El Kiosko Magazine Noviembre 2008 #32

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La nueva película de Hayao Miyazaki Ponyo en el acantilado sobre el mar.


•Changeling •Religulous •Rachel getting married •The Boy with the Stripped Pajamas


112 Kingsway & Broadway (second �loor) Vancouver, B.C. V5T 312 Phone: 604.8741363


Editorial Una disculpa a los lectores que nos siguen fielmente pero definitivamente Noviembre fue el mes del cambio, no sólo para E.U. y su nuevo Presidente electo Barack Obama, quien tras su inminente mudanza a la Casa Blanca de los horrores, elpróximo 20 de enero del 2009 comienza su presidencia.

EDITOR Lucía Santiago Dantés. Colaboradores: Robert Waldman (Vancouver) Sergio Huesca (California & México)

El Kiosko Magazine también se muda de residencia, ahora con un nuevo sitio: wwww. elkioskomagazine.com.

Contact: [email protected] Phone 604 6051676

siguiendo con el comentario de las noticias y la inminente crisis mundial, en México no nos quedará más que decir “cual crisis? nosotroos ya estabamos en ella desde hace muchos años”. En verdad para nosotros no es novedad, es más, ya estamos muy bien entrenados para hacer estirar el billete como si fuera de goma. O apretarlo tanto que casi asfixiamos el águila. Pero mientras en E.U la gente vitoreaba a su recién electo presidente Barack Obama México estaba de luto tras el avionazo (el mismo día) donde perdieron la vida el Secretario de Gobernación Mexicana Juan Camilo Mouriño, José Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, y el funcionario de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública. Un caso tan impactante que simplemente acaparó los encabezados de los diarios más importantes de la ciudad.

EL KIOSKO Para publicar anuncios comúniquese con nosotros CONTACTO: 604 605 1676 [email protected]

Editorial Obamanía, obamacraze, Obama Obama girl, Obama, Obama Obama! Call the campaign however you want it, but after the elections on Nov 4th, 2008 it all proved to help the man on the mission: Obama won the elections on an historic change, becoming the first African American President of the United States. At one step over the White House of Horrors, Barack Obama is expected to save the world from the mother of all crisis (economic and financial), end the occupation of Iraq and on lead us to the third millennium as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. But that my friend, as nana chonita said “that… is another story”. While the entire nation cheered and celebrated the elections through TV, radio and internet, in Mexico we were watching the remainings of the plane that crashed in the most up-scale district of Mexico city at rush hour killing eight people on board and caused 14 fatalities and 40 injured. Among the people inside the plane were Secretary of the Interior: Juan Camilo Mouriño and Mexico’s top anti-drug prosecutor José Luis Santiago Vasconcelos. The images where somber and somehow frightening, the stories of how some people saw a light, a huge crash sound and even felt the heated wind of the explosion while waiting inside the car to advance just a few centimeters on the road. At ground zero things were worse, people from office buildings around the place were told to stay inside, some others were injured with pieces of the plane flying around, or hit by a metal from a car around. And talking about fire in the sky, November proved to be a very busy month for UFO sightings here in British Columbia. Just look at youtube and you’ll see what I mean. Enjoy! Lucia Santiago Dantes Editor

P. 4


EL KIOSKO INDICE Cine Happy Go Lucky Madagascar 2 Rachel Getting Married Estrenos


Smashing Pumpkins 20 años de melancolía

Escondrijo Otaku

pág. 5

pág. 6 pág. 7 pág. 8 pág. 9

Ponyo en el acantilado sobre el mar

pág. 12

Zach & Miri make a porno Let the right one in Changeling Quantum of Solace The boy with the stripped pajamas Role Models Ponyo 20 years of Smashing Pumpkins

Page 14 Page 15


Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 22

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Go H appy L u c k y

( M i k e Leigh) es una cinta de personaje, donde la historia favorece en este caso, a nuestra protagonista: una sencilla y alegre muchacha de Londres llamada Pauline Cross, o “Poppy” (Sally Hawkins). Poppy es una sencilla maestra de primaria, soltera, sin compromiso y muy optimista; quien nos demuestra que la vida puede ser amable y que está en nosotros hacer de nuestras vidas un cielo o un infierno. Al comienzo Leigh nos muestra a Pauline recorriendo en bicicleta las calles de Londres Su manera de vestir es estrafalaria, ochentera y con matices hipiosos, su sonrisa es amable y su manera de ser desenmarañada; vemos a Poppy tratar de hacer migas con un

empleado de librería bastante huraño y la pérdida de su bicicleta, En la disco, tanto ella como sus amigas bailan al ritmo de la canción de Pulp “Common People”, en mi opinión nunca se pudo haber encontrado canción más adecuada para el soundtrack y al mismo tiempo mostrar la personalidad de Poppy y sus amigas. Poppy decide tomar clases de manejo con un instructor que es todo lo contrario a ella: muy agrio y bastante raro que para colmo se siente atraído hacia Poppy.

Una de las secuencias más divertidas es cuando va de curiosa a una clase de Flamenco y la maestra les explica un poquito acerca de los orígenes del Flamenco, Otra secuencia interesante es cuando después de sus sesiones de trampolín (esta chica sí que sabe mantenerse divertida y ocupada) se lastima la espalda y decide ir al quiropráctico. Donde

Inglés General: Super - Intensivo, Semi-Intensivo e intensivo Medio Tiempo Técnicas de Escritura, Lectura y Debate, Pronunciación Técnicas para Hablar con Presición y Presentación Oral Conversación, Lectura y Cinema

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TOEIC, TOEFL Práctica Laboral Inglés para adquirir fluidez

Tel: 604 687 3259 Fax: 604 687 3295



P. 6



nos muestra su estrafalaria ropa interior.

