término utilizado en películas de niños que “maduran” o crecen emocionalmente a lo largo del film). La historia trata sobre Oskar (Kåre Hedebrant) un niño de 12 años que vive con su mamá en un modesto departamento. Oskar es un tanto raro, serio y retraído, el tipo de niños que los bullies de la escuela gustan perseguir. Una noche conoce a Eli (Lina Leandersson) una niña que acaba de mudarse al departamento de al lado. Eli huele raro, siempre está muy pálida y muere de soledad, así como por un poco de sangre humana. “Let The Right One In” tiene una cinematografía muy elegante, muy buenos travelings así como muy buen manejo de colores. La historia es excelente y debo de dar crédito al par de niños que interpretaron los papeles protagonistas, pues gracias a su buena actuación y su presencia en escenario, la historia toma más fuerza. quedan 2 funciones: Lunes octubre 6 a las 9:30pm y miércoles 8 a la 1pm


Animación y musical con uno colorido sorprendente Un trabajo de animación y diseño gráfico de lujo!. Una película muy creativa, se basa en la epopeya de El Ramayana donde Sita es la esposa de Rama, quien es raptada por el malvado Rey de Sri Lanka. Rama junto a un ejercito de monos luchan por rescatar a Sita, pero una vez que la recupera... las cosas ya no son como antes. Paralelamente corre una historia en tiempos modernos con situaciones similares, aunque la historia de Sita es contada, comentada y discutida entre 3 dioses muy simpáticos. Wed, Oct 8th 6:20pm Empire Granville 7 Th 4 $10.00

Thu, Oct 9th 2:30pm Empire Granville 7 Th 3 $8.00


P. 7


ACHILLES AND THE TORTOISE Takeshi Kitano regresa con otra de sus interesantes propuestas en Achilles and the Tortoise. Que les puedo decir? es todo un análisis de la vida del artista, y no necesariamente del artista triunfador, sino de la vida de un artista que pese a no tener éxito, continúa pintando durante su vida, sin éxito alguno. La historia es muy buena! . Lunes, 6 de Octubre , 7:15pm Empire Granville 7 Th 6 Funcion extra: Martes 07 11:30 am GR3

I’VE LOVED YOU SO LONG Una muy buena película sobre una mujer que tras pasar 15 años en la carcel por un asesinato, regresa a su familia y a integrarse a la sociedad. Llega a vivir a con su hermana menor, que ya está casada y tiene una hija. Pero la pregunta sigue en el aire en el seno de su familia: ¿por que lo hizo? La respuesta se va dando como siempre, conforme vamos conociendo al personaje. No es una cinta melodramática como se podría esperar, sino una muy buena historia.

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P. 8


Duración: 1OO minutos Clasificación PG-13

Simon (Devon Bostick) se autonombra el hijo sobreviviente de un terrorista que utilizó a su novia embarazada para tratar de hacer volar un avión, siendo Simon el hijo de esa chica años después de que el intento se frustrara. Aunque esto una pieza literaria inventada por el mismo Simon resultado de una lectura de su clase de francés, es gracias a la sugerencia de su maestra, que la lee en clase como si fuera suya y crea una serie de reacciones muy apasionadas tanto en su escuela como por Internet. Así, vemos a Simon en video conferencia con muchas personas, algunos son compañeros de la escuela y otros desconocidos que se han unido al grupo de discusión. Simon también inicia

un viaje personal si no redentor, al menos de aclarar y dejar las cosas claras sobre su pasado y la muerte de sus padres en un accidente. La historia como todas las de Atom Egoyan, es buena y siempre tiene un ángulo diferente para sus películas. Adoration es muy al estilo Egoyan donde vemos personajes contemplativos, inmóviles frente a las cámaras, en un estado casi etéreo. Algo que debo darle a Egoyan es el hecho de que en sus películas logra lo que muchos otros no pueden: hacer que sus personajes tomen vida y no se vea como un simple actor sentado frente a la cámara, posando; sino que vemos al personaje dentro del actor cobrar vida. Terreno en el que muchos fallan o se pierden en el intento.


