Kenneth's Ch 21 Outline Pt 2

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Kenneth Li Euro Hist. 6th Period 10-18-07 Ch. 21, pg. 599-609 XVI. Russia Enters the European Political Arena 1) Including Russia into Europe was optional. 2) Had no warm-water ports; hemmed in by Ottoman and Sweden. 3) Little trade in Russia; had vast, largely undeveloped resources. A. Years of Turmoil 1) Ivan IV was later known as Ivan the Terrible. -began personal rule when he was 16. -reorganized army, appointed good advisors, made smart revisions in law. 2) In 1560, went under terrible personality change. -basically distrusted everyone around him -made himself a small group of advisors and a small army. -killed anyone he regarded as an enemy, including his son. 3) Ivan’s reign named Time of Troubles. 4) In 1613, nobles elected tsar over Ivan. -was only 17 years old. -had 2 successors, Aleksei I and Theodore III. -brought stability to Russia. -Russia was still too weak. -mostly b/c tsars had danger of mutiny from strelsty, guards of Moscow. B. Peter the Great 1) In 1682, 10 year old boy ascended to Russian throne. -ruled as co-ruler with half brother. -name of 10 year old is Peter, and had feeble half brother named Ivan V. -came to power under strelsty. -the boys’ sister was named regent; became very confusing. -Peter’s followers overthrew her in 1689. 2) Peter I, who is Peter the Great, was fascinated by military of West Europe. -he traveled to the West, and learned from there. -many rulers thought him crude and rude. -copied from West civilization the most he can. -had 4 areas of concern: taming boyars and strelsty, achieving secular control of church, reorganizing the internal administration, and developing economy. 3) Pursued these 4 goals with violence and ruthlessness. -successes strengthened monarchy and allowed him to expand empire. -curbed powers that opposed of his expansion of his army. - developing economy supported his army. 4) Shaved off boyar’s beards and long sleeve shirts to embarrass them. -told them to serve him. 5) In 1722, Peter made a Table of Ranks

-made people equal in social position and privileges with his rank. -Russian nobility was never really loyal with state. -always tried to become independent. 6) Strelsty was worse off than the boyars. -rebelled in 1698 while Peter was in European tour. -when Peter returned, he tortured and executed the followers and leaders. -made sure others wouldn’t follow their example by showing their bodies. 7) Peter punished the independence of Russian Orthodox Church same way. -first wanted to prevent clergy from opposing change and westernization. -second, wanted to prevent church hierarchy from making religious reforms that would make people unhappy. 8) Peter looked to Swedish models for creating colleges/bureaus. -colleges were to look after foreign affairs and war. -in 1711, Peter created senate of 9 members to direct government when tsar was away. -purpose of these reforms was to make bureaucracies that can collect taxes. 9) Made large iron industry in Ural Mountains. -became huge iron growth industry. 10) These reforms supported policy of war. -was determined to secure warm-water ports for trade. -captured Azov on Black Sea in 1696, but had to return it in 1711. 11) More success against Sweden than Ottoman Empire. -fought Swedish forces at Battle of Narva; lost to Sweden. -king of Sweden, Charles XII, didn’t follow on victory, so Peter regrouped. -hoarded Sweden’s resources; Charles XII came back, fought them in 1709. -Peace of Nystad ended the war; Russia in control of warm-water ports. 12) Peter founded new capital city of Saint Petersburg. -built many structures imitating smaller versions of Versailles. -compelled boyars to build them. -founding of new capital showed his determination to keep Baltic coast. -moved the capital there in 1703. 13) Peter had a son that is heir to throne. -scared that he would overthrow him though, and imprisoned him. -died mysteriously; Peter said he can now determine heir to throne himself -died without saying so; another 30 years of nobles and warriors fighting. XVII. Central and Eastern Europe 1) As Russia became more powerful, so did central Europe. -in Germany, the Hohenzollerns made Prussia into a major state. -Habsburg Empire and Prussia fought for 100 years over Germany. -conflict would later be united with other large colonial problem. A. The Habsburg Empire and the Pragmatic Sanction 1) Austrian Habsburg had hoped to bring all of Germany under their control.