Poppy decide ir a visitar a su hermana embarazada, quien trata de hacerle ver que no es posible ser feliz si no tiene asegurado su futuro, sin casarse y sin poseer una casa, conversación que incomoda a Poppy, sus amigas e inclusive a su esposo. Sin embargo nuestra protagonista siempre opta por tratar de entender y sobrellevar las situaciones más difíciles sin caer en los protagonismos melodramáticos o retóricos que tratan de aleccionar al antagonista y de paso al espectador de cómo vivir su vida. A diferencia de otras cintas Happy Go Lucky, te deja un buen sabor de boca, y te hace recapacitar en cómo es que podemos dejar que la vida nos venza cuando lo más importante es la felicidad, además de hacerte reflexionar en las cosas que verdaderamente nos hacen

felices en esta vida y por qué carajos no las estamos haciendo en este momento? Otro aspecto que gusta de Poppy es que siempre encuentra la mejor manera de ayudar sin ser ella el centro de atención o entender, como es el caso de la secuencia donde Poppy tiene un encuentro bastante raro con un vagabundo con problemas mentales. Otro ejemplo es cuando se da cuenta que uno de sus alumnos comienza a abusar y golpear a sus compañeritos, por lo que primero trata de hablar con él y luego pide ayuda profesional cuando se da cuenta que el caso puede ser más complicado. Happy Go Lucky es una de esas películas que se quedan en la mente de las personas que la ven, y no por nada ha sido una de las favoritas en los festivales de cine que se ha presentado como NY, Berlín, Toronto y Vancouver. La cinta estrenó en Canadá el viernes 24 de Octubre.

Madagascar II eeeee



aventura continua para Alex el León, Gloria la hipopótamo, Melman La Jirafa y Marty la cebra. La odisea de los 4 amigos continúa en África, donde el avión reconstruído por un grupo de pingüinos aterriza dejándolos en el antiguo hogar de

Que pasa en esta nueva aventura? Un inesperado reencuentro con los padres de Alex, Muchos Martys, y por último un romance inesperado cuando sabemos que Melman ama a Gloria. La película tiene muchos momentos graciosos y los personajes son adorables. Hay un homenaje a The Twilight zone (nightmare at 20,000 feet, 1963) cuando van volando en el avión y Melman ve a Maurice en el ala del avión, confundiéndolo con un gremlin. Madagascar 2 tiene muy buenas “puntadas” como cuando Gloria conoce a Moto Moto quien es uno de los nuevos peronajes, así



como Makunga el león y enemigo de Alex, y por último Nana, una viejita que la verdad no me gustó mucho porque representa el típico personaje de acciones de “pastelazo”. Las voces que interpretan a los personajes en la película en inglés son: Alex (Ben Stiller) Marty (Chris Rock)

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Gloria (Jada Pinkett Smith) Melman (David Schwimmer) Makunga (Alec Baldwin) Madagascar 2 sin duda es una película para toda la familia y sobretodo muy divertida.


el título apunta a Rachel, la A unque historia gira en torno a Kym (Anne

Hathaway) una chica que sale del centro de rehabilitación para drogadictos, para asistir a la boda de su hermana mayor. Tal vez porque a mí no me gusta asistir a bodas, es que no me gustó tanto esta historia. Rachel getting Married es toda una celebración fílmica a este tipo de eventos, donde vemos a la pareja, la familia del novio y la novia, así como las fricciones entre familia y futura familia. Todo lo vemos desde el punto de vista de Kym. La película abre con ella saliendo del centro, para Kym las cosas no son fáciles, pues tiene 10 años en rehabilitación. Más tarde sabemos que su hermano menor murió ahogado, pero Kym tuvo mucho que ver en el accidente. Rachel por su lado, prepara todo para su boda, pero a horas de la llegada de su problemática hermana ya le está peleando la atención

de sus padres. Jeremy Lumet guionista de la cinta, hace hincapié en los matrimonios multiculturales, que cada vez son más comunes, así como las familias que cada día crecen más y son más complicadas debido a los casamientos y divorcios y de nuevo casamientos que de nuevo, son cada vez más comunes. Lo que le debo de dar crédito al director Jonathan Demme, es que el retrato familiar de la historia es tan completo como creíble, por momentos de ves tan envuelto en el ritmo familiar que sientes que realmente estás ahí entre ellos, conviviendo en los preparativos para la boda.

Como dije, la cinta es buena pero a mí me aburren las bodas. Si tu eres de la onda familiar y bodas, bautizos,15 años etc., seguramente correrás a comprar el DVD y será parte tu colección.