Duración: 1OO minutos Clasificación PG-13

Nights in Rodanthe es una adaptación de la novela de Nicholas Sparks, el mismo que escribió The Notebook y Message in a Bottle. La cinta trata sobre Adrienne Willis (Diane Lane) quien está pasando por una crisis en su matrimonio; para tratar de aclarar y poner en orden sus sentimientos y su vida,, decide atender una especie de cabaña-hotel a la orilla del mar en Rodanthe, mientras la verdadera dueña y amiga suya está de viaje. Mientras está ahí recibe al único huésped que espera, el doctor Paul Flanner (Richard Gere). Richard llega en una situación parecida,

ya que recientemente fue demandado al morírsele un paciente durante una operación. Ambos conviven tratando de hacer su vida amable, hasta que una noche tormentosa (por muy cursi que suene) los une. Nights in Rodanthe es similar a las historias anteriores de Sparks, pero un poco más tranquila al menos en la versión cinematográfica. No es cursi, pero si toca un tema común entre las personas mayores que pasan por una época de problemas, de esas épocas donde todo nos sucede y no nos queda mas que tomar la vida. La historia gira también, en torno a que a veces, la vida nos da una segunda oportunidad.

P. 9


Duración: 1OO minutos

Clasificación PG-13

Una película que superó mis expectativas, demostró ser más interesante de lo que yo esperaba. Definitivamente no sólo una película de acción más.

Jerry Shaw (Shia Laboeuf) y Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan) son abruptamente unidos tras una extorsionarte llamada de una mujer al celular de cada quien. Cada quien es manipulado y obligado a hacer lo que la mujer les manda cuando se dan cuenta del control de ésta sobre todo lo que puede estar en línea en la ciudad: ya sea semáforos, trenes, computadoras, maquinas automatizadas etc. Jerry es amenazado gracias a que instantes antes

de recibir la primer llamada, alguien llenó su departamento con una gran lista de materiales para hacer explosivos, y lo delató con el FBI, obligándolo a huir de la ley acusado de ser un terrorista. Rachel se encuentra en una situación similar pues está amenazada con descarrilar el tren donde viaja su hijo en una especie de viaje escolar a Washington.

La historia tiene algunas cosas muy “jaladas de los pelos” pero se sostiene gracias a las escenas de acción, la trama y la reflexión de la historia sobre qué tanto estamos siendo manipulados y controlados con tanta tecnología.


Para publicar anuncios comúniquese con nosotros CONTACTO: 604 605 1676 [email protected] WWW.ELKIOSKO.NET

P. 10

Escondrijo Otaku

Macross Frontier

cio cantándo y apoyando al enemigo que más tarde resultó más falsa que un billete de 3 pesos.

El 25 de septiembre se transmitió por televisión japonesa el último capítulo de la serie Macross Frontier. Un final muy discutido en el circuito animé debido a que no se resolvió nunca el triangulo amoroso entre Alto, Ranka y Sheryl, que si se detiene uno a pensar, pues es imposible que un momento tan crucial es imposible pensar en líos de amores. Analizemos la situación: Alto se presumió muerto por unos instantes (aunque para nosotros fuera una semana literalmente en ascuas, y mordiéndonos las uñas para tener la seguridad). Ranka esclavizada por Grace O’connor en el planeta de los Vajras, y de pilón tenemos una mega Ranka proyectada en el espa-

Sheryl, del lado de la humanidad, estaba en las últimas ya que la famosa infección V, causada por exposición con los vajras se le había extendido al cerebro. La humanidad a unos segundos de ser esclavizada por la esquizofrénica de Grace O’connor...digo, a quien diablos le importa en esos momentos si Alto quiere a Ranka o Sheryl cuando todos estaban a punto del exterminio? Yo pienso que la historia terminó realistamente. La siguiente serie que captura mi atención en estos momentos es Vampire Knight, una historia donde vampiros y humanos luchan por una convivencia, y por supuesto con un triángulo amoroso entre un vampiro, una chica y un compañero de la escuela


P. 11


Plastilina Mosh

All U Need is Mosh

El nuevo disco de Plastilina mosh se lanzó al mercado est pasado 5 de agosto, 2008. Como siempre Plastilina Mosh nos ofrece música muy a su peculiar estilo donde sobresalen rolas como Pervert Pop Song donde colabora Ximena Sariãna y Patricia Lynn) Jonaz Goes to Hollywood, My Party, Paso Fino (colaboración con Adrian Dargelos). Para los que viven en el extranjero, el disco se puede comprar por Itunes, Amazon, Itunes o si eres de la onda retro, ordénalo en tu tienda de discos favorita. Plastilina Mosh actualmente está compuesto por Jonaz y Rosso, y sus artistas invitados o como ellos llaman “su second hand band” Milton Pacheco, Eddie González, Natalia Slipak y Randy Salazar Jr. Checalos en línea en o en facebook!

