Kenneth's Ch 24 Outline Pt 2

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Kenneth Li Euro Hist. 6th Period 11-15-07 Ch. 24 674-682 A. Women in the Thought and Practice of the Enlightenment 1) Women helped to promote careers of the philosophes. i) Salons of women gave philosophes access to useful social and political contacts. ii) Well connected with major political figures. iii) Figures can help protect philosophes and secure pensions. 2) Philosophes still weren’t strong feminists. i) Many criticized the education women received as overly religious. 3) Montesquieu didn’t believe that women were inferior to men. i) Blamed women’s status on climate, political regime, culture, etc. 4) Had his limits for women too. i) Still expected men to take care of family affairs and women to stay at home. ii) Wanted women to have right of divorce, but disliked idea of female chastity. 5) The Encyclopedia specially insulted women of equality. i) Disliked idea of men equal to women. ii) Had no articles written by women. iii) Thought women to be unconcerned about important matters. 6) Illustrations in Encyclopedia showed women were deep in thought on subjects like these. 7) Rousseau wanted women should be educated for position lower than men. i) He thinks they are important for rearing and bearing children. ii) Thinks they are inferior to men in every way except for emotions. iii) Excluded them from political life. 8) Many women still were fans of Rousseau. i) Persuaded thousands of upper-class women to breast feed own children. ii) His writings wrote about importance of emotions and feelings. iii) Made upper-class feel that women had a purpose in the morning to breastfeed. 9) Mary Wollstonecraft wrote book disproving Rousseau of his ideas. i) Said that people were trying to make women slaves of men. ii) Said denying women education means denying improvement of humanity. I. Enlightened Absolutism 1) Enlightened absolutism is when many European rulers embrace reforms sat by philosophes. i) Found that political and social realities of realms caused them to moderate both enlightenment and their absolutism.

ii) Catherine II was master of public relations, always sought image of being enlightened. iii) Became friend of Diderot and Voltaire, trying to make her country look modern. 2) Rulers did wish subjects to get education and to prosper. i) More advanced than rulers of western Europe. ii) Civilized and liberating zeal of Enlightenment directed part of policies. iii) Frederick II, Joseph II, and Catherine II was determined to play major diplomatic and military roles in Europe. iv) After 7 Years War, Europe understood they needed stronger armies. v) Search for revenues led monarchs to make “enlightened reforms.” A. Joseph II of Austria 1) No 18th century so embodied impersonal force as Joseph II of Austria. i) Described as “imperial puritan and a prig.” ii) Ate little beef and slept in straw bed. iii) No matter his personality, sincerely wished people’s lives improved. iv) His efforts led to series of rebellions from Hungary. 2) Austria was most diverse in people and problems. i) Never succeeded to build unified structure or strong loyalty. 3) During and after conflict, Maria Theresa strengthened powers in Austria and Bohemia. i) Imposed much more efficient tax collection system. ii) Established many central councils to deal with governmental problems. 4) Theresa was concerned about welfare of peasants and serfs. i) Extension of authority over nobles helped the peasants. ii) Arose from desire to assure good military recruitment. 5) Joseph II was more determined and projected reforms were wider ranged. i) Wanted to expand at expense of Poland, Bavaria, and Ottoman Empire. ii) Greatest ambition was change authority of Habsburg emperor. iii) Wanted them to spread over many realms. iv) Sought to lessen Hungary autonomy. v) Avoided having to guarantee existing or new Hungarian privileges. vi) Required use of German language in all government matters. vii) Magyar mobility resisted, and Joseph had to rescind most measures. 6) Joseph let freedom of religion. i) Let anyone except Jews to sponsor schools, have own churches, etc. ii) Jews were still let private worship. 7) Wanted to bring Roman Catholic Church under his direct control. i) Regarded most monks and nuns as unproductive. ii) Dissolved over 600 monasteries and confiscated land, besides ones sporting hospitals and schools. iii) Ended much of church influence; now is independent institution. 8) Joseph II reached far-reaching ends b/c of what he does. i) Gave Serfs and peasants much more freedom than before. ii) Encouraged landlords to change land lease for peasants to inherit easier. 9) Joseph now proposed that everyone be taxed, not just peasants.

i) Nobles revolted; delayed the implementation. ii) Joseph died in 1790; brother named Leopold II took over. iii) Had to repeal many of the things his brother did. B. Catherine the Great of Russia 1) After death of Peter the Great, nobles and army determined succession. i) Elizabeth succeeded in 1741; died in 1762. 2) Peter III succeeded, was weak and insane person. i) Wife named Catherine succeeded with the approval of murder of Peter. 3) Catherine summoned Legislative Commission in 1767 to advise her in revising law and government. i) Over 500 delegates over Russia gathered. ii) Before commission convened, Catherine wrote set of Instructions. iii) Revision didn’t occur for more than half a century. iv) Inconclusive debates and absence of programs suggest no alternative to autocratic monarchy. 4) Carried out own reforms. 5) Put most local offices in hands of nobles rather than royal bureaucracy. i) Had to take side of nobles. 6) Continued Russian drive for warm-water ports. i) Led to war between Russians and Turks. ii) Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainardji gave Russia direct outlet to Black Sea. C. The Partition of Poland 1) Russian military successes made eastern Europe states uneasy. i) Russian victories in Danube River were most unwelcome to Austria. ii) Frederick the Great made proposal to Russia and Austria that gave them something wanted to prevent conflict. iii) Russia would abandon Danubian territories for chunk of Polish land. iv) Had over 2 million inhabitants. 2) 2 more partitions of Poland by Russia and Prussia. i) One more by Austria. ii) Occurred in 1793 and 1795 to wipe Poland off of map until 1915. iii) Said they were protecting themselves from Polish anarchy. iv) Truth was political weakness of Poland made country a rich field for aggression.

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