P. 8



The boy with the striped pajamas.- Bruno es el hijo de un comandante nazi que es transferido a Auschwitz. En uno de sus viajes exploratorios alrededor de su casa conoce a Schmu un niño que para Bruno, extrañamente siempre anda en pijamas. Obviamente por su edad y la época, poco sabe que Schmu es judío y vive en un campo de concentración. A través de conversaciones y ciertos personajes nos damos cuenta de lo que realmente está pasando a su alrededor. Una historia conmovedora, triste pero con mucho qué aprender de lo que sucede. Basada en el homónimo libro de John Boyne. Bolt.- Un perrito llamado Bolt ha vivido toda su vida en sets de TV, desde pequeño se le ha engañado que tiene superpoderes y debe proteger a su dueña Penny del villano Dr. Calico. Debido a un descuido, el perrito es mandado de LA a NY. Al mismo tiempo piensa que Penny ha sido secuestrada, y tiene que rescatarla; el unico obstáculo es que ahora se encuentra en el mundo real y por supuesto se da cuenta que sus poderes no funcionan. slumdog millionaire.- Una de las mejores películas este año y si tiene el estomago para escenas fuertes se la recomiendo muchísimo. Jamal, un chico muy pobre que vive en la zona más pobre de la India, concursa en el programa “Who wants to be a Millionaire” versión hindú. El muchacho gana el premio, pero esto es sólo el principio, ya que el productor cree que de alguna manera obtuvo las respuestas a las preguntas ilícitamente.

Twilight.- Basada en el homónimo libro sensación del momento, entre adolescentes, Twilight cuenta la historia de una chica llamada Isabella quien se muda de ciudad a Forks, WA. En su escuela es muy popular, pero un muchacho en particular le llama la atención: Edward Cullen. Sin embargo, éste le huye como la peste! sus motivos? Edward es un vampiro y el olor de Isabella lo vuelve loco! (en el buen sentido de la palabra). Por su parte, Isabella se intriga tanto con Edward que se enamora de él. Al mismo tiempo un grupo de vampiros llega al pueblo.

Lee las reseñas completas en nuestro nuevo website www.elkioskomagazine.com

P. 9 LOS SMASHING PUMPKINS 20 años de melancolía.

años de existencia musical, A 20Smashing Pumpkins es una de las

bandas más representativas de la era alternativa. Originaria de Chicago, la banda resurge literalmente de entre las cenizas como el ave Fénix exactamente cuando se cumplen 20 años de su formación. Para sus fans más leales, seguirlos no ha sido una tarea fácil. El grupo ha pasado por altibajas muy graves como adicciones, despidos y pleitos que terminaron muy mal entre sus integranates, Inclusive, durante la década de los noventas, cuando el grupo se encontraba en la cúspide de su carrera Jonathan Melvoin tecladista del grupo, muere de una sobredosis mientras que Jimmy Chamberlain es detenido por posesión de drogas. Billy Corgan, Vocalista del grupo, se le considera su líder y fundador. A pesar de todos estos problemas, la banda sobrevivió cambios y despidos durante años, pero en el 2004 el grupo dejó de existir oficialmente por varios años. Billy Corgan, en un momento de sobreestima crea “Swan” un grupo que pensó que sería la continuación de Smashing Pumpkins pero que nunca pegaría entre los fans pues según éstos “no era lo mismo”. Si bien es cierto que Billy Corgan es quien funda Smashing Pumpkins, y se le puede considerar la mente y el corazón del grupo, no se puede negar que sin sus demás integrantes el grupo no funciona. Es como Batman sin Robin, Pituka sin Petaka, La tostada sin la Guayaba! El Llanero Solitario sin Toro! En fín, que

simplemente Swan no funcionó. Quiás es por eso que Smashing Pumpkins trata de revivir con sólo 2 de sus integrantse originales, pero ya se plantean muchas dudas entre sus más asérrimos fanáticos. Algunos, cansados de tantos cambios sólo atinan a esperar de sus conciertos que “toquen las 6 o 7 rolas que esperamos, tomar nuestras cervezas e irnos” y no es para menos Billy Corgan y Jimmy Chamberlain son los únicos integrantes que restan. Su Historia a grandes rasgos. Billy Corgan fundó la banda en 1988. Aunque por la alineación de The Pumpkins han desfilados varios integrantes, la formación que perduró por más tiempo fue con: Billy Corgan (Vocalista/Guitarrista, James Iha (Guitarrista y Coros), D’arzy Wretzky (Bajista/Coros) y Jimmy Chamberlin (Batería y percusiones). El estilo de los Smashing Pumpkins siempre se caracterizó por ser una mezcla de heavy metal, dream, gothic rock y psicodelia, acompañado por letras melancólicas y angustiantes. Su primer album “Gish” tuvo un éxito moderado. Pero no fue sino hasta 1993 que alcanzaron la fama con “Siamese Dreams” donde destacan canciones como Cherub Rock, Today, y Disarm entre otras. Fue durante estos años que la música denominada alternativa alcanza el mainstream y Smashing Pumpkins junto con bandas como Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Radiohead forman parte de toda una era que hasta hoy no ha sido superada, en cuestión de talento generacional. Después de Siamese Dreams , llega el


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disco doble “Mellon Collie and the infinite Sadness” de este último sobresalieron 5 sencillos muy populares entre sus fanáticos: “Bullet with Butterfly Wings”, “1979”, “Zero”, y “Tonight, Tonight”,