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hoy! te da asesoría! escibemos a [email protected] para dar una cita. WWW.ELKIOSKO.NET

P. 12

Day of the Dead

El día de muertos or Day of the Dead, it’s a mexican holiday which can be traced back 2500 to 3000 B.C among prehispanic civilizations like Olmec, Zapotec, Mixtec, Aztec, Maya Purépecha and Totonac. In the pre-Hispanic era, it was common to keep skulls as trophies and display them during Photo by Angélica Portales UNAM Mega Ofrenda 2007 the rituals to symbolize death & rebirth, but the one which the most resemblance to today’s festivities it’s the Aztec festival dedicated to a goddes called Mictecacihuatl (nahuatl for “the lady of death”, with the catolicism the goodess tranformed into “La Catrina”). The festival fell in the ninth month of the Aztec calendar, and was celebrated for an entire month. We kept 2 days only: November 1st honors deceased children, and November the 2nd for adults.

La Catrina, by José Guadalupe Posada

In México it is believed that during the Day of the Dead, it is allowed to the souls of the departed to visit the living relatives and loved ones. People will build a shrine (altar) decorated with Cempasúchil flowers (nahuatl for marigolds) pictures of the departed, a cross or La Virgen de Guadalupe, his/her favorite

food and drink, candies, pan de muerto, (bread of the dead) sugar skulls and traditional beverages like atole or chocolate. My grandmother explained me the spirits of the dead eat the “spiritual essence” of the ofrenda food. People also will go to the cementeries to communicatet with the souls of the departed, clean their tombs, bring food, drinks, and some others even music.

Photo by Angélica Portales

Septiembre 2008


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P. 14



In Mexico every region has it’s own characteristics or you can call it style, to celebrate the day of the dead, one of the most beautiful places to visit during these festivities is Pacanda Island, Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacán, México. The ambient during the night of día de muertos is very special because the island is lighted with all the candles the people bring to light the tombs, the marigold flowers over the tombs and the bells ringing from the church when night falls makes it very special. . Pan de Muerto, is something that my grandmother used to cook every year. There’s the plain bread and sweet bread. both are decorated some sugary topping representing bones. usually it is served with hot chocolate. And the media also celebrates el dia de muertos with some poetry called calaveras (skulls) short poems intended to be mocking epitaphs of friends, sometimes describing interesting habits, attitudes or funny anecdotes. It is common even nowadays newspapers dedicate calaveras to public figures with cartoons of skeletons in the style of José Guadalupe Posada, a Mexican illustrator.

Some movies worth watching to understand a little of the tradition, or just to be on the mood are:

Macario (1960) Directed by Roberto Gavaldón, starring Ignacio Lopez Tarso, it was released at Cannes Film Festival, and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Film in a Foreign Language. The story centers on Macario, a poor indigenous shepherd during the colonial Mexico who wishes to eat a roast turkey only for himself, his wife gets him the turkey and 3 men appear to him to tempt him, one is the devil, the second is God disguised as an old man and the third one is the Death itself. Macario shares his turkey with the Death and they become friends. Death gives him miracle water with healing powers, but before giving the water, he must seek for Death: if it appears on the feet of the sick person, it can be cured, but if Death appears by the head, they can’t be healed. The story is an adaptation of the novel The Third Guest, by B. Traven. El Ahijado de la muerte (1946) Starring Jorge Negrete. Dionisio it’s a cowboy looking for a godfather for his newborn; drunk he ends up at the Cemetery, where Death awaits and offers herself as a Godmother.



P. 15

José Guadalupe Posada (2 February 1852 – 20 January 1913)

Mostly known by his drawings used today on the mexican holiday celebration “The day of the dead”, José Guadalupe Posada was an engraver and ilustrator born in the city of Aguascalientes, where he learned lithography.

His first important job was in 1871 at the local newspaper called El Jicote (The Bumblebee) where he was in charge of drawing political caroons. However, the newspaper closed after 11 issues because Posada’s cartoons ofended a powerful local politician.