2) B/c Spanish had supported them, and their power declined, they were on their own. 3) In 1648, Habsburg family got title of Holy Roman Empire. -power of emperor depended less on military power and more on cooperation of political bodies. 4) Also influenced other places outside the Holy Roman Empire. -Bohemia, duchies of Moravia and Silesia, and Crown of Saint Stephen. -much of Hungary was liberated from Turks at 1699. 5) Treaty of Rastadt in 1714 extended domains of Habsburg. 6) Had to repeatedly bargain with nobles to maintain position. -can’t bond domains b/c cultures were extremely different. -Habsburg rulers established various central councils. -almost all bodies were only a portion of Habsburg holding. 7) Leopold I fought back Turks, and thwarted aggression of Louis XIV. -had many territorial holdings over Balkan and western Romania. -Joseph I succeeded Leopold. 8) Charles VI succeeded Joseph; was scared that he didn’t have male heir. -only had week female ruler. -determined to prevent that disaster. -made a document called Pragmatic Sanction. 9) Maria Theresa is daughter of Charles. -was named rightful heir to throne. -even with right document she was left with weak army and few money. -had to fight for inheritance in 1740. -invaded by Frederick II, that’s why needed to fight. B. Prussia and the Hohenzollerns 1) Extreme power of Hohenzollerns ruled Brandenburg since 1417. -Through inheritance received many land. -Cleves, Mark, Ravensburg, East Prussia and Pomerania. -many of these holdings had few natural resources -was also devastated by war. 2) Frederick William began to forge these areas into state. -known as Great Elector. -built strong army and breaking medieval parliaments. 3) 1655-1660, Sweden and Poland fought each other. -Frederick can’t face this threat without good army or taxes. -collected taxes through military force. -built an army with those taxes. 4) There was political and social standoff between Elector and nobles. -Junkers, German noble landlords, were allowed almost complete control over serfs. -most taxes were on the peasants and urban classes. -Junkers soon became small core of army and army officer corps. 5) Prussia had no throne. -Frederick was least Prussian, b/c he built palaces, patronized arts… -In war of Spanish Successions, he put his army to disposal of Spain.

-Holy Roman Emperor then gave Frederick title of King of Prussia. 6) Successor was Frederick I, where he was a very effective ruler. -army was made from 39,000 to over 80,000 people. -its population is ranked 13th. -Junker nobility, monarchy, and the army unified b/c of military service. -often said that other nations had armies, Prussian army had nation. 7) Frederick I created a great army, but hadn’t used it for war much. -Frederick II succeeded him, and put military to use. -was a military genius. -immediately after he succeeded, he started problems with Silesia. -upset Pragmatic Sanction XVIII. The First Worldwide Wars 1) War of Spanish Succession mainly fought in Europe. 2) Wars that Europe fought 1739-1763 were very high in impact. 3) French were driven out of North America; British were kicked out of India in 1947. A. The Colonial Arena and the War of Jenkins’s Ear 1) Treaty of Utrecht made boundaries for countries and their land. -Spain controlled mainland of South America, Portugal has Brazil. -Spain also controls Mexico, Florida, and California. -British Empire has Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Jamaica, and Barbados. -France got empire in America, southern Asia, Ohio and Mississippi River valleys. 2) Each power tried making imperial holdings on impenetrable trading areas. 3) Treaty of Utrecht gave British 30 year contract to furnish slaves to Spanish Empire and right to send one ship each year to Portobello. 4) There was a fight during Spanish search for contraband. -English captain Jenkins got his ear cut off. -revealed it later to talk about Spanish atrocities. -people put pressure on Walpole to do something about the Spanish. -couldn’t resist, so went to war. B. The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) 1) Frederick II, King of Prussia, took over Silesia. -broke Treaty of Utrecht and Pragmatic Sanction. -Maria Theresa of Austria promised Magyars considerable local autonomy 2) War over Austrian succession and Brit-Spanish conflict would be separate disputes. -unified them b/c of the role of France. -Cardinal Fleury supported Prussian aggression against Austria. -British allied with Austria to ensure Belgium is in Austrian hands. -French supported Spain over British in the New World. -war ended with a stalemate in 1748. C. The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) 1) Prussia and Britain allied with each other against Germanies. 2) France would make alliance with Austria in 1756. 3) French and British soldiers keep fighting in the Ohio River valley.

-known to be as the French and Indian War. 4) 7 years war happened b/c Frederick II invaded Saxony. -Frederick saw this as preemptive strike against conspiracy. -France and Austria made new alliance to destroy Prussia. -Sweden, Russia, and small states of Germany also joined. 5) Prussia was saved by British financial aid, and death of Empress Elizabeth of Russia. -also b/c of Frederick’s leadership. -her successor, Tsar Peter III, immediately made peace with Prussia. 6) Great victories were given to the British in every theater conflict. -architect of victory was William Pitt the Elder. -was named secretary of state, and reversed his views of British people. -wanted America to be Britain’s. 7) Many more British victories came for them -won Battle of Plassey, took over India… 8) Treaty of Paris wasn’t successful. XIX. Eighteenth-Century European States and Warfare 1) Weren’t nation states, but still monarchies. 2) European states were centralized and decentralized. 3) China had emperors just like Europeans: built up military strength. 4) France, Spain, and England rise to rivalries. -Spain + Portugal long exploited Latin America as own monopoly. -France + England fought for supremacy over India. -European converse would dominate world for next 2 centuries b/c European merchants also wanted to penetrate East Asia.

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