A Billy Corgan, líder, vocalista y escritor de la mayoría de sus canciones, siempre se le acusó de ser una persona muy perfeccionista entre los demás miembros de la banda, Corgan ante tales acusaciones no se quedó callado alegando que algunos miembros del grupo sufrían de egocentrismo excesivo o de ser demasiado adictos. Lo cierto es que la noche del 11 de julio de 1996 durante una de sus giras y en un hotel de Nueva York, Jonathan Melvoin tecladista del grupo, muere a causa de una

sobredosis de heroína. Mientras que Jimmy Chamberlin también bajo influencia, fue arrestado por posesión de drogas. Al día siguiente el grupo anuncia oficialmente su despido del grupo. Al mismo tiempo Smashing Pumpkins decide cambiar un poco su estilo musical, e incorporar el sonido electrónico en su producción musical. El grupo comercialmente hablando, va perdiendo fuerza en el gusto de la gente. El fin de la era alternativa comienza y esto se refleja en su mermada popularidad y la escasa venta de sus subsecuentes discos. Para cuando Adore (1998) sale al mercado, se aprecia un cambio en su estilo musical. Ahora más influenciados por la cada vez más popular música electrónica y con ello sobrevino también, un cambio de imagen, se nota más gótico, más oscuro. El grupo también sigue esta línea. Para finales de 1999 sale de Smashing Pumpkins la bajista D’arzy Wretzky, aunque algunos afirman que fue por seguir una carrera en la actuación, posteriormente Billy Corgan diría que fue

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P. 11


despedida “por ser una drogadicta necia que se rehusaba a recibir ayuda”. D’arzy fue sustituída por Melissa Auf der Maur quien tocaba con Hole, grupo de Courtney Love, esposa de Kurt Cobain [†], Courtney Love salió por un tiempo con Billy Corgan, antes de casarse con el famoso vocalista de Nirvana y también después de su trágico suicidio (que tal?).

Para el 2000, la banda se desintegra oficialmente con su último album Machina, y un concierto de despedida en el mismo lugar donde tocaron por primera vez: El Metro. En el 2001 Billy Corgan se reune con Jimmy Chamberlain para formar Swan, pero los líos con las drogas de Jimmy vuelve a dar problemas. De todos modos Swan no tuvo éxito y el mismo Billy declaró “Creo que mi corazón estaba con los Smashing Pumpkins… fue muy ingenuo de mi parte pensar que podría encontrar algo más que significara tanto para mí”.

su página web oficial. Pronto el resto de sus integrantes confirmaría lo que muchos se temían: la gran mayoría no regresaría. Inclusive Los unicos integrantes de Smashing Pumpkins son Billy Corgan y Jimmy Chamberlain. El futuro de los Smashing Pumpkins aún es incierto hasta este momento, aunque Billy Corgan asegura que hay planes para años venideros, será muy difícil ver a un Smashing Pumpkins sin sus conocidas caras. Sólo el tiempo dirá si el grupo funciona con o sin los otros miembros que hicieron de Smashing Pumpkins lo que algún día fueron: un grupo alternativo de gran calidad musical. Este pasado 11 de noviembre, Smashing Pumpkins celebra su vigésimo aniversario sacando al mercado un documental en DVD titulado “If All Goes wrong”. Aunque al momento de la publicación de esta revista, el DVD todavía no está disponible, he aquí una breve semblanza del grupo (para algunos, es recordar los buenos tiempos ;O) )

Un día Billy Corgan extrañamente publica un anuncio de una página entera en el Chicago Tribune y el Chicago Sun Times donde anunciaba su deseo de reunir a la banda. Su propuesta tuvo éxito, para abril del 2006 la banda confirma su reunión en

EL KIOSKO CONTACT: 604 605 1676 oEmail [email protected]


P. 12


Gake no ue no Ponyo eeeee (Ponyo en el acantilado sobre el mar)

“Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea” es la nueva película animada del director japonés Hayao Miyazaki, mejor conocido por sus anteriores películas anime como “Nausicaä and the Valley of the wind” “Laputa and the Castle in the sky”, “Spirited Away”, “Howl’s moving castle”, “Pincess Mononoke”, “Kiki’s Delivery Service” y “My neighbor Totoro” entre otras. Ponyo está inspirada en el cuento escrito por Hans Christian Andersen “La Sirenita” digamos que es una versión muy a la japonesa y muy a la Miyazaki (a quien se le considera el “Walt Disney” de Japón).

Ponyo es una pescadito que vive con su padre y hermanos en el fondo del mar y un día decide fugarse de su casa. Por accidente

termina en la costa y es recogida y cuidada por Sosuke, un niño de 5 años de edad que

vive con su madre Lisa, a la orilla de un acantilado sobre el mar (de ahí el nombre de la historia). Sosuke promete cuidar de Ponyo y la lleva ese día consigo al kinder mientras su madre atiende a los ancianitos de una casa de retiro. Ponyo le muestra a éstos a Ponyo y una de estas ancianas se espanta y le dice que regrese a Ponyo al mar pues es un ser que su llegada a l tierra causará un tsunami.

Ponyo quien en realidad se llama Polumisharudin, es buscada por su padre Fujimoto, cuando se da cuenta que Ponyo se ha escapado! Gracias a la ayuda de seres acuáticos casi fantasmales, logra dar con ella y llevársela de nuevo al fondo del mar. Pero Ponyo, ya se ha encariñado con Sosuke y pelea con su padre por regresar a la superficie y convertirse en un ser humano ante el espanto de su mago padre. Ponyo trata de usar su magia, pues es hija de una especie de niña del mar con poderes mágicos. Miyazaki nunca aclara los orígenes de los padres de Ponyo, sólo sabemos que Fujimoto fue algún día un ser humano y ahora es mago del oceano, criando sus hijos mientras que su madre Granmammare es también un espíritu superior con poderes mágicos. Ponyo usa sus poderes para convertirse en ser humano pero su padre se opone preocupado por el triste fin que su hija pueda tener: como en el cuento original de Hans Christian Andersen: se volverá burbujas si Sosuke la rechaza. La pregunta por su supuesto, se plantea: ¿aceptará Sosuke cuidar de Ponyo? Ponyo huye nuevamente buscando a Sosuke pero al hacerlo provocando tormentas, inundaciones y caos en el universo.