Posada then, moved to León Guanajuato, where he married and stablished a printing and illustration shop until a flood took down his business in 1888. Posada moved to Mexico city, where he worked in “La Patria Ilustrada”, the editor was Ireneo Paz, grandfather of the literature nobel price Octavio Paz, it was later on he joined the staff of Antonio Vanegas Arroyo where he created his best known work: the claveras. The most famous one: La Catrina, was meant to satirize the life of the upper classes during the reign of Porfirio Diaz. Posada’s work wasn’t that well known while he was alive, in fact,


P. 16

Traveling : Monterrey

he died in poverty. It was years later after he died that Posada became famous, when Jean Charlot, a french artist, found his work while visiting Diego Rivera. His work was

so respected among artists, even muralist José Clemente Orozco accepts Posada’s work influenced his own.

La Catrina, one of most famous litography by José Guadalupe Posada



Revolutionary Calavera


P. 17

P. 18

VIFF 2008 Interview with Director Terry Miles “When Life Was Good” By Jason Whyte “Honestly, I feel that the programmers at both TIFF and VIFF absolutely nailed the “Pitch” in their respective programme guides. SO MUCH better than I could have put it, being so close to the film.” Director Terry Miles on "When Life Was Good" which screens at this year's Vancouver International Film Festival (September 25 - October 10).

you thinking about the future release of the film, be it film festivals, paying customers, critical response, and so forth?

Is this your first film in the VIFF? Do you have any other festival experience? If you’re a festival veteran, let us know your favourite and least-favourite parts of the festival experience. Do you plan to attend VIFF for the screenings?

How did this project come to fruition? If you could, please provide me with a rundown, start to finish, from your involvement.

This is my first VIFF film, and my only festival experience as a participant is TIFF 2008. I loved it, but the compressed time and the pace were hard to let go. Could you give me a little look into your background (your own personal biography, if you will), and what led you to the desire to want to make film? I came to filmmaking through music (I made videos for my bands), and it just grew out of that desire to do more than just music. With cinema you have music, photography, theatre, and so much more. Growing up, you were no doubt asked the eternal question “When I grow up I want to be a …” Finish this sentence, please! Space Cowboy…Yeah, I’m still waiting for this to pan out. While you were making the movie, were

No. I made WHEN LIFE WAS GOOD because I saw a space in my collection of films (I’m an avid cinephile), a type of film that I wanted to see that hadn’t been made.

I came up with an idea for the stuff with Brooklyn coming home and leaving, and I knew I wanted to try guided improvisation. It just grew out of that. What was the biggest challenge in the production of the movie, be it principal photography or post-production? Getting the print and the blow up done in time for TIFF. That was crazy. I was running around working 16 hour days for a month just trying to get everything ready in time. Please tell me about the technical side of the film; your relation to the film’s cinematographer, what the film was shot on and why it was decided to be photographed this way. Who would you say your biggest inspirations are in the film world (directors, actors, cinematographers, etc)? Did you have any direct inspirations from filmmakers for this film in particular?



Cassavetes, Von Trier, LaBute, Moodysson, Rohmer, and Woody Allen. I had to use my limitations (no money) as my strength. So I was the only crew, I didn’t use any lights, and this gives the film an intimacy of performance. If I had money, I would have made a different film. How far do you think you would want to go in this industry? Do you see yourself working on larger stories for a larger budget under the studio system, or do you feel that you would like to continue down the independent film path? As long as I can Write, Direct, Shoot, and Edit EVERYTHING I do (and have final cut), I’d be happy doing anything. I’d work in television without those stipulations. I’d enjoy that type of work, and I might be able to fund a few low budget projects of my own that way. If you weren’t in this profession, what other career do you think you would be interested in? Novelist. Please tell me some filmmakers or talent that you would love to work with, even if money was no object. Ulrich Thomsen. Do you think that you have “made it” in this profession yet? If you don’t believe so, what do you think would happen for that moment to occur? I’d like to think that one day I could pay my rent by making films, but we’ll see.