Septiembre 2008


P. 13

Robert Waldman’s Reviews

P. 14

Zack & Miri make Make a Porno ELKIOSKO


ough times call for hard measures. Sophisticated director Kevin Smith (Chasing Amy) goes back to the well in Zack and Miri Make A Porno, a delightful if not wicked guilty pleasure from Alliance Films now heating things up at Scotiabank Theatre, Oakridge Cinemas, Empire Studio 12, Colossus and Famous Players Silver City cites across B.C. Vancouver’s own movie superstar, Seth Rogen (Pineapple Express) returns to familiar territory as Zack, a likeable enough loafer who “survives” by living with old time high school friend Miri. Though the pair lives together they are not lovers. Unfortunately when their finances go a bit off the rails this twosome is faced with the prospect of having to do with less – a lot less. During one cold wintry night Zack comes up with the somewhat brilliant idea of showing a little skin to make some extra cash flow. Needless to say, the skin to be front and centre is that of Miri and before you know it they come up with a zany idea of making an actual porn film.

Hard Love! e e e e e By Robert Waldman

1hr 41min Rated 18A Romance/Comedy drama

time again. Only here a pretty deft script and solid acting somehow pull the ruse off. Besides being a silly attempt to get a rise by showing some skin and the usual adolescent sexploitation there’s actually a soft spot to this movie - a dramatic, moralistic undertone. Who would have thought such wise sage advice could come out of a Seth Rogen movie/idea but the proof here is definitely in the pudding. Both Rogen and Elizabeth Banks (The 40 Year Old Virgin) are excellent as the friends only couple who wind up getting it on and learning about each other in the process. Cheap thrills aside, there’s a genuine serious tone to this movie that will give those looking just for prurient thrills much cause to look at the broader picture of friendship and sexuality. Smith does a fine job alternating between the comic moments and the serious interludes that help make Zack and Miri Make A Porno a superior 103 minute journey and not just prurient fun for those teen age lust seekers. Add on a great supporting cast with Justin Long hilarious as an actor on the make and some hysterical racial jibes and you have a rollicking tale of erotic fun laced with deep feelings and emotion.

Ideas like these have been used both in film and in real life time and WWW.ELKIOSKOMAGAZINE.COM


Let The Right One In ELKIOSKO

Blood Sucker! By Robert Waldman


nock n oc k . Who’s there? Not just your average neighbour in Let the Right One In, a freaky thriller from Mongrel Media bound to tie your stomach in knots. Perfect fare for Halloween or any other witching hour, this Swedish treat is now causing pulses to race into overdrive at Tinseltown (on Pender, free parking).

Fear can strike anyone, anywhere, anytime. Tourists and geographers may once have thought Sweden to be a “nice” country with good people Sure, that Scandinavian nation has wondrous people and a gorgeous landscape – only unfortunately some ghastly goings on are now disrupting the normal, tranquil life in a calm village. Right from the start director Tomas Alfredson reels us into this thriller with some creepy music. Next we meet a young blond boy name Oskar. Like many other youths, Oskar lives with his mom while dad resides in the countryside. Being mild-mannered may prove to be costly for Oskar as he runs into the proverbial trouble at school. Lucky for Oskar he befriends a new girl named Eli. She also seems somewhat of an outcast so you could say the two, though soft spoken and of few words, may be a natural pairing. Could love be blooming for these two adolescents? Stranger things may occur only a rather “mild” instance of murder

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eeeee 1hr 54min - Swedish Rated 14A manages to cloud the relationship of these two love birds.

Smart and extremely stylish this 114 minute thriller has an unbelievable erotic flavour full of tension and murderous thoughts. Though we’ve all seen vampire movies before Let the Right One In shines a whole new light on the ways the unnatural can interact with the normal. Expect shocks galore to the system once the undead begin to chow down on the living.

Great debut performances by both leads, the young Lina Leandersson and Kare Hedebrant prove that Europe can produce unbelievably effective actors who sure do impact the screen. Few thrillers in the vampire vein can rope audiences in without a barrage of special effects and bloodletting. Let the Right One In elevates the entire vampire genre to a whole new level with its terrific pacing, accomplished performances alongside the ability of its storyline to relate to everyday people and events, particularly as they confront young people in modern societies. Outstanding from start to finish, Let The Right One In turns out to be one of the best thrillers in years.


Robert Waldman’s Reviews

P. 16


By Robert Waldman

Drama/Mystery 2hr 21min Rated 14A

S ometimes the best

stories on screen originate from a real event. Director Clint Eastwood (Million Dollar Baby) will likely add to his mountain of Oscars as he reaches back in time to the late 1920s-early 1930s to reveal a crime that took its toll on a once proud city. Los Angeles is known for a variety of things. Back in the 20s that city’s police force was known for corruption. Some may say some things haven’t changed over time but one particular story gripped the state during that era. At the center of the storm was a young career woman named Christine Collins and her loving son Walter. To make ends meet women often had to be in the work force and raising a son on her own proved daunting for this smart upwardly mobile woman. Unfortunately for her Walter went missing. What follows is a case book in cover-ups and missed opportunities that showcase just how far the authorities will go to suppress the truth.