JUNE 2008

P. 19

be it a large production, independent film or festival title? If it means more people see the film, I think it’s very important. If your film could play in any movie theatre in the world, which one would you choose? Alamo Drafthouse in Austin and the Angelika in NYC. Do you have an opinion on the issue of “A Film by (Insert Director Here)” ? Is this something you use? Many people collaborate to make a film yet simultaneously, the director is the final word on the production. When you’re the only crew it seems fitting. Although, it is true that you can’t make a film without actors. What would you say to someone on the street to see your film instead of the latest blockbuster playing at the local megaplex? I’d probably have to trick them. No doubt there are a lot of aspiring filmmakers at film festivals who are out there curious about making a film of their own. Do you have any advice that you could provide for those looking to get a start? Just make it. Don’t go for lunch and talk about it. Don’t get involved in Development. That’s a ridiculous concept.

How important do you think the critical/ media response is to film these days,


P. 20

JUNE 2008



By Robert Waldman

Being second banana to anyone can be a trying experience. Take the case of one Jerry Shaw. Born into a hard-working family this young man can’t quite live up to his dad’s expectations, unlike his man in uniform brother. Through some quirk Jerry gets caught up in danger when one day his life is turned upside down. Unbeknownst to Jerry he apparently has been “targeted” by some mysterious organization that sees him running “errands” for a possible terrorist cell. Or so the authorities think. While Jerry is on the run from the law a young woman named Rachel Holloman also finds herself in a similar rather precarious situation. Moment by moment the pair get overtaken by events as their lives become sort of “programmed” by a strange sounding guide who manages to maneuver the pair through a series of death-defying events. Scores of people go by the wayside as these two manage to elude what seems like the entire security forces of the United States as the government agents do their best to capture the two runaway fugitives from the law. Way back when famed writer Aldous Huxley gave us his classic novel, the futuristic 1984. Well, that year has come and gone and now we are knee deep in unbelievable technology. Gadgets and government control make up a key part of Eagle

Eye along with a nice mix of military might and spy hardware good enough to rival any of the more recent 007 encounters. While elements of this film may have been seen before in such action classics as Enemy of the State and Die Hard 4 thanks to a great cast you can’t help but sense the fear and edge of your seat excitement that never lets up, no matter how preposterous things get. Hunk sensation Shia LaBeouf (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) is terrific as this mild mannered guy thrust into a life or death struggle continuously. Up to snuff too is Michelle Monaghan (Gone Baby Gone) whose portrayal as a loving mom in the fight of her life is also terrific. Emotions run high as do the endless chase scenes here that will appeal to action fans across the globe. Super secondary characters portrayed by consummate actors like Billy Bob Thornton, Michael Chiklis and Rosario Dawson further enhance the mood in this tale of danger and intrigue. Despite a few too many convenient messages and some scenes that are just too damn predictable and hard to believe Eagle Eye is a top flight action adventure guaranteed to get even the coldest hearts pumping wildly.



P. 21


By Robert Waldman

Danger looms whenever the subject of religions rears its head. Leave it to acidtongued comedian Bill Maher to unleash loads of laughs on this age-old phenomena in Religulous, a hilarious one of a kind commentary on beliefs and those into preaching values seeking converts at the Fifth Avenue Cinemas, Esplanade 6, Empire Studio 12, Colossus and Famous Players Silver City cites around B.C. Brought forth by Lions Gate films this searing documentary is insightful, funny and highly informative. Fans of Maher’s classic Politically Incorrect television series will be glad he’s finally made it to the big screen. Global travel suits this guy just fine as he scours the world to uncover the truth as it relates to religion and all things philosophical. No stone is left unturned as this sophisticate uses great one-liners and ad libs to skewer a host of leaders from the most recognized religions in the world along with their legion of hear no evil see no evil followers. Jaunts to the Holy Land, biblical theme parks and truck stop chapels make for hilarious encounters with the flock. When Maher gets serious he prefaces his remarks by creating doubts in the minds of audiences. Intolerance and the wishes of

congregations and their leaders to hoist their views onto others is ably debated with some classic film clips thrown in along side great subtitles to mock such higher purpose pronouncements so many converts adhere to, often blindly. Serious subject matters emerge here, particularly the role of Islam as a somewhat intolerant religion. Shot in a guerilla like style its great fun to watch Maher relate to his guests which take him to such hot spots as Israel, Amsterdam and London on this Holy Grail search for the truth . Flashes of flambouyance mesh with deep emotional commitments to adherents of Allah, God and any other Almighty figure in this sensational 101 minute expose that uses the words of religious people to cast doubts over their claims. Viewers will be left nodding their heads in agreement as Maher comes down hard, though fairly with his witty sarcastic style, debating just how good religion really is and whether its in fact at the root of all evil in today’s world.