Unbelievable actions by officials supposed to protect the citizenry make a mockery of all things political and judicial as this woman strikes out on her own to find her son despite a ton of roadblocks hurled her way. Only a lonely man of the cloth, one Reverend Gustav Briegleb, dare come to the aid of Ms. Collins who sees her life turned upside down thanks to her efforts to get at the truth.



Clint Eastwood pulls off another masterpiece of a movie. Tremendous casting on all fronts and a recreation of this era puts you right back to that point in time. Hearts everywhere will go out to Angelina Jolie (Wanted) who is guaranteed an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of a mother put through the ringer like no other in her quest for the truth. Veteran actor John Malkovich (In the Line of Fire) breaths fire as the preacher out to come to the aid of a woman caught in a web of lies and deceit where the local police seem more interested in good press than good deeds. Shock images of actual crimes that occurred and how the police try to track a missing child all weigh heavily on the emotional impact of this must see film. Prepare to be enthralled for 2 hours and 20 minutes of fascinating filmmaking that explores a crime tale where justice may not have been served to the highest standards one would expect of a just society. Multiple honours will again come to Clint Eastwood towards next years Academy proceedings proving again that this former western renegade and police avenger has come full circle as likely one of the best filmmakers of our day, if not the quintessential storyteller of a generation. And even locals will find something to identify with during this momentous movie.


P. 17

WWW.ELKIOSKOMAGAZINE.COM 1hr45min‎‎ Rated14A Action/Adventure/Thriller


lobal film fans around the world can rejoice. Proving that his first outing as agent 007 was no fluke Daniel Craig renews his license to kill (and thrill) in Quantum of Solace, a rousing adventure from MGM Columbia Pictures now burning up screens at Oakridge Cinemas, Scotiabank Theatre, Esplanade 6, Empire Studio 12, Colossus and Famous Players Silver City theatres across the globe.

Fret not over the somewhat awkward title to this film. Derived directly from a series of short stories written by creator Ian Fleming back in 1960 Quantum of Solace takes off where Casino Royale left off. Angry over the death of main squeeze Vesper Lynd our man Bond decides to track down who was responsible for the murder. Against the advice of his handler M this “rogue” agent scans the globe in hopes of getting at the truth. Naturally, all those fits of rage lead 007 into more intrigue and even greater danger. Quick trips to exotic locales such as Haiti, Austria, Italy, Peru and Bolivia are only a few stopovers in this man(or woman) hunt. Ultimately Bond learns of the involvement of a ruthless businessman named Dominic Greene who is as rotten as they come. Plans in South America have something to do with a mysterious organization’s efforts to control the oil supply of Bolivia or some other Latin American country. On hand to make this all possible is

QUANTUM OF SOLACE By Robert Waldman Back in Bondage!


a corrupt general and plenty of international corporate powers ready to gobble up all the loot about to be generated. Fool’s folly when you go up against James Bond.

Brand new locations and a sense of excitement take us back to the location work from the 60s when the Bond films gripped the world by storm. New director Marc Forster (Monster’s Ball) has a field day with all the action here which comes at you hot and heavy. All those quick edits may leave some dizzy with all the marvelous mayhem that occurs at breakneck speed.

And yes, there are girls. Main squeeze of sorts is Camille, a feisty Latin charmer played perfectly by Ukrainian born Olga Kurylenko. Cast as the madman Dominic Greene, a businessman cut from the same cloth as Auric Goldfinger, is the marvelous French actor Mathieu Amalric (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly).

As always, Daniel Craig (Layer Cake) is steady as a rock. Without question the best Bond since the original Sean Connery Craig’s presence here is undeniable and definitely the guy you want in your corner should a fight erupt. Yes, there are lots of fights in this movie and the Aston Martin gets a grueling workout as well. 106 minutes flies by from the moment go in this heart-pounding extravaganza that true James Bond fans and new converts should embrace with open arms. Read more reviews by Robert at www.moviereviewssite.com


P. 18 1hr 34min‎‎ - Rated PG


1hr 41min Rated 18A Romance/Comedy drama

Films set in war time usually focus on soldiers or adult characters. Rare is it for a story on the military to concentrate on children. Looks mean everything but appearances can be deceiving. Life in Berlin seems to be going fine for one fine German family. Young Bruno seems to enjoy being a boy with a good network of friends in the neighbourhood while older sis Gretel seems content playing with her dolls and getting interested in boys. Things can change in a hurry, especially in the late 30s as Hitler’s war machine is moving into high gear.

Unbeknownst to some Bruno’s dad is a key cog in the German war effort. Alongside his beautiful wife the family gets sent to the country to oversee a major Third Reich effort. Now the dad is in charge of a secret mission and once secluded away from home you can sense the apprehension in the family. Nerves of steel resonate well from the dad but other members of the household have a bit of difficulty adapting to their new surroundings. Bruno especially doesn’t like his new environment and being a boy, curiosity gets the best of him. Routine playtime turns into anything but as this impressionable youth “accidentally” meets up with a concentration camp inmate. All of a sudden this eight year old gets thrust into adulthood as the issues of hate and ethnic cleansing come to the fore while a domineering dad tires to make the best of the situation. Fascinating and horrific at the same time, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a superior tale of warfare and the way


secrets can tear people apart. Morality is a huge issue and here the filmmakers pull no punches as they show man’s inhumanity to man through the eyes of a child. Unforgettable are the scenes showing these two boys together as are the ways the parents react to learning what goes on behind those hidden walls. Standout work from David Thewlis (Gangster No. 1) as the boy’s dad will leave audiences both shaken and stirred. Real emotion bursts out often in this movie with Vera Farmiga (Autumn in New York) pulling off an equally impressive performance as an elegant wife brought down to reality. And proving that his work in Son of Rambow was no fluke young Asa Butterfield will steal your heart as the eight year old Bruno, a young lad who grows up in a hurry. Forget about special effects or heroics popularized in other war films. Subtle use of imagery and painful exchanges between family members, prisoners and the German war machine make The Boy in the Striped Pajamas a gut-wrenching tale of friendship and fatal missed opportunities and painful mistakes. Consider this movie to be one of the year’s best and a likely Oscar contender for acting honours by many.



JUNE 2008

P. 19

ROLE MODELS By Robert Waldman ‎1hr 39min Rated 14A Comedy

Being young can be a pain. Old folks too can run into lots of problems. Two sad sack losers must come to terms with their inner demons in Role Models, a hilarious farce from Universal Studios now appealing to all ages at Scotiabank Theatre, Empire Studio 12, Colossus and Famous Players Silver City cites around B.C. Life sure has its ups and downs no matter what your age. Take the case of two employees at a local food services organization. Both Danny Donahue and Wheeler toil away trying to promote an energy drink called Minotaur. When one day goes particularly bad the men, fully grown up, must face a daunting task: go to jail for their misdeeds or undergo 150 hours of community service work. Sounds like a pretty easy choice to make. That community service work involves “mentoring” a couple of young boys. Of the two “charged” individuals Danny is by far the more straight-laced while Wheeler goes through life with that carefree nonchalant attitude. Once the men meet their boys through a program run by a vexing recovered overseer one could say they have met their match. Time spent with this special organization where the kids are there to learn from older people turns out to be a comedy of errors in the making. Loads of ridiculous situations arise pitting the kids against the adults with bystanders often caught in the middle of the hilarious undertakings. Danny’s charge spends his days living in a

dream world fantasy where imagination runs wild while Wheeler’s kid is as obnoxious as could be imagined. You might say each adult deserves the boy they get and vice versa. Over time the pairing gets strained with mighty obstacles getting in seemingly everybody’s way.

Below all the outer zaniness, however, is a tender theme which makes Role Models a cut above the usual comic kids flick. Here the leads are particularly charming and endearing with both Paul Rudd (Knocked Up) and Seann William Scott (American Pie) perfect playing the messed up adult characters. To make the whole premise work the boys have to also be both appealing and realistic. One couldn’t have found better youth actors to play the troubled youth than Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Superbad) and Bobb’e J. Thompson who shine bright.

Don’t think for a minute this is just a boy’s tale. No sir. Women play pivotal parts in this storyline with Elizabeth Banks (Slither) delightful as a legal ace and Jane Lynch absolutely a scene stealer as the woman in charge of the mentoring program. Smart and funny director David Wain has helped concoct with Paul Rudd a brilliant comedy that’s so much fun for all ages its 99 minute escape route just glides by with comfortable ease.


P. 20


Gake no ue no Ponyo

eeeee (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea) Ponyo on Ponyo is a magic fish? Mermaid? Neither the Cliff her father Fujimoto is desperately by the seeking for Polumisharudin (her real sea” it’s name) to take her home with him. Later the new he finds her at take it back to the bottom animated of the sea, thanks to her magic aquatic movie by creatures, but it’s too late Ponyo already Japanese loves Sosuke and wants to come back. d i r e c t o r Fujimoto is horrified when he sees Ponyo Hayao Miyazaki” He’s better known for transforming herself as a human, and his anime masterpieces like “Nausicäa furthermore, he is extremely concern and the Valley of the wind”, “Laputa about her future when he knows Ponyo’s and the Castle of the Sky” “Laputa and desire. Fujimoto knows if Sosuke rejects the Castle in the sky”, “Spirited Away”, Ponyo, she will become bubbles. Ponyo “Howl’s moving castle”, “Princess escapes for the second time but this time Mononoke”, “Kiki’s Delivery Service” Fujimoto needs help from Ponyo’s mother: and “My neighbor Totoro” among many Granmmamare, because Ponyo’s escape others. provoke catastrophic consequences on the earth and the universe. The question We could say “Ponyo” is inspired on remains: will Sosuke accept Ponyo? “The Little Mermaid” written by Hans “Ponyo on the cliff by the sea” it’s a good Christian Andersen. Further more, we story but it doesn’t work for me because could also say, it’s a very Miyazaki and it is focused on very young audiences. Japanese version of this children’s story. Although it’s a great movie for kids, it’s Let’s not forget that Hayao Miyazaki it’s not as interesting as some of his work considered the Japanese “Walt Disney”. mentioned. Ponyo it’s a small fish that lives with his magician father and his brothers and sisters at the bottom of the sea. She decides to run away from home, but by accident she ends up in the coast and 5 years old kid called Sosuke discovers it. Sosuke lives with his mother Lisa, on a small house at the cliff by the sea, and he discovers this little fish and calls it Ponyo because that’s the only word it could say. Sosuke takes ponyo to the kinder garden while his mother takes care of several seniors at a retirement house. Sosuke arrives to the retirement house and shows Ponyo to the ladies at the retirement house, one of them gets scared and demand him to give it back to the sea or “it will provoke a tsunami!” Sosuke obviously doesn’t know that WWW.ELKIOSKOMAGAZINE.COM