P. 22


TELL NO ONE e e e e e Rated14A Lenght: 2hr 6min

By Robert Waldman

Brace yourself for pure excitement with Tell No One, a terrific thriller from France. Sub-titles take nothing away from this smart tale of intrigue and danger presented by director/co-writer Guillaume Canet. Canadian audiences finally get a chance to see this French gem that’s as effective as anything Hollywood could ever muster in the suspense department. Fans of suspense need to get over to the Park Theatre to see this thriller unfold during its stay here. Early on we learn about a love affair between a doctor to be and his obvious paramour. On the surface this couple would seem to have everything going for them: youth, good looks and up and coming careers amongst other things. One summer time trip to your “typical” lakeside cottage in the French countryside turns what should have been an idyllic relationship and lifetime together into an eight year ordeal. Bad things happen to good people. Only here nothing is what it appears. After a lakesid murder our good doctor Alex Beck can’t get over the loss of his loved one Margot. Eight years later the receipt of a message turns his life into chaos as he searches for the truth concerning the events at the lake. Out to keep him in the dark (and worse) are a series of strange events and occurrences which sees this professional take matters into his own

hands to get at the truth. You can’t trust anyone and this search sees Alex put literally under the gun as he apparently is target number one in a series of murders that set off a further chain of events the likes of which one can’t really comprehend. Besides a superb story that never lets up with tremendous pacing and tension another highlight of this fully engaging thriller are the performances. French actor Francois Cluzet (French Kiss) is nothing short of superb in his portrayal of the mild-mannered doctor pushed to the limits to retrace his life and stay alive. French police tactics and the power of privilege also come home to roost in this 125 minute drama that will make people think twice about their relationships and their friends. Great chases through the streets of Paris further enliven this story whose high tech ambience blends well with oldfashioned gum-shoeing to keep you on edge throughout. Not to be missed, Tell No One turns out to be one of the smartest and best of all freshest thrillers in years. After watching this treat, I guarantee viewers will tell everyone about the experience they’ve had with hearts clearly pounding in expectation (and admiration).



P. 23

APPALOOSA e e e e e Rated PG Lenght: 1hr 56min

By Robert Waldman Howdy partners. Saddle up your horses and head down to the Esplanade 6, Scotiabank Theatre, Colossus and Famous Players Silver City cites to discover Appaloosa, the latest ode to the old west from Alliance Films. Back way back when westerns were the toast of Hollywood, especially during the 40s and 50s. Good guy Ed Harris (Absolute Power) tries to revive this fabled genre in triple role duty: director, actor and co-writer. Lucky for us he pulls off a pretty good tale, not just a tall tale. Lawlessness has long been a plague of the old west. Once news leaks out that bad things are happening in the small town of Appaloosa the town elders seek help. Enter law enforcers Virigil Cole and faithful sidekick Everett Hitch. Neither of these men say much but they pack a pretty lethal rifle and six shooter. Chief villain of the valley is the fine coiffed Randall Bragg who seems to have everyone in his pocket. Violence erupts almost immediately with a pretty evenly balanced showdown there for the taking. Complicating factors, however, plague both sides, not the least of which is attrac-

tive Allison French who seems to be on everyone’s mind. You can almost taste the dust in the air as things in this wild wild west start to heat up. Ed Harris is particularly effective as the soft-spoken, plain talking Virgil Cole with Jeremy Irons (Die Hard With A Vengeance) terrific as the cultured thug out to make the town his own. Also quite good is the work of Viggo Mortensen (A History of Violence) whose mere presence on screen speaks volumes as a co-defender of justice in this unruly frontier. Despite being a tad slow Harris succeeds in creating a gritty atmosphere of that small town frontier flavour and sprinkles it liberally with nice set pieces and effective characters. Even Renee Zellweger (Jerry Maguire) comes of age here as your typical school marm caught between a series of hot-blooded men who may just have met their match. Certain rather subtle surprises and interesting plot elements helps make Appaloosa thoroughly watchable with revenge and grudges playing active parts in the building tension.


CONTACT: 604 605 1676 or email us [email protected] to get more information. W W W.ELKIOSKO.NE T


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