P. 21

20 YEARS OF SMASHING PUMPKINS By Lucia Santiago Dantes


ne of the most famous groups during the alternative era was without any doubt The Smashing Pumpkins. Although the band started in 1988 in Chicago Illinois, the band gained popularity during the 90s. The years of alternative music were good times for musicians, independent music bloomed all around U.S., bands like Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in chains, Rage against the Machine, Sonic Youth, Jane’s Addiction, Red Hot Chili Peppers were part of the “Alternative Music” title given at the record stores to the new rock music that couldn’t fit into: Pop, Rock, classic or Country. But also, came from emerging independent labels. The Smashing Pumpkins where only a 3 member band when they started: Billy Corgan who is writer, composer, image and voice of the group, James Iha and bassist D’arzy Wretzky. Jimmy Chamberlin (drums/percussion) came up later when they tried to play at the Metro in Chicago, and the owner told them their music was good but they needed a drummer. After founding Jimmy,

their music took form and created a deep and unique sound style. A mix of gothic, heavy metal, dream pop and psychedelic. Years later SP added electronic music. Their style has always been so unique, even today you can’t find many bands trying to emulate them. Even Billy Corgan wasn’t successful recreating the Smashing Pumpkins when he formed Swan, on an interview after dismantling the band Corgan comments “I think my heart was in Smashing Pumpkins… I think it was naive of me to think that I could find something that would mean as much to me.” Gish was their debut album, it received very good critics and youngsters liked the sound. songs like Siva and Rhinoceros were among the most popular. But it was with Siamese Dreams that The Smashing Pumpkins hit the mainstream. Songs like Today, Cherub Rock and Disarm are singles that put Smashing Pumpkins in the map. Their third release was a double album


P. 22


with awesome songs: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness had excellent m u s i c a l arrangements, followed by very creative music videos : “Tonight, Tonight”, “Zero” “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” and “1979” became classics of the alternative days. One of my favorite music videos is “Tonight, Tonight” the director payed a nice homage to Meliés and the result is magical. “1979” is a song that everybody connects with, and specially the video where we see kids playing, hanging out and fooling around, just having fun. It’s all about the magic of youth! It was during the tour of “Mellon Collie. and the Infinite Sadness” Johathan Melvoin (keyboards) and Chamberlin overdose of Heroin while touring, with devastating consecuences for the group: Melvoin died as a consequence of this overdose, on july 11, 1996 and Chamberlin got arrested for drug possesion. The next day the band released a press release announcing Chamberlin was fired. Their next album, Adore, has more electronic music influences, and received positive critics but the personal relationship between the members of the band begins to deteriorate. Smashing Pumpkins toured was extenuating, in part because they were too close too

much time, in part because Billy Corgan’s workaholic attitude. That had an effect on their music, and personal life.

By 1998, during Adore’s tour, D’arcy Wretzy suddenly leaves the band. Personal conflicts and a worn out relationship with Billy and the band made her make up her mind and just leave. It was the beginning of the end. She wasn’t the only one worn out. Machina was a good album. Wretzy was replaced with Hole’s bassist Melissa Auf der Maur.

Machina was also the last album with relatively commercial success, mostly because of the changing trend in music taste. The new generation didn’t listen to alternative music anymore, and the generation that followed this kind of music, maybe was too busy settling their lives and moving on to their next stage in life. 2004 was the year when Billy Corgan announced the band was dismantling and the band played their last concert on the same place it all started: The Metro, Chicago, Ills. Everybody w e n t their way. But Billy



Corgan kept making music going solo. It wasn’t the same. Later on, he announced the creation of a new band: Swan. But it didn’t succeed. In 2005 Corgan publish a full page add in the Chicago Tribune and The Chicago Sun Times expressing his desire to reunite the band again. Only Jimmy Chamberlin returned the call, but in april 20, 2006 The band announced on their website they were reuniting. With 2 new members replacing D’arzy and James: Ginger Reyes (bass) and Jeff Schoroeder(guitar) plus Jeff Schroeder (Guitar, vocal) and (Lisa Harriton) Keyboards, vocals. Tarantula was their first single, released in 2007, followed by the 2008 four songs EP called “American Gothic” and sold online on iTunes.

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until early December. Makes me wonder if this time the band’s members will keep up with globe trotter, workaholic Billy Corgan? will fans accept the new members? probably that’s why the documentary “If all goes wrong” includes an interview with Pete Townshend (The Who) remarking this wonder when he comments “they don’t want The Smashing Pumpkins” to be anything else rather than they were, it’s very very difficult as an artist to handle that”. I guess only time will tell what the future prepares for this remarkable band.

By November 2008, The Smashing Pumpkins or should be call it “The new Smashing Pumpkins”? celebrate their 20 years of career with a documentary called “If all goes wrong”. It follows front man Billy Corgan attempt to write new music, as well as the revival of the band with new members at their residency period. The second DVD is a documentary called “Voices of the lost children” featuring the band’s fans. The new band is been on tour all